Results for 'esse ad'

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  1. Die Erkenntnislehre des 'Aḍuḍaddīn al-Īcī: Übersetzung und Kommentar des 1. Buches seiner Mawaqif.Josef van Ess - 1966 - Wiesbaden: Steiner.
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    Ab Esse ad Posse Non Valet Consequentia.Daniel Dohrn - 2024 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 53 (2):391-409.
    While knowledge of mere possibilities is difficult to understand, knowledge of possibilities that are actual seems unproblematic (as far as we know the actual world). The principle that what is actual is possible has been near-universally accepted. After summarizing some sporadic dissent, I present a proposal for how the validity of the principle might be restricted. While the principle certainly holds for sufficiently inclusive objective and epistemic possibilities, it may not hold when the accessibility of possibilities is contextually restricted.
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  3. Esse alterius, ad alterum et alteri. La dottrina della relazione di Meister Eckhart.Chiara Paladini - 2016 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 2 (63):458-482.
    The study is aimed at clarifying Meister Eckhart's theory of relations, which involves all fields of his philosophy: gnoseological, theological, ontological. Its general features (concerning the ontological status of relations and relatives, the nature of the fundamentum relationis, and the origin ab altero proper to the relation) seem to denote a realist position, in opposition to the Nominalism. Yet, when he applies the theory to particular problems, it is evident that his position cannot be simply qualified as a realist one. (...)
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    Il De quiditate et esse attribuito ad Alberto Magno. Una nota sulle origini della distinzione tra res a reor reris e res a ratitudine.Pasquale Porro - 2018 - Quaestio 18:85-97.
    Among the various questions on different subjects attributed to Albert the Great, and presumably disputed in Paris around the middle of the 13th century, we find one – handed down mainly under the title De quiditate et esse – dedicated to the presentation of some fundamental notions of metaphysics. This particular question deserves attention insofar as it represents a significant moment in the geneaology of the distinction between the notions of res a ratitudine and res a reor reris. A (...)
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    Epistola H. Mori ad V.C.: quae apologiam complectitur pro Cartesio, quaeque introductionis loco esse poterit ad universam philosophiam Cartesianam.Henry More - 1664 - Typis J. Flesher, & Venalis Prostat Apud G. Morden Bibliopolam Cantabrigiensem.
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  6. Note sur une maxime cartésienne «A nosse ad esse valet consequentia», AT, VII, 520, 5.Dan Arbib - 2013 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 111 (3):491-512.
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    Nihil esse certi, point à la ligne?Vincent Carraud - 2011 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 96 (1):61.
    Les éditions des Meditationes parues du vivant de Descartes ont imprimé chaque Meditatio d’un seul tenant, sans mettre périodiquement le texte « à la ligne » pour sa lecture en paragraphes, c’est-à-dire en unités de sens prédivisées. Cet article montre, en prenant pour exemple la page la plus célèbre des Meditationes, à quel point la décision typographique de diviser le texte des Meditationes en alinéas a pu déterminer les lectures qui en ont été faites, et par conséquent les interprétations du (...)
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    (1 other version)Ad Varronem.J. van Wageningen - 1912 - Classical Quarterly 6 (03):206-.
    Ubi Varro de uilla rustica facienda agit, de culina haec monet: in primis culina uidenda ut sit admota, quod ibi hieme antelucanis temponbus aliquot res conficiuntur, cibus paratur ac capitur. Hunc locum legentes sponte nosmet ipsos rogamus, quid sibi uelit illud admota. ‘Prope cellam uilici,’ inquit Keilius , de qua paulo ante sermo est: uilici proximum ianuam cellam esse oportet eumque scire, qui introeat aut exeat noctu quidue ferat, praesertim si ostianus eat nemo. Sed si locum ita interpretamur, quomodo (...)
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    Ad Varronem.J. Wageningen - 1917 - Classical Quarterly 11 (03):140-.
    VBI Varro de uilla rustica facienda agit, de culina haec monet: in primisculina uidenda ut sit admota, quod ibi hieme antelucanis temporibus aliquot res conficiuntur, cibus paratur ac capitur. Hunc locum legentes sponte nosmet ipsos rogamus, quid sibi uelit illud admota. ‘Prope cellam uilici,’ inquit Keilius , de qua paulo ante sermo est: uilici proximum ianuam cellam esse oportet eumque scire, qui introeat aut exeat noctu quidue ferat, praesertim si ostiarius est nemo. Sed si locum ita interpretamur, quomodo intellegenda (...)
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    A função do método de análise na constituição do argumento do cogito nas Meditações: uma leitura do cogito através da reductio ad absurdum.Érico Andrade - 2009 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 54 (2):155-171.
    Considerando que o cogito possa ser tomado, nas Meditações, como uma conclusão de uma demonstração, pode-se avançar a tese de que essa demonstração está consoante ao método analítico, que Descartes reconhece empreender nesse texto. Esse método teria entre as suas funções nas Meditações aquela de apresentar – sob a forma de uma rede de implicações ontológicas – o raciocínio que conduz à certeza da existência. Como cumpre no referido texto determinar a certeza da existência sem tomar como base nenhuma (...)
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    Quelques remarques sur l' Epistola ad V.C. de Henry More.Igor Agostini - 2014 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 108 (1):7-35.
    L’Epistola ad V. C. de Henry More ( Epistola H. Mori ad V.C. quae Apologiam complectitur pro Cartesio, quaeque introductionis loco esse poterit ad universam philosophiam cartesianam ), publiée plusieurs fois du vivant de More, a toujours été lue, par les commentateurs, essentiellement comme une étape, tout à fait centrale, dans l’histoire des relations de More à Descartes. C’est une thèse interprétative que je partage, mais à laquelle je voudrais essayer d’ajouter une perspective de lecture. Je voudrais montrer que (...)
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  12. Summa metaphysicae ad mentem sancti Thomae: Essays in Honor of John F. Wippel.Therese Cory & Gregory T. Doolan (eds.) - 2024 - Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press.
    This volume is a tribute to Fr. John F. Wippel. Following the philosophical order that Aquinas might have adopted "had he chosen to write a Summa metaphysicae"—an order that Wippel himself lays out in his Metaphysical Thought of Thomas Aquinas—these essays unfold new research on some of the most intriguing topics in Aquinas’s metaphysics, from the most recent generation of scholars formed by Wippel’s pioneering work. -/- The contributors address the discovery of being qua being via separation (Gregory T. Doolan), (...)
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    A política no fim da idade média e sua influência no renascimento: entre o “De regno – ad regem cypri”, de São Tomás, e “Il principe”, de Maquiavel.José Arlindo Aguiar - 2019 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 19 (2):265-283.
    O presente artigo pretende esboçar um paralelo entre duas obras da filosofia política: o opúsculo inacabado “Do reino ou do governo dos príncipes ao Rei de Chipre” de São Tomás de Aquino, e o conhecido “O Príncipe” de Nicolau Maquiavel. O cotejo dos textos permite aproximações diretas entre dois momentos filosóficos distantes através da temática similar, pelo tratamento filosófico da tradição clássica, e pela sutileza do argumento que relaciona o bem comum com o privado, nas relações políticas. A análise divide-se (...)
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  14. How firm a possible foundation? : modality and Hartshorne's dipolar theism.Donald W. Viney - 2010 - In Randy Ramal (ed.), Metaphysics, analysis, and the grammar of God: process and analytic voices in dialogue. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    In The Untamed God (2003), Jay Wesley Richards defends what he calls “theological essentialism,” which affirms God’s essential perfections but also recognizes contingent properties in God. This idea places Richards’s view in the vicinity of Charles Hartshorne’s dipolar theism. However, Richards argues that Hartshorne’s modal theory suffers from the defects that it abandons the principle ab esse ad posse, makes nonsense of our counter-factual discourse, and can only be expressed by C. I. Lewis’s S4, although for certain purposes Hartshorne (...)
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    The Primacy of Semiosis: an ontology of relations.Paul Bains - 2006 - University of Toronto Press.
    How do things come to stand for something other than themselves? An understanding of the ontology of relations allows for a compelling account of the action of signs. The Primacy of Semiosis is concerned with the ontology of relations and semiosis, the action of signs. Drawing upon the work of Gilles Deleuze, John Deely, and John Poinsot, Paul Bains focuses on the claim that relations are 'external' to their terms, and seeks to give an ontological account of this purported externality (...)
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    Philosophie und Physik.Rudolf Haller & Johann Götschl - 1975 - Vieweg+Teubner Verlag.
    Grundlagenfragen wissenschaftlicher Theorien zählen zu den "nicht leicht" beantwortbaren Problemen, bietet doch bereits ihre Formulierung ein Feld des Disputes, und gelangen erst recht die Lösungsvorschläge nur selten in den Rang generell akzeptierter Annahmen. Natürlich gibt es verschiedene Gründe und Gründe verschiedenen Gewichtes, warum Philosophen und Physiker gemeinsam versuchen, bestimmte Fragen zu behandeln. Und es ist nur zu bekannt, daß einige solcher Fragen eher von Physikern und einige eher von Philosophen gestellt werden, ohne daß man sich auf diesem Gebiet über klare (...)
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    Být v či nebýt v?Lukáš Novák - 2022 - Studia Neoaristotelica 19 (5):61-85.
    The purpose of this article is to compare the Thomist and the Scotist theory of relations. The main feature of the Thomist theory is an effort to minimize the ontological import of the specific essential ratio of relation as such, called esse ad, and to reduce the ontological import of its other aspect, the esse in or inherence understood as a common feature of all accidents, to the esse in of its foundation. The Scotists, on the other (...)
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  18. Miracles and the Laws of Nature.George I. Mavrodes - 1985 - Faith and Philosophy 2 (4):333-346.
    Construing miracles as “violations,” I argue that a law of nature must specify some kind of possibility. But we must have here a sense of possibility for which the ancient rule of logic---ab esse ad posse valet consequentia---does not hold. We already have one example associated with the concept of statute law, a law which specifies what is legally possible but which is not destroyed by a violation. If laws of nature are construed as specifying some analogous sense of (...)
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  19. Miracles and laws of nature.E. J. Lowe - 1987 - Religious Studies 23 (2):263-78.
    Construing miracles as \textquotedblleft{}violations,\textquotedblright I argue that a law of nature must specify some kind of possibility. But we must have here a sense of possibility for which the ancient rule of logic---ab esse ad posse valet consequentia---does not hold. We already have one example associated with the concept of statute law, a law which specifies what is legally possible but which is not destroyed by a violation. If laws of nature are construed as specifying some analogous sense of (...)
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    Pensiero post-moderno e religione (Post-modern thought and religion) - DOI: 10.5752/P.2175-5841.2010v8n16p99.Paul Gilbert - 2010 - Horizonte 8 (16):99-116.
    L'articolo mette in evidenza le convergenze e differenze tra religione, pensiero moderno e postmoderno. Tutti i tre appartengono alle culture e le loro storie sociali, però questa convergenza non garantisce l'indentificazione delle loro prospettive. La religione si consente di fare affermazioni di relazione non razionabile, al di là delle condizioni sociali e culturali. Il pensiero, lo stesso se postmoderno, è invece d'ordine ideologico e autoreferenziale, inseparabile di concetti organizzati in una cultura particolare. La postmodernità, che intende liberarsi della prepotenza della (...)
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    Uninstantiability.John Deely - 2016 - Semiotica 2016 (208):1-20.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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    The project on formulating axioms of efficient causality by means of the prepositional variables calculus.Jan Dorda - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 7 (1):153-168.
    The simplest axioms, formulated by medieval scholastics as rules of inference between potency and act, are also axioms concerning causality as they express some potency-act relations. These are: Ab esse ad posse valet illatio. A non posse ad non esse valet illatio. A posse ad esse non valet illatio. A non esse ad non posse non valet illatio. The project on formulating axioms of efficient causality by means of the prepositional variables calculus does not mean of (...)
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    Relations. [REVIEW]Ansgar Santogrossi - 1990 - Review of Metaphysics 43 (4):868-870.
    This book studies seven medieval philosophers' theories of relation. It shows how each thinker's theory of relations reflects and is consistent with his overall metaphysics. The introduction locates the sources of medieval interest in relations in Aristotle and in Augustine's Trinitarian theology. Henninger summarizes the Aristotelian subject-predicate analysis of relation and its difficulties, and contrasts it with nineteenth-century developments. At the beginning of the period covered, a relation was seen as an accident inhering in a term on account of a (...)
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    El "Ars poetica" de Horacio como poema didáctico.Manfred Fuhrmann - 1998 - Anuario Filosófico 31 (61):455-472.
    Horatii Epistula ad Pisones quae inde a Quintiliani temporibus Ars poetica appellari solet duobus e generibus composita esse videtur: nonnulla sunt illius formae carminum peculiaria qua praecepta traduntur; alia naturam epistularum versibus confectarum reddunt quam poeta senescens creavit. Hac de re homines docti consentiunt, at etiam nunc ambigitur, quatenus Epistula ad Pisones a poeta in formam carminis praecepta continentis redacta sit. Novissimae disputationes (a Brink et a Becker conscriptae) Horatii Epistulae illius carminis compositionem inesse demostrare volunt. Sed huius commentationis (...)
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  25. Zenão e a impossibilidade da analogia (versão ampliada).Alessio Gava - 2014 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 12:25-30.
    NOTA PRELIMINAR: o texto a seguir representa a versão ampliada (e corrigida conforme as indicações dos pareceristas) do artigo homônimo, publicado na revista Archai em 2014. Por algum problema técnico, acabou sendo publicada, na época, a primeira versão, sem as melhorias sugeridas pelos avaliadores. Eis, então, a versão ‘definitiva’ do artigo “Zenão e a impossibilidade da analogia”: -/- A reductio ad absurdum foi elevada por Zenão de Eléia a único método que permitiria vislumbrar a verdadeira realidade, invisível tanto aos sentidos (...)
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  26. Objective reality of ideas in Descartes, caterus, and suárez.Norman J. Wells - 1990 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 28 (1):33-61.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Objective Reality of Ideas in Descartes, Caterus, and Su irez NORMAN j. WELLS IT HAS LONG BEEN ACKNOWLEDGEDthat Francisco Sufirez's distinction between a formal and an objective concept exercised some influence upon Descartes's teaching on 'idea'.' It would appear, however, that not enough attention has been given to that distinction of Sufirez (and especially to another to be mentioned shordy) to aid in dispelling what I take to be (...)
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    Elocvtio Novella.Leofranc Holford-Strevens - 1976 - Classical Quarterly 26 (01):140-.
    The purpose of this note is to banish for ever from our histories of Roman literature the term elocutio nouella as a description of the style preached and practised by Cornelius Fronto. Commenting on a speech recently delivered by the Emperor Marcus, Fronto declares : Pleraque in oratione recenti tua, quod ad sententias attinet, animaduerto egregia esse; pauca admodum uno tenus uerbo corrigenda; non nihil interdum elocutione nouella parum signatum. The standard interpretation of the last clause is that given (...)
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    The Sacrifice of Iphigeneia: An Example of 'Distribution' of a Lucretian Theme in Virgil.P. R. Hardie - 1984 - Classical Quarterly 34 (02):406-.
    In his discussion of Virgilian imitations of Lucretian phraseology Cyril Bailey examines the phenomenon of what he terms the ‘doublet’, that is, the procedure whereby Virgil imitates separate elements of a Lucretian phrase at different points in his own work. Take, for example, De Rerum Natura 1. 210–12: esse videlicet in terris primordia rerum, quae nos fecundas vertentes vomere glebas terraique solum subigentes cimus ad ortus.
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    Eight philosophers of the italian renaissance.Ernest A. Moody - 1968 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 6 (1):80-82.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:80 HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY Gilson often contrasts the God of Aquinas, who is esse, with the God of Augustine, who is essentia. This difference in terminology is taken as emphasizing the essentialist character of Augustine's thought. However, Professor Anderson maintains that essentia should not be regarded as equivalent to the Thomistic notion of essence. F,ssentia is derived, according to Augustine, from esse and is most equivalent to (...)
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    Aquinas on the Preliminary Grasp of Being.Michael Tavuzzi - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (4):555-574.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:AQUINAS ON THE PRELIMINARY GRASP OF BEING I IN NUMEROUS PASSAGES, which are to be found scattered throughout his works, Aquinas repeatedly insists that that which is first apprehended or conceived by the intellect is being (ens).1 But from these statements an initial problem immediately arises. When Aquinas affirms that being is that which is first apprehended or conceived by the intellect is he talking about a priority which (...)
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    The text of pliny, hn 19.4–5.John Jacobs - 2020 - Classical Quarterly 70 (1):276-285.
    In the passage about the flax plant, lini natura et miracula at the beginning of Book 19 of his Naturalis historia, Pliny launches into a moralizing diatribe on man's assault against Nature, fulminating against the evils which man brings upon himself by taking to the high seas in ships with sails. The passage culminates in the rhetorical outburst audax uita, scelerumque plena, which serves as something of a moral aphorism for the jeremiad as a whole. Although it has been the (...)
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    Aquinas’s Fourth Way and the Approximating Relation.Joseph Bobik - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (1):17-36.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:AQUINAS'S FOURTH WAY AND THE APPROXIMATING RELATION HERE IS, IT CAN BE SAID, at least one troubleome premise (to some, unacceptable) in each of the Five Ways recorded by Aquinas in the Summa Theologiae (S.T., I, q.2, a.3, c.). Three of the W·ays, i.e., the First and the Second and the Fifth, have a premise which describes God-Prime Mover (Primum Movens, quod a nullo movetur), First Efficient Cause (Causa (...)
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    Not at Home: Nasica's Witticism and Other Stories.Stephanie West - 1992 - Classical Quarterly 42 (01):287-.
    Cicero's discussion of wit in the de oratore includes an entertaining story about Ennius and a certain Nasica : ‘Valde haec ridentur et hercule omnia quae a prudentibus per simulationem subabsurde salseque dicuntur. Ex quo genere est etiam non videri intellegere quod intellegas… ut illud Nasicae, qui cum ad poetam Ennium venisset eique ab ostio quaerenti Ennium ancilla dixisset domi non esse, Nasica sensit illam domini iussu dixisse et ilium intus esse; paucis post diebus cum ad Nasicam venisset (...)
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    How (Not) to Be an Aristotelian With Respect to Contemporary Physics.Lukáš Novák - 2017 - Studia Neoaristotelica 14 (1):85-109.
    Haec tractatio est responsio critica ad tractationem Ludovici Groarke, titulo “Orbitae ellipticae, possintne Aristotelice explicari?”, necnon ad commentationem Jacobi Franklin, cui titulus “De orbitis ellipticis ac Aristotelica revolutione scientifica”. Auctor imprimis ostendit (ultra censuram a J. Franklin factam procedens) explanationem “Aristotelicam” orbitarum ellipticarum a L. Groarke propositam non solum analysi Newtonianae repugnare, sed etiam in se esse incohaerentem. Porro auctor alia L. Groarke proposita impugnat: scil. nostri temporis physicam mathematicam esse essentialiter Platonicam, item Newtonianam orbitarum ellipticarum explicationem assymetriam (...)
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    Hylomorphism as a Solution for Freedom and for Personal Identity.Peter Volek - 2011 - Studia Neoaristotelica 8 (2):178-188.
    Secundum Petrum Bieri dualismus ontologicus hoc trilemma generat: 1) Status mentis non sunt status physici. 2) Status mentis causalitatem exerceunt in regionem statuum physicorum. 3) Regio statuum physicorum est causaliter clausa. Haec tertia propositio a Bieri “physicalismum methodologicum” exprimere dicitur. Ut hoc trilemma solvat, Bieri unum eius membrorum reicere suadet. Hylemorphismus causalitatem mentis ut causalitetem formalem explicat, relationem vero hominis ad mundum ut causalitatem efficientem. Unde clausura causalis mundi de causalitate efficiente intelligi potest, quae in physica investigatur. Liberum arbitrium ab (...)
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    Quomodo Stemma Gladiatoris Pelliculae More Philologico sit Constituendum.Martin M. Winkler - 2003 - American Journal of Philology 124 (1):137-141.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:American Journal of Philology 124.1 (2003) 137-141 [Access article in PDF] Qvomodo Stemma Gladiatoris Pellicvlae More Philologico Sit Constitvendvm Martin M. Winklersive Martinvs Satiricvs Philocinematographicvs [Figures]Poetae rervmqve scriptores et antiqui et recentiores lectoribus fabulas suas sententiis vel versibus bene textis soliti sunt adferre. Sed hodie novum exstat narrandi genus, quod fabulas hominibus adfert praecipue picturis eo modo compositis et inter se coniunctis ut oculi humani imagines singulares celerrime et (...)
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    Poietic Transspatiality.Martina Ferrari - 2018 - Chiasmi International 20:385-401.
    In this paper, I attend to the ontological shift in Merleau-Ponty’s later writing and suggest that this conceptual turn opens the space for questions of the latent sense of the sensible foreclosed by dualist accounts and propositional theories of meaning. By attending to the Nature Lectures, I claim that there is a sens [meaning and orientation] of nature whose regulatory principle ought to be found in nature itself. This is to say that there is a normativity of nature that, albeit (...)
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    O movimento pela volta da Filosofia ao ensino médio no contexto pós-1964: o primeiro Encontro Nacional de Departamentos de Filosofia e o Documento de Brasília.Renê José Trentin Silveira - 2024 - Educação E Filosofia 38:1-30.
    Resumo: A reforma na educação básica promovida Lei 5.692/1971, no contexto do regime militar pós-1964, teve como uma de suas consequências a exclusão da Filosofia do ensino médio. Em resposta, educadores, estudantes e entidades ligadas a essa área de conhecimento iniciaram um amplo movimento pela volta da disciplina às escolas. No centro desse movimento estavam os Departamentos de Filosofia de algumas das principais universidades do país, os quais promoveram encontros nacionais para debater e planejar ações voltadas a esse objetivo. (...)
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    Religions in antiquity.Ugo Bianchi - 2014 - Milano: Vita e pensiero. Edited by Lorenzo Bianchi.
    Questo primo volume degli "Scritti di Ugo Bianchi" - "Religions in Antiquity" - raccoglie contributi relativi a temi e problemi del cristianesimo antico. Con esso si realizza un progetto, formulato in anni lontani (1983) dallo stesso autore, che contemplava varie sezioni di cui l'ultima - "Christiana" comprendeva i saggi che costituiscono la prima metà del volume; a questi ne sono stati aggiunti altri, sulle medesime tematiche, che risalgono ad anni successivi. Precede i saggi un contributo di carattere metodologico ("Tipologia storica (...)
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    Poetarum philosophorum fragmenta.Hermann Diels - 2000 - Forgotten Books.
    Excerpt from Poetarum Philosophorum Fragmenta Plagulis correctis indicibusque non sine taedio confectis dum respiro et laetiore animo quid praefandum sit meditor, ecce nuntius longe tris tissimus afi'ertur, georgium kaibelium nobis litterisque acerba morte ereptum esse, qui non solum studiorum societate inde a beatissimo oon tu'oernio - Bonnensi mihi erat coniunctissimus, sed in hoc quoque communi amicorum opere velut auspex et signifer, cuius auctoritatem me aequi et decebat et iuvabat. Nam singularis graecae artis cognitio, quae in illo fuit, in nullo (...)
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    The Substantial Unity of Material Substances according to John Poinsot.John D. Kronen - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (4):599-615.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE SUBSTANTIAL UNITY OF MATERIAL SUBSTANCES ACCORDING TO JOHN POINSOT JOHN D. KRONEN The University of St. Thomas St. Paul, Minnesota EVERY SUBSTANCE metaphysician must answer several difficult questions peculiar to his or her ontology. In this paper I will examine John Poinsot's answer to two of these questions, one concerning the nature of the form of substantial composites, and one concerning which material objects are substantial composites. I (...)
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    De Tvnica Lintea.J. Van Wageningen - 1913 - Classical Quarterly 7 (03):196-.
    Tvnicam linteam pro lanea uulgo Romae saeculo tertio post Chr. n. gestatam esse iure optimo Friedlaenderus contendit, sed idem Romanos fortasse iam antea eo uestimento usos esse addit, idque fretus loco Iuuenalis, quern supra indicaui. Mihi tamen uidentur uersus illi Aquinatis non posse afferri ad Friedlaenderi sententiam tuendam, quod ut demonstrem, eos infra describam et tractabo.
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    Re-tracing the Five Famous Ways of Summa theologiae I.2.3.Lawrence Moonan - 2011 - International Philosophical Quarterly 51 (4):437-450.
    Aquinas’s Five Ways are not to be understood as demonstrative proofs, successful or not, for the existence of God. Rather, they provide a necessary step towards supplying licensable surrogates for the essential predications that cannot logically be drawn from the incomprehensible nature of God, yet would seem needed for the Summa’s declared genre of argued theology. (Predication secundum analogiam provides surrogates for non-relational accidental predications, likewise unavailable.) What Aquinas is proving in arguing deum esse in ST I.2.3 is not (...)
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    Vita affettiva e istituzioni.Cristina Zaltieri - 2023 - Nóema 1 (14):39-53.
    Questo articolo parte dall’analisi esposta da Jean-François Lyotard nel famoso testo del 1979 La_ condizione postmoderna_ dove si considera come, con l’esaurirsi delle grandi narrazioni (grand narratives) che legittimavano le istituzioni del sapere negli ultimi due secoli, tutte le procedure della ricerca e della trasmissione del sapere hanno come unico principio guida quello di prestazione, ormai esteso dall’economia politica liberista ad ogni ambito. Il confronto con Nietzsche aiuta a comprendere come tali grandi narrazioni nascano già in origine compromesse con passioni (...)
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    Was Camillus Right? Roman History and Narratological Strategy in Livy 5.49.2.Ulrike Roth - 2020 - Classical Quarterly 70 (1):212-229.
    This article deals with one particular aspect of Livy's narrative of the Gallic Sack of Rome, told in Book 5, and traditionally placed in 390b.c.—namely the issue over the validity of the ransom agreement struck by the Romans with the Gauls. The broader context is well known—and needs only brief reiteration here. When the Gauls march on Rome, the Romans give battle at the river Allia, leading to a resounding Gallic victory. Most of the Romans flee the battlefield and then (...)
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    The Modality of Being.Robert C. Beissel - 1992 - The Thomist 56 (1):49-69.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE MODALITY OF BEING ROBERT c. BEISSEL Phoenix, Arizona " It must be of itself that the divine thought thinks." Aristotle, Metaphysics, Bk. 12, c. 9. ST. THOMAS IS AS Neoplatonic as Plotinus in his awareness that Being is not being and that being is not Being.1 Yet, like St. Augustine, St. Thomas knew that being is closer to Being than to itself; he knew that beyond the question (...)
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    Dactylepitriti an Metra Choriambo-Ionica?W. J. W. Koster - 1934 - Classical Quarterly 28 (3-4):145-.
    Quomodo versus lyrici legendi sint, plerumque inter metricos constat, licet de origine singulorum versuum vel colorum dubia moveantur; at ne illud quidem confirmari potest in genere illo peculiari, quo multae strophae Pindari et Bacchylidis et nonnullae poétarum scenicorum compositae sunt. Quod in talibus versibus maxime conspicuum est, hoc est, quod metra τоû σоυ et διπλασíоυ γéνоυς; in eis coniunguntur vel coniungi videntur, ita, ut ambitus utriusque partis aut par aut non multum maior minorve sit. lam antiqui metrici parum compertum habebant, (...)
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  48. Essere parziali promuove il sapere?Roberto Di Ceglie - 2023 - Gregorianum 104 (4):759-773.
    È possibile che, perlomeno in alcuni casi, la parzialità in epistemologia vada promossa? Per ‘parzialità epistemica’ intendiamo la volontà di non venire meno alle proprie tesi anche laddove sembrasse che esse siano contraddette dall’evidenza. Tale parzialità ovviamente contraddice quanto è invece solitamente dato per scontato, ossia la disposizione – che chiamiamo ‘imparzialità epistemica’ – ad accettare qualsivoglia tesi, non importa se irriconciliabile con le proprie opinioni, purché essa sia adeguatamente supportata dall’evidenza. Qui si intende argomentare che, sulla scia di (...)
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    Valore di legge.Laura Buffoni - 2023 - Torino: Giappichelli Editore.
    L’investigazione del testo, che pone il «valore di legge» ma che disorienta il diritto accostando al valore la «forza di legge», passa dalla sua scomposizione, dall’interrogazione delle lettere che sono depositate e custodite nei suoi anfratti, negli interstizi. Bisogna, cioè, seguire tanto l’esplicito, la superficie, quanto le tracce disseminate, talvolta nascoste, senza dimenticare che la superficie è tale per il profondo. La ricerca muove da un’opzione ermeneutica. Ogni ricerca presuppone un’ipotesi preliminare, che l’inchiesta abbia già una direzione. In principio era (...)
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    Rejoinder to Bruce Marshall.Frederick J. Crosson - 1993 - The Thomist 57 (2):299-303.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:REJOINDER TO BRUCE MARSHALL FREDERICK J. CROSSON University of Notre Dame Notre Dame, J.ndiana DISCUSSIONS HAVE to end sometime, and the differences in the reading of Aquinas by Bruce Marshall and myself will perhaps have sufficiently come into view if brief comments on several points are made. 1. In his second statement 1 Marshall seems to have shifted his argument. Originally he argued that a non-believer (e.g. a pagan (...)
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