Results for 'fly fishing'

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  1.  32
    Fly Fishing as Religion: Literature as a Form of Public Consciousness.Wayne Fife - 2017 - Anthropology of Consciousness 28 (1):7-30.
    Focusing on the question of how to be in the world, ontological religion often comes in forms that look very little like our standard expectations for religious institutions. Intuitive, experiential, and often taking a mystical bent, this direct kind of religious practice nevertheless needs guideposts for its participants. The literature of fly fishing serves as one such guidepost, offering a forum for a kind of spiritual public consciousness that can be drawn upon at will by those who seek it. (...)
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    “Kissing the Bricks” and Fly-Fishing for God: Teaching Literature as Spiritual Discipline. Bush - 2010 - Renascence 62 (3):237-253.
  3.  21
    Religion and Fly Fishing.Theodore Weinberger - 1997 - Renascence 49 (4):281-289.
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    A Reply to John Reichert; Or, How to Stop Worrying and Learn to Love Interpretation.Stanley E. Fish - 1979 - Critical Inquiry 6 (1):173-178.
    I could go on in this way, replying to Reichert's reply, point by point, but the pattern of my replies is already set: he charges that my position entails certain undesirable consequences and flies in the face of some of our most basic intuitions; I labor to show that none of those consequences follow and that our basic intuitions are confirmed rather than denied by what I have to say. This of course is exactly what I was doing in the (...)
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  5. II. Attention and Its Objects : The Eads Sublation: Fly-Fishing, Kentucky Hegelianism, and Evolutionary Theory in American Bird Practices, 1821-1889.Cisco T. Laertes - 2021 - In D. Graham Burnett, Catherine L. Hansen & Justin E. H. Smith, In search of the third bird: exemplary essays from the proceedings of ESTAR(SER), 2001-2021. London: Strange Attractor Press.
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    Of fish, birds, cats, mice, spiders, flies, pigs, and chimpanzees: How chance casts the historic action photograph into doubt.Robin Kelsey - 2009 - History and Theory 48 (4):59-76.
    The role of chance in producing a picture by snapping a shutter release before a complex and quickly changing scene weakens the bond between the historic action photograph and the meanings it is routinely asked to bear. To appreciate this problem and to understand the array of popular notions that have been marshaled to finesse or suppress the role of chance in photographic production, I consider the case of Joe Rosenthal’s 1945 photograph of American servicemen raising a flag on Iwo (...)
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    Fish are like flies are like frogs: Conservation of dorsal‐ventral patterning mechanisms.Scott A. Holley & Edwin L. Ferguson - 1997 - Bioessays 19 (4):281-284.
    Genetic analysis of Drosophila has shown that a morphogenetic gradient of the Transforming Growth Factor‐β family member dpp patterns the embryonic dorsalventral axis. Molecular and embryological evidence from Xenopus has strongly suggested a similar role for Bmp‐4, the dpp homolog, in patterning the dorsalventral axis of chordates. A recent report has now identified mutations in two genes, dino and swirl, that disrupt dorsal‐ventral patterning in the zebrafish Danio rerio(1). Characterization of these mutations parallels findings from Drosophila, thus establishing a genetic (...)
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  8. The fetus, the fruit fly, and the fish heart : a reflection on Darwin's chapter 1. The evidence of the descent of man from some lower form.Alice Roberts - 2021 - In Jeremy M. DeSilva, A most interesting problem: what Darwin's Descent of man got right and wrong about human evolution. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
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    If pigs could fly, should they?T. Brian Mooney & Samantha Minett - 2006 - Ethical Perspectives 13 (4):621-645.
    Life-science art is a generic term which describes a new kind of collaboration between artists and scientists which adds a new dimension to the polemics of the ‘philosophy of art.’ Utilising the techniques and materials made available by developments in biotechnology, artists, and scientists produce objects not for scientific benefit but aesthetic objects designed to enchant, shock, or familiarize the audience with the fanciful applications to which this technology can be put: the creation of pig wings, fish that can draw, (...)
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  10. Snakes and Dragons, Rat’s Liver and Fly’s Leg: The Butterfly Dream Revisited.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2012 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 11 (4):513-520.
    The Zhuangzi begins with Peng, a soaring bird transformed from a bounded fish, which is the first metaphor that points beyond limited standpoints to a higher point of view. The transformation is one-way and symbolizes that there is a higher viewpoint to attain which affords mental freedom and the clarity and scope of great vision. Under the alternate thesis of constant transformation, values and understandings must ceaselessly transform and collapse. All cyclical transformations must collapse into skeptical relativism and confusion. But (...)
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    The Aesthetics of a Blood Sport.Alexander J. Argyros - 1989 - Diogenes 37 (145):46-58.
    With the earliest known reference to angling with a fly dating from the Chou Dynasty, more than 2,300 years ago, it should come as no surprise that when asked to justify their passionate devotion to fly fishing, many anglers will refer to the rich and venerable literature the sport has generated. Ranging from Plutarch's references to Nile fishing in the Life of Antonius, to Pliny the Elder's Historia Naturalis, to the fifteenth century classic, Dame Julian Berner's The Treatyse (...)
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    Offending the Profession.Walter A. Davis - 1984 - Critical Inquiry 10 (4):706-718.
    Fish has always been adept at revising his position to incorporate what he’s learned from his critics while repaying the favor by assigning them a position they never took. The latter practice naturally helps conceal the borrowings, but as Fish’s position evolves it becomes progressively difficult to determine who is the author of his essays. I am, of course, gratified to see how much Fish has learned from me. It is salutary to find that Fish is finally just a humble (...)
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    Movements of thought in the nineteenth century.George Herbert Mead & Merritt Hadden Moore - 1936 - Chicago, Ill.,: The University of Chicago press. Edited by Merritt H. Moore.
    PREFACE. THE Author of this very practical treatise on Scotch Loch - Fishing desires clearly that it may be of use to all who had it. He does not pretend to have written anything new, but to have attempted to put what he has to say in as readable a form as possible. Everything in the way of the history and habits of fish has been studiously avoided, and technicalities have been used as sparingly as possible. The writing of (...)
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  14.  15
    A sacramental universe.Archibald Allan Bowman - 1939 - London,: H. Milford, Oxford university press. Edited by John Waugh Scott.
    PREFACE. THE Author of this very practical treatise on Scotch Loch - Fishing desires clearly that it may be of use to all who had it. He does not pretend to have written anything new, but to have attempted to put what he has to say in as readable a form as possible. Everything in the way of the history and habits of fish has been studiously avoided, and technicalities have been used as sparingly as possible. The writing of (...)
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    Leeuwenhoek as a founder of animal demography.Frank N. Egerton - 1968 - Journal of the History of Biology 1 (1):1-22.
    Leeuwenhoek's observations relating to animal population, though scattered through many letters written during a period of over forty years, when seen in toto, were important contributions to the subject now known as animal demography. He maintained enough contact with other scientists to have received encouragement and some helpful suggestions, but the language barrier and the novelty of doing microscopic work forced him to be resourceful, inventive, and original. His multifarious investigations impinged upon population biology before he discovered a direct interest (...)
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  16.  27
    Idealistic logic.Charles Richard Morris - 1933 - Port Washington, N.Y.,: Kennikat Press.
    PREFACE. THE Author of this very practical treatise on Scotch Loch - Fishing desires clearly that it may be of use to all who had it. He does not pretend to have written anything new, but to have attempted to put what he has to say in as readable a form as possible. Everything in the way of the history and habits of fish has been studiously avoided, and technicalities have been used as sparingly as possible. The writing of (...)
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    Relativity.J. Rice - 1923 - London, New York [etc.]: Longmans, Green.
    PREFACE. THE Author of this very practical treatise on Scotch Loch - Fishing desires clearly that it may be of use to all who had it. He does not pretend to have written anything new, but to have attempted to put what he has to say in as readable a form as possible. Everything in the way of the history and habits of fish has been studiously avoided, and technicalities have been used as sparingly as possible. The writing of (...)
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    Persons and Places - The Background of My Life.George Santayana - 2007 - Read Books.
    PREFACE. THE Author of this very practical treatise on Scotch Loch - Fishing desires clearly that it may be of use to all who had it. He does not pretend to have written anything new, but to have attempted to put what he has to say in as readable a form as possible. Everything in the way of the history and habits of fish has been studiously avoided, and technicalities have been used as sparingly as possible. The writing of (...)
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    The Emergence of Artificial Consciousness and its Importance to Reach the Technological Singularity.Luiz Raimundo Tadeu da Silva Silva, Alex Fernandes da Veiga Machado & Pablo de Lara Sanches - 2018 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 10 (25):111-127.
    The men admired a way to swim the fish, but today they sail faster than anyone. They'd like flying like the birds, but have been a lot higher. They searched for wisdom, now they have all the knowledge accumulated in the story available in a few clicks. Human evolution is about to meet its peak through the Technological Singularity, which can be understood as the future milestone reached at the moment that a computer program can think like a human, yet (...)
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    Aspects of the Hebrew genius.Leon Simon - 1910 - London,: G. Routledge & sons, limited;.
    PREFACE. THE Author of this very practical treatise on Scotch Loch - Fishing desires clearly that it may be of use to all who had it. He does not pretend to have written anything new, but to have attempted to put what he has to say in as readable a form as possible. Everything in the way of the history and habits of fish has been studiously avoided, and technicalities have been used as sparingly as possible. The writing of (...)
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    I Listen Like Nausicaa to NPR.Katie Hartsock - 2019 - Arion 26 (3):33-34.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:I Listen Like Nausicaa to NPR KATIE HARTSOCK “Kwame wants to show me the Pru River... Young girls and women wash clothes along the banks.” —“River Blindness Robbed Him of His Sight But Not His Independence,” Morning Edition As if we stood with no one between us, not your translator or my handmaidens. Why should a young thing like me want a man oceans older, trailing a goddess who (...)
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    Scientific method in biology.Elizabeth Blackwell - 1898 - London: E. Stock.
    PREFACE. THE Author of this very practical treatise on Scotch Loch - Fishing desires clearly that it may be of use to all who had it. He does not pretend to have written anything new, but to have attempted to put what he has to say in as readable a form as possible. Everything in the way of the history and habits of fish has been studiously avoided, and technicalities have been used as sparingly as possible. The writing of (...)
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    The limits of evolution, and other essays illustrating the metaphysical theory of personal idealism.George Holmes Howison - 1905 - London,: Macmillan & co..
    PREFACE. THE Author of this very practical treatise on Scotch Loch - Fishing desires clearly that it may be of use to all who had it. He does not pretend to have written anything new, but to have attempted to put what he has to say in as readable a form as possible. Everything in the way of the history and habits of fish has been studiously avoided, and technicalities have been used as sparingly as possible. The writing of (...)
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    A sketch of mediaeval philosophy.D. J. B. Hawkins - 1946 - New York,: Greenwood Press.
    PREFACE. THE Author of this very practical treatise on Scotch Loch - Fishing desires clearly that it may be of use to all who had it. He does not pretend to have written anything new, but to have attempted to put what he has to say in as readable a form as possible. Everything in the way of the history and habits of fish has been studiously avoided, and technicalities have been used as sparingly as possible. The writing of (...)
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    The Misinterpretation of Man - Studies in European Thought of the Nineteenth Century.Paul Roubiczek - 2007 - Mayo Press.
    PREFACE. THE Author of this very practical treatise on Scotch Loch - Fishing desires clearly that it may be of use to all who had it. He does not pretend to have written anything new, but to have attempted to put what he has to say in as readable a form as possible. Everything in the way of the history and habits of fish has been studiously avoided, and technicalities have been used as sparingly as possible. The writing of (...)
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    Wisdom in Conduct - An Introduction to Ethics.Christopher Browne Garnett - 2007 - Ind Press.
    PREFACE. THE Author of this very practical treatise on Scotch Loch - Fishing desires clearly that it may be of use to all who had it. He does not pretend to have written anything new, but to have attempted to put what he has to say in as readable a form as possible. Everything in the way of the history and habits of fish has been studiously avoided, and technicalities have been used as sparingly as possible. The writing of (...)
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    Auguste Comte.Jane M. Style - 1928 - London,: K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & co..
    PREFACE. THE Author of this very practical treatise on Scotch Loch - Fishing desires clearly that it may be of use to all who had it. He does not pretend to have written anything new, but to have attempted to put what he has to say in as readable a form as possible. Everything in the way of the history and habits of fish has been studiously avoided, and technicalities have been used as sparingly as possible. The writing of (...)
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    Memoir of Johann Gottlieb Fichte.William Smith - 2007 - Fisher Press.
    PREFACE. THE Author of this very practical treatise on Scotch Loch - Fishing desires clearly that it may be of use to all who had it. He does not pretend to have written anything new, but to have attempted to put what he has to say in as readable a form as possible. Everything in the way of the history and habits of fish has been studiously avoided, and technicalities have been used as sparingly as possible. The writing of (...)
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    A history of English philosophy.W. R. Sorley - 1920 - Cambridge,: The University press.
    PREFACE. THE Author of this very practical treatise on Scotch Loch - Fishing desires clearly that it may be of use to all who had it. He does not pretend to have written anything new, but to have attempted to put what he has to say in as readable a form as possible. Everything in the way of the history and habits of fish has been studiously avoided, and technicalities have been used as sparingly as possible. The writing of (...)
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    Fundamentals of Ethics - An Introduction to Moral Philosophy.Wilbur Marshall Urban - 2007 - Fisher Press.
    PREFACE. THE Author of this very practical treatise on Scotch Loch - Fishing desires clearly that it may be of use to all who had it. He does not pretend to have written anything new, but to have attempted to put what he has to say in as readable a form as possible. Everything in the way of the history and habits of fish has been studiously avoided, and technicalities have been used as sparingly as possible. The writing of (...)
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    The Persians: Timotheus.John Warden - 2020 - Arion 28 (1):95-99.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Persians TIMOTHEUS (Translated by John Warden)... urging on their floating bronze-beaked chariots ram by ram furrowing the waves with pointed teeth....... with humped heads stripped away arms of fir, thumped ’em on the left, mariners tumbled, smashed ’em on the right in their pinewood towers, back on their feet again. Ha! Tear off flesh to their rope-bound ribs, sink ’em with thunderbolts, rip away gilded splendour with iron-helmed (...)
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    B Flach! B Flach!Myroslav Laiuk & Ali Kinsella - 2023 - Common Knowledge 29 (1):1-20.
    Don't tell terrible stories—everyone here has enough of their own. Everyone here has a whole bloody sack of terrible stories, and at the bottom of the sack is a hammer the narrator uses to pound you on the skull the instant you dare not believe your ears. Or to pound you when you do believe. Not long ago I saw a tomboyish girl on Khreshchatyk Street demand money of an elderly woman, threatening to bite her and infect her with syphilis. (...)
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    From How Do You Do, Dolores.Yoel Hoffmann & Michael Shkodnikov - 2024 - Common Knowledge 30 (2):213-223.
    Sometimes I think: I'm flying. And why am I flying? Because of the dress. The flesh, I think, is multiplying itself. Here are the children, I think, going away from me and coming to me. If all is one, I think, why this split?My body of thought is likewise made of a womb of wombs. Whatever it begets begets its own body [in this sense I may be said to be multiparous].I am beautiful like a snip of ivory. My face (...)
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    Brahman: a study in the history of Indian philosophy.Hervey DeWitt Griswold - 1900 - New York,: The Macmillan company.
    PREFACE. THE Author of this very practical treatise on Scotch Loch - Fishing desires clearly that it may be of use to all who had it. He does not pretend to have written anything new, but to have attempted to put what he has to say in as readable a form as possible. Everything in the way of the history and habits of fish has been studiously avoided, and technicalities have been used as sparingly as possible. The writing of (...)
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    America's Social Morality - Dilemmas of the Changing Mores.James Hayden Tufts - 2007 - Tufts Press.
    PREFACE. THE Author of this very practical treatise on Scotch Loch - Fishing desires clearly that it may be of use to all who had it. He does not pretend to have written anything new, but to have attempted to put what he has to say in as readable a form as possible. Everything in the way of the history and habits of fish has been studiously avoided, and technicalities have been used as sparingly as possible. The writing of (...)
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  36. Objects as Temporary Autonomous Zones.Tim Morton - 2011 - Continent 1 (3):149-155.
    continent. 1.3 (2011): 149-155. The world is teeming. Anything can happen. John Cage, “Silence” 1 Autonomy means that although something is part of something else, or related to it in some way, it has its own “law” or “tendency” (Greek, nomos ). In their book on life sciences, Medawar and Medawar state, “Organs and tissues…are composed of cells which…have a high measure of autonomy.”2 Autonomy also has ethical and political valences. De Grazia writes, “In Kant's enormously influential moral philosophy, autonomy (...)
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    Attitude of Vedanta towards religion.Swami Abhedananda - 1947 - Calcutta,: Ramakrishna Vedanta Math.
    PREFACE. THE Author of this very practical treatise on Scotch Loch - Fishing desires clearly that it may be of use to all who had it. He does not pretend to have written anything new, but to have attempted to put what he has to say in as readable a form as possible. Everything in the way of the history and habits of fish has been studiously avoided, and technicalities have been used as sparingly as possible. The writing of (...)
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    Vertical and veridical – 2.5-dimensional visual and vestibular navigation.David M. W. Powers - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (5):562-563.
    Does the psychological and neurological evidence concerning three-dimensional localization and navigation fly in the face of optimality? This commentary brings a computational and robotic engineering perspective to the question of and argues that a multicoding manifold model is more efficient in several senses, and is also likely to extend to animals, including birds or fish.
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  39. Perception, Hallucination, and Illusion.William Fish - 2009 - New York, US: Oxford University Press.
    In the first monograph in this exciting area since then, William Fish develops a comprehensive disjunctive theory, incorporating detailed accounts of the three ...
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    Fear of Fish: A Reply to Walter Davis.Stanley Fish - 1984 - Critical Inquiry 10 (4):695-705.
    It may seem that I am simply confirming Davis’ assertion that in my view of the critical process “different interpretive strategies create completely different texts with no point of comparison” ; but the differences are not all that complete. While many readers now see a God who is more dramatically effective than Pope’s “school divine,” they still see a God who exists in a defining relationship with the figure of Satan, a Satan who is himself significantly changed from the energy-bearing (...)
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  41.  80
    There's No Such Thing as Free Speech: And It's a Good Thing, Too.Stanley Eugene Fish - 1994 - Oxford University Press USA.
    In an era when much of what passes for debate is merely moral posturing--traditional family values versus the cultural elite, free speech versus censorship--or reflexive name-calling--the terms "liberal" and "politically correct," are used with as much dismissive scorn by the right as "reactionary" and "fascist" are by the left--Stanley Fish would seem an unlikely lightning rod for controversy. A renowned scholar of Milton, head of the English Department of Duke University, Fish has emerged as a brilliantly original critic of the (...)
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  42. Philosophy of perception: a contemporary introduction.William Fish (ed.) - 2010 - New York: Routledge.
    Introduction: Three key principles -- Sense datum theories -- Adverbial theories -- Belief acquisition theories -- Intentional theories -- Disjunctive theories -- Perception and causation -- Perception and the sciences of the mind -- Perception and other sense modalities.
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  43. High-level properties and visual experience.William Fish - 2013 - Philosophical Studies 162 (1):43-55.
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    Fish vs. FishIs There a Text in This Class? The Authority of Interpretive Communities.Steven Rendall & Stanley Fish - 1982 - Diacritics 12 (4):49.
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    A new Tuskegee? Unethical human experimentation and Western neocolonialism in the mass circumcision of African men.Max Fish, Arianne Shahvisi, Tatenda Gwaambuka, Godfrey B. Tangwa, Daniel Ncayiyana & Brian D. Earp - 2020 - Developing World Bioethics 21 (4):211-226.
  46.  31
    The trouble with principle.Stanley Eugene Fish - 1999 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    In this bracing book, Fish argues that there is no realm of higher order impartiality--no neutral or fair territory on which to stake a claim--and that those ...
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    Versions of Academic Freedom: From Professionalism to Revolution.Stanley Fish - 2014 - University of Chicago Press.
    Stanley Fish argues here for a narrower conception of academic freedom, one that does not grant academics a legal status different from other professionals.
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  48. Professor Sokal's Bad Joke.Stanley Fish - unknown
    He had made it all up, he said, and gloated that his "prank" proved that sociologists and humanists who spoke of science as a "social construction" didn't know what they were talking about. Acknowledging the ethical issues raised by his deception, Professor Sokal declared it justified by the importance of the truths he was defending from postmodernist attack: "There is a world; its properties are not merely social constructions; facts and evidence do matter. What sane person would contend otherwise?".
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    From the Woman Question in Technology to the Technology Question in Feminism: Rethinking Gender Equality in IT Education.Flis Henwood - 2000 - European Journal of Women's Studies 7 (2):209-227.
    There have, by now, been a number of thorough-going critiques of what has variously been called the ‘equality’, ‘equity’ or ‘liberal’ approach to understanding ‘the woman problem in technology’ by those who would prefer to focus on ‘the technology question in feminism’. Most of these critiques adopt deconstructivist techniques to expose the limitations of equality approaches, including, most centrally, their assumptions about the neutrality of technology and the limited nature of equality programmes designed simply to increase access for women to (...)
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  50. (2 other versions)Disjunctivism, indistinguishability, and the nature of hallucination.William Fish - 2008 - In Adrian Haddock & Fiona Macpherson, Disjunctivism: perception, action, knowledge. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 144--167.
    In the eyes of some of its critics, disjunctivism fails to support adequately the key claim that a particular hallucination might be indistinguishable from a certain kind of veridical perception despite the two states having nothing other than this in common. Scott Sturgeon, for example, has complained that disjunctivism ‘‘offers no positive story about hallucination at all’’ (2000: 11) and therefore ‘‘simply takes [indistinguishability] for granted’’ (2000: 12). So according to Sturgeon, what the disjunctivist needs to provide is a plausible (...)
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