Results for 'gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit'

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  1. The gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit.Andrew Pinsent - 2011 - In Brian Davies & Eleonore Stump (eds.), The Oxford handbook of Aquinas. New York: Oxford University Press.
  2.  33
    Are the Actions of a Person Operating out of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit the Same as the Actions of That Person Operating out of Infused Virtue?Iii William C. Mattison - 2023 - Studies in Christian Ethics 36 (2):350-371.
    Are the actions of a person operating out of the gifts of the Holy Spirit the same as the actions of that person operating out of infused virtue? Answering this question provides an opportunity to offer a Thomistic account of how the gifts of the Holy Spirit are distinct from, yet related to, the infused virtues. This article begins with two recent arguments for how the gifts differ from the infused virtues. It then (...)
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    The love of God poured out: grace and the gifts of the Holy Spirit in St. Thomas Aquinas.John Meinert - 2018 - Steubenville, Ohio: Emmaus Academic.
    Grace, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and Thomism -- Grace in Aquinas's thought on the gifts of the Holy Spirit -- The gifts of the Holy Spirit in Aquinas's thought on grace -- Aquinas, grace, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and Thomism.
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  4. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit and Their Indispensability for the Christian Moral Life: Grace as Motus.Steven A. Long - 2013 - Nova et Vetera 11 (2).
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  5. Religion and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.Romanus Cessario - 2017 - Nova et Vetera 15 (4).
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    John Wesley’s Moral Pneumatology: The Fruits of the Spirit as Theological Virtues.Joseph William Cunningham - 2011 - Studies in Christian Ethics 24 (3):275-293.
    This essay examines the significance of John Wesley’s moral pneumatology in relation to virtue. Although recent scholars have identified this connection, the present work offers a more integrated exploration of righteousness, peace, joy, and love—gifts/virtues inseparable from the Holy Spirit’s work in the economy of salvation according to Wesley’s practical theology. We will see that, for Wesley, believers become participants in God’s nature as the conjoined τέλος of happiness and holiness shapes the soul with respect to outward (...)
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    Democratic Moral Education and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.Mark D. Jordan - 2016 - Journal of Religious Ethics 44 (2):246-259.
    How far is Thomas Aquinas available for current discussions in political philosophy? While there are certainly things to be learned from him about our political preoccupations, the pedagogy of his moral teaching typically resists our familiar questions. This holds even when the question is put in terms that Thomas should recognize—say, as a question about the virtues appropriate for a democracy. Thomas not only gives different meanings to these terms, he moves political topics away from the center of theological attention (...)
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    Spirit baptism and the doctrine of initial evidence in African Pentecostal Christianity: A critical analysis.Mookgo S. Kgatle - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1):1-7.
    Pentecostalism is known for the belief in Spirit baptism that is accompanied by the doctrine of initial evidence, that is, speaking in tongues. The practice of the doctrine of initial evidence has become a unique feature of Pentecostalism for many years since its beginning. Similarly, Spirit baptism and the doctrine of initial evidence are practised in African Pentecostal Christianity, especially in classical Pentecostal churches and charismatic movements. However, there are challenges with this doctrine: speaking in tongues is perceived (...)
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    Aquinas's Ethics beyond Thomistic Virtue Ethics: The Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Spiritual Instinct, and Complete Human Perfection.John Berkman - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (1):47-92.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Aquinas's Ethics beyond Thomistic Virtue Ethics:The Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Spiritual Instinct, and Complete Human PerfectionJohn BerkmanThis paper offers a new reading and interpretation of Aquinas's doctrine of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. In the contemporary Thomist literature on ethics, there is far more discussion—and a far more developed discussion—of the nature and role of a virtue-habitus than a gift-habitus. Why (...)
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    On the Study of Thomas Aquinas’s Tree-layered Character of Moral Dispositions and Passions. 이상일 - 2017 - Journal of the New Korean Philosophical Association 90:313-338.
    우리가 토마스 아퀴나스의 도덕철학의 방법론과 내용들을 연구함에 있어서 아리스토텔레스의 도덕 교설들에 대한 이해를 제외하고서 그의 교설들을 제대로 이해했다고 말할 수 없다. 왜냐하면, 아리스토텔레스의 도덕교설과 토마스 아퀴나스의 도덕 교설 사이에 존재하는 아주 밀접한 관련성 때문이다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 토마스 아퀴나스의 도덕규범 안에는 서로 상이하게 보이는 두 가지의 도덕규범 체계가 공존하고 있음을 볼 수 있다. 하나는 아리스토텔레스적인 것이며, 또 다른 하나는 그리스도교적인 것이다.BR 이와 관련해서, 최근의 학자들은 토마스 아퀴나스의 아리스토텔레스의 교설들의 변형에 관하여 대체적으로 두 가지의 상반된 주장을 펼치고 있다. 하나는 철학적 해석이다. 이것은 (...)
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    Sin, Suffering, and the Need for the Theological Virtues.David Albert Jones - 2006 - Christian Bioethics 12 (2):187-198.
    This article examines the account of the relationship between sin and suffering provided by J. L. A. Garcia in “Sin and Suffering in a Catholic Understanding of Medical Ethics,” in this issue. Garcia draws on the (Roman) Catholic tradition and particularly on the thought of Thomas Aquinas, who remains an important resource for Catholic theology. Nevertheless, his interpretation of Thomas is open to criticism, both in terms of omissions and in terms of positive claims. Garcia includes those elements of Thomas (...)
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  12. Approaching Participation in the Divine Gift: Anselm of Canterbury’s Theology of the Holy Spirit.Parker Haratine - 2019 - Heythrop Journal 62 (4):729-742.
    This article seeks to constructively retrieve Anselm’s theology of the Holy Spirit by responding to a recent criticism of his doctrine of atonement. This criticism is called the question of efficacy and focuses particularly on how Anselm holds humanity to participate in and receive the divine gift of atonement. In short, this paper argues that the Spirit’s prevenient and subsequent grace allow for an individual to respond freely and in faith to Christ’s work, resulting in three individually (...)
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  13.  29
    Genuine Agency, Somehow Shared? The Holy Spirit and Other Gifts.Marilyn McCord Adams - 2013 - Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy 1 (1):23-60.
    Medieval philosophical theologians thought that they had solved the problem of how God and creatures can be alike genuine agents in producing the world as we know it. But could God and creatures share genuine agency, when it comes to counting creatures and their actions worthy of eternal life? All agreed: God’s contribution was to elevate created agents by making them holy. Thinkers from Lombard to Ockham saw God as doing that in two ways: through a distinctive kind of (...)
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  14. The Acquired Virtues are Real Virtues.Brandon Dahm - 2015 - Faith and Philosophy 32 (4):453-470.
    In a recent paper, Eleonore Stump argues that Aquinas thinks the acquired virtues are “not real at all” because they do not contribute to true moral life, which she argues is the life joined to God by the infused virtues and the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit. Against this, I argue in two stages that Aquinas thinks the acquired virtues are real virtues. First, I respond to Stump’s four arguments against the reality of the (...)
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  15. The holy spirit and christian form.John R. Sachs - 2005 - Gregorianum 86 (2):378-396.
    The Spirit is the form and transforming power of divine love. As the bond and ever-greater «more» of the love of Father and Son, the Spirit is the sovereign freedom and fruitfulness of God. As the ekstasis of divine love in theologia, the Spirit is also God's openness outward as love for the world in oikonomia. By forming the human life and mission of Jesus Christ to be the revelation of the self-surrendering triune love for the sinful (...)
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    The Trinitarian Theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar: An Introduction by Brendan McInerny (review).Endika Martinez - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (1):382-385.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Trinitarian Theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar: An Introduction by Brendan McInernyEndika MartinezThe Trinitarian Theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar: An Introduction by Brendan McInerny (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2020), 250 pp.Thomas Aquinas affirms that knowledge of the doctrine of the Trinity is useful to think about creation and about the salvation of humanity (Summa theologiae I, q. 32, a. 1, ad 3). (...)
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    Humility, Fear, and the Relationship between the Gifts and Infused Virtues in Thomas Aquinas.Adam Eitel - 2023 - Studies in Christian Ethics 36 (2):372-390.
    In the Secunda secundae of his masterwork, the Summa Theologiae, Thomas Aquinas contends that reverence (an affection elicited by the gift of fear) is both the principle and cause of humility (an infused moral virtue). He suggests also that the relationship between fear and humility is emblematic of the relationship between the gifts of the Holy Spirit and infused virtues as such. This article examines these claims and explores their implications for understanding the contribution of the (...) to the infused virtues’ growth: as the theological virtues grow, the infused moral and intellectual virtues grow with them; yet this happens by the intermediate growth of the gifts. Although uncharted within the landscape of contemporary Aquinas studies, these claims are plainly attested in the Summa and corroborated by the Literal Exposition of Job and the Commentary on John. (shrink)
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    The Holy Spirit and the Christian Life: The Theological Basis of Ethics.Karl Barth - 1993 - Westminster John Knox Press.
    In a rare volume, Barth presents his lecture on "The Holy Spirit and the Christian Life", in which he insists there is no way to get behind or beyond the fact that God is revealed to us in three distinct ways, yet with a unity that cannot be divided.
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    The Holy Spirit and the World Religions: On the Christian Discernment of Spirit(s) "after" Buddhism.Amos Yong - 2004 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 24 (1):191-207.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Holy Spirit and the World Religions:On the Christian Discernment of Spirit(s) "after" BuddhismAmos YongIntroductionArguably, recent Christian theological reflection on religious pluralism and the world religious traditions has taken what might be called "a pneumatological turn."1 This emerging conversation is itself an outgrowth of focused attention on both pneumatology and trinitarian theology during the last generation. Applied to the world of the religions, the turn to (...)
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  20.  47
    Newman’s Notion of the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the Parochial and Plain Sermons.John R. Connolly - 2008 - Newman Studies Journal 5 (1):5-18.
    This essay analyzes Newman’s understanding of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in his Parochial and Plain Sermons : the nature of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit; the role of the Holy Spirit in regeneration; the appropriation of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the Christian through baptism; and the role of the Holy Spirit outside the Church. The final section indicates how some aspects of Newman’s theology of (...)
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  21. The Sanctifying Work of the Holy Spirit: Revisiting Alston’s Interpersonal Model.Steven L. Porter & Brandon Rickabaugh - 2018 - Journal of Analytic Theology 6:112-130.
    Of the various loci of systematic theology that call for sustained philosophical investigation, the doctrine of sanctification stands out as a prime candidate. In response to that call, William Alston developed three models of the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit: the fiat model, the interpersonal model, and the sharing model. In response to Alston’s argument for the sharing model, this paper offers grounds for a reconsideration of the interpersonal model. We close with a discussion of some of (...)
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  22.  32
    Demarcating Deification and the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit in Reformed Theology.Joanna Leidenhag - 2020 - Perichoresis 18 (1):77-98.
    The recent interest in exploring whether authoritative figures of the Reformed tradition employed a concept of theōsis or deification in their soteriology continues to grow. However, it is yet unclear how the supposed implicit Reformed doctrine of deification relates to the more explicit concept of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Moreover, many of the arguments for theōsis in the theology of John Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, or T. F. Torrance seem to rely on confusing these two soteriological concepts. (...)
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  23. The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit.William Alston - 1988 - In Thomas V. Morris (ed.), Philosophy and the Christian Faith. Univ. Of Notre Dame Press. pp. 121-150.
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  24. The Holy Spirit in the Life of Jesus and of the Christians.Joseph Hp Wong - 1992 - Gregorianum 73 (1):57-95.
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    A critical study of Pentecostal understanding of the baptism of the Holy Spirit in Acts.Kalis Stevanus, Ivan Th J. Weismann, Christopher J. Luthy, Daniel Ronda & Randy F. Rouw - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (2):6.
    In faith and practice, Pentecostals put emphasis on practical issues as well as spiritual experience in their theological understanding and doctrinal teachings. The Pentecostals take their doctrine from certain empirical events. One of the spiritual experiences often underlined is the baptism of the Holy Spirit. In interpreting the Book of Acts, Pentecostals tend to emphasise the theological character of the narratives and seldom their historical uniqueness. That is why Pentecostals stress the normative theological intent of the historical record (...)
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  26.  19
    Comparison between the respective views of John Calvin and classical Pentecostals on the role of the Holy Spirit in reading the Bible.Marius Nel - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):9.
    The growth of the Pentecostal movement in the global south implies that its pneumatological emphases be noticed by other Christian traditions, including the hermeneutical processes followed to interpret the Bible, the Christians’ source of revelation about God. The aim of this article is to reflect on the role of the Spirit in the hermeneutical process, and it is done based on two traditions, the Reformed and Pentecostal movements, both of which play an important role within South African Christianity. Whilst (...)
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  27.  11
    Bearing Witness to Christ and to Each Other in the Power of the Holy Spirit: Orthodox Perspectives.K. M. George - 2013 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 30 (4):267-272.
    In the wider ecumenical movement, bearing witness to each other in true friendship is a creative gesture inspired by the Holy Spirit. It cuts across religious and denominational divides. The friendship between Gandhi and CF Andrews is invoked as an example of East and West bearing witness to each other. In ancient Asian religious context, mutual witnessing is extended to all sentient beings. From the Orthodox tradition three themes are highlighted as contributing to the Spirit-movement for mutual (...)
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    The Holy Spirit and moral action in Thomas Aquinas.John Mahoney - 2021 - Lanham: Lexington Books/Fortress Academic.
    This book is a detailed study of how, according to Thomas Aquinas and his works, God's Holy Spirit is continuously at work in and through human moral activity.
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    The Holy Spirit and the Christian Life.Albert Curry Winn - 1979 - Interpretation 33 (1):47-57.
    The primary work of the Holy Spirit is to bestow shared life on the people of God.
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  30. Transcendentality and the Gift.King-Ho Leung - 2022 - Modern Theology 38 (1):81-99.
    This article seeks to consider the compatibility between the doctrine of the Trinity and the theory of the transcendental properties by offering a consideration of the notion of the ‘gift’ as a transcendental term. In particular, this article presents a re-reading of John Milbank’s influential theology of the gift through Colin Gunton’s project of developing ‘trinitarian transcendentals’. In addition to showing how Milbank’s notion of the gift could be systematically understood in terms of what Gunton calls a ‘trinitarianly developed transcendental’ (...)
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  31.  28
    The Holy Spirit in pre-conciliar ecclesiology. The beginnings of a rediscovery?Jos Moons - 2013 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 74 (3):240-254.
    It is said that the Second Vatican Council rediscovered the role of Holy Spirit in the Church. In this article I want to explore how the Holy Spirit was conceived before the Council, in order to know how that rediscovery can be said to have started before the Council. I will explore the different understandings of the Holy Spirit’s role in the Church in the period 1900 and 1960; explore their historical-theological background; and venture (...)
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    “Made Worthy of the Holy Spirit”.Brian Dunkle - 2019 - Augustinian Studies 50 (1):1-12.
    Among the “patristic” authorities that Augustine invokes near the end of his anti-Pelagian work De natura et gratia is a couplet from Ambrose’s hymn, “Iam Surgit Hora Tertia.” While these lines have been cited as evidence of the hymn’s authenticity, few have examined their function and meaning in the context of the treatise. I argue that the lines illustrate Augustine’s distinctive use of authorities in De natura et gratia and that this use is driven by two primary motives: first, Augustine (...)
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  33. The Holy Spirit and Eschatology in Paul (Scottish Journal of Theology Occasional Papers No. 6).Neill Q. Hamilton - 1957
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    Jesus and the Spirit: a study of the religious and charismatic experience of Jesus and the first Christians as reflected in the New Testament.James D. G. Dunn - 1975 - London: S.C.M. Press.
    In this book James D. G. Dunn explores the nature of the religious experiences that were at the forefront of emerging Christianity.
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    The Holy Spirit and Moral Action in Thomas Aquinas.S. J. Mahoney - 2021 - Lanham: Fortress Academic.
    This book is a detailed study of how, according to Thomas Aquinas and his works, God’s Holy Spirit is continuously at work in and through human moral activity.
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  36. The Holy Spirit in the Acts of the Apostles.F. F. Bruce - 1973 - Interpretation 27 (2):166-183.
    For Paul and Luke alike, the present age is the age of the Spirit; for them both, the presence and activity of the Spirit constituted the great new fact of their time.
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  37. The Holy Spirit and Spiritual Gifts in the New Testament Church and Today.Max Turner - 1998
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  38. In Him and Over Him: The Holy Spirit in the Life of Jesus.John O'donnell - 1989 - Gregorianum 70 (1):25-45.
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  39. Inspired: The Holy Spirit and the Mind of Faith.[author unknown] - 2013
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  40.  17
    The Omission of the Holy Spirit from Reinhold Niebuhr's Theology. [REVIEW]A. R. E. - 1965 - Review of Metaphysics 18 (3):586-586.
    The reference to the Holy Spirit provides the starting point and doctrinal center for showing that Niebuhr, because of his uncritical acceptance of the explanatory range of science, has been unable to integrate his real longing for a truly Biblical Christianity with his refusal to admit the possibility of God's working miraculously in grace, which is in the highest sense the working of the Holy Spirit. The mystical and righteous elements of Biblical Christianity are redefined in (...)
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  41. The holy spirit and lay ecclesial ministry: Reflections for the 2020 plenary council.Julie Trinidad - 2019 - The Australasian Catholic Record 96 (3):345.
    In this article, I argue that the growing phenomenon of lay ecclesial ministry is a hope-filled work of the Spirit leading the church into deeper reception of conciliar renewal. The upcoming plenary council's consideration of future directions for the church in Australia will have implications for the development of ecclesial ministry models. The experience of lay ecclesial ministry points to the future of how emerging models might look and function. In this article, I draw on the pneumatology of German (...)
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    Rationalism and fideism in the discourse of Ukrainian Protestantism.Tetyana Levchenko - 2020 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 91:151-172.
    The article analyzes the forms of rationalism and fideism proposed by Ukrainian Protestant theologians at the beginning of the XXI century. It turns out that these forms of rationalism and fideism were made possible by overcoming the anti-intellectualism that was characteristic of Protestantism in Soviet times. The opposition of tendencies to rationalism and fideism is connected with the positioning of Ukrainian Protestants in the postmodern times. Proponents of de facto rationalism propose to reconstruct the modern religious worldview, re-synthesizing elements of (...)
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  43. The Source of Life: The Holy Spirit and the Theology of Life.Jürgen Moltmann - 1997
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    The Holy Spirit as feminine: Early Christian testimonies and their interpretation.Johannes Van Oort - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (1).
    The earliest Christians – all of whom were Jews – spoke of the Holy Spirit as a feminine figure. The present article discusses the main proof texts, ranging from the ‘Gospel according to the Hebrews’ to a number of testimonies from the second century. The ancient tradition was, in particular, kept alive in East and West Syria, up to and including the fourth century Makarios and/or Symeon, who even influenced ‘modern’ Protestants such as John Wesley and the Moravian (...)
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  45. The Epistemological Significance of the Inner Witness of the Holy Spirit.William J. Abraham - 1990 - Faith and Philosophy 7 (4):434-450.
    This paper seeks to explore the significance of a specific kind of religious experience for the rationality of religious belief. The context for this is a gap between what is often allowed as rational and what is embraced as certain in the life of faith. The claim to certainty at issue is related to the work and experience of the Holy Spirit; this experience has a structure which is explored phenomenologically. Thereafter various ways of cashing in the epistemic (...)
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    Lonergan’s Theology of the Holy Spirit.Peter Beer - 2011 - The Lonergan Review 3 (1):162-187.
  47. Virtue Formation and The Sanctifying Work of the Holy Spirit.Brandon Rickabaugh & Steve L. Porter - 2021 - In Adam C. Pelser & Scott Cleveland (eds.), Faith and Virtue Formation Christian Philosophy in Aid of Becoming Good. Oxford, UK: pp. 123-145.
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    The Role of the Holy Spirit in Gerald Manley Hopkins's Poetry.Timothy F. Jackson - 2006 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 9 (1):108-126.
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  49. The holy spirit as life and energy. The treatment of athanasius'ad serapionem I, 20-21 in the late thirteenth century and its implications for the hesychast controversy (1). [REVIEW]Dimitri Makarov - 2010 - Byzantion 80:197-246.
    Ad Serapionem I, 20 by Athanasius was of paramount importance for theology of Nicephorus Blemmydes, John XI Beccus and Gregory of Cyprus. Blemmydes seems to have produced several changes of words in the passage making Athanasius say of the Spirit as of the Life and Energy of the Son. In such a form Ad Serapionem I, 20 gave Blemmydes an excellent opportunity for substantiating his own doctrine on the Spirit's eternal illumination through the Son. In his teaching no (...)
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    Liberation Pneumatology: On the Unfettered Work of the Holy Spirit in the World.Gloria L. Schaab - 2023 - Heythrop Journal 64 (3):383-397.
    Despite the frequent refrain concerning the paucity of attention paid to pneumatology in the theological discipline, a review of literature over the past fifty years reveals that pneumatology is an idea whose time has come. However, while writings on the Holy Spirit are manifold, systematically developed pneumatologies are not. In response to this reality, this essay explores four contextually constructed pneumatologies based in communities experiencing marginalisation, oppression, and exclusion: Latin American, womanist, Latinx, and black. These pneumatologies not only (...)
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