Results for 'global economy'

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  1.  80
    Global economy, global justice: theoretical objections and policy alternatives to neoliberalism.George DeMartino - 2000 - New York: Routledge.
    Global Economy, Global Justice explores a vital question that is suppressed in most economics texts: "what makes for a good economic outcome?" Neoclassical theory embraces the normative perspective of "welfarism" to assess economic outcomes. This volume demonstrates the fatal flaws of this perspective--flaws that stem from objectionable assumptions about human nature, society and science. Exposing these failures, the book obliterates the ethical foundations of global neoliberalism. George DeMartino probes heterodox economic traditions and philosophy in search of (...)
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  2. Global Economy, Justice and Sustainability.Nigel Dower - 2004 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 7 (4):399-415.
    Although this paper attends to some extent to the question whether the global economy promotes or impedes either justice or sustainability, its main focus is on the relationship between justice and sustainability. Whilst sustainability itself as a normative goal is about sustaining inter alia justice, justice itself requires intergenerationally the sustaining of the conditions of a good life for all. At the heart of this is a conception of justice as realising the basic rights of all–in contrast to (...)
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    The Global Economy and Kathie Lee: Public Relations and Media.Sally M. Alvarez - 2000 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 15 (2):77-88.
    In a congressional hearing in the spring of 1996, talk show host Kathie Lee Gifford was charged with endorsing clothing made in Honduran sweatshops by exploited children. Resulting media coverage focused public attention on a seamy underside of the "global economy." Redemption strategies used by Gifford and her public relations consultant, and repeated and promoted through the mass media, fed a larger controversy over the meaning of the concept of the global economy and its ethical implications (...)
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    Fairness in Practice: A Social Contract for a Global Economy.Aaron James - 2012 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    If the global economy seems unfair, how should we understand what a fair global economy would be? What ideas of fairness, if any, apply, and what significance do they have for policy and law? Working within the social contract tradition, this book argues that fairness is best seen as a kind of equity in practice.
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  5. Fostering Sustainable Tourism in Global Economy.Nataliia Stukalo, Nataliya Krasnikova, Oleksandr Krupskyi & Victoriia Redko - 2018 - Revista ESPACIOS 42 (39):27.
    The study of the essence of the sustainable tourism, transformation of the modern functions of global tourism, rethinking of its basic principles made it possible to form the conceptual framework of the sustainable tourism. The conditions for promotion of the sustainable tourism to the world market and the factors of impact on its development in the global economy have been determined. The technique for calculation of the tourism sustainability index, taking into account the anthropogenic factor, was improved.
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  6. A Just Global Economy: In Defense of Rawls.David A. Reidy - 2007 - The Journal of Ethics 11 (2):193-236.
    In The Law of Peoples, John Rawls does not discuss justice and the global economy at great length or in great detail. What he does say has not been well-received. The prevailing view seems to be that what Rawls says in The Law of Peoples regarding global economic justice is both inconsistent with and a betrayal of his own liberal egalitarian commitments, an unexpected and unacceptable defense of the status quo. This view is, I think, mistaken. Rawls’s (...)
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  7. (1 other version)Promotion sustainable tourism in global economy.Nataliia Stukalo, Nataliya Krasnikova, Oleksandr Krupskyi & Victoriia Redko - 2018 - In Nataliia Stukalo, Nataliya Krasnikova, Oleksandr Krupskyi & Victoriia Redko (eds.), PROMOTION SUSTAINABLE TOURISM IN GLOBAL ECONOMY. pp. 253-266.
    Purpose is to substantiate the ways of promotion sustainable tourism in the global economy. Methodology - To determine the importance of the sustainable tourism factors, the hierarchy analysis method of T. Saati was used. The method of expert estimations has been used for determining the significance level of the tourism sustainability factors. Findings - The conditions for promotion of the sustainable tourism to the world market and the factors of impact on its development in the global (...) have been determined. All impact factors were divided into 7 groups: political and regulatory environment, environmental sustainability, social and cultural strategy, economic sustainability, tourism service, safety, basic sustainability state. To assess the potential of the sustainable tourism by international destinations, it was offered to rank the factors of index of sustainable tourism development in the countries from the point of view of a tourist. Contribution - The structure of the factors of tourism sustainability index with the emphasis on the role of an immediate tourist was improved. The most importante factors of influence on the choose tourist destination have been identified: the factors of safety, tourist service and the factor of basic sustainability state of a country. (shrink)
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    Global Economy/Global Environment.Lee E. Preston - 2000 - The Ruffin Series of the Society for Business Ethics 2:205-218.
    The purpose of this paper is to set the stage by presenting a sketch of the global economic setting within which the environmental issues, which are our main concerns here, have arisen. It is important to note that this is also the setting within which any human, social and technological responses to these issues and concerns win have to be developed and implemented. There is no use thinking about arrangements that will work only in some other world. This world-the (...)
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    The Future of the Global Economy in the Light of Inflationary and Deflationary Trends and Long Cycles Theory.Leonid E. Grinin & Andrey V. Korotayev - 2018 - World Futures 74 (2):84-103.
    Recent years and months have evidenced an increase in deflationary phenomena. The present article defines the reasons for the problem, explains the irregularity of the inflation–deflation processes in the world and forecasts on this basis that the crisis-depressive phase of development in the global economy will continue for a relatively long time. Based on an analysis of available resources and the theory of long cycles, we believe that in the next 5–10 years, the global economy will (...)
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    Political Islam and the global economy.Nafis Irkhami - 2019 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 13 (2):407-432.
    This article discusses the entanglement of political Islam and the new global economy. It specifically addresses the epistemic fields of political economic concepts of the Islamist organisation of Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia/HTI. This article argues that the organisation offers an entangled epistemic field of religion, politics, and economy. The Islamic concept of khilafah is particularly defined as a new global political and economic systems that challenge the currently dominant capitalist-state of western civilisation. The crucial elements of political (...)
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    Accountability in a Global Economy: The Emergence of International Accountability Standards.Sandra Waddock - 2011 - Business Ethics Quarterly 21 (1):23-44.
    ABSTRACT:This article assesses the proliferation of international accountability standards (IAS) in the recent past. We provide a comprehensive overview about the different types of standards and discuss their role as part of a new institutional infrastructure for corporate responsibility. Based on this, it is argued that IAS can advance corporate responsibility on a global level because they contribute to the closure of some omnipresent governance gaps. IAS also improve the preparedness of an organization to give an explanation and a (...)
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  12.  18
    Declaring the Global Economy a Status Confessionis?Menno R. Kamminga - 2019 - Philosophia Reformata 84 (2):194-219.
    This article revisits theologian Ulrich Duchrow’s three-decade-old use of the Protestant notion of status confessionis to denounce the capitalist global economy. Scholars quickly dismissed Duchrow’s argument; however, philosopher Thomas Pogge has developed a remarkable “negative duty”—based critique of the current global economic order that might help revitalize Duchrow’s position. The article argues that sound reasons exist for the churches to declare the contemporary world economy a—provisionally termed—status confessionis minor. After explaining the inadequacy of Duchrow’s original position (...)
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  13.  24
    Getting Through COVID-19: The Pandemic’s Impact on the Psychology of Sustainability, Quality of Life, and the Global Economy – A Systematic Review.Mogeda El Sayed El Keshky, Sawzan Sadaqa Basyouni & Abeer Mohammad Al Sabban - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:585897.
    The COVID-19 pandemic may affect the world severely in terms of quality of life, political, environmental, and economic sustainable development, and the global economy. Its impact is attested to by the number of research studies on it. The main aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on the psychology of sustainability, on sustainable development, and on the global economy. A computerized literature search was performed, and journal articles from authentic sources were extracted, (...)
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  14.  15
    Ethical Issues in the Global Economy.Margaret P. Gilleo - 2001 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 21 (4):272-280.
    With the increasing focus on globalization of the economy, ethical issues are often submerged by the goal of increasing profitability. This article explores the implications of globalization and its effects on both the Earth’s poor and the Earth itself. It illustrates how poverty goes hand in hand with environmental degradation. The economic and moral impacts of international financial and regulatory organizations are analyzed and discussed. The article demonstrates how the economically marginalized suffer not only from the obvious lack of (...)
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    Investment Ethics and the Global Economy of Sports: The Norwegian Oil Fund, Formula 1 and the 2014 Russian Grand Prix.Hans Erik Næss - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 158 (2):535-546.
    As a sovereign wealth fund, the $1 trillion Norwegian Government Pension Fund-Global, which is managed by Norges Bank Investment Management on behalf of the welfare of Norway’s citizens, is supposed to be a flagship for socially responsible investments through its Council of Ethics. However, its investment in Delta Topco, the holding company of Formula 1 world championship that, through Formula One Group, brokered a deal with Russia to host a Formula 1 Grand Prix in 2014, raises the question of (...)
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    Whose Ethos for Public Goods in the Global Economy?Georges Enderle - 2000 - Business Ethics Quarterly 10 (1):131-144.
    Abstract:The discussion of the global economy and worldwide expansion of the capitalist and market economic system barely deals with the topic of public goods, although they are of paramount importance precisely in this international setting. Fortunately, the theory of public economics systematically developed the central concept of the public good with its far-reaching implications so that this knowledge can be applied also to global issues. In order to treat these often vaguely discussed issues, a typology of international (...)
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  17.  26
    De uitwendigheid van de globale economie en de loze aanspraak van de staat op het algemeen belang.Gido Berns - 2013 - Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 105 (2):92-94.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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    Critical notice of Aaron James, Fairness in Practice: A Social Contract for a Global Economy.Risse Matthias & Wollner Gabriel - 2013 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 43 (3):382-401.
    (2013). Critical notice of Aaron James, Fairness in Practice: A Social Contract for a Global Economy. Canadian Journal of Philosophy: Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 382-401.
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  19.  8
    Consumer ethics in a global economy: how buying here causes injustice there.Daniel K. Finn - 2019 - Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
    Workers in distant nations who produce the products we buy frequently suffer from accidents, managerial malfeasance, and injustice. Are consumers who bought the products made by these workers in any way morally responsible for those injustices? And what about the far more frequent, less severe injustices, such as the withholding of wages, the denial of bathroom breaks, forced overtime, and harassment of various sorts? Could buying a shirt at the local department store create for you some responsibility for the horrendous (...)
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  20.  14
    Universities in the new global economy: Actors or spectators.Eva Egron-Polak - 2005 - In Glen Alan Jones, Patricia Louise McCarney & Michael L. Skolnik (eds.), Creating knowledge, strengthening nations: the changing role of higher education. Buffalo: University of Toronto Press. pp. 56--66.
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  21.  50
    "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others": The negtive impact of gender inequality on the global economy and public health.T. V. Danylova & L. A. Kats - 2019 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 15:101-110.
    Purpose. The purpose of the study is to define the negative impact of gender inequality on the global economy and public health. Theoretical basis. Unequal treatment of individuals based on gender discrimination has led to negative consequences in various areas of society. Gender inequality is very costly for the world due to the lack of representation of women in the labor market, gender income inequality situation, glass ceiling effect that have the negative impact on the world economy. (...)
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  22.  52
    Justice and the Global Economy in Rawls’s the Law of Peoples.David Reidy - 2004 - Southwest Philosophy Review 20 (1):241-255.
  23.  17
    Corrigendum: Getting Through COVID-19: The Pandemic's Impact on the Psychology of Sustainability, Quality of Life, and the Global Economy – A Systematic Review.Mogeda El Sayed El Keshky, Sawzan Sadaqa Basyouni & Abeer Mohammad Al Sabban - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:700815.
    Corrigendum: Getting Through COVID-19: The Pandemic’s Impact on the Psychology of Sustainability, Quality of Life, and the Global Economy–A Systematic Review * Correspondence: drmogeda@gmail.comKeywords: coronavirus disease, COVID-19, the psychology of sustainability, economic growth, sustainabledevelopment, quality of life, world economy.Corrigendum on: full citation of the original version of the article. Please pick the most relevant text template(s) (delete all others) and edit as necessary.Missing FundingIn the original article, we neglected to include the funder ** The Deanship of Scientific (...)
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  24.  14
    Business ethics in global economy.Marjaana Kopperi - 1999 - Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies 4 (1).
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  25. Special Issue: "Business Ethics in a Global Economy".Nien-hê Hsieh - 2004 - Business Ethics Quarterly 14 (4):643-661.
    :Building on John Rawls’s account of the Law of Peoples, this paper examines the grounds and scope of the obligations of transnational corporations that are owned by members of developed economies and operate in developing economies. The paper advances two broad claims. First, the paper argues that there are conditions under which TNCs have obligations to fulfill a limited duty of assistance toward those living in developing economies, even though the duty is normally understood to fall on the governments of (...)
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  26.  84
    Art and Creativity in the Global Economies of Education.Elizabeth Grierson - 2011 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 43 (4):336-350.
    Creativity: what might this mean for art and art educators in the creative economies of globalisation? The task of this discussion is to look at the state of creativity and its role in education, in particular art education, and to seek some understanding of the register of creativity, how it is shaped, and how legitimated in the globalised world dominated by input-output, means-end, economically driven thinking, expectations and demands. With the help of Heidegger some crucial questions are raised, such as: (...)
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  27.  26
    Modeling firms in the global economy.Charles Perrow - 2009 - Theory and Society 38 (3):217-243.
  28.  20
    The relative productivity exponent in global economy.Zarema Seidalievna Seidametova & Valery Anatolievich Temnenko - 2022 - Kant 42 (2):58-63.
    The purpose of the study is to introduce a new economic index, the "relative productivity exponent in the global economy g", which characterizes the deviation of the economic productivity index of a given country from some ideal productivity determined by the shape of the axial line of the swarm of the global economy in the three-dimensional space of economic indices EPI, BLI, CPI. To determine the values of the relative productivity exponent g, the shape of the (...)
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  29.  83
    Labor standards in the global economy: Issues for investors. [REVIEW]Pietra Rivoli - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 43 (3):223 - 232.
    In the mid-1990s, global labour standards emerged as a new and important are of concern for socially responsible investors, especially with respect to investments in the "problematic" footwear, apparel, and toy industries. In this paper, I elucidate the primary areas of concern for investors and discuss a framework for evaluating firms'' labor standards performance. In addition, I argue that today''s sweatshop debates follow closely those of centuries ago, with the standard economic defense of low wage manufacturing on the one (...)
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    Special Issue: "Business Ethics in a Global Economy".Oliver F. Williams - 2004 - Business Ethics Quarterly 14 (4):755-774.
    The UN Global Compact is a voluntary initiative designed to help fashion a more humane world by enlisting business to follow ten principles concerning human rights, labor, the environment, and corruption. Although the four-year-old Compact is a relatively successful initiative, having signed up over eleven hundred companies and more than two hundred of the large multinationals, and having begun some important projects on globalization issues, there is a serious problem in that very few of the major U.S. companies have (...)
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  31. Andre Gunder Frank, Reorient: Global Economy in the Asian Age.J. Smith - 2000 - Thesis Eleven 62:135-138.
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  32. Poverty and Hunger in the Developing World: Ethics, the Global Economy, and Human Survival.Krishna Mani Pathak - 2010 - Asia Journal of Global Studies 3 (2):88-102.
    The large number of hungry people in a global economy based on industrialization, privatization, and free trade raises the question of the ethical dimensions of the worsening food crisis in the world in general and in developing countries in particular. Who bears the moral responsibility for the tragic situation in Africa and Asia where people are starving due to poverty? Who is morally responsible for their poverty - the hungry people themselves? the international community? any particular agency or (...)
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  33.  10
    Is the Good Corporation Dead?: Social Responsibility in a Global Economy.Gerald F. Cavanaugh & Richard T. DeGeorge (eds.) - 1996 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Can corporations remain socially responsible in today's fiercely competitive global economy? For several decades after World War II, companies like IBM, which exemplified what journalist Robert J. Samuelson called the 'good corporation,' poured forth material comforts and technological ideas while guaranteeing full employment and adequate retirement. In the 1980s all of that changed, as corporations moved to 'downsize' and become lean, mean global competitors. In this collection, thirteen prominent scholars in business ethics, finance, management, and religion and (...)
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    (1 other version)Invisible hands: voices from the global economy.Corinne Goria & Kalpona Akter (eds.) - 2014 - San Francisco: McSweeney's Books.
    The men and women in Invisible Hands reveal the human rights abuses occurring behind the scenes of the global economy. These narrators--including phone manufacturers in China, copper miners in Zambia, garment workers in Bangladesh, and farmers around the world--reveal the secret history of the things we buy, including lives and communities devastated by low wages, environmental degradation, and political repression. Sweeping in scope and rich in detail, these stories capture the interconnectivity of all people struggling to support themselves (...)
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  35. Special Issue: "Business Ethics in a Global Economy".David P. Schmidt - 2004 - Business Ethics Quarterly 14 (4):679-693.
    :War has broken out in the technological global economy, principally in battles over intellectual property. A particularly fierce aspect of this battle sets people who guard proprietary software against hackers, who want information to be free. The key challenge today is to produce an adequate conceptual lens for seeing what ethically is at stake in this battle. Toward this end, this paper uses the just war tradition to analyze differences between proponents of Free Software and proponents of Open (...)
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  36.  9
    Consumer Ethics in a Global Economy: How Buying Here Causes Injustice There.Kate Ward - 2019 - Journal of Catholic Social Thought 17 (2):347-349.
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    Hooked!: Buddhist Writings on Greed, Desire, and the Urge to Consume, and: Subverting Greed: Religious Perspectives on the Global Economy (review).Brian Karafin - 2007 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 27 (1):179-182.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Hooked! Buddhist Writings on Greed, Desire, and the Urge to Consume, and: Subverting Greed: Religious Perspectives on the Global EconomyBrian KarafinHooked! Buddhist Writings on Greed, Desire, and the Urge to Consume. Edited by Stephanie Kaza. Boston: Shambhala, 2005. 271 pp.Subverting Greed: Religious Perspectives on the Global Economy. Edited by Paul F. Knitter and Chandra Muzaffar. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2002. 193 pp.The Buddha's second noble (...)
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    Is the Good Corporation Dead?: Social Responsibility in a Global Economy.John W. Houck & Oliver F. Williams (eds.) - 1996 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Can corporations remain socially responsible in today's fiercely competitive global economy? For several decades after World War II, companies like IBM, which exemplified what journalist Robert J. Samuelson called the 'good corporation,' poured forth material comforts and technological ideas while guaranteeing full employment and adequate retirement. In the 1980s all of that changed, as corporations moved to 'downsize' and become lean, mean global competitors. In this collection, thirteen prominent scholars in business ethics, finance, management, and religion and (...)
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    The axial line of the global economy "swarm" in the space of economic indices EPI, BLI, CPI.Zarema Seidalievna Seidametova & Valery Anatolievich Temnenko - 2021 - Kant 40 (3):77-84.
    The purpose of the study is to determine the concept of the axial line of the swarm of the global economy in the three-dimensional space of the economic indices EPI, BLI, CPI and to construct mathematical expressions that determine the shape of this line based on statistical data on the world economy. To construct the axial line the median points of the EPI-groups of the global economy were used. In the paper we discuss certain assumptions (...)
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  40.  73
    Missing mother: Migrant mothers, maternal surrogates, and the global economy of care.Jean P. Tan - 2012 - Thesis Eleven 112 (1):113-132.
    A longitudinal perspective on motherhood that spans the experience of gestation, birthing, the care of young children, and the mother’s relation to her grown children makes way for a conception of the mother as essentially plural. It shall be argued in this paper that maternity is necessarily tied to surrogacy, that it is divided into a multiplicity of tasks inevitably parceled out to multiple agents. In this essay, the analysis of maternal surrogacy is focused on the phenomenon of mothering from (...)
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  41. Reconciling the irreconcilable: The global economy and the environment. [REVIEW]Deborah C. Poff - 1994 - Journal of Business Ethics 13 (6):439-445.
    This paper focusses on the relationship among structural adjustment policies and practices, the business activities of transnational corporations and what Robert Reich has called the coming irrelevance of corporate nationality. The argument presented is that the force of these combined factors makes environmental sustainability impossible.
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    Solidarity and subsidiarity: "Organizing principles" for corporate moral leadership in the new global economy[REVIEW]John E. Kelly - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 52 (3):283-295.
    One of the crucial intellectual and social challenges facing corporation leaders is to foster a new way of thinking about business and society which recognizes the multinational corporation as a key player in society's responsibility to support and maintain fairness in the global reorganization of markets. In order to establish a sound global social economy, we are in need of the organizing and directing principles of solidarity and subsidiarity. Both of these principles speak to the need of (...)
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  43. Special Issue: "Business Ethics in a Global Economy".Gerald F. Cavanagh - 2004 - Business Ethics Quarterly 14 (4):625-642.
    :Three strategies for developing just and consistent global business practices are examined: 1) international treaties and agreements, 2) global codes of business conduct, and 3) voluntary self-restraint. International agreements investigated are: NAFTA, Global Warming Treaty, OECD Anti-Bribery Treaty and Infant Formula Agreement. The codes examined are the Caux Round Table’sPrinciples for Business, The Global Sullivan Principlesand The United NationsGlobal Compact with Business. Each of these three strategies is probed for its relative strengths and weaknesses, and its (...)
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  44. Special Issue: "Business Ethics in a Global Economy".Edward J. Romar - 2004 - Business Ethics Quarterly 14 (4):663-678.
    :Opportunism impacts the behavior of firms in market situations where they purchase goods and services externally and create dependency relationships with other firms. Opportunism as a business issue is addressed in economics and marketing literature as an important factor in transaction cost analysis and market governance. Management and business ethics scholars, however, do not address this issue in depth, if at all.The recent bankruptcy of MCI WorldCom highlights some of the risks inherent in a world economy where customers and (...)
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    Consumer Ethics in a Global Economy: How Buying Here Causes Injustice There. [REVIEW]Andrew D. Bowyer - 2019 - Studies in Christian Ethics 34 (3):387-390.
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    Special Issue: "Business Ethics in a Global Economy".Duane Windsor - 2004 - Business Ethics Quarterly 14 (4):729-754.
    :International business norms do not exist. Content and development of such norms is a significant research question for business ethics scholarship. Any norms must address difficult practical and moral problems facing multinational enterprises. The author’s thesis is as follows. A key circumstance is that international relations remain a Hobbesian state of nature. The theoretical solution of a global sovereignty for norm formulation and enforcement is unlikely. The business ethics literature proposes other insightful but theoretical and conflicting solutions to abstract (...)
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    Leadership and Integrity: Crisis and Challenge for the Global Economy.Gabriel Flynn & Julian Clarke - 2011 - Philosophy of Management 10 (1):9-28.
    This paper formulates a vision for leadership based on integrity in business, banking, government and politics. It proposes a tripartite response to the current grave difficulties affecting international finance and markets: a renewal of values and virtues, acceptance of the centrality of the human person, and appropriate recourse to key principles of Catholic social teaching, as articulated in Pope Benedict XVI’s encyclical, Caritas in Veritate. By considering Ireland’s “Celtic Tiger” period, particularly the actions of the Anglo Irish Bank, we show (...)
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    Crisis in the Global Economy: Financial Markets, Social Struggles, and New Political Scenarios, edited by Andrea Fumagalli and Sandro Mezzadra, Los Angeles: Semiotext(e), 2010; Finanza bruciata, Christian Marazzi, Bellinzona: Casagrande, 2009; Il comunismo del capitale. Finanziarizzazione, biopolitiche del lavoro e crisi globale, Christian Marazzi, Verona: Ombre corte/UniNomade, 2010; Dall’euforia al panico. Pensare la crisi finanziaria e altri saggi, André Orléan, Verona: Ombre corte/UniNomade, 2010. [REVIEW]Damiano Palano - 2013 - Historical Materialism 21 (3):229-245.
    The article considers the research developed by the UniNomade project concerning the global financial crisis within the theoretical framework of Italian ‘workerism’ and post-workerist theory. On the whole, the UniNomade project offers a rich variety of stimuli to debate. However, in the work of UniNomade, there are some problematic elements, particularly when the authors invoke a series of ‘excesses’ in ‘cognitive capitalism’. This review-article argues that the old post-workerist thesis of an obsolescence of the law of value introduces into (...)
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    Fair shares: ethics and the global economy.Timothy Gorringe - 1999 - New York: Thames & Hudson.
    This book is also concerned with world economics, but it is approached from the viewpoint of ethics. It argues that the hubris of the present global market is destroying communities and wreaking irrevocable damage to the planet: we live in a modern version of the Midas myth.Justice in its broadest sense -- fair shares for all -- is eloquently held up as the prime virtue of human communities. Timothy Gorringe, Professor of Systematic Theology at the University of Exeter, offers (...)
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  50. Special Issue: "Business Ethics in a Global Economy".William K. Black - 2004 - Business Ethics Quarterly 14 (4):603-623.
    Japan’s economy has stagnated since the bursting of the twin real estate and stock bubbles in 1990. Construction employment rose after the bubbles burst despite a real estate glut.Systemic corruption is delaying recovery. The key is thedango—Japan’s system of bid rigging, which is pervasive in public construction. The firms rotate who will win the “competitive” bid. The bureaucrats leak the highest price bid that will be accepted in return for favors from the industry and lucrative sinecures when they retire. (...)
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