Results for 'dichotomy'

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  1. George A. Kelly.E. Dichotomy Corollary - 1967 - In Donald Clayton Hildum (ed.), Language And Thought: An Enduring Problem In Psychology. London: : Van Nostrand,. pp. 44.
  2. Dichotomies and types of debate.Marcelo Dascal - unknown
    Dichotomies are ubiquitous in deliberative thinking, in decision making and in arguing in all spheres of life.[i] Sticking uncompromisingly to a dichotomy may lead to sharp disagreement and paradox, but it can also sharpen the issues at stake and help to find a solution. Dichotomies are particularly in evidence in debates, i.e., in argumentative dialogical exchanges characterized by their agonistic nature. The protagonists in a debate worth its name hold positions that are or that they take to be opposed; (...)
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  3. Can Dichotomies Be Tamed?Ernst von Glasersfeld - 2008 - Constructivist Foundations 3 (3):123-126.
    Purpose: The notion of dichotomy is central to Josef Mitterer’s work and he uses the term as a portmanteau. My paper characterizes the specific dichotomies he describes, uses C. K. Ogden’s work on “Opposition” to classify them, and reviews attempts to overcome incompatible oppositions in other disciplines. Approach: Conceptual analysis in an attempt to show some of the conceptual differences in the various types of opposition. A “sampler” indicates possible divisions. Findings: From the constructivist point of view, the notion (...)
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    Against dichotomies.Inge van Nistelrooij & Carlo Leget - 2017 - Nursing Ethics 24 (6):694-703.
    Introduction: In previous issues of this journal, Carol Gilligan’s original concept of mature care has been conceptualized by several (especially Norwegian) contributors. This has resulted in a dichotomous view of self and other, and of self-care and altruism, in which any form of self-sacrifice is rejected. Although this interpretation of Gilligan seems to be quite persistent in care-ethical theory, it does not seem to do justice to either Gilligan’s original work or the tensions experienced in contemporary nursing practice. Discussion: A (...)
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  5. (1 other version)Dichotomies and Artifacts: A Reply to Professor Hookway.Jaime Nubiola - 2008 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 95:71-80.
    In this reply to Professor Hookway's lecture the comments are focused, first, on the topic of what dichotomies really are, since it is an illuminating way of understanding pragmatism in general and Putnam's pragmatism in particular. Dichotomies are artifacts that we devise with some useful purpose in mind, but when inflated into absolute dichotomies they become metaphysical bogeys as it is illustrated by the twentieth century distinction between fact and value. Secondly, a brief comment on the so-called "thick" ethical concepts (...)
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  6. New dichotomies for borel equivalence relations.Greg Hjorth & Alexander S. Kechris - 1997 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 3 (3):329-346.
    We announce two new dichotomy theorems for Borel equivalence relations, and present the results in context by giving an overview of related recent developments.§1. Introduction. For X a Polish space and E a Borel equivalence relation on X, a classification of X up to E-equivalence consists of finding a set of invariants I and a map c : X → I such that xEy ⇔ c = c. To be of any value we would expect I and c to (...)
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  7. Challenging Dichotomies : Perspectives on Women’s History.Gisela Bock - 2010 - Clio 32:53-88.
    L’article traduit pour Clio HFS est le premier chapitre de Writing Women’s History : International Perspectives (1991), premier ouvrage édité par La Fédération internationale pour la recherche en histoire des femmes née en 1987. Il dissèque six dichotomies qui ont permis ou permettent encore de penser les relations entre hommes et femmes et l’écriture de leur passé. Si les trois premières (nature/culture, travail/famille, public/privé), profondément inscrites dans la culture occidentale moderne et source de hiérarchies et d’exclusions, ont été à la (...)
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    Dichotomy result for independence-friendly prefixes of generalized quantifiers.Merlijn Sevenster - 2014 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 79 (4):1224-1246.
    We study the expressive power of independence-friendly quantifier prefixes composed of universal$\left$, existential$\left$, and majority quantifiers$\left$. We provide four quantifier prefixes that can express NP hard properties and show that all quantifier prefixes capable of expressing NP-hard properties embed at least one of these four quantifier prefixes. As for the quantifier prefixes that do not embed any of these four quantifier prefixes, we show that they are equivalent to a first-order quantifier prefix composed of$\forall x$,$\exists x$, and Mx. In unison, (...)
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  9. Philosophical dichotomies and feminist thought-towards a critical feminism.Cc Gouldova - 1992 - Filosoficky Casopis 40 (5):851-856.
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    Dualisms, dichotomies and dead ends: Limitations of analytic thinking about sport.Scott Kretchmar - 2007 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 1 (3):266 – 280.
    In this essay I attempt to show the limitations of analytic thinking and the kinds of dead ends into which such analyses may lead us in the philosophy of sport. As an alternative, I argue for a philosophy of complementation and compatibility in the face of what appear to be exclusive alternatives. This is a position that is sceptical of bifurcations and other simplified portrayals of reality but does not dismiss them entirely. A philosophy of complementation traffics in the realm (...)
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  11. Dichotomies and displacement: Bisexuality in queer theory and politics.Stacey Young - 1997 - In Shane Phelan (ed.), Playing with fire: queer politics, queer theories. New York: Routledge. pp. 55--56.
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  12. Can Dichotomies Be Tamed?E. Glasersfeld - 2008 - Constructivist Foundations 3 (3):123-126.
  13. (1 other version)The Fact/Value Dichotomy: Revisiting Putnam and Habermas.Sanjit Chakraborty - 2019 - Philosophia 47 (2):369-386.
    Under the influence of Hilary Putnam’s collapse of the fact/value dichotomy, a resurging approach that challenges the movements of American pragmatism and discourse ethics, I tease out in the first section of my paper the demand for the warranted assertibility hypothesis in Putnam’s sense that may be possible, relying on moral realism to get rid of ‘rampant Platonism’. Tracing back to ‘communicative action’ or the Habermasian way that puts forward the reciprocal understanding of discourse instigates the idea of life-world (...)
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    A dichotomy for the number of ultrapowers.Ilijas Farah & Saharon Shelah - 2010 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 10 (1):45-81.
    We prove a strong dichotomy for the number of ultrapowers of a given model of cardinality ≤ 2ℵ0 associated with nonprincipal ultrafilters on ℕ. They are either all isomorphic, or else there are 22ℵ0 many nonisomorphic ultrapowers. We prove the analogous result for metric structures, including C*-algebras and II1 factors, as well as their relative commutants and include several applications. We also show that the CAF001-algebra [Formula: see text] always has nonisomorphic relative commutants in its ultrapowers associated with nonprincipal (...)
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  15. The dichotomy in India’s education system – A macro level analysis.Trinadh Nookathoti - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (5):606-618.
    Field of education is associated with herculean task and innate responsibility of escorting societies forward. Across space and time, it has been an unambiguous synthesis that education should precede any progress or change. It helps humans to understand themselves and better their interaction with rest of the society. Hence the field of education and dissemination of knowledge is very much a pivotal entity in the evolution of human civilisation. No country in the globe over centuries could afford to flourish on (...)
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    Cognitive dichotomies:" Games,"" sport" and Dene cultural identity.Michael K. Heine & Harvey A. Scott - forthcoming - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal.
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    The dichotomy progress=order vs. backwardness=disorder during the general strikes of early-20th century in Argentina.Gloria María Hintze - 2013 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 15 (2):47-56.
    Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar el discurso que Clorinda Matto de Turner pronunció en el Consejo Nacional de Mujeres de la República Argentina en el año 1904, titulado "La obrera y la mujer". Su postura transita entre la doctrina de las esferas separadas y la defensa de un feminismo moderado que no participa de las posiciones más radicales de las socialistas ni de las anarquistas que ya tenían presencia activa en el campo cultural de Buenos Aires. This article analyzes (...)
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  18. Dichotomies and oppositions in legal argumentation.Fabrizio Macagno & Douglas Walton - 2010 - Ratio Juris 23 (2):229-257.
    In this paper we use a series of examples to show how oppositions and dichotomies are fundamental in legal argumentation, and vitally important to be aware of, because of their twofold nature. On the one hand, they are argument structures underlying various kinds of rational argumentation commonly used in law as a means of getting to the truth in a conflict of opinion under critical discussion by two opposing sides before a tryer of fact. On the other hand, they are (...)
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    Overcoming False Dichotomies: Mill, Marx and the Welfare State.P. Lindsay - 2000 - History of Political Thought 21 (4):657-681.
    There is a strong perception in the social sciences that the welfare state and socialism differ qualitatively rather than by degree. This perception holds that the welfare state is fundamentally incapable, in any incarnation, of realizing the social aspirations of socialism, and that socialism is likewise destructive of welfare state ideals. As a result of such thinking, the marginal, intersectional world that does exist between the welfare state and socialism becomes hidden from view. This consequence is of particular concern to (...)
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    The Dichotomy of Theory and Practice: Blocker's "The Aesthetics of Primitive Art".Rowland Abiodun - 1995 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 29 (3):38.
  21. (1 other version)False dichotomy? 'Western' and 'confucian' concepts of scholarship and learning.Janette Ryan & Kam Louie - 2007 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 39 (4):404–417.
    Discourses of ‘internationalisation’ of the curriculum of Western universities often describe the philosophies and paradigms of ‘Western’ and ‘Eastern’ scholarship in binary terms, such as ‘deep/surface’, ‘adversarial/harmonious’, and ‘independent/dependent’. In practice, such dichotomies can be misleading. They do not take account of the complexities and diversity of philosophies of education within and between their educational systems. The respective perceived virtues of each system are often extolled uncritically or appropriated for contemporary economic, political or social agendas. Critical thinking, deep learning, lifelong (...)
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    A Beauty Contest for Dichotomies: Browne's Terminological Revolutions. Rejoinder to Gregory M. Browne, "The 'Grotesque' Dichotomies Still Unbeautified" (Fall 2006): A Beauty Contest for Dichotomies: Browne's Terminological Revolutions.Roderick T. Long - 2006 - Journal of Ayn Rand Studies 8 (1):143 - 162.
    While regarding Gregory M. Browne as mainly on target in his Rand-inspired treatment of reference and necessity, as well as in his rejection of the analyticsynthetic dichotomy, Long argues, first, that Browne is mistaken in rejecting some other vital distinctions, such as the a priori / a posteriori distinction; second, that Browne is nevertheless implicitly committed, under different terminology, to these very distinctions that he purportedly rejects; and third, that Browne's treatment of kinds and definitions leads him to misdescribe (...)
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    Populist Dichotomy in Homogenous Societies: Internal and External Others in South Korean Politics.Nurcan Ceyhan - 2024 - Akademik İncelemeler Dergisi 19 (2):332-344.
    This study aims to analyze populism in the scope of South Korean politics. It addresses the contexts in which political actors adopt dichotomous populist discourses and the implications of populist mentality on the social fabric of country. Populism can be defined in three different dimensions as an exclusionary, divisive and marginalizing ideology, discourse politics and a mobilization strategy. It is typically built on others that take on various forms. In this framework, the recent reflections of populism in the case of (...)
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    Some dichotomy theorems for isomorphism relations of countable models.Su Gao - 2001 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 66 (2):902-922.
    Strengthening known instances of Vaught Conjecture, we prove the Glimm-Effros dichotomy theorems for countable linear orderings and for simple trees. Corollaries of the theorems answer some open questions of Friedman and Stanley in an L ω 1ω -interpretability theory. We also give a survey of this theory.
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  25. Dubious Dichotomies and Mysterious Mysticisms.S. Vörös - 2015 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (1):135-137.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Religion: A Radical-Constructivist Perspective” by Andreas Quale. Upshot: I address two topics that I consider particularly problematic in Quale’s target article. First, I question the purported distinction between cognition and non-cognition, and second, I inquire into a rather vague construal of “mystical philosophies.” Given that both topics play important roles in the overall argumentative chain, their unfoundedness threatens to have serious consequences for the main conclusions of the article.
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    Ideological Dichotomy in the Arab Newspapers Coverage: The Case of the 2017 Riyadh Summit.Shahd Dibas, Ghaleb Rabab’ah & Ahmad S. Haider - 2023 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 36 (3):1239-1257.
    The 2017 Riyadh Summit is one of the events that various media outlets densely covered. Drawing upon Van Dijk [ 53 ] Ideological Square, this study aims at identifying the in-group and out-group in ten pro-government Arab newspapers and investigating the discursive sub-strategies that were utilized in the representation of “us” and “them.” The findings reveal that most of the Arab newspapers tended to utilize a bundle of negative other-representation discursive sub-strategies to establish a dichotomy between “us” and “them” (...)
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    A dichotomy result for a pointwise summable sequence of operators.V. Gregoriades - 2009 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 160 (2):154-162.
    Let X be a separable Banach space and Q be a coanalytic subset of . We prove that the set of sequences in X which are weakly convergent to some eX and is a coanalytic subset of . The proof applies methods of effective descriptive set theory to Banach space theory. Using Silver’s Theorem [J. Silver, Every analytic set is Ramsey, J. Symbolic Logic 35 60–64], this result leads to the following dichotomy theorem: if X is a Banach space, (...)
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    The Dichotomy of Civilization and Barbarism: Its Origins and Evolution.Valeria I. Spiridonova - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (2):27-45.
    The article researches the historical transformation the dichotomy of civilization and barbarism, which was originally in ancient Greece without pejorative meaning. This dichotomy has become relevant today to justify the classification of states according to their degree of acceptance of “civilization standards,” which are understood as the standards of the European model of development. The main features of the stereotype of the divide between civilization and barbarism, which took shape in the Roman era, have survived to the present. (...)
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  29. Beware False Dichotomies.P. A. Cariani - 2016 - Constructivist Foundations 11 (3):472-475.
    Open peer commentary on the article “Second-Order Cybernetics as a Fundamental Revolution in Science” by Stuart A. Umpleby. Upshot: While I agree with most of the thrust of second-order cybernetics, I find the dichotomy of first- vs. second-order cybernetics conceptually and historically problematic because it implicitly conflates the cybernetics of nonhuman systems with realist conceptions of observer-free science. The dichotomy may be divisive and unhealthy for cybernetics by driving natural scientists and engineers out of the movement, thereby undermining (...)
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  30. Unravelling Dichotomies: Ethnic and Civic understanding of the Nation in Quebec Nationalist Discourse.Ronald Rudin - 2003 - In Bruno Coppieters & Richard Sakwa (eds.), Contextualizing Secession: Normative Studies in Comparative Perspective. Oxford University Press.
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    The dichotomy of society and urban space configuration in producing the semiotic structure of the modernism urban fabric.Mustafa Aziz Amen & Hourakhsh Ahmad Nia - 2018 - Semiotica 2018 (222):203-223.
    Journal Name: Semiotica Issue: Ahead of print.
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    A false dichotomy in denying explanatoriness any role in confirmation.Marc Lange - forthcoming - Noûs.
    Roche and Sober (2013; 2014; 2017; 2019) have offered an important new argument that explanatoriness lacks confirmatory significance. My aim in this paper is not only to contend that their argument fails to show that in confirmation ‘there is nothing special about explanatoriness’ (Roche & Sober, 2017: 589), but also to reveal what is special confirmationwise about explanatoriness. I will argue that much of the heavy work in Roche and Sober's argument is done by the dichotomy into which they (...)
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  33. Lewis Dichotomies in Many-Valued Logics.Simone Bova - 2012 - Studia Logica 100 (6):1271-1290.
    In 1979, H. Lewis shows that the computational complexity of the Boolean satisfiability problem dichotomizes, depending on the Boolean operations available to formulate instances: intractable (NP-complete) if negation of implication is definable, and tractable (in P) otherwise [21]. Recently, an investigation in the same spirit has been extended to nonclassical propositional logics, modal logics in particular [2, 3]. In this note, we pursue this line in the realm of many-valued propositional logics, and obtain complexity classifications for the parameterized satisfiability problem (...)
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    The Dichotomy of Civilization and Barbarism: Its Origins and Evolution.Валерия Игоревна Спиридонова - 2020 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 63 (2):27-45.
    The article researches the historical transformation of the dichotomy of civilization and barbarism, which originally in ancient Greece did not have a pejorative connotation. This dichotomy has become relevant today to justify the classification of states according to their degree of acceptance of “civilization standards,” which are understood as the standards of the European model of development. The main features of the stereotype of the divide between civilization and barbarism, which took shape in the Roman era, have survived (...)
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  35. A dichotomy sustained.Graeme Forbes - 1987 - Philosophical Studies 51 (2):187-211.
  36. Dichotomies: Facts and Epistemic Values.Christopher Hookway - 2008 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 95 (1):55-69.
    The paper explores Putnam's denial of the "fact/value dichotomy." After attempting to identify the main themes in this aspect of Putnam's thought, I explore its implications for our understanding of epistemic evaluation and also consider its relations to some similar moves by other philosophers in the pragmatist tradition. The final section examines an argument of Putnam's which is sued to suggest that such a dichotomy can be self defeating when applied to epistemic evaluation.
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    Bounded inductive dichotomy: separation of open and clopen determinacies with finite alternatives in constructive contexts.Kentaro Sato - 2022 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 61 (3):399-435.
    In his previous work, the author has introduced the axiom schema of inductive dichotomy, a weak variant of the axiom schema of inductive definition, and used this schema for elementary ) positive operators to separate open and clopen determinacies for those games in which two players make choices from infinitely many alternatives in various circumstances. Among the studies on variants of inductive definitions for bounded ) positive operators, the present article investigates inductive dichotomy for these operators, and applies (...)
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    Dichotomies which ignore complexity.Warwick Middleton & Jeremy Butler - 1997 - Health Care Analysis 5 (2):128-132.
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    Die Dichotomie analytisch-synthetisch bei Frege unter Berücksichtigung von Kant.Matthias Schirn - 2019 - Kant Studien 110 (1):74-125.
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    Overcoming Dichotomies.Elmar Holenstein - 2012 - Journal of Philosophical Research 37 (9999):313-316.
    A symposium with the title “Tradition, Modernity and Postmodernity: Eastern and Western Perspectives” is in need of a subtitle auch as “Overcoming Dichotomies.” Societies, as well as historical epochs, are complex and overlapping phenomena. A clash between complex civilizations will naturally be a complex encounter. The conflicting parties will always find kindred souls on the other side, motivated by converging interests and values. Modernity and secularism are not inseparable, and tradionality and secularism are not incompatible (see Confucian politology). Two main (...)
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    A dichotomy theorem for regular types.Ehud Hrushovski & Saharon Shelah - 1989 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 45 (2):157-169.
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    Beyond the nature-culture dichotomy: a proposal for Evolutionary Aesthetics.Lorenzo Bartalesi & Mariagrazia Portera - 2015 - Aisthesis: Pratiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 8 (1):101-111.
    Human aesthetic preferences towards a certain landscape type, a certain bodily traits of the opposite sex, a figurative style rather than another, are embedded in what we call “aesthetic experience”, a complex network of instinctive reactions, emotions, feelings, thoughts, and judgements. Are these preferences universal and species-specific, that is to say are they the same for every member of a particular species? Evolutionary psychologists advocate the universality and species-specificity of the aesthetic preferences. Going back to Darwin's writings, in particular to (...)
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    Combinatorial dichotomies in set theory.Stevo Todorcevic - 2011 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 17 (1):1-72.
    We give an overview of a research line concentrated on finding to which extent compactness fails at the level of first uncountable cardinal and to which extent it could be recovered on some other perhaps not so large cardinal. While this is of great interest to set theorists, one of the main motivations behind this line of research is in its applicability to other areas of mathematics. We give some details about this and we expose some possible directions for further (...)
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    Overcoming the modal/amodal dichotomy of concepts.Christian Michel - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (4):655-677.
    The debate about the nature of the representational format of concepts seems to have reached an impasse. The debate faces two fundamental problems. Firstly, amodalists (i.e., those who argue that concepts are represented by amodal symbols) and modalists (i.e., those who see concepts as involving crucially representations including sensorimotor information) claim that the same empirical evidence is compatible with their views. Secondly, there is no shared understanding of what a modal or amodal format amounts to. Both camps recognize that the (...)
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    Overcoming (false) dichotomies to address ethical issues of artificial placentas.Alice Cavolo - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (5):308-309.
    Romanis and Adkins discuss pregnancy loss in relation to artificial amnion and placenta technology (AAPT) for treatment of extremely preterm infants.1 I agree with the authors that AAPT, although it is expected to provide better care for extremely preterm infants, will also be challenging for parents. I, therefore, commend Romanis and Adkins for promoting a more holistic care that includes parents and pregnant persons. However, I believe that they create two false dichotomies, one between the pregnant person/parent and the fetus/child (...)
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    Behind and Beyond the Fact/Value Dichotomy.Giancarlo Marchetti & Sarin Marchetti - 2016 - In Giancarlo Marchetti & Sarin Marchetti (eds.), Facts and Values: The Ethics and Metaphysics of Normativity. London and New York: Routledge.
    This collection offers a synoptic view of current philosophical debates concerning the relationship between facts and values, bringing together a wide spectrum of contributors committed to testing the validity of this dichotomy, exploring alternatives, and assessing their implications. The assumption that facts and values inhabit distinct, unbridgeable conceptual and experiential domains has long dominated scientific and philosophical discourse, but this separation has been seriously called into question from a number of corners. The original essays here collected offer a diversity (...)
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  47. Beyond the Fact--Value Dichotomy.Hilary Putnam - 1982 - Critica 14 (41):3-12.
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    A dichotomy for the definable universe.Greg Hjorth - 1995 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 60 (4):1199-1207.
    In the presence of large cardinals, or sufficient determinacy, every equivalence relation in L(R) either admits a wellordered separating family or continuously reduces E 0.
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    Elementary inductive dichotomy: Separation of open and clopen determinacies with infinite alternatives.Kentaro Sato - 2020 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 171 (3):102754.
    We introduce a new axiom called inductive dichotomy, a weak variant of the axiom of inductive definition, and analyze the relationships with other variants of inductive definition and with related axioms, in the general second order framework, including second order arithmetic, second order set theory and higher order arithmetic. By applying these results to the investigations on the determinacy axioms, we show the following. (i) Clopen determinacy is consistency-wise strictly weaker than open determinacy in these frameworks, except second order (...)
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    The Descriptive-Normative Dichotomy and the So Called Naturalistic Fallacy.Edgar Morscher - 2016 - Analyse & Kritik 38 (2):317-338.
    Investigating the genesis and justification of norms in a theoretical way requires a clear-cut distinction between normative and descriptive discourse. From a philosophical perspective, the descriptive-normative dichotomy can itself be understood either in a descriptive (or ‘reportive’) or in an normative (or ‘stipulative’) way. In the first case such a dichotomy is understood as the factual border between descriptive and normative discourse in a given language; exploring this border is a hermeneutic enterprise. In the other case it is (...)
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