Results for 'fundamental law'

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  1.  31
    Fundamental Laws of Nature and Picture of the World.Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Somsikov & Svetlana Nikolaevna Azarenko - 2021 - Open Journal of Philosophy 11 (2):292-306.
    The question of constructing an evolutionary picture of the world based on the results obtained by extending classical mechanics is considered. The expansion of mechanics arose as a result of taking into account the role of the structure of bodies in their dynamics. It is shown that such an extension leads to the possibility of combining branches of physics, in particular, to the substantiation of the laws of thermodynamics, statistical physics, kinetics within the framework of the laws of classical mechanics. (...)
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  2. Fundamental laws and laws of biology.Pablo Lorenzano - 2006 - In Gerhard Ernst & Karl-Georg Niebergall, Philosophie der Wissenschaft – Wissenschaft der Philosophie. Festschrift für C.Ulises Moulines zum 60. Geburstag. Mentis. pp. 129-155.
    In this paper, I discuss the problem of scientific laws in general and laws of biology in particular. After reviewing the debate around the existence of laws in biology, I examine the subject in the light of the structuralist notion of a fundamental law and argue for the law of matching as the fundamental law of genetics.
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    Hugo Grotius, Privileges, Fundamental Laws and Rights.Gustaaf van Nifterik - 2011 - Grotiana 32 (1):1-19.
    As a result of the political developments in the young and struggling Dutch Republic, Grotius experienced the lack of, and the need for juridical protection of some basic rights against infringements by the government. The privileges, taken for fundamental laws, did not provide this protection sufficiently. After he himself had been prosecuted, Grotius falls back on Holland's division of powers to secure the compliance of these rights.
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    Fundamental laws and ad hoc decisions: A reply to Curry.Christopher Ray - 1991 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 23 (4):661-664.
  5. Fundamental laws and the completeness of physics.David Spurrett - 1999 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 13 (3):261 – 274.
    The status of fundamental laws is an important issue when deciding between the three broad ontological options of fundamentalism (of which the thesis that physics is complete is typically a sub-type), emergentism, and disorder or promiscuous realism. Cartwright’s assault on fundamental laws which argues that such laws do not, and cannot, typically state the facts, and hence cannot be used to support belief in a fundamental ontological order, is discussed in this context. A case is made in (...)
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  6. The fundamental laws of physics can tell the truth.Renat Nugayev - 1991 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 5 (1):79 – 87.
    INTERNATIONAL STUDIES IN THE PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE Vol. 5, number 1, Autumn 1991, pp. 79-87. R.M. Nugayev. -/- The fundamental laws of physics can tell the truth. -/- Abstract. Nancy Cartwright’s arguments in favour of phenomenological laws and against fundamental ones are discussed. Her criticisms of the standard cjvering-law account are extended using Vyacheslav Stepin’s analysis of the structure of fundamental theories. It is argued that Cartwright’s thesis 9that the laws of physics lie) is too radical to (...)
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  7. Are Fundamental Laws Necessary or Contingent?Noa Latham - 2011 - In Joseph Keim Campbell, Michael O'Rourke & Matthew H. Slater, Carving nature at its joints: natural kinds in metaphysics and science. Cambridge, MA, USA: MIT Press. pp. 97-112.
    This chapter focuses on the dispute between necessitarians and contingentists, mainly addressing the issue as to whether laws of nature are metaphysically necessary or metaphysically contingent with a weaker kind of necessity, commonly referred to as natural, nomological, or nomic necessity. It is assumed here that all fundamental properties are dispositional or role properties, making the dispute a strictly verbal one. The existence of categorical intrinsic properties as well as dispositional properties is also assumed and the relationship between them (...)
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    Can the fundamental laws of nature be the results of evolution?Abner Shimony - 1999 - In Jeremy Butterfield & Constantine Pagonis, From Physics to Philosophy. Cambridge University Press. pp. 208--223.
  9. Qurʼan, the fundamental law of human life: being a commentary of the Holy Qurʼan keeping in view the philosophical thought, scientific research, political, economical, and social developments in the human society down the ages.Syed Anwer Ali - 1982 - Karachi: Syed Publications.
    v. 1. Introduction to the study of Qurʼan -- v. 2. Surat ul-Faateha to Surat-ul-Baqarah (sections 1-21) -- v. 3. Surat-ul-Baqarah (sections 22 to 37) -- v. 4. Surat-ul-Baqarah (sections 38-40), Surat Aal-e-Imran, Surat-un-Nisa (sections 1 and 2) -- v. 5. Surat-un-Nisa (sections 3 to 24), Surat Al-Maaʼidah (complete), Surat Al-Anʼaam (sections 1-5) -- v. 6. Surat Al-Anʼaam (sections 6-20) -- v. 7. Surat Yunus to Surat Ibrahim -- v. 8. Surat al-Hijr to Surat al-kahf -- v. 9. Surat Maryam (...)
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  10. Physical models and fundamental laws: Using one piece of the world to tell about another.Susan G. Sterrett - 2001 - Mind and Society 3 (1):51-66.
    In this paper I discuss the relationship between model, theories, and laws in the practice of experimental scale modeling. The methodology of experimental scale modeling, also known as physical similarity, differs markedly from that of other kinds of models in ways that are important to issues in philosophy of science. Scale models are not discussed in much depth in mainstream philosophy of science. In this paper, I examine how scale models are used in making inferences. The main question I address (...)
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  11. The Fundamental Laws of Arithmetic: Psychological Logic.Gottlob Frege - 1917 - Philosophical Review 26:448.
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    Hobbes on treason and fundamental law.Laurens van Apeldoorn - 2023 - Intellectual History Review 33 (2):183-203.
    This article considers Hobbes’ contribution to the development of constitutionalist thought by contextualizing his treatment of the concepts of treason and fundamental law in De cive (1642, 2nd ed. 1647) and Leviathan (1651). While in Leviathan he adopts the controversial conception of treason as a violation of fundamental law that had been employed to convict Charles I of high treason in 1649, he draws on the original meaning of the term “fundamental law”, as outlined in the most (...)
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  13. Ecological Laws.Ecological Laws - unknown
    The question of whether there are laws in ecology is important for a number of reasons. If, as some have suggested, there are no ecological laws, this would seem to distinguish ecology from other branches of science, such as physics. It could also make a difference to the methodology of ecology. If there are no laws to be discovered, ecologists would seem to be in the business of merely supplying a suite of useful models. These models would need to be (...)
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    Constitution and Fundamental Law: The Lesson of Classical Athens.John David Lewis - 2011 - Social Philosophy and Policy 28 (1):25-49.
    The question of what constitutions should do is deeply connected to what constitutions are. In the American founding conception, a constitution was a fundamental law, hierarchically superior to the decisions of the legislature, and intended to act as a restraint on legislative action. Despite the massive gulf between the ancient Greeks and the Americans, classical Athens offers an important lesson about how the failure to recognize fundamental laws can lead to catastrophic consequences. The evidence suggests that the Athenians (...)
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    Montesquieu On Fundamental Law and Custom.Joseph Bien - 1972 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 3 (3):149-154.
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  16. Derivative Properties in Fundamental Laws.Michael Townsen Hicks & Jonathan Schaffer - 2017 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 68 (2).
    Orthodoxy has it that only metaphysically elite properties can be invoked in scientifically elite laws. We argue that this claim does not fit scientific practice. An examination of candidate scientifically elite laws like Newton’s F = ma reveals properties invoked that are irreversibly defined and thus metaphysically non-elite by the lights of the surrounding theory: Newtonian acceleration is irreversibly defined as the second derivative of position, and Newtonian resultant force is irreversibly defined as the sum of the component forces. We (...)
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    21. The Fundamental Laws of Thought According to Sir William Hamilton.John StuartHG Mill - 1979 - In An Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy: Volume 9. University of Toronto Press. pp. 372-384.
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    (1 other version)The Fundamental Laws of Arithmetic.Gottlob Frege - 1915 - The Monist 25 (4):481-494.
  19.  32
    Performing Expertise in Building Regulation: ‘Codespeak’ and Fire Safety Experts.Angus Law & Graham Spinardi - 2021 - Minerva 59 (4):515-538.
    Fire safety expertise was in great demand following the Grenfell Tower fire in London in June 2017. The government established a review of building regulations and an expert panel to inform its responses to Grenfell, and many other relevant organisations also formed their own expert panels. However, expert knowledge in fire safety is a highly contested domain, with knowledge claims based on differing sources. Fire fighters can claim expertise based on their experience of fighting fires, scientists and science-based engineers can (...)
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    Values Education in Hong Kong School Music Education: A Sociological Critique.Wing-Wah Law & Wai-Chung Ho - 2004 - British Journal of Educational Studies 52 (1):65 - 82.
    This article examines the social development of Hong Kong's cultural and national identity since its return from the UK to the People's Republic of China nearly six years ago, focusing on the extent to which Hong Kong students are now inculcated in traditional Chinese music and express their devotion to the PRC through singing the national anthem. Hong Kong music teachers experience conflicts concerning their roles as music teachers and as purveyors of values education. These observations raise fundamental questions (...)
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  21. Must the fundamental laws of physics be complete?Marc Lange - 2009 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 78 (2):312-345.
    The beauty of electricity, or of any other force, is not that the power is mysterious and unexpected, touching every sense at unawares in turn, but that it is under law... Michael Faraday, Wheatstone's Electric Telegraph's Relation to Science (being an argument in favour of the full recognition of Science as a branch of Education), 1854.
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  22. Humeanism and Exceptions in the Fundamental Laws of Physics.Billy Wheeler - 2017 - Principia: An International Journal of Epistemology 21 (3):317-337.
    It has been argued that the fundamental laws of physics do not face a ‘problem of provisos’ equivalent to that found in other scientific disciplines (Earman, Roberts and Smith 2002) and there is only the appearance of exceptions to physical laws if they are confused with differential equations of evolution type (Smith 2002). In this paper I argue that even if this is true, fundamental laws in physics still pose a major challenge to standard Humean approaches to lawhood, (...)
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    Is generalization decay a fundamental law of psychology?David R. Mandel - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e54.
    Generalizations strengthen in traditional sciences, but in psychology (and social and behavioral sciences, more generally) they decay. This is usually viewed as a problem requiring solution. It could be viewed instead as a law-like phenomenon. Generalization decay cannot be squelched because human behavior is metastable and all behavioral data collected thus far have resulted from a thin sliver of human time.
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    Leonardo Da Vinci and the Fundamental Laws of Science.Leopold Infeld - 1953 - Science and Society 17 (1):26 - 41.
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  25. On the possibility of stable regularities without fundamental laws.Aldo Filomeno - 2014 - Dissertation, Autonomous University of Barcelona
    This doctoral dissertation investigates the notion of physical necessity. Specifically, it studies whether it is possible to account for non-accidental regularities without the standard assumption of a pre-existent set of governing laws. Thus, it takes side with the so called deflationist accounts of laws of nature, like the humean or the antirealist. The specific aim is to complement such accounts by providing a missing explanation of the appearance of physical necessity. In order to provide an explanation, I recur to fields (...)
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  26. Laws and the Completeness of the Fundamental.Martin Glazier - 2016 - In Mark Jago, Reality Making. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK. pp. 11-37.
    Any explanation of one fact in terms of another will appeal to some sort of connection between the two. In a causal explanation, the connection might be a causal mechanism or law. But not all explanations are causal, and neither are all explanatory connections. For example, in explaining the fact that a given barn is red in terms of the fact that it is crimson, we might appeal to a non-causal connection between things’ being crimson and their being red. Many (...)
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  27. Cartwright on fundamental laws: A response to Clarke.Alan Chalmers - 1996 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 74 (1):150 – 152.
  28. Monarchy, Despotism, and Althusser's 'Linguistic Trick' : Materialist Reflections on the Literary Reproduction of Montesquieu's 'Fundamental Law'.David McInerney - 2013 - In Laurent De Sutter, Althusser and Law. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
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    Thomas Hobbes’s substantially constrained absolutism: the fundamental law of the commonwealth as a substantial constraint on the sovereign’s power.Facundo Rodriguez - 2021 - Jurisprudence 12 (4):447-465.
    In this essay, I contend that the usually neglected Fundamental Law of the Commonwealth, which commands that the essential rights of the sovereign be retained by the sovereign, imposes substantial...
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  30. R. M. MacIver, Community: A Sociological Study: being an Attempt to set out the Nature and Fundamental Laws of Social Life. [REVIEW]C. Delisle Burns - 1917 - Hibbert Journal 16:175.
    An attempt to state the general laws derived from many subsidiary studies of social life in religion, politics, economics, psychology and the rest.
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  31. Governing Without A Fundamental Direction of Time: Minimal Primitivism about Laws of Nature.Eddy Keming Chen & Sheldon Goldstein - 2022 - In Yemima Ben-Menahem, Rethinking Laws of Nature. Springer. pp. 21-64.
    The Great Divide in metaphysical debates about laws of nature is between Humeans, who think that laws merely describe the distribution of matter, and non-Humeans, who think that laws govern it. The metaphysics can place demands on the proper formulations of physical theories. It is sometimes assumed that the governing view requires a fundamental / intrinsic direction of time: to govern, laws must be dynamical, producing later states of the world from earlier ones, in accord with the fundamental (...)
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  32. Loar's defence of physicalism.Stephen Law - 2004 - Ratio 17 (1):60-67.
    Brian Loar believes he has refuted all those antiphysicalist arguments that take as their point of departure observations about what is or isn't conceivable. I argue that there remains an important, popular and plausible-looking form of conceivability argument that Loar has entirely overlooked. Though he may not have realized it, Saul Kripke presents, or comes close to presenting, two fundamentally different forms of conceivability argument. I distinguish the two arguments and point out that while Loar has succeeded in refuting one (...)
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  33. Fundamentality and minimalist grounding laws.Joaquim Giannotti - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (9):2993-3017.
    What grounds facts of ground? Some metaphysicians invoke fundamental grounding laws to answer this question. These are general principles that link grounded facts to their grounds. The main business of this paper is to advance the debate about the metaphysics of grounding laws by exploring the prospects of a plausible yet underexplored minimalist account, one which is structurally analogous to a familiar Humean conception of natural laws. In the positive part of this paper, I articulate such a novel view (...)
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    Fundamentals of criminal law: responsibility, culpability, and wrongdoing.Andrew Simester - 2021 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Written by a noted expert in criminal law, this book explores the philosophical underpinnings of the law's major doctrines concerning actus reus, mens rea, and defences, showing that they are not always driven by culpability. They are grounded also in principles of moral responsibility, ascriptive responsibility, and wrongdoing. As such, they engage wider debates about wrongdoing, and about the boundaries between liability and freedom. This multi-textured analysis allows this book to take more nuanced positions about many important controversies in criminal (...)
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  35.  11
    Law and economics: philosophical issues and fundamental questions.Aristides N. Hatzis & Nicholas Mercuro (eds.) - 2015 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The Law and Economics approach to law dominates the intellectual discussion of nearly every doctrinal area of law in the US and its influence is growing steadily outside America as well. 2013 marked the fortieth anniversary of the publication of Richard Posner's Economic Analysis of Law, the book that launched the Law and Economics movement. The eighth edition of the book was published in 2011, this time competing against over twenty textbooks, collections and casebooks on law and economics. Although there (...)
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    Fundamentals of the Rambam: ethical and inspirational laws and writings of Maimonides.Moses Maimonides - 2005 - Lakewood, NJ: Israel Book Shop. Edited by Avraham Yaakov Finkel & Moses Maimonides.
    Vol. 1. Mishne Torah: the book of knowledge, the book of women and the book of sanctity, the book of service -- Vol. 2. Mishne Torah: the book of sacrifices, the book of utterances, the book of agriculture, the book of purity, the book of damages, the book of acquisition, the book of judgements, the book of judges; Introduction to the Mishnah; Eight chapters on ethics; Discourse on the world to come; Letter to Yemen; Discourse on martyrdom.
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    An ordinal version of the fundamental law of algebra.John L. Hickman - 1983 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 29 (2):71-74.
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  38. Fundamental Properties and the Laws of Nature.Heather Demarest - 2015 - Philosophy Compass 10 (5):334-344.
    Fundamental properties and the laws of nature go hand in hand: mass and gravitation, charge and electromagnetism, spin and quantum mechanics. So, it is unsurprising that one's account of fundamental properties affects one's view of the laws of nature and vice versa. In this essay, I will survey a variety of recent attempts to provide a joint account of the fundamental properties and the laws of nature. Many of these accounts are new and unexplored. Some of them (...)
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    Fundamental Change in Law and Society: Hart and Sartre on Revolution.William Leon McBride - 1971 - Hague : Mouton, 1970. [1971].
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    Fundamental Limits of Control: A Quantum Approach to the Second Law.Giinter Mahler, Jochen Gemmer & Alexander Otte - 2002 - In Harald Atmanspacher & Robert Bishop, Between Chance and Choice: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Determinism. Thorverton UK: Imprint Academic. pp. 279.
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  41. Fundamental principles of the sociology of law.Eugen Ehrlich - 1936 - Cambridge, Mass.,: Harvard University Press. Edited by Walter Lewis Moll.
    The innovative and revolutionary scholarship of the eminent Austrian legal theorist and professor of Roman law, Eugen Ehrlich, is of a very high..
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    Fundamental Change in Law and Society. [REVIEW]G. G. G. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 25 (2):360-361.
    The expression "fundamental change" in the title was chosen as wider and less laden with connotation than "revolution." The study, which was originally a Yale Ph.D. dissertation, compares the views of fundamental change in H. L. A. Hart's Concept of Law and in J. P. Sartre's Critique de la raison dialectique. The two authors studied offer opportunity for interesting contrasts between analytic and dialectical methodologies. Hart's philosophy of law is considered in the first part in contrast with the (...)
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  43.  16
    The Fundamental Concepts of Public Law.J. W. Scott & Westel W. Willoughby - 1925 - Philosophical Review 34 (6):620.
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    A probability law for the fundamental constants.B. Roy Frieden - 1986 - Foundations of Physics 16 (9):883-903.
    If all the fundamental constants x of physics were expressed in one set of units (e.g., mks) and then used as pure numbers in one overall histogram, what shape would that histogram have? Based on some invariances that the law should reasonably obey, we show that it should have either an x−1 or an x−2 dependence. Empirical evidence consisting of the presently known constants is consistent with an x−1 law. This is independent of the system of units chosen for (...)
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  45. The Fundamental Principles of Existence and the Origin of Physical Laws.Attila Grandpierre - 2002 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 25 (2):127-147.
    Our concept of the universe and the material world is foundational for our thinking and our moral lives. In an earlier contribution to the URAM project I presented what I called 'the ultimate organizational principle' of the universe. In that article (Grandpierre 2000, pp. 12-35) I took as an adversary the wide-spread system of thinking which I called 'materialism'. According to those who espouse this way of thinking, the universe consists of inanimate units or sets of material such as atoms (...)
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    The fundamental concepts of public law.Westel Woodbury Willoughby - 1924 - New York,: Macmillan.
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  47. Fundamental Change in Law and Society.W. L. McBRIDE - 1970
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    Fundamental Human Rights and the Reach of EC Law.Gráinne de Búrca - 1993 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 13 (3):283.
  49.  51
    Minoque Gerard P.. The three fundamental laws of thought in their metaphysical and logical aspects. Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, vol. 21 , pp. 83–92. [REVIEW]Alonzo Church - 1947 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 12 (3):98-99.
  50. Fundamental Errors of the New Natural Law Theory.Steven A. Long - 2013 - The National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly 13 (1):105-131.
    This essay argues that the new natural law theory (NNLT) propounds five errors that place it on a collision course with the traditional Thomistic understanding central to the moral magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church. These root errors are argued to be (1) the denial of the primacy of speculative over practical truth, (2) the negation of unified normative natural teleology expressed in the NNLT doctrine of the putative “incommensurability” of basic goods prior to choice, (3) failure to affirm the (...)
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