Results for 'equations'

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  1. Attitude Control for.General Equations Of Motion - 1965 - In Karl W. Linsenmann, Proceedings. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship.
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  2. Africa Research Bulletin.Sierra Leone & Equational Guinea - 2005 - In Alan F. Blackwell & David MacKay, Power. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 16524--16525.
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  3. F. cap.Nouvelle Méthode de Résolution de, de Helmholtz L'équation & Pour Une Symétrie Cylindrique - 1968 - In Jean-Louis Destouches & Evert Willem Beth, Logic and foundations of science. Dordrecht: D. Reidel.
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    Dirac Equation with Coupling to 1/r Singular Vector Potentials for all Angular Momenta.A. D. Alhaidari - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (8):1088-1095.
    We consider the Dirac equation in 3+1 dimensions with spherical symmetry and coupling to 1/r singular vector potential. An approximate analytic solution for all angular momenta is obtained. The approximation is made for the 1/r orbital term in the Dirac equation itself not for the traditional and more singular 1/r 2 term in the resulting second order differential equation. Consequently, the validity of the solution is for a wider energy spectrum. As examples, we consider the Hulthén and Eckart potentials.
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    Equational approach to argumentation networks.D. M. Gabbay - 2012 - Argument and Computation 3 (2-3):87 - 142.
    This paper provides equational semantics for Dung's argumentation networks. The network nodes get numerical values in [0,1], and are supposed to satisfy certain equations. The solutions to these equations correspond to the ?extensions? of the network. This approach is very general and includes the Caminada labelling as a special case, as well as many other so-called network extensions, support systems, higher level attacks, Boolean networks, dependence on time, and much more. The equational approach has its conceptual roots in (...)
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    Trial Equation Method Based on Symmetry and Applications to Nonlinear Equations Arising in Mathematical Physics.Cheng-Shi Liu - 2011 - Foundations of Physics 41 (5):793-804.
    To find exact traveling wave solutions to nonlinear evolution equations, we propose a method combining symmetry properties with trial polynomial solution to nonlinear ordinary differential equations. By the method, we obtain some exact traveling wave solutions to the Burgers-KdV equations and a kind of reaction-diffusion equations with high order nonlinear terms. As a result, we prove that the Burgers-KdV equation does not have the real solution in the form a 0+a 1tan ξ+a 2tan 2 ξ, which (...)
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  7. Structural equations and causation.Ned Hall - 2007 - Philosophical Studies 132 (1):109 - 136.
    Structural equations have become increasingly popular in recent years as tools for understanding causation. But standard structural equations approaches to causation face deep problems. The most philosophically interesting of these consists in their failure to incorporate a distinction between default states of an object or system, and deviations therefrom. Exploring this problem, and how to fix it, helps to illuminate the central role this distinction plays in our causal thinking.
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    Slutzky equations and substitution effects of risks in terms of mean-variance preferences.Thomas Eichner - 2010 - Theory and Decision 69 (1):17-26.
    This paper uses duality to elaborate Slutzky equations of risks in quasi-linear decision models extended by independent background risks. Wealth, substitution and total effects are characterized in terms of mean-variance preferences. It is shown that both Pratt and Zeckhauser’s proper risk aversion and Kimball’s standard risk aversion are sufficient for negative substitution effects.
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    Einstein equations and Fierz-Pauli equations with self-interaction in quantum gravity.H. -H. V. Borzeszkowski & H. -J. Treder - 1994 - Foundations of Physics 24 (6):949-962.
    The Einstein equations can be written as Fierz-Pauli equations with self-interaction, $W\gamma _{ik} = - G_{ik} + \tfrac{1}{2}g_{ik} g^{mn} G_{mn} - k(T_{ik} - \tfrac{1}{2}g_{ik} g^{mn} T_{mn} )$ together with the covariant Hilbert-gauge condition, $(\gamma _i^h - \tfrac{1}{2}\delta _i^k g^{mn} \gamma _{mn} )_{;k} = 0$ where W denotes the covariant wave operator and G ik the Einstein tensor of the metric g ik collecting all nonlinear terms of Einstein's equations. As is known, there do not, however, exist plane-wave (...)
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  10. One equation to rule them all: a philosophical analysis of the Price equation.Victor J. Luque - 2017 - Biology and Philosophy 32 (1):97-125.
    This paper provides a philosophical analysis of the Price equation and its role in evolutionary theory. Traditional models in population genetics postulate simplifying assumptions in order to make the models mathematically tractable. On the contrary, the Price equation implies a very specific way of theorizing, starting with assumptions that we think are true and then deriving from them the mathematical rules of the system. I argue that the Price equation is a generalization-sketch, whose main purpose is to provide a unifying (...)
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    Locus equation and hidden parameters of speech.Li Deng - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (2):263-264.
    Locus equations contain an economical set of hidden (i.e., not directly observable in the data) parameters of speech that provide an elegant way of characterizing the ubiquitous context-dependent behaviors exhibited in speech acoustics. These hidden parameters can be effectively exploited to constrain the huge set of context-dependent speech model parameters currently in use in modern, mainstream speech recognition technology.
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    Stochastic equations of motion with damping.John E. Krizan - 1979 - Foundations of Physics 9 (9-10):695-705.
    A nonlocal equation of motion with damping is derived by means of a Mori-Zwanzig renormalization process. The treatment is analogous to that of Mori in deriving the Langevin equation. For the case of electrodynamics, a local approximation yields the Lorentz equation; a relativistic generalization gives the Lorentz-Dirac equation. No self-acceleration or self-mass difficulties occur in the classical treatment, although runaway solutions are not eliminated. The nonrelativistic quantum case does not exhibit runaways, however, provided one remains within a weak damping approximation. (...)
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  13. Structural equations and beyond.Franz Huber - 2013 - Review of Symbolic Logic 6 (4):709-732.
    Recent accounts of actual causation are stated in terms of extended causal models. These extended causal models contain two elements representing two seemingly distinct modalities. The first element are structural equations which represent the or mechanisms of the model, just as ordinary causal models do. The second element are ranking functions which represent normality or typicality. The aim of this paper is to show that these two modalities can be unified. I do so by formulating two constraints under which (...)
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    Barut equation for the particle-antiparticle system with a Dirac oscillator interaction.M. Moshinsky & G. Loyola - 1993 - Foundations of Physics 23 (2):197-210.
    Barut showed us how it is possible to get a Poincaré invariant n-body equation with a single time. Starting from the Barut equation for n-free particles, we show how to generalize it when they interact through Dirac oscillators with different frequencies. We then particularize the problem to n=2 and consider the particle-antiparticle system whose frequencies are respectively ω and −ω. We indicate how the resulting equation can be solved by perturbation theory, though the spectrum and its comparison with that of (...)
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  15.  21
    On Equational Completeness Theorems.Tommaso Moraschini - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (4):1522-1575.
    A logic is said to admit an equational completeness theorem when it can be interpreted into the equational consequence relative to some class of algebras. We characterize logics admitting an equational completeness theorem that are either locally tabular or have some tautology. In particular, it is shown that a protoalgebraic logic admits an equational completeness theorem precisely when it has two distinct logically equivalent formulas. While the problem of determining whether a logic admits an equational completeness theorem is shown to (...)
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  16. Physical Equations and Identity.William Ruddick - 1971 - In Milton Karl Munitz, Identity and individuation. New York,: New York University Press. pp. 233--250.
  17.  40
    Locus equations in models of human classification behavior.Roel Smits - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (2):284-285.
    The potential role of locus equations in three existing models of human classification behavior is examined. Locus equations can play a useful role in single-prototype and boundary-based models for human consonant recognition by reducing model complexity.
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    On Remainder Equations.Jun Li - 1997 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 43 (3):355-368.
    The remainder equations were introduced by S. O. Hansson. In this paper, we will give an exhaustive characterization of the set of solutions for remainder equations. Moreover, solutions to some unsolved problems proposed by Hansson are reported.
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  19. Structural equations and causation: six counterexamples.Christopher Hitchcock - 2009 - Philosophical Studies 144 (3):391-401.
    Hall [(2007), Philosophical Studies, 132, 109–136] offers a critique of structural equations accounts of actual causation, and then offers a new theory of his own. In this paper, I respond to Hall’s critique, and present some counterexamples to his new theory. These counterexamples are then diagnosed.
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    Equational theories for inductive types.Ralph Loader - 1997 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 84 (2):175-217.
    This paper provides characterisations of the equational theory of the PER model of a typed lambda calculus with inductive types. The characterisation may be cast as a full abstraction result; in other words, we show that the equations between terms valid in this model coincides with a certain syntactically defined equivalence relation. Along the way we give other characterisations of this equivalence; from below, from above, and from a domain model, a version of the Kreisel-Lacombe-Shoenfield theorem allows us to (...)
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  21.  20
    Hybrid Identities and Hybrid Equational Logic.Klaus Denecke - 1995 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 41 (2):190-196.
    Hybrid identities are sentences in a special second order language with identity. The model classes of sets of hybrid identities are called hybrid solid varieties. We give a Birkhoff-type-characterization of hybrid solid varieties and develop a hybrid equational logic.
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  22.  29
    The Essentially Equational Theory of Horn Classes.Hans-E. Porst - 2000 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 46 (2):233-240.
    It is well known that the model categories of universal Horn theories are locally presentable, hence essentially algebraic . In the special case of quasivarieties a direct translation of the implicational syntax into the essentially equational one is known . Here we present a similar translation for the general case, showing at the same time that many relationally presented Horn classes are in fact quasivarieties.
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  23.  16
    Evaluating Different Equating Setups in the Continuous Item Pool Calibration for Computerized Adaptive Testing.Sebastian Born, Aron Fink, Christian Spoden & Andreas Frey - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    The increasing digitalization in the field of psychological and educational testing opens up new opportunities to innovate assessments in many respects (e.g., new item formats, flexible test assembly, efficient data handling). In particular, computerized adaptive testing provides the opportunity to make tests more individualized and more efficient. The newly developed continuous calibration strategy (CCS) from Fink, Born, Spoden, and Frey (2018) makes it possible to construct computerized adaptive tests in application areas where separate calibration studies are not feasible. Due to (...)
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    Equational bases for joins of residuated-lattice varieties.Nikolaos Galatos - 2004 - Studia Logica 76 (2):227 - 240.
    Given a positive universal formula in the language of residuated lattices, we construct a recursive basis of equations for a variety, such that a subdirectly irreducible residuated lattice is in the variety exactly when it satisfies the positive universal formula. We use this correspondence to prove, among other things, that the join of two finitely based varieties of commutative residuated lattices is also finitely based. This implies that the intersection of two finitely axiomatized substructural logics over FL + is (...)
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    Structural Equation Model Analysis of Religious Attitudes and Behaviors in Solving Agricultural Production Problems.Bahset Karsli & Süleyman Karaman - 2022 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 26 (1):153-172.
    In the article, in which religious attitudes and behaviours in rural life and agricultural activities in Antalya have been studied, the religious mentality of the farmers engaged in agricultural activities has been analysed in the context of agricultural perceptions, agricultural production problems and religious attitudes scales. Human being has cultivated the soil to meet his most basic physiological needs, and the stages in these cultivation processes constitute the development stages of human history. In this way, it could be said that (...)
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    Equational characterization of the subvarieties of BL generated by t-Norm algebras.Fransesc Esteva, Lluís Godo & Franco Montagna - 2004 - Studia Logica 76 (2):161 - 200.
    In this paper we show that the subvarieties of BL, the variety of BL-algebras, generated by single BL-chains on [0, 1], determined by continous t-norms, are finitely axiomatizable. An algorithm to check the subsethood relation between these subvarieties is provided, as well as another procedure to effectively find the equations of each subvariety. From a logical point of view, the latter corresponds to find the axiomatization of every residuated many-valued calculus defined by a continuous t-norm and its residuum. Actually, (...)
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  27.  15
    Agents, Equations, and Economics.Ron Wallace - 2022 - Economic Thought 10 (2):47.
    Critiques of Neoclassical Economics extend, unsurprisingly, to its mathematical structure. The discussion has largely focused on General Equilibrium Theory (GET), a formalism developed by Leon Walras over a century ago. Internally consistent, but highly unrealistic, GET lacks predictive power, and has been a historical failure. As an alternative, this article proposes a methodology largely developed by Grabner et al. (2019), in which Agent-Based Models (ABMs) are linked with existing Equation-Based Models (EBMs) as a means of developing a more powerful formalism. (...)
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    Locus equations reveal learnability.Keith R. Kluender - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (2):273-274.
    Although neural encoding by bats and owls presents seductive analogies, the major contribution of locus equations and orderly output constraints discussed by Sussman et al. is the demonstration that important acoustic information for speech perception can be captured by elegant and neurally-plausible learning processes.
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    The equations of Dirac and theM 2(ℍ)-representation ofCl 1,3.P. G. Vroegindeweij - 1993 - Foundations of Physics 23 (11):1445-1463.
    In its original form Dirac's equations have been expressed by use of the γ-matrices γμ, μ=0, 1, 2, 3. They are elements of the matrix algebra M 4 (ℂ). As emphasized by Hestenes several times, the γ-matrices are merely a (faithful) matrix representation of an orthonormal basis of the orthogonal spaceℝ 1,3, generating the real Clifford algebra Cl 1,3 . This orthonormal basis is also denoted by γμ, μ=0, 1, 2, 3. The use of the matrix algebra M 4 (...)
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    An equational axiomatization of dynamic negation and relational composition.Marco Hollenberg - 1997 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 6 (4):381-401.
    We consider algebras on binary relations with two main operators: relational composition and dynamic negation. Relational composition has its standard interpretation, while dynamic negation is an operator familiar to students of Dynamic Predicate Logic (DPL) (Groenendijk and Stokhof, 1991): given a relation R its dynamic negation R is a test that contains precisely those pairs (s,s) for which s is not in the domain of R. These two operators comprise precisely the propositional part of DPL.This paper contains a finite equational (...)
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    Semi-Equational Theories.Artem Chernikov & Alex Mennen - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-32.
    We introduce and study (weakly) semi-equational theories, generalizing equationality in stable theories (in the sense of Srour) to the NIP context. In particular, we establish a connection to distality via one-sided strong honest definitions; demonstrate that certain trees are semi-equational, while algebraically closed valued fields are not weakly semi-equational; and obtain a general criterion for weak semi-equationality of an expansion of a distal structure by a new predicate.
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    Riccati Equations as a Scale-Relativistic Gateway to Quantum Mechanics.Saeed Naif Turki Al-Rashid, Mohammed A. Z. Habeeb & Tugdual S. LeBohec - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (3):191-203.
    Applying the resolution–scale relativity principle to develop a mechanics of non-differentiable dynamical paths, we find that, in one dimension, stationary motion corresponds to an Itô process driven by the solutions of a Riccati equation. We verify that the corresponding Fokker–Planck equation is solved for a probability density corresponding to the squared modulus of the solution of the Schrödinger equation for the same problem. Inspired by the treatment of the one-dimensional case, we identify a generalization to time dependent problems in any (...)
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  33. On Proving Consistency of Equational Theories in Bounded Arithmetic.Arnold Beckmann & Yoriyuki Yamagata - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-31.
    We consider equational theories based on axioms for recursively defining functions, with rules for equality and substitution, but no form of induction—we denote such equational theories as PETS for pure equational theories with substitution. An example is Cook’s system PV without its rule for induction. We show that the Bounded Arithmetic theory $\mathrm {S}^{1}_2$ proves the consistency of PETS. Our approach employs model-theoretic constructions for PETS based on approximate values resembling notions from domain theory in Bounded Arithmetic, which may be (...)
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    Near-equational and equational systems of logic for partial functions. I.William Craig - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (3):795-827.
    Equational logic for total functions is a remarkable fragment of first-order logic. Rich enough to lend itself to many uses, it is also quite austere. The only predicate symbol is one for a notion of equality, and there are no logical connectives. Proof theory for equational logic therefore is different from proof theory for other logics and, in some respects, more transparent. The question therefore arises to what extent a logic with a similar proof theory can be constructed when expressive (...)
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  35.  27
    Structural Equation Modeling of Vocabulary Size and Depth Using Conventional and Bayesian Methods.Rie Koizumi & Yo In’Nami - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In classifications of vocabulary knowledge, vocabulary size and depth have often been separately conceptualized (Schmitt, 2014). Although size and depth are known to be substantially correlated, it is not clear whether they are a single construct or two separate components of vocabulary knowledge (Yanagisawa & Webb, 2020). This issue has not been addressed extensively in the literature and can be better examined using structural equation modeling (SEM), with measurement error modeled separately from the construct of interest. The current study reports (...)
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    Pell equations and exponentiation in fragments of arithmetic.Paola D'Aquino - 1996 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 77 (1):1-34.
    We study the relative strength of the two axioms Every Pell equation has a nontrivial solution Exponentiation is total over weak fragments, and we show they are equivalent over IE1. We then define the graph of the exponential function using only existentially bounded quantifiers in the language of arithmetic expanded with the symbol #, where # = x[log2y]. We prove the recursion laws of exponentiation in the corresponding fragment.
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    The equational theories of representable residuated semigroups.Szabolcs Mikulás - 2015 - Synthese 192 (7):2151-2158.
    We show that the equational theory of representable lower semilattice-ordered residuated semigroups is finitely based. We survey related results.
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  38.  90
    Generalized Dirac Equation with Induced Energy-Dependent Potential via Simple Similarity Transformation and Asymptotic Iteration Methods.T. Barakat & H. A. Alhendi - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (10):1171-1181.
    This study shows how precise simple analytical solutions for the generalized Dirac equation with repulsive vector and attractive energy-dependent Lorentz scalar potentials, position-dependent mass potential, and a tensor interaction term can be obtained within the framework of both similarity transformation and the asymptotic iteration methods. These methods yield a significant improvement over existing approaches and provide more plausible and applicable ways in explaining the pseudospin symmetry’s breaking mechanism in nuclei.
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    Fuzzy equational logic.Radim Bělohlávek - 2002 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 41 (1):83-90.
    Presented is a completeness theorem for fuzzy equational logic with truth values in a complete residuated lattice: Given a fuzzy set Σ of identities and an identity p≈q, the degree to which p≈q syntactically follows (is provable) from Σ equals the degree to which p≈q semantically follows from Σ. Pavelka style generalization of well-known Birkhoff's theorem is therefore established.
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    Logical equations and admissible rules of inference with parameters in modal provability logics.V. V. Rybakov - 1990 - Studia Logica 49 (2):215 - 239.
    This paper concerns modal logics of provability — Gödel-Löb systemGL and Solovay logicS — the smallest and the greatest representation of arithmetical theories in propositional logic respectively. We prove that the decision problem for admissibility of rules (with or without parameters) inGL andS is decidable. Then we get a positive solution to Friedman''s problem forGL andS. We also show that A. V. Kuznetsov''s problem of the existence of finite basis for admissible rules forGL andS has a negative solution. Afterwards we (...)
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    Grafen, the Price equations, fitness maximization, optimisation and the fundamental theorem of natural selection.Warren J. Ewens - 2014 - Biology and Philosophy 29 (2):197-205.
    This paper is a commentary on the focal article by Grafen and on earlier papers of his on which many of the results of this focal paper depend. Thus it is in effect a commentary on the “formal Darwinian project”, the focus of this sequence of papers. Several problems with this sequence are raised and discussed. The first of these concerns fitness maximization. It is often claimed in these papers that natural selection leads to a maximization of fitness and that (...)
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    A spinor equation of the pure electromagnetic field. II.Granville A. Perkins - 1984 - Foundations of Physics 14 (4):341-349.
    Spinor equations, previously found valid and interesting in dealing with plane waves of light, are applied to spherical waves. It is found that the spinors pertaining to light do not form outgoing spherical waves, as the vectors do, but they can form standing spherical waves, which the vectors usually cannot. The spinors disclose details (“hidden variables”) which are hidden from the accepted theories of the subatomic scale.
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    Equational theories of fields.Amador Martin-Pizarro & Martin Ziegler - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (2):828-851.
    A first-order theory is equational if every definable set is a Boolean combination of instances of equations, that is, of formulae such that the family of finite intersections of instances has the descending chain condition. Equationality is a strengthening of stability. We show the equationality of the theory of proper extensions of algebraically closed fields and of the theory of separably closed fields of arbitrary imperfection degree.
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    Decidability of the Equational Theory of the Continuous Geometry CG(\Bbb {F}).John Harding - 2013 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 42 (3):461-465.
    For $\Bbb {F}$ the field of real or complex numbers, let $CG(\Bbb {F})$ be the continuous geometry constructed by von Neumann as a limit of finite dimensional projective geometries over $\Bbb {F}$ . Our purpose here is to show the equational theory of $CG(\Bbb {F})$ is decidable.
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    Structural equation modelling of human judgement.Philip T. Smith, Frank McKenna, Claire Pattison & Andrea Waylen - 2001 - Thinking and Reasoning 7 (1):51 – 68.
    Structural equation modelling (SEM) is outlined and compared with two non-linear alternatives, artificial neural networks and ''fast and frugal'' models. One particular non-linear decision-making situation is discussed, that exemplified by a lexicographic semi-order. We illustrate the use of SEM on a dataset derived from 539 volunteers' responses to questions about food-related risks. Our conclusion is that SEM is a useful member of the armoury of techniques available to the student of human judgement: it subsumes several multivariate statistical techniques and permits (...)
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  46. Équations aux dérivées partielles et philosophie naturelle. Remarques sur l'héritage herbartien de Bernhard Riemann.I. Smadja - 2004 - In Paolo Valore, Ars experientiam recte intelligendi: saggi filosofici. Monza (Milano): Polimetrica.
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    Maxwell Equations—The One-Photon Quantum Equation.Alexander Gersten - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 31 (8):1211-1231.
    The Maxwell equations are shown to be the one-photon spin-one quantum equations. All Maxwell equations (without sources) are derived simultaneously from first principles, similar to those which have been used to derive the Dirac relativistic electron equation. The wavefunction is a linear combination of the electric and magnetic fields. The procedure is not unique, there are ambiguities of adding a scalar field. A quaternionic representation of the Maxwell equations (with sources) is constructed, a covariant reformulation of (...)
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    Equation of Motion of an Electric Charge.Amos Harpaz & Noam Soker - 2003 - Foundations of Physics 33 (8):1207-1221.
    The appearance of the time derivative of the acceleration in the equation of motion (EOM) of an electric charge is studied. It is shown that when an electric charge is accelerated, a stress force exists in the curved electric field of the accelerated charge, and in the case of a constant linear acceleration, this force is proportional to the acceleration. This stress force acts as a reaction force which is responsible for the creation of the radiation (instead of the “radiation (...)
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    Polynomials and equations in arabic algebra.Jeffrey A. Oaks - 2009 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 63 (2):169-203.
    It is shown in this article that the two sides of an equation in the medieval Arabic algebra are aggregations of the algebraic “numbers” (powers) with no operations present. Unlike an expression such as our 3x + 4, the Arabic polynomial “three things and four dirhams” is merely a collection of seven objects of two different types. Ideally, the two sides of an equation were polynomials so the Arabic algebraists preferred to work out all operations of the enunciation to a (...)
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    Schrödinger’s Equation with Gauge Coupling Derived from a Continuity Equation.U. Klein - 2009 - Foundations of Physics 39 (8):964-995.
    A quantization procedure without Hamiltonian is reported which starts from a statistical ensemble of particles of mass m and an associated continuity equation. The basic variables of this theory are a probability density ρ, and a scalar field S which defines a probability current j=ρ ∇ S/m. A first equation for ρ and S is given by the continuity equation. We further assume that this system may be described by a linear differential equation for a complex-valued state variable χ. Using (...)
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