Results for 'determinism, freewill, genetics, legal rules on predictive genetic tests'

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  1.  41
    Determinism and free will in the age of genetics: Theoretical-legal concerns about predictive genetic tests.Silvia Salardi - 2012 - Filozofija I Društvo 23 (4):57-70.
    The paper deals with the use of predictive genetic tests in medical research. I limit my discussion to those advances in genetics which try to overcome the limits represented by our genetic make-up, in particular by gene mutations that lead, or could lead, to the development of genetic diseases. Besides the ethical issues concerning the topic of the current discussion, the reader will also find an evaluation of the legal provisions elaborated at the different (...)
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  2.  39
    The Double Helix: Applying an Ethic of Care to the Duty to Warn Genetic Relatives of Genetic Information.Meaghann Weaver - 2015 - Bioethics 30 (3):181-187.
    Genetic testing reveals information about a patient's health status and predictions about the patient's future wellness, while also potentially disclosing health information relevant to other family members. With the increasing availability and affordability of genetic testing and the integration of genetics into mainstream medicine, the importance of clarifying the scope of confidentiality and the rules regarding disclosure of genetic findings to genetic relatives is prime. The United Nations International Declaration on Human Genetic Data urges (...)
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  3.  38
    What should we want to know about our future? A Kantian view on predictive genetic testing.Bert Heinrichs - 2005 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 8 (1):29-37.
    Recent advances in genomic research have led to the development of new diagnostic tools, including tests which make it possible to predict the future occurrence of monogenetic diseases (e.g. Chorea Huntington) or to determine increased susceptibilities to the future development of more complex diseases (e.g. breast cancer). The use of such tests raises a number of ethical, legal and social issues which are usually discussed in terms of rights. However, in the context of predictive genetic (...)
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  4.  53
    Genetic Testing and Genetic Screening.Pat Milmoe McCarrick - 1993 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 3 (3):333-354.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Genetic Testing and Genetic ScreeningPat Milmoe McCarrick (bio)In recent years there has been an enormous expansion in the knowledge that may be gleaned from the testing of an individual's genetic material to predict present or future disability or disease either for oneself or one's offspring. The Human Genome Project, which is currently mapping the entire human gene system, is identifying progressively more genetic sequencing information (...)
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  5.  21
    Current Practices and the Provider Perspectives on Inconclusive Genetic Test Results for Osteogenesis Imperfecta in Children with Unexplained Fractures: ELSI Implications.Emily Youngblom, Mitzi Leah Murray & Peter H. Byers - 2016 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 44 (3):514-519.
    Genetic testing can be used to determine if unexplained fractures in children could have resulted from a predisposition to bone fractures, e.g., osteogenesis imperfecta. However, uncertainty is introduced if a variant of unknown significance is identified. Proper interpretation of VUS in these situations is critical because of its influence on clinical care and in court rulings. This study sought to understand how VUS are interpreted and used by practitioners when there is a differential diagnosis including both osteogenesis imperfecta and (...)
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  6.  71
    Technology assessment and resource allocation for predictive genetic testing: A study of the perspectives of Canadian genetic health care providers.Alethea Adair, Robyn Hyde-Lay, Edna Einsiedel & Timothy Caulfield - 2009 - BMC Medical Ethics 10 (1):6-.
    With a growing number of genetic tests becoming available to the health and consumer markets, genetic health care providers in Canada are faced with the challenge of developing robust decision rules or guidelines to allocate a finite number of public resources. The objective of this study was to gain Canadian genetic health providers' perspectives on factors and criteria that influence and shape resource allocation decisions for publically funded predictive genetic testing in Canada. The (...)
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  7.  40
    On What We Have Learned and Still Need to Learn about the Psychosocial Impacts of Genetic Testing.Erik Parens & Paul S. Appelbaum - 2019 - Hastings Center Report 49 (S1):2-9.
    Since the start of the program to investigate the ethical, legal, and social implications (ELSI) of the Human Genome Project in 1990, many ELSI scholars have maintained that genetic testing should be used with caution because of the potential for negative psychosocial effects associated with receiving genetic information. More recently, though, some ELSI scholars have produced evidence suggesting that the original ELSI concerns were unfounded, exaggerated, or, at a minimum, misdirected. At least in the contexts that have (...)
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  8.  43
    “I would rather have it done by a doctor”—laypeople’s perceptions of direct-to-consumer genetic testing (DTC GT) and its ethical implications.Manuel Schaper, Sabine Wöhlke & Silke Schicktanz - 2019 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 22 (1):31-40.
    Direct-to-consumer genetic testing has been available for several years now, with varying degrees of regulation across different countries. Despite a restrictive legal framework it is possible for consumers to order genetic tests from companies located in other countries. However, German laypeople’s awareness and perceptions of DTC GT services is still unexplored. We conducted seven focus groups with German laypeople to explore their perceptions of and attitudes towards commercial genetic testing and its ethical implications. Participants were (...)
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  9.  43
    Commentary on predictive genetic testing of minors: by Mand et al.Angus J. Clarke - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (9):527-528.
    The paper by Mand et al raises important questions about the predictive genetic testing of children. They focus on those claims made by professionals that are open to empirical enquiry and give too little weight to those claims that do not require empirical support. The authors remind us that some commentators oppose empirical enquiry because of the concern that gathering evidence of the consequences of such testing may itself be harmful or unethical. They respond by asserting that the (...)
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  10. Predictive genetic testing in minors for late-onset conditions: a chronological and analytical review of the ethical arguments: Figure 1.Cara Mand, Lynn Gillam, Martin B. Delatycki & Rony E. Duncan - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (9):519-524.
    Predictive genetic testing is now routinely offered to asymptomatic adults at risk for genetic disease. However, testing of minors at risk for adult-onset conditions, where no treatment or preventive intervention exists, has evoked greater controversy and inspired a debate spanning two decades. This review aims to provide a detailed longitudinal analysis and concludes by examining the debate's current status and prospects for the future. Fifty-three relevant theoretical papers published between 1990 and December 2010 were identified, and interpretative (...)
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  11.  64
    Predictive Genetic Testing, Autonomy and Responsibility for Future Health.Elisabeth Hildt - 2009 - Medicine Studies 1 (2):143-153.
    Individual autonomy is a concept highly appreciated in modern Western societies. Its significance is reflected by the central importance and broad use of the model of informed consent in all fields of medicine. In predictive genetic testing, individual autonomy gains particular importance, for what is in focus here is not so much a concrete medical treatment but rather options for taking preventive measures and the influence that the test results have on long-term lifestyle and preferences. Based on an (...)
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  12.  58
    Predictive genetic testing in asia: Social science perspectives on the bioethics of choice. [REVIEW]Margaret Sleeboom-Faulkner - 2007 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 4 (3):193-195.
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  13.  35
    Commercial Genetic Testing and its Governance in Chinese Society.Suli Sui & Margaret Sleeboom-Faulkner - 2015 - Minerva 53 (3):215-234.
    This paper provides an empirical account of commercial genetic testing in China. Commercial predictive genetic testing has emerged and is developing rapidly in China, but there is no strict and effective governance. This raises a number of serious social and ethical issues as a consequence of the enormous potential market for such tests. The paper demonstrates that the commercialization of genetic testing and the lack of adequate regulation have created an environment in which dubious advertising (...)
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  14.  48
    (1 other version)Genetic tests in the insurance system: criteria for a moral evaluation.Felix Thiele - 2003 - Poiesis and Praxis 1 (3):185-195.
    An increasing number of genetic tests are available as an early spin-off from human genetic research. Beyond their application in the context of medical diagnosis there are other possible domains of use: e.g. in the testing of individuals asking for life or health insurance. It is claimed that individuals with an increased genetic risk might have to pay higher premiums or, worse, might be unable to obtain insurance coverage at all. The main question discussed in this (...)
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  15.  84
    Predictive Genetic Testing of Children and the Role of the Best Interest Standard: Currents in Contemporary Bioethics.Lainie Friedman Ross - 2013 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 41 (4):899-906.
    The genetic testing and screening of children has been fraught with controversy since Robert Guthrie developed the bacterial inhibition assay to test for phenylketonuria and advocated for rapid uptake of universal newborn screening in the early 1960s. Today with fast and affordable mass screening of the whole genome on the horizon, the debate about when and in what scenarios children should undergo genetic testing and screening has gained renewed attention. United States professional guidelines — both the American College (...)
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  16.  61
    Public Perceptions of Ethical Issues Regarding Adult Predictive Genetic Testing.Douglas K. Martin, Heather L. Greenwood & Jeff Nisker - 2010 - Health Care Analysis 18 (2):103-112.
    The purpose of this study was to explore the views of members of the general public regarding ethical issues in adult predictive genetic testing. The literature pertaining to ethical issues regarding to adult predictive genetic testing is largely restricted to the views of ‘experts’ who have emphasized informed consent, patent issues, and insurance discrimination. Occasionally the views of patients who have undergone genetic counselling and testing have been elicited, adding psychosocial and family issues. However, the (...)
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  17. Parental authority, future autonomy, and assessing risks of predictive genetic testing in Minors.A. Boyce & P. Borry - 2009 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 6 (3):379-385.
    The debate over the genetic testing of minors has developed into a major bioethical topic. Although several controversial questions remain unanswered, a degree of consensus has been reached regarding the policies on genetic testing of minors. Recently, several commentators have suggested that these policies are overly restrictive, too narrow in focus, and even in conflict with the limited empirical evidence that exists on this issue. We respond to these arguments in this paper, by first offering a clarification of (...)
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  18.  68
    Predictive Genetic Testing: Congruence of Disability Insurers' Interests with the Public Interest.Anita Silvers - 2007 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 35 (S2):52-58.
    The idea that disability insurers would benefit if the use of predictive genetic testing expands may seem little short of obvious. If individuals with higher than species-typical genetic propensities for illness or disease are identified, and barred or discouraged from participating in disability insurance programs, is it not obvious that the amount that disability insurers pay out will decrease? Is there any reason to doubt that insurers thus would gain advantage by promoting genetic testing? Writers on (...)
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  19.  68
    From Sancitity to Screening: Genetic Disabilities, Risk and Rhetorical Strategies in Wrongful Birth and Wrongful Conception Cases. [REVIEW]Robin Mackenzie - 1999 - Feminist Legal Studies 7 (2):175-191.
    This analysis scrutinises the rhetorical strategies used by judges in wrongful life and wrongful birth actions as evidence for the assertion that the judicial reading of public policy in such cases has undergone a significant shift which is likely to accelerate as genetic knowledge grows and health care resources shrink. The implications of the predicted move towards increased genetic testing of prospective parents are traversed in relation to feminist analyses of the impact of genetics on reproductive technology. These (...)
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  20.  75
    Personal genome testing: Test characteristics to clarify the discourse on ethical, legal and societal issues.Eline M. Bunnik, Maartje H. N. Schermer & A. Cecile J. W. Janssens - 2011 - BMC Medical Ethics 12 (1):11.
    Background: As genetics technology proceeds, practices of genetic testing have become more heterogeneous: many different types of tests are finding their way to the public in different settings and for a variety of purposes. This diversification is relevant to the discourse on ethical, legal and societal issues (ELSI) surrounding genetic testing, which must evolve to encompass these differences. One important development is the rise of personal genome testing on the basis of genetic profiling: the testing (...)
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  21.  32
    Genetic testing in the acute setting: a round table discussion.John Henry McDermott - 2020 - Journal of Medical Ethics 46 (8):531-532.
    Genetic testing has historically been performed in the context of chronic disease and cancer diagnostics. The timelines for these tests are typically measured in days or weeks, rather than in minutes. As such, the concept that genetic information might be generated and then used to alter management in the acute setting has, thus far, not been feasible. However, recent advances in genetic technologies have the potential to allow genetic information to be generated significantly quicker. The (...)
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  22.  57
    Social-science perspectives on bioethics: Predictive genetic testing (PGT) in asia. [REVIEW]Margaret Sleeboom-Faulkner - 2007 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 4 (3):197-206.
    In this essay, I indicate how social-science approaches can throw light on predictive genetic testing (PGT) in various societal contexts. In the first section, I discuss definitions of various forms of PGT, and point out their inherent ambiguity and inappropriateness when taken out of an ideal–typical context. In section two, I argue further that an ethics approach proceeding from the point of view of the abstract individual in a given society should be supplemented by an approach that regards (...)
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  23.  74
    Using the best interests standard to decide whether to test children for untreatable, late-onset genetic diseases.Loretta M. Kopelman - 2007 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 32 (4):375 – 394.
    A new analysis of the Best Interests Standard is given and applied to the controversy about testing children for untreatable, severe late-onset genetic diseases, such as Huntington's disease or Alzheimer's disease. A professional consensus recommends against such predictive testing, because it is not in children's best interest. Critics disagree. The Best Interests Standard can be a powerful way to resolve such disputes. This paper begins by analyzing its meaning into three necessary and jointly sufficient conditions showing it: is (...)
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  24.  42
    The Ethics of Genetic Research on Sexual Orientation.Udo Schüklenk, Edward Stein, Jacinta Kerin & William Byne - 1997 - Hastings Center Report 27 (4):6-13.
    Research into the genetic component of some complex behaviors often causes controversy, depending on the social meaning and significance of the behavior under study. Research into sexual orientation—simplistically referred to as “gay gene” research—is an example of research that provokes intense controversy. This research is worrisome for many reasons, including the fact that it has been used to harm lesbians and gay men. Many homosexual people have been forced to undergo “treatments” to change their sexual orientation. Others chose to (...)
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  25.  81
    Genetic testing of children for late onset disease.Mary Ann Sevick, Donna Nativio & Terrance Mcconnell - 2005 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 14 (1):47-56.
    Over the past decade, genetic tests have become available for a wide variety of disorders. As a result we are able to predict, with some degree of certainty, whether or not an individual will develop such diseases as breast cancer, Huntington's disease, polycystic kidney disease, and familial adenomatous polyposis. The ability to predict disease poses several unique ethical considerations for clinical decisionmaking regarding the provision of genetic testing. Patients must be able to comprehend the complexities of (...) testing and the potential meaning of the results. Patients must consider the emotional, social, and economic consequences of revelations regarding their risk status. Also, obtaining information on risk status may have implications for persons other than the individual seeking genetic testing. (shrink)
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  26.  23
    Clinical Ethics Committee Case 8: Should we carry out a predictive genetic test in our young patient?Ainsley J. Newson - 2009 - Clinical Ethics 4 (4):169-172.
    This clinical ethics case study examines whether to perform predictive genetic testing on a 5-year-old boy for Li-Fraumeni Syndrome (LFS), a serious cancer predisposition condition identified in his recently deceased father. The consulting ethics committee analyzed key tensions: balancing the mother's desire for testing to manage uncertainty against guidelines favoring delay until the child can participate in decision-making, weighing parental authority versus the child's future autonomy, and addressing professional disagreement between clinical and laboratory teams. While testing may be (...)
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  27.  71
    Commercial genetic testing in mainland china: Social, financial and ethical issues. [REVIEW]Suli Sui & Margaret Sleeboom-Faulkner - 2007 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 4 (3):229-237.
    This paper provides an empirical account of commercial genetic predisposition testing in mainland China, based on interviews with company mangers, regulators and clients, and literature research during fieldwork in mainland China from July to September 2006. This research demonstrates that the commercialization of genetic testing and the lack of adequate regulation have created an environment in which dubious advertising practices and misleading and unprofessional medical advice are commonplace. The consequences of these ethically problematic activities for the users of (...)
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  28. Ethical issues in predictive genetic testing: a public health perspective.K. G. Fulda - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (3):143-147.
    As a result of the increase in genetic testing and the fear of discrimination by insurance companies, employers, and society as a result of genetic testing, the disciplines of ethics, public health, and genetics have converged. Whether relatives of someone with a positive predictive genetic test should be notified of the results and risks is a matter urgently in need of debate. Such a debate must encompass the moral and ethical obligations of the diagnosing physician and (...)
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  29.  56
    Genetic testing without consent: the implications of the new Human Tissue Act 2004.A. Lucassen & J. Kaye - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (12):690-692.
    Despite its focus on consent the new Human Tissue Act 2004 allows for testing without consent where a relative could benefitIn recognition of the fact that genetic test results in people can have implications for close relatives, the new Human Tissue Act 2004 allows for a direction to access a person’s tissue so that testing can be carried out for the benefit of a relative, without the consent of that person. Clinical practice governed by common law and statute, before (...)
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  30.  34
    Commentary on Duncan and Delatycki, 'Predictive genetic testing in young people for adult onset conditions: where is the empirical evidence?'.Angus Clarke - 2006 - .
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  31.  74
    Predictive testing and existential absurdity: Resonances between experiences around genetic diagnosis and the philosophy of Albert Camus.Rouven Porz & Guy Widdershoven - 2009 - Bioethics 25 (6):342-350.
    Predictive genetic testing may confront those affected with difficult life situations that they have not experienced before. These life situations may be interpreted as ‘absurd’. In this paper we present a case study of a predictive test situation, showing the perspective of a woman going through the process of deciding for or against taking the test, and struggling with feelings of alienation. To interpret her experiences, we refer to the concept of absurdity, developed by the French Philosopher (...)
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  32. Genetic disease, genetic testing and the clinician.Kelly C. Smith - 2001 - Journal of the American Medical Association 285 (1):91.
    Modern medicine emphasizes treatment of the sick. It is often said that the widespread genetic testing soon to follow the completion of the Human Genome Project will usher in a new era of preventive medicine. Such changes require new ways of thinking, however. For example, there may be nothing clinically wrong with a healthy patient who requests genetic testing, even if the tests reveal disease genes. Since all individuals have genetic skeletons in their closets, it is (...)
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  33.  64
    How do parents decide on genetic testing in pediatrics? A systematic review.Elena Sophia Doll, Seraina Petra Lerch, Katja Maria Schmalenberger, Karla Alex, Stefan Kölker, Heiko Brennenstuhl, Stacey Pereira, Hadley Smith, Eva C. Winkler, Julia Mahal & Beate Ditzen - forthcoming - Genetics in Medicine.
    Purpose This systematic review aims to identify factors that influence parents’ decisions regarding pediatric diagnostic and predictive genetic testing (DT/PT). Factors are integrated into a conceptual model of decision-making. Implications for genetic counseling, research, and ethics are derived. Methods PubMed, PsychInfo, WebofScience and references of related reviews were searched for original publications between 2000 and 2023. Extracted factors were categorized into an existing model. Results Of 5843 publications, 56 met inclusion criteria. The included studies differentiate between DT, (...)
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  34. Resolving the impasse on predictive genetic testing in minors: will more evidence be the solution?Stephen P. Robertson & Nicola Kerruish - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (9):525-526.
  35.  29
    Planning later life with dementia: comparing family caregivers’ perspectives on biomarkers with laypersons’ attitudes towards genetic testing of dementia prediction.Zümrüt Alpinar-Sencan, Leopold Lohmeyer & Silke Schicktanz - 2020 - New Genetics and Society 39 (1):52-79.
    Predictive medicine presents opportunities to consider later life under conditions of illness, such as dementia. This paper examines how family caregivers (N = 27) assess the opportunity of prediction and early diagnosis of dementia for oneself based on their particular experience. Furthermore, it compares their attitudes with laypersons’ attitudes (N = 43) towards genetic testing of APOE. By this, we elaborate how much personal experience impacts anticipation and affects, but also moral attitudes towards predictive medicine. Differences in (...)
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  36.  16
    The Effects of Uncertainty on the Physician-Patient Relationship in Predictive Genetic Testing.Charles R. MacKay - 1991 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 2 (4):247-250.
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  37. pt. 4. Genetics and health care rights. Recent developments in the legal discourse on genetic testing in Germany.Jürgen Robienski & Jürgen Simon - 2010 - In André den Exter, Human rights and biomedicine. Portland: Maklu.
  38.  31
    Modern Advances in Genetic Testing: Ethical Challenges and Training Implications for Current and Future Psychologists.Leah S. Richmond-Rakerd - 2013 - Ethics and Behavior 23 (1):31-43.
    The ethical implications for psychological practice of genetic testing are largely unexplored. Predictive testing can have a significant impact on health and well-being, and increasing numbers of individuals with knowledge of their risk for various disorders are likely to present for psychotherapy. In addition, more people will struggle with the decision of whether to obtain information regarding their genetic material. Psychologists will need to have the appropriate knowledge and clinical skills to effectively counsel this population. This article (...)
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  39.  14
    Correction to: Predictive Psychiatric Genetic Testing in Minors: An Exploration of the Non-Medical Benefits.Arianna Manzini & Danya F. Vears - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (1):121-121.
    The article [Title], written by [AuthorNames], was originally published electronically on the publisher’s internet portal on [date of OnlineFirst publication] without open access.
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  40. Genetic testing and insurance: The complexity of adverse selection.Maureen Durnin, Michael Hoy & Michael Ruse - 2012 - Ethical Perspectives 19 (1):123-54.
    The debate on whether insurance companies should be allowed to use results of individuals’ genetic tests for underwriting purposes has been both lively and increasingly relevant over the past two decades. Yet there appears to be no widely agreed upon resolution regarding appropriate and effective regulation. There exists today a gamut of recommendations and actual practices addressing this phenomenon ranging from laissez-faire to voluntary industry moratoria to strict legal prohibition. One obvious reason for such a variance in (...)
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  41.  28
    Autonomy and social influence in predictive genetic testing decision‐making: A qualitative interview study.Bettina M. Zimmermann, Insa Koné, David Shaw & Bernice Elger - 2021 - Bioethics 35 (2):199-206.
    Beauchamp and Childress’ definition of autonomous decision‐making includes the conditions of intentionality, understanding, and non‐control. In genetics, however, a relational conception of autonomy has been increasingly recognized. This article aims to empirically assess aspects of social influence in genetic testing decision‐making and to connect these with principlist and relational theories of autonomy. We interviewed 18 adult genetic counsellees without capacity issues considering predictive genetic testing for cancer predisposition for themselves and two counselling physicians in Switzerland. We (...)
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  42.  69
    Searching across boundaries: National information resource on ethics and human genetics.Martina Darragh, Harriet Hutson Gray, Pat Milmoe McCarrick & Susan Cartier Poland - 2002 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 12 (1):103-113.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 12.1 (2002) 103-113 [Access article in PDF] Scope Note Update Searching Across Boundaries: National Information Resource on Ethics and Human Genetics* While indeed an historical moment, the announcement of the mapping of the human genome has been treated in the literature as a beginning—a new way to think about biology and the ways in which biological concepts are applied to medicine. Issues of both (...)
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  43.  46
    Ethical aspects of undergoing a predictive genetic testing for Huntington's disease.Petra Lilja Andersson, Niklas Juth, Åsa Petersén, Caroline Graff & Anna-Karin Edberg - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (2):189-199.
    The aim of this study was to describe the experiences of undergoing a presymptomatic genetic test for the hereditary and fatal Huntington’s disease, using a case study approach. The study was based on 18 interviews with a young woman and her husband from the decision to undergo the test, to receiving the results and trying to adapt to them, which were analysed using a life history approach. The findings show that the process of undergoing a presymptomatic test involves several (...)
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  44.  40
    Genetics and Just Health Care: A Genome Task Force Report.Thomas H. Murray - 1993 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 3 (3):327-331.
    The Human Genome Project is expected to increase dramatically our ability to predict the likelihood of genetic disease in an individual. It is important to reject the myth of genetic determinism—i.e., the simple-minded belief that such complex outcomes as heart disease, cancer, or autoimmune diseases are caused exclusively by particular genes. But it is equally important to acknowledge that genes may play a role in making a person more or less susceptible to such diseases. The ever-increasing prospect of (...)
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  45.  36
    ‘It could just be an additional test couldn’t it?’:genetic testing for susceptibility to aggression and violence.Mairi Levitt & Elisa Pieri - 2009 - .
    Much of the current genetic research into aggressive and violent behaviour focuses on young people and might appear to offer the hope of targeted prediction and intervention. In the UK data is collected on children from various agencies and collated to produce ‘at risk of offending’ identities used to justify intervention. Information from behavioural genetic tests could conceivably be included. Regulatory frameworks for collecting, storing and using information from DNA samples differ between the health service and the (...)
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  46.  75
    Addressing the Ethical Challenges in Genetic Testing and Sequencing of Children.Ellen Wright Clayton, Laurence B. McCullough, Leslie G. Biesecker, Steven Joffe, Lainie Friedman Ross, Susan M. Wolf & For the Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research Group - 2014 - American Journal of Bioethics 14 (3):3-9.
    American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and American College of Medical Genetics (ACMG) recently provided two recommendations about predictive genetic testing of children. The Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research Consortium's Pediatrics Working Group compared these recommendations, focusing on operational and ethical issues specific to decision making for children. Content analysis of the statements addresses two issues: (1) how these recommendations characterize and analyze locus of decision making, as well as the risks and benefits of testing, and (2) whether the guidelines (...)
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  47.  12
    Genetic discrimination: transatlantic perspectives on the case for a European-level legal response.Gerard Quinn, Aisling De Paor & Peter David Blanck (eds.) - 2015 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The science and technology of genetic testing is rapidly advancing with the consequences that genetic testing may well offer the prospect of being able to detect the onset of future disabilities. Some recent research also indicates that certain behavioural profiles may have a strong genetic basis, such as the determination to succeed and win or the propensity for risk-taking, which may be of interest to third parties. However, as this technology becomes more prevalent there is a danger (...)
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  48. Promises and pitfalls of preimplantation genetic testing for polygenic disorders: a narrative review.Jaime Roura-Monllor, Zachary Walker, Joel Michael Reynolds, Greysha Rivera-Cruz, Avner Hershlag, Gheona Altarescu, Sigal Klipstein, Stacey Pereira, Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz, Shai Carmi, Todd Lencz & Ruth Bunker Lathi - 2024 - Fands Reviews 6 (1).
    Preimplantation genetic testing for polygenic disorders (PGT-P) has been commercially available since 2019. PGT-P makes use of polygenic risk scores for conditions which are multifactorial and are significantly influenced by environmental and lifestyle factors. If current predictions are accurate, then absolute risk reductions range from about 0.02% to 10.1%, meaning that between 10 and 5,000 in vitro fertilization patients would need to be tested with PGT-P to prevent one offspring from becoming affected in the future, depending on the condition (...)
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  49.  95
    Genetic Determinism and Discrimination: A Call to Re-Orient Prevailing Human Rights Discourse to Better Comport with the Public Implications of Individual Genetic Testing.Karen Eltis - 2007 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 35 (2):282-294.
    “Privacy considerations no longer arise out of particular individual problems; rather, they express conflicts affecting everyone.”Along with the promise of assuaging the scourge of disease, the so-called genetic revolution unquestioningly imports a slew of thorny human rights issues that touch on matters such as dignity, disclosure, and the subject of this article – genetic testing and the social stigma potentially deriving therefrom.It is now rather evident that certain otherwise therapeutically promising forms of research can inadvertently involve social risks (...)
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    Ethical aspects of undergoing a predictive genetic testing for Huntington's disease.P. Lilja Andersson, N. Juth, A. Petersen, C. Graff & A. -K. Edberg - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (2):0969733012452686.
    The aim of this study was to describe the experiences of undergoing a presymptomatic genetic test for the hereditary and fatal Huntington’s disease, using a case study approach. The study was based on 18 interviews with a young woman and her husband from the decision to undergo the test, to receiving the results and trying to adapt to them, which were analysed using a life history approach. The findings show that the process of undergoing a presymptomatic test involves several (...)
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