Results for 'interstice'

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  1.  26
    Interstices of the sublime: theology and psychoanalytic theory.Clayton Crockett - 2007 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Interstices of the Sublime represents a powerful theological engagement with psychoanalytic theory in Freud, Lacan, Kristeva and Zi zek, as well as major expressions of contemporary Continental philosophy, including Deleuze, Derrida, Marion, and Badiou. Through creative and constructive psycho-theological readings of topics such as sublimation, schizophrenia, God, and creation ex nihilo, this book contributes to a new form of radical theological thinking that is deeply involved in the world. Here the idea of the Kantian sublime is read into Freud and (...)
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    On interstices of countable arithmetically saturated models of Peano arithmetic.Nicholas Bamber & Henryk Kotlarski - 1997 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 43 (4):525-540.
    We give some information about the action of Aut on M, where M is a countable arithmetically saturated model of Peano Arithmetic. We concentrate on analogues of moving gaps and covering gaps inside M.
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    Interstices. Exil, émigration et représentation de la mémoire dans La langue de Zahra.Sheila Petty & Françoise Stoppa - 2015 - Diogène 245 (1):53-67.
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    Beyond Rupture, Interstice and Reform: Searching for Nuance in the Portrayal of Engagement for Social and Ecological Transition.Luigi Russi, Cécile Renouard & Nathanaël Wallenhorst - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 193 (3):471-479.
    This commentary responds to the following article previously published on the Journal and Business Ethics: ‘Baudoin, L., Arenas, D. “Everyone Has a Truth”: Forms of Ecological Embeddedness in an Interorganizational Context. _J Bus Ethics_ _185_, 263–280 (2023)’. Our commentary offers a rejoinder to Baudoin’s and Arenas’ conclusion that environmental engagement within organizations is a plural field within which many different sub-positions may be discerned. In rejoining their conclusion, our commentary searches for greater nuance in the portrayal of engagement for social (...)
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    Strongly maximal subgroups determined by elements in interstices.Teresa Bigorajska - 2003 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 49 (1):101-108.
    Continuing the earlier research in [1] and [4] we work out a class of interstices in countable arithmetically saturated models of PA in which selective types are realized and a class of interstices in which 2-indiscernible types are realized.
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  6. Public Sociology: Working At The Interstices.Alya Khan - 2009 - The American Sociologist 40 (4):309-331.
    The article examines recent debates surrounding public sociology in the context of a UK based Department of Applied Social Sciences. Three areas of work within the department form the focus of the article: violence against women and children; community-based oral history projects and health ethics teaching. The article draws on Micheal Burawoy’s typology comprising public, policy, professional and critical sociology, and argues that much of the work described in the case studies more often lies somewhere in between, in the interstices, (...)
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    Beyond the Interstices of Russell's Life [review of Sybil Oldfield, Spinsters of This Parish: the Life and Times of F.M. Mayor and Mary Sheepshanks ].Jo Vellacott - 1986 - Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies 6 (2):184.
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  8. Life in the Interstices: Systems Biology and Process Thought.Joseph E. Earley - 2014 - In Spyridon A. Koutroufinis (ed.), Life and Process: Towards a New Biophilosophy. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 157-170.
    When a group of processes achieves such closure that a set of states of affairs recurs continually, then the effect of that coherence on the world differs from what would occur in the absence of that closure. Such altered effectiveness is an attribute of the system as a whole, and would have consequences. This indicates that the network of processes, as a unit, has ontological significance. Whenever a network of processes generates continual return to a limited set of states of (...)
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    The Interstices of Reality. [REVIEW]Przemysław Bursztyka - 2018 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 2 (1):112-122.
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    The Priceless Interval: Theory in the Global Interstice.Reingard Nethersole - 2001 - Diacritics 31 (3):30-56.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Diacritics 31.3 (2001) 30-56 [Access article in PDF] The Priceless IntervalTheory in the Global Interstice Reingard Nethersole In a poignant scene in Goethe's Faust [1.2038-39] an eager student seeking what we would call curriculum advice today asks what subjects he should study. Counseled by Mephisto in the guise of the master, Faust, the student is admonished to read for anything but theory because: "Grey, my friend, is all (...)
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    The function of interstices in cubic unit cells.M. Ruhnow * - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (17):1865-1899.
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    Interpreting from the Interstices: The Role of Justice in a Liberal Democracy—Lessons from Michael Walzer and Emmanuel Levinas.Nicholas R. Brown - 2016 - Levinas Studies 10 (1):155-185.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Interpreting from the IntersticesThe Role of Justice in a Liberal Democracy—Lessons from Michael Walzer and Emmanuel LevinasNicholas R. Brown (bio)1As anyone who is familiar with more recent theological debate can attest, the appraisal of the liberal democratic tradition has undergone a radical reevaluation in the wake of Stanley Hauerwas’s and Alasdair MacIntyre’s scathing critiques. As a result of their blistering assault, religious ethicists and philosophers now find themselves operating (...)
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    Cuerpo, lenguaje y transgresión: fuerzas disolutivas y multiplicidad diferencial en los intersticios del discurso de la ley | Body, language and criminality: dissolving forces and differential multiplicity in the interstices of modern legal subject.Lucía Inés Coppa - 2018 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 38:62-81.
    Resumen: El propósito del presente artículo es revisar concepciones en torno a la dimensión corporal, analizando modos en que la dinámica formalizante del discurso jurídico opera en sus aspectos productores de subjetividad. En ese sentido, nos centramos en algunos enfoques filosóficos –a modo de ‘panorama por escorzos’-, relativos al estatuto de lo corporal y la forma en que el cuerpo es construido y atravesado. En particular, presentamos aspectos de la concepción dialéctica hegeliana –a partir de la lectura de Kojève-, a (...)
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    Quelques propos en marge et dans les interstices de vingt-six entretiens sur la loi Léonetti.Jean-Pierre Cléro - 2011 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 9.
    Tandis que j’écrivais mon article sous le titre ‘L’utilitarisme est-il une éthique acceptable?’paru dans ce numéro de la Revue d’Etudes benthamiennes, j’ai eu la chance d’avoir accès, dans le cadre de mon travail au CHU de Rouen, à un ensemble d’entretiens avec des médecins au sujet de la connaissance qu’ils avaient de la loi Léonetti. Les entretiens ont été numérotés de I à XXVI; ils ne sont pas tous cités ici, d’autant que quelques-uns, prévus, n’ont pas eu lieu. Le propos (...)
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    On Cofinal Submodels and Elementary Interstices.Roman Kossak & James H. Schmerl - 2012 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 53 (3):267-287.
    We prove a number of results concerning the variety of first-order theories and isomorphism types of pairs of the form $(N,M)$ , where $N$ is a countable recursively saturated model of Peano Arithmetic and $M$ is its cofinal submodel. We identify two new isomorphism invariants for such pairs. In the strongest result we obtain continuum many theories of such pairs with the fixed greatest common initial segment of $N$ and $M$ and fixed lattice of interstructures $K$ , such that $M\prec (...)
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  16. The Film Event: From Interval to Interstice.Tom Conley - 2000 - In Gregory Flaxman (ed.), The brain is the screen: Deleuze and the philosophy of cinema. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. pp. 303--325.
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  17.  14
    Nagori: Writing with Barthes.Victor Burgin - 2020 - Theory, Culture and Society 37 (4):167-183.
    Presented in the form of an acrostic, the text offers six entries ( Nagori, Amateur, Genshiken, Obtuse, Rhythm, and Interstice). It begins with the Japanese term nagori, the etymology of which is in nami-nokori, ‘remains of the waves’, to refer to the ephemeral imprints left by the waves as they withdraw from the beach. The modern word nagori carries a more general sense of resignation, of a destiny that cannot be changed, of things that pass. The opening entry, for (...)
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  18.  18
    Moving Intersticial Gaps.James H. Schmerl - 2002 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 48 (2):283-296.
    In a countable, recursively saturated model of Peano Arithmetic, an interstice is a maximal convex set which does not contain any definable elements. The interstices are partitioned into intersticial gaps in a way that generalizes the partition of the unbounded interstice into gaps. Continuing work of Bamber and Kotlarski [1], we investigate extensions of Kotlarski's Moving Gaps Lemma to the moving of intersticial gaps.
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    Constant Regions in Models of Arithmetic.Tin Lok Wong - 2015 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 56 (4):603-624.
    This paper introduces a new theory of constant regions, which generalizes that of interstices, in nonstandard models of arithmetic. In particular, we show that two homogeneity notions introduced by Richard Kaye and the author, namely, constantness and pregenericity, are equivalent. This led to some new characterizations of generic cuts in terms of existential closedness.
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  20. The Parallax View.Slavoj Žižek - 2004 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 8 (2):255-269.
    In his formidable Transcritique: On Kant and Marx, Kojin Karatani endeavors to assert the critical potential of an in-between stance which he calls the “parallaxview”: when confronted with an antinomic stance, in the precise Kantian sense of the term, one should renounce all attempts to reduce one aspect to the other. One should, on the contrary, assert antinomy as irreducible, and conceive the point of radical critique not as a certain determinate position as opposed to another position, but as the (...)
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  21.  27
    (1 other version)Multiplicité interstitielle.Pascal-Nicolas Le Strat - 2007 - Multitudes 31 (4):115.
    Résumé Les interstices représentent ce qui résiste encore dans les métropoles, ce qui résiste aux emprises réglementaires et à l’homogénéisation. Ils constituent en quelque sorte la réserve de « disponibilité » de la ville. Du fait de leur statut provisoire et incertain, les interstices laissent deviner ou entrevoir un autre processus de fabrication de la ville, ouvert et collaboratif, réactif et transversal. Ils nous rappellent que la société ne coïncide jamais parfaitement avec elle-même et que son développement laisse en arrière (...)
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  22. On the need for properties: The road to pythagoreanism and back.C. B. Martin - 1997 - Synthese 112 (2):193-231.
    The development of a compositional model shows the incoherence of such notions as levels of being and both bottom-up and top-down causality. The mathematization of nature through the partial considerations of physics qua quantities is seen to lead to Pythagoreanism, if what is not included in the partial consideration is denied. An ontology of only probabilities, if not Pythagoreanism, is equivalent to a world of primitive dispositionalities. Problems are found with each. There is a need for properties as well as (...)
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  23.  33
    Lifeworlds: Essays in Existential Anthropology.Michael Jackson - 2012 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Michael Jackson ’s _Lifeworlds_ is a masterful collection of essays, the culmination of a career aimed at understanding the relationship between anthropology and philosophy. Seeking the truths that are found in the interstices between examiner and examined, world and word, and body and mind, and taking inspiration from James, Dewey, Arendt, Husserl, Sartre, Camus, and, especially, Merleau-Ponty, Jackson creates in these chapters a distinctive anthropological pursuit of existential inquiry. More important, he buttresses this philosophical approach with committed empirical research. Traveling (...)
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  24. Naturalism; Or, Living Within One's Means.W. V. Quine - 1995 - Dialectica 49 (2‐4):251-263.
    Naturalism holds that there is no higher access to truth than empirically testable hypotheses. Still it does not repudiate untestable hypotheses. They fill out interstices of theory and lead to further hypotheses that are testable.A hypothesis is tested by deducing, from it and a background of accepted theory, some observation categorical that does not follow from the background alone. This categorical, a generalized conditional compounded of two observation sentences, admits in turn of a primitive experimental test.The observation sentences themselves, like (...)
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    The Parallax View.Slavoj Žižek - 2006 - MIT Press.
    In his formidable Transcritique: On Kant and Marx, Kojin Karatani endeavors to assert the critical potential of an in-between stance which he calls the “parallaxview”: when confronted with an antinomic stance, in the precise Kantian sense of the term, one should renounce all attempts to reduce one aspect to the other. One should, on the contrary, assert antinomy as irreducible, and conceive the point of radical critique not as a certain determinate position as opposed to another position, but as the (...)
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  26. Humanism from an agonistic perspective: Themes from the work of Bonnie Honig.Mathew Humphrey, David Owen, Joe Hoover, Clare Woodford, Alan Finlayson, Marc Stears & Bonnie Honig - 2014 - Contemporary Political Theory 13 (2):168-217.
    This paper examines Honig’s use of Rancière in her book ‘Democracy and the Foreigner’. In seeking to clarify the benefits of ‘foreignness’ for democratic politics it raises the concern that Honig does not acknowledge the ways in which her own democratic cosmopolitanism may be more akin to Rancière’s police than politics. By challenging Honig’s assertion that democracy is usually read as a romance with the suggestion that it is more commonly read as a horror, I unpick the interstices of Honig’s (...)
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    Of Men and [Mountain]Tops.Eboni Marshall Turman - 2019 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 39 (1):57-73.
    This essay asserts freedom as the essence of the prophetic Black Christian tradition that propelled the 1968 Memphis Sanitation Strikes, and largely guided the moral compass of the late-twentieth-century Civil Rights Movement. Sexism, however, is a moral paradox that emerges at the interstices of the prophetic Black Church’s institutional espousal of freedom and its consistently conflicting practices of gender discrimination that bind Black women to politics of silence and invisibility. An exploration of the iconic “I AM a Man” placards worn (...)
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    Philosophie der Bionik: Das Komponieren von bio-robotischen Formen.Marco Tamborini - 2023 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 71 (1):30-51.
    In this paper, I explore how bio-hybrid forms can be created and combined starting from organic forms. The thesis put forward is epistemological: the combinatorial practice of bionics, biomimetics, biorobotics, and all design strategies inspired by nature is not based on a kind of biomimetic inspiration, i. e., on a kind of imitation of nature, but on a practice of translation. To develop this thesis, I focus on the practices of contemporary biorobotics, first examining the practice of translating natural forms (...)
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    Interstitial and pseudo gaps in models of Peano Arithmetic.Ermek S. Nurkhaidarov - 2010 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 56 (2):198-204.
    In this paper we study the automorphism groups of models of Peano Arithmetic. Kossak, Kotlarski, and Schmerl [9] shows that the stabilizer of an unbounded element a of a countable recursively saturated model of Peano Arithmetic M is a maximal subgroup of Aut if and only if the type of a is selective. We extend this result by showing that if M is a countable arithmetically saturated model of Peano Arithmetic, Ω ⊂ M is a very good interstice, and (...)
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  30.  8
    Capitalist Sorcery: Breaking the Spell.Philippe Pignarre - 2011 - Palgrave-Macmillan. Edited by Isabelle Stengers.
    Machine generated contents note: -- Acknowledgements -- PART I: WHAT HAPPENED? -- Inheriting from Seattle -- What Are We Dealing With? -- Daring to be Pragmatic -- Infernal Alternatives -- Minions -- PART II: LEARNING TO PROTECT ONESELF -- Do You Believe in Sorcery? -- Leaving Safe Ground -- Marx Again... -- To Believe in Progress No Longer? -- Learning Fright -- PART III: HOW TO GET A HOLD? -- Thanks to Seattle? -- The Trajectory of an Apprenticeship -- Fostering (...)
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  31. Kant's Strange Light: Romanticism, Periodicity, and the Catachresis of Genius.Orrin N. C. Wang - 2000 - Diacritics 30 (4):15-37.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Diacritics 30.4 (2000) 15-37 [Access article in PDF] Kant's Strange LightRomanticism, Periodicity, and the Catachresis of Genius Orrin N. C. Wang We might say that in deconstruction history is always posed as a question, at once urgent, ubiquitous, and insoluble, whereas ideological demystification conceives of its relation to history as an answer, a solution, to its critical hermeneutic. Certainly, this critical truism has special force in Romantic studies, a (...)
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    The Experience of the Alien and the Inter-world: From Waldenfels to Merleau-Ponty.Ovidiu Stanciu - 2023 - Research in Phenomenology 53 (3):308-330.
    This paper aims to lay out the main tenets of Bernhard Waldenfels’s analyses of the experience of the alien and to confront the philosophical thesis underwriting them with a central insight stemming from Merleau-Ponty’s late philosophy. In the first section, I reconstruct the outlines of the experience of the alien, as described by Waldenfels, and show that, on his account, this experience can function as a powerful impetus enabling us to call into question some of the most deeply held commitments (...)
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    Escape from the Digital Infosphere! Mutation and Disentanglement in Franco Berardi’s Critical Media Theory.Ethan Stoneman - 2023 - Paragraph 46 (2):192-211.
    The purpose of this essay is to provide an interpretive and evaluative introduction to Franco ‘Bifo’ Berardi’s critical media theory and to situate it with a view to understanding but also thinking beyond the limitations of an aesthetic practice rooted almost exclusively in conscious, language-based thought. It begins by examining the way in which Berardi conceptualizes the techno-social paradigm emerging in the passage from late industrial society to semiocapitalism (a form of capitalism based on immaterial labour and the explosion of (...)
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    ‘How to Write as Felt’ Touching Transmaterialities and More-Than-Human Intimacies.Stephanie Springgay - 2018 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 38 (1):57-69.
    In this paper, I invoke various matterings of felt in order to generate a practice of writing that engenders bodily difference that is affective, moving, and wooly. In attending to ‘how to write as felt,’ as a touching encounter, I consider how human and nonhuman matter composes. This co-mingling that felt performs enacts what Alaimo calls transcorporeality. Connecting felt with theories of touch and transcorporeality becomes a way to open up and re-configure different bodily imaginaries, both human and nonhuman, that (...)
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  35.  28
    The Untold Story of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., The Cyborg.Amir Jaima - 2022 - The Acorn 22 (1):5-32.
    Heroism presumes “humanity.” Black candidates for heroism in the United States, however, must often overcompensate for the presumed sub-humanity imposed upon them by the American popular imaginary. By way of an illustration, consider the instructive case of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who, arguably, attains the status of American Hero in spite of his Blackness. Through a unique account of the life of Dr. King, I will argue that King attains the requisite overcompensation necessary for American heroism by (...)
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    La question d’une philosophie des marges, entre vérité, solidarité et justice.Charles Romain Mbele - 2020 - Diogène n° 263-263 (3-4):75-96.
    Dans les philosophies récentes du Sud, les marges sont valorisées comme une contrainte ontologique et existentielle. La latéralité, la liminalité et l’interstitiel y sont donnés de façon explicite comme des formes de résistance à l’un, au système ou à la totalité. Accusés d’être des abstractions en surplomb, ces concepts sont dénoncés comme véhiculant le non-vrai, car ils drainent le soupçon d’être la forme violente que prennent l’hégémonie et l’impérialisme culturels et politiques. Ce texte critique comme problématique le privilège accordé à (...)
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    La Emancipación de Un Cuerpo Sin Órganos Puesta a Prueba: 31ª Bienal de São Paulo.Rosa María Droguett Abarca - 2017 - Trans/Form/Ação 40 (1):127-150.
    Resumen: El presente artículo propone que la 31ª Bienal de Sao Paulo entraña un afán emancipador para los "sin tierra" - errantes, migrantes y viajeros. Para ello se conforma como un cuerpo sin órganos, que despliega estrategias liberadoras promoviendo: desarticulación, experimentación, vagabundeo y tránsito de sujetos y pueblos. Esta Bienal, en tanto CsO, mueve intensidades como flujos sensibles por los intersticios de los proyectos artísticos dispuestos en organismo. Acá el CsO es un conjunto de prácticas reservadas a desterritorializar los estratos (...)
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    In the Shadows of the Cosmos.Tyler Correia - 2023 - Angelaki 28 (2):68-78.
    Clarice Lispector’s texts are a peculiar combination of socio-political analysis and cosmological excess. Commentators on her works have explored either of these two dimensions but have not yet brought them into a singular dialogue. I argue that Lispector insists upon an ethical responsibility in her refusal to disregard the microcosm of a “marginal” life even within a cosmos of her own creation. For this reason, her critique is inextricable from these excesses. The displacement of narrative authority in a method of (...)
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    The Living and Its Environments.Didier Debaise - 2008 - Process Studies 37 (2):127-139.
    In this article, I claim that Stengers’ interpretation of Whitehead’s speculative philosophy is organized around the concept of “infection.” In focusing on this concept it becomes possible to link process concepts such as “societies,” “environment,” and “historical trajectories” in a real philosophy of life. I have analyzed the singularity of such a philosophy that Stengers calls a “culture of interstices” and its epistemological dimensions.
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    Postsecularity and the Poetry of T.S. Eliot, Stevie Smith, and Carol Ann Duffy.Jane Dowson - 2021 - Sophia 60 (3):735-745.
    This article responds to philosophers and literary critics who espouse concepts about an endemic postsecularity in western nations that encroach across the globe. Postsecularity accounts for the resurgence of a religious consciousness in the face of challenges to secularity in the forms of accommodating minority religions; the yearning for spiritual expression as an antidote to capitalist materialism; and posthuman concerns about the engineering of biological human identities, artificial intelligence, and anthropogenic climate crises. Poetry, with its non-verbal cues, can both animate (...)
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    Schizoid Femininities and Interstitial Spaces: Childhood and Gender in Celine Sciamma’s Tomboy and P.J. Hogan’s Peter Pan.Robbie Duschinsky - 2015 - Diogenes 62 (1):128-140.
    Childhood innocence has often been treated by scholars as an empty, idealised signifier. This article contests such accounts, arguing that innocence is best regarded as a powerfully unmarked training in heternormativity, alongside class and race norms. This claim will be demonstrated through attention to two recent films addressing childhood: Celine Sciamma’s Tomboy and P.J. Hogan’s Peter Pan. The films characterise young femininity as an ‘impossible space’, in which subjects face the contradictory, schizoid demands to simultaneously show both childhood innocence and (...)
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    ‘The Stone Sky’: Dwelling and habitation in other worlds.Jane Grant - 2014 - Technoetic Arts 12 (2):329-336.
    Have humans always had the desire to inhabit other worlds? From the microscopic scale to the vastness of outer space, it seems our capacity for occupying uninhabitable spaces with our intellect, our bodies, our sensorium, our desire, is fundamental to our being. What are these spaces and how do we come to ‘know’ them? Whether mythological, religious or scientific, these minute or vast worlds are spaces that we unfold, narrate and dwell in. In his short story ‘The Stone Sky’ the (...)
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    Law and Geography.Jane Holder & Carolyn Harrison (eds.) - 2003 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This volume explores the relationship between law and geography, especially with respect to taken-for-granted distinctions between the social and the material, the human and non-human, and what constitutes persons and things. As a genuinely reflective `Law and Geography' project, this collection offers interdisciplinary inquiry, particularly in response to globalisation - of law, commerce, environmental change and society - which renders relations between the local and the global more significant. Because of the sheer expansiveness and complexity of both law and geography (...)
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    Many Socrates: An Introduction to the Voices of the Socratic circle.Rodrigo Illarraga & Milena Lozano Nembrot - 2021 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 31.
    This paper aims to introduce the plurality of voices that encircle the character of Socrates as a philosophical issue. A universe of criticism and praise, constant dialogues of answers and replicas that we can trace back to Socrates' Accusations against Polycrates and the answers of Xenophon and Plato in their apologies. In these interstices we can reconstruct not only the figure of Socrates, but also the dynamics of his circle an extensive and diverse group marked both by the differences between (...)
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    Community Narrative as a Borderlands Praxis: Anzaldúa’s Mestiza Consciousness as Explored in Cortez’s Sexile.Guneet Kaur - 2022 - Journal of Medical Humanities 43 (2):319-333.
    I apply Gloria Anzaldúa’s “borderlands theory” to Jamie Cortez’s Sexile, an HIV/AIDS prevention publication created as a first-person narrative of the journey of queer, trans activist Adela Vasquez who fled to the US from Cuba in 1980. I argue that Sexile is a borderlands text and operationalizes Anzaldúa’s mestiza consciousness at various levels— ranging from the essence of the text and what its existence represents to the literary techniques used in the telling of Adela’s narrative. In the first half of (...)
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    Historical and Philosophical Stances.David L. Marshall - 2016 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 8 (2).
    This article explores the intellectual life of Max Harold Fisch, the twentieth-century American scholar of Giambattista Vico and Charles S. Peirce. Fisch was a thinker with fundamental commitments to both history and philosophy. The claim here is that his life exemplifies a constitutive tension in the work of intellectual historians, who operate in the interstice between these two disciplines. What we learn is that intellectual historians may have a double investment both in the filigree of particular historical contexts and (...)
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    Getting Scientific with Religion:A Darwinian Solution... Or Not?Barak Morgan - 2010 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 17 (3-4):192-230.
    Introducing non-Darwinian mind as a nonaptation I argue that Darwinian mind evolved from non-Darwinian mind through the evolution of desire and aversion. The subject position within Darwinian mind is Darwinian self and is inherently selfish. However the cathexis whereby the subject prioritises motivations of desire and aversion is not an inherent property of mind. Instead it is proposed to be an adaptation, a predisposition to respond to pleasant/unpleasant sensations with desire/aversion. This explains why self-sacrifice and disengagement from desire/aversion are the (...)
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    Plato in Folsom Prison.Josh Vandiver - 2016 - Political Theory 44 (6):764-796.
    Of the many structures which constitute the intellectual architecture of Black Power, where do “canonical” sources of political theory stand? How are they incorporated, reworked, and critiqued by the movement’s leading, innovative thinkers? Eldridge Cleaver, author of Soul on Ice and Minister of Information in the Black Panther Party, is certainly such a thinker. Subsequently scorned or ignored, he sought to advance the African American struggle for liberty and equality by exposing gendered and sexualized structures of racial oppression. Cleaver chooses (...)
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    Straight out the barrio: Ozomatli and the importance of place in the formation of Chicano/a popular culture in Los Angeles.Victor Hugo Viesca - 2000 - Cultural Values 4 (4):445-473.
    Ozomatli's history of formation, the multiplicity of its sounds, the role played by its music in enabling political activism and political coalitions illuminate the relations between identities and politics at the present moment. The group is grounded in Los Angeles contemporary Chicano/a culture and in the new social relations, new knowledges, and new sensibilities of an emerging global city in a transnational era. Speaking from the interstices between commercial culture and the new social movements, Ozomatli's music and political work offers (...)
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    Zwischen Einschlafen und Aufwachen.Sarvesh Wahie - 2024 - Phenomenology and Mind 26 (26):62.
    The issue with the phenomenon of sleep is that while asleep, I cannot say that I am sleeping. Only upon waking do statements emerge that indicate that sleep has already occurred. Similarly, while lying in bed awaiting sleep, statements can even be made prior to falling asleep, suggesting that sleep will take place subsequently. For these two reasons, the following thesis can be formulated: Sleeping is a phenomenon that occurs between falling asleep and waking up. Accordingly, the objective of this (...)
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