Results for 'employee development'

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  1.  31
    Transitional ethics: Responsibilities of supervisors for supporting employee development[REVIEW]Bruce H. Drake, Mark Meckler & Debra Stephens - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 38 (1-2):141 - 155.
    New employees face a variety of life and career transitions in early adulthood. This paper explores these transitions that shape personal and career identity. A supervisor can play a central role in facilitating employee development during these times but may be unwilling or ill-prepared to do so. At other times he/she may provide assistance that is unwanted and inappropriate to the employee's developmental needs. The paper develops a framework for examining the supervisor's ethical responsibility to facilitate (...) development and provides guidelines for managing these transitions. (shrink)
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  2. 11 Ethical Leadership in Employee Development.Ashly Pinnington & Serkan Bayraktaroglu - 2007 - In Ashly Pinnington, Rob Macklin & Tom Campbell, Human Resource Management: Ethics and Employment. Oxford University Press. pp. 190.
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    Firm–Employee Relationships from a Social Responsibility Perspective: Developments from Communist Thinking to Market Ideology in Romania. A Mass Media Story.Oana Apostol & Salme Näsi - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 119 (3):301-315.
    Firm–employee relationships are dependent on the wider societal context and on the role business plays in society. Changes in institutional arrangements in society affect the perceived responsibilities of firms to their personnel. In this study, we examine mass media discussions about firm–employee relationships from a social responsibility perspective via a longitudinal study in Romanian society. Our analysis indicates how the expected responsibilities of firms towards employees have altered with the changing role of firms in society since the early (...)
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    (2 other versions)CSR development in post-communist economies: employees' expectations regarding corporate socially responsible behaviour – the case of Romania.Carmen Stoian & Rodica Milena Zaharia - 2012 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 21 (4):380-401.
    Drawing on stakeholder theory and the evolutionary approach to institutions, this paper investigates the channels through which corporate social responsibility (CSR) is developed in post-communist economies by focusing on the employee background factors that shape the employees' expectations with regard to corporate socially responsible behaviour. We identify three channels through which exogenous and endogenous CSR are developed: employees with work experience in multinational enterprises (MNEs) (leading to exogenous CSR), employees with CSR knowledge (leading to exogenous CSR) and employees with (...)
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    Exploring the relationship between employees’ CSR perceptions and intention to emigrate: Evidence from a developing country.Sonja Grabner-Kräuter, Robert J. Breitenecker & Festim Tafolli - 2020 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 30 (3):87-102.
    This study contributes to the burgeoning research on corporate social responsibility (CSR) at the individual level of analysis, in a hitherto largely neglected developing country context. Using survey information collected from 297 employees in public and private enterprises in Kosovo, this study examines how and to what extent employees’ perceptions of their employer's CSR activities are associated with their intention to emigrate. Applying a needs‐based framework, this research provides evidence that employees’ perceptions of CSR are positively related to the meaningfulness (...)
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  6. Developing Organizational Trust Through Advancement of Employees’ Work Ethic in a Post-Socialist Context.Raminta Pučėtaitė & Anna-Maija Lämsä - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (2):325-337.
    The paper highlights the dependence of the level of organizational trust on work ethic and aims to show that development of trust in organizations can be stimulated by raising the level of work ethic with organizational practices. Based on the framework by Kanungo, R. N. and A. M. Jaeger, Management in Developing Countries, pp. 1-23), historical-cultural analysis of the Lithuanian context is carried out. The country is chosen as an example of a post-socialist context where work ethic and trust (...)
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    Normative Underpinnings of Direct Employee Participation Studies and Implications for Developing Ethical Reflexivity: A Multidisciplinary Review.George Kandathil & Jerome Joseph - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (3):685-697.
    This paper seeks to join studies which have drawn attention to the ethical reflexivity of research and the research enterprise in the organisational studies’ field. Towards this end, we review OB, HRM, and IR studies on direct employee participation in organisations post-1990s to examine their normative underpinnings. Using Fox’s three frames—unitarist, pluralist, and radical—we compare the underpinnings within and across the chosen disciplines to bring ethical reflexivity to studies in this area of inquiry. Implications are drawn out to take (...)
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    Developing an Intervention and Evaluation Model of Outdoor Therapy for Employee Burnout: Unraveling the Interplay Between Context, Processes, and Outcomes.Roald Pijpker, Esther J. Veen, Lenneke Vaandrager, Maria Koelen & Georg F. Bauer - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    BackgroundBurnout is a major societal issue adversely affecting employees’ health and performance, which over time results in high sick leave costs for organizations. Traditional rehabilitation therapies show suboptimal effects on reducing burnout and the return-to-work process. Based on the health-promoting effects of nature, taking clients outdoors into nature is increasingly being used as a complementary approach to traditional therapies, and evidence of their effectiveness is growing. Theories explaining how the combination of general psychological support and outdoor-specific elements can trigger the (...)
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    The Role of Leaders in Designing Employees’ Work Characteristics: Validation of the Health- and Development-Promoting Leadership Behavior Questionnaire.Sylvie Vincent-Höper & Maie Stein - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:436482.
    In this article, we draw upon the notion that employees’ work characteristics are an important pathway through which leaders influence employee well-being and propose a theoretical framework that integrates perspectives on leadership, occupational stress, and job design. Based on this integrative approach, we developed the health- and development-promoting leadership behavior questionnaire (HDLBQ) for assessing job demands emanating from and job resources provided through the leader. Validation of the measure in German, French, and English using an overall sample of (...)
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    Developing Soft Skills among Potential Employees: A Theoretical Review on Best International Practices.Oleksandr Malykhin, Nataliia Oleksandrivna Aristova, Liudmyla Kalinina & Tetyana Opaliuk - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (2).
    The present paper addresses the issue of determining the best international practices for developing soft skills among students of different specialties through carrying out a theoretical review. Basing on literature on present-day theory the authors make an attempt to explain soft skills dichotomies, summarize existing approaches to classifying soft skills, consolidate and document best international practices for soft skills development among potential employees of different specialties including bachelor students, master students, doctoral and postdoctoral students. The data obtained in the (...)
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    Development obstacles of the agent accounting industry in China’s Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area based on quantitative analysis—Research on the problem of employee’s work attitude.Xiang Huang, Hyukku Lee, Mingyi Wang, Dong Wang, Yaoxian Wu & Kangsheng Du - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The notion of “agent bookkeeping” was proposed when the “Accounting Law of the People’s Republic of China” was updated in 1993. Since their business is specialized in serving small and micro-enterprises, this has created the industry characteristic of generally small in the size of company and low in the salary of employees in Chinese agent bookkeeping companies. Such characteristic results in a series of problems including negative work attitude of employees in the development process, which seriously limit the (...) of Chinese agent bookkeeping companies. However, issues occurred in the development of agent bookkeeping, such as negative employee attitudes, which severely hampered the growth of Chinese agent bookkeeping companies. Therefore, a model of three dimensions of work attitude has been set up in this paper to demonstrate the working attitude of the staff of the agent bookkeeping companies in China’s Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, including emotional dimension, behavioral dimension, and cognitive dimension which consists of eight factors: work environment, career satisfaction, interpersonal relationship, role engagement, work vitality, responsibility attitude, emotional identity, and retention attitude. The result indicates that female employees outnumber male ones in agent bookkeeping companies, most employees have a low sense of belonging to the company, limited career development affects employees’ enthusiasm for work, work attitudes are influenced by mediocre work performance among employees with a graduate degree or higher. (shrink)
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    How to Keep Sustainable Development Between Enterprises and Employees? Evaluating the Impact of Person–Organization Fit and Person–Job Fit on Innovative Behavior.Yuan Tang, Yun-Fei Shao, Yi-Jun Chen & Yin Ma - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    High-tech industries often regard workers as their main source of value creation. In order to stimulate their employees' willingness to innovate and their innovative behavior and reduce the turnover intention, companies are now seeking to establish employer–employee relationships in which their employee's willingness to stay is not simply driven by extrinsic motivations. Therefore, it is an important topic in human resources for companies to implement measures that encourage employees to willingly devote themselves to their jobs and consider organizational (...)
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    Teaching ethics to employees of a state public utilities company in a developing country: A case study.Luis Camacho - 2006 - Ethics and Economics 4 (2).
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  14. (1 other version)Development of organizational trust among employees from a contextual perspective.Anna-Maija Lämsä & Raminta Pučėtaitė - 2006 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 15 (2):130-141.
  15.  33
    Rethinking Professional Skill Development in Competitive Corporate World : Accelerating Time-To-Expertise of Employees at Workplace.Raman K. Attri - 2014 - Proceedings of Conference on Education and Human Development in Asia.
    Professional skill development was never as critical as it has become with the changing nature of globalized work place. With the change in pace of business, the customer expectations from organizations has increased in terms of squeezed time-to-market, faster response to customer needs and demands for better services. Organizations are increasingly becoming focused on how workplace professional skill development of employees can be structured or orchestrated to shorten time-to-professional expertise of their employees. It is becoming increasingly challenging for (...)
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  16.  38
    Employee Orientation and Performance: An Exploration of the Mediating Role of Customer Orientation.Junfeng Zhang - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (S1):111 - 121.
    Managing stakeholders is an important managerial aspect of corporate social responsibility. Employee stakeholder is one of the primary stakeholders that are critical to a company. Previous studies have shown inconclusive findings regarding the performance impact of managing this stakeholder, with some identifying little impact while others finding a positive association. This study further explores this issue in the context of foreign companies' subsidiaries in China. A potential mediating mechanism (i. e., customer orientation) between employee stakeholder orientation and performance (...)
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  17.  25
    Ethics of Care and Employees: The Impact of Female Board Representation and Top Management Leadership on Human Capital Development Policies.Conor Callahan, Arjun Mitra & Steve Sauerwald - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 195 (3):615-629.
    While scholarly research on the relationship between female board representation and strategic decision-making has gained momentum, employee policy outcomes have remained relatively understudied. Integrating theory from the ethics of care perspective with research on the glass ceiling and workplace voice, we seek to understand the circumstances under which female directors influence policy changes for firm employees. We argue that firms with increasing female board representation are more likely to enact human capital development policies benefiting firm employees. However, this (...)
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    Legal Status of the Employee’s Face in the Era of Modern Technology Development.Aneta Giedrewicz-Niewińska & Marzena Szabłowska-Juckiewicz - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (3):793-806.
    The face is a component of an individual’s image, and as such it belongs to the attributes of a person’s identity. The spread of photography and other means of recording the image of a person’s face have been accompanied by an increase in the scale of threats of unauthorized intrusion into the sphere of individual privacy. The nature and frequency of the manifestations of interference with privacy are significantly influenced by the Internet and easy access to mass media, including electronic (...)
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  19.  46
    The Relation Between Corporate Training and Development Expenditures and the Use of Temporary Employees.Allison Westerman - 2001 - Ethics and Behavior 11 (1):67-86.
    Are employers utilizing temporary workers as a means to decrease the funds allocated to the training and development of full-time workers? This article examines industry trends in the utilization of contingent workers and training expenditures in an attempt to explain the relation between the two variables. The article also examines the ethical responsibility of organizations to train and develop employees. Data were collected from organizations that participated in a survey soliciting information regarding temporary workers and training expenditures between the (...)
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    From Perceived Supervisor Social Power to Employee Commitment: Definition and Scale Development.Léandre Alexis Chénard-Poirier, Christian Vandenberghe & Alexandre J. S. Morin - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    It has been theoretically proposed that employees’ perceptions of their supervisor social power in the organization entail a potential to influence their beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors. However, no study has investigated such potential. This lack of research stems from the absence of a common understanding around the meaning of perceived supervisor social power and the absence of any validated measure. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to establish PSSP definition and to validate a five-item scale to measure this construct. (...)
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    Preserving Employee Dignity During the Termination Interview: An Empirical Examination.Matthew S. Wood & Steven J. Karau - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 86 (4):519-534.
    Despite the ongoing need for managers to fire employees and the wide prevalence of downsizing and layoffs, little research has examined how the conduct of termination interviews affects employee reactions. The current research was designed to explore reactions to several commonly used termination interview practices. Two scenario-based experiments examined the effectiveness of having a third party (an HR manager or a security guard) present, mentioning the employee's positive characteristics and contributions, and using alone, discrete escort, or public escort (...)
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  22.  20
    Employee Social Responsibility: A Missing Component in the ISI 26000 Social Responsibility Standard.Thomas A. Hemphill & Gregory A. Laurence - 2018 - Business and Society Review 123 (1):59-81.
    In this article, the focus is on developing a governance concept built on integrating the ISO 26000 Social Responsibility standard with an “employee social responsibility” concept developed by the authors. To this end. The authors propose to compliment the voluntary, organizationally adaptable, ISO 26000 SR standard for the organization/firm with a seamlessly integrated—and equally adaptable—ESR concept for the individual/employee of that organization/firm. An SR/ESR governance concept emerges, with an emphasis on implementing a SR-based business enterprise code of conduct (...)
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  23.  6
    Employee Assistance Programs in Higher Education.R. Paul Maiden & Sally B. Philips (eds.) - 2008 - Routledge.
    Understand the challenges faced by university based EAPs and the strategies to effectively meet needs&#;and discover what works and what does not Academia is a diverse workplace unlike any other, and subsequently, employee assistance program issues are unique. Employee Assistance Programs in Higher Education focuses on the unique challenges of employee assistance service delivery in a university setting. This handy resource discusses the evolution, development, and strategies in managing an EAP in academia while comparing the substantial (...)
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  24. Does Moral Leadership Enhance Employee Creativity? Employee Identification with Leader and Leader–Member Exchange in the Chinese Context.Qinxuan Gu, Thomas Li-Ping Tang & Wan Jiang - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 126 (3):513-529.
    In this article, drawing from a relational perspective, we explore the relationship between moral leadership and employee creativity, treat employee identification with leader and leader–member exchange as two mediators, and develop a new theoretical model of employee creativity. Our data collected from 160 supervisor–subordinate dyads in the People’s Republic of China demonstrate that moral leadership is positively related to both employee identification with leader and LMX. Further, employee identification with leader partially mediates the relationship between (...)
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  25.  35
    Security and Privacy Protection in Developing Ethical AI: A Mixed-Methods Study from a Marketing Employee Perspective.Xuequn Wang, Xiaolin Lin & Bin Shao - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-20.
    Despite chatbots’ increasing popularity, firms often fail to fully achieve their benefits because of their underutilization. We argue that ethical concerns dealing with chatbot-related privacy and security may prevent firms from developing a culture of embracing chatbot use and fully integrating chatbots into their workflows. Our research draws upon the stimulus-organism-response theory (SOR) and a study by Floridi et al. (Minds and Machines, 28:689–707, 2018 ) on the ethical artificial intelligence framework to investigate how chatbot affordances can foster employees’ positive (...)
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  26.  32
    Employee turnover intention among Millennials: The role of psychological well-being and experienced workplace incivility.Reny Yuniasanti, Nurul Ain Hidayah Binti Abas & Hazalizah Hamzah - 2019 - Humanitas: Indonesian Psychological Journal 16 (2):74-85.
    High turnover intention is a problem in the workforce today. The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between experienced workplace incivility and psychological well-being on turnover intention. The subjects of this study were 46 millennial employees who had worked for at least three months. Data were collected with turnover intention scale, experienced workplace incivility scale, and psychological well-being scale. Partial Least Square PLS-SEM analysis was used to analyze the data. Findings indicate that experienced workplace incivility is positively (...)
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  27.  55
    The Effects of Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility on Employee Attitudes.Ante Glavas & Ken Kelley - 2014 - Business Ethics Quarterly 24 (2):165-202.
    ABSTRACT:We explore the impact on employee attitudes of their perceptions of how others outside the organization are treated above and beyond the impact of how employees are directly treated by the organization. Results of a study of 827 employees in eighteen organizations show that employee perceptions of corporate social responsibility are positively related to organizational commitment with the relationship being partially mediated by work meaningfulness and perceived organizational support and job satisfaction with work meaningfulness partially mediating the relationship (...)
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  28.  45
    How does environmental corporate social responsibility contribute to the development of a green corporate image? The sequential mediating roles of employees' environmental passion and pro‐environmental behavior.Muhammad Asghar Ali, Abdul Zahid Khan, Muhammad Umer Azeem & ul Haq Inam - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (3):896-909.
    Drawing on social cognitive theory and social information processing theory, this study investigated how organizations' efforts to embody environmental corporate social responsibility (ECSR) shape consumer perception of a green corporate image through employees' environmental passion and pro-environmental behavior (PEB). To test our hypotheses, we collected multisource time-lagged data from 214 employee–customer dyads from hotel and banking sector organizations in Pakistan. The findings show that organizations' green corporate image is a function of their efforts to engage in ECSR activities as (...)
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  29. Assessment of Factors of Employee’s Turnover: Case Study in My village (MVi).Narith Por - 2018 - International Journal of Information Research and Review 5 (08):5637-5649.
    Employee is the main resource for organization. Recently, there were many concerns of staff resignation within industries. High staff turnovers cause increase of costs of hiring workforces. Owing this issue, “Assessment of Factor of Employee’s Turnover” was proposed for research with the objective of examination of factors causing staff resignation from MVi. In total 26 staff both women and men who resigned 2016 and 2017 was selected for interview. Quantitative data was used. Three main steps were done including (...)
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    Procedural Justice and Employee Engagement: Roles of Organizational Identification and Moral Identity Centrality.Hongwei He, Weichun Zhu & Xiaoming Zheng - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 122 (4):681-695.
    Workplace procedural justice is an important motivator for employee work attitude and performance. This research examines how procedural justice affects employee engagement. We developed three propositions. First, based on the group engagement model, we hypothesized that procedural justice enhances employee engagement through employee organizational identification. Second, employees with stronger moral identity centrality are more likely to be engaged in their jobs. Third, procedural justice compensates for the effect of moral identity centrality on employee engagement. Specifically, (...)
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    Leader–Employee Congruence in Humor and Innovative Behavior: The Moderating Role of Dynamic Tenure.Yue Yuan - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Drawing upon the literature on complementary fit theory, the purpose of this study is to examine how the dynamic tenure moderates the relationship between leader–employee congruence/incongruence in humor and employee innovative behavior. Data were collected from 108 leader–employee dyads from information technology companies in China. Polynomial regression combined with the response surface methodology was used to test the hypotheses. Four conclusions were drawn. First, employee innovative behavior was maximized when leaders and employees were incongruent in humor. (...)
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  32.  17
    Research on Employee Sense of Gain: The Development of Scale and Influence Mechanism.Yinhua Gu, Yingyao Yang & Jing Wang - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  33. Do I Hear the Whistle…? A First Attempt to Measure Four Forms of Employee Silence and Their Correlates.Michael Knoll & Rolf van Dick - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 113 (2):349-362.
    Silence in organizations refers to a state in which employees refrain from calling attention to issues at work such as illegal or immoral practices or developments that violate personal, moral, or legal standards. While Morrison and Milliken (Acad Manag Rev 25:706–725, 2000) discussed how organizational silence as a top-down organizational level phenomenon can cause employees to remain silent, a bottom-up perspective—that is, how employee motives contribute to the occurrence and maintenance of silence in organizations—has not yet been given much (...)
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    Employee Humor Can Shield Them from Abusive Supervision.Mingpeng Huang, Dong Ju, Kai Chi Yam, Shengming Liu, Xin Qin & Guangdi Tian - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 186 (2):407-424.
    Drawing upon conservation of resources theory, we develop and test a theoretical model that specifies how and when employee humor toward leaders affects leader abusive supervision. We propose that employee humor is negatively associated with leader abusive supervision via leader relational energy. Furthermore, the negative indirect relationship between employee humor and leader abusive supervision via leader relational energy is stronger for female leaders than for male leaders. An experiment and a multi-wave, multi-source field study provide substantial support (...)
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    Employee Competitive Attitude and Competitive Behavior Promote Job-Crafting and Performance: A Two-Component Dynamic Model.Haifeng Wang, Lei Wang & Chunquan Liu - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:416339.
    While competition has become increasingly fierce in organizations and in the broader market, the research on competition at an individual level is limited. Most existing research focuses on trait competitiveness. We argue that employee competitiveness can be state-like and can be demonstrated as an attitude toward and behavior representative of competition. We therefore propose a dynamic model with two separate components: competitive attitude and competitive behavior. Drawing upon self-determination theory and the person-environment interaction perspective, we examine how employee (...)
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  36.  12
    Predicting the Factors of Employee Agility Using Enterprise Social Media: The Moderating Role of Innovation Culture.Luteng Zhang, Yan Xu, Chunchun Chen & Rui Zhao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This study aims to create a research model that examines how employee agility is affected by enterprise social media usage, and to discuss the moderating role of innovation culture in communication quality, trust, and employee agility using the relational capital theory. Data of 477 Chinese employees from different companies were collected in this study for analysis, and the hypotheses developed were examined. The purpose of this study was to explore the influence mechanism that propels employees’ ESMU, communication quality (...)
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    The Employee Relationship Analysis on Innovation Behavior of New Ventures Under the Organizational Psychology and Culture.Sijin Du & Jianjun Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The study aims to explore the psychology and behavior of employees in organizations in enterprise innovation. Based on the human resource management system, organizational psychological ownership, and other related theories, the transformational leaders and their advice behavior in start-ups are taken as the research object. The data obtained from the questionnaire as the research samples. Second, the influence and intermediary effect of employees’ organizational psychological ownership on colleagues, leaders, and the whole enterprise are discussed, and the corresponding conclusions are drawn. (...)
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    Linking Ethical Leadership to Employee Burnout, Workplace Deviance and Performance: Testing the Mediating Roles of Trust in Leader and Surface Acting.Shenjiang Mo & Junqi Shi - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 144 (2):293-303.
    This study empirically investigated the impact of ethical leadership on employee burnout, deviant behavior and task performance through two psychological mechanisms: developing higher levels of employee trust in leaders and demonstrating lower levels of surface acting toward their leaders. Our theoretical model was tested using data collected from employees of a pharmaceutical retail chain company. Analyses of multisource time-lagged data from 45 team leaders and 247 employees showed that employees’ trust in leaders and surface acting significantly mediated the (...)
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  39. The Moral Significance of Employee Loyalty.Brian Schrag - 2001 - Business Ethics Quarterly 11 (1):41-66.
    Expectations and possibilities for employee loyalty are shifting rapidly, particularly in the for-profit sector. I explore the natureof employee loyalty to the organization, in particular, those elements of loyalty beyond the notion of the ethical demands of employeeloyalty. I consider the moral significance of loyalty for the employee and whether the development of ties of loyalty to the workorganization is in fact a good thing for the employee or for the employer. I argue that employees (...)
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  40. Human Resource Management Practices and Organizational Support as Antecedents to Commitment Among Employees in Visayan Surety and Insurance Corporation in Cebu City, Philippines.Jiomarie Jesus - 2024 - Preo Journal of Business and Management 5 (1):43-54.
    This study looks at the relationship between organizational support, employee commitment, and human resource management (HRM) practices at Visayan Surety & Insurance Corporation in Cebu City, Philippines. This descriptive-correlational study used a survey questionnaire to gather data from 25 employees. The results show that although the company does a great job in areas like leadership development and talent management, employee development initiatives could need some work. The study also emphasizes the importance of organizational support in promoting (...)
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    Employee-Athletes: Exploring the Elite Spanish Athletes' Perceptions of Combining Sport and Work.Rubén Moreno, José L. Chamorro & Cristina López de Subijana - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Researchers have studied the athletes' dual careers with the aim of helping them to combine the sport and the academic–vocational sphere. Most of this research has addressed the study–sport combination, but there is a lack of studies on the work–sport combination. The main objective of this research was to explore the subjective perceptions of Spanish elite athletes when attempting to combine their careers as professional athletes with a second profession or trade. Further, this study aims to identify the access to (...)
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    Employee Overtime and Innovation Dilemma.Jingjing Yang & Caifu di FanLi - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-25.
    We examine the influence of human resource (HR) slack, specifically that accrued through employee overtime, on firm innovation in China. Leveraging textual analysis to gauge overtime levels, our findings reveal that although overtime increases innovation output, it does not enhance its quality. These results remain consistent even in firms with research and development personnel slack or those offering higher salaries. Additionally, no significant differences are observed between state-owned and non-state-owned firms in terms of overtime’s impact on innovation. Furthermore, (...)
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    The impact of employee turnover on the financial performance of microfinance institutions: A global evidence.Md Aslam Mia, Noor Hazlina Ahmad & Hasliza Abdul Halim - 2022 - Business and Society Review 127 (4):863-889.
    Microfinance is a preferred development tool in many developing countries around the world; however, the industry has been facing many challenges in recent years, including the attainment of financial sustainability. Therefore, this study is aimed at investigating the effect of employee turnover on the financial performance of microfinance institutions (MFIs). The study utilized unbalanced panel data of 1561 unique MFIs from 2010 to 2018. The data were then analyzed by conventional econometric techniques such as the pooled ordinary least (...)
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    The role of employee psychological stress assessment in reducing human resource turnover in enterprises.Cong Liu & Wenqing Miao - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    In this paper, the model is constructed by measuring the psychological stress condition of employees; the psychological stress condition measurement model analyzes and tests the reasons for reducing human resource turnover in enterprises. In this paper, through the research related to the problem of talent loss in enterprises, we found that enterprises of other ownership often use the talent loss early warning model, to measure the possibility of talent loss in enterprises and issue an early warning, which enables enterprises to (...)
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    Employees’ peak experience at work: Understanding the triggers and impacts.Xiehong Fu & Jingru Ma - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The importance of providing a positive employee experience has gotten a lot of attention in recent years. However, peak experience, as a highly positive experience, has been studied and applied in the field of human resource management only to a very limited extent. We still know little about how employees’ peak experience happens and what the impact will be. Therefore, based on the affective events theory and the two-factor theory, our research conducted an in-depth exploration of EPE through three (...)
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    Compulsory Citizenship Behavior and Employee Creativity: Creative Self-Efficacy as a Mediator and Negative Affect as a Moderator.Peixu He, Qiongyao Zhou, Hongdan Zhao, Cuiling Jiang & Yenchun Jim Wu - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Workplace stressors were identified to have critical impacts on employee creativity. However, little is known about how and when involuntary citizenship behavior (i.e., compulsory citizenship behavior, CCB)-induced stress might exert influence on employee creativity. To fill this void, the present study firstly develops a moderated mediation model to investigate the CCB—employee creativity association as well as the underling mechanism and contextual condition of this relationship. By integrating social cognitive theory such as self-efficacy theory and conservation of resources (...)
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    Factors Influencing Employees’ Subjective Wellbeing and Job Performance During the COVID-19 Global Pandemic: The Perspective of Social Cognitive Career Theory.Tzai-Chiao Lee, Michael Yao-Ping Peng, Lin Wang, Hao-Kai Hung & Din Jong - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The novel coronavirus disease that emerged at the end of 2019 began threatening the health and lives of millions of people after a few weeks. However, social and economic problems derived from COVID-19 have changed the development of individuals and the whole country. This study examines the work conditions of Taiwanese versus mainland China employees, and evaluates the relationship between support mechanisms and subjective wellbeing from a social cognitive career theory perspective. In this study, a total of 623 Taiwanese (...)
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    Job Insecurity and Employees’ Extra-Role Behavior: Moderated Mediation Model of Negative Emotion and Workplace Friendship.Shengxian Yu, Na Wu, Shanshi Liu & Xiaoxiao Gong - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Based on the affective events theory, this paper discusses the influence of job insecurity on employees’ extra-role behavior. The mediating effect of negative emotion and the moderating effect of workplace friendship are also tested. The results of an empirical analysis, based on the data of 327 employees, show that job insecurity has a significant negative impact on employees’ extra-role behavior. Negative emotion plays a mediating role in the relationship between job insecurity and extra-role behavior. Workplace friendship moderated the relationship between (...)
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    Financialization and the Employee Suicide Crisis at France Telecom.Nihel Chabrak, Russell Craig & Nabyla Daidj - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 139 (3):501-515.
    The privatization of France Telecom in 1997 led to the implementation of a profit-oriented financialization strategy. An unforgiving work environment was developed, which has unsettled many employees. Between February 2008 and October 2011, 69 employees took their own life. Many left notes blaming management for having privileged the interests of shareholders over those of employees. Through interviews with employees and professional practitioners associated with FT, we reveal that employees strongly resented the company’s use of financialization policies to maximize shareholder value. (...)
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  50. Organisational Whistleblowing Policies: Making Employees Responsible or Liable?Eva E. Tsahuridu & Wim Vandekerckhove - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 82 (1):107-118.
    This paper explores the possible impact of the recent legal developments on organizational whistleblowing on the autonomy and responsibility of whistleblowers. In the past thirty years numerous pieces of legislation have been passed to offer protection to whistleblowers from retaliation for disclosing organisational wrongdoing. An area that remains uncertain in relation to whistleblowing and its related policies in organisations, is whether these policies actually increase the individualisation of work, allowing employees to behave in accordance with their conscience and in line (...)
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