Results for 'management decision-making'

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  1. Modern Methods of Management Decision-Making and their Connection With Organizational Culture of the Tourism Enterprises in Ukraine.Oleksandr Krupskyi - 2014 - Economic Annals-XXI 1 (7-8):95-98.
    Management decision-making is a daily task that managers of various levels solve in every organization. Degree of difficulty of this process depends on the scope of authority, responsibility level, manager’s position in organizational hierarchy; on the changes in the environment, unpredictability of which causes emergence of significant amounts of alternatives. For this reason, managers do not rely only on intuition or personal experience (which limited with selective perception, cognitive ability, ability to withstand stress and/or the presence of (...)
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    Local agro-ecological knowledge and its relationship to farmers' pest management decision making in rural Honduras.Kris A. G. Wyckhuys & Robert J. O’Neil - 2007 - Agriculture and Human Values 24 (3):307-321.
    Integrated pest management (IPM) has been widely promoted in the developing world, but in many regions its adoption rates have been variable. Experience has shown that to ensure IPM adoption, the complexities of local agro-production systems and context-specific folk knowledge need to be appreciated. Our research explored the linkages between farmer knowledge, pest management decision making, and ecological attributes of subsistence maize agriculture. We report a case study from four rural communities in the highlands of southeast (...)
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    Ethical decision-making in management: perspectives of the philosopher, the sociologist and the manager.Matej Drašček - 2023 - New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group. Edited by Dana Mesner-Andolšek & Adriana Rejc.
    Moral pragmatism has been largely ignored in Business Ethics, despite its natural attraction and the fact that it is prominent in philosophy and socio-economic theories. The main premise of the book is that the complexity of today's business world does not permit a grand ethical theory, notwithstanding the different attempts made by scientists. Moral pragmatism is the 'go-to' approach where the ethical decision-making of managers varies dependent on different circumstances but it always integrates moral considerations. Ethical decision- (...) is no longer based simply on known rules, but entails the constant dynamic interaction of circumstances, the development of new rules, managers' past experiences, their knowledge concerning ethics, and skills of moral reasoning. This book interweaves the postmodern approach to management studies and, based on its innovative research, reintroduces moral pragmatism in Business Ethics. The combination of decision-making theories, philosophy and postmodernism paves the way for future novel research in Business Ethics, making it an excellent resource for researchers, academics, and advanced students in the field of Business Ethics. Practitioners, on the other hand, will benefit by improving their skills in ethical decision-making and leadership. (shrink)
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    Decision-making with neutrosophic set: theory and applications in knowledge management.Harish Garg (ed.) - 2020 - New York: Nova Science Publishers.
    This book introduces readers to the concept of the neutrosophic set which can deal with dynamic and complex decision-making problems. With the complexity of the socio-economic environment, today's decision-making is one of the most notable ventures, whose mission is to decide the best alternative under numerous known or unknown criteria. This book provides a large amount of theoretical and practical information about the latest research in the field, allowing readers to gain an extensive understanding of both (...)
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    Patricia H. Werhane, moral imagination and management decision making.David Malloy - 2000 - Journal of Value Inquiry 34 (4):561-564.
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  6. Ethical Decision-Making Differences Between American and Moroccan Managers.A. Ben Oumlil & Joseph L. Balloun - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 84 (4):457-478.
    Our research’s aim is to assess the effect of cultural factors on business ethical decision-making process in a Western cultural context and in a non-Western cultural context. Specifically, this study investigates ethical perceptions, religiosity, personal moral philosophies, corporate ethical values, gender, and ethical intentions of U.S. and Moroccan business managers. The findings demonstrate that significant differences do exist between the two countries in idealism and relativism. Moroccan managers tend to be more idealistic than the U.S. managers. There is (...)
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    Pragmatic Decision Making: A Manager’s Epistemic Defence.John K. Alexander - 2003 - Philosophy of Management 3 (3):67-77.
    I was in manufacturing for over thirty years and a manager for nearly twenty-five. During that time it never occurred to me that the consequentialist, utilitarian framework I used was inadequate as a conceptual framework for making decisions to ensure organisational viability and success.1 The framework gave three criteria which enabled me to construct a rational approach to issues associated with my role as a manager: To show that this framework is adequate as a basis for managerial decision (...)
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  8. Ethical Decision Making in Managed Care.Iudith Wilson Ross - forthcoming - Bioethics Forum.
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  9. AI Decision Making with Dignity? Contrasting Workers’ Justice Perceptions of Human and AI Decision Making in a Human Resource Management Context.Sarah Bankins, Paul Formosa, Yannick Griep & Deborah Richards - forthcoming - Information Systems Frontiers.
    Using artificial intelligence (AI) to make decisions in human resource management (HRM) raises questions of how fair employees perceive these decisions to be and whether they experience respectful treatment (i.e., interactional justice). In this experimental survey study with open-ended qualitative questions, we examine decision making in six HRM functions and manipulate the decision maker (AI or human) and decision valence (positive or negative) to determine their impact on individuals’ experiences of interactional justice, trust, dehumanization, and (...)
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    Applying an ethical decision-making tool to a nurse management dilemma.Orly Toren & Nurith Wagner - 2010 - Nursing Ethics 17 (3):393-402.
    This article considers ethical dilemmas that nurse managers may confront and suggests an ethical decision-making model that could be used as a tool for resolving such dilemmas. The focus of the article is on the question: Can nurse managers choose the ethically right solution in conflicting situations when nurses’ rights collide with patients’ rights to quality care in a world of cost-effective and economic constraint? Managers’ responsibility is to ensure and facilitate a safe and ethical working environment in (...)
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    The Interface between Ethics, Decision Making and Risk Assessment in Management Decision Making in Matters of Life and Death: the Challenger Launch Decision as a Case Study.Robert Allinson - 2001 - International Journal of Management and Decision Making 2 (1):65-84.
    As technology advances, and the life and death consequences of its failure become more and more removed from proximate human action, technology management requires greater degrees of ethical awareness and the management of safety becomes a matter of corporate ethical imperative. The corporate ethical imperative includes ethical mandates to take no action which places the lives of others at risk and to inform persons of dangers to their physical safety of which they may otherwise be unaware when one (...)
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  12. Managers’ Moral Decision-Making Patterns Over Time: A Multidimensional Approach.Johanna Kujala, Anna-Maija Lämsä & Katriina Penttilä - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 100 (2):191-207.
    Taking multidimensional ethics scale approach, this article describes an empirical survey of top managers’ moral decision-making patterns and their change from 1994 to 2004 during morally problematic situations in the Finnish context. The survey questionnaire consisted of four moral dilemmas and a multidimensional scale with six ethical dimensions: justice, deontology, relativism, utilitarianism, egoism and female ethics. The managers evaluated their decision-making in the problems using the multidimensional ethics scale. Altogether 880 questionnaires were analysed statistically. It is (...)
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  13. Virtuous Decision Making for Business Ethics.Chris Provis - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (S1):3 - 16.
    In recent years, increasing attention has been given to virtue ethics in business. Aristotle's thought is often seen as the basis of the virtue ethics tradition. For Aristotle, the idea of phronësis, or 'practical wisdom', lies at the foundation of ethics. Confucian ethics has notable similarities to Aristotelian virtue ethics, and may embody some similar ideas of practical wisdom. This article considers how ideas of moral judgment in these traditions are consistent with modern ideas about intuition in management (...) making. A hypothetical case is considered where the complexity of ethical decision making in a group context illustrates the importance of intuitive, phronësis-like judgment. It is then noted that both Aristotelian and Confucian virtue ethics include suggestions about support for moral decision making that are also consistent with modern theory. (shrink)
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    Ethical Decision Making in the Conduct of Research: Role of Individual, Contextual and Organizational Factors: Commentary on “Science, Human Nature, and a New Paradigm for Ethics Education”.Philip J. Langlais - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (3):551-555.
    Despite the importance of scientific integrity to the well-being of society, recent findings suggest that training and mentoring in the responsible conduct of research are not very reliable or effective inhibitors of research misbehavior. Understanding how and why individual scientists decide to behave in ways that conform to or violate norms and standards of research is essential to the development of more effective training programs and the creation of more supportive environments. Scholars in business management, psychology, and other disciplines (...)
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    A multidimensional approach to finnish managers' moral decision-making.Johanna Kujala - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 34 (3-4):231 - 254.
    This paper analyses managers'' moral decision-making, and studies the role of ethical theories in it by following the research tradition using the multidimensional ethics scale. The research question is: what kinds of ethical dimensions do Finnish business managers reveal when they are making moral decisions, and how have these dimensions changed in the 1990s? This question is answered by examining what kinds of factors emerge when the multidimensional ethics scale is used to analyse Finnish managers'' attitudes toward (...)
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  16. Assessing Managers’ Ethical Decision-making: An Objective Measure of Managerial Moral Judgment.Greg E. Loviscky, Linda K. Treviño & Rick R. Jacobs - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 73 (3):263-285.
    Recent allegations of unethical decision-making by leaders in prominent business organizations have jeopardized the world's confidence in American business. The purpose of this research was to develop a measure of managerial moral judgment that can be used in future research and managerial assessment. The measure was patterned after the Defining Issues Test, a widely used general measure of moral judgment. With content validity as the goal, we aimed to sample the domain of managerial ethical situations by establishing links (...)
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    Sensitivity in ethical decision-making: The experiences of nurse managers.Mostafa Roshanzadeh, Zohreh Vanaki & Afsaneh Sadooghiasl - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (5):1174-1186.
    Background In order to achieve the goals of the healthcare system, nursing managers are required to comply with ethical principles in decision-making. In complex and challenging healthcare settings, it is shown that the managers’ mere awareness of ethics does not suffice and managers need to be sensitive toward making ethical decisions. Aim To explore nursing managers and their sensitivity toward ethical decision-making by analyzing their related experiences. Method The current study has been conducted in Iran (...)
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    Exxon at Grand Bois, Louisiana: A Three-Level Analysis of Management Decision Making and Corporate Conduct.J. Brooke Hamilton Iii & Eric J. Berken - 2005 - Business Ethics Quarterly 15 (3):385-408.
    In the early 1990s, managers at Exxon decided to seek lower cost disposal in Louisiana for oil-field wastes declared hazardous in Alabama. This decision resulted in injuries to the residents of Grand Bois, Louisiana; the disposal company; Exxon; and the oil industry in the state. Given the need for business and society to manage business operations for mutual benefit, it is essential to understand why businesses injure the public so that similar incidents do not happen again. The authors use (...)
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  19.  72
    Artificial decision-making and artificial ethics: A management concern. [REVIEW]Omar E. M. Khalil - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (4):313 - 321.
    Expert systems are knowledge-based information systems which are expected to have human attributes in order to replicate human capacity in ethical decision making. An expert system functions by virtue of its information, its inferential rules, and its decision criteria, each of which may be problematic. This paper addresses three basic reasons for ethical concern when using the currently available expert systems in a decisions-making capacity. These reasons are (1) expert systems' lack of human intelligence, (2) expert (...)
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  20.  38
    Book ReviewPatricia H. Werhane, Moral Imagination and Management DecisionMaking. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999. Pp. 146. $35.00. [REVIEW]Margaret G. Holland - 2001 - Ethics 111 (4):836-837.
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    Physicians’ and nurses’ decision making to encounter neonates with poor prognosis in the neonatal intensive care unit.Zahra Rafiee, Maryam Rabiee, Shiva Rafati, Nahid Rejeh, Hajieh Borna & Mojtaba Vaismoradi - 2020 - Clinical Ethics 15 (4):187-196.
    Background Decision making regarding the treatment of neonates with poor prognoses is difficult for healthcare staff working in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). This study aimed to investigate the attitudes of physicians and nurses about the value of life and ethical decision making when encountering neonates with poor prognosis in the NICU. Methods This cross-sectional study was conducted in five NICUs of five hospitals in Tehran city, Iran. The attitudes of 144 pediatricians, gynecologists and nurses (...)
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    Female managers' ethical decision-making: A multidimensional approach. [REVIEW]Johanna Kujala & Tarja Pietiläinen - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 53 (1-2):153-163.
    The increasing number and influence of women in society brings up several issues related to values and ethics. Looking at business ethics from the gender perspective made us ponder if it would be fruitful to analyse the feminine and masculine dimensions of decision-making style. The article follows the research tradition using the multidimensional ethics scale, and it aims at developing the scale to better include female decision-making. We came to the conclusion that, as the multidimensional ethics (...)
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  23.  13
    Decision-Making as Navigational Art: A Pragmatic Approach to Risk Management.Matthias Gronemeyer - 2013 - In Johanna Jauernig & Christoph Luetge, Business Ethics and Risk Management. Dordrecht: Springer. pp. 85--96.
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    Superstition, Management and Organisations: Irrationality, Randomness, and Chaos in Decision Making.Joanna Crossman - 2024 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    This book addresses how people and organisations sometimes respond to uncertainty in making decisions. Those decisions are rooted in beliefs and behaviours that are not always rational, especially in response to perceived randomness, chaos and unexpected circumstances. The author uses a transdisciplinary approach to the study of superstition in the context of business and management, taking care to acknowledge that what is regarded as superstition to one person may well be constructed as a spiritual belief by another. Respect (...)
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  25. Philosophy of Management.Saying What You Mean, Meaning What You Say & Pragmatic Decision Making - 2003 - Philosophy 3 (3).
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    Ethical Decision-Making In An Emergency Department: Findings On Nursing Advocacy.Emma Phillips & Pam McGrath - 2009 - Monash Bioethics Review 28 (2):38-53.
    The purpose of this article is to share with the reader the specific findings on the role of nurse as consumer advocate from a study on ethical decision-making in an emergency department (ED). Qualitative interviews were conducted with 11 health professionals (doctors and nurses) working in the ED of a hospital. The interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim and thematically analysed.In ED, where the decision-making is described as medico-centric, advocacy ipso facto necessitates a challenge to doctor (...)-making. The findings indicate that ED nurses experience with advocacy varied depending on the democratic qualities and communication skills of the particular doctor who had care of the consumer. It is noted that seeing the need for advocacy does not necessarily translate into effective action, as management support is essential for productive advocacy. A phenomenon of the desire not to rock the boat was reported. The findings indicate that the support of other nurses is essential for advocacy and affirm the importance of focusing on the ethical nature of the organisation as opposed to an exclusive focus on the individual. (shrink)
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  27. Decision-making in organisations, according to the Aristotelian model.Francesc Torralba Roselló & Cristian Palazzi - 2010 - Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):109-120.
    One field in ethics that has been developed during recent decades is virtue ethics, represented most importantly by Alasdair MacIntyre's work After Virtue. Virtue ethics is not opposed to principle-based ethics, but rather complements its task and develops it more fully. In the field of US bioethics, this option has proved to be even more fruitful, especially in the work of Edmund Pellegrino and David Thomasma. Virtue ethics is also being reappraised in relation to the ethics of organisations and business. (...)
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    Decision Making by Communicative Design: Rational Argument in Organisations.Erik Odvar Eriksen - 2003 - Philosophy of Management 3 (1):47-62.
    How can free and equal people cooperate to solve conflicts and common problems in a rational and legitimate way? In this article I deduce principles for doing so from the requirements of rational communication set out in the discourse theory of Jürgen Habermas. I apply them in defining a process of efficient decision making. What I call ‘communicative design’ denotes the design of a reason giving process in which the practice of proposing and assessing claims with regard to (...)
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    Collective decision-making process to compose divergent interests and perspectives.Maxime Morge - 2005 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 13 (1):75-92.
    We propose in this paper DIAL, a framework for inter-agents dialogue, which formalize a collective decision-making process to compose divergent interests and perspectives. This framework bounds a dialectics system in which argumentative agents play and arbitrate to reach an agreement. For this purpose, we propose an argumentation-based reasoning to manage the conflicts between arguments having different strengths for different agents. Moreover, we propose a model of argumentative agents which justify the hypothesis to which they commit and take into (...)
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    A Cognitive Elaboration Model of Sustainability Decision Making: Investigating Financial Managers’ Orientation Toward Environmental Issues.Edina Eberhardt-Toth & David M. Wasieleski - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 117 (4):735-751.
    This empirical paper examines individual-level cognitive factors associated with developing an orientation to sustainable development issues among a population of business practitioners from France. Across two studies, we survey 180 financial managers and 83 finance students, as well as 144 managers from other business disciplines and 117 non-finance business students. We consider ability and motivation variables integrated and adapted into a cognitive elaboration model for sustainable decision making. Specifically, we examine the degree of influence of two factors on (...)
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  31.  35
    Identifying the challenges of promoting ecological weed management (EWM) in organic agroecosystems through the lens of behavioral decision making.Sarah Zwickle, Robyn Wilson & Doug Doohan - 2014 - Agriculture and Human Values 31 (3):355-370.
    Ecological weed management (EWM) is a scientifically established management approach that uses ecological patterns to reduce weed seedbanks. Such an approach can save organic farmers time and labor costs and reduce the need for repeated cultivation practices that may pose risks to soil and water quality. However, adoption of effective EWM in the organic farm community is perceived to be poor. In addition, communication and collaboration between the scientific community, extension services, and the organic farming community in the (...)
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    Inclusion and homophily: an argument about participatory decision-making and democratic school management.George Koutsouris - 2014 - British Journal of Educational Studies 62 (4):413-430.
    This paper reports findings from a study about school staff’s perceptions of the preferences for social interaction that young people have with similar and different others. This tension was explored empirically using scenarios of moral dilemmas to conduct in-depth semi-structured interviews with school staff from special and mainstream secondary schools. The issue was explored with reference to a tension between social inclusion, the principle of embracing difference, and homophily, the concept that similarity breeds connection. The data suggest that homophily and (...)
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    (1 other version)Ethical decisionmaking in business: Focus on mauritius.Geetanee Napal - 2003 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 12 (1):54–63.
    This paper explores management attitudes towards ethical issues in an attempt to shed some light on the determinants of ethical issue intensity in the context of business. A sample of business executives in Mauritius was surveyed in order to establish their ethical perceptions when exposed to potentially questionable business practices. The findings demonstrated the significant influence of factors associated with moral deliberations on strategies for ethical decisionmaking as compared with the impact of company policy and legal requirements. (...)
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    (1 other version)Working ethics: strategies for decision making and organizational responsibility.Marvin T. Brown - 1990 - San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers.
    Illustrates how using ethics in decision making can improve communication, resolve disagreements, and set just standards for worker-management relations. Presents strategies for how organizations can use ethics to uncover values and beliefs, and determine whether they are acting upon just and moral decisions.
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  35. Ethical Decision Making in Organizations: The Role of Leadership Stress.Marcus Selart & Svein Tvedt Johansen - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 99 (2):129 - 143.
    Across two studies the hypotheses were tested that stressful situations affect both leadership ethical acting and leaders' recognition of ethical dilemmas. In the studies, decision makers recruited from 3 sites of a Swedish multinational civil engineering company provided personal data on stressful situations, made ethical decisions, and answered to stress-outcome questions. Stressful situations were observed to have a greater impact on ethical acting than on the recognition of ethical dilemmas. This was particularly true for situations involving punishment and lack (...)
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  36. Shared decision-making in maternity care: Acknowledging and overcoming epistemic defeaters.Keith Begley, Deirdre Daly, Sunita Panda & Cecily Begley - 2019 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 25 (6):1113–1120.
    Shared decision-making involves health professionals and patients/clients working together to achieve true person-centred health care. However, this goal is infrequently realized, and most barriers are unknown. Discussion between philosophers, clinicians, and researchers can assist in confronting the epistemic and moral basis of health care, with benefits to all. The aim of this paper is to describe what shared decision-making is, discuss its necessary conditions, and develop a definition that can be used in practice to support excellence (...)
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    Training professional managers in decision-making about real life business ethics problems: The acquisition of the autonomous problem-solving skill. [REVIEW]Iordanis Kavathatzopoulos - 1994 - Journal of Business Ethics 13 (5):379 - 386.
    In the present study business managers in Kabi Pharmacia Company were trained in the use of the autonomous method in their decision-making about solving real life business ethics problems. According to the psychological theories of Piaget, Vygotsky, and Kohlberg, it is possible to promote the acquisition of the autonomous ethical skill by instruction and training. Indeed, participation in a one-day educational programme which focused on the training of the autonomous cognitive ability and not on the transfer of moral (...)
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    Decision-Making Processes in the Workplace: How Exhaustion, Lack of Resources and Job Demands Impair Them and Affect Performance.Andrea Ceschi, Evangelia Demerouti, Riccardo Sartori & Joshua Weller - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:238124.
    The present study aims to connect more the I/O and the decision-making psychological domains, by showing how some common components across jobs interfere with decision-making and affecting performance. Two distinct constructs that can contribute to positive workplace performance have been considered: decision-making competency (DMCy) and decision environment management (DEM). Both factors are presumed to involve self-regulatory mechanisms connected to decision processes by influencing performance in relation to work environment conditions. In the (...)
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    A study of the adjustment of ethical recogntion and ethical decision-making of managers-to-be across the taiwan strait before and after receiving a business ethics education.Chen-Fong Wu - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 45 (4):291 - 307.
    This study conducted an empirical survey of 126 Business Ethics students in business and management departments within two universities across the Taiwan Strait to evaluate the impact on these managers-to-be of receiving an education in Business Ethics. The results show that, after receiving that Business Ethics education, students in both universities demonstrated significant improvements in the ethical weighting of their individual values, their recognition of ethical issues and their performance as ethical decision-makers. However, in respect of ethical (...)-making, the behavior of these students is still sub-optimal, indicating a need for further improvements in the ethical education of managers-to-be across the Taiwan Strait. (shrink)
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    Decision making in compromise situations: guidelines based on J. S. Mill's doctrine of political half‐measures.Rafael Cejudo - 2014 - Business Ethics: A European Review 23 (4):364-374.
    The purpose of this article is to offer guidelines to deal with hard choices, specifically in situations where some compromise among opposing values is inescapable. The guidelines are intended to help ethicists and practitioners to delineate different alternatives and to dismiss some of them as morally unacceptable. This article explores the view that compromises arise from negotiations but from ethical predicaments as well. For this reason, I distinguish between strategic and moral compromises. Both managers and employees are individual moral agents (...)
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  41. Some important factors underlying ethical decision making of managers in thailand.Anusorn Singhapakdi, Somboom Salyachivin, Busaya Virakul & Vinich Veerayangkur - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 27 (3):271 - 284.
    This study analyzes the marketing ethics decision-making process of Thai managers. In particular, it examines the relative influences of ethical perceptions, religiosity, personal moral philosophies, and corporate ethical values on ethical intentions of managers in Thailand. Managers enrolled in executive MBA or special MBA programs from public and private universities throughout Thailand were selected as target respondents. The survey results generally indicate that both dimensions of moral philosophies, idealism and relativism, are significant predictors of a Thai manager''s ethical (...)
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  42. A Decision-Making Approach Incorporating TODIM Method and Sine Entropy in q-Rung Picture Fuzzy Set Setting.Büşra Aydoğan, Murat Olgun, Florentin Smarandache & Mehmet Ünver - 2024 - Journal of Applied Mathematics 2024.
    In this study, we propose a new approach based on fuzzy TODIM (Portuguese acronym for interactive and multicriteria decision-making) for decision-making problems in uncertain environments. Our method incorporates group utility and individual regret, which are often ignored in traditional multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) methods. To enhance the analysis and application of fuzzy sets in decision-making processes, we introduce novel entropy and distance measures for q-rung picture fuzzy sets. These measures include an entropy measure (...)
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  43. Cognitive-Decision-Making Issues for Software Agents.Behrouz Homayoun Far & Romi Satria Wahono - 2003 - Brain and Mind 4 (2):239-252.
    Rational decision making depends on what one believes, what one desires, and what one knows. In conventional decision models, beliefs are represented by probabilities and desires are represented by utilities. Software agents are knowledgeable entities capable of managing their own set of beliefs and desires, and they can decide upon the next operation to execute autonomously. They are also interactive entities capable of filtering communications and managing dialogues. Knowledgeability includes representing knowledge about the external world, reasoning with (...)
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    Ethical Decision Making in Times of Organizational Crisis.Sandra L. Christensen & John Kohls - 2003 - Business and Society 42 (3):328-358.
    The article describes a framework that identifies event, organizational, and individual factors that threaten ethical decision making in organizations facing discrete crises or in an ongoing crisis environment. Nine propositions are stated that predict threats to ethical decision making during crisis. A comparison between predictions from our model and from Jones's (1991) model is made. Suggestions for research to test and refine the framework are proposed.
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    Rationalizations primarily serve reputation management, not decision making.Sacha Altay & Hugo Mercier - 2020 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 43:e29.
    We agree with Cushman that rationalizations are the product of biological adaptations, but we disagree about their function. The data available do not show that rationalizations allow us to reason better and make better decisions. The data suggest instead that rationalizations serve reputation management goals, and that they affect our behaviors because we are held accountable by our peers.
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    A Social Constructivism Decision-Making Approach to Managing Incidental Findings in Neuroimaging Research.Marcie L. King - 2018 - Ethics and Behavior 28 (5):393-410.
    Functional magnetic resonance imaging is a powerful tool used in cognitive neuroscientific research. fMRI is noninvasive, safe, and relatively accessible, making it an ideal method to draw inferences about the brain–behavior relationship. When conducting fMRI research, scientists must consider risks associated with brain imaging. In particular, the risk of potentially identifying an abnormal brain finding in an fMRI research scan poses a complex problem that researchers should be prepared to address. This article illustrates how a social constructivism decision- (...) model can be used as a framework to guide researchers as they develop protocols to address this issue. (shrink)
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  47. Managerial Decision-Making on Moral Issues and the Effects of Teaching Ethics.Vidya N. Awasthi - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 78 (1-2):207-223.
    This study uses judgment and decision-making (JDM) perspective with the help of framing and schema literature from cognitive psychology to evaluate how managers behave when problems with unethical overtones are presented to them in a managerial frame rather than an ethical frame. In the proposed managerial model, moral judgment of the situation is one of the inputs to managerial judgment, among several other inputs regarding costs and benefits of various alternatives. Managerial judgment results in managerial intent leading to (...)
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    The Psychology of Decision Making.David Cycleback - forthcoming - London (UK): Bookboon.
    This short peer-reviewed text is a concise look at the psychology of how human beings make decisions, including how they form their worldviews and make arguments.
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  49. Decision making over time and under uncertainty: a common approach.Drazen Prelec & George Loewenstein - 1991 - Management Science 37 (7):770–86.
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    Management and ethical decision-making.Wade L. Robison - 1984 - Journal of Business Ethics 3 (4):287 - 291.
    Every human activity has its characteristic features, the general tendencies that are often difficult to perceive for those engaged in the activity. Such general tendencies are of special concern to those managing in such activities, whether one is coaching soccer or running a corporation, for only with knowledge of such tendencies can one engage in intelligent managing and, more important, intelligent moral action. For the activity of business is not value-neutral, and if one is to manage morally in business, one (...)
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