Results for 'experiencing infertility'

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  1.  23
    Infertility and assisted reproduction technologies through a gender lens.Karolína Davidová & Olga Pechová - 2014 - Human Affairs 24 (3):363-375.
    We live in an era when increasing numbers of babies are conceived through assisted reproduction technologies (ART). Using a comprehensive approach, the present research seeks to contribute to the understanding of gender differences in experiencing and coping with infertility, and in dealing with ART treatment. Our sample consisted of 10 heterosexual couples aged 24 to 43 and the data were collected through semi-structured interviews. In the studied sample, gender differences existed not only in experiences of infertility, but (...)
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    INFERTILITY:: His and Hers.Karen L. Porter, Thomas A. Leitko & Arthur L. Greil - 1988 - Gender and Society 2 (2):172-199.
    Using qualitative data based on interviews with 22 married infertile couples living in western New York State, we describe the ways in which husbands and wives interact in the process of constructing their infertility. The wives experienced infertility as a cataclysmic role failure. Husbands tended to see infertility as a disconcerting event but not as a tragedy. Couples tended to see infertility as a problem for wives. Frustration and lack of communication were typical consequences of the (...)
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    Working With Infertile Couples Seeking Assisted Reproduction: An Interpretative Phenomenological Study With Infertility Care Providers.Federica Facchin, Daniela Leone, Giancarlo Tamanza, Mauro Costa, Patrizia Sulpizio, Elena Canzi & Elena Vegni - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Although most studies investigated the impact of infertility and its treatment on the couple, a small body of evidence suggested that infertility care providers may experience different sources of stress related for instance to excessive workload, the complexity of the technique, and relational difficulties with patients. The current study aimed at providing further insight into the understanding of the subjective experience of infertility care providers by highlighting their feelings and emotions, personal meanings, challenges, and opportunities. Following the (...)
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    Bioethical dilemmas of assisted reproduction in the opinions of Polish women in infertility treatment: a research report.Aleksandra Dembińska - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (12):731-734.
    Infertility Accepted treatment is replete with bioethical dilemmas regarding the limits of available medical therapies. Poland has no legal acts regulating the ethical problems associated with infertility treatment and work on such legislation has been in progress for a long time, arousing very intense emotions in Polish society. The purpose of the present study was to find out what Polish women undergoing infertility treatment think about the most disputable and controversial bioethical problems of assisted reproduction. An Attitudes (...)
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    Psychological Distress Among Infertility Patients: A Network Analysis.Danfeng Cao, Caifeng Bai & Guoxiang Zhang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:906226.
    BackgroundPsychological distress is common among infertility patients. Total scale scores are often used to represent the severity of anxiety, depression, or stress, which ignores important differences between specific symptoms, and relationships between symptoms. This study aimed to identify patterns of psychological distress experienced by infertility patients and to identify the most central symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress.MethodFrom June to September 2016, 740 infertility patients were included in this cross-sectional study. Infertility patients were asked to complete (...)
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    Christian theological understanding of the handling of infertility and its relevance in the Indonesian context.Yohanes K. Susanta - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):1-6.
    Infertility is one of the key themes in the Old Testament narrative. This infertility was experienced by the Israelite matriarchs Sarai, Rebekah and Rachel as well as several other women. This article argues that the concept infertility has given rise to injustice and discrimination, especially against women. For this reason, a constructive and a contextual dialogue between the biblical context and the context of the present is required to offer a new understanding and a liberating spirit to (...)
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    Framing the diagnosis and treatment of absolute uterine factor infertility: Insights from in-depth interviews with uterus transplant trial participants.Elliott G. Richards, Patricia K. Agatisa, Anne C. Davis, Rebecca Flyckt, Hilary Mabel, Tommaso Falcone, Andreas Tzakis & Ruth M. Farrell - 2019 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 10 (1):23-35.
    Background: Despite procedural innovations and increasing numbers of uterus transplant attempts worldwide, the perspectives of uterus transplant (UTx) trial participants are lacking. Methods: We conducted a mixed-methods study with women with absolute uterine factor infertility (AUFI). Participants included women who had previously contacted the Cleveland Clinic regarding the Uterine Transplant Trial and met the initial eligibility criteria for participation. In-depth interviews were conducted in conjunction with FertiQoL, a validated and widely used tool to measure the impact of infertility (...)
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  8. Reframing the Debate Around State Responses to Infertility: Considering the Harms of Subfertility and Involuntary Childlessness.Rebecca C. H. Brown, Wendy A. Rogers, Vikki A. Entwistle & Siladitya Bhattacharya - 2016 - Public Health Ethics 9 (3):290-300.
    Many countries are experiencing increasing levels of demand for access to assisted reproductive technologies. Policies regarding who can access ART and with what support from a collective purse are highly contested, raising questions about what state responses are justified. Whilst much of this debate has focused on the status of infertility as a disease, we argue that this is something of a distraction, since disease framing does not provide the far-reaching, robust justification for state support that proponents of (...)
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    A Study of the Reasons of the Social Exclusion of Infertile Couples in Poland.Anna Baruch - 2024 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 15 (3).
    This article addresses the underresearched issue of exclusion of a social group that consists of people experiencing involuntary childlessness, which has not been thoroughly researched in this perspective yet. Apart from the available literature on this subject, there were also used conclusions from research that represent only a small part of the author’s unpublished doctoral dissertation Niepłodność w narracjach małżeństw jako indywidualne i wspólne strategie uczenia się egzystencjalnego [Infertility in the accounts of married couples as individual and joint (...)
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    Women’s Attitudes Toward Biomedical Technology for Infertility: The Case for Technological Salience.Richard M. Simon & Katherine M. Johnson - 2012 - Gender and Society 26 (2):261-289.
    Research has consistently revealed gender differences in attitudes toward science and technology. One explanation is that women are more personally affected by particular technologies, so they consider them differently. However, not all women universally experience biomedical technologies. We use the concept of technological salience to address how differences in subjective implications of a technology might explain differences in women’s attitudes toward biotechnology. In a sample of U.S. women from the National Survey of Fertility Barriers, we examine how women with and (...)
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  11.  26
    The dynamics of marital bargaining in male infertility.Lakshmi Bandlamudi & Judith Lorber - 1993 - Gender and Society 7 (1):32-49.
    This article provides empirical data on the dynamics of marital bargaining in the use of in vitro fertilization in male infertility and the extent of the woman's agency in trying to resolve the situation, using interview data from nine married couples and three additional wives. Although there were too few cases for demographic variation among the categories, the research did indicate that choice and altruism entailed dynamics distinguishable from patriarchal bargains, and, if there was subtle coercion, it was exerted (...)
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    Re-examining the Role of Coping Strategies in the Associations Between Infertility-Related Stress Dimensions and State-Anxiety: Implications for Clinical Interventions With Infertile Couples.Maria Clelia Zurlo, Maria Francesca Cattaneo Della Volta & Federica Vallone - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Research has shown a direct relationship between infertility-related stress and anxiety in infertile patients. The present study goes into this relationship in depth, testing the moderating role of coping strategies in the associations between specific infertility-related stress dimensions and State-Anxiety among male and female partners of infertile couples. Gender differences were also explored. Both members of 254 infertile couples completed a questionnaire consisting of Socio-demographics, Fertility Problem Inventory–Short Form, Coping Orientation to Problem Experienced–New Italian Version, and State-Trait Anxiety (...)
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    Drawing the line on in vitro gametogenesis.Lauren Notini, Christopher Gyngell & Julian Savulescu - 2019 - Bioethics 34 (1):123-134.
    In vitro gametogenesis (IVG) might offer numerous research and clinical benefits. Some potential clinical applications of IVG, such as allowing opposite‐sex couples experiencing infertility to have genetically related children, have attracted support. Others, such as enabling same‐sex reproduction and solo reproduction, have attracted significantly more criticism. In this paper, we examine how different ethical principles might help us to draw lines and distinguish between ethically desirable and undesirable uses of IVG. We discuss the alleged distinction between therapeutic and (...)
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  14.  23
    Handling Missing Entries in Monitoring a Woman’s Monthly Cycle and Controlling Fertility.Anna Łupińska-Dubicka - 2018 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 56 (1):75-90.
    Even a small percentage of missing data can cause serious problems with analysis, reducing the statistical power of a study and leading to wrong conclusions being drawn. In the case of monitoring a woman’s monthly cycle, missing entries can appear even in a woman experienced in fertility awareness methods. Due to the fact that in a system of controlling a woman’s fertility, it is the most important to predict the day of ovulation and, ultimately, to determine the fertile window as (...)
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  15.  40
    Uterus transplants and the insufficient value of gestation.Emily McTernan - 2018 - Bioethics 32 (8):481-488.
    Uterus transplants provide another treatment for infertility. Some might think that we should embrace such transplants as one more way to assist people to have children. However, in this paper I argue that uterus transplants are not something that we ought to fund, nor something that we should make easy to access. First, I argue that any justification of providing uterus transplants must be based on the value of the experience of gestation, rather than on claims of meeting medical (...)
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    Lingering technological entanglements: Experiences of childlessness after IVF.Elina Helosvuori - 2020 - European Journal of Women's Studies 27 (3):267-281.
    For over four decades, feminist studies of assisted reproductive technologies have been interested in the ethical, political and personal implications of in vitro fertilization and other infertility treatments. Most work on the implications of ART for women has focused on the demanding cyclical process of trying to become pregnant by using the technology. However, less attention has been paid to the implications of experiencing IVF after the conception phase. This article tackles the under-researched topic of the aftermath of (...)
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    Morality in Flux: Medical Ethics Dilemmas in the People's Republic of China.Ren-Zong Qiu - 1991 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 1 (1):16-27.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Morality in Flux: Medical Ethics Dilemmas in the People's Republic of ChinaRen-Zong Qiu (bio)IntroductionModern China is undergoing a fundamental change from a monolithic society to a rather pluralistic one. It is a long and winding road. Marxism is facing various challenges as the influence of Western culture increases. Confucianism is still deeply entrenched in the Chinese mind but various religions, including Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity are experiencing a (...)
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  18.  34
    A Call for Empirical Research on Uterine Transplantation and Reproductive Autonomy.Cristie Cole Horsburgh - 2017 - Hastings Center Report 47 (s3):S46-S49.
    Uterine transplantation could give women who suffer from uterine factor infertility the possibility of experiencing gestation. Much of the ethical discussion about uterine transplantation has focused on whether research on it should even be pursued, but researchers are nevertheless moving forward with several uterine transplant research protocols. Scholars should therefore already be identifying and engaging in an intimate examination of the ethical realities of offering uterine transplantation in a clinical setting. Given the potential for the procedure to expand (...)
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  19.  6
    Uterus Transplant: Bioethical and Biolegal Issues from Mexico.Elisa Constanza Calleja-Sordo & María de Jesús Medina-Arellano - forthcoming - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics:1-8.
    Uterus transplants (UTx) provide women without a uterus the possibility of experiencing gestational motherhood. This paper delineates the complex bioethical landscape surrounding UTx, focusing on the critical aspects of informed consent, risk–benefit analysis, justice considerations, and the distinct challenges encountered by both donors and recipients. While not discussing UTx directly, John Harris’ seminal work, The Value of Life: An Introduction to Medical Ethics (1985) in its advocacy for reproductive freedom and informed consent provides an informative starting point for the (...)
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  20.  15
    The Infertility-Related Stress Scale: Validation of a Brazilian–Portuguese Version and Measurement Invariance Across Brazil and Italy.Giulia Casu, Victor Zaia, Erik Montagna, Antonio de Padua Serafim, Bianca Bianco, Caio Parente Barbosa & Paola Gremigni - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Infertility constitutes an essential source of stress in the individual and couple’s life. The Infertility-Related Stress Scale is of clinical interest for exploring infertility-related stress affecting the intrapersonal and interpersonal domains of infertile individuals’ lives. In the present study, the IRSS was translated into Brazilian–Portuguese, and its factor structure, reliability, and relations to sociodemographic and infertility-related characteristics and depression were examined. A sample of 553 Brazilian infertile individuals completed the Brazilian–Portuguese IRSS, and a subsample of 222 (...)
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  21.  29
    Human infertility, reproductive cloning and nuclear transfer: a confusion of meanings.Jacek Z. Kubiak & Martin H. Johnson - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (4):359-364.
    The Chief Medical Officer of Health of the United Kingdom has recommended that the 1990 Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act should be amended to allow cloning in humans for research purposes only. He also recommended that: “The transfer of an embryo created by cell nuclear replacement into the uterus of a woman (so called ‘reproductive cloning’) should remain a criminal offence” (recommendation 7, Ref. 1). This recommendation implies that nuclear replacement and cloning are the same. They are not. Nuclear transfer (...)
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  22. Is Infertility a Disease and Does It Matter?Hane Htut Maung - 2018 - Bioethics 33 (1):43-53.
    Claims about whether or not infertility is a disease are sometimes invoked to defend or criticize the provision of state-funded treatment for infertility. In this paper, I suggest that this strategy is problematic. By exploring infertility through key approaches to disease in the philosophy of medicine, I show that there are deep theoretical disagreements regarding what subtypes of infertility qualify as diseases. Given that infertility's disease status remains unclear, one cannot uncontroversially justify or undermine its (...)
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  23. Infertility, epistemic risk, and disease definitions.Rebecca Kukla - 2019 - Synthese 196 (11):4409-4428.
    I explore the role that values and interests, especially ideological interests, play in managing and balancing epistemic risks in medicine. I will focus in particular on how diseases are identified and operationalized. Before we can do biomedical research on a condition, it needs to be identified as a medical condition, and it needs to be operationalized in a way that lets us identify sufferers, measure progress, and so forth. I will argue that each time we do this, we engage in (...)
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  24.  36
    Infertility Treatment in Developing Country.Shamima Parvin Lasker - 2012 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 2 (2):3.
  25.  24
    Virile Infertile Men, and Other Representations of In/Fertile Hegemonic Masculinity in Fiction Television Series.Marjolein Lotte de Boer - 2021 - Journal of Medical Humanities 42 (1):147-164.
    Fiction television series are one of the few cultural expressions in which men’s infertility experiences are represented. Through a content analysis of twenty fiction series, this article describes and analyzes such representations. By drawing on Connell’s concept of hegemonic masculinity and Ricoeur’s understanding of paradoxical power structuring, four character types of infertile men are identified: (1) the virile in/fertile man, (2) the secretly non-/vasectomized man, (3) the intellectual eunuch, (4) the enslaving post-apocalyptic man. While these various dramatis persona outline (...)
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  26.  96
    Infertility and Moral Luck: The Politics of Women Blaming Themselves for Infertility.Carolyn McLeod & Julie Ponesse - 2008 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 1 (1):126-144.
    Infertility can be an agonizing experience, especially for women. And, much of the agony has to do with luck: with how unlucky one is in being infertile, and in how much luck is involved in determining whether one can weather the storm of infertility and perhaps have a child in the end. We argue that bad luck associated with being infertile is often bad moral luck for women. The infertile woman often blames herself or is blamed by others (...)
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  27.  56
    Infertility, ethics, and the future: an exploration.Daniela Cutas - 2017 - In G. Davis & T. Loughran, The Palgrave Handbook of Infertility in History.
    This chapter explores current and prospective reproductive technologies and some of their likely implications for reproductive and family ethics and policymaking. The technologies discussed include uterus transplants, mitochondrial transfer, ectogenesis, the development of in vitro gametes, and solo reproduction. The chapter considers the impact of these developments on the content of concepts such as 'infertility', 'mother', or 'father'. Another layer to this process of redefinition originates in ongoing socio-cultural changes that shift the focus in parenting from the way in (...)
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    Exploiting infertility vs. Natural procreative medicine.Kimberley Pfeiffer - 2012 - Bioethics Research Notes 24 (2):28.
    Pfeiffer, Kimberley We've heard it happening more than once. A couple uses IVF to fall pregnant then later down the track they conceive naturally. Confusing, right? Aren't they supposed to be infertile? Isn't that why people request this invasive and expensive procedure in the first place? Well, a recent study shows that more than 40% of women aged between 28 and 36 years that report having a history of infertility achieved subsequent births without using any form of reproductive assistance1. (...)
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    Infertility in the developing world: The combined role for feminists and disability rights proponents.Kavita Shah & Frances Batzer - 2010 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 3 (2):109-125.
    Infertile women in the developing world face an additional layer of vulnerability compared to their counterparts in the developed world due to social, cultural, political, and socioeconomic factors that truly render their infertility a disability. After exploring how infertility in the developing world fits the World Health Organization’s biopsychosocial model of disability, we will argue that feminists and disability rights proponents should jointly articulate and advocate for change.
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    Infertility Counseling and Misattributed Paternity: When Should Physicians Become Involved in Family Affairs?Ajay K. Nangia, Tarris Rosell, Syed M. Alam & Stephen P. Pittman - 2022 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 33 (2):151-155.
    Infertility specialists may be confronted with the ethical dilemma of whether to disclose misattributed paternity (MP). Physicians should be prepared for instances when an assumed father’s evaluation reveals a condition known for lifelong infertility, for example, congenital bilateral absence of vas deferens (CBAVD). When there is doubt regarding a patient’s comprehension of his diagnosis, physicians must consider whether further disclosure is warranted. This article describes a case of MP with ethics analysis that concludes that limited nondisclosure is most (...)
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  31.  19
    The Infertility Treadmill: Feminist Ethics, Personal Choice, and the Use of Reproductive Technologies by Karey Harwood.Kathryn Lilla Cox - 2013 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 33 (2):209-210.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Infertility Treadmill: Feminist Ethics, Personal Choice, and the Use of Reproductive Technologies by Karey HarwoodKathryn Lilla CoxThe Infertility Treadmill: Feminist Ethics, Personal Choice, and the Use of Reproductive Technologies Karey Harwood Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 2007. 221pp. $22.00Karey Harwood’s The Infertility Treadmill, published in the University of North Carolina’s Studies in Social Medicine series, fills a lacuna in the (...) literature. Harwood takes an interdisciplinary approach examining “assisted reproductive technologies” (ART) using current scientific, philosophical, theological, and—most importantly—her own ethnographic research. By way of a thick description of women’s experiences of infertility, she draws the reader into a rich ethical conversation regarding ARTs.Harwood “seeks first and foremost to offer an interpretation of the ethical significance of the increasing use of ART by bringing a particular set of normative or evaluative lenses to bear on a particular set of descriptive data” (8). She engaged in this study because of her desire to explore the connections between decisions to use ART and such factors as paid employment, delayed childbirth, and the ongoing balancing of work and family life. Harwood gathered her descriptive data by spending a year with the Atlanta chapter of RESOLVE (The National Infertility Association): attending monthly meetings and listening to speakers and participants as well as appraising RESOLVE’s national and local literature. She also conducted nine interviews with eight women and one man. Focusing on work and family conflicts in light of questions related to gender justice and the interplay between social and communal norms theories, on the one hand, and private and individual choice, on the other, Harwood teases out the ethical complexity surrounding ARTs.After surveying philosophical and theological literature relevant to her topic, Harwood names and examines existential concerns that emerged from her observations, conversations, and interviews with RESOLVE members. Clustered thematically, these concerns include the painful isolation of infertility, the stigma attached to using ARTs, people’s moralizing, how much treatment to pursue, what is the value in trying one more thing, socioeconomic status, and emotional awareness (62–97). Throughout her discussion of these concerns, [End Page 209] Harwood reminds ethicists of the importance of personal narratives for any treatment of an ethical issue like this.Moreover, her research leads Harwood to deduce that RESOLVE helps people with meaning-making, questions of purpose, language clarification, and various options surrounding infertility and ARTs. She asserts that the infertility experience can be a transformative one for the infertile. The decision-making process regarding the use of ARTs functioned as a type of ritual—albeit “a consumeristic ritual”—that aided people in working through the grief of infertility (157). Religious institutions have not always helped the infertile in these areas. Nonetheless, Harwood’s study leads her to conclude that RESOLVE members and leaders tend to be deficient in their capacities for challenging and critically examining how individual decisions intertwine with larger social contexts.Harwood acknowledges that her methodological decision to focus on one RESOLVE chapter limited her demographics (63–64). Moreover, although for the most part balanced, Harwood’s assessment of her findings is at times partial, even bordering on advocacy. For example, she clearly seeks to make the case that ethical analyses of infertility need to be more nuanced—incorporating more personal narrative—and that RESOLVE needs to be more open to critical self-reflection, especially the critical questioning of the “treadmill of infertility” (133). In her analysis of her findings, Harwood demonstrates how personal narratives help nuance ethical analysis. Less clear is whether RESOLVE can be or wants to be more self-critical and more questioning of its own core premises. Nonetheless, these limitations do not detract from Harwood’s important insights regarding “the infertility treadmill” and the host of issues related to ARTs—including consumerism, the role of rituals, meaning-making, suffering and grief, and gender justice, among others.Those struggling with infertility or considering ARTs will find Harwood to be an empathetic dialogue partner. Others will gain a deeper understanding of infertility’s toll by reading this book. Graduate and advanced undergraduate students will benefit from Harwood’s analysis of how personal decisions have wide-ranging... (shrink)
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    Infertility treatments for gay parents?Anthony Charuvastra - 2006 - Hastings Center Report 36 (5):6.
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  33. Male infertility in Mali: Kinship and impacts on biomedical practice in bamako.Viola Herbst - 2008 - In Jonathan E. Brockopp & Thomas Eich, Muslim Medical Ethics: From Theory to Practice. University of South Carolina Press.
  34.  16
    Infertility Comics and Graphic Medicine.Sathyaraj Venkatesan & Chinmay Murali - 2018 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 61 (4):609-621.
    In a heart-wrenching TEDx Beacon Street talk entitled "A Journey Through Infertility: Over Terror's Edge", Camille Preston narrates her traumatic journey through infertility. Although she is now the mother of a child, Preston's characterization of infertility as "over terror's edge" and as "a journey" finds a graphic expression in Paula Knight's The Facts of Life, Emily Steinberg's Broken Eggs, and Phoebe Potts's Good Eggs. Unlike Preston, these authors do not give birth to a child; however, they authentically (...)
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    Treating infertility as a missing capability, not a disease: a capability approach.Michelle Jessica Bayefsky & Arthur Caplan - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Infertility patients and patient advocates have long argued for classifying infertility as a disease, in the hopes that this recognition would improve coverage for and access to fertility treatment. However, for many fertility patients, including older women, single women and same-sex couples, infertility does not represent a true disease state. Therefore, while calling infertility a ‘disease’ may seem politically advantageous, it might actually exclude patients with ‘social’ or ‘relational’ infertility from treatment. What is needed is (...)
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    Anticipating Infertility: Egg Freezing, Genetic Preservation, and Risk.Lauren Jade Martin - 2010 - Gender and Society 24 (4):526-545.
    This article discusses the new reproductive technology of egg freezing in the context of existing literature on gender, medicalization, and infertility. What is unique about this technology is its use by women who are not currently infertile but who may anticipate a future diagnosis. This circumstance gives rise to a new ontological category of “anticipated infertility.” The author draws on participant observation and a qualitative analysis of scientific, mainstream, and marketing literature to identify and compare the representation of (...)
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    Psychosocial stress and infertility.Samuel K. Wasser - 1994 - Human Nature 5 (3):293-306.
    Experimental, theoretical, psychological, and economic barriers have caused physicians to rely on biomedical treatments for infertility at the exclusion of more environmentally oriented ones (e.g., psychosocial stress therapy). An evolutionary model is described for the origin of reproductive failure, suggesting why mammals evolved to be reproductively responsive to the environment and why psychosocial stress should have an especially strong impact on fertility problems. A study of the causal role of psychosocial stress in infertility is then summarized. The paper (...)
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    Experiences of infertility: liminality and the role of the fertility clinic.Helen Allan - 2007 - Nursing Inquiry 14 (2):132-139.
    This paper explores the experiences of infertile women who occupy a liminal space in society, and argues that the fertility clinic served as a space to tolerate women's experiences of liminality. It provided not only rituals aimed at transition to pregnancy, but also a space where women's liminal experiences, which are caused by the existential chaos of infertility, could be tolerated. The British experience seemed to differ from the American one identified in the literature, where self‐management and peer group (...)
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    Sleepwalking Into Infertility: The Need for a Public Health Approach Toward Advanced Maternal Age.Marie-Eve Lemoine & Vardit Ravitsky - 2015 - American Journal of Bioethics 15 (11):37-48.
    In Western countries today, a growing number of women delay motherhood until their late 30s and even 40s, as they invest time in pursuing education and career goals before starting a family. This social trend results from greater gender equality and expanded opportunities for women and is influenced by the availability of contraception and assisted reproductive technologies. However, advanced maternal age is associated with increased health risks, including infertility. While individual medical solutions such as ART and elective egg freezing (...)
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    Is ʻsurrogacyʼ an infertility treatment?Astridur Stefansdottir - 2017 - Clinical Ethics 13 (2):75-81.
    In this article, it is argued that it is problematic to construe the debate around the process labelled ‘surrogacy’ as a form for infertility treatment. Firstly, this way of defining what happens opens up a new form of medical desire where a growing number of people wish to have children through ‘surrogacy’. This medicalizes childlessness and creates pressure within health services to respond to the desires of an ever-growing group of patients. Secondly, this labels the woman who carries the (...)
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    Treating Infertility with Transplantation: Theological views on whether Infertility is a Disease.Aasim I. Padela & Kristel Clayville - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (7):40-42.
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    Will Artificial Gametes End Infertility?Anna Smajdor & Daniela Cutas - 2015 - Health Care Analysis 23 (2):134-147.
    In this paper we will look at the various ways in which infertility can be understood and at how need for reproductive therapies can be construed. We will do this against the background of research with artificial gametes. Having explored these questions we will attempt to establish the degree to which technologies such as AGs could expand the array of choices that people have to reproduce and/or become parents. Finally, we will examine whether and in what ways the most (...)
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    Infertility treatment for postmenopausal patients: An equity-based approach.Susan M. Purviance - 1995 - Ethics and Behavior 5 (1):15 – 24.
    This article examines two questions pertaining to the extension of infertility treatment to postmenopausal women. First, what concepts and principles of infertility practice apply to assisted reproduction for the postmenopausal patient? Second, what role should these concepts play in the development of an ethical justification for extending women's reproductive lives past the menopausal boundary? The argument offered here supports their claim to infertility services on the basis of the formal principle of justice, which requires that similar cases (...)
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  44. Gender, Infertility, Motherhood, and Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) in Turkey.Serap Sahinoglu & Nuket Ornek Buken - 2010 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 16 (2):218.
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    Japanese Infertility Patients’ Attitudes towards Directed and Non-Directed Oocyte Donation: Analysis of a Questionnaire Survey and Implications for Public Policy.Yosuke Shimazono & Yuri Hibino - 2013 - Asian Bioethics Review 5 (4):331-343.
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    Needs Experienced by Persons with Late Stage AIDS.Fred C. Rabbetts - 2001 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 1 (1):1-7.
    The paper examines needs experienced during the late stage of AIDS with reference to a phenomenological explication of unstructured interviews with persons with acute symptoms of the disease. A distinct pattern of health care needs emerged, characterized by a relative emphasis on the psychosocial as distinct from biomedical or economical aspects of the disease and emotion focused coping strategies. Results are compared with those of other studies and implications for palliative care are discussed. Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology , Volume 1, (...)
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    Irresponsibly Infertile? Obesity, Efficiency, and Exclusion from Treatment.Rebecca C. H. Brown - 2019 - Health Care Analysis 27 (2):61-76.
    Many countries tightly ration access to publicly funded fertility treatments such as in vitro fertilisation. One basis for excluding people from access to IVF is their body mass index. In this paper, I consider a number of potential justifications for such a policy, based on claims about effectiveness and cost-efficiency, and reject these as unsupported by available evidence. I consider an alternative justification: that those whose subfertility results from avoidable behaviours for which they are responsible are less deserving of treatment. (...)
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    Infertility, abortion, and biotechnology.Samuel K. Wasser - 1990 - Human Nature 1 (1):3-24.
    Patterns of reproductive failure described in humans and other mammals suggest that reproductive failure may in many instances be the result of adaptations evolved to suppress reproduction under temporarily harsh conditions. By suppressing reproduction under such conditions, females are able to conserve their time and energy for reproductive opportunities in which reproduction is most likely to succeed. Such adaptations have been particularly important for female mammals, given (a) the amount of time and energy that reproduction requires, and (b) the degree (...)
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  49. Gender, Infertility, Motherhood, and Assisted Reproductive Technology in Turkey.Serap Sahinoglu & Nuket Buken - 2010 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 16 (2):218-232.
    In Turkey, as in many other countries, infertility is generally regarded as a negative phenomenon in a woman’s life and is associated with a lot of stigma by society. In other words, female infertility and having a baby using Assisted Reproductive Technologies have to be taken into consideration with respect to gender, motherhood, social factors, religion and law. Yet if a woman chooses to use ART she has to deal with the consequences of her decision, such as being (...)
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    (1 other version)Experiencing as Developmental Category: Learning from a Fisherman who is Becoming a Teacher-in-a-Village-School.Thurídur Jóhannsdóttir & Wollf-Michael Roth - 2014 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 15 (3):54-78.
    In this study, we take up L. S. Vygotsky’s challenge to study learning and development in terms of categories, irreducible units that preserve the characteristics of the whole. One such category is experiencing [pereživanie], a process that integrates over the relation of person and environment. Using a case study from Iceland, we theorize the process of “becoming as a teacher-in-a-village school” in terms of experiencing [pereživanie]. The case describes a stage of development in the life of a person (...)
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