Results for 'holy place'

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  1.  16
    The Holy Place as a Subject for the Study of the Geography of Religion.Henryk Hoffmann - 2006 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 38:99-104.
    The geography of religion is one of the younger areas of religious studies. The subject of her interests is the reciprocal ties that stand between religion and the geographical environment. On the one hand, the influence of the geographical environment on the formation of religious imaginations is investigated, and on the other hand, feedback, that is, what kind of religion does the change in the geographical environment. In addition, this area of ​​religious studies is engaged in the distribution of individual (...)
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    "Holy Place...": Religious Monuments of Modern Russia in the Context of an Actor-network Approach.Daniil Anikin - 2022 - Sociology of Power 34 (1):124-139.
    The article demonstrates the possibility of applying an ANT to the analysis of religious monuments. The study of religion within the framework of memory studies demonstrates the realization of a trend laid down in the works of Durkheim regarding the distinction between religion and sacralization as a social phenomenon. From this point of view, religion cannot be regarded as an isolated social institution, but is a way of expressing the functional need to form a sacralized set of social practices and (...)
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    Holy Places and Religious Language in New Religious Movements.Alastair Lockhart - 2020 - New Blackfriars 101 (1092):163-181.
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    Sharing Holy Places.Elizabeth Key Fowden - 2002 - Common Knowledge 8 (1):124-146.
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    Holy Places are Dark Places. [REVIEW]L. B. Cebik - 1992 - International Studies in Philosophy 24 (1):91-92.
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    Contestation of ‘the holy places in the Zimbabwean Religious Landscape’: A study of the Johane Masowe Chishanu yeNyenyedzi Church’s sacred places.Phillip Musoni - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (1).
    Places that are regarded as holy are highly esteemed in most religious institutions. Such places are revered because they denote the converging points of human beings and the divine. The fundamental questions addressed in this study are: what makes a place holy? Do Christians share sacred places with other religious groups? The study theorises that the Johane Masowe Chishanu yeNyenyedzi Church has forcefully appropriated most of the African indigenous scared places such as hills, shades and dams for (...)
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    (1 other version)The Protection of Holy Places.Gideon Sapir & Daniel Statman - 2016 - Law and Ethics of Human Rights 10 (1):135-155.
    Journal Name: The Law & Ethics of Human Rights Issue: Ahead of print.
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    Vicissitudes of a Holy Place: Construction, Destruction and Commemoration of Mashhad Ḥusayn in Ascalon.Daniella Talmon-Heller, Benjamin Z. Kedar & Yitzhak Reiter - 2016 - Der Islam: Journal of the History and Culture of the Middle East 93 (1):182-215.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Der Islam Jahrgang: 93 Heft: 1 Seiten: 182-215.
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    Holy day in a holy place: space, time, and annual miracles in late antique hagiography and the cult of saints.Robert Wiśniewski - 2023 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 116 (3):995-1012.
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    mK'yen brtse's Guide to the Holy Places of Central Tibet.Alex Wayman, Alfonsa Ferrari & Luciano Petech - 1958 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 78 (3):217.
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    Sharing the Sacra: The Politics and Pragmatics of Intercommunal Relations around Holy Places ed. by Glenn Bowman.Benoît Fliche - 2020 - Common Knowledge 26 (1):181-181.
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    Medieval Jerusalem and Islamic Worship: Holy Places, Ceremonies, Pilgrimage.Donald P. Little & Amikam Elad - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (2):338.
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    Ancient Place Names in the Holy Land.Alan S. Kaye & Yoel Elitzur - 2004 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 124 (4):779.
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  14. A Place Grown Intense and Holy": Dwelling in the Enchanted World of Words.Isabel Maria Fernandes Alves - 2020 - In Bénédicte Meillon, Dwellings of Enchantment: Writing and Reenchanting the Earth. Lanham, Maryland: Ecocritical Theory and Practice.
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    Virtual Pilgrimages to Real Places: The Holy Landscapes.Bianca Kühnel - 2012 - In Kühnel Bianca, Imagining Jerusalem in the Medieval West. pp. 243.
    This chapter attempts to differentiate between types of monumental representations of Jerusalem, to locate them historically and to explore the reasons for their extraordinary density by deciphering the essentials of their function as mnemonic devices in the framework of medieval devotionalism. Conditioned by historical events such as the Crusades, Franciscan canonization of the Stations of the Cross and the Counter-Reformation, representation of Jerusalem gradually expanded from copies of Christ's tomb in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre to commemorate the (...)
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  16. The Place of Holy Scripture in the Theology of St. Thomas.J. Van der Ploeg - 1947 - The Thomist 10:398-422.
  17. Recovering holiness and the place of others: Notes on Vayikra 19:34.Andrew Benjamin - unknown
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  18.  58
    The Holy, Catholic Theater: Exegesis of Life on the Stage.Mitties McDonald DeChamplain - 2011 - Topoi 30 (2):157-163.
    This article explores the theological/philosophical resonances of the theater. “Holy” and “catholic” are the key terms that shape the reflection. The holy is masked in the ordinary details of plays and musicals. Thus, it is fitting to say that the theater is “God-haunted,” a place of transcendence and transformation. The catholicity of the theater is found in acknowledging its inherent commitment to telling the whole truth, or at least endeavoring to tell what is true, about human existence. (...)
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  19. Holiness in the Eastern Christian Tradition (on the Example of Saints From the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra).Yeva Motychak - 2022 - Religious dialogue and cooperation 3 (3):74-80.
    The article found out that holiness in the Eastern Christian traditionis spiritualperfection. Moreover, in the understanding of human holiness there is a constantandsincere spiritual improvement, which takes the individual to a higher level of spirituality.In addition, it was analyzed that spirituality is interpreted in terms of activity, inparticular,the path to spiritual height is achieved by a lot of work on oneself, namely: therejectionof everything created, material - everything that can distract fromthe achievementofthe desired. The etymology of the concept of holiness (...)
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  20.  9
    Holy, holy, holy: proclaiming the perfections of God.Thabiti M. Anyabwile (ed.) - 2010 - Orlando, Fla.: Reformation Trust.
    The angels in Isaiah's vision of God's heavenly temple (Isa. 6) used threefold repetition to praise His holiness, the superlative form of emphasis in the Hebrew language. Their cry tells us that nothing is as significant as the holiness of God. Tragically, the holiness of God has been obscured in our time, and as a result, the church's doctrine and ethics have been tarnished, entertainment has replaced worship in many places, the gospel is misunderstood and neglected, and the church assimilates (...)
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  21.  42
    The Holy Spirit in the Pauline Letters: A Contextual Exploration.Paul W. Meyer - 1979 - Interpretation 33 (1):3-18.
    Paul's commanding place in the development of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit is due to the fact and the way that he took the notions of Holy Spirit in his religious heritage and rendered them distinctively Christian.
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  22.  16
    Holy unhappiness: God, goodness, and the myth of the blessed life.Amanda Held Opelt - 2023 - New York: Worthy.
    American Christians have developed a long list of expectations about what the life with God will feel like. Many Christians rightly deny the Prosperity Gospel-the idea that God wants you to be healthy and wealthy- but instead embrace its more subtle spin-off, the Emotional Prosperity Gospel, or the belief that God wants you to always experience happiness and fulfillment. Our society has become increasingly averse to sadness and emotional discomfort. Too often, people of faith assume that difficult feelings are a (...)
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  23.  48
    Holiness, Virtue, and Social Justice: Contrasting Understandings of the Moral Life.H. T. Engelhardt - 1997 - Christian Bioethics 3 (1):3-19.
    Being a Christian involves metaphysical, epistemological, and social commitments that set Christians at variance with the dominant secular culture. Because Christianity is not syncretical, but proclaims the unique truth of its revelation, Christians will inevitably be placed in some degree of conflict with secular health care institutions. Because being Christian involves a life of holiness, not merely living justly or morally, Christians will also be in conflict with the ethos of many contemporary Christian health care institutions which have abandoned a (...)
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  24.  6
    The holy waters of En Four: Rituals, prayers, magic and mysticism.Arno M. Meiring - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (2):6.
    Travellers on the N4 highway just east of Pretoria can see evidence of a sacred spring next to the road with pilgrims moving around the landscape and collecting water. This research explored this place – called ‘En Four’ by some – and described visits and conversations had at the site in 2024. The first part of the research narrated the encounters and recorded the local and anecdotal knowledge shared by pilgrims and visitors. The research then analysed the religious significance (...)
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  25.  56
    Holy Land Pilgrimage and Western Audiences: Some Reflections on Egeria and Her Circle.Hagith Sivan - 1988 - Classical Quarterly 38 (02):528-.
    In the vast literature centering on the Itinerarium Egeriae there is a serious lacuna. No attempt has been made to analyse the circle of readers to whom this remarkable document was addressed and for whose sake Egeria recorded so faithfully every detail of her journey. Yet if a full understanding of the IE is to be achieved, some definition of the circle of Egeria and of its relations with the pilgrim is essential. In other words, who in the West at (...)
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  26.  32
    Children’s experience of holiness in health care. Are we rendering effective spiritual care?Annemarie E. Oberholzer - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4):1-7.
    Children themselves place a high value on their own spiritual care when in hospital. However, the spiritual care of children in hospital is often overlooked. Hospitalisation and medical procedures can be traumatic and overwhelming for children, they often see hospitalisation as punishment for something they did wrong and they can even experience spiritual distress during illness and suffering. The spiritual care of hospitalised children should thus be a priority to help these children making sense of pain and suffering, and (...)
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  27.  19
    The Problem of Holiness.Alan Mittleman - 2015 - Journal of Analytic Theology 3:29-46.
    Holiness is an important but problematic concept for religious discourse. It is unclear what it means, both in classical texts and in contemporary usage. Holiness seems to signify a property in some cases and a relation in others. The Bible itself preserves a range of usages. Some of these are ontological: holiness as a would-be property inheres in objects, places, persons, or times. Other uses are imputed: holiness connotes a status that human beings ascribe to things. The range of use (...)
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  28.  10
    Sanctity phenomenon of St. Feodosiy Pecherskyi in context of holy persons life.Natalia Kovalchuk - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 74:170-176.
    In the article of Natalia Kovalchuk «Sanctity phenomenon of St. Feodosiy Pecherskyi in context of holy persons life» the spiritual way of St. Feodosiy Pecherksyi as a search of time, which bring him closer to the sanctity and search of his personal dimension as a holy place are regarded. Through the analysis of food and cloth, which connect St. Feodosiy with world, his life is researched. Spiritual way of St. Feodosiy Pecherskyi brings him closer to the sanctity.
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    Metaphysics of The Holy Trinity.Contzen Pereira - 2015 - Journal of Metaphysics and Connected Consciousness 1:66 - 68.
    Consciousness cannot exist without matter, but for consciousness to flow there needs to be a system in place; organized matter, an assembly of structures which supports the flow of consciousness; governed by a feedback mechanism; but the experience still remains as the hard problem of consciousness. My hypothesis: Access consciousness is present in every cell and grows laterally supporting multicellularity, i.e. access consciousness or sentience is the guiding factor for cell division and growth. Phenomenal consciousness on the other hand (...)
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  30.  27
    Feeding holy bodies: A study on the social meanings of a vegetarian diet to Seventh-day Adventist church pioneers.Ruben Sánchez, Ramon Gelabert, Yasna Badilla & Carlos Del Valle - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (3):8.
    Ten years ago National Geographic magazine reported that the Loma Linda Seventh-day Adventist population is one of the communities in the world that lives longer and with a higher quality of life thanks in part to the biological benefits of a vegetarian diet. Along with National Geographic, other media outlets have reported since then that the Adventist religious community considers a plant-based diet a very important factor for a healthy lifestyle. Adventists have been promoting this type of diet worldwide for (...)
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    Dwelling at the Heart of Holiness: Locating the Buddha-Land and the Place of God.Dr Stephanie Cloete - 2020 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 40 (1):201-216.
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    Holy Trinity Zosimo-Savvatievskaya Novo-Solovetskaya poustinia, a unique architectural monument of the Moscow Kingdom.K. A. Soloviev - 2018 - Liberal Arts in Russiaроссийский Гуманитарный Журналrossijskij Gumanitarnyj Žurnalrossijskij Gumanitarnyj Zhurnalrossiiskii Gumanitarnyi Zhurnal 7 (1):53.
    The article is devoted to almost unknown monastery of the Russian Orthodox Church, a Holy Trinity Zosimo-Savvatievskaya Novo-Solovetskaya Krasnokholmskaya poustinia that was one of the important pilgrimage places of the royal family in the 17th century. Despite the fact that the monastery was founded in the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, it is an important link in the historical and cultural development of our Fatherland, primarily because the extant architectural monuments of outstanding artistic qualities. That is why the architectural (...)
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  33.  9
    Holy Scriptures and their Use by Christians and Muslims in East Africa.John Chesworth - 2013 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 30 (2):82-95.
    Muslims and Christians have used the Bible and the Qur’an in their preaching and writing in order to convince each other of the unique truth of their own faith. Much of the writing has been produced in inexpensive booklets, whilst preaching takes place in public meetings using each others’ scripture. This paper examines the different Swahili versions of the Bible and the Qur’an and their reception. It then examines the use of the sacred texts of two world faiths, Christianity (...)
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  34.  14
    Franciscan Pilgrimage Guides to Real and Virtual Jerusalem: The Holy Land versus San Vivaldo.Yvonne Friedman & Shulamit Furstenberg-Levi - 2021 - Franciscan Studies 79 (1):197-224.
    …Not without a providential design, the historical events of the thirteenth century led to the Holy Land, the Order of Friars Minor. The Sons of St. Francis have since then remained in the land of Jesus … to continuously serve the local Church and to preserve, restore, protect the holy places, and their loyalty to the wishes of the Founder and the mandate of the Holy See was often sealed by acts of extraordinary virtue and generosity…Holy (...)
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    Holy Shit: Excremental Philosophy, Religious Ontology, and Spiritual Revelation.Sean Christopher Hall - 2021 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 15 (1).
    Žižek seems to find great inspiration in Christianity. It is central to The Fragile Absolute: Or, Why Is the Christian Legacy Worth Fighting For?, The Puppet and the Dwarf, and The Monstrosity of Christ. Indeed, even in his more singularly philosophical and political texts we find that Christianity is often vital to his overall argumentative strategy. This is somewhat surprising given his declared position as an atheist. Yet what seems to appeal to him in Christianity is that, as a religion, (...)
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  36.  12
    "Holy and Great Cathedral" of the Orthodox Church.Petro Yarotskiy - 2016 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 79:18-22.
    An important event of the Orthodox world of the last year was the Cathedral, which took place on June 19-28 on. Mole. The extraordinary nature of this council is that it was convened 1229 years after the last Ecumenical Council in 787, which was not yet split into Orthodoxy and Catholicism of a single Christian Church. The Catholic Church then independently held its 22 councils, the last of which - the Second Vatican Council was held in 1962-1965. In Orthodoxy, (...)
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  37.  9
    Nothing holy about it: the Zen of being just who you are.Tim Burkett - 2015 - Boston: Shambhala.
    Zen teachings--infused with elements of memoir--by a popular modern teacher who "grew up" at the feet of two of the great figures who brought Zen to America, Shunryu Suzuki and Dainin Katagiri. He employs his reminiscences of those two great masters as teaching anecdotes. Tim Burkett was twenty when he met Suzuki Roshi, and it was love at first sight. He immediately quit pursuing the career in law to which his illustrious family of jurists inclined him, and became a serious (...)
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    Poetic stance of the Holy Qur'an: Surah 1 through 114 with philosophical discernment in the light of modern day science.Abdul Rashid Seyal - 2006 - Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse.
    About the Book: This Book besides giving Poetic Stance of The Holy Qur'an also discusses: Why couldn't the Creation take place without a Creator: There's a mathematical affirmation besides scientific and philosophical assertions.
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    The Use of the Holy Word in Sezai Karakoç’s Works.İbrahim Saylan - 2023 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 27 (1):17-29.
    Sezai Karakoç, who is a one of the most important poets and thinkers of the last period, developed an ideal by adapting the concept of resurrection in the creed to the resurrection in the world. His ideal of Seeing it as reviving the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad, Karakoç defined his cause as his cause. Prophet Muhammad, who has no direct relation to the knowledge of Hadith, but to the center of the world of thought. Karakoç, who put the Prophet (...)
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    The role of holy wives' representations in the Medieval Rus' icons (XV–XVI centuries) with the main figure of St. Nicholas of Myra and the chosen saints.Пшеничный П.В - 2024 - Philosophy and Culture (Russian Journal) 7:17-30.
    In the ancient Russian art of the XV–XVI centuries, there are often works with the image of St. St. Nicholas of Myra, represented in various iconographic types and accompanied by images of holy wives. These monuments have a similar compositional structure. Among them, the most significant are those icons where the image of the Myrlician saint is placed in the centerpiece, and the figures of selected saints are represented in the margins. The subject of the study in this work (...)
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  41.  43
    The education of children in an Islamic family based on the Holy Qur’an.Sulieman Ibraheem Shelash Al-Hawary, Tribhuwan Kumar, Harikumar Pallathadka, Shadia Hamoud Alshahrani, Hadi Abdul Nabi Muhammad Al-Tamimi, Iskandar Muda & Nermeen Singer - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (3):6.
    Education has been acknowledged as the key factor contributing to personality development and identity formation. To ensure appropriate education, it is thus of utmost importance to reflect on the power of the educational content. As a result, respecting Islamic values from a major authentic source, like the Holy Qur’an, paves the ground to fulfil this goal. On the contrary, the first and foremost educators to convey these values are the family, because each person mainly spends the time of one’s (...)
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  42.  7
    The Human Place in the Cosmos.Karin S. Frings (ed.) - 2008 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    Upon Scheler’s death in 1928, Martin Heidegger remarked that he was the most important force in philosophy at the time. Jose Ortega y Gasset called Scheler "the first man of the philosophical paradise." The Human Place in the Cosmos, the last of his works Scheler completed, is a pivotal piece in the development of his writing as a whole, marking a peculiar shift in his approach and thought. He had been asked to provide an initial sketch of his much (...)
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    An Illuminated English Guide to Pilgrimage in the Holy Land: Oxford, Queen's College, MS 357.Kathryn M. Rudy - 2012 - In Rudy Kathryn M., Imagining Jerusalem in the Medieval West. pp. 219.
    Few medieval pilgrims' guides were written in English; even fewer were illuminated. This chapter examines Oxford, Queen's College, MS 357, a manuscript made in England in the late fifteenth century, which possesses both qualities. The manuscript contains a variety of texts written in Latin and English including pilgrims' guides, prayers to be said at holy sites in Palestine, travellers' tales, and descriptions of miracles that have taken place at shrines. It is also exuberantly illuminated. The miniatures begin with (...)
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    The human place in the cosmos.Max Scheler - 2009 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press. Edited by Manfred S. Frings.
    Upon Scheler’ s death in 1928, Martin Heidegger remarked that he was the most important force in philosophy at the time. Jose Ortega y Gasset called Scheler "the first man of the philosophical paradise." The Human Place in the Cosmos, the last of his works Scheler completed, is a pivotal piece in the development of his writing as a whole, marking a peculiar shift in his approach and thought. He had been asked to provide an initial sketch of his (...)
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    Narrar artisticamente o Mistério Santo que habita entre nós: leitura místico-teológica da obra “Guerra e Paz” de Cândido Portinari. (Narrating artistically the Holy Mystery that lives among us: mystical-theological reading of the panel "War and Peace").Ceci Maria Costa Baptista Mariani - 2013 - Horizonte 11 (31):867-890.
    Narrar artisticamente o Mistério Santo que habita entre nós: Leitura místico-teológica da obra “Guerra e Paz” de Cândido Portinari. (Narrating artistically the Holy Mystery that lives among us: Mystical-theological reading of the panel "War and Peace"). - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2013v11n31p867 A revelação é um conceito fundamental para a teologia cristã: ele se refere à experiência que fundamenta o discurso sobre Deus. No século XX, operou-se uma transformação importante nessa concepção fundamental, uma renovação que implicou na desconstrução do conceito tradicional de (...)
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    Praise And Thanksgiving And The Relationship Between Them In The Light Of The Linguistic Lexicon And The Holy Qur’an.Ola Hassansayedali - 2022 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 27 (1):99-117.
    This research aims to determine what is meant by the terms Praise and thanksgiving the difference between them, and the relationship that brings them together in the light of Arabic dictionaries and the Holy Qur’an. This research also aims to show the extent to which the relationship between praise and thanksgiving has been affected by the transition from the limited linguistic framework to the horizons of the Holy Qur’an. This research is based on a combination of induction, analysis (...)
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    The Art and Discipline of Formative Reading: Revisiting Holy Scripture with Humble Receptivity.Susan Muto - 2012 - Journal of Spiritual Formation and Soul Care 5 (1):100-116.
    This article will show that lectio divina or the formative reading of Holy Scripture goes beyond exegetical-critical methods and fosters in the heart of every reader a more personal-reflective approach. This approach serves as a directive source guiding our faith and formation journey. Formative readers by definition desire to grow in spiritual self-knowledge and to allow the communications they receive to touch and transform their lives, if God so wills. Two requirements for formative reading will be explained herein: its (...)
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    Open Letter to the Enemy: Jean Genet's Holy War.Steven Miller - 2004 - Diacritics 34 (2):85-113.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Open Letter to the Enemy:Jean Genet's Holy WarSteven Miller (bio)J.G. seeks, or is searching for, or would like to discover, never to uncover him, the delicious enemy, quite disarmed, whose equilibrium is unstable, profile uncertain, face inadmissible, the enemy broken by a breath of air, the already humiliated slave, ready to throw himself out the window at the least sign, the defeated enemy: blind, deaf, mute. With no (...)
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    The Jewish Family, Forced Baptism, and Holy War in Early Modern Roman Scotism.Ian Campbell - 2022 - Journal of the History of Ideas 83 (4):659-670.
    Abstract:Early modern Europeans organized important reflections on the nature of political society and the justice of warfare around their image of the American Indian. But Jewish parents and children, living in Europe at the mercy of Christian societies and states, also provided Europeans with the occasion to reflect on government and holy war. This article will describe the relevance of Christian theology to the experiences of one Roman Jewish family in the 1640s, before reviewing the place of forced (...)
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    Breathing the Aura — The Holy, the Sober Breath.Willem van Reijen - 2001 - Theory, Culture and Society 18 (6):31-50.
    Benjamin's famous description of the aura in the `Small History of Photography' starts: `What is aura? A strange texture of space and time...', and ends with: `That means breathing the aura of these mountains and this branch'. Until now, the meaning of `breathing' has hardly been subject to interpretation. In this article it will be shown that Benjamin refers to Goethe's `diastole/systole', and to Hölderlin's concept of the unity of antagonistic dispositions, for example the paradoxical constellation of the sacred/sobriety ( (...)
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