Results for 'descriptive and prescriptive'

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  1.  92
    Descriptive and Prescriptive Definitions of Emotion.Sherri C. Widen & James A. Russell - 2010 - Emotion Review 2 (4):377-378.
    Izard (2010) did not seek a descriptive definition of emotion—one that describes the concept as it is used by ordinary folk. Instead, he surveyed scientists’ prescriptive definitions—ones that prescribe how the concept should be used in theories of emotion. That survey showed a lack of agreement today and thus raised doubts about emotion as a useful scientific concept.
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    Normative, descriptive and prescriptive responses.Jonathan Baron - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (1):32-42.
  3. Metaphor in Psychotherapy: A Descriptive and Prescriptive Analysis.[author unknown] - 2013
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    Description and Prescription in Linguistic Ethics.P. S. Wadia - 1964 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 13:66-73.
    IN this note I propose to make some general remarks concerning the analytical forays carried out into moral discourse by some leading figures in the modern ‘linguistic’ tradition. The philosophers I am going to speak of, may all be said to be attempting some sort of ‘descriptive’ analysis, but my thesis is that philosophers such as Toulmin and Baier are attempting something that is significantly different from what a philosopher such as Nowell-Smith is attempting. I will suggest, in the (...)
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    Metaphor in Psychotherapy: A Descriptive and Prescriptive Analysis by Dennis Tay (Ed.).Isabelle Needham-Didsbury - 2014 - Metaphor and Symbol 29 (3):246-254.
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    Descriptive and prescriptive names.John H. Andreae - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (1):11-12.
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    Description and prescription in value judgments.Donald A. Wells - 1950 - Journal of Philosophy 47 (15):434-438.
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  8. Permission to believe: Descriptive and prescriptive beliefs in the Clifford/James debate.Christopher Paul Lawrence - 2020 - Dissertation, University of Cape Town
    This thesis modifies the wording of William Clifford’s 1877 evidence principle (that ‘it is wrong always, everywhere, and for anyone, to believe anything upon insufficient evidence’) to propose an explicitly moral principle, restricted to descriptive beliefs (about what is or is not the case) and excluding prescriptive beliefs (about what ought or ought not to be the case). It considers potential counter-examples, particularly William James’s 1896 defence of religious belief; and concludes that the modified principle survives unscathed. It (...)
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  9. Conclusion: Conceptual Integration as a descriptive and prescriptive tool of analysis.Wayne Hugo - 2015 - In Conceptual integration and educational analysis. Cape Town, South Africa: HSRC Press.
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  10. Prescription, Description, and Hume's Experimental Method.Hsueh Qu - 2016 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 24 (2):279-301.
    There seems a potential tension between Hume's naturalistic project and his normative ambitions. Hume adopts what I call a methodological naturalism: that is, the methodology of providing explanations for various phenomena based on natural properties and causes. This methodology takes the form of introducing ‘the experimental method of reasoning into moral subjects’, as stated in the subtitle of the Treatise; this ‘experimental method’ seems a paradigmatically descriptive one, and it remains unclear how Hume derives genuinely normative prescriptions from this (...)
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    Book review: Dennis Tay, Metaphor in Psychotherapy: A Descriptive and Prescriptive Analysis. [REVIEW]Yijin Wu & Wen Ma - 2015 - Discourse Studies 17 (4):493-495.
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    On the descriptive validity and prescriptive utility of fast and frugal models.Clare Harries & Mandeep K. Dhami - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (5):753-754.
    Simple heuristics and regression models make different assumptions about behaviour. Both the environment and judgment can be described as fast and frugal. We do not know whether humans are successful when being fast and frugal. We must assess both global accuracy and the costs of Type I and II errors. These may be “smart heuristics that make researchers look simple.”.
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  13. Normality: Part Descriptive, part prescriptive.Adam Bear & Joshua Knobe - 2017 - Cognition 167 (C):25-37.
    People’s beliefs about normality play an important role in many aspects of cognition and life (e.g., causal cognition, linguistic semantics, cooperative behavior). But how do people determine what sorts of things are normal in the first place? Past research has studied both people’s representations of statistical norms (e.g., the average) and their representations of prescriptive norms (e.g., the ideal). Four studies suggest that people’s notion of normality incorporates both of these types of norms. In particular, people’s representations of what (...)
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    Book reviews: : The Crisis Paradigm: Description and Prescription in Social and Political Theory. [REVIEW]J. F. Dorahy - 2021 - Thesis Eleven 165 (1):193-197.
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  15. Descriptive versus Prescriptive Discounting in Climate Change Policy Analysis.Kelleher J. Paul - 2017 - Georgetown Journal of Law and Public Policy 15:957-977.
    This paper distinguishes between five different approaches to social discount rates in climate change economics, criticizes two of these, and explains how the other three are to some degree mutually compatible. It aims to shed some new light on a longstanding debate in climate change economics between so-called “descriptivists” and “prescriptivists” about social discounting. The ultimate goal is to offer a sketch of the conceptual landscape that makes visible some important facets of the debate that very often go unacknowledged.
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    Snow White and the Wicked Problems of the West: A Look at the Lines between Empirical Description and Normative Prescription.Katharine N. Farrell - 2011 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 36 (3):334-361.
    This article discusses the relationship between the origins of the concept of post-normal science, its potential as a heuristic and the phenomenon of complex science entailed policy problems in late industrial societies. Drawing on arguments presented in the early works of Funtowicz and Ravetz, it is proposed that there is a fundamentally empirical character to the post-normal science call for democratizing expertise, which serves as an antidote to late industrial poisoning of the fairy tale ideal of a clean divide between (...)
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    Description and Evaluation.R. M. Hare - 1952 - In Richard Mervyn Hare (ed.), The Language of Morals. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    This chapter distinguishes two sorts of things we can say about objects, something descriptive, and evaluative. Both, Hare notes, have descriptive function in that they can be used to convey factual information. Value‐words, however, also have prescriptive meaning, and this meaning is primary to their descriptive meaning, because in contrast to its descriptive meaning, it remains constant in all uses and can also be employed to change the descriptive meaning of a class of objects. (...)
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  18. Bioethics: Descriptive or prescriptive?Darryl Macer - 1995 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 5 (6):144-146.
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  19. Naturalism and Prescriptivity.Peter Railton - 1989 - Social Philosophy and Policy 7 (1):151.
    Statements about a person's good slip into and out of our ordinary discourse about the world with nary a ripple. Such statements are objects of belief and assertion, they obey the rules of logic, and they are often defended by evidence and argument. They even participate in common-sense explanations, as when we say of some person that he has been less subject to wild swings of enthusiasm and disappointment now that, with experience, he has gained a clearer idea of what (...)
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    Editorial: Judgment and Decision Making Under Uncertainty: Descriptive, Normative, and Prescriptive Perspectives.David R. Mandel, Gorka Navarrete, Nathan Dieckmann & Jonathan Nelson - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Modeling Descriptive and Deontic Cognition as Two Modes of Relation Between Mind and World.Preston Stovall - 2022 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 103 (1):156-185.
    I use a distinction between single-minded and indifferent choice attitudes, modeled across maximally determinate plans of action, as a basis for interpreting deontic claims – about what ought, ought not, and may be done – as expressing a mode of relation between mind and world that gives voice to the exercise of practical rationality. At the same time, I use maximally determinate possible worlds to model descriptive claims in order to understand them as involving a mode of relation between (...)
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    On the description of the prescription.Ruth Beyth-Marom - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):321-321.
    Barons's target article approaches errors in decision-making by defining three kinds of models: normative, descriptive, and prescriptive. Baron's prescriptive model is at the center of this commentary. From a theoretical perspective, is Baron's prescriptive model a set of rules through which one can move from the descriptive to the normative? Or is it a practical goal one can achieve as opposed to a normative unachievable theoretical ideal? Delineating an efficient prescriptive account for decision making (...)
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  23. Are mental states assessed relative to what most people “should” or “would” think? Prescriptive and descriptive components of expected attitudes.Tamar A. Kreps, Benoît Monin & Joshua Knobe - 2010 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 33 (4):341.
    For Knobe, observers evaluate mental states by comparing agents' statements with the attitudes they are expected to hold. In our analysis, Knobe's model relies primarily on what agents should think, and little on expectancies of what they would think. We show the importance and complexity of including descriptive and prescriptive norms if one is to take expectancies seriously.
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  24. Comparing Prescriptive and Descriptive Gender Stereotypes About Children, Adults, and the Elderly.Anne M. Koenig - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    When Integration Fails: The Logic of Prescription and Description in Business Ethics.Thomas Donaldson - 1994 - Business Ethics Quarterly 4 (2):157-169.
    In an engaging and provocative paper, Linda Trevino and Gary Weaver spell out the differences between the methodological approach characteristic of the natural sciences on the one hand and that of normative inquiry on the other (Trevino and Weaver, 1991). Near the end of their paper they raise a haunting question that will have increasing significance as the management literature in ethics evolves: namely, “Can the two approaches be integrated?”As C. P. Snow (1962) noted, no one can deny either the (...)
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  26. Understanding What We Ought and Shall Do: A Hyperstate Semantics for Descriptive, Prescriptive, and Intentional Sentences.Preston Stovall - 2020 - In Ladislav Koreň, Hans Bernhard Schmid, Preston Stovall & Leo Townsend (eds.), Groups, Norms and Practices: Essays on Inferentialism and Collective Intentionality. Cham: Springer. pp. 215-238.
    This essay is part of a larger project aimed at making sense of rational thought and agency as part of the natural world. It provides a semantic framework for thinking about the contents of: 1) descriptive thoughts and sentences having a representational or mind-to-world direction of fit, and which manifest our capacity for theoretical rationality; and 2) prescriptive and intentional sentences having an expressive or world-to-mind direction of fit, and which manifest our capacity for practical rationality. I use (...)
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    When Are Norms Prescriptive? Understanding and Clarifying the Role of Norms in Behavioral Ethics Research.Tobey K. Scharding & Danielle E. Warren - 2024 - Business Ethics Quarterly 34 (2):331-364.
    Research on ethical norms has grown in recent years, but imprecise language has made it unclear when these norms prescribe “what ought to be” and when they merely describe behaviors or perceptions (“what is”). Studies of ethical norms, moreover, tend not to investigate whether participants were influenced by the prescriptive aspect of the norm; the studies primarily demonstrate, rather, that people will mimic the behaviors or perceptions of others, which provides evidence for the already well-substantiated social proof theory. In (...)
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    Prescription and universalizability.Laszlo Versényi - 1972 - Journal of Value Inquiry 6 (1):22-36.
    The aim of this paper is to show that descriptive statements can be action-Guiding; that oughts and imperatives, If they are to be justified at all, Must be derived from statements of fact; that factual-Prudential moral reasoning is logically universalizable; and that the demand for universalizability, And thus ultimately for moral reasoning, Is itself only prudentially justifiable. These points are argued by way of an examination and criticism of hare's discussion of prescription and universalizability in moral reasoning.
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    Prescription Versus Description in Philosophy of Science, or Methodology Versus History: a Critical Assessment.Nader Chokr - 1986 - Metaphilosophy 17 (4):289-299.
    This paper examines critically the current state of affairs in philosophy of science. It focuses on the well-Known puzzle about the relationship between the normative prescriptive methodology of science and positive descriptive history of science. This puzzle has dogged philosophers of science for over a generation and is still controversial. My conclusion is that there is really no escape from it. The best way to characterize it is as follows: "philosophy of science without history of science is empty; (...)
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    Tensions between the Prescriptive and Descriptive Ethics of Psychologists.Olga Voskuijl & Arne Evers - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 72 (3):279-291.
    Ethical guidelines for psychologists are meant to stimulate and help psychologists to act appropriately with respect to clients, colleagues, and other individuals involved in their professional relations. This paper focuses on the similarity of codes of ethics of psychologists in European countries in general, and on specific ethical dilemmas in the area of work and organizations in particular. First, an overview is given of the development of ethical guidelines in Europe and the USA. Second, the results are presented of a (...)
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    Physical Theories are Prescriptions, not Descriptions.Shahin Kaveh - 2023 - Erkenntnis 88 (5):1825-1853.
    Virtually all philosophers of science have construed fundamental theories as descriptions of entities, properties, and/or structures. Call this the “descriptive-ontological” view. I argue that this view is incorrect, at least insofar as physical theories are concerned. I propose a novel construal of theories that I call the “prescriptive-dynamical” view. The central tenet of this view, roughly put, is that the _essential_ content of fundamental physical theories is a _prescription for interfacing with natural systems and translating local data into (...)
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  32.  15
    Relative plausibility and a prescriptive theory of evidence assessment.Eivind Kolflaath - 2019 - International Journal of Evidence and Proof 23 (1-2):121-127.
    While the theory of relative plausibility is presented by Allen and Pardo as a descriptive theory of the proof process, this commentary discusses their theory as a possible starting point for a prescriptive theory of evidence assessment. Generally, naturalness and simplicity are necessary for the success of such a theory. The theory of relative plausibility is very promising in this respect, as its key concept is the straightforward and intuitive notion of explanation, according to which an explanation is (...)
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  33.  20
    Rational Decision Making: Descriptive, Prescriptive, or Explanatory?Jonathan Michael Kaplan - 2005 - In Alan Jean Nelson (ed.), A Companion to Rationalism. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 425–449.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction: Rational Decisions as an Ideal Rational Decision Making? Assumptions and Difficulties: Preferences, Outcome Spaces, and Probabilities in the World Reasons without Decisions What Kinds of Reasons? The Failure of RCT as a Unifying Principle The Failures of RCT and Rethinking Rationality.
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  34. Reid and epistemic naturalism.Patrick Rysiew - 2002 - Philosophical Quarterly 52 (209):437–456.
    Central to the contemporary dispute over 'naturalizing epistemology' is the question of the continuity of epistemology with science, i.e., how far purely descriptive, psychological matters can or should inform the traditional evaluative epistemological enterprise. Thus all parties tend to agree that the distinction between psychology and epistemology corresponds to a firm fact/value distinction. This is something Reid denies with respect to the first principles of common sense: while insisting on the continuity of epistemology with the rest of science, he (...)
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    Norms and descriptions.Niklas Vareman - 2008 - Decision Analysis 5 (2):57-111.
    The problem addressed in this text is the problem of identifying conditions according to which it is possible to distinguish between a descriptive theory and a normative theory. What makes a descriptive theory descriptive and a normative theory normative? Focus is on subjective expected utility theories where it seems open to debate whether the appropriate use is normative or descriptive. My discussion, which takes arguments by Isaac Levi and Hugh Mellor as a point of departure, is (...)
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  36. The biosemiosis of prescriptive information.David L. Abel - 2009 - Semiotica 2009 (174):1-19.
    Exactly how do the sign/symbol/token systems of endo- and exo-biosemiosis differ from those of cognitive semiosis? Do the biological messages that integrate metabolism have conceptual meaning? Semantic information has two subsets: Descriptive and Prescriptive. Prescriptive information instructs or directly produces nontrivial function. In cognitive semiosis, prescriptive information requires anticipation and “choice with intent” at bona fide decision nodes. Prescriptive information either tells us what choices to make, or it is a recordation of wise choices already (...)
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  37. Narrativity and the Symbolic Vacuum.Stefan Lukits - 2011 - Philosophy and Theology 23 (1):167-183.
    “Narrativity and the Symbolic Vacuum” examines the descriptive and the prescriptive narrativity claim in the context of a claim that there are narratives in the biblical literature that resist both. The descriptive narrativity claim maintains that it is not an option for a person to conceive of their life without narrative coherence. The prescriptive claim holds that narrativity is a necessary condition for a good and successful human life. Phenomenological thought and Aristotelian virtue ethics, expressing a (...)
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    (1 other version)Natural Law Theory: The Link Between Its Descriptive Strength and Its Prescriptive Strength.David Braybrooke - 1990 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 20 (sup1):389-418.
    To cut a convincing figure again in jurisprudence — which is my present field of concern— natural law theory, by which I mean and shall mean throughout, traditional natural law theory, basically the theory of St.Thomas, must be made convincing again in ethics.
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    Sport Coaching Research and Practice: Ontology, Interdisciplinarity and Critical Realism.Julian North - 2017 - Routledge.
    Research shapes our understanding of practice in powerful and important ways, in sports coaching as in any other discipline. This innovative study explores the philosophical foundations of sport coaching research, examining the often implicit links between research process and practice, descriptions and prescriptions. Arguing that the assumptions of traditional single-disciplinary accounts, such as those based in psychology or sociology, risk over-simplifying our understanding of coaching, this book presents an alternative framework for sports coaching research based on critical realism. The result (...)
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    Legitimizing the Euro-`polity' and its `Regime'.Richard Bellamy & Dario Castiglione - 2003 - European Journal of Political Theory 2 (1):7-34.
    This article discusses the normative implications of the European integration process by addressing the question of the legitimacy deficit in the EU and its member states. It starts from an analysis of legitimacy as implying a distinction between `polity' and `regime', each of which has an `internal' and an `external' dimension relating respectively to the subjective perceptions of citizens and to more objective- and universalist-oriented criteria. Standard accounts of the integration process and the constitutionalisation of the EU have overlooked the (...)
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    Situated cognition, prescriptive theory, evolution, and something.Jonathan Baron - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):324-326.
    This response agrees with Stanovich's emphasis on the need for decentering, and, in response to Beyth-Marom, attempts to clarify the normative-prescriptive-descriptive distinction and point in the direction of prescriptive models. It takes issue with Cabanac and with Lindsay & Gorayska.
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    A new prescription for empirical ethics research in pharmacy: a critical review of the literature.R. J. Cooper, P. Bissell & J. Wingfield - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (2):82-86.
    Empirical ethics research is increasingly valued in bioethics and healthcare more generally, but there remain as yet under-researched areas such as pharmacy, despite the increasingly visible attempts by the profession to embrace additional roles beyond the supply of medicines. A descriptive and critical review of the extant empirical pharmacy ethics literature is provided here. A chronological change from quantitative to qualitative approaches is highlighted in this review, as well as differing theoretical approaches such as cognitive moral development and the (...)
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    Sociobiology and Epistemology.J. H. Fetzer - 1985 - Springer Verlag.
    The papers presented in this special collection focus upon conceptual, the oretical and epistemological aspects of sociobiology, an emerging discipline that deals with the extent to which genetic factors influence or control patterns of behavior as well as the extent to which patterns of behavior, in turn, influence or control genetic evolution. The Prologue advances a compre hensive acco/unt of the field of gene-culture co-evolution, where Lumsden and Gushurst differentiate between "classical" sociobiology (represented especially by Wilson's early work) and current (...)
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    (1 other version)Anorexia and the MacCAT-T Test for Mental Competence: Validity, Value, and Emotion.Louis C. Charland - 2006 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 13 (4):283-287.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Anorexia and the MacCAT-T Test for Mental Competence:Validity, Value, and EmotionLouis C. Charland (bio)Keywordsmental competence, decisional capacity, anorexia, value, emotionValidity of the MacCAT-THow does one scientifically verify a psychometric instrument designed to assess the mental competence of medical patients who are asked to consent to medical treatment? Aside from satisfying technical requirements like statistical reliability, results yielded by such a test must conform to at least some accepted pretheoretical (...)
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    Comparative Philosophy and Method: Contemporary Practices and Future Possibilities ed. by Steven Burik, Robert Smid and Ralph Weber (review).Douglas L. Berger - 2024 - Philosophy East and West 74 (2):1-5.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Comparative Philosophy and Method: Contemporary Practices and Future Possibilities ed. by Steven Burik, Robert Smid and Ralph WeberDouglas L. Berger (bio)Comparative Philosophy and Method: Contemporary Practices and Future Possibilities. Edited by Steven Burik, Robert Smid and Ralph Weber. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023. Pp. vi + 272. Paperback $40.28, isbn 978-1-350-29704-3.The editors Steven Burik, Robert Smid and Ralph Weber, who have all made important revisions to (...)
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    Obituaries of Female and Male Leaders From 1974 to 2016 Suggest Change in Descriptive but Stability of Prescriptive Gender Stereotypes. [REVIEW]Miriam Katharina Zehnter, Jerome Olsen & Erich Kirchler - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The correspondence metaphor: Prescriptive or descriptive?Darryl Bruce - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (2):194-195.
    Koriat & Goldsmith's abstract correspondence metaphor is unlikely to prove useful to memory science. It aims to motivate and inform the investigation of everyday memory, but that movement has prospered without it. The irrelevance of its competitor – the more concrete storehouse metaphor – as a guiding force in memory research presages a similar fate for the correspondence perspective.
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  48. New Descriptions, New Possibilities.Lee A. Mcbride Iii - 2018 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 32 (1):168-178.
    In “Race, Multiculturalism, and Democracy,” Robert Gooding-Williams offers an insight. He writes: “Our sense of ourselves and of the possibilities existing for us is, to a significant degree, a function of the descriptions we have available to us to conceptualize our intended actions and prospective lives. . . . ‘Hence if new modes of description come into being, new possibilities of action come into being in consequence.’” In this article, I discuss the philosopher’s role in the articulation of new descriptions (...)
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    Normativity and the Acquisition of the Categories.John J. Callanan - 2011 - Hegel Bulletin 32 (1-2):1-26.
    It is quite common when explicating the nature of Kant's break with the preceding Early Modern tradition to cite his attitude towards the acquisition and deployment of concepts. It is claimed that Kant sought to distinguish two tasks that had become unfortunately intertwined and conflated — explaining how we come to acquire our concepts on the one hand and showing how we are justified in deploying them in judgement on the other. This conflation can be expressed in terms of a (...)
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  50. Tracework: Myself and others in the moral phenomenology of Merleau-ponty and Levinas.David Michael Levin - 1998 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 6 (3):345 – 392.
    In this study, I examine the significance of the trace and its legibility in the phenomenologies of Merleau-Ponty and Levinas, showing that this trope plays a more significant role in Merleau-Ponty's thinking than has been recognized heretofore and that it constitutes a crucial point of contact between Merleau-Ponty and Levinas. But this point of contact is also, in both their philosophies, a site where their thinking is compelled to confront its limits and the enigmas involved in the description of the (...)
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