Results for 'donacija genetskog materijala'

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  1. Asistirana humana reprodukcija.Jovan Babić - 2012 - In Ž. Radinković R. Drezgć, Horizont bioetike: moral u doba tehničke reprodukcije života. Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju. pp. 15-67.
    Nove tehnologije omogućavaju nove postupke i prakse koji moraju da se moralno i pravno opravdaju. IVF i surogat materinstvo, pored ostalih, spadaju u takve nove prakse. Stara pravila o tome šta je dopušteno a šta mora da se zabrani ponekad nisu dovoljna, a ni analogije obično nisu dovoljne. Da bi se došlo do prihvatljive linije razdvajanja izmedju opravdanog i neopravdanog postupanja treba izvršiti adekvatnu etičku analizu tih fenomena. IVF, tehnologija oplodnje „in vitro“, iako na prvi pogled izaziva sumnjičavost, ne sadrži (...)
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  2. Human assisted procreation: An ethical approach.Jovan Babić - 1992 - Theoria 35 (4):35-62.
    Nove tehnologije omogućavaju nove postupke i prakse koji moraju da se moralno i pravno opravdaju. IVF i surogat materinstvo, pored ostalih, spadaju u takve nove prakse. Stara pravila o tome šta je dopušteno a šta mora da se zabrani ponekad nisu dovoljna, a ni analogije obično nisu dovoljne. Da bi se došlo do prihvatljive linije razdvajanja izmedju opravdanog i neopravdanog postupanja treba izvršiti adekvatnu etičku analizu tih fenomena. IVF, tehnologija oplodnje „in vitro“, iako na prvi pogled izaziva sumnjičavost, ne sadrži (...)
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  3.  24
    U kandžama izneverenih očekivanja.Isidora Jarić - 2005 - Filozofija I Društvo 2005 (27):75-87.
    The paper discusses the position of young people in Serbia today, as can be inferred from the evidence collected in the study "Politics and everyday life - three years later". Starting from the typology she developed in her 2002 analysis of young people?s interviews, the author traces the changes that have intervened over the past three years in the attitudes of these same respondents concerning politics, personal engagement, views of the future and of their own selves. The fact that the (...)
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  4.  19
    Jocasta’s kinsfolk: Marx, Freud and Oedipus among contemporary antiphilosophers.Borislav Mikulic - 2007 - Filozofija I Društvo 18 (3):9-30.
    The text deals with the recently renewed issue of?antiphilosophy? in the self-understanding of some prominent contemporary continental philosophers but not only them, such as Alain Badiou and Slavoj Zizek, both referring to the psychoanalyst and theoretician of discourse Jacques Lacan. Starting with a metaphorical analysis of the verdict made by Marx of?merely interpretive? character of philosophy in relation to?the study of real world? and with his comparison of philosophy with?masturbation?, the text addresses new appeals to?antiphilosophy? as samples of a token (...)
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  5.  41
    ‘Usi’ e ‘abusi’ nel diritto: Una riflessione critica sulla normativa in materia di analisi genetiche.Silvia Salardi - 2013 - Filozofija I Društvo 24 (2):239-254.
    U ovom radu bavicemo se eticko-pravnom analizom pravne regulacije genetskog testiranja u razlicitim oblastima kao sto su: medicinska istrazivanja, terapija, pravna medicina itd. Cilj nam je da istaknemo vrednosti koje u ovom kontekstu nadahnjuju neke od pravnih akata. Stoga ce se u radu porediti odredjena internacionalna, evropska i nacionalna pravna akta, kako bi se ukazalo na ona pravna resenja koja su u stanju da osiguraju vrednosti koje su neophodne za samo?opredeljenje i jednakost pojedinaca. Analiza ce dokazati da nisu sva (...)
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  6.  31
    The „Pussy riot“ case and the post-secular hybrids.Dmitrij Uzlaner - 2013 - Filozofija I Društvo 24 (1):444-457.
    The article is devoted to the analysis of the?Pussy riot? case and the peculiarities of Russian postsecularism. Special emphasis is placed on the phenomenon of post-secular hybrids, i.e. the overcoming of the situation of social differentiation between religion and other social subsystems. It is claimed that the materials of the trial against?Pussy riot? make evident the appearance in Russia of at least three post-secular hybrids: 1) the blending of religion and politics; 2) installation of religious norms into the public order (...)
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  7.  28
    (1 other version)Interactive learning materials for subjects Music Theory and Solfeggio in the Slovenian primary music schoolInteraktivni nastavni materijali za predmete Glazbena teorija i Solfeggio u osnovnim glazbenim školama u Sloveniji.Katarina Zadnik - 2022 - Metodicki Ogledi 28 (2):281-301.
    With the outbreak of the pandemic, general and music education shifted completely to remote learning as the only possible form. The research looks into didactic approaches using digital technology adopted by active teachers and students in the Slovenian music school in asynchronous distance learning. On a sample of 9 active teachers and 16 students, the research study examined 31 interactive learning materials in order to identify innovative didactic approaches using digital tools which were applied to achieve learning objectives within musical (...)
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