Results for 'global poverty'

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  1.  46
    Measuring Global Poverty: Toward a Pro-Poor Approach.Scott Wisor - 2011 - Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Global poverty measurement is important. It is used to allocate scarce resources, evaluate progress, and assess existing projects, policies, and institutional designs. But given the diversity of ways in which poverty is conceived, how can we settle on a conception and measure that can be used for interpersonal and inter-temporal global comparison? -/- This book lays out the key contemporary debates in poverty measurement, and provides a new analytical framework for thinking about poverty conception (...)
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  2. Assessing global poverty and inequality: Income, resources, and capabilities.Ingrid Robeyns - 2005 - Metaphilosophy 36 (1‐2):30-49.
    Are global poverty and inequality on the rise or are they declining? And is the quality of life of the world's poorest people getting worse or better? These questions are often given conflicting answers by economists, the World Bank, and social activists. One reason for this is that assessments of quality of life can be made in terms of people's income, their resources, or their functionings and capabilities. This essay discusses the pros and cons of these evaluative approaches, (...)
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  3. Immigration, Global Poverty and the Right to Stay.Kieran Oberman - 2011 - Political Studies 59 (2):253-268.
    This article questions the use of immigration as a tool to counter global poverty. It argues that poor people have a human right to stay in their home state, which entitles them to receive development assistance without the necessity of migrating abroad. The article thus rejects a popular view in the philosophical literature on immigration which holds that rich states are free to choose between assisting poor people in their home states and admitting them as immigrants when fulfilling (...)
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    Global Poverty and Individual Responsibility.Abigail Gosselin - 2009 - Lexington Books.
    This book considers what responsibilities affluent individuals have toward global poverty, given that global poverty is a problem with structural, political causes, and one that generally requires collective action. By looking at the intersection of moral, political, and legal philosophy, this book gives a pluralistic and differentiated account of individual duties based on a person's moral agency, her roles within collective groups , and her institutional identities as citizen and consumer.
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    Global Poverty, Injustice, and Resistance.Gwilym David Blunt - 2019 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Each year, millions of people die from poverty-related causes. In this groundbreaking and thought-provoking book, Gwilym David Blunt argues that the only people who will end this injustice are its victims, and that the global poor have the right to resist the causes of poverty. He explores how the right of resistance is used to reframe urgent political questions: is illegal immigration a form of resistance? Can transnational social movements, such as the indigenous rights movement, provide the (...)
  6. From Global Poverty to Global Equality: A Philosophical Exploration.Pablo Gilabert - 2012 - Oxford University Press, UK.
    Do we have positive duties to help others in need or are our moral duties only negative, focused on not harming them? Are any of the former positive duties, duties of justice that respond to enforceable rights? Is their scope global? Should we aim for global equality besides the eradication of severe global poverty? Is a humanist approach to egalitarian distribution based on rights that all human beings as such have defensible, or must egalitarian distribution be (...)
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  7. Global Poverty, Structural Change, and Role-Ideals.Olga Lenczewska & Kate Yuan - 2024 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 2024 (2):431-458.
    It has often been argued that charitable donations are not a sufficient response to global poverty; individuals need to address structural injustice. Proponents of the Effective Altruism (EA) movement have raised two main problems with this focus on structural injustice. In this paper, we respond to these concerns. The first problem raised by EA proponents is that focusing on structural injustice absolves individuals of any responsibility other than political ones. In response, we argue that discharging this duty requires (...)
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  8. Global poverty: four normative positions.Varun Gauri & Jorn Sonderholm - 2012 - Journal of Global Ethics 8 (2-3):193-213.
    Global poverty is a huge problem in today's world. This survey article seeks to be a first guide to those who are interested in, but relatively unfamiliar with, the main issues, positions and arguments in the contemporary philosophical discussion of global poverty. The article attempts to give an overview of four distinct and influential normative positions on global poverty. Moreover, it seeks to clarify, and put into perspective, some of the key concepts and issues (...)
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  9. Responding to Global Poverty: Harm, Responsibility, and Agency.Christian Barry & Gerhard Øverland - 2014 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This book explores the nature of moral responsibilities of affluent individuals in the developed world, addressing global poverty and arguments that philosophers have offered for having these responsibilities. The first type of argument grounds responsibilities in the ability to avert serious suffering by taking on some cost. The second argument seeks to ground responsibilities in the fact that the affluent are contributing to such poverty. The authors criticise many of the claims advanced by those who seek to (...)
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    Explaining Global Poverty: A Realist Critique of the Orthodox Approach.Branwen Jones - 2001 - Journal of Critical Realism 4 (1):2-10.
  11.  12
    Global Poverty and Global Inequality.Richard W. Miller - 2013 - In Jon Mandle & David A. Reidy, A Companion to Rawls. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 361–377.
    While differences in economic advantage can be put behind a veil of ignorance, this produces no transnational obligation to reduce inequality since the representatives of peoples are not concerned with the further, individual interests of people. If John Rawls's version of original position is extrapolated worldwide, the cosmopolitanism of equality ought to be rejected as inappropriate in the Standard Case. In contrast, a transnational demand for relief of abject poverty would be appropriate. Political conception specifies an ideal of well‐ordered (...)
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    Global poverty and the collective responsibility of adolescents.Gottfried Schweiger - 2024 - Journal of Global Ethics 20 (3):354-362.
    Adolescents as agents of global justice have so far played no role in philosophy. They are not taken seriously as active subjects, instead mostly only as passive objects in need of support and guidance from adults. However, adolescents are quite capable of assuming responsibility and being agents of justice, including with regard to global poverty.
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  13. Global Poverty, Human Rights and Correlative Duties.Julio Montero - 2009 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 22 (1):79-92.
    Does the fact that my actions cause someone to lack access to the objects of her human rights make me a human rights violator? Is behaving in such a way that we deprive someone of access to the objects of her human rights even when we could have avoided behaving in such a way, sufficient to maintain that we have violated her human rights? When an affluent country pursues domestic policies that will foreseeably cause massive deprivation abroad in order to (...)
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  14. Global Poverty Relief--More Than Charity: Cosmopolitan Alternatives to the Singer Solution.Andrew Kuper - 2002 - Ethics and International Affairs 16 (1):107-120.
    Contrary to Singer's view, Kuper asserts that there is no "royal road" to poverty relief, but intersecting roads that may take us to a place without poverty. Drawing on the works of Rawls and Marx, Kuper examines how an effective political philosophy of this kind might be developed.
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    Is Global Poverty a Philosophical Problem?Sylvia Berryman - 2019 - Metaphilosophy 50 (4):405-420.
    Peter Singer’s groundbreaking call to action in 1972, “Famine, Affluence, and Morality,” drew philosophical attention to the topic of famine and the associated suffering or preventable death of many throughout the world. Yet despite the volume of philosophical work Singer’s paper inspired, it would still be easy to suppose that global poverty is not a problem for philosophers to take seriouslyin itselfbut is rather a particularly stark illustration or instance of a more general problem, whether in ethics or (...)
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    Distant Strangers: Ethics, Psychology, and Global Poverty.Judith Lichtenberg - 2013 - Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
    Debate about the responsibilities of affluent people to act to lessen global poverty has dominated ethics and political philosophy for forty years. But the controversy has reached an impasse, with the main approaches either demanding too much of ordinary mortals or else letting them off the hook. In Distant Strangers I show how a preoccupation with standard moral theories and with the concepts of duty and obligation have led philosophers astray. I argue that there are serious limits to (...)
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    Recognition theory and global poverty.Gottfried Schweiger - 2014 - Journal of Global Ethics 10 (3):267-273.
    So far, recognition theory has focused its attention on modern capitalism and its formation in richer Western societies and has neglected issues of global poverty. A brief sketch of Axel Honneth's recognition theory precedes an examination of how the theory can contribute to a better understanding of global poverty, and justice in relation to poverty. I wish to highlight five ways in which recognition theory can enrich our inventory of theories dealing with global (...) and justice: It emphasizes the importance of giving victims of poverty due weight in theorizing about poverty. It provides a vocabulary to conceptualize the experiences of suffering by poverty in terms of misrecognition. It highlights the importance of legal recognition and of actually having certain rights in order to be respected. It bases its critique of poverty on a particular idea of justice and how it should unfold. Finally, recognition theory demands that the poor must be involved in decision-making processes and their agency has .. (shrink)
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    Précis of Responding to Global Poverty: Harm, Responsibility, and Agency.Christian Barry - 2019 - Ethics and Global Politics 12 (1):5-7.
    In this article I respond to the eight critical essays in this issue that evaluate the claims in my book with Gerhard Øverland, Responding to Global Poverty: Harm, Responsibility, and Agency.
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  19. The duty to eradicate global poverty: Positive or negative?Pablo Gilabert - 2005 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 7 (5):537-550.
    In World Poverty and Human Rights, Thomas Pogge argues that the global rich have a duty to eradicate severe poverty in the world. The novelty of Pogges approach is to present this demand as stemming from basic commands which are negative rather than positive in nature: the global rich have an obligation to eradicate the radical poverty of the global poor not because of a norm of beneficence asking them to help those in need (...)
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  20. Punishing states that cause global poverty.Thom Brooks - 2007 - William Mitchell Law Review 33 (2):519-32.
    The problem of global poverty has reached terrifying proportions. Since the end of the Cold War, ordinary deaths from starvation and preventable diseases amount to approximately 250 million people, most of them children. Thomas Pogge argues that wealthy states have a responsibility to help those in severe poverty. This responsibility arises from the foreseeable and avoidable harm the current global institutional order has perpetrated on poor states. Pogge demands that wealthy states eradicate global poverty (...)
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    Global Poverty and Kantian Hope.Claudia Blöser - 2022 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 26 (2):287-302.
    Development economists have suggested that the hopes of the poor are a relevant factor in overcoming poverty. I argue that Kant’s approach to hope provides an important complement to the economists’ perspective. A Kantian account of hope emphasizes the need for the rationality of hope and thereby guards against problematic aspects of the economists’ discourse on hope. Section 1 introduces recent work on hope in development economics. Section 2 clarifies Kant’s question “What may I hope?” and presents the outlines (...)
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  22. Is Global Poverty a Moral Problem for Citizens of Affluent Societies?Harry van der Linden - 2007 - The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 1:229-234.
    The gap between the affluent and the global poor has increased during the past few decades, whether it is measured in terms of private consumption, income, or wealth. One would expect that severe poverty in a world of abundance would constitute a moral challenge to the affluent, but in fact it hardly seems a serious ethical concern. Affluent citizens seem so little morally concerned with global poverty. However, the most promising approach seems to be to explore (...)
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  23. Global poverty: Alternative perspectives on what we should do—and why.David Schweickart - 2008 - Journal of Social Philosophy 39 (4):471-491.
  24.  63
    Global poverty and responsibility: Identifying the duty-bearers of human rights. [REVIEW]Abigail Gosselin - 2006 - Human Rights Review 8 (1):35-52.
    Many rights theorists argue that global poverty violates certain human rights, so that responsibility to address poverty involves carrying out the duties that correspond with relevant rights-claims. Liberatirians argue that the rights and duties associated with global poverty, especially what are sometimes thought of as “positive” rights, or rights of assistance, are inappropriately agent-neutral, giving them less justificatory force than agent-relative rights and duties. To counter libertarian concerns, Thomas Pogge tries to reframe the responsibilities corresponding (...)
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  25. Global Poverty and Human Rights: the Case for Positive Duties.Simon Caney - 2007 - In Thomas Winfried Menko Pogge, Freedom From Poverty as a Human Right: Who Owes What to the Very Poor? Co-Published with Unesco. Oxford University Press.
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  26. Global Poverty.Christian Barry & Scott Wisor - 2013 - In Hugh LaFollette, The International Encyclopedia of Ethics. Hoboken, NJ: Blackwell.
  27.  45
    Nudging Global Poverty Alleviation?Meena Krishnamurthy - 2015 - The Law and Ethics of Human Rights 9 (2):249-264.
    Journal Name: The Law & Ethics of Human Rights Issue: Ahead of print.
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  28. Global Poverty and an Extraordinary Humanitarian Intervention.Gerhard Øverland - 2014 - In Thom Brooks, New Waves in Gobal Justice. Basingstoke: Palgrave-MacMillan. pp. 29-47.
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    Testing the Motivational Strength of Positive and Negative Duty Arguments Regarding Global Poverty.Luke Buckland, Matthew Lindauer, David Rodríguez-Arias & Carissa Véliz - 2022 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 13 (3):699-717.
    Two main types of philosophical arguments have been given in support of the claim that the citizens of affluent societies have stringent moral duties to aid the global poor: “positive duty” arguments based on the notion of beneficence and “negative duty” arguments based on noninterference. Peter Singer’s positive duty argument (Singer 1972) and Thomas Pogge’s negative duty argument (Pogge 2002) are among the most prominent examples. Philosophers have made speculative claims about the relative effectiveness of these arguments in promoting (...)
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  30. Responsibility for Global Poverty.Judith Lichtenberg - forthcoming - In Sombetzki Heidbrink, Handbook of Responsibility. Springer.
    This paper has two aims. The first is to describe several sources of the moral responsibility to remedy or alleviate global poverty—reasons why an agent might have such a responsibility. The second is to consider what sorts of agents bear the responsibilities associated with each source—in particular, whether they are collective agents like states, societies, or corporations, on the one hand, or individual human beings on the other. We often talk about our responsibilities to the poorest people in (...)
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  31. A Pluralistic Approach to Global Poverty.Carl Knight - 2008 - Review of International Studies 34 (4):713-33.
    A large proportion of humankind today lives in avoidable poverty. This article examines whether affluent individuals and governments have moral duties to change this situation. It is maintained that an alternative to the familiar accounts of transdomestic distributive justice and personal ethics put forward by writers such as Peter Singer, John Rawls, and Thomas Pogge is required, since each of these accounts fails to reflect the full range of relevant considerations. A better account would give some weight to overall (...)
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  32. Political equality and global poverty: an alternative egalitarian approach to distributive justice.Sagar Sanyal - 2009 - Dissertation, University of Canterbury
    I argue that existing views in the political equality debate are inadequate. I propose an alternative approach to equality and argue its superiority to the competing approaches. I apply the approach to some issues in global justice relating to global poverty and to the inability of some countries to develop as they would like. In this connection I discuss institutions of international trade, sovereign debt and global reserves and I focus particularly on the WTO, IMF and (...)
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    (1 other version)Guns or Food: On Prioritizing National Security over Global Poverty Relief.Francisco García-Gibson - 2017 - Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric 10 (2).
    Political realists claim that international relations are in a state of anarchy, and therefore every state is allowed to disregard its moral duties towards other states and their inhabitants. Realists argue that complying with moral duties is simply too risky for a state’s national security. Political moralists convincingly show that realists exaggerate both the extent of international anarchy and the risks it poses to states who act morally. Yet moralists do not go far enough, since they do not question realism’s (...)
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    Alienation and global poverty: Arendt on the loss of the world.Johanna C. Luttrell - 2015 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 41 (9):869-884.
    The language that global justice theorists use to characterize global poverty, the terms of duty and charity, are detached discourses that fail to capture the reality of poverty as most people currently experience it, as slum dwellers living on the outskirts of the world’s megacities. In contrast, the language of alienation better captures the experience of global, urban poverty. This article’s aim is to draw from Hannah Arendt to form a new idea of alienation (...)
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    Multinational Firm Strategy and Global Poverty Alleviation.Samir Ranjan Chatterjee - 2009 - Journal of Human Values 15 (2):133-152.
    Bottom of the Pyramid (BOP) strategies recognize for the first time that global companies can contribute to the alleviation of worldwide poverty by adopting non-traditional and mostly non-Western models of business involvement. It is now widely accepted that poverty and hunger arise not because there are no goods or food, but because billions of people lack income to purchase them. It is also a common belief that the private sector can play a significant role in lifting the (...)
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    The Ethics of Global Poverty: An Introduction.Scott Wisor - 2016 - Routledge.
    _The Ethics of Global Poverty_ offers a thorough introduction to the ethical issues surrounding global poverty. It addresses important questions such as: What is poverty and how is it measured? What are the causes of poverty? Do wealthy individuals have a moral duty to reduce global poverty? Should aid go to those who are most in need, or to those who are easiest to help? Is it morally wrong to buy from sweatshops? Is (...)
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  37. Pogge on global poverty.R. Juha - 2006 - Journal of Global Ethics 2 (1):111 – 118.
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  38. Combatting Long-Term Global Poverty: A Thought Piece.Reginald Williams - 20011 - Poverty and Public Policy 3 (2):article 8 (on line).
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    Global Poverty and the Limits of Academic Expertise.Onora O'Neill - 2012 - Ethics and International Affairs 26 (2):183-189.
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    How Might Financial Aid Form a Part of the Negative Duty Not to Harm in the Case of Global Poverty?Leonie Smith - forthcoming - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 118 (3).
    The pro tanto duty not to harm is arguably the most widely accepted basis for moral demand. However, in the case of global poverty, even if we accept that individual members of wealthier nations are responsible for harming the global poor (through their constitution of, or participation in or with, global institutions that harm), it remains difficult to claim that individuals violate a negative duty in doing so. For an agent to hold a duty, that duty (...)
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  41. A Hegelian Approach to Global Poverty.Lydia L. Moland - 2012 - In Hegel and Global Justice. pp. 131-154.
    According to Thomas Pogge’s theory of human rights, those of us in the developed world have a negative duty to the global poor. In other words, our responsibility to them is not merely to help them but to stop harming them by hoarding natural resources and imposing unfair institutional structures. I argue that Hegel would agree that we have a responsibility to the global poor and that he would also agree with some of Pogge’s institutional diagnosis. Hegel thought (...)
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    Who’s Responsible For Global Poverty?Judith Lichtenberg - 2016 - Teaching Ethics 16 (1):1-15.
    This paper has two aims. The first is to describe several sources of the moral responsibility to remedy or alleviate global poverty. The second is to consider what sorts of agents bear the responsibilities associated with each source—in particular, whether they are collective agents like states or societies or individual human beings. We often talk about our responsibilities to poor people, or what we owe them. So the question is who this we is. I argue that the answer (...)
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    Al-qaeda terrorism and global poverty: New social banditry.Ivan Manokha - 2008 - Journal of Global Ethics 4 (2):95 – 105.
    This article examines the relationship between global poverty and terrorism. The approach is built around a concept of ‘social bandit’ developed by Eric Hobsbawm. By social bandits, Hobsbawm refers to those outlaws in pre-capitalist societies who robbed the rich, and gave to the poor. What was common to social bandits is a myth that surrounded their activity, and a strong popular sympathy and support. This article uses Hobsbawm's notion of social bandit to deal with the fact that in (...)
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    Mobilizing Hope: Climate Change and Global Poverty.Darrel Moellendorf - 2022 - Oxford University Press.
    "A climate crisis and other pressures on planetary ecology are causing profound anxieties. Climate change threatens to trap hundreds of millions of people in dire poverty and to separate further an already deeply divided world. However, a new generation of activists is offering inspiration, serving as a hope-maker. This book offers an accessible and empirically informed philosophical discussion of climate change, global poverty, justice, and the importance of political responses, both internationally and domestically, that offer hope. There (...)
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    Navigating Between Extremes: Academics Helping to Eradicate Global Poverty.Roger C. Riddell - 2012 - Ethics and International Affairs 26 (2):217-243.
    This article discusses ways in which academics and concerned individuals committed to the faster eradication of extreme poverty might make a contribution. It argues that this discussion needs to be informed by examining the lessons of academics who have been working in the development field for many decades tell us about success and failures and possible ways forward. Following the introduction, section two attempts to draw out from the work of academics, researchers and policymakers in the “world of development” (...)
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    Cosmopolitan Sentiment: Politics, Charity, and Global Poverty.Joshua Hobbs - 2020 - Res Publica 27 (3):347-367.
    Duties to address global poverty face a motivation gap. We have good reasons for acting yet we do not, at least consistently. A ‘sentimental education’, featuring literature and journalism detailing the lives of distant others has been suggested as a promising means by which to close this gap. Although sympathetic to this project, I argue that it is too heavily wed to a charitable model of our duties to address global poverty—understood as requiring we sacrifice a (...)
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  47. Philosophy, social science, global poverty.Joshua Cohen - 2010 - In Alison Jaggar, Thomas Pogge and His Critics. Malden, MA: Polity.
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  48. Motives to Assist and Reasons to Assist: the Case of Global Poverty.Simon Keller - 2015 - Journal of Practical Ethics 3 (1):37-63.
    The principle of assistance says that the global rich should help the global poor because they are able to do so, and at little cost. The principle of contribution says that the rich should help the poor because the rich are partly to blame for the plight of the poor. This paper explores the relationship between the two principles and offers support for one version of the principle of assistance. The principle of assistance is most plausible, the paper (...)
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    Pablo Gilabert , From Global Poverty to Global Equality . Reviewed by.Timothy Weidel - 2015 - Philosophy in Review 35 (2):70-72.
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  50. Singer Revisited: Cosmopolitanism, Global Poverty and Our Ethical Requirements.Georges Alexandre Lenferna - 2010 - South African Journal of Philosophy 29 (2):85-94.
    A commonly held view is that giving to the poor is superogatory i.e., that while it is a good thing to do, it is not morally wrong for us not to do so. This essay sets out to show that for the affluent in the world giving to the poor is not superogatory but is rather a moral obligation. The paper critiques Singer's famous argument in ‘Famine, Affluence and Morality’ and finds that although the argument is a cogent and powerful (...)
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