Results for 'heterotopy'

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  1.  7
    Heterotopie als Textverfahren: erzählter Raum in Romantik und Realismus.Stefan Tetzlaff - 2016 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    In an attempt to precisely model Foucault's concept of heterotopy in the context of literary studies, this book describes its application to the paradigm of textuality. Drawing on Roman Jakobson's two-aspects theory, it reveals the cross-epochal process of heterotopy as paradigmatic deviation, and shows epoch-specific variations in the example of romantic-metaphoric versus realistic-metonymic logics of space.
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    Une hétérotopie musicale : la collaboration entre Renzo Piano et Luigi Nono sur Prometeo.Jehanne Dautrey - 2007 - Rue Descartes 56 (2):8-20.
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    Heterotopie der Vernunft: Skizze einer Methodologie interkulturellen Philosophierens auf dem Hintergrund der Phänomenologie Edmund Husserls.Franz Gmainer-Pranzl - 2007 - Wien: Lit.
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    Heterotopie des Museums.Clemens-Carl Härle - 2017 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 26 (1):37-45.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Paragrana Jahrgang: 26 Heft: 1 Seiten: 37-45.
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    Hétérotopies du multivers.Lafargue Bernard - 2012 - Noesis 19:69-79.
    Dans la plupart de ses écrits, mais plus nettement à partir de Musiques nomades, Daniel Charles développe la thèse selon laquelle l’univers est un « multivers ». Reprenant le concept à Ernst Bloch qui, lui-même, l’avait emprunté à William James, Daniel Charles le met ingénieusement en relation avec son élément de prédilection : la musique. Non pas La Musique « monotonothéiste », dont Schopenhauer fait La Substance/Sujet, qui mène le monde à sa fin/néant en se contentant, in fine, d’inverser l...
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    Franck Jedrzejewski, Hétérotopies musicales: Modèles mathématiques de la musique (Paris, Hermann, 2019).Vinícius de Aguiar - 2020 - Kairos 23 (1):115-122.
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    La scénographie comme hétérotopie : de l’ailleurs à l’après.Gaëlle Périot-Bled - 2018 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 2 (2):9-20.
    Cet article se propose de mettre en évidence le dialogue que la scénographie instaure entre une œuvre éphémère et un lieu hétérotopique. A rebours d’une conception faisant de la scénographie l’agencement d’un espace circonscrit et clos, il s’agit d’envisager l’ouverture de la scène sur un ailleurs comme une modalité de la survie de l’œuvre. De l’ailleurs à l’après, un pont s’établit. Car, en créant des conditions favorables à la remémoration, la scénographie permet au spectateur de nourrir un désir de reprise.
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    Spuren der Heterotopie – Hören in Admiralty, Hongkong.Andrin Uetz - 2019 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 28 (1):175-187.
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    Una perspectiva estética y metafísica de la experiencia gastronómica desde la obra de Junichiro Tanizaki y las nociones de utopía y heterotopía.Carlos A. Garduño Comparán & Coral Herrera Herrera - 2023 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 55 (155):230-267.
    En este texto se analizan los motivos gastronómicos de la obra del escritor japonés Junichiro Tanizaki, con el fin de discutir sus implicaciones estéticas y metafísicas. Para ello, se ofrece una breve semblanza del autor y se plantea la problemática de cómo interpretar sus textos, en un marcado contraste con la hermenéutica filosófica de corte occidental, y en función de una digresión filosófica sobre las nociones de utopía y heterotopía de Paul Ricœur y Michel Foucault.
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    Inszenierungen des Widerstreits. Die Heterotopie als postmodernistisches Subgenre der Utopie by Judith Leiß.Susanna Layh - 2018 - Utopian Studies 29 (2):268-271.
    Postmodernism declared the end of all outlines of entity and unity in favor of a play of differences, of otherness and plurality. The end of grands récits, the end of ideology and history, was proclaimed, as well as the death of utopia. But despite all claims to the contrary, utopia today is all but dead. It has only changed its literary shape, dressing up in a different poetological garment now. The dystopian turn in the literary tradition of utopia manifests itself (...)
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    Von der Utopie zur Heterotopie. Foucaults philosophische Konzeption von der Geschichte als Antwort auf Kant und Hegel.Marita Rainsborough - 2017 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2017 (1):430-434.
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    Deconstruction of de jure mother and a Hétérotopie on a Surrogate Mother’s Womb. 전해정 - 2017 - Korean Feminist Philosophy 28:151-170.
    보조생식기술이 발달함에 따라 모라는 주체와 자궁이라는 몸은 이제 더 이상 하나의 개념이 아니다. 이것은 특히 대리모 출산에서 법률상 모를 결정하는 경우에 잘 드러난다. 그런데 법학계나 여성계나 대리모를 분석함에 있어서 자녀양육과 연결된 기존의 모성 담론에서 벗어나지 못하고 있다. 푸코의 이론은 현대 과학기술 진보에 따른 모(母) 개념을 모색하는 데 도움을 준다. 푸코는 공간을 주체형성의 인식론적 조건으로 분석한다. 또한 푸코의 주체화 양식의 역사는 생체-권력bio-power으로 지칭되는 헤테로토피아적인 식민 공간에 새겨진 역사(권력의 공간화 역사)와 관련된다. 이를 대리모에 적용하면, 대리모의 자궁은 헤테로토피아로서 대리모를 형성하는 인식론적 조건이다. 푸코가 (...)
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  13. Michel Foucault: Die Heterotopien. Les Hétérotopies. [REVIEW]Hermann Riefstahl - 2005 - Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 58 (4).
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  14. Unravelling Foucault’s ‘different spaces’.Peter Johnson - 2006 - History of the Human Sciences 19 (4):75-90.
    Although it is widely acknowledged that Foucault’s accounts of the concept of heterotopia remain briefly sketched and somewhat confusing, the notion has provoked many interpretations and applications across a range of disciplines. In particular, it has been coupled with different stages or processes of modernity and persistently linked to forms of resistance. This article re-examines Foucault’s concept through a close textual analysis. It contrasts heterotopia with Lefebvre’s conceptualization of heterotopy and wider formulations of utopia. Drawing on Foucault’s study of (...)
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    What Dwells There?Olivia Maria Gomes da Cunha - 2024 - Journal of World Philosophies 8 (2).
    Museum visitors partake in the effect of what we can call the domestication of the view. They witness the constant changes in how objects are allowed to exist in a museological space. In this way, visitors are challenged to cultivate new sensibilities that simultaneously reveal and conceal things and their relationships. These meanings have been subject to political debates, controversies, disputes, and conflicts around property rights involving museum representatives and other actors. As a result, the domesticated things inside the museums (...)
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    O que podemos no encontro com a inf'ncia? Um convite a um olhar heterotópico.Letícia de Lima Borges & Eliana da Costa Pereira De Menezes - 2021 - Childhood and Philosophy 17:01-28.
    This paper aims to propose an invitation to look at the kind of childhood we have been constructing from the practices of Special Education, in articulation with the practices of Early Childhood Education. It problematizes the discursive webs formed in this articulation, considering the way that Special Education teachers working with Early Childhood in public schools regard childhood. Such discussions have derived from the uneasiness of thinking about how we have been producing childhood, given the policy of expanding mandatory attendance (...)
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    El espacio bibliotecario del saber. De Foucault a Borges.Hans Frex Aguirre - 2016 - Aisthesis 59:23-40.
    In The Order of Things, Foucault shows that the main function of heterotopia is to impede the reference of words to things. A contradiction is evident in the inclusion of the libraryin the heterotopia in “Other Spaces”: there is no better place to investigate and produce knowledge than a library. We analyze Borges’ “The Library of Babel” from the concept of heterotopy, in order to resolve the exact relationship between library, space, and knowledge, and its link with Foucault’s archive (...)
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    The sea as a counterspace. The heterotopia in the novel Mare al mattino.María Reyes Ferrer - 2021 - Alpha (Osorno) 53:23-36.
    Resumen: El filósofo francés Michel Foucault vinculó su investigación acerca del concepto de heterotopía al espacio terrenal y sólido, basándose en seis principios que circunscriben estos contraespacios. El objetivo de este estudio es utilizar los principios heterotópicos propuestos por Foucault para analizar el espacio marítimo en la novela Mare al mattino, de la escritora Margaret Mazzantini, y estudiar la relación que se establece entre las protagonistas y el mar.: The French philosopher Michel Foucault linked his research on the concept of (...)
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  19. A imagem como utopia em heterotopias e noção de intericonicidade frente à escrita do acontecimento.Alex Pereira De Araújo - 2023 - Revista Heterotópica 4 (2):4-32.
    Este trabalho apresenta uma discussão que tem como objetivo principal propor um novo risco ao contorno da noção de intericonicidade que aparece em Courtine, precisamente, em 2003. Aí encontramos uma abertura que nos permite traçar outras curvaturas em sua noção. É justamente por este interstício que vamos propor a inclusão de dois elementos que, a nosso ver, estão na ordem da constituição das imagens: as utopias e heterotopias, conforme discussões iniciadas anteriormente por Araújo (2014a, 2014b). Para tanto, tomamos como pano (...)
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  20. Memória: corpo e poder na arqueogenealogia do sujeito no discurso fílmico de horror.Alex Pereira De Araújo - 2016 - Dissertation, Universidade Estadual Do Sudoeste da Bahia
    Tout le film est toujours une microphysique du pouvoir, en potence, d’être étudier. Aujourd’hui l'augmentation des productions d'horreur et son public ont fait le film d'horreur une «contreculture» dominante, mais toujours sous l'effet négatif du pouvoir et du savoir qui disqualifient les discours, matérialisée dans ces films, ce qui les rend illégitime et exiler en soi espace filmique, transformée en un lieu adapté pour interdite et marquée par certaines pratiques discursives avec certains dispositifs d'exclusion. Paradoxalement, les types marginaux qui apparaissent (...)
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    (1 other version)Controversy over “Jullien,” or where and what is China, Philosophically Speaking?Ralph Weber - 2014 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 41 (3-4):361-377.
    This article is about François Jullien and a controversy that arose over the publication of a pamphlet by Jean François Billeter entitled Against François Jullien, replied by Jullien in a volume subtitled Reply to *** and followed by collections of essays by French intellectuals—one of them entitled For Jullien. The controversy assumed a weight that went beyond Jullien and the French debate to the heart of sinology and also of philosophy. The question, what and where China is philosophically speaking, is (...)
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  22. Spaces of crisis and critique: heterotopias beyond Foucault.David Hancock, Anthony Faramelli & Robert G. White (eds.) - 2018 - London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    In Of Other Spaces Foucault coined the term "heterotopias" to signify "all the other real sites that can be found within the culture" which "are simultaneously represented, contested, and inverted." For Foucault, heterotopic spaces were first of all spaces of crisis, or transformative spaces, however these have given way to heterotopias of deviation and spaces of discipline, such as psychiatric hospitals or prisons. Foucault's essay provokes us to think through how spaces of crisis and critique function to open up disruptive, (...)
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    Heterotopias and the facesphere: “Living Pictures: Photography in Southeast Asia”.Silvia Barbotto - 2023 - Semiotica 2023 (255):77-94.
    This exploration of the works of various authors and artists will bring us to a philosophical contemplation of the portrait as a heterotopic space. On one hand, a portrait represents the faces of the self and others, embodying both individuality and collectivity. On the other hand, the space within the conventional frame of a portrait transforms from a mere representation of documented reality to a co-constructed and reified form of expression. The article is divided in three parts. The first part (...)
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  24.  14
    The Turret Room as a Caribbean Heterotopia in Lawrence Scott’s Witchbroom.Laetitia Saint-Loubert - 2022 - Revue D’Études Benthamiennes 22.
    In Caribbean literature, being gazed upon is often part of a larger design of imperial governance, conquest and appropriation, where surveillance is constant and omnipresent, particularly in texts that centre on life on the plantation or are set within the colonial house itself. In his first novel Witchbroom, Trinidadian writer Lawrence Scott presents a family saga through the eyes of the family’s last surviving member, Lavren, a hermaphrodite, trickster-narrator who travels through time to write down the record of his/herstory. To (...)
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    A (não) questão do tempo na tradição chinesa.Maria Trigoso - 2006 - Cultura:209-219.
    A filosofia chinesa, tal como de resto a língua (em que ela é elaborada), sugerem que o Tempo, desde sempre no centro do debate filosófico ocidental, não é uma questão colocada na e pela tradição chinesa. Livre da categoria linguística da flexão verbal, que obriga a opor/separar os tempos (presente, passado e futuro) entre si e a escolher, necessária e exclusivamente, uma modalidade temporal, a língua chinesa presta-se melhor a dar conta do processo contínuo das coisas. Não será, portanto, de (...)
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  26. La biblioteca fantástica El libro sobre la mesa.Ángel María Sopó - 2005 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 9:15-38.
    It is intended to show how Foucault, in “The Fantastic Library”, analyzes the structural way of self –exclusion experience in the saint, as a contribution of his general project of a critic history of the thought, and searches a pretext to look into a real game of the temptation and the lectic determinations of interest in the fractal hermeneutic.
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