Results for 'exception'

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  1.  27
    Exception From Informed Consent: How IRB Reviewers Assess Community Consultation and Public Disclosure.Makini Chisolm-Straker, Denise Nassisi, Mohamud R. Daya, Jennifer N. B. Cook, Ilene F. Wilets, Cindy Clesca & Lynne D. Richardson - 2021 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 12 (1):24-32.
    Exception from Informed Consent (EFIC) regulations detail specific circumstances in which Institutional Review Boards (IRB) can approve studies where obtaining informed consent is not possible prior to subject enrollment.To better understand how IRB members evaluate community consultation (CC) and public disclosure (PD) processes and results, semi-structured interviews of EFIC-experienced IRB members were conducted and analyzed using thematic analysis.Interviews with 11 IRB members revealed similar approaches to reviewing EFIC studies. Most use summaries of CC activities to determine community members’ attitudes; (...)
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    Exceptionally common courage: fear and trembling and the puzzle of Kierkegaard's authorship.Kevin Hoffman - 2021 - Macon, Geogia: Mercer University Press.
    Exceptionally Common Courage provides an extended, close reading of Fear and Trembling, Kierkegaard's well-known, pseudonymous book about Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac. It then fits this (in)famous work into the broader and puzzling corpus that includes both other pseudonymous works and signed discourses by this same mercurial author. Though not the first to tackle Kierkegaard from the direction of either a single work or the whole authorship, this two-in-one book relates whole and part to whole and part in a way that (...)
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    (1 other version)The Exception and the Rule: Fictive, Real, Critical.Ulrike Kistner - 2011 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2011 (157):43-59.
    ExcerptWalter Benjamin's famous statement in the eighth of his “Theses on the Philosophy of History,” that “the state of [exception] in which we live is not the exception but the rule,”1 has become as normalized as its proposition asserts. Few turns of phrase have become as easily convertible, turning the “special property” (of the definition of a Greek idioma) through collocation into an implicit signified conventionalized by common usage. In the phrases turning on the elements “the exception (...)
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    Exceptional Experiences of Stable and Unstable Mental States, Understood from a Dual-Aspect Point of View.Harald Atmanspacher & Wolfgang Fach - 2019 - Philosophies 4 (1):7.
    Within a state-space approach endowed with a generalized potential function, mental states can be systematically characterized by their stability against perturbations. This approach yields three major classes of states: (1) asymptotically stable categorial states, (2) marginally stable non-categorial states and (3) unstable acategorial states. The particularly interesting case of states giving rise to exceptional experiences will be elucidated in detail. Their proper classification will be related to Metzinger’s account of self-model and world-model, and empirical support for this classification will be (...)
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    Exception, decision and philosophic politics.Brendan Moran - 2014 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 40 (2):145-170.
    Walter Benjamin’s writings are often read in terms of their emphasis on undecidability. This article focuses on Benjamin’s view of decision as a philosophic capacity to suspend recognizable myth. Myth is recognizable as closure. Myth becomes recognizable as myth when exceptions and extremes arise in relation to it. Without necessarily following the specific exception or extreme (which may itself be mythic), philosophy is a politics that is attuned to the capacity of an exception or extreme to perform the (...)
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    Exceptional know how? Possible pitfalls of routinising genetic services.D. Schmitz - 2010 - Journal of Medical Ethics 36 (9):529-533.
    Genetic testing practices are increasingly advancing clinical medicine. This process of ‘routinisation of genetics’ has been conceived as a medical and ethical problem mainly because of the assumption that non-geneticists might lack the necessary skills to provide these services. In particular, the relevant theoretical knowledge in clinical genetics is viewed as insufficient in general practitioners and physicians from other specialities. Empirical findings seem to indicate significant variations not only in theoretical but also in practical knowledge between geneticists and non-geneticists. Several (...)
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    Exception in Žižek's Thought.Erik Vogt - 2007 - Diacritics 37 (2/3):61-77.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Exception in Žižek’s ThoughtErik Vogt (bio)One cannot fail to be struck by the repeated occurrences and invocations of some logic of exception as well as by the proliferation of examples or stand-ins for exceptional positions (“Jew”; “woman”; “class struggle”) or exceptional collectives (“proletariat”; “slum dwellers”) in many of Slavoj Žižek’s writings. The significance of thinking exception is evident not only in Žižek’s powerful reconceptualization of (a (...)
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  8. Laws, Exceptions, Norms: Kierkegaard, Schmitt, and Benjamin on the Exception.Rebecca Gould - 2013 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2013 (162):77-96.
    The concept of the exception has heavily shaped modern political theory. In modernity, Kierkegaard was one of the first philosophers to propound the exception as a facilitator of metaphysical transcendence. Merging Kierkegaard’s metaphysical exception with early modern political theorist Jean Bodin’s theory of sovereignty, Carl Schmitt introduced sovereignty to metaphysics. He thereby made an early modern concept usable in a post-metaphysical world. This essay carries Schmitt’s appropriation one step further. Drawing on Walter Benjamin’s replacement of transcendental metaphysics (...)
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    Taking exception to the grenzfall's reception: Revisiting Karl Barth's ethics of war.Matthew Puffer - 2012 - Modern Theology 28 (3):478-502.
    This article investigates Karl Barth's ethics of war and its reception by placing the discussion within the larger framework of the general ethics of Church Dogmatics II/2 and the special ethics of Church Dogmatics III/4. It gives careful attention to the infamously problematic “exceptional case” to illumine what sort of “exception,” if any, the provocative passages on war entail. The outlines of Barth's ethical framework and the Grenzfall, or borderline case, provide the background for the re‐evaluation of three common (...)
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  10.  51
    Exceptions to the rule of informed consent for research with an intervention.Susanne Rebers, Neil K. Aaronson, Flora E. van Leeuwen & Marjanka K. Schmidt - 2016 - BMC Medical Ethics 17 (1):1-11.
    BackgroundIn specific situations it may be necessary to make an exception to the general rule of informed consent for scientific research with an intervention. Earlier reviews only described subsets of arguments for exceptions to waive consent.MethodsHere, we provide a more extensive literature review of possible exceptions to the rule of informed consent and the accompanying arguments based on literature from 1997 onwards, using both Pubmed and PsycINFO in our search strategy.ResultsWe identified three main categories of arguments for the acceptability (...)
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  11. Exceptions.Daniel Mendonca - 2012 - In Jordi Ferrer Beltrán & Giovanni Battista Ratti, The Logic of Legal Requirements: Essays on Defeasibility. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press.
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  12.  38
    Laws, Exceptions and Dispositions.Max Kistler - 2020 - JOLMA 1 (1):53-74.
    Can laws of nature be universal regularities and nevertheless have exceptions? Several answers to this question, in particular the thesis that there are no laws outside of fundamental physics, are examined and rejected. It is suggested that one can account for exceptions by conceiving of laws as strictly universal determination relations between (instances of) properties. When a natural property is instantiated, laws of nature give rise to other, typically dispositional properties. In exceptional situations, such properties manifest themselves either in an (...)
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    'Exceptional circumstances' – access to low priority treatments after the Herceptin case.Christopher Newdick - 2006 - Clinical Ethics 1 (4):205-208.
    What is the link between patients' rights to NHS treatment and PCTs' duties to live within their budgets? This was the issue in Rogers v Swindon PCT [2006], in which a patient had been denied trastuzamab (Herceptin®) for early-stage breast cancer. In principle, rationing is lawful and PCTs have to make hard choices about spending priorities, but they may not ignore the interests of needy patients in doing so. Rather, they must balance the 'corporate' interests of the PCT with the (...)
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  14. Language, exception, messianism: The thematics of Agamben on Derrida.David Fiorovanti - 2010 - The Bible and Critical Theory 6 (1):5.1-5.12.
    This paper revisits Giorgio Agamben’s text The Time That Remains and through a comparative analysis contrasts the author’s reading of St Paul’s Romans to relevant Derridean thematics prevalent in the text. Specific themes include language, the law, and the subject. I illustrate how Agamben attempts to revitalise the idea of philosophical anthropology by breaking away from the deconstructive approach. Agamben argues that language is an experience but is currently in a state of nihilism. Consequently, the subject has become lost; or, (...)
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  15.  34
    (Un)Exceptional Trauma, Existential Insecurity, and Anxieties of Modern Subjecthood: A Phenomenological Analysis of Arbitrary Sovereign Violence.Sabeen Ahmed - 2019 - Puncta 2 (1):1-18.
    This article examines the lasting phenomenological consequences of inhabiting “spaces” of exception by rethinking the operation of sovereign violence therein. Taking as its point of departure Giorgio Agamben’s suggestion that the ‘state of exception’ is the ‘rule’ of modern politics, I argue that arbitrary sovereign violence has taken the place of the ‘sovereign decision’ of Carl Schmitt’s original theory. However, recognizing that it is neither enough simply to articulate the institutional grid of intelligibility of the state of (...) nor expose the logics of sovereignty that make possible arbitrary violence, it draws on phenomenology, affect theory, and trauma studies to reorient our focus from the sovereign to the subject upon whom sovereign power is executed. Ultimately it proposes a new understanding of modern subjecthood as one of existential insecurity generated by the ‘new age of anxiety’ permeating social and political life today. (shrink)
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  16. Exceptive constructions.Kai Von Fintel - 1993 - Natural Language Semantics 1 (2):123-148.
    For the first time a uniform compositional derivation is given for quantified sentences containing exceptive constructions. The semantics of exceptives is primarily one of subtraction from the domain of a quantifier. The crucial semantic difference between the highly grammaticized but-phrases and free exceptives is that the former have the Uniqueness Condition as part of their lexical meaning whereas the latter are mere set subtractors. Several empirical differences between the two types of exceptives are shown to follow from this basic lexical (...)
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    Explaining exceptional performance: Constituent abilities and Touchstone phenomena.Neil Charness - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (3):410-411.
    Investigations of innate talent should narrow the definition of talent to deal with constituent abilities, identify touchstone phenomena, and provide detailed explanations of these phenomena. A list of relevant phenomena is proposed.
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    Except Perhaps to be a Moment Merry.Jane Mallinson - 1996 - Bradley Studies 2 (1):33-41.
    This paper is not a study of F.H.Bradley’s influence on T.S.Eliot, nor of the relationship between philosophy and poetry. Despite its concern with poetry, language and thought, it does not attempt to enlist Eliot as a ‘poet in a destitute time’. () It has grown out of a confrontation with Eliot’s writing and the contradictions inherent in his poetry where, it might be said, jouissance erupts in negations. ().
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  19. Exception sentences and polyadic quantification.Friederike Moltmann - 1995 - Linguistics and Philosophy 18 (3):223 - 280.
    In this paper, I have proposed a compositional semantic analysis of exception NPs from which three core properties of exception constructions could be derived. I have shown that this analysis overcomes various empirical and conceptual shortcomings of prior proposals of the semantics of exception sentences. The analysis was first formulated for simple exception NPs, where the EP-complement was considered a set-denoting term and the EP-associate was a monadic quantifier. It was then generalized in two steps: first, (...)
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  20.  36
    ‘Making Exceptions’: A Response to Shue.James Connelly - 2009 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 26 (3):323-328.
    abstract In what follows I respond to Henry Shue's paper by focusing on three principal themes. The first is the relation of philosophical theory to practice, in which I agree that philosophers have to run the risks attendant upon applying reason to concrete cases. The second is the use of examples in moral philosophy, in particular the example used in the justification of torture as an exception; here I draw distinctions between different types of examples in philosophy and the (...)
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  21. Exception rules? Freedom and the order in a state of exception.Oliver W. Lembcke - 2007 - In José Rubio Carrecedo, Political philosophy: new proposals for new questions: proceedings of the 22nd IVR World Congress, Granada 2005, volume II = Filosofía política: nuevas propuestas para nuevas cuestiones. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
  22.  30
    ‘Exceptional’ Women, Healthcare Consumers and the Inevitability of Caring.Jo Bridgeman - 2007 - Feminist Legal Studies 15 (2):235-245.
    In Rogers, the Court of Appeal held that the decision of Swindon N.H.S. Primary Care Trust to refuse to fund Herceptin for the treatment of Ann Rogers against breast cancer was irrational. The P.C.T. maintained that their decision was not resource driven but based on the fact that Herceptin was, at that time, not licensed by the European Medicines Agency (E.M.E.A.) for use in early stage breast cancer. Yet it was prepared to fund its use in ‹exceptional circumstances’ which could (...)
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  23.  16
    Effect of exceptions on verbal reconstructive memory.Kirk H. Smith - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 97 (1):119.
  24.  41
    From Exception to Exemplum: The New Approach to Nazism and the "Final Solution".Wulf Kansteiner - 1994 - History and Theory 33 (2):145-171.
    The former consensus stipulating the singularity and incomprehensibility of Nazism and the "Final Solution" has been challenged in recent years from two perspectives. Microhistorical works and studies of poststructuralist orientation have emphasized the normal and ordinary aspects that link Nazism and the Holocaust to the postwar period. Both approaches differ in their understanding of the concept of historical truth, but together they stress the need for close-range, contextualist methods for studying the emergence of the "Final Solution" and the development of (...)
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  25. Aristotle on exceptions to essences in biology.Petter Sandstad - 2016 - In Strobel Benedikt & Wöhrle Georg, Angewandte Epistemologie in antiker Philosophie und Wissenschaft, AKAN-Einzelschriften 11. Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier. pp. 69-92.
    Exceptions are often cited as a counterargument against formal causation. Against this I argue that Aristotle explicitly allows for exceptions to essences in his biological writings, and that he has a means of explaining them through formal causation – though this means that he has to slightly elaborate on his general case theory from the Posterior Analytics, by supplementing it with a special case application in the biological writings. Specifically for Aristotle an essential predication need not be a universal predication. (...)
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  26.  21
    Political sovereignty, immunity, and exception. Hermeneutical keys to neoliberal governmentality.Iván Torres-Apablaza - 2017 - Ideas Y Valores 66 (164):79-104.
    RESUMEN Para analizar la gubernamentalidad neoliberal, se asume como problema la caracterización de las formas contemporáneas de ejercicio del poder bajo una nueva modalidad de soberanía política localizada en el mercado. Se proponen las nociones de inmunidad y excepción como claves hermenéuticas, y se establece un diálogo entre las derivas foucaultianas de los trabajos de R. Esposito y G. Agamben. Se muestra cómo la relación entre poder y vida asume una forma estratificada y diferenciada, siguiendo una racionalidad de gobierno que (...)
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  27. Imaginary Exceptions: On the Powers and Limits of Thought Experiment.Tamar Szabo Gendler - 1996 - Dissertation, Harvard University
    Thought experiment is one of the most widely-used and least understood techniques in philosophy. A thought experiment is a process of reasoning carried out within the context of a well-articulated imaginary scenario in order to answer a specific question about a non-imaginary situation. The aim of my dissertation is to show that both the powers and the limits of this methodology can be traced to the fact that when the contemplation of an imaginary scenario brings us to new knowledge, it (...)
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    The Exception Proves the Rule.G. K. Chesterton - 2011 - The Chesterton Review 37 (3/4):365-376.
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    Exceptions to Libertarian Natural Rights.William J. Talbott - 2010 - In William Talbott, Human rights and human well-being. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter shows how libertarianism can be seen to be a moral theory that explains exceptions to earlier moral norms and principles and the chapter shows how various exceptions to libertarian principles, including necessity and unconscionability exceptions, can be seen to lead beyond libertarianism to contractarian theories of morality and justice. The chapteer raises a general problem for contractarian theories and shows how the problem applies to the theories of Rawls and Habermas. This sets the stage for the book’s own (...)
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  30. Exceptions to generics: Where vagueness, context dependence and modality interact.Yael Greenberg - 2007 - Journal of Semantics 24 (2):131-167.
    This paper deals with the exceptions-tolerance property of generic sentences with indefinite singular and bare plural subjects (IS and BP generics, respectively) and with the way this property is connected to some well-known observations about felicity differences between the two types of generics (e.g. Lawler's 1973, Madrigals are popular vs. #A madrigal is popular). I show that whereas both IS and BP generics tolerate exceptional and contextually irrelevant individuals and situations in a strikingly similar way, which indicates the existence of (...)
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  31. (1 other version)No Exception for Belief.Susanna Rinard - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 94 (1):121-143.
    This paper defends a principle I call Equal Treatment, according to which the rationality of a belief is determined in precisely the same way as the rationality of any other state. For example, if wearing a raincoat is rational just in case doing so maximizes expected value, then believing some proposition P is rational just in case doing so maximizes expected value. This contrasts with the popular view that the rationality of belief is determined by evidential support. It also contrasts (...)
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  32.  11
    L'exception humaine.Paul Valadier - 2011 - Paris: Cerf.
    Nous tenons généralement pour acquis et même évident que les êtres humains ont une supériorité sur les autres espèces et sur la nature en général. Ne sommes-nous pas appelés à "dominer la nature" et, par l'intelligence et l'esprit d'entreprise, à en tirer le meilleur pour le bénéfice de tous? Or, cette exception humaine est aujourd'hui de plus en plus vivement contestée, surtout à l'égard des animaux, mais aussi par la mise en cause de la domination de la nature dont (...)
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  33.  21
    Exceptional Deliveries: Home Births as Ethical Anomalies in American Obstetrics.Claire L. Wendland - 2013 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 24 (3):253-265.
    Interest in home birth appears to be growing among American women, and most obstetricians can expect to encounter patients who are considering home birth. In 2011, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) issued an opinion statement intended to guide obstetricians in responding to such patients.In this article, I examine the ACOG statement in light of the historical and contemporary clinical realities surrounding home birth in the United States, an examination guided in part by my own experiences as an (...)
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  34.  51
    Cosmopolitan Exception.Susan McManus - 2013 - Journal of International Political Theory 9 (2):101-135.
    There has been a resurgence of interest in cosmopolitanism in contemporary political theory, based upon the hopeful premise that it heralds an ameliorative response to the malignity of sovereignty's lack and the treacherous violence of sovereignty's excess. The promise of cosmopolitanism inheres in the claim that state sovereignty is and should be supplemented by an international system backed by the legitimacy of international law, grounded in the sovereignty of human rights. Drawing upon Foucault and Agamben, my argument in this essay (...)
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  35.  39
    Except in Emergencies: AMA Ethics and Physician Autonomy.Chalmers C. Clark - 1996 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 5 (3):440.
    In this paper I will argue that in emergency cases, physician autonomy is soci-etally constrained under Principle VI of the American Medical Association's “Principles of Medical Ethics”1 The issue will be seen to turn on whether the contextual use of “emergency” should be construed narrowly or broadly; I argue for a broadened rendering. Although a societal emergency is not defined here, I recommend that the condition of inner city healthcare presents a paradigm “patient” for such emergency care. I further urge (...)
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  36.  57
    The therapeutic exception: Abortion, sterilization and medical necessity in Costa rica.María Carranza - 2007 - Developing World Bioethics 7 (2):55–63.
    ABSTRACTBased on the case of Rosa, a nine‐year‐old girl who was denied a therapeutic abortion, this article analyzes the role played by the social in medical practice. For that purpose, it compares the different application of two similar pieces of legislation in Costa Rica, where both the practice of abortion and sterilization are restricted to the protection of health and life by the Penal Code. As a concept subject to interpretation, a broad conception of medical necessity could enable an ample (...)
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  37.  20
    Why Exceptional Public Investment in the Development of Vaccines Is Justified for COVID-19, But Not for Other Unmet Medical Needs.Eline M. Bunnik & Jilles Smids - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (12):22-25.
    In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, states have funneled exceptional amounts of public funding into research and development of diagnostics, treatments and vaccines to help fight the virus. In th...
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    La mathématique fait-elle exception à la loi historique des trois états?Vincent Gérard - 2014 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 35:129-156.
    L’article examine le problème des restrictions qu’il faut apporter à la loi des trois états : la loi du développement de l’esprit est-elle valable à tous les degrés de l’échelle hiérarchique? Ou bien la mathématique fait-elle exception à la loi historique? La réponse apportée par Brentano est assez surprenante et semble même contradictoire. Dans certains textes, il soutient que la mathématique est soumise au même régime que les autres branches du savoir ; et que si restriction il y a, (...)
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  39. L'exception humaine.Responsabilité de la Philosophie - 2015 - In Pierre Montebello, Métaphysiques cosmomorphes: la fin du monde humain. Dijon: Les Presses du réel.
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    Exceptional Americanism.Simon Stow - 2009 - Theory and Event 12 (2).
  41.  4
    Exceptional Stigma: Parallels Between Marginalized Groups and Psychedelic Medicine.Susan Lee, Mikaela Kim, Grayson R. Jackson, Hannah Carpenter & Lisa Campo-Engelstein - 2025 - American Journal of Bioethics 25 (1):110-112.
    Drawing on comparisons to genetic exceptionalism, Cheung et al. (2025) reject psychedelic exceptionalism—that psychedelics raise unique concerns regarding increased vulnerability and diminished aut...
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  42. Making exceptions.Henry Shue - 2009 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 26 (3):307-322.
    abstract Because we are more comfortable with judgements of conceptual conceivability than with judgements of practical possibility, we content ourselves with imaginary cases, which are useless for making many decisions that practical people most need to make, notably all-things-considered decisions about when to follow an admitted general principle and when to make an exception. The diverse cases of climate change, preventive attack, and torture all illustrate how the avoidance of the difficult task of integrating empirical judgements with conceptual judgements (...)
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    Monotonicity and Reasoning with Exceptions.Frank Zenker - 2006 - Argumentation 20 (2):227-236.
    A proposal by Ferguson [2003, Argumentation 17, 335–346] for a fully monotonic argument form allowing for the expression of defeasible generalizations is critically examined and rejected as a general solution. It is argued that (i) his proposal reaches less than the default-logician’s solution allows, e.g., the monotonously derived conclusion is one-sided and itself not defeasible. (ii) when applied to a suitable example, his proposal derives the wrong conclusion. Unsuccessful remedies are discussed.
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  44. The Exception Proves the Rule.Richard Holton - 2009 - Journal of Political Philosophy 18 (4):369-388.
    When faced with a rule that they take to be true, and a recalcitrant example, people are apt to say: “The exception proves the rule”. When pressed on what they mean by this though, things are often less than clear. A common response is to dredge up some once-heard etymology: ‘proves’ here, it is often said, means ‘tests’. But this response—its frequent appearance even in some reference works notwithstanding1—makes no sense of the way in which the expression is used. (...)
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    Exceptional Justice? A Discourse Ethical Contribution to the Immigrant Question.David Ingram - 2009 - Critical Horizons 10 (1):1-30.
    I argue that the exception must be a legitimate possibility within law as a revolutionary project, in much the same way that civil disobedience is. In this sense, the exception is not outside law if by "law" we mean not positive law as defined by extant legal documents (statutes, legislative committee reports, written judgments, etc.) but law as a living tradition consisting of both abstract norms and a concrete historical understanding of them. So construed, the exception is (...)
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  46. Exceptional technologies: a continental philosophy of technology.Dominic Smith - 2018 - London, UK: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Introduction : Picturing technology -- A sense of the transcendental -- The blank page -- Embodiment conditions -- Three exceptional technologies -- Which way to turn? -- Conclusion : Exceptional technologies, not technological exceptionalism.
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    Allowing for Exceptions: A Theory of Defences and Defeasibility in Law.Luís Duarte D'Almeida - 2015 - Oxford University Press UK.
    You find yourself in a court of law, accused of having hit someone. What can you do to avoid conviction? You could simply deny the accusation: 'No, I didn't do it'. But suppose you did do it. You may then give a different answer. 'Yes, I hit him', you grant, 'but it was self-defence'; or 'Yes, but I was acting under duress'. To answer in this way-to offer a 'Yes, but...' reply-is to hold that your particular wrong was committed in (...)
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    Research Ethics in Exceptional Times: What Lessons Should We Learn from Covid19?Søren Holm - 2022 - In Tomas Zima & David N. Weisstub, Medical Research Ethics: Challenges in the 21st Century. Springer Verlag. pp. 355-366.
    The Covid-19 pandemic has led to an unprecedented acceleration of research. Thousands of papers have been published in a very short time across a wide range of academic disciplines. This has already led to instances of research misconduct and articles have been withdrawn from prominent journals very soon after being published. It has also led to calls for the relaxation of generally accepted research ethics rules and rules concerning the protection of personal data during what is claimed to be an (...)
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  49. Exceptional Logic.Bruno Whittle - forthcoming - Review of Symbolic Logic:1-37.
    The aim of the paper is to argue that all—or almost all—logical rules have exceptions. In particular, it is argued that this is a moral that we should draw from the semantic paradoxes. The idea that we should respond to the paradoxes by revising logic in some way is familiar. But previous proposals advocate the replacement of classical logic with some alternative logic. That is, some alternative system of rules, where it is taken for granted that these hold without (...). The present proposal is quite different. According to this, there is no such alternative logic. Rather, classical logic retains the status of the ‘one true logic’, but this status must be reconceived so as to be compatible with (almost) all of its rules admitting of exceptions. This would seem to have significant repercussions for a range of widely held views about logic: e.g. that it is a priori, or that it is necessary. Indeed, if the arguments of the paper succeed, then such views must be given up. (shrink)
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  50. High-Level Exceptions Explained.Michael Strevens - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (S10):1819-1832.
    Why are causal generalizations in the higher-level sciences “inexact”? That is, why do they have apparent exceptions? This paper offers one explanation: many causal generalizations cite as their antecedent—the FF in Fs  are  GFs\,\, {\textit{are}}\,\, G —a property that is not causally relevant to the consequent, but which is rather “entangled” with a causally relevant property. Entanglement is a relation that may exist for many reasons, and that allows of exceptions. Causal generalizations that specify entangled but causally irrelevant antecedents therefore tolerate exceptions.
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