Results for 'fictio'

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See also
Bibliography: Fiction in Aesthetics
Bibliography: Nonfiction in Aesthetics
Bibliography: Mathematical Fictionalism in Philosophy of Mathematics
Bibliography: Ontological Fictionalism in Metaphysics
Bibliography: Fictional Characters in Aesthetics
Bibliography: Truth in Fiction in Aesthetics
Bibliography: Fiction, Misc in Aesthetics
Bibliography: Moral Error Theories and Fictionalism in Meta-Ethics
Bibliography: Modal Fictionalism in Metaphysics
Bibliography: Scientific Fictionalism in General Philosophy of Science
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  1.  1
    Entre fictio y agency.Carmelo Nigro - 2025 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 59.
    La gobernanza contemporánea exige una revisión de las categorías jurídico-políticas de la modernidad. El complejo y mutable marco institucional de la contemporaneidad asiste a una intensificación y polarización de la confrontación, que se ejerce de formas y con instrumentos heterogéneos y en planos diferentes. Esto transforma el papel y la estructura de lo normativo, haciendo resurgir su carácter performativo y fluctuante como instrumento estratégico de aprehensión de lo real, entrelazado y atravesado por elementos de naturaleza extrajurídica que son todo menos (...)
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    Transidentité et auto-détermination : de l’extension sociale de la fictio legis.Valérie Kokoszka, Sam Ward & Karolien Haese - 2024 - Cités 97 (1):33-42.
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  3. Teorie del diritto e principio di effettività: esempio di "fictio iuris"?Alessandro Argiroffi - 2005 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia Del Diritto 3 (3):481-496.
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    The Work of Art as fictio personae.Milos Cipranic - 2020 - Filozofija I Društvo 31 (2):242-259.
    The article investigates how and why we treat works of art as persons. From rhetoric to jurisprudence, various disciplines have dealt with the practice of attributing human features and abilities to insensate objects. The agency of works of art acting as fictitious persons is not only rec­ognized at the level of aesthetic experience, but also outside it, because there have been cases in which they were subject to legal liability. Per­sonhood is not reducible to individual human beings. However, since works (...)
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    Schooling in Persona: Imagination and Subordination in Roman Education.W. Martin Bloomer - 1997 - Classical Antiquity 16 (1):57-78.
    This article explores the relationship between Roman school texts and the socialization of the student into an elite man. I argue that composition and declamation communicated social values; in fact, the rhetorical education of the late republic and the empire was a process of socialization that produced a definite subjectivity in its elite participants. I treat two genres of Roman school texts: the expansions on a set theme known as declamation and the bilingual, Greek and Latin, writing exercises known as (...)
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  6.  20
    Artificial Intelligence in Art: An Amoral Subject of Law.Villalobos Portales J. - 2022 - Philosophy International Journal 5 (4):1-8.
    This article analyzes the legal-philosophical situation of Artificial Intelligence and the intelligent robot on being a subject of Law to be considered a creative person or author. The contradiction involved in allowing an object to present the legal duality of being protected as an object that it is and at the same time being considered a subject by the resulting work is analyzed, an impairment or vulgarization for the subject of Law as a moral subject when proposing the fictio (...)
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  7.  27
    Unde huic fictioni non est respondendum.Michael Szlachta - 2023 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 97 (3):311-337.
    William de la Mare suggests in his Correctorium fratris Thomae that it is possible to read Aquinas as saying that the will is necessitated by the intellect. Early defenders of Aquinas thought that this was nonsense (a fictio). However, I analyze Aquinas’s corpus and show that he has a consistent view of the relationship between the will and the intellect according to which the will is indeed necessitated by the intellect, not absolutely but conditionally: it is necessary that, if (...)
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    Cuento.Ana Escoto - 2018 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 22:121-126.
    Ana Escoto (El Salvador, 1984) es economista y doctora en Estudios de Población, radicada en la ciudad de México, donde se dedica a la investigación y la docencia. No obstante, su alma se encamina a la narrativa breve y a la poesía. Perteneció en 2006-2007 al taller literario La Casa del Escritor, dirigido por Rafael Menjívar Ochoa. En narrativa ha publicado el libro de cuentos cortos “Menguantes y Otras Creaturas” (Dirección de Publicaciones e Impresos, 2008), así como ha contribuido con (...)
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    La notion de perplexité à la renaissance.Stéphan Geonget - 2006 - Genève: Droz.
    Le Tiers Livre que Rabelais publie en 1546 est sans doute le premier ouvrage à traiter strictement de la notion de perplexité. Serai-je cocu? Cette question cocasse fournit la matière de la première véritable mise en scène littéraire de la notion. Elle recueille les fruits d'un héritage savant, tant juridique que théologique. Pour les juristes, le terme de perplexitas désigne la situation particulièrement délicate où deux lois s'opposent l'une à l'autre, sans espoir de conciliation. Cette inacceptable antinomie réclame des méthodes (...)
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    Person and Disability: Legal Fiction and Living Independently.Paolo Heritier - 2022 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (4):1333-1350.
    Without extending the historical analysis, this article analyzes the relationship between the legal concept of person with regard to the notion of living independently. The concept is normatively established in Article 19 of the CRPD and is presented as a legal fiction. The legal technique of fictio iuris is the premise for analyzing contemporary problems, for example, the attribution of responsibilities to non-human personalities, such as robots. The article, however, develops the problem of attributing rights to persons with disabilities. (...)
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    The Shadow of Affectivity Inside the ‘Is/Ought’ Debate’: Siniscalchi, Fuller, Manderson and Vico’s Ghosts in the Legal Machine.Paolo Heritier - 2022 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (1):105-127.
    The article reconstructs the is/ought debate in legal theory through a phenomenological reading of the concept of normality. An analysis of Siniscalchi, Fuller and Manderson looks at the issue from the perspective of law and literature, and then applies Giambattista Vico’s rhetorical methodology within the contemporary debate. The question: “is Hume’s law really visible within Hume’s thought?” also paradoxically poses the figure of phantoms and fictions at the heart of the current theoretical debate on law. A history of the phantom (...)
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