Results for 'idea of reason'

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  1.  31
    The Ideas of Reason.Robert R. Ehman - 1961 - Review of Metaphysics 15 (2):225 - 235.
    Citing Kant, the author defines an idea of reason as a concept of the unconditioned totality of the conditions of the conditioned. A theoretical idea is valid if it conforms to the real; but a practical idea can be justified only by an appeal to the unconditioned obligation to realize it. Having introduced these terms and theses, the author examines the ontological and cosmological arguments as attempts to prove the reality of the ideas. He then argues (...)
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    Transcendental Presuppositions and Ideas of Reason.Peter McLaughlin - 2014 - Kant Studien 105 (4):554-572.
  3.  47
    The Idea of Public Reason and the Reason of State.Miguel Vatter - 2008 - Political Theory 36 (2):239-271.
    Rawls and Schmitt are often discussed in the literature as if their conceptions of the political had nothing in common, or even referred to entirely different phenomena. In this essay, I show how these conceptions share a common space of reasons, traceable back to the idea of public reason and its development since the Middle Ages. By analysing the idea of public reason in Rawls and in Schmitt, as well as its relation to their theories of (...)
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    Kant, Global Politics and Cosmopolitan Law: The World Republic as a Regulative Idea of Reason.Claudio Corradetti - 2020 - Routledge.
    Why is there so much attention on Kant's global politics in present day law and philosophy? This book argues that to understand the complexities of our current legal-institutional arrangements, we first need an insight into Kant's global politics, and highlights the potential fruitfulness of Kant's cosmopolitan thought for contemporary political thinking. It adopts a double methodological strategy by reconstructing a genealogical conceptual journey showing the development of international law, as well as introducing an interpretation of cosmopolitanism centered on Kant's theory (...)
  5.  52
    On the Idea of Public Reason.Jonathan Quong - 2013 - In Jon Mandle & David A. Reidy (eds.), A Companion to Rawls. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 265–280.
    The idea of public reason is at the center of John Rawls's political philosophy. Public reason is a standard by which we measure laws and political institutions. This chapter discusses the practice of public reason, the moral basis of public reason, and the challenge posed by religious critics of public reason. It provides three possible answers to the question: What is the moral basis for endorsing this particular conception of democratic politics – public (...)? It is Rawlsian concept of justice – the ideal of a fair system of social cooperation between free and equal citizens – which provides the moral basis for public reason. Given this basis, citizens then engage in the practice of public reason with one another. (shrink)
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    Stout, Rawls, and the Idea of Public Reason.Phil Ryan - 2014 - Journal of Religious Ethics 42 (3):540-562.
    Jeffrey Stout claims that John Rawls's idea of public reason (IPR) has contributed to a Christian backlash against liberalism. This essay argues that those whom Stout calls “antiliberal traditionalists” have misunderstood Rawls in important ways, and goes on to consider Stout's own critiques of the IPR. While Rawls's idea is often interpreted as a blanket prohibition on religious reasoning outside church and home, the essay will show that the very viability of the IPR depends upon a rich (...)
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  7. The Unity of Reason, Reconsidered: On the 'Autonomy of Ideas' in the Later Kant.Sabina Vaccarino Bremner - forthcoming - Journal of the History of Philosophy.
    In the Groundwork and all three Critiques, Kant expresses the hope of eventually unifying theoretical and practical reason in one system, with a principle common to both. But he never clarifies what this principle is, leaving scholars to advance different possibilities. I advance a new response to this problem: I claim that Kant begins to refer to what he calls the ‘autonomy of ideas of reason’ in his final decade, enabling a new approach to finally bridging the theoretical (...)
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  8. The ideas of pure reason.Michael Rohlf - 2010 - In Paul Guyer (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  9.  25
    Husserl's Project, Critique, and Idea of Reason.Andrea Cimino - 2020 - Journal of Transcendental Philosophy 1 (2):183-217.
    The present study seeks to accomplish three goals: to shed light on the problem of reason in Husserl’s co-inherited philosophical project, to elucidate his transcendental critique of reason, and to present Husserl's idea of reason in its distinctive features. A historical excursus first provides a frame to understand the necessity of a critique of reason, its proper subject-matter, and its function for the project of genuine philosophy. In particular, this historical reflection identifies the form that (...)
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  10.  14
    Immanuel Kant: The very idea of a critique of pure reason.J. Colin McQuillan - 2016 - Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.
    Immanuel Kant: The Very Idea of a Critique of Pure Reason is a study of the background, development, exposition, and justification of Kant's Critique of Pure Reason. Instead of examining Kant's arguments for the transcendental ideality of space and time, his deduction of the pure concepts of the understanding, or his account of the dialectic of human reason, J. Colin McQuillan focuses on Kant's conception of critique. By surveying the different ways the concept of critique was (...)
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    The idea of public reasoning.John B. Davis - 2012 - Journal of Economic Methodology 19 (2):169 - 172.
    Journal of Economic Methodology, Volume 19, Issue 2, Page 169-172, June 2012.
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    The Idea of God and the Empirical Investigation of Nature in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason.Lorenzo Spagnesi - 2022 - Kantian Review 27 (2):279-297.
    This article aims to justify the positive role in the empirical investigation of nature that Kant attributes to the idea of God in the Critique of Pure Reason. In particular, I propose to read the Transcendental Ideal section and the Appendix to the Transcendental Dialectic together to see whether they can reciprocally illuminate each other. I argue that it is only by looking at the transcendental deduction of the ideas of reason and the resulting analogical conception of (...)
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  13.  94
    The methodological significance of Husserl's concept of evidence and its relation to the idea of reason.Leo J. Bostar - 1987 - Husserl Studies 4 (2):143-167.
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    The Idea of "Free Public Reason".Catherine Audard - 1995 - Ratio Juris 8 (1):15-29.
    . In this paper the nature and the role of Rawls's idea of a “free public reason” are examined with an emphasis on the divide between the private and the public spheres, a divide which is the hallmark of a liberal democracy. Criticisms from both the so‐called Continental tradition and the Communitarian opponents to liberalism insist on the ineffectiveness of such a conception, on its inability to establish a political consensus on democracy. But it would be a mistake (...)
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  15. Spinoza and the idea of reason of state.G. A. van der Wal - 2015 - In Andre Santos Campos (ed.), Spinoza: Basic Concepts. Burlington, VT, USA: Imprint Academic.
  16.  20
    Descartes' idea of the prevalence of reason.Jasna S. Šakota-Mimica - 1996 - Theoria 39 (4):71-96.
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    Claudio Corradetti: Kant, Global Politics and Cosmopolitan Law. the World Republic as a Regulative Idea of Reason.Georg Geismann - 2021 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 74 (2):195-201.
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    (1 other version)Freudian ethics and the idea of reason.Philip Rieff - 1956 - Ethics 67 (3):169-183.
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    The Idea of Public Reason: Can It Fulfill Its Task? A Reply to Catherine Audard.Percy B. Lehning - 1995 - Ratio Juris 8 (1):30-39.
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  20. On the very idea of a style of reasoning.Alexandra Bradner - unknown
    Although Ian Hacking’s meta-concept is frequently applied to historical cases, few theorists have questioned the very idea of a style of reasoning. Hacking himself considers Donald Davidson’s conceptual scheme argument to be the most formidable challenge to the style idea, but Hacking has set up a straw man in Davidson. Beyond Hacking’s own conclusion, that Davidson's narrow concern with meaning incommensurability does not apply to styles, which are not incommensurable in that way, there is the more obvious point (...)
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  21. The Idea of a Normative Reason.Hallvard Lillehammer - 2003 - In Peter Schaber & Rafael Hüntelmann (eds.), Grundlagen der Ethik. De Gruyter. pp. 41--65.
    Recent work in English speaking moral philosophy has seen the rise to prominence of the idea of a normative reason1. By ‘normative reasons’ I mean the reasons agents appeal to in making rational claims on each other. Normative reasons are good reasons on which agents ought to act, even if they are not actually motivated accordingly2. To this extent, normative reasons are distinguishable from the motivating reasons agents appeal to in reason explanations. Even agents who fail to act (...)
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  22. Reason and the Idea of the Highest Good.Corey W. Dyck & L. Edward Allore - forthcoming - Lexicon Philosophicum.
    In this paper, we reconstruct Kant’s notion of the practically conditioned, introduced in the Dialectic of Pure Practical Reason, by drawing on Kant’s general account of the faculty of reason presented in the Transcendental Dialectic of the Critique of Pure Reason. We argue that practical reason’s activity of seeking the practically unconditioned for a given condition generates two different conceptions of the practically unconditioned and identify these as virtue and (the ideal of) happiness. We then account (...)
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  23.  19
    The Idea of Public Reason and the Reason of State.Miguel Vatter & Rogers M. Smith - 2008 - Political Theory 36 (2):239-271.
    Rawls and Schmitt are often discussed in the literature as if their conceptions of the political had nothing in common, or even referred to entirely different phenomena. In this essay, I show how these conceptions share a common space of reasons, traceable back to the idea of public reason and its development since the Middle Ages. By analysing the idea of public reason in Rawls and in Schmitt, as well as its relation to their theories of (...)
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  24.  57
    The idea of the end: Kant’s philosophical eschatology.Evan F. Kuehn - 2021 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 82 (1):17-33.
    Kant’s late essay ‘The End of All Things’ (1794) establishes a distinctly modern field of inquiry that has fittingly been called ‘philosophical eschatology’ by asking, ‘why do human beings expect an end of the world at all?’ (AA 8:330) Interpretation of the essay’s purpose and argument have usually taken one of two routes: Kant is either understood as writing an esoteric political critique under the guise of the philosophy of religion, or as being focused largely on problems related to the (...)
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  25. Aristóteles y la Economía entre los límites de la razón práctica.Bounds of Practical Reason - 2007 - Ideas y Valores. Revista Colombiana de Filosofía 56 (134):45-60.
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    Rawls's Idea of Public Reason†.Peter de Marneffe - 2017 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 75 (3-4):232-250.
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  27. Rawls' Idea of Public Reason and Democratic Legitimacy.Fabienne Peter - 2007 - Politics and Ethics Review 3 (1):129-143.
    Critics and defenders of Rawls' idea of public reason have tended to neglect the relationship between this idea and his conception of democratic legitimacy. I shall argue that Rawls' idea of public reason can be interpreted in two different ways, and that the two interpretations support two different conceptions of legitimacy. What I call the substantive interpretation of Rawls' idea of public reason demands that it applies not just to the process of democratic (...)
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  28.  11
    ‘Political and Metaphysical’: the World Republic as a Regulative Idea of Reason.Claudio Corradetti - 2021 - In Camilla Serck-Hanssen & Beatrix Himmelmann (eds.), The Court of Reason: Proceedings of the 13th International Kant Congress. De Gruyter. pp. 1717-1726.
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    Claudio Corradetti, Kant, Global Politics and Cosmopolitan Law: The World Republic as a Regulative Idea of Reason New York: Routledge, 2020 Pp. 244 ISBN 9780367030506 (hbk) $160.00. [REVIEW]Sebastian Orlander - 2022 - Kantian Review 27 (2):315-318.
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  30. (1 other version)The Idea Of "Method" In Hegel's Science Of Logic-A Method For Finite Thinking And Absolute Reason.Angelica Nuzzo - 1999 - Bulletin of the Hegel Society of Great Britain 39:1-17.
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  31. Is compatible the idea of incommensurability with that of scientific progress? Some reasons in support of its compatibility [Spanish].Juan Manuel Jaramillo Uribe - 2006 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 5:10-49.
    El problema de la inconmensurabilidad y, en particular, el del progreso científico, está asociado a -dos nombres: Kuhn y Feyerabend, cuyas propuestas hicieron que muchos pusieran en duda la aparente evidencia del llamado “progreso científico, relativizando su validez a cada escuela o paradigma. En este escrito mostraremos que este tipo de relativismo epistémico — al igual que la teoría convergentista de la verdad — carecen de validez filosófica e histórica y de qué modo la idea de “progreso científico es (...)
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  32. Testimony and Kant’s Idea of Public Reason.Kjartan Koch Mikalsen - 2010 - Res Publica 16 (1):23-40.
    It is common to interpret Kant’s idea of public reason and the Enlightenment motto to ‘think for oneself’ as incompatible with the view that testimony and judgement of credibility is essential to rational public deliberation. Such interpretations have led to criticism of contemporary Kantian approaches to deliberative democracy for being intellectualistic, and for not considering our epistemic dependence on other people adequately. In this article, I argue that such criticism is insufficiently substantiated, and that Kant’s idea of (...)
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  33.  48
    The Faculty of Ideas. Kant’s Concept of Reason in the Narrower Sense.Michael Lewin - 2022 - Open Philosophy 5 (1):340-359.
    In the Transcendental Dialectic, Kant searched for a universal concept of reason different from the understanding and offered the short formula “the faculty of principles”. I will argue that this is only one and not the most pertinent and general mark of the concept of reason. There are more compelling short expressions in Kant’s Reflexionen, the third Critique and/or in the reception of Kant’s works: “the faculty of ideas” or reason in the narrower sense. The latter narrows (...)
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  34.  55
    Reason’s Practical Idea of Perpetual Peace, Human Character, and the Pedagogical Function of the Republican Constitution.G. Felicitas Munzel - 1996 - Idealistic Studies 26 (2):101-134.
    Within Kant’s own writings, it is complicated by the further tension between his pedagogy and his moral philosophy. When one sees Kant’s conception of character as a systematic connection between these three aspects of his philosophy, light is shed on the role and limits of the pedagogical function of the republican constitution. Thereby, too, the inherent limit of the extent to which perpetual peace, practically defined, can be a political goal effected by political means is unveiled.
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    The Idea of a Reason for Acting.G. F. Schueler - 1989 - Mellen.
  36.  23
    The Ways of Reason: A Critical Study of the Ideas of Emile Meyerson.Joseph LaLumia - 1966 - London: Routledge.
    First published in 2002. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  37.  24
    The Faith of Reason. The Idea of Progress in the French Enlightenment. Charles Frankel.Crane Brinton - 1949 - Isis 40 (1):59-60.
  38.  13
    The idea of incarnation revisited by Jung, Gadamer and Henry.Paweł Sznajder - 2019 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 9 (2):289-302.
    The idea of incarnation is one of the Christian theological concepts that has exerted the strongest influence on philosophical thought in Europe and which was repeatedly referred to in the twentieth century. The paper presents three reinterpretations of this biblical category. Carl Gustav Jung interprets incarnation in the spirit of Gnosticism, as a process of the psychological individuation of God and man; Hans‑Georg Gadamer employs the idea of the inner Word, Verbum interius, to analyse the dogmas of incarnation (...)
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    Sen's Idea of Justice and the locus of normative reasoning.Fabienne Peter - 2012 - Journal of Economic Methodology 19 (2):165 - 167.
  40.  25
    The Founding Ideas of the Modern Cultural Horizon and the Meanings of Reason.Dan Chiţoiu - 2009 - Cultura 6 (1):46-59.
    The present text investigates the key ideas of the modern cultural horizon, and especially the meanings of what we call Reason. Modernity brings a certain understanding of Reason sought as the main human capacity. But this understanding took the shape of a belief, fact visible everywhere not only in the scientific investigation but also in other cultural forms, among which were philosophy and theology. And also became an ideology. Yet, the last century, especially in its second half, provided (...)
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  41.  7
    The Very (Bad) Idea of Public Reason.Alven Neiman - 2002 - Philosophy of Education 58:135-137.
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    Ideas and Ends of Reason in the Critique of Pure Reason.Lea Ypi - 2018 - In Violetta L. Waibel, Margit Ruffing & David Wagner (eds.), Natur und Freiheit: Akten des XII. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. De Gruyter. pp. 1693-1702.
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    Political Liberalism and the Idea of Public Reason.K. Roberts Skerrett - 2005 - Social Theory and Practice 31 (2):173-190.
  44.  24
    The Idea of a Reason for Acting. [REVIEW]Sara Shute - 1992 - International Studies in Philosophy 24 (1):133-133.
  45.  34
    Reason, Its Real Use, and the Status of Its Ideas and Principles: Response to Caimi, Gava, and Lewin.Marcus Willaschek - 2022 - Open Philosophy 5 (1):689-698.
    In this contribution, I respond to articles published in a Topical Issue of Open Philosophy on Kant’s Transcendental Dialectic by Mario Caimi, Gabriele Gava, and Michael Lewin, who criticize some of the views I put forward in my book Kant on the Sources of Metaphysics: The Dialectic of Pure Reason. In particular, I discuss the “real use” of reason, the “regulative use” of principles and ideas of reason, and Kant’s conception of reason.
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    Knowledge and the Space of Reasons: The Ideas of John McDowell and Paul Hirst.Geoffrey Hinchliffe - 2014 - Philosophy of Education 70:107-114.
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    Ideas of Civil Religion in the Creative Work of Cyril Methodians.Leonid Kondratyk - 2018 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 85:53-63.
    Kondratyk L. "Ideas of Civil Religion in the Creative Work of Cyril Methodians". The author is based on the fact that the civil religion is such a sociocultural phenomenon in which, through the prism of a peculiar religious language and specific practices, the necessity of acquiring and establishing a national state is substantiated, which originates in the need of the community to find the sacral in the activity that is inherent in the transcendent, eternally -linear character and which is rooted (...)
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  48. The Founding Ideas of the Modern Cultural Horizon and the Meanings of Reason.C. H. I. Dan - 2009 - Cultura 6 (1).
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  49. The Grief of Reason. Kant's Idea of General philosophy of History for Therapeutic purposes.Arnd Pollmann - 2011 - Kant Studien 102 (1).
  50.  82
    The Formation of Reason.David Bakhurst (ed.) - 2011 - Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
    In _The Formation of Reason_, philosophy professor David Bakhurst utilizes ideas from philosopher John McDowell to develop and defend a socio-historical account of the human mind. Provides the first detailed examination of the relevance of John McDowell's work to the Philosophy of Education Draws on a wide-range of philosophical sources, including the work of 'analytic' philosophers Donald Davidson, Ian Hacking, Peter Strawson, David Wiggins, and Ludwig Wittgenstein Considers non-traditional ideas from Russian philosophy and psychology, represented by Ilyenkov and Vygotsky Discusses (...)
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