Results for 'karma'

619 found
  1.  13
    Traditions of War:Occupation, Resistance, and the Law: Occupation, Resistance, and the Law.Karma Nabulsi - 2005 - Oxford University Press.
    Traditions of War brings together developments in political and legal thought, the conduct of military occupations, and the attempts by the international community to regulate the treatment of civilians within this aspect of warfare.
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    Imagining Enlightenment: Icons and Ideology in Vajrayāna Buddhist Practice.Karma Lekshe Tsomo - 2018 - Journal of Dharma Studies 1 (1):31-43.
    Iconography has been used to represent the experience of awakening in the Buddhist traditions for millennia. The Mahāyāna Buddhist traditions are especially renowned for their rich pantheons of buddhas and bodhisattvas who illuminate and inspire practitioners. In addition, the Vajrayāna branch of Mahāyāna Buddhism presents a host of meditational deities (yidam) who serve as catalysts of awakening. These awakened beings are regarded as objects of refuge for practitioners, both female and male, who visualize themselves in detail as embodiments of specific (...)
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    Empowering employees: the other side of electronic performance monitoring.Karma Sherif, Omolola Jewesimi & Mazen El-Masri - 2021 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 19 (2):207-221.
    Purpose Advances in electronic performance monitoring have raised employees’ concerns regarding the invasion of privacy and erosion of trust. On the other hand, EPM promises to improve performance and processes. This paper aims to focus on how the alignment of EPM design and organizational culture through effective organizational mechanisms can address privacy concerns, and, hence, positively affect employees’ perception toward technology. Design/methodology/approach Based on a theoretical lens extending two conceptual frameworks, a qualitative approach was used to analyze interview data collected (...)
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    Guerre et inégalité dans la pensée politique de Rousseau.Karma Nabulsi - 2007 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 83 (4):413.
    Résumé — La tradition à laquelle Rousseau a donné le plus indiscutablement ses lettres de noblesse, celle de la guerre républicaine, a été presque totalement ignorée. Ses écrits sur la guerre, et sur les lois de la guerre – ce que l’on nomme aujourd’hui le droit humanitaire international –, constituent l’une de ses plus importantes contributions au droit, et son legs intellectuel le plus durable, à parité avec ses considérations sur la justice politique et ses écrits sur la démocratie et (...)
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    Patriotism and Internationalism in the 'Oath of Allegiance' to Young Europe.Karma Nabulsi - 2006 - European Journal of Political Theory 5 (1):61-70.
    This article examines the ‘Oath of Allegiance’ of an international semisecret society, Young Europe. The society’s programme defined the struggle to create democratic republics throughout Europe in the first half of the 19th century. Its founding documents and charter in 1834 represented radical shifts in both the ideas and practice of European republicans on the principles of liberty and equality, and in the conceptualization of a trinity that linked republican patriotism to both nationalism and internationalism. The society also offered new (...)
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  6. Rekha Jhanji.Karma Yoga, Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga & Raja Yoga Karma Yoga - 2007 - In Rekha Jhanji, The philosophy of Vivekananda. New Delhi: Aryan Books International.
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    Nominal Persons and the Sound of their Hands Clapping.Karma Phuntso - 2004 - Buddhist Studies Review 21 (2):225-241.
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    Translator's Introduction to "The History of Buddhist Nuns in Japan".Karma Lekshe Tsomo - 1992 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 12:143.
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    Compassion, Ethics, and Neuroscience: Neuroethics Through Buddhist Eyes. [REVIEW]Karma Lekshe Tsomo - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (3):529-537.
    As scientists advance knowledge of the brain and develop technologies to measure, evaluate, and manipulate brain function, numerous questions arise for religious adherents. If neuroscientists can conclusively establish that there is a functional network between neural impulses and an individual’s capacity for moral evaluation of situations, this will naturally lead to questions about the relationship between such a network and constructions of moral value and ethical human behavior. For example, if cognitive neuroscience can show that there is a neurophysiological basis (...)
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    Tshad maʼi bstan bcos rigs paʼi them skas.Karma-Phun-Tshogs - 1997 - Bylakuppe, Mysore: Sṅa-ʾgyur mtho slob mdo sṅags rig paʾi ʾbyuṅ gnas gliṅ.
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  11. Buddhist feminist reflections.Karma Lekshe Tsomo - 2014 - In Natthaphong Khanthaphūm & Khamhǣng Wisutthāngkūn, Phahuphāp thāng pratyā. [Khon Kaen, Thailand]: Sākhā Wichā Pratyā læ Sātsanā, Khana Manutsayasāt lae Sangkhommasāt, Mahāwitthayālai Khō̜n Kǣn.
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    Lao Buddhist Women: Quietly Negotiating Religious Authority.Karma Lekshe Tsomo - 2010 - Buddhist Studies Review 27 (1):85-106.
    Throughout years of war and political upheaval, Buddhist women in Laos have devotedly upheld traditional values and maintained the practice of offering alms and other necessities to monks as an act of merit. In a religious landscape overwhelmingly dominated by bhikkhus, a small number have renounced household life and become maekhaos, celibate women who live as nuns and pursue contemplative practices on the periphery of the religious mainstream. Patriarchal ecclesiastical structures and the absence of a lineage of full ordination for (...)
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  13. From Poti to Pixels : Digitizing Manuscripts in Bhutan.Karma Phuntsho - 2019 - In Matthew Kapstein, Daniel Anderson Arnold, Cécile Ducher & Pierre-Julien Harter, Reasons and lives in Buddhist traditions: studies in honor of Matthew Kapstein. Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications.
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    Buddhist Perspectives on Human Rights.Karma Lekshe Tsomo - 2013 - In Steven M. Emmanuel, A Companion to Buddhist Philosophy. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 651–662.
    An assessment of Buddhist ethical theory through a Western lens can run the risk of overlooking or dismissing some of the pertinent aspects of the Buddhist traditions. Although the latter do not speak with one voice, for hundreds of years they all have directed their attention towards liberation from suffering, which is also the presumed goal of human rights theories. At the time of the Buddha, there were no historical circumstances as widespread and horrible as those of the twentieth century (...)
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    The Fourth International Conferece on Buddhist Women.Karma Lekshe Tsomo - 1996 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 16:217-220.
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    The History of Buddhist Nuns in Japan.Akira Hirakawa, Karma Lekshe Tsomo & Junko Miura - 1992 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 12:147.
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  17. Tshad ma legs par bśad pa thams cad kyi chu bo yoṅs su ʼdu ba rigs paʼi gźun lugs kyi rgya mtsho (2 v.).Karma-Pa Chos-Grags-Rgya-Mtshos Mdzad - 2004 - In Chos-Grags-Rgya-Mtsho, Tshad ma. Zi-liṅ: Mtsho-sṅon mi rigs dpe skrun khaṅ.
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  18.  48
    Shifting Boundaries: Pramāna and Ontology in Dharmakīrti’s Epistemology. [REVIEW]Karma Phuntsho - 2004 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 33 (4):401-419.
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    Phase field modeling of crack propagation.Robert Spatschek, Efim Brener & Alain Karma - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (1):75-95.
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    The Tibetan book of the dead: awakening upon dying. Padmasambhava & Karma Lingpa - 2013 - Berkeley, California: North Atlantic Books. Edited by Padma Sambhava, Namkhai Norbu & Elio Guarisco.
    "This text offers a new translation of the ancient Buddhist text designed to facilitate the inner liberation of the dead or dying person at the moment of death"--Provided by publisher.
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  21.  30
    The Oxytocin Receptor Gene Variant rs53576 Is Not Related to Emotional Traits or States in Young Adults.Tamlin S. Conner, Karma G. McFarlane, Maria Choukri, Benjamin C. Riordan, Jayde A. M. Flett, Amanda J. Phipps-Green, Ruth K. Topless, Marilyn E. Merriman & Tony R. Merriman - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  22. Postscript: Ein talmudisches Etwas über philosophische Literatur: A Talmudic Observation on Philosophy.Karma Ben-Johanan - 2024 - In Sergey Dolgopolski & James Adam Redfield, Talmud /and/ philosophy: conjunctions, disjunctions, continuities. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
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  23. Using archival sources to theorize about politics.Sudhir Hazareesingh & Karma Nabulsi - 2008 - In David Leopold & Marc Stears, Political theory: methods and approaches. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Advaita Vedanta. Edited by R. Balasubramanian. Volume II, Part 2 of History of Science, Philosophy and Culture in Indian Civilization, edited by DP Chatto-padhyaya. New Delhi: Centre for Studies in Civilizations, 2000. Pp. xxiii+ 417. Price not given. Aesthetics & Chaos: Investigating a Creative Complicity. Edited by Grazia March. [REVIEW]Karl-Heinz Pohl, Anselm W. Müller Leiden, Numbers From Han, Kwok Siu Tong, Chan Sin, Joshua W. C. Cutler & Imagining Karma - 2003 - Philosophy East and West 53 (4):618-619.
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    Sakyadhita: Daughters of the Buddha. [REVIEW]Anne C. Klein, Sandy Boucher & Karma Lekshe Tsomo - 1991 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 11:325.
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  26. Karma, Moral Responsibility and Buddhist Ethics.Bronwyn Finnigan - 2022 - In Manuel Vargas & John Doris, The Oxford Handbook of Moral Psychology. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press. pp. 7-23.
    The Buddha taught that there is no self. He also accepted a version of the doctrine of karmic rebirth, according to which good and bad actions accrue merit and demerit respectively and where this determines the nature of the agent’s next life and explains some of the beneficial or harmful occurrences in that life. But how is karmic rebirth possible if there are no selves? If there are no selves, it would seem there are no agents that could be held (...)
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  27.  7
    Hukum karma dalam dunia bisnis: suatu analisa etika sosial.A. Ridwan Halim - 1988 - Jakarta: [S.N.].
    Social ethical analysis on karma related to business world, with reference to Indonesia.
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    Yoga, Karma, and Rebirth: A Brief History and Philosophy.Stephen Phillips - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    For serious yoga practitioners curious to know the ancient origins of the art, Stephen Phillips, a professional philosopher and sanskritist with a long-standing personal practice, lays out the philosophies of action, knowledge, and devotion as well as the processes of meditation, reasoning, and self-analysis that formed the basis of yoga in ancient and classical India and continue to shape it today. In discussing yoga's fundamental commitments, Phillips explores traditional teachings of hatha yoga, karma yoga, _bhakti_ yoga, and tantra, and (...)
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  29. Karma Theory, Determinism, Fatalism and Freedom of Will.Ricardo Sousa Silvestre - 2017 - Logica Universalis 11 (1):35-60.
    The so-called theory of karma is one of the distinguishing aspects of Hinduism and other non-Hindu south-Asian traditions. At the same time that the theory can be seen as closely connected with the freedom of will and action that we humans supposedly have, it has many times been said to be determinist and fatalist. The purpose of this paper is to analyze in some deepness the relations that are between the theory of karma on one side and determinism, (...)
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    Karma-Yoga: The Indian Model of Moral Development.Zubin R. Mulla & Venkat R. Krishnan - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 123 (2):339-351.
    A comprehensive model of moral development must encompass moral sensitivity, moral reasoning, moral motivation, and moral character. Western models of moral development have often failed to show validity outside the culture of their origin. We propose Karma-Yoga, the technique of intelligent action discussed in the Bhagawad Gita as an Indian model for moral development. Karma-Yoga is conceptualized as made up of three dimensions viz. duty-orientation, indifference to rewards, and equanimity. Based on survey results from 459 respondents from two (...)
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  31. Retributive karma and the problem of blaming the victim.Mikel Burley - 2013 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 74 (2):149-165.
    A defining feature of retributive conceptions of karma is their regarding of suffering or misfortune as consequent upon sins committed in previous lives. Some critical non-believers in karma take offence at this view, considering it to involve unjustly blaming the victim. Defenders of the view demur, and argue that a belief in retributive karma in fact provides a motivation for benevolent action. This article elucidates the debate, showing that its depth is such that it is best characterized (...)
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  32. Karma and the possibility of purification: An ethical and psychological analysis of the doctrine of Karma in buddhism.Lynken Ghose - 2007 - Journal of Religious Ethics 35 (2):259-290.
    ABSTRACT This article attempts to define karma as both action and the effects of action. In terms of the effects or fruits of action, the effect of action upon the mind is the focus; thus, the idea of “effect” is primarily defined as psychic residue and is compared to Freud's notion of memory traces. In addition, action that produces karma is said to be accompanied by the “pulling” feeling of volition (cetanā). Some comparisons are then made between cetanā (...)
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  33. Karma, Morality, and Evil.Mikel Burley - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (6):415-430.
    The doctrine of karma has been praised as a rational and morally edifying explanatory response to the existence of evil and apparent injustice in the world. Critics have attacked it as a morally misguided dogma that distorts one's vision of reality. This essay, after outlining the traditional doctrine, examines three criticisms that have been central to recent debates: firstly, that the doctrine offers no practical guidance; second, that it faces a dilemma between free will and fatalism; and third, that (...)
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  34. Karma and Mental Causation: A Nikaya Buddhist Perspective.Soo Lam Wong - 2022 - In Itay Shani & Susanne Kathrin Beiweis, Cross-cultural approaches to consciousness: mind, nature and ultimate reality. New York: Bloomsbury Academic. pp. 119-140.
    The aim of this paper is to situate the early Indian (Nikāya) Buddhist notion of karmic causation within the mental causation discourse in the Western analytic tradition, which concerns causal transactions involving mental events, such as desires, beliefs, and intentions, whether the transactions are between mental events, or between mental events and physical events. Karmic causation involves actional causes, in concert with non-actional causes, and their experiential effects on the actor, in concert with non-experiential effects. The problems generated by karmic (...)
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    Understanding Karma: in light of Paul Ricoeur's philosophical anthroplogy and hermeneutics.Shrinivas Tilak - 2007 - North Charleston, SC: Book Surge.
    Study of theory of Karma with reference to Mahābhārata and works of Paul Ricoeur.
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    Living Karma: The Religious Practices of Ouyi Zhixu.Beverley Foulks McGuire - 2014 - Cambridge University Press.
    Ouyi Zhixu was an eminent Chinese Buddhist monk who, contrary to his contemporaries, believed karma could be changed. Through vows, divination, repentance rituals, and ascetic acts such as burning and blood writing, he sought to alter what others understood as inevitable and inescapable. Drawing attention to Ouyi's unique reshaping of religious practice, _Living Karma_ reasserts the significance of an overlooked individual in the modern development of Chinese Buddhism. While Buddhist studies scholarship tends to privilege textual analysis, _Living Karma_ promotes (...)
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  37. Karma and the problem of evil: A response to Kaufman.Monima Chadha & Nick Trakakis - 2007 - Philosophy East and West 57 (4):533-556.
    The doctrine of karma, as elaborated in the Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain religious traditions, offers a powerful explanatory account of the human predicament, and in particular of seemingly undeserved human suffering. Whitley R. P. Kaufman is right to point out that on some points, such as the suffering of children, the occurrence of natural disasters, and the possibility of universal salvation, the karma theory appears, initially at least, much more satisfactory than the attempts made to solve the perennial (...)
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  38. (1 other version)Karma, Rebirth, and the Problem of Evil.Whitley R. P. Kaufman - 2005 - Philosophy East and West 55 (1):15-32.
    The doctrine of karma and rebirth is often praised for its ability to offer a successful solution to the Problem of Evil. This essay evaluates such a claim by considering whether the doctrine can function as a systematic theodicy, as an explanation of all human suffering in terms of wrongs done in either this or past lives. This purported answer to the Problem of Evil must face a series of objections, including the problem of anylackofmemoryofpastlives,the lack of proportionality between (...)
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    The ‘Dharma’ and ‘Karma’ of CSR from the Bhagavad-Gita.Balakrishnan Muniapan & Biswajit Satpathy - 2013 - Journal of Human Values 19 (2):173-187.
    In recent years, numerous researches have been conducted on CSR from various perspectives. From a survey of CSR literatures from spiritual and religious perspectives, there are some studies based on the Quran (Islam) and the Bible (Christianity) made by scholars. However, the Bhagavad-Gita (Hinduism) is yet to be explored in the context of CSR. This article is therefore timely and fills the gap in the CSR literature. In this article, the authors employs hermeneutics, a qualitative research methodology which involves the (...)
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    Les yogas pratiques (Karma, Bhakti, Râja).Swami Vivekananda - 1970 - [Paris]: A Michel.
    Né à Calcutta, Swâmi Vivekânanda (1863-1902) fut fasciné dans sa jeunesse par la modernité occidentale. Sa rencontre avec le grand mystique Râmakrishna changea le cours de sa vie. Il devint son principal disciple et après la mort du maître, il renonça au monde pour parcourir l'Inde en ermite errant. Sa participation au premier Congrès mondial des religions fut pour lui le départ d'une intense activité missionnaire qui introduisit la philosophie védantique en Amérique. Dans cet ouvrage de référence, il décrit et (...)
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    Imagining karma: ethical transformation in Amerindian, Buddhist, and Greek rebirth.Gananath Obeyesekere - 2002 - Berkeley: University of California Press.
    With Imagining Karma, Gananath Obeyesekere embarks on the very first comparison of rebirth concepts across a wide range of cultures. Exploring in rich detail the beliefs of small-scale societies of West Africa, Melanesia, traditional Siberia, Canada, and the northwest coast of North America, Obeyesekere compares their ideas with those of the ancient and modern Indic civilizations and with the Greek rebirth theories of Pythagoras, Empedocles, Pindar, and Plato. His groundbreaking and authoritative discussion decenters the popular notion that India was (...)
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  42.  26
    Karma and Teleology. A problem and its solution in Indian philosophy. Johannes Bronkhorst.Karel Werner - 2000 - Buddhist Studies Review 17 (2):244-248.
    Karma and Teleology. A problem and its solution in Indian philosophy. Johannes Bronkhorst. The International Institute for Buddhist Studies of the International College for Advanced Studies, Tokyo 2000. iii, 142 pp. ISBN 4-906267-44-0.
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  43. Karma, rebirth, and the problem of evil: A reply to critics.Whitley R. P. Kaufman - 2007 - Philosophy East and West 57 (4):556-560.
    The doctrine of karma and rebirth is often praised for its ability to offer a successful solution to the Problem of Evil. This essay evaluates such a claim by considering whether the doctrine can function as a systematic theodicy, as an explanation of all human suffering in terms of wrongs done in either this or past lives. This purported answer to the Problem of Evil must face a series of objections, including the problem of any lack of memory of (...)
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    Karma: Electable, Immutable and Inexorable.Pradip Bhattacharya - 2001 - Journal of Human Values 7 (2):117-130.
    The doctrine of karma is a vexed philosophical question and karmic law has often been confused with fatal ism. This article seeks to put forward the author's understanding of this complex concept. It is a cosmic law of action with its inevitable consequence and reaction. Narration of parables—metaphors pregnant with rich meaning—supplemented with instances from real life show a path out of the labyrinth, even the much- debated issue of determinism and free will. The thesis is that karmic law (...)
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  45.  8
    Karma yoga: ou, L'action dans la vie selon la sagesse hindoue.Félix Guyot - 1973 - Paris: J. Tallandier.
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    Philosopher karma scientists.L. C. Jain - 2007 - Shrekshetra Shravanabelgola: National Institute of Prakrit Studies and Research. Edited by Padmavathamma & Jitendra Kumar Jain.
    On the life and works of ancient Jaina philosophers.
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    Karma-yoga and Bhakti-yoga.Swami Vivekananda - 1955 - New York,: Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center. Edited by Nikhilananda.
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    Karma: what it is, what it isn't, why it matters.Traleg Kyabgon - 2015 - Boston: Shambhala.
    A jargon-free explanation of two central teachings of the Buddha: karma and rebirth. By now, we've all heard someone say, "It must have been his karma" or "She had bad karma." But what is karma, really? Does karmic theory say that we are helpless victims of our past? Is all karma bad, or can there be good karma too? Is reincarnation the same as the Buddhist theory of rebirth? In this short and eminently readable (...)
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  49. Buddhism, Karma, and Immortality.Bruce Reichenbach - 1987 - In Paul Badham & Linda Badham, Death and Immortality in the Religions of the World. Paragon House Publishers. pp. 141-157.
    I first discuss the Buddhist concept of the self as lying between nihilism and substantialism, understood in terms of sets of skandhas and later momentariness. I then discuss the role of karma as a causal nexus that brings the skandhas into a state of co-ordination and whether this role is subjective or objective. Finally, I discuss the import of this view that there is no substantial self but only momentary events of various discrete sorts on the meaning and possibility (...)
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    Collective Karma and “Blowback”.William Ferraiolo - 2010 - Cultura 7 (2):139-147.
    In Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire, Chalmers Johnson offers a prescient analysis of the dangers presented by an unchecked U.S. military-industrial complex and the likely consequences of American interventionism abroad. Blowback’s prescience is revealed by the fact that Johnson predicted escalating terrorist attacks on the United States and its citizens prior to the tragedies of September 11, 2001. He goes on to predict the likely decline and ultimate collapse of what he describes as the “American Empire,” largely (...)
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