Results for 'istorinė drama, Kostas Ostrauskas, postmodernioji istoriografi ja, mažoji istorija, istorinė atmintis, komizmas'

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  1.  5
    Istorinė atmintis Prano Griušio tapyboje.Aušrinė Kulvietytė-Cemnolonskė - 2017 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 90:122-133.
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    -上枝美典著『現代認識論入門:ゲティア問題から徳認識論まで』.理恵 飯塚 - 2022 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 54 (2):143-146.
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    ヘーゲル『精神現象学』における承認関係の体系的意義.クヴァンテ ミヒャエル - 2007 - Studien Zu Hegels Philosophie 2007 (13):72-84.
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    レトリックと真実の振り子 (特集 現代本格の状況).晶之 千街 - 2012 - Critica (Misc) 7:47-57.
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  5. 市民によるスピーチクラブの例会構造にみる 双方向性と階層性―論評と表彰の役割―. 竹野谷みゆき - 2013 - Fenomenologia. Diálogos Possíveis Campinas: Alínea/Goiânia: Editora da Puc Goiás 13:17-37.
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    生体腎移植のドナーに関する心理学的考察--グリムのおとぎ話「七羽のからす」をとおして.山本 典子 - 2010 - Wenshizhe Xuebao 文史哲學報 (Humanitas Taiwanica) 35 (35):39-49.
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  7. 文型と動詞型との関係について. 日塔悦夫 - 2011 - Fenomenologia. Diálogos Possíveis Campinas: Alínea/Goiânia: Editora da Puc Goiás 11:239-255.
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    「ケア」の時代を迎え:フランクルのロゴセラピーからの示唆.蔡 小瑛 - 2003 - Humanitas 28 (28):50-61.
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  9. 野生生物保全に向けた東アジア共同体の役割.오바라 히데오 - 2010 - Environmental Philosophy 10:1-20.
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    環境哲學と脫近代文明への視座 ―〈農〉を基礎にしたエコロジー文明へ.오제키 슈지 - 2010 - Environmental Philosophy 10:137-169.
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    役者がそこにいること--岡田利規『友達』.嶋田 直哉 - 2009 - Corpus (Misc) 6 (6):73-75.
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    近年の内田香.吉田 悠樹彦 - 2009 - Corpus (Misc) 7 (7):86-88.
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    前田哲彦 ドグマを持たなかった男.長谷川 六 - 2009 - Corpus (Misc) 7 (7):17-29.
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  14. 「ギバサン」写真展.古沢 俊美 - 2008 - Corpus (Misc) 4 (4):46-49.
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    生徒の検索情報を利用した講義の重要語抽出.入部 百合絵 篠原 修二 - 2007 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 22 (6):604-611.
    Recently, e-learning systems for self-learning with various types of retrieval functions have been developed. This paper describes a method for keyword extraction using retrieval information stored from many students through the retrieval functions. Firstly, we show that teachers tend to consider technical terms as important, while students unfamiliar with the technical terms tend to retrieve the terms, therefore there is a clear correlation between keywords extracted by the teachers and the retrieval words by the students. Secondly, we propse a method (...)
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    擬人化したモーションによるロボットのマインド表出.山田 誠二 小林 一樹 - 2006 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 21 (4):380-387.
    In this paper, we focus on a problem in designing for home robots. There are some design methods for conventional artifacts such as home electric appliances. However, not all methods can be applied effectively for robots. Especially, we deal with the situation in which a robot asks a user to help it by expressing its internal state. We then propose a novel design method ``motion overlapping '' by which a robot can perform human-like behavior to express its internal state. We (...)
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    極小限定を用いた帰納推論.井上 克巳 齋藤 悠 - 2006 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 21:143-152.
    We investigate induction from the viewpoint of nonmonotonic reasoning. Induction we consider in this paper is descriptive induction. Hypotheses from descriptive induction have the weak property that they only describe rules with respect to the observations and do not realize an inductive leap. In this paper, we define a new form of descriptive induction with circumscription and the idea of explanation and show two procedures for computing it. The new descriptive induction is called circumscriptive induction. By deciding the roles of (...)
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  18. 英語におけるゼロ派生. 山中桂一 & 品詞の転用 - 2003 - Fenomenologia. Diálogos Possíveis Campinas: Alínea/Goiânia: Editora da Puc Goiás 3:57-104.
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    身体知研究の潮流―身体知の解明に向けて―.植野 研 古川 康一 - 2005 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 20:117-128.
    Physical skills and language skills are both fundamental intelligent abilities of human being. In this paper, we focus our attention to such sophisticated physical skills as playing sports and playing instruments and introduce research activities aiming at elucidating and verbalizing them. This research area has been launched recently. We introduce approaches from physical modeling, measurements and data analysis, cognitive science and human interface. We also discuss such issues as skill acquisition and its support systems. Furthermore, we consider a fundamental issue (...)
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    複数の編集距離を用いた口語翻訳文の自動評価.今村 賢治 秋葉 泰弘 - 2005 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 20:139-148.
    This paper addresses the challenging problem of automating the human's intelligent ability to evaluate output from machine translation systems, which are subsystems of Speech-to-Speech MT systems. Conventional automatic MT evaluation methods include BLEU, which MT researchers have frequently used. BLEU is unsuitable for SSMT evaluation for two reasons. First, BLEU assesses errors lightly at the beginning or ending of translations and heavily in the middle, although the assessments should be independent from the positions. Second, BLEU lacks tolerance in accepting colloquial (...)
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  21. パラグラフ・ライティングの応用. 岩本一 - 2002 - Fenomenologia. Diálogos Possíveis Campinas: Alínea/Goiânia: Editora da Puc Goiás 2:25-41.
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    強化学習エージェントへの階層化意志決定法の導入―追跡問題を例に―.輿石 尚宏 謙吾 片山 - 2004 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 19:279-291.
    Reinforcement Learning is a promising technique for creating agents that can be applied to real world problems. The most important features of RL are trial-and-error search and delayed reward. Thus, agents randomly act in the early learning stage. However, such random actions are impractical for real world problems. This paper presents a novel model of RL agents. A feature of our learning agent model is to integrate the Analytic Hierarchy Process into the standard RL agent model, which consists of three (...)
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    ネット上の主観情報を獲得して利用する意思決定過程における知識獲得精度.山本 裕 藤本 和則 - 2004 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 19:571-579.
    This paper presents a mathematical model for decision making processes where the knowledge for the decision is constructed automatically from subjective information on the Internet. This mathematical model enables us to know the required degree of accuracy of knowledge acquisition for constructing decision support systems using two technologies: automated knowledge acquisition from information on the Internet and automated reasoning about the acquired knowledge. The model consists of three elements: knowledge source, which is a set of subjective information on the Internet, (...)
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  24. 推論における論理変形と認知的関連性の計算. 松井理直 - 2003 - Cognition 57:31-95.
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    模擬育種法を用いた顔の同定支援システムの改善.上田 芳弘 阿部 武彦 - 2003 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 18:131-135.
    In the process of searching for suspected person, there is a case where an eyewitness looks through some photographs of criminal's face, or mug shots, to identify witnessed suspect's face or a searcher examines some mug shots in order to find some photographs that seem similar to a montage. However the eyewitness or the searcher has a heavy load to look through many photographs. It is widely known that this load causes a marked decline in human's ability to identify photographs. (...)
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    環境状況に応じて自己の報酬を操作する学習エージェントの構築.沼尾 正行 森山 甲一 - 2002 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 17:676-683.
    The authors aim at constructing an agent which learns appropriate actions in a Multi-Agent environment with and without social dilemmas. For this aim, the agent must have nonrationality that makes it give up its own profit when it should do that. Since there are many studies on rational learning that brings more and more profit, it is desirable to utilize them for constructing the agent. Therefore, we use a reward-handling manner that makes internal evaluation from the agent's rewards, and then (...)
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    クラス階層における目標概念の一般性を動的に決定するデフォルト規則学習システム.高 秀幸 大原 剛三 - 2002 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 17 (2):153-161.
    In this paper, we discuss a method to dynamically determine the generality of the target concept in a class hierarchy, when learning default rules, i.e., rules including exceptions with Inductive Logic Programming. The ILP system for default rules has to learn both the target concept and its opposite, if it is based on a three valued setting, in which we clearly discriminate among the three values: what is true, what is false, and what is unknown. Thus in order to learn (...)
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    単語の属性空間の表現方法.稲子 希望 笠原 要 - 2002 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 17:539-547.
    There have been several previous studies on measuring the semantic similarity between words whose concepts are represented as points in a multi-dimensional vector space acquired from text data such as electronic dictionaries or text corpora. A central problem in these studies is how to select orthonormal basis vectors for the space which represents attributes of the words. We propose a method of building the space by combining two representative methods, one using singular value decomposition and the other using the contents (...)
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    データ要約を介した分類器学習法.中安 とし子 末松 伸朗 - 2002 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 17 (5):565-575.
    Knowledge discovery in databases has been studied intensively recent years. In KDD, inductive classifier learning methods which were developed in statistics and machine learning have been used to extract classification rules from databases. Although in KDD we have to deal with large databases in many cases, many of the previous classifier learning methods are not suitable for large databases. They were designed under assumption that any data in databases is accessible on demand and they usually need to access a datum (...)
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    分散遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いた教授・学習活動系列化システム.石川 智剛 松居 辰則 - 2002 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 17:449-461.
    The purpose of this study is development of a supporting system for teacher's design of lesson plan. Especially design of lesson plan which relates to the new subject "Information Study" is supported. In this study, we developed a system which generates teaching and learning activity sequences by interlinking lesson's activities corresponding to the various conditions according to the user's input. Because user's input is multiple information, there will be caused contradiction which the system should solve. This multiobjective optimization problem is (...)
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    様々な知識発見システムを統一的に利用可能な環境の構築.山本 章博 菊池 敏幸 - 2002 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 17:576-584.
    The goal of our research is to develop a software environment in which users can select appropriate Knowledge Discovery systems from various candidates, and compare each obtained result with others. This paper reports a prototype of such an environment, named EVLD. The key idea in constructing EVLD is introducing three-level architecture into it. We adopt the logic of discovery proposed by Plotkin for the middle level, and put every Knowledge Discovery system on the lowest level. By designing the transformation of (...)
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    オンラインコミュニティの現在--もうひとつのコミュニケーションチャネルを探る 対談 西村博之/「2ちゃんねる」管理人+前田邦宏/「関心空間」主宰.前田 邦宏 西村 博之 - 2002 - Human Studies 29:9-12.
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    確率的制約充足アルゴリズムにおける局所最適構造.西原 清一 水野 一徳 - 2001 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 16:38-45.
    Many stochastic search algorithms have recently been developed to make more remarkable progress than systematic search algorithms because stochastic algorithms sometimes solve large-scale constraint satisfaction problems in a practical time. However, such stochastic algorithms have the drawback of getting stuck in local optima which are not acceptable as final solutions. We analyze an iterative improvement algorithm from the viewpoint of constraint structures causing local optima. Using the graph-coloring problem with three colors, an archetype problem to evaluate constraint satisfaction algorithms, we (...)
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    回帰分析を用いた概念クラスタリングアルゴリズム.佐藤 誠 月本 洋 - 2001 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 16:344-352.
    This paper presents conceptual clustering algorithms using regression analysis. The basic idea is that given data can be classified to the class “existing” and so conceptual clustering is transformed to classification. The algorithms consist of transforming given data to the data with a class, obtaining a function by regression analysis, approximating the function by a Boolean function, and generating a concept hierarchy from the Boolean function. Regression analysis includes linear regression analysis and nonlinear regression analysis by neural networks. The algorithms (...)
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    仮説推論に対する3種の近似解法.岡峰 正 越野 亮 - 2001 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 16:465-472.
    Cost-based abduction, which is a technique for identifying the best explanation for a given observation based on the assumption of a set of hypothesis, is a useful knowledge processing framework for practical problems such as diagnosis, design and planning. However, the speed of reasoning of this approach is often slow. To overcome this problem, Kato et al. previously presented a more efficient cost-based abduction system, that utilized the A * search technique, however, the time and space complexities in this technique (...)
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    複数事例に対する最弱仮説の同時利用による帰納論理プログラミングの効率化.古川 康一 尾崎 知伸 - 2001 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 16:521-530.
    Inductive Logic Programming employs expressive representation languages, i.e. Prolog Programs, so that ILP can handle structural data which other traditional inductive learner can not or hardly do. In this reason, ILP has been regarded as one of the most important technologies in the area of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Databases recently. However, ILP usually needs enormous computational time to obtain the results from a huge amount of data appearing in such problems as Data Mining. To cope with this (...)
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    高齢化/安心で幸せな高齢期に向けて何ができるか--家族とコミュニティによるビューティフル・エイジング.平岩 千代子 - 1999 - Human Studies 22:37-42.
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    公共投資/公共投資の品質改良が日本の未来を拓く--公共投資政策の四つのポイント.四元 正弘 - 1999 - Human Studies 22:43-46.
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    海洋国家日本の進路.川勝 平太 - 1998 - Human Studies 21:17-20.
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    多焦点で混沌の向こうを見通してみたい.西山 邦彦 - 1998 - Human Studies 20:2-5.
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    自信回生への手がかりを求めて--第2回「価値観国際比較調査」から.西山 邦彦 - 1998 - Human Studies 21:40-48.
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    対談 日本には「過小評価」を逆転するだけの能力がある.福川 伸次 宮内 義彦 - 1998 - Human Studies 21:4-10.
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    アジアのダイナミズムと価値観.福川 伸次 - 1997 - Human Studies 18:31-35.
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    環境問題にみる成長と経営の倫理.服部 民夫 - 1997 - Human Studies 18:18-22.
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    "開かれた信頼社会"への構想.西山 邦彦 - 1997 - Human Studies 19:39-43.
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    国益と世界益をいかに調整するかが問われる時代.福川 伸次 - 1997 - Human Studies 19:2-5.
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  47. 形容詞の配列順序の事例研究. 河原 & 春田 - 1992 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 8.
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    未来生活論 人間の顔をした情報社会像を求めて.西山 邦彦 - 1996 - Human Studies 17:42-47.
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    Mitä oikeudet ovat? Filosofian ja oikeustieteen näkökulmia.Maija Aalto-Heinilä & Visa Kurki (eds.) - 2019 - Helsinki: Gaudeamus.
    Miten ajattelu oikeuksista pohjautuu antiikin ja varhaisen keskiajan filosofiaan ja yhteis­kunnalliseen kehitykseen? Mitä tarkoittaa, että jollakulla on oikeus johonkin, ja kenellä oikeuksia voi olla? Entä mihin universaalit ihmisoikeudet perustuvat? Julkisuudessa ja politiikassa puhutaan yhä useammin oikeuksista. Turvapaikanhakijoiden kohtelusta keskusteltaessa esiin nostetaan etenkin ihmisoikeudet. Huoli ilmaston­muutoksesta on kiihdyttänyt pohdintaa eläinten ja luonnonympäristön oikeuksista. Kiivasta väittelyä synnyttää myös sanan­vapauden ja vihapuheen rajoittamisen suhde. Mitä oikeudet ovat? -teoksessa oikeuden käsitettä ja kehitystä pohtivat niin oikeus­tieteilijät kuin filosofitkin. Se on ensimmäinen suomenkielinen kirja, jossa näiden (...)
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    The educational imperative: a defence of Socratic and aesthetic learning.Peter Abbs - 1994 - Washington, DC: Falmer Press.
    The outcome of this is explored, in detail, in relation to the teaching of literature, creative writing and drama.
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