Results for 'institutional conflict of interests'

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  1.  52
    Institutional Conflicts of Interest in Academic Research.David B. Resnik - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (6):1661-1669.
    Financial relationships in academic research can create institutional conflicts of interest because the financial interests of the institution or institutional officials may inappropriately influence decision-making. Strategies for dealing with institutional COIs include establishing institutional COI committees that involve the board of trustees in conflict review and management, developing policies that shield institutional decisions from inappropriate influences, and establishing private foundations that are independent of the institution to own stock and intellectual property and to (...)
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    Institutional conflict of interest: attempting to crack the deferiprone mystery.Arthur Schafer - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (8):531-538.
    A recent study by Olivieri et al, published in PLOS ONE, reports that between 2009 and 2015 a third of patients with thalassaemia in Canada’s largest hospital were switched from first-line licensed drugs to regimens of deferiprone, an unlicensed drug of unproven safety and efficacy. Based on retrospective data from patient records, the PLOS Study reports that patients treated with deferiprone, either as monotherapy or in combination with first-line drugs, suffered serious adverse effects. The data reported by Olivieri et al (...)
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    Current Perspectives Regarding Institutional Conflict of Interest: Commentary on “Institutional Conflicts of Interest in Academic Research”.Ann Nichols-Casebolt & Francis L. Macrina - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (6):1671-1677.
    Policies and processes dealing with institutional conflict of interest lag well behind those dealing with individual COI. To remediate this, academic institutions must develop strategies for addressing some of the unique challenges in iCOI, including: clarifying the definition of iCOI that addresses the range of individuals potentially involved; implementing a well-designed electronic database for reporting and managing iCOI across multiple leadership constituencies; and providing ongoing education to appropriate institutional officials that communicates the importance of managing iCOI.
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    Institutional Conflicts of Interest: Protecting Human Subjects, Scientific Integrity, and Institutional Accountability.Gordon DuVal - 2004 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 32 (4):613-625.
    If clinical trials become a commercial venture in which self-interest overrules public interest and desire overrules science, then the social contract which allows research on human subjects in return for medical advances is broken.BackgroundIn the past two decades, the involvement of non-academic sponsors of biomedical research, particularly clinical trial research, has increased exponentially. The value of such sponsored research is difficult to ascertain. However, it is estimated that, between 1980 and 2003, overall research and development expenditures by US pharmaceutical companies (...)
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    Individual and institutional conflict of interest: Policy review by research universities in the united states.Nils Hasselmo - 2002 - Science and Engineering Ethics 8 (3):421-427.
    This paper is a discussion of efforts to manage real and potential conflicts of interest in university research in the United States. The focus is on the report by an Association of American Universities (AAU) task force that addresses both individual and institutional conflict of interest issues.
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    Conflicts of interest in clinical practice and research.Roy G. Spece, David S. Shimm & Allen E. Buchanan (eds.) - 1996 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Our society has long sanctioned, at least tacitly, a degree of conflict of interest in medical practice and clinical research as an unavoidable consequence of the different interests of the physician or clinical investigator, the patient or clinical research subject, third party payers or research sponsors, the government, and society as a whole, to name a few. In the past, resolution of these conflicts has been left to the conscience of the individual physician or clinical investigator and to (...)
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  7.  64
    Patient Advocacy Organizations: Institutional Conflicts of Interest, Trust, and Trustworthiness.Susannah L. Rose - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (3):680-687.
    Patient advocacy organizations provide patient- and caregiver-oriented education, advocacy, and support services. PAOs are formally organized nonprofit groups that concern themselves with medical conditions or potential medical conditions and have a mission and take actions that seek to help people affected by those medical conditions or to help their families. Examples of PAOs include the American Cancer Society, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, and the American Heart Association. These organizations advocate for, and provide services to, millions of people with (...)
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  8.  24
    Disclosing Conflicts of Interest to Potential Research Participants: Good for Nothing?Inmaculada de Melo-Martin - 2023 - Ethics and Human Research 45 (2):2-13.
    The growing commercialization of science has raised concerns about financial conflicts of interest (COIs). Evidence suggests that such conflicts threaten the integrity of research and the well-being of research participants. Trying to minimize these negative effects, federal agencies, academic institutions, and publishers have developed conflict-of-interest policies. Among such policies, recommendations or requirements to disclose financial COIs to potential research participants and patients have become commonplace. Here, I argue that disclosing conflicts of interest to potential research participants fails to achieve (...)
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    Conflicts of Interest, Institutional Corruption, and Pharma: An Agenda for Reform.Marc A. Rodwin - 2012 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 40 (3):511-522.
    Why do physicians have financial conflicts of interest? They arise because society expects physicians to act in their patients’ interest, while simultaneously, financial incentives encourage physicians to practice medicine in ways that promote their own interests or those of third parties. Because physicians’ clinical choices, referrals, and prescriptions affect the fortune of third parties, these third parties may offer physicians financial incentives to make income-driven clinical choices. In the past, physicians and scholars typically conceived of conflicts of interest as (...)
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  10.  75
    Disclosing Conflicts of Interest in Clinical Research: Views of Institutional Review Boards, Conflict of Interest Committees, and Investigators.Kevin P. Weinfurt, Joëlle Y. Friedman, Michaela A. Dinan, Jennifer S. Allsbrook, Mark A. Hall, Jatinder K. Dhillon & Jeremy Sugarman - 2006 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 34 (3):581-591.
    Investigator and institutional financial conflicts of interest have raised concerns about both the integrity of clinical research and protecting the rights and welfare of research participants. In response, professional groups and governmental bodies have issued guidance for managing conflicts of interest to minimize their potential untoward effects. Although a variety of approaches have been offered, a common protection is to disclose financial interests in research to potential research participants as part of the recruitment and informed consent process. This (...)
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  11.  62
    Financial Conflicts of Interest in Human Subjects Research: The Problem of Institutional Conflicts.Mark Barnes & Patrik S. Florencio - 2002 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 30 (3):390-402.
    In both academic literature and the media, financial conflicts of interest in human subjects research have come center-stage. The cover of a recent edition of Time magazine features a research subject in a cage with the caption human guinea pigs, signifying perhaps that human research subjects are no more protected from research abuses than are laboratory animals. That magazine issue highlights three well-publicized cases of human subjects research violations that occurred at the University of Oklahoma, the University of Pennsylvania, and (...)
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  12.  25
    Conflict-of-interest policy at the national institutes of health: The pendulum swings wildly.Evan G. DeRenzo - 2005 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 15 (2):199-210.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 15.2 (2005) 199-210 [Access article in PDF] Conflict-of-Interest Policy at the National Institutes of Health: The Pendulum Swings Wildly* Evan G. DeRenzo **This article addresses the National Institutes of Health (NIH) employee conflict-of-interest (COI) policy that went into effect February 2005. It is not, however, merely an account of another poorly crafted government policy that cries out for revision. Instead, it is (...)
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  13. New Media Synergy: Emergence of Institutional Conflicts of Interest.Stephanie Craft & Charles Davis - 2000 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 15 (4):219-231.
    The accelerated trend toward media cobranding, joint ventures, strategic alliances and mergers, and acquisitions with nonjournalistic companies raises new ethical concerns about the entanglements created in the name of synergy. As traditional media companies buy stakes in Internet companies in equity swaps, the cross-ownership of media creates vast potential for real or perceived conflicts of interest. Ethics scholarship routinely defines conflict of interest as an individual act, ignoring the rise of the media conglomerate. This article introduces the concept of (...)
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  14.  87
    The vicious circle of patient–physician mistrust in China: health professionals’ perspectives, institutional conflict of interest, and building trust through medical professionalism.Jing-Bao Nie, Yu Cheng, Xiang Zou, Ni Gong, Joseph D. Tucker, Bonnie Wong & Arthur Kleinman - 2018 - Developing World Bioethics 18 (1):26-36.
    To investigate the phenomenon of patient–physician mistrust in China, a qualitative study involving 107 physicians, nurses and health officials in Guangdong Province, southern China, was conducted through semi-structured interviews and focus groups. In this paper we report the key findings of the empirical study and argue for the essential role of medical professionalism in rebuilding patient-physician trust. Health professionals are trapped in a vicious circle of mistrust. Mistrust leads to increased levels of fear and self-protection by doctors which exacerbate difficulties (...)
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  15.  36
    Conflict of Interest in Scientific Research in China: A Socio-ethical Analysis of He Jiankui’s Human Genome-editing Experiment.Jing-Bao Nie, Guangkuan Xie, Hua Chen & Yali Cong - 2020 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17 (2):191-201.
    Extensive conflicts of interest at both individual and institutional levels are identifiable in scientific research and healthcare in China, as in many other parts of the world. A prominent new case from China is He Jiankui’s experiment that produced the world’s first gene-edited babies and that raises numerous ethical, political, socio-cultural, and transnational questions. Serious financial and other COI were involved in He’s genetic adventure. Using He’s infamous experiment as a case study, this paper explores the wider issue of (...)
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  16.  33
    Conflicts of interest policies for authors, peer reviewers, and editors of bioethics journals.Zubin Master, Kelly Werner, Elise Smith, David B. Resnik & Bryn Williams-Jones - 2018 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 9 (3):194-205.
    Background: In biomedical research, there have been numerous scandals highlighting conflicts of interest (COIs) leading to significant bias in judgment and questionable practices. Academic institutions, journals, and funding agencies have developed and enforced policies to mitigate issues related to COI, especially surrounding financial interests. After a case of editorial COI in a prominent bioethics journal, there is concern that the same level of oversight regarding COIs in the biomedical sciences may not apply to the field of bioethics. In this (...)
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  17. Intrinsic Conflicts of Interest in Clinical Research: A Need for Disclosure.Sharmon Sollitto, Sharona Hoffman, Maxwell J. Mehlman, Robert J. Lederman, Stuart J. Youngner & Michael M. Lederman - 2003 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 13 (2):83-91.
    : Protection of human subjects from investigators' conflicts of interest is critical to the integrity of clinical investigation. Personal financial conflicts of interest are addressed by university policies, professional society guidelines, publication standards, and government regulation, but "intrinsic conflicts of interest"—conflicts of interest inherent in all clinical research—have received relatively less attention. Such conflicts arise in all clinical research endeavors as a result of the tension among professionals' responsibilities to their research and to their patients and both academic and financial (...)
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  18.  47
    Compound Conflicts of Interest in the US Proxy System.Cynthia E. Clark & Harry J. Van Buren - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 116 (2):355-371.
    The current proxy voting system in the United States has become the subject of considerable controversy. Because institutional investment managers have the authority to vote their clients’ proxies, they have a fiduciary obligation to those clients. Frequently, in an attempt to fulfill that obligation, these institutional investors employ proxy advisory services to manage the thousands of votes they must cast. However, many proxy advisory services have conflicts of interest that inhibit their utility to those seeking to discharge their (...)
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  19.  32
    Non-Heart-Beating Organ Donation: Personal and Institutional Conflicts of Interest.Joel Frader - 1993 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 3 (2):189-198.
    While procurement of organs from donors who are not "brain dead" does not appear to pose insurmountable moral obstacles, the social practice may raise questions of conflict of interest. Non-heart-beating organ donation opens the door for pressure on patients or families to forgo possibly beneficial treatment to provide organs to save others. The combined effects of non-heart-beating donation and organ shortages at major transplant centers brought about by the 1991 United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) local-use organ allocation policy (...)
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  20.  19
    Professors and the Management of Unavoidable Conflicts of Interest: Don’t Always Need the Heavy Artillery of Policy.Bryn Williams-Jones - 2013 - BioéthiqueOnline 2:4.
    Conflicts of interest in the university context are receiving growing attention, but the focus has been largely on problematic financial COI arising from university-industry relations, which clearly need to be avoided. The result, unfortunately, is a pejorative perception of COI as being equivalent to fraud and thus an issue of academic misconduct. In this paper, the aim is to show that while some financial and non-financial COI are particularly problematic and so should be avoided, many are pervasive and actually the (...)
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  21.  74
    The impact of conflict of interest on trust in science.Paul J. Friedman - 2002 - Science and Engineering Ethics 8 (3):413-420.
    Conflicts of interest have an erosive effect on trust in science, damaging first the attitude of the public toward scientists and their research, but also weakening the trusting interdependence of scientists. Disclosure is recognized as the key tool for management of conflicts, but rules with sanctions must be improved, new techniques for avoidance of financial conflicts by alternative funding of evaluative research must be sought, and there must be new thinking about institutional conflicts of interest. Our profession is education, (...)
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  22. Managing Conflicts of Interest Should Begin with Dialogue and Education, Not Punitive Measures: Comment on “Toward a Sociology of Conflict of Interest in Medical Research” by Sarah Winch and Michael Sinnott.Ghislaine Mathieu & Bryn Williams-Jones - 2012 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 9 (2):221-222.
    The case study presented by Winch and Sinnott (2011) shows not only how difficult it is for clinicians and researchers to identify conflicts of interest (COI), but also how damaging it can be when there are unin- formed and uncoordinated policy responses by senior administrators.
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    Conflicts of Interest, Selective Inertia, and Research Malpractice in Randomized Clinical Trials: An Unholy Trinity.Vance W. Berger - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (4):857-874.
    Recently a great deal of attention has been paid to conflicts of interest in medical research, and the Institute of Medicine has called for more research into this important area. One research question that has not received sufficient attention concerns the mechanisms of action by which conflicts of interest can result in biased and/or flawed research. What discretion do conflicted researchers have to sway the results one way or the other? We address this issue from the perspective of selective inertia, (...)
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  24.  30
    A Content Analysis of Patient Advocacy Organization Policies Addressing Institutional Conflicts of Interest.John H. Brems & Matthew S. McCoy - forthcoming - AJOB Empirical Bioethics:1-7.
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    Managing conflicts of interest and commitment: academic medicine and the physician's progress.Norman J. Kachuck - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (1):2-5.
    The policy changes governing the relations between the pharmaceutical, medical device and service industries and academic clinical research physicians, recommended by the Institute of Medicine,1 the American Academy of Medical Colleges,2 and much discussed in the media and on our campuses, aim to create some protective ethical firewalls. However, some potentially critical consequences of these steps are missed if we do not acknowledge what else is on the table, and who is sitting at it. By only reacting defensively to the (...)
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  26.  41
    Towards a balanced approach to identifying conflicts of interest faced by institutional review boards.Sharon Kaur & Sujata Balan - 2015 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 36 (5):341-361.
    The welfare and protection of human subjects is critical to the integrity of clinical investigation and research. Institutional review boards were thus set up to be impartial reviewers of research protocols in clinical research. Their main role is to stand between the investigator and her human subjects in order to ensure that the welfare of human subjects are protected. While there is much literature on the conflicts of interest faced by investigators and researchers in clinical investigations, an area that (...)
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  27.  71
    On the Importance of the Institution and Social Self in a Sociology of Conflicts of Interest.Christopher Mayes - 2012 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 9 (2):217-218.
    On the Importance of the Institution and Social Self in a Sociology of Conflicts of Interest Content Type Journal Article Category Case Studies Pages 1-2 DOI 10.1007/s11673-012-9355-1 Authors Christopher Mayes, Rock Ethics Institute, The Pennsylvania State University, 201 Willard Building, University Park, PA 16802-1601, USA Journal Journal of Bioethical Inquiry Online ISSN 1872-4353 Print ISSN 1176-7529.
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  28.  15
    Ethics Centers’ Conflicts of Interest and the Failure of Disclosure to Remedy this Endemic Problem.Lisa S. Parker - 2021 - Teaching Ethics 21 (2):239-253.
    Individual and institutional conflicts of interest arise with increasing frequency and negative sequelae as universities and their principals, as well as individual faculty members, engage in research with support from profit/not-for-profit entities. This essay examines how institutional and individual conflicts of interest arise for ethics centers and their faculty/staff, respectively. It defines COI, endorses a reasonable person standard for determining when COI exist, and considers problems that arise when disclosure of COI is embraced as a remedy for them. (...)
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    Conflicts of interest in science in armenia.Armen K. Nersesyan - 2002 - Science and Engineering Ethics 8 (3):291-293.
    The author describes problems facing Armenia in reorganization of the structure of science in the post-socialist era with the aim of utilizing limited state resources more efficiently by reducing the number of separate scientific institutes, concentrating on essential core subjects required by the nation and encouraging all other projects to compete in the international arena for grant sponsorship.
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  30. Potential research participants' views regarding researcher and institutional financial conflicts of interest.S. Y. H. Kim - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (1):73-79.
    Background: Financial conflict of interest in clinical research is an area of active debate. While data exist on the perspectives and roles of academic institutions, investigators, industry sponsors, and scientific journals, little is known about the perspectives of potential research participants.Methods: The authors surveyed potential research participants over the internet, using the Harris Interactive Chronic Illness Database. A potential research participant was defined by: self report of diagnosis by a health care professional and willingness to participate in clinical trials. (...)
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  31.  78
    A comparison of journal instructions regarding institutional review board approval and conflict-of-interest disclosure between 1995 and 2005.Anne Rowan-Legg, Charles Weijer, J. Gao & C. Fernandez - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (1):74-78.
    OBJECTIVES: To compare 2005 and 1995 ethics guidelines from journal editors to authors regarding requirements for institutional review board (IRB) approval and conflict-of-interest (COI) disclosure. DESIGN: A descriptive study of the ethics guidelines published in 103 English-language biomedical journals listed in the Abridged Index Medicus in 1995 and 2005. Each journal was reviewed by the principal author and one of four independent reviewers. RESULTS: During the period, the proportion of journals requiring IRB approval increased from 42% (95% CI (...)
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  32.  12
    Conflict of interest disclosure in biomedical research: a review of current practices, biases, and the role of public registries in improving transparency. [REVIEW]Florence T. Bourgeois, Kenneth D. Mandl, Enrico Coiera & Adam G. Dunn - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (1).
    Conflicts of interest held by researchers remain a focus of attention in clinical research. Biases related to these relationships have the potential to directly impact the quality of healthcare by influencing decision-making, yet conflicts of interest remain underreported, inconsistently described, and difficult to access. Initiatives aimed at improving the disclosure of researcher conflicts of interest are still in their infancy but represent a vital reform that must be addressed before potential biases associated with conflicts of interest can be mitigated and (...)
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    Conflicts of Interest and commitment in academic science in the United States.Henry Etzkowitz - 1996 - Minerva 34 (3):259-277.
    An interest in economic development has been extended to a set of research universities which since the late nineteenth century had been established, or had transformed themselves, to focus upon discipline-based fundamental investigations.21 The land-grant model was reformulated, from agricultural research and extension, to entrepreneurial transfers of science-based industrial technology by faculty members and university administrators.The norms of science, a set of values and incentives for proper institutional conduct,22 have been revised as an unintended consequence of the second revolution. (...)
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  34.  21
    Conflicts of interest in clinical ethics consults.Elliott Mark Weiss, Aaron Wightman, Laura Webster & Douglas Diekema - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (12):e61-e61.
    Although there is wide agreement that ethics consults are at risk for conflicts of interest, ethics consultants have limited guidance with regard to how to identify and approach COIs. We aim to address these concerns and provide practical guidance. We will define and consider four categories of COIs: consult type, team composition, dual clinical roles and other concerns. We will define and consider six actions available for ECs to take in response to COIs: no action, disclosure only, obtaining a second (...)
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  35.  49
    Competing interests: The need to control conflict of interests in biomedical research.Daniel Steiner - 1996 - Science and Engineering Ethics 2 (4):457-468.
    Individual and institutional conflict of interests in biomedical research have becomes matters of increasing concern in recent years. In the United States, the growth in relationships — sponsored research agreements, consultancies, memberships on boards, licensing agreements, and equity ownership — between for-profit corporations and research universities and their scientists has made the problem of conflicts, particularly financial conflicts, more acute. Conflicts can interfere with or compromise important principles and obligations of researchers and their institutions, e.g., adherence to (...)
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    Conflict of Interest in the Procurement of Organs from Cadavers Following Withdrawal of Life Support.Byers W. Shaw - 1993 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 3 (2):179-187.
    The University of Pittsburgh policy for procuring organs from non-heart-beating cadaver donors recognizes the potential for conflicts of interest between caring for a "hopelessly ill" patient who has forgone life-sustaining treatment and caring for a potential organ donor. The policy calls for a separation between those medical personnel who care for the gravely ill patient and those involved with the care of transplant recipients. While such a separation is possible in theory, it is difficult or impossible to attain in practice. (...)
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    Frequency and Type of Conflicts of Interest in the Peer Review of Basic Biomedical Research Funding Applications: Self-Reporting Versus Manual Detection.Stephen A. Gallo, Michael Lemaster & Scott R. Glisson - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (1):189-197.
    Despite the presumed frequency of conflicts of interest in scientific peer review, there is a paucity of data in the literature reporting on the frequency and type of conflicts that occur, particularly with regard to the peer review of basic science applications. To address this gap, the American Institute of Biological Sciences conducted a retrospective analysis of conflict of interest data from the peer review of 282 biomedical research applications via several onsite review panels. The overall conflicted-ness of these (...)
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    Conflict of Interest Policies at Canadian Universities and Medical Schools: Some Lessons from the AMSA PharmFree Scorecard.Ghislaine Mathieu, Elise Smith, Marie-Josée Potvin & Bryn Williams-Jones - 2012 - BioéthiqueOnline 1:13.
    Launched in 2007, the American Medical Students Association PharmFree Scorecard is an annual ranking of conflict of interest policies at American medical centres; it focuses on COIs that may occur when medical education seems likely to be influenced by university-industry relationships, especially those with the pharmaceutical and medical device industries. The PharmFree Scorecard has proven influential in stimulating changes in policy regarding the management of COI at American medical institutions, thus it provides a useful jumping off point for reflection (...)
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    Guanxi and Conflicts of Interest.Chris Provis - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 79 (1-2):57-68.
    "Guanxi" involves interpersonal obligations, which may conflict with other obligations people have that are based on general or abstract moral considerations. In the West, the latter have been widely accepted as the general source of obligations, which is perhaps tied to social changes associated with the rise of capitalism. Recently, Western ethicists have started to reconsider the extent to which personal relationships may form a distinct basis for obligation. In administration and management, salient bases for decision-Making include deontological, consequentialist (...)
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    Researcher Views About Funding Sources and Conflicts of Interest in Nanotechnology.Katherine A. McComas - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (4):699-717.
    Dependence in nanotechnology on external funding and academic-industry relationships has led to questions concerning its influence on research directions, as well as the potential for conflicts of interest to arise and impact scientific integrity and public trust. This study uses a survey of 193 nanotechnology industry and academic researchers to explore whether they share similar concerns. Although these concerns are not unique to nanotechnology, its emerging nature and the prominence of industry funding lend credence to understanding its researchers’ views, as (...)
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    Editors Should Declare Conflicts of Interest.Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva, Judit Dobránszki, Radha Holla Bhar & Charles T. Mehlman - 2019 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 16 (2):279-298.
    Editors have increasing pressure as scholarly publishing tries to shore up trust and reassure academics and the public that traditional peer review is robust, fail-safe, and corrective. Hidden conflicts of interest may skew the fairness of the publishing process because they could allow the status of personal or professional relationships to positively influence the outcome of peer review or reduce the processing period of this process. Not all authors have such privileged relationships. In academic journals, editors usually have very specialized (...)
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  42.  18
    Disclosing and managing non-financial conflicts of interest in scientific publications.David Resnik - 2023 - Research Ethics 19 (2):121-138.
    In the last decade, there has been increased recognition of the importance of disclosing and managing non-financial conflicts of interests to safeguard the objectivity, integrity, and trustworthiness of scientific research. While funding agencies and academic institutions have had policies for addressing non-financial interests in grant peer review and research oversight since the 1990s, scientific journals have been only recently begun to develop such policies. An impediment to the formulation of effective journal policies is that non-financial interests can (...)
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    Defining financial conflicts and managing research relationships: An analysis of university conflict of interest committee decisions.Elizabeth A. Boyd & Lisa A. Bero - 2007 - Science and Engineering Ethics 13 (4):415-435.
    Despite a decade of federal regulation and debate over the appropriateness of financial ties in research and their management, little is known about the actual decision-making processes of university conflict of interest (COI) committees. This paper analyzes in detail the discussions and decisions of three COI committees at three public universities in California. University committee members struggle to understand complex financial relationships and reconcile institutional, state, and federal policies and at the same time work to protect the integrity (...)
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    Conflicts of Interest at the NIH: No Easy Solution. [REVIEW]David B. Resnik - 2012 - Hastings Center Report 35 (1):18-20.
    Editor's Note: On February 2, 2005, the National Institutes of Health changed course on conflicts of interest and prohibited its scientists from owning stock in or working as consultants with pharmaceutical or biotechnology companies. The following essay, sent to press before the new policy was announced, recommends a very different approach. The author stands by the recommendations.
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    Potential Conflicts of Interest Generated by the Use of Non-Heart-Beating Cadavers.James F. Burdick - 1993 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 3 (2):199-202.
    The non-heart-beating cadaver donor procurement process might come in conflict with the organ sharing system by diverting organs from potential recipients. It might also have a negative effect on public attitudes about transplantation. The process could start society down a slippery slope leading to extending donor criteria. Some of these scenarios are merely theoretical, but the procedure should be monitored to avoid such problems.
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    Conflicts—and Consensus—about Conflicts of Interest in Medicine.Matthew K. Wynia & Bette–Jane Crigger - 2011 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 1 (2):101-105.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Conflicts—and Consensus—about Conflicts of Interest in MedicineMatthew K. Wynia and Bette–Jane Crigger*This fascinating collection of essays about individual experiences of conflict of interest leaves little doubt that physicians remain divided about the importance, impact and meaning of conflicts of interest in their work. These essays offer differing views about what conflicts of interest look and feel like “on the ground” and about whether specific conflicts of interest are (...)
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    Reframing the conflicts of interest debacle: academic medicine, the healing alliance and the physician's moral imperative.N. J. Kachuck - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (9):526-527.
    The recent committee report from the Institute of Medicine in Washington, DC, containing proposals for controlling conflicts of interest 1 reflects the medical profession’s limited understanding of the actual scope of the issues and demonstrates how reactive academic physicians have become to media and congressional priorities instead of those of the medical field. The near-exclusive focus on the compromising of medical decision-making by the receipt of fungible support from the commercial sector fails to identify critical interdependencies of the relationship between (...)
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    A radical rupture in the paradigm of modern medicine: Conflicts of interest, fiduciary obligations, and the scientific ideal.George Khushf - 1998 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 23 (1):98 – 122.
    Conflicts of interest serve as a cipher for a radical rupture in the Flexnerian paradigm of medicine, and they can only be addressed if we recognize that health care is now practiced by institutions, not just individual physicians. By showing how "appropriate utilization of services" or "that which is medically indicated" is a function of socioeconomic factors related to institutional responsibilities, I point toward an administrative and organizational ethic as a needed component for addressing conflicts of interest. The argument (...)
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    What’s it to me? Self-interest and evaluations of financial conflicts of interest.Samuel V. Bruton & Donald F. Sacco - 2017 - Research Ethics 14 (4):1-17.
    Disclosure has become the preferred way of addressing the threat to researcher objectivity arising from financial conflicts of interest. This article argues that the effectiveness of disclosure at protecting science from the corrupting effects of FCOIs—particularly the kind of disclosure mandated by US federal granting agencies—is more limited than is generally acknowledged. Current NIH and NSF regulations require disclosed FCOIs to be reviewed, evaluated, and managed by officials at researchers’ home institutions. However, these reviewers are likely to have institutional (...)
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    Disclosure is Inadequate as a Solution to Managing Conflicts of Interest in Human Research.Helene Jacmon - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (1):71-80.
    Disclosure is a common response to conflicts of interest; it is intended to expose the conflict to scrutiny and enable it to be appropriately managed. For disclosure to be effective the receiver of the disclosure needs to be able to use the information to assess how the conflict may impact on their interests and then implement a suitable response. The act of disclosure also creates an expectation of self-regulation, as the person with the conflicting interests will (...)
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