Results for 'indexicality,'

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    İndex.* İndex * - 2015 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 17 (31).
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  2. First page preview.Index to Volume Xxiii - 1994 - Philosophical Papers 23 (3).
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  3. ANDERSON, Erik Dispositional Essentialism: Alive and well ARONSON, Jerrold L. Kinds.Index to Volume Xxvi - 1997 - Philosophical Papers 179 (26):1.
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    Enquêter sur les violences policières en France. Index, Allan Deneuville & Gala Hernández López - 2022 - Multitudes 4 (4):76-80.
    L’agence d’expertise indépendante INDEX, constituée d’architectes, d’artistes et de chercheurs, enquête sur les violences d’État en France et depuis la France. Dans cet entretien, iels expliquent comment iels réinvestissent politiquement la notion d’expertise dans les enquêtes policières, racontent leurs liens avec le collectif Forensic Architecture, explicitent ce qu’iels entendent par « vérité » dans les enquêtes en sources ouvertes et ce qu’iels mettent en place pour permettre une plus grande dissémination des outils de l’OSINT.
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    Current periodical articles 475.Indexical Predicates - 1997 - Mind 106 (424).
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  6. First page preview.Index to Volume Xvi - 1987 - Philosophical Papers 16 (3).
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  7. First page preview.Index to Volume Xx - 1991 - Philosophical Papers 20 (3).
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  8. Centner, D., 72.Author Index - 2006 - In Riccardo Viale, Daniel Andler & Lawrence A. Hirschfeld, Biological and cultural bases of human inference. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawerence Erlbaum. pp. 241.
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  9. The Essential Indexicality of Intentional Action.Matthew Babb - 2016 - Philosophical Quarterly 66 (264):439-457.
    Cappelen and Dever challenge the widely accepted idea that some key aspect of intentional action is essentially indexical. They argue that the classical arguments for this coming from Perry are in fact arguments for a different phenomenon: the opacity of explanatory contexts. I agree with Cappelen and Dever that what Perry says about the ineliminability of indexical terms from explanations of intentional action fails to amount to an argument for this indexicality being essential. But this should not lead us to (...)
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  10. BELLIOTTI, Raymond A. Blood is Thicker than Water: Don't Forsake the Family Jewels COOPER, David E. LESLIE, John Demons, Vats and the Cosmos MACDONALD, Ian Group Rights.Index to Volume Xviii - 1989 - Philosophical Papers 265 (53):169-177.
  11. Paper taps chart storage.Chart Index, Punched Tape, Pressure Index, Punched Tap, Punched Cards & Charts Key - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum, Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif.. pp. 391.
  12. Indexicality and deixis.Geoffrey Nunberg - 1993 - Linguistics and Philosophy 16 (1):1--43.
    Words like you, here, and tomorrow are different from other expressions in two ways. First, and by definition, they have different kinds of meanings, which are context-dependent in ways that the meanings of names and descriptions are not. Second, their meanings play a different kind of role in the interpretations of the utterances that contain them. For example, the meaning of you can be paraphrased by a description like "the addressee of the utterance." But an utterance of (1) doesn't say (...)
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    Indexicality.Thomas A. Sebeok - 1990 - American Journal of Semiotics 7 (4):7-28.
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  14. Indexicality, Logophoricity, and Plural Pronouns.Philippe Schlenker - 2003 - In Jacqueline Lecarme, Afroasiatic Grammar Ii: Selected Papers From the Fifth Conference on Afroasiatic Languages, Paris, 2000. John Benjamins. pp. 409-428.
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  15. Indexicality and context-shift.François Recanati - unknown
    I distinguish, and discuss the relations between, five types of context-shift involving indexicals. For 'intentional' indexicals - indexicals whose value depends upon the speaker's intention - we can shift the context more or less 'at will', by manifesting one's intention to do so. For other indexicals we can shift the context through pretense. Following a number of authors, I distinguish two types of context-shifting pretense, corresponding to two sets of linguistic phenomena. The fourth type of case is that of expressions (...)
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    The Singapore and Melaka Straits: Violence, security and diplomacy in the 17th century.Peter Borschberg & Index Illustrations - 2013 - Philosophy East and West 63 (2).
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  17. Indexicality and de se reports.Philippe Schlenker - forthcoming - In Maienborn von Heusinger & Mouton Gruyter Portneder, Handbook of Semantics.
  18. Indexicality and the Puzzle of the Answering Machine.Jonathan Cohen - 2013 - Journal of Philosophy 110 (1):5-32.
  19. Indexicality and actuality.Peter van Inwagen - 1980 - Philosophical Review 89 (3):403-426.
  20. Imagination, indexicality, and intensions. [REVIEW]David J. Chalmers - 2004 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 68 (1):182-90.
    John Perry's book Knowledge, Possibility, and Consciousness is a lucid and engaging defense of a physicalist view of consciousness against various anti-physicalist arguments. In what follows, I will address Perry's responses to the three main anti-physicalist arguments he discusses: the zombie argument , the knowledge argument , and the modal argument.
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    Sociological indexicality.Nicholas Abercrombie - 1974 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 4 (1):89–95.
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    Tense, indexicality, and consequence.James Higginbotham - 1999 - In Jeremy Butterfield, The Arguments of Time. New York: Oup/British Academy. pp. 197--215.
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    Indexicality in Esthetic Signs and the Art of Dante Gabriel Rosetti.Joshua S. Mostow - 1981 - Semiotics:249-261.
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    Cross-modal iconicity and indexicality in the production of lexical sensory and emotional signs in Finnish Sign Language.Jarkko Keränen - 2023 - Cognitive Linguistics 34 (3-4):333-369.
    In the present study, cross-modal (i.e., across sensory modalities such as smell and sound) iconicity (i.e., resemblance) and indexicality (i.e., contiguity) in lexical sensory and emotional signs in Finnish Sign Language will be considered from an articulatory perspective (i.e., the production of signs). Such cross-modal iconicity has not been extensively studied previously, so here, with the help of cognitive semiotics, I aim to carefully describe the cross-modal patterns observed across 118 signs, including 60 sensory signs and 58 emotional signs. The (...)
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    Indexicality as “symptom”: Photography and affect.Yuriko Furuhata - 2009 - Semiotica 2009 (174):181-202.
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    Indexicality, Agency, and Opacity: In Defense of the Received View.Sajed Tayebi - 2016 - Analytic Philosophy 57 (3):236-246.
  27. Indexicality, not circularity: Dickie's new definition of art.Catherine Lord - 1987 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 45 (3):229-232.
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    Photographic indexicality: Once more, with feeling.Bernd Behr - 2016 - Philosophy of Photography 7 (1):3-10.
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  29. Machine generated contents note: Introduction1. The pre-socratic philosophers: Sixth and fifth centuries B.c.E. Thales / anaximander / anaximenes / Pythagoras / xenophanes / Heraclitus / parmenides / Zeno / empedocles / anaxagoras / leucippus and democritus 2. the athenian period: Fifth and fourth centuries B.c.E. The sophists: Protagoras, gorgias, thrasymachus, callicles and critias / socrates / Plato / Aristotle 3. the hellenistic and Roman periods: Fourth century B.c.E through fourth century C.e. Epicureanism / stoicism / skepticism / neoPlatonism 4. medieval and renaissance philosophy: Fifth through fifteenth centuries saint Augustine / the encyclopediasts / John scotus eriugena / saint Anselm / muslim and jewish philosophies: Averroës, Maimonides / the problem of faith and reason / the problem of the universals / saint Thomas Aquinas / William of ockham / renaissance philosophers 5. continental rationalism and british empiricism: The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries Descartes. [REVIEW]Farewell to the Twentieth Century: Nussbaum Glossary of Philosophical Terms Selected Bibliography Index - 2009 - In Donald Palmer, Looking at philosophy: the unbearable heaviness of philosophy made lighter. New York: McGraw-Hill.
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    Three routes to person indexicality.Alexander Podobryaev - 2017 - Natural Language Semantics 25 (4):329-354.
    Uncontroversially, the meaning of first and second person pronouns and “imposters”, i.e. expressions like yours truly, should be indexical, but how exactly this indexicality is achieved has been a matter of some debate. While not settling the debate, this paper aims to show that there is no single way to become a person indexical. Natural language allows for at least three different representations leading to person indexicality. Evidence for this comes from sentences involving imposters and pronouns coreferent with or bound (...)
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  31. pragmatics and indexicality.Charles Sayward - 1975 - Pragmatics Microfiche 1 (4):D5-D11.
    A conception of pragmatics distinguishes pragmatics from semantics proper in terms of indexicality: semantics is conceived as the quest for a truth definition for languages without indexical expressions; pragmatics is conceived as a quest for a truth definition for languages with indexical expressions. I argue that indexicality is not a feature that can be used to capture anything like what Morris and Carnap had in mind.
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    Is indexicality(or perspectivality) not philosophically important? 최동호 - 2016 - Cheolhak-Korean Journal of Philosophy 128:165.
    카펠렌과 데버(2013)는 그들의 책 『비본질적 지표사』에서, 페리(1977, 1979)와 루이스(1979) 이래로 지표사(및 관점)와 관련하여 널리 받아들여지고 있는 어떤 견해들에 반기를 들면서, ‘지표성(및 관점)이 철학적으로 특별히 중요한 역할을 수행하는 것은 아니다 ‘고 주장한다. 1인칭적인 믿음에 특권성을 부여하는 것으로 표준적으로 간주되어온 페리와 루이스의 논의들은 재평가되어야 하며, 따라서 지표성[관점성]의 의의 역시 축소되어야 한다는 것이다. 이 논문에서 나는 우리가 (비록 그들의 주장에서 일정부분 설득력 있는 내용을 배울 수 있음에도 불구하고) 그들의 최종 결론에 동의해서는 안 된다고 주장한다. 나는 주로 루이스의 논증에 초점을 맞추면서, 명제[내용]에 대한 관점적 (...)
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    Digital Technology, Indexicality, and Cinema.David Davies - 2011 - Rivista di Estetica 46:45-60.
    My principal concern in this paper is to determine how fundamental are the implications, for the moving image as a medium for works of art, of the loss of indexicality consequent upon the move from a photochemical medium to a computational medium. I begin by examining the bearing of indexicality on the status of still images as photographs, or as photographic art. I then consider whether, where indexicality is lost through the use of digital technology, this has the same significance (...)
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  34. Predicate indexicality and context dependence.Peter Bosch - 2009 - In Philippe de Brabanter & Mikhail Kissine, Utterance Interpretation and Cognitive Models. Emmerald Publishers. pp. 20.
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    Detective fiction and indexicality.Els Wouters - 2000 - Semiotica 131 (1-2):143-154.
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  36. Anti-individualism, indexicality, and character.Joseph Owens - 2003 - In Martin Hahn & Björn T. Ramberg, Reflections and Replies: Essays on the Philosophy of Tyler Burge. MIT Press.
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  37. Indexicality: The transparent subjective mechanism for encountering a world.Hector-Neri Castaneda - 1990 - Noûs 24 (5):735-749.
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    The Para-Indexicality of the Cinematic Image.Seung-Hoon Jeong - 2011 - Rivista di Estetica 46:75-101.
    This paper aims at a semio-epistemological revisit of Peircean/Bazinian indexicality. On the level of diegesis, an image takes on indexicality as physical causality, the succession of causes and effects. What matters in our cinematic experience is then less medium-specificity than reference-recognition, i.e. whether or not we know what a visual sign refers to within diegesis. The problematic case is that in which an image is not a clear index to something visually given, but it appears and functions like a “para-index” (...)
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    Indexicality and the Abductive Link.Felicia E. Kruse - 1986 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 22 (4):435 - 447.
  40. Acknowledgements 1. Introduction 1.1 Attention, Economy, Power 1.2 Post-Phenomenology and New Materialism 1.3 Media, Software and Game Studies 1.4 Chapter outlines 2. Interface 2.1 Interface theory 2.3 Interfaces as Environments 2.4 Interface, Object, Transduction 3. Resolution 3.1 Resolution 3.2 Neuropower 3.3 High and low Resolution 3.4 Phasing between resolutions 3.5 Resolution, Habit, Power 4. Technicity 4.1 Technicity 4.2 Psychopower 4.3 Homogenization 4.4 Irreversibility 4.5 Technicity, Time, Power 5. Envelopes 5.1 Homeomorphic Modulation 5.2 Envelope Power 5.3 Shifting Logics of the Envelope in Games Design 5.4 The Contingency of Envelopes 6. Ecotechnics 6.1 The Ecotechnics of Care 6.2 Ecotechnics of Care: two sites of transduction 6.3 From suspended to immanent ecotechnical systems of care 6.4 The Temporal Deferral of Negative Affect 7. Envelope Life 7.1 Gamification 7.2 Non-gaming interface envelopes 7.3 Questioning Envelope Life 7.4 Pharmacology 8. Conclusions 8.1 Games / Dig. [REVIEW]Capitalism Bibliography Index - 2015 - In James Ash, The interface envelope: gaming, technology, power. New York: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing.
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  41. (2 other versions)Machine generated contents note: Introduction1. The pre-socratic philosophers: Sixth and fifth centuries B.c.E. Thales / anaximander / anaximenes / Pythagoras / xenophanes / Heraclitus / parmenides / Zeno / empedocles / anaxagoras / leucippus and democritus 2. the athenian period: Fifth and fourth centuries B.c.E. The sophists: Protagoras, gorgias, thrasymachus, callicles and critias / socrates / Plato / Aristotle 3. the hellenistic and Roman periods: Fourth century B.c.E through fourth century C.e. Epicureanism / stoicism / skepticism / neoPlatonism 4. medieval and renaissance philosophy: Fifth through fifteenth centuries saint Augustine / the encyclopediasts / John scotus eriugena / saint Anselm / muslim and jewish philosophies: Averroës, Maimonides / the problem of faith and reason / the problem of the universals / saint Thomas Aquinas / William of ockham / renaissance philosophers 5. continental rationalism and british empiricism: The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries Descartes. [REVIEW]Farewell to the Twentieth Century: Nussbaum Glossary of Philosophical Terms Selected Bibliography Index - 2009 - In Donald Palmer, Looking at philosophy: the unbearable heaviness of philosophy made lighter. New York: McGraw-Hill.
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  42. Referring to the Qualitative Dimension of Consciousness: Iconicity instead of Indexicality.Marc Champagne - 2014 - Dialogue 53 (1):135-182.
    This paper suggests that reference to phenomenal qualities is best understood as involving iconicity, that is, a passage from sign-vehicle to object that exploits a similarity between the two. This contrasts with a version of the ‘phenomenal concept strategy’ that takes indexicality to be central. However, since it is doubtful that phenomenal qualities are capable of causally interacting with anything, indexical reference seems inappropriate. While a theorist like David Papineau is independently coming to something akin to iconicity, I think some (...)
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    Intentionality and Indexicality: Content Internalism and Husserl’s Logical Investigations.Andrew D. Spear - 2013 - In Christer Svennerlind, Almäng Jan & Rögnvaldur Ingthorsson, Johanssonian Investigations: Essays in Honour of Ingvar Johansson on His Seventieth Birthday. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag. pp. 574-607.
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    Gender assignment, markedness, and indexicality: Results of a pilot study.Marcel Danesi - 1998 - Semiotica 121 (3-4):213-240.
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    “It’s Over There. Sit Down.” Indexicality, The Mundane, The Ordinary and The Everyday, and Much, Much More.Russell Kelly - 2019 - Human Studies 42 (2):199-219.
    Setting out to understand “indexicality” and its significance in Ethnomethodology, it is first necessary to trace the history of the ideas of Harold Garfinkel. From his early commitment to find “order” in his Harvard dissertation, Garfinkel finds himself in California defending Parsons’ Structural Functionalism while confronting Goffman and Symbolic Interactionism, based in Simmelian, Schützian Sociology. From the audience of students shared with Goffman, Garfinkel puts aside the “situation” of Symbolic Interaction in favour of a process, “Indexicality”, abandoning theorising in favour (...)
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  46. Deference and Indexicality.Francois Recanati - 2001 - In Stephen Kosslyn, Albert Galaburda & Yves Christen, Languages of the Brain. Harvard University Press. pp. 102-109.
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    Co‐Occurrence, Extension, and Social Salience: The Emergence of Indexicality in an Artificial Language.Aini Li & Gareth Roberts - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (5):e13290.
    We investigated the emergence of sociolinguistic indexicality using an artificial-language-learning paradigm. Sociolinguistic indexicality involves the association of linguistic variants with nonlinguistic social or contextual features. Any linguistic variant can acquire “constellations” of such indexical meanings, though they also exhibit an ordering, with first-order indices associated with particular speaker groups and higher-order indices targeting stereotypical attributes of those speakers. Much natural-language research has been conducted on this phenomenon, but little experimental work has focused on how indexicality emerges. Here, we present three (...)
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    Searching for traces: How to connect the sciences and the humanities by a Peircean theory of indexicality.Pape Helmut - 2008 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 44 (1):1-25.
    Are indices a purely linguistic, textual phenomenon or are linguistic indices a special case of a more general type of indexical signs? In comparing Carlo Ginzburg's restrictive view of indices and traces in particular with Peirce's general approach to indexical signs, this paper argues that Peirce's account of indexicality makes it possible to connect the sciences and the humanities by a flexible relational concept of the epistemic function of an identification that indexical experiences allows for. In this way Peirce's flexible (...)
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  49. Why Semantic Unspecificity is not Indexicality.Delia Belleri - 2014 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 10 (1):56-69.
    In this paper, I address the idea that certain sentences suffer from what is generally called semantic unspecificity: their meaning is determinate, but their truth conditions are not. While there tends to be agreement on the idea that semantic unspecificity differs from phenomena such as ambiguity and vagueness, some theorists have defended an account which traces it to indexicality, broadly construed. Some authors have tried to vindicate the distinction between unspecificity and indexicality and, in this paper, I pursue the same (...)
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    Comments on François Recanati’s Mental Files: Doubts about Indexicality.David Papineau - 2013 - Disputatio 5 (36):159-175.
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