Results for 'discourse typology'

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  1. Illocutionary logic and discourse typology.Daniel Vanderveken - 2001 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 2 (2):243-255.
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    From Speech Acts to Literary Genres: Toward a Factual and Fictional Discourses Typology.Simon Fournier - 2018 - Dialogue 57 (4):877-894.
    Au cours des dernières décennies, les théoriciens des actes de discours ont amorcé l’analyse des discours afin de décrire la logique qui gouverne l’usage et la compréhension du langage en contexte d’interlocution. Cet article s’inscrit dans la foulée de ces études. Il interroge la fécondité de la notion d’actes de discours en pragmatique littéraire, analyse quelques genres littéraires et propose une typologie des discours composée de huit catégories génériques qui font état des relations logiquement possibles entre les discours factuels et (...)
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    The Typology of Spirits in Igbo-African Ontology: A Discourse in Existential Metaphysics.Nelson Udoka Ukwamedua & Moris K. O. Edogiaweri - 2017 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 29 (2):317-331.
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    Typology and the future of Cognitive Linguistics.William Croft - 2016 - Cognitive Linguistics 27 (4):587-602.
    The relationship between typology and Cognitive Linguistics was first posed in the 1980s, in terms of the relationship between Greenbergian universals and the knowledge of the individual speaker. An answer to this question emerges from understanding the role of linguistic variation in language, from occasions of language use to typological diversity. This in turn requires the contribution of discourse analysis, sociolinguistics, and evolutionary historical linguistics as well as typology and Cognitive Linguistics. While Cognitive Linguistics is part of (...)
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    The smell of victory: A typology of reification in French discourse on North-American Indians.Michael Cardy - 1992 - History of European Ideas 15 (1-3):393-398.
  6.  46
    To be an actor or to be an observer? A semiotic typology of narrator roles in written discourse.Sky Marsen - 2004 - Semiotica 2004 (149).
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    Discourses about Miracle: Spectrum of Positions.Elena V. Zolotukhina-Abolina & Золотухина-Аболина Елена Всеволодовна - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (3):793-808.
    The study is devoted to construct a typology of discourses about a miracle. Discourses are interpreted in this case not in a linguistic, but in a philosophical sense, as a certain “way of talking” about a chosen phenomenon. This includes the ontological and ideological position of the speaker (writer), emotional and value pathos, a communicative attitude or lack thereof, a message to the listener (reader) of specific views and beliefs. The author distinguishes three groups of discourses on the ideological (...)
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    Towards a semiotic definition of discourse and a basis for a typology of discourses.Max Boholm - 2016 - Semiotica 2016 (208).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2016 Heft: 208 Seiten: 177-201.
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    Ethical discourses for and against doping in sport philosophy.Douglas Hochstetler, G. Fletcher Linder & Jason Ball - 2024 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 51 (3):515-538.
    Sport doping is not a recent phenomenon. Athletes have used many forms of performance enhancements going back to antiquity. Within the sport philosophy literature, sport doping is entangled in a multitude of ethical discourses, some denouncing, and some supporting, doping in sport. Our aim is to use a systematic approach to classify ethical discourses put forward by scholars focused on doping. To take stock of these ethical discourses, and to advance the sport philosophy literature on doping, this paper provides an (...)
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    Evidence – competence – discourse: The theoretical framework of the multi-centre clinical ethics support project metap.Stella Reiter-Theil, Marcel Mertz, Jan Schürmann, Nicola Stingelin Giles & Barbara Meyer-Zehnder - 2011 - Bioethics 25 (7):403-412.
    In this paper we assume that ‘theory’ is important for Clinical Ethics Support Services (CESS). We will argue that the underlying implicit theory should be reflected. Moreover, we suggest that the theoretical components on which any clinical ethics support (CES) relies should be explicitly articulated in order to enhance the quality of CES.A theoretical framework appropriate for CES will be necessarily complex and should include ethical (both descriptive and normative), metaethical and organizational components. The various forms of CES that exist (...)
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  11. Barbour's typologies and the contemporary debate on Islam and science.Stefano Bigliardi - 2012 - Zygon 47 (3):501-519.
    Abstract Despite various criticisms, Ian Barbour's fourfold classification of the possible relationships between religion and science remains influential. I compare Barbour's taxonomy with the theories of four authors who, in the last four decades, have addressed the relationship between science and religion from a Muslim perspective. The aim of my analysis is twofold. First, I offer a comparative perspective to the debate on science and Islam. Second, following Barbour's suggestion, I test the general applicability of his categories by comparing them (...)
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    Discursive Discrimination: A Typology.Kristina Boréus - 2006 - European Journal of Social Theory 9 (3):405-424.
    This article presents a typology of discursive discrimination, discrimination carried out through the use of language. It is argued that such a typology should fulfil certain criteria in order to be useful for empirical research. The proposed typology consists of four main concepts: (1) exclusion from discourse; (2) negative other-presentation; (3) objectification; and (4) proposals pointing towards unfavourable non-linguistic treatment. The related concept of othering - the creation of a psychological distance to people understood to belong (...)
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    Culture and transcendence: a typology of transcendence.Wessel Stoker & Willem Lodewikus Van der Merwe (eds.) - 2012 - Walpole, MA: Peeters.
    The spectrum of religious experience and spirituality in contemporary postmodern, postsecular and religiously pluralized Western culture is extremely broad. Is it possible to trace the development, the shifts, breaches and patterns of religious and spiritual transcendence in this deeply diversified context? In this volume, a heuristic model of four types of transcendence is proposed and discussed. The four types are immanent transcendence, radical transcendence, radical immanence and transcendence as alterity. Of each type two examples from contemporary cultural discourses, ranging from (...)
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    Heroes and the many: Typological reflections on the collective appeal of the heroic. Revolutionary Iran and its implications.Olmo Gölz - 2021 - Thesis Eleven 165 (1):53-71.
    The heroic figure is a human fiction of the wholly singular. In the hero, discourses about ideals and exemplariness, extra-ordinariness and exceptionalness, agonality, transgressivity, or good and evil become condensed into a single individual. Thus, the hero is the opposite of the masses. As it is argued in this article, the answer to the question of what distinguishes a hero lies in the supererogatory moment, the reference to the hero’s quality of more than can be expected: the heroic figure does (...)
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    Chemical formalisms: toward a semiotic typology.Zhigang Yu & Yaegan Doran - 2024 - Semiotica 2024 (259):31-59.
    Chemistry is a highly technical field that relies heavily on a range of symbolic and imagic formalisms. These formalisms conceptualize specific chemical knowledge into semiotic resources that are rarely used elsewhere in most other academic fields or contexts. To develop an understanding of semiosis in highly technical fields such as chemistry, key questions include what this range of formalisms do and why they occur. These are key questions not only for our understanding of semiosis, but also if we wish to (...)
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    Frames and arguments on the admission of refugees: an empirically grounded typology.Daniel Drewski & Jürgen Gerhards - forthcoming - Theory and Society:1-29.
    Systematic cross-national analyses of political debates on the admission of refugees and asylum seekers require a theoretically coherent and empirically comprehensive typology of frames and arguments used. The paper proposes such a typology of frames and arguments used by governments, opposition parties and social movements in public debates on the admission of refugees. We argue that the collective identity and characteristics of the receiving country on the one hand and refugees’ characteristics on the other constitute the key dimensions (...)
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    Experimental investigations of the typology of presupposition triggers.Chris Cummins, Patrícia Amaral & Napoleon Katsos - 2012 - Humana Mente 5 (23):1-15.
    The behaviour of presupposition triggers in human language has been extensively studied and given rise to many distinct theoretical proposals. One intuitively appealing way of characterising presupposition is to argue that it constitutes backgrounded meaning, which does not contribute to updating the conversational record, and consequently may not be challenged or refuted by discourse participants. However, there are a wide range of presupposition triggers, some of which can systematically be used to introduce new information. Is there, then, a clear (...)
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    Moral Steaks? Ethical Discourses of In Vitro Meat in Academia and Australia.Tasmin Dilworth & Andrew McGregor - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (1):85-107.
    The profile and possibilities of in vitro meat are rapidly expanding, creating new ethical conundrums about how to approach this nascent biotechnology. The outcomes of these ethical debates will shape the future viability of this technology and its acceptability for potential consumers. In this paper we focus on how in vitro meat is being ethically constructed in academic literatures and contrast this with discourses evident in the mainstream print media. The academic literature is analysed to identify a typology of (...)
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    On shi and lun: Toward a Typology of Historiography in the PRC.Susanne Weigelin-Schwiedrzik - 1996 - History and Theory 35 (4):74-95.
    The discussion of shi and lun is the discussion of the relationship between historical data on the one side and theories of history on the other. It is the only methodological discussion historians in the PRC have been going through since the People's Republic of China was founded in October 1949. The question of how to relate data to theory gained a new dimension as not only the quality of historical research but also historians' loyalty to the Communist regime was (...)
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    Instrumental and/or Deliberative? A Typology of CSR Communication Tools.Peter Seele & Irina Lock - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 131 (2):401-414.
    Addressing the critique that communication activities with regard to CSR are often merely instrumental marketing or public relation tools, this paper develops a toolbox of CSR communication that takes into account a deliberative notion. We derive this toolbox classification from the political approach of CSR that is based on Habermasian discourse ethics and show that it has a communicative core. Therefore, we embed CSR communication within political CSR theory and extend it by Habermasian communication theory, particularly the four validity (...)
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    The production and recognition of typological argumentative text markers.Caroline Golder & Pierre Coirier - 1996 - Argumentation 10 (2):271-282.
    A series of experiments on children and adults were conducted to define the features and workings of argumentative discourse. Oral and written arguments were analyzed for the complexity of the argument support structure and the presence of typological argumentation markers (certainty modals, value judgments, etc.). Subjects were asked to assess the argumentativity of texts that did or did not contain typical argumentation markers.At about age ten, children can produce and recognize a ‘minimal argumentative structure,’ in which the speaker takes (...)
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    Making knowledge visible in discourse: Implications for the study of linguistic evidentiality.Ilana Mushin - 2013 - Discourse Studies 15 (5):627-645.
    Linguistic studies of evidentiality, the coding of source of knowledge, have often appeared divided into two camps: those whose focus is the semantic, morphological and typological characteristics of grammaticalized morphological evidential systems, and those whose focus is on the social functions of non-grammaticalized evidential constructions as markers of epistemic authority and responsibility. While interest in the discourse functions of all evidential systems has been growing as seen in the recent special issue of the journal Pragmatics and Society on ‘Evidentiality (...)
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    Ways of knowing: realism, non‐realism, nominalism and a typology revisited with a counter perspective for nursing science.Bernard M. Garrett & Roger L. Cutting - 2015 - Nursing Inquiry 22 (2):95-105.
    In this paper, we reconsider the context of Barbara Carper'salternative ways of knowing,a prominent discourse in modern nursing theory in North America. We explore this relative to the concepts ofrealism, non‐realismandnominalism, and investigate the philosophical divisions behind the original typology, particularly in relationship to modern scientific enquiry. We examine forms of knowledge relative to realist and nominalist positions and make an argument ad absurdum against relativistic interpretations of knowledge using the example of Borge's Chinese Emporium of Benevolent Knowledge. (...)
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    Misunderstanding A Typology of Performance.Dominique Garand - 2009 - Common Knowledge 15 (3):472-500.
    Taking as its point of departure a systematic presentation of the various types of misunderstandings, ranging from the most banal and benign to the most perverse and pernicious, this text principally examines the ways in which they can pave the way for disagreement. While it is possible that a rational examination of motives and sources pertaining to a misunderstanding may help to minimize its undesirable effects upon communication, a misunderstanding may also signal the incontrovertible and irresolvable nature of a disagreement. (...)
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  25. Stance and engagement: a model of interaction in academic discourse.Ken Hyland - 2004 - Discourse Studies 7 (2):173-192.
    A great deal of research has now established that written texts embody interactions between writers and readers. A range of linguistic features have been identified as contributing to the writer's projection of a stance to the material referenced by the text, and, to a lesser extent, the strategies employed to presuppose the active role of an addressee. As yet, however, there is no overall typology of the resources writers employ to express their positions and connect with readers. Based on (...)
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    Modeling public perception in times of crisis: discursive strategies in Trump’s COVID-19 discourse.Alena Chepurnaya - 2023 - Critical Discourse Studies 20 (1):70-87.
    ABSTRACT The article presents an attempt to analyze the strategic perspective of discourse, applying Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) concepts and Crisis Communication analytical tools. The study aims to reveal key strategies employed by a political actor to form public perception while communicating a crisis, based on Donald Trump’s discourse on the COVID-19 pandemic. Results suggest four groups of strategies: (1) legitimization (through emotions, altruism, a hypothetical future, voices of expertise, rationality, defeasibility, simple denial and bolstering), (2) delegitimization (...)
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    Graduating political crisis and violence in the discourse of history: The role of Spanish suffixes.Claudio Pinuer, Claudia Castro & Teresa Oteíza - 2021 - Discourse Studies 23 (3):296-323.
    This article offers an analysis of the Spanish derivative morphology potential for graduating attitudinal meanings regarding the expression of political crisis and of contested meanings of human rights violations in the discourse of recent Chilean History. This study is framed in the typological principles of Systemic Functional Linguistics and in the appraisal system, particularly in the sub-system of graduation. The analysis demonstrates on one hand the productive role of the suffixes -ada and -azo when graduating attitudinal meanings regarding the (...)
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  28. In but Not of Asia: Reflections on Philippine Nationalism as Discourse, Project and Evaluation.Trevor Hogan - 2006 - Thesis Eleven 84 (1):115-132.
    This article rehearses the critical theory of Craig Calhoun’s book on nationalism and applies his threefold typology of ‘project, discourse, evaluation’ to the peculiar case of modern Philippine nationalism. The Republic of the Philippines is a marine archipelago of over 7100 islands and 85 million people of various ethnic, linguistic and cultural identities. Because of its history of colonizations (Spanish, American, Japanese), the predominance of Christianity, and the lack of a unified or prestigious pre-modern religious, political or economic (...)
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  29. Language as literature: Characters in everyday spoken discourse.Sergeiy Sandler - manuscript
    There are several linguistic phenomena that, when examined closely, give evidence that people speak through characters, much like authors of literary works do, in everyday discourse. However, most approaches in linguistics and in the philosophy of language leave little theoretical room for the appearance of characters in discourse. In particular, there is no linguistic criterion found to date, which can mark precisely what stretch of discourse within an utterance belongs to a character, and to which character. And (...)
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    TV talk show therapy as a distinct genre of discourse.Xiaoping Yan - 2008 - Discourse Studies 10 (4):469-491.
    Using therapeutic conversations from a televised talk show as the source data, this article investigates how people solve emotional problems in an institutional setting within a specific social cultural context. In light of the genre framework and the Systemic Functional Linguistics, the investigation considers the TV talk show therapy under examination a distinct genre. The claim is based on the linguistic evidence drawn from the analytical work. As a valid genre the talk show therapy has been characterized with the communicative (...)
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    Scientific advice and public policy: expert advisers' and policymakers' discourses on boundary work. [REVIEW]Robert Hoppe - 2008 - Poiesis and Praxis 6 (3-4):235-263.
    This article reports on considerable variety and diversity among discourses on their own jobs of boundary workers of several major Dutch institutes for science-based policy advice. Except for enlightenment, all types of boundary arrangements/work in the Wittrock -typology Social sciences and modern states: national experiences and theoretical crossroads. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1991) do occur. ‘Divergers’ experience a gap between science and politics/policymaking; and it is their self-evident task to act as a bridge. They spread over four discourses: ‘rational (...)
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  32. Experimental relations between music and dance since the 1950's: sketch of a typology.Julia H. Schrèoder - 2018 - In Patrizia Veroli & Gianfranco Vinay (eds.), Music-dance: sound and motion in contemporary discourse. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Running out of farmland? Investment discourses, unstable land values and the sluggishness of asset making.Oane Visser - 2017 - Agriculture and Human Values 34 (1):185-198.
    This article critically analyzes the assumption that land is becoming increasingly scarce and that, therefore, farmland values are bound to rise across the globe. It investigates the process of land value creation, as well as its flipside: value erosion and stagnation, looking at the various mechanisms involved in each. As such, it is a study of how the financialization of agriculture affects the process of land commoditization. I show that, for farmland to be turned into an asset, a whole range (...)
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    Imagination and Fancy in Conservative Discourse: The Issues of Translation.Nikita S. Glazkov - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (4):99-114.
    Not uncommon for Russian translations of British philosophical classics is the problem of not conveying the notions of imagination and fancy properly. The purpose of this paper is to serve as a reminder of the fact that concepts of fancy and imagination began to grow apart as early as the first part of 18 th century, and it is necessary to treat them accordingly for the translation to be correct. Very soon, the notion of imagination and the distinction between imagination (...)
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    Book review: Pieter muysken, bilingual speech: A typology of code-mixing. Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2000. XVI + 306 pp. [REVIEW]Julia Stakhnevich - 2002 - Discourse Studies 4 (1):130-131.
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    Justice must be seen to be done: a multimodal attitude analysis of attorneys’ closing arguments.Chuanyou Yuan & Huishu Cao - 2023 - Semiotica 2023 (255):17-37.
    Multimodal discourse analysis offers a novel lens for the study of legal discourse. Within the closing arguments of a trial, prosecution and defense attorneys utilize various multimodal resources to present evidence, articulate opinions, and adopt stances to achieve their communicative goals. This research focuses on the closing arguments in the criminal trial concerning the death of George Floyd to analyze the multimodal representation of the closing arguments delivered by both prosecution and defense attorneys. It employs the analytical framework (...)
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    Alternative Solutions to a Language Design Problem: The Role of Adjectives and Gender Marking in Efficient Communication.Melody Dye, Petar Milin, Richard Futrell & Michael Ramscar - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 10 (1):209-224.
    A central goal of typological research is to characterize linguistic features in terms of both their functional role and their fit to social and cognitive systems. One long-standing puzzle concerns why certain languages employ grammatical gender. In an information theoretic analysis of German noun classification, Dye, Milin, Futrell, and Ramscar enumerated a number of important processing advantages gender confers. Yet this raises a further puzzle: If gender systems are so beneficial to processing, what does this mean for languages that make (...)
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    La syntaxe et la sémantique des démonstratifs prédicatifs en français, en chinois mandarin et en vietnamien : perspective typologique.Fanguang Dao Kong - 2024 - Corela. Cognition, Représentation, Langage 22-1 (22-1).
    This article proposes a comparative and typological study of predicative demonstratives in French, Mandarin Chinese and Vietnamese. Six class of predicative demonstratives have been described one after another: presentive demonstratives, identification demonstratives, localizing demonstratives, copular demonstratives, manner demonstratives and implicit demonstratives. This research makes it possible to underline the syntactic and semantic characteristics of predicative demonstratives in the three languages, in the sense that they often function as non-verbal predicates without subjects and playing a role of reference or discourse-pragmatics. (...)
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    Stakeholder participation in agricultural research projects: a conceptual framework for reflection and decision-making. [REVIEW]Andreas Neef & Dieter Neubert - 2011 - Agriculture and Human Values 28 (2):179-194.
    Recent discourse in the field of participatory agricultural research has focused on how to blend various forms and intensities of stakeholder participation with quality agricultural science, moving beyond the simple “farmer-first” ideology of the 1980s and early 1990s. Yet, most existing frameworks of participation in agricultural research still adhere to a linear typology of participatory research with an inherent claim of “the more participation, the better.” In this article, we propose a new framework that looks at participatory research (...)
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    Methodological invention as a constructive project: Exploring the production of ethical knowledge through the interaction of discursive logics.Elizabeth M. Bucar - 2008 - Journal of Religious Ethics 36 (3):355-373.
    This article reflects one scholar's attempt to locate herself within emerging ethical methodologies given a specific concern with cross-cultural women's moral praxis. The field of comparative ethics's debt to past debates over methodology is considered through a typology of three waves of methodological invention. The article goes on to describe a specific research focus on U.S. Catholic and Iranian Shii women that initiated a search for a distinct method. This method of comparative ethics, which focuses on the production of (...)
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    The flavours of love: A cross‐cultural lexical analysis.Tim Lomas - 2018 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 48 (1):134-152.
    Linguists have often remarked upon the polysemous nature of love, whereby the term encompasses a wide diversity of emotional relationships. Several typologies have been constructed to account for this diversity. However, these tend to be restricted in scope, and fail to fully represent the range of experiences signified by the term ‘love’ in discourse. In the interest of generating an expanded typology of love, encompassing its varied forms, an enquiry was conducted into relevant concepts found across the world's (...)
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    Martin heidegger’s Black notebooks and political economy of contemporary philosophical critique.A. O. Karpenko - 2016 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 9:105-109.
    The purpose of the study is to determine the key strategies of philosophical criticism of Heidegger’s Black Notebooks, whose achievement is realized in the following tasks: 1) to identify the body of texts that represent the discourse of philosophical criticism of Heidegger notes; 2) to reveal the typological features of the different strategies of interpreting Black Notebooks; 3) to reconstruct a thematic horizon of Heidegger studies, opened up by discussion on published notes. The methodology combines elements of discourse (...)
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    Sense and sensitivity: how focus determines meaning.David I. Beaver - 2008 - Malden, MA: Blackwell. Edited by Brady Z. Clark.
    Sense and Sensitivity explores the semantics and pragmatics of focus in natural language discourse, advancing a new account of focus sensitivity which posits a three-way distinction between different effects of focus. Makes a valuable contribution to the ongoing research in the field of focus sensitivity Discusses the features of QFC, an original theory of focus implying a new typology of focus-sensitive expressions Presents novel cross-linguistic data on focus and focus sensitivity Concludes with a case study of exclusives (like (...)
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  44. The Objectivity of Nihilism.Gregor Schiemann - 2016 - Divinatio. Studia Culturologica 41 (Autumn-winter 2015):7-29.
    The discourse on nihilism in the German-speaking world continues to take its orientation primarily from Friedrich Nietzsche’s understanding of nihilism as a historical movement of the decline of values. This means that the aspects of nihilism that are not tied to specific epochs and cultures are not accorded due importance (I). In order to make a reappraisal of nihilism that does justice to these objective contents, I will present a classification of types of nihilism and of arguments that support (...)
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    Acquisition and Development of Verb/Predicate Chaining in Hebrew.Ruth Berman & Lyle Lustigman - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
    The study considers development and use of verb/predicate chaining constructions by Hebrew speakers from early childhood to adolescence, based on analysis of authentic conversational and narrative corpora. Three types of such constructions are considered, ordered hierarchically by stage of acquisition: (1) monoclausal extended predicates consisting of a verb (modal, aspectual, or evaluative) marked for tense or mood and followed by one or more complements in the infinitive – e.g., yaxol la-asot ‘can, is able to-do’; (2) coreferential interclausal predicate chaining; and (...)
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    The Historical Present qātēl in Biblical Aramaic.Alexander Andrason, Vuyisa Gysman, Hans-Christoph Lange & Martinus van Renssen - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 142 (3):547-571.
    This article offers a typologically-driven and corpus-based analysis of the historical present (HP) “active participle” qātēl in Biblical Aramaic. The authors argue that qātēl instantiates the HP category quite neatly and provide three main arguments. First, qātēl complies with the definition of a progredient/propulsive HP that emerges from crosslinguistic literature: while, in its prototypical use, qātēl expresses some type(s) of present, it may also be employed in narrative to introduce past perfective events. Second, when used as an HP, qātēl exhibits (...)
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    A Social Mission is Not Enough: Reflecting the Normative Foundations of Social Entrepreneurship.Ignas Bruder - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 174 (3):487-505.
    Social entrepreneurship is not just an objective description of a phenomenon; it also carries a positive normative connotation. However, the academic discourse barely reflects social entrepreneurship’s inherent normativity and often grounds it implicitly on the mission of a social enterprise. In this paper, we argue critically that it is insufficient to ground social entrepreneurship’s inherent normativity on a social mission. Instead, we will show how such a mission-centric conception of social entrepreneurship, when put into practice, is prone to enhance (...)
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  48. (1 other version)The changing role of governments in corporate social responsibility: Drivers and responses.Laura Albareda, Josep M. Lozano, Antonio Tencati, Atle Midttun & Francesco Perrini - 2008 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 17 (4):347-363.
    The aim of this article is to contribute to understanding the changing role of government in promoting corporate social responsibility (CSR). Over the last decade, governments have joined other stakeholders in assuming a relevant role as drivers of CSR, working together with intergovernmental organizations and recognizing that public policies are key in encouraging a greater sense of CSR. This paper focuses on the analysis of the new strategies adopted by governments in order to promote, and encourage businesses to adopt, CSR (...)
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  49. Are there "Moral" Judgments?David Sackris & Rasmus Rosenberg Larsen - 2023 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 19 (2):(A1)1-24.
    Recent contributions in moral philosophy have raised questions concerning the prevalent assumption that moral judgments are typologically discrete, and thereby distinct from ordinary and/or other types of judgments. This paper adds to this discourse, surveying how attempts at defining what makes moral judgments distinct have serious shortcomings, and it is argued that any typological definition is likely to fail due to certain questionable assumptions about the nature of judgment itself. The paper concludes by raising questions for future investigations into (...)
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    Annotating Argument Schemes.Jacky Visser, John Lawrence, Chris Reed, Jean Wagemans & Douglas Walton - 2020 - Argumentation 35 (1):101-139.
    Argument schemes are abstractions substantiating the inferential connection between premise(s) and conclusion in argumentative communication. Identifying such conventional patterns of reasoning is essential to the interpretation and evaluation of argumentation. Whether studying argumentation from a theory-driven or data-driven perspective, insight into the actual use of argumentation in communicative practice is essential. Large and reliably annotated corpora of argumentative discourse to quantitatively provide such insight are few and far between. This is all the more true for argument scheme corpora, which (...)
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