Results for 'crucial experiment'

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  1.  70
    The crucial experiment of Wilhelm johannsen.Nils Roll-Hansen - 1989 - Biology and Philosophy 4 (3):303-329.
    I call an experimentcrucial” when it makes possible a decisive choice between conflicting hypotheses. Joharmsen's selection for size and weight within pure lines of beans played a central role in the controversy over continuity or discontinuity in hereditary change, often known as the Biometrician-Mendelian controversy. The “crucial” effect of this experiment was not an instantaneous event, but an extended process of repeating similar experiments and discussing possible objections. It took years before Johannsen's claim about the (...)
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    Crucial Experiments on Discrete Symmetries.Valentine L. Telegdi - 1973 - In Jagdish Mehra (ed.), The physicist's conception of nature. Boston,: Reidel. pp. 454--480.
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    Crucial Experiments: Priestley and Lavoisier.S. E. Toulmin - 1957 - Journal of the History of Ideas 18 (2):205.
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    On the Possibility of Crucial Experiments in Biology.Tudor Baetu - 2019 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 70 (2):407-429.
    The article analyses in detail the Meselson–Stahl experiment, identifying two novel difficulties for the crucial experiment account, namely, the fragility of the experimental results and the fact that the hypotheses under scrutiny were not mutually exclusive. The crucial experiment account is rejected in favour of an experimental-mechanistic account of the historical significance of the experiment, emphasizing that the experiment generated data about the biochemistry of DNA replication that is independent of the testing of (...)
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    Crucial experiments” in aesthetics.Stanley Paluch - 1967 - Journal of Value Inquiry 1 (3-4):254-257.
  6. The Crux of Crucial Experiments: Duhem's Problems and Inference to the Best Explanation.Marcel Weber - 2009 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 60 (1):19-49.
    Going back at least to Duhem, there is a tradition of thinking that crucial experiments are impossible in science. I analyse Duhem's arguments and show that they are based on the excessively strong assumption that only deductive reasoning is permissible in experimental science. This opens the possibility that some principle of inductive inference could provide a sufficient reason for preferring one among a group of hypotheses on the basis of an appropriately controlled experiment. To be sure, there are (...)
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    Against Crucial Experiments.Pierre Duhem - 2009 - In Timothy McGrew, Marc Alspector-Kelly & Fritz Allhoff (eds.), The philosophy of science: an historical anthology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 292.
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    Crucial Experiments in Modern PhysicsGeorge L. Trigg.Walter Gross - 1972 - Isis 63 (1):131-132.
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    The crux of crucial experiments: Confirmation in molecular biology.Marcel Weber - unknown
    I defend the view that single experiments can provide a sufficient reason for preferring one among a group of hypotheses against the widely held belief that “crucial experiments” are impossible. My argument is based on the examination of a historical case from molecular biology, namely the Meselson-Stahl experiment. “The most beautiful experiment in biology”, as it is known, provided the first experimental evidence for the operation of a semi-conservative mechanism of DNA replication, as predicted by Watson and (...)
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  10. The Role of Crucial Experiments in Science.Imre Lakatos - 1974 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 4 (4):309.
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    Hypotheses, Data, and Crucial Experiments.John Herschel - 2009 - In Timothy McGrew, Marc Alspector-Kelly & Fritz Allhoff (eds.), The philosophy of science: an historical anthology. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 254.
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  12. Crucial instances and crucial experiments in Bacon, Boyle, and Hooke.Claudia Dumitru - 2013 - Societate Şi Politică 7 (1):45-61.
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    Towards a Crucial Experiment in the Philosophy of Mind.William Mathews - 1975 - Philosophical Studies (Dublin) 24:7-25.
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    Einstein, Michelson, and the "Crucial" Experiment.Gerald Holton - 1969 - Isis 60 (2):133-197.
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    Lakatos On Crucial Experiments And The History Of Interpretations Of Quantum Mechanics.Péter Szegedi - 2002 - In G. Kampis, L: Kvasz & M. Stöltzner (eds.), Appraising Lakatos: Mathematics, Methodology and the Man. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 1--101.
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    The Logic of Crucial Experiments.Ioannis Votsis - unknown
    Although Duhem’s thesis that in physics crucial experiments are impossible contains some grains of truth in it, its effects have been greatly exaggerated. In this talk I argue against this and other associated theses by pointing out the various ways in which these theses can be curtailed. In the process of doing so, I examine a few recent attempts to overcome the problems posed by these theses and identify their strengths and weaknesses.
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  17. (1 other version)Argument map: Devoloping scientific hypotheses and experimental designs in form of an argumentation. Loewi's crucial experiment on chemical neurotransmission.Michael H. G. Hoffmann - forthcoming - .
    This argument map presents Paul Loewi’s crucial experiment in which he showed that neural transmissions of signals are chemical in nature, not electrical, in form of an argumentation. The map can be used in science education to show how the formulation of hypotheses should be related to a corresponding determination of experimental designs.
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  18.  69
    Theory testing in science—the case of solar neutrinos: Do crucial experiments test theories or theorists?Trevor Pinch - 1985 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 15 (2):167-187.
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    Some Epistemic Implications of 'Crucial Experiments'.Philip L. Quinn - 1974 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 5 (1):49.
  20. Third‐person knowledge ascriptions: A crucial experiment for contextualism.Jumbly Grindrod, James Andow & Nat Hansen - 2017 - Mind and Language (2):1-25.
    In the past few years there has been a turn towards evaluating the empirical foundation of epistemic contextualism using formal (rather than armchair) experimental methods. By-and-large, the results of these experiments have not supported the original motivation for epistemic contextualism. That is partly because experiments have only uncovered effects of changing context on knowledge ascriptions in limited experimental circumstances (when contrast is present, for example), and partly because existing experiments have not been designed to distinguish between contextualism and one of (...)
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  21. Scientific Simplicity and Crucial Experiments.Matthew Lund & Norwood Russell Hanson - 1969 - In Norwood Russell Hanson (ed.), Perception and Discovery: An Introduction to Scientific Inquiry. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    The Religious Problem in English Education: The Crucial Experiment.James Murphy - 1960 - British Journal of Educational Studies 8 (2):183-184.
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    Nicolas Béguelin and his search for a crucial experiment on the nature of light (1772).C. Hakfoort - 1982 - Annals of Science 39 (3):297-310.
    In the second half of the eighteenth century a lively debate was going on in Germany about the nature of light. One important contribution to this discussion, namely a paper by Nicolas Béguelin, is studied in this article. In his essay, Béguelin compared the Newtonian emission theory of light and the wave theory of Leonhard Euler. Whereas others opted for one of the two theories by invoking arguments or authorities, Béguelin made a systematic search for experiments which he hoped would (...)
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    The Pressure of Light: The Strange Case of the Vacillating 'Crucial Experiment'.John Worrall - 1982 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 13 (2):133.
  25. Crucial stem cell experiments? Stem cells, uncertainty, and single-cell experiments.Melinda Bonnie Fagan - 2015 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 30 (2):183.
    I have previously argued that stem cell experiments cannot demonstrate that a single cell is a stem cell. Laplane and others dispute this claim, citing experiments that identify stem cells at the single-cell level. This paper rebuts the counterexample, arguing that the alleged ‘crucial stem cell experiments’ do not measure self-renewal for a single cell, do not establish a single cell’s differentiation potential, and, if interpreted as providing results about single cells, fall into epistemic circularity. I then discuss the (...)
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    Crucial Decisions at the Beginning of Life: Parents' Experiences of Treatment Withdrawal from Infants.P. Alderson - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (6):e1-e1.
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    Une expérience cruciale en graphologie.Alfred Binet - 1907 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 64:22 - 40.
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    Previous Experience Seems Crucial to Eliminate the Sex Gap in Geometry Learning When Solving a Navigation Task in Rats.Alejandra Aguilar-Latorre, Víctor Romera-Nicolás, Elisabet Gimeno & V. D. Chamizo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    There is much evidence, both in humans and rodents, that while navigating males tend to use geometric information whereas females rely more on landmarks. The present work attempts to alter the geometry bias in female rats. In Experiment 1 three groups of female rats were trained in a triangular-shaped pool to find a hidden platform, whose location was defined in terms of two sources of information, a landmark outside the pool and a particular corner of the pool. On a (...)
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    Lavoisier -- The Crucial Year: The Background and Origin of His First Experiments on Combustion in 1772. Henry Guerlac.Henry Leicester - 1963 - Isis 54 (1):158-159.
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    Gestalt experiments and inductive observations: Konrad Lorenz's early epistemological writings and the methods of classical ethology.Ingo Brigandt - 2003 - Evolution and Cognition 9:157-170.
    Ethology brought some crucial insights and perspectives to the study of behavior, in particular the idea that behavior can be studied within a comparative-evolutionary framework by means of homologizing components of behavioral patterns and by causal analysis of behavior components and their integration. Early ethology is well-known for its extensive use of qualitative observations of animals under their natural conditions. These observations are combined with experiments that try to analyze behavioral patterns and establish specific claims about animal behavior. Nowadays, (...)
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  31. Surrogate's personal sense of duty as a crucial element in medical decision-making : ethical, empirical, and experience-based perspectives.Chris Feudtner & Douglas Hill - 2021 - In John D. Lantos (ed.), The ethics of shared decision making. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    Experiment and the Making of Meaning: Human Agency in Scientific Observation and Experiment.D. C. Gooding - 1994 - Springer.
    ... the topic of 'meaning' is the one topic discussed in philosophy in which there is literally nothing but 'theory' - literally nothing that can be labelled or even ridiculed as the 'common sense view'. Putnam, 'The Meaning of Meaning' This book explores some truths behind the truism that experimentation is a hallmark of scientific activity. Scientists' descriptions of nature result from two sorts of encounter: they interact with each other and with nature. Philosophy of science has, by and large, (...)
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  33.  30
    Crucial to Optimal Learning and Practice of Ethics: Virtuous Relationships and Diligent Processes that Account for Both Shared and Conflicting Values.Werdie van Staden - 2019 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 26 (3):203-206.
    The article by Potter and Rif S. El-Mallakh read empathically, invokes a sense of fulfilment in their experiences, serving as inspiration for others to learn and practice ethics better. It describes their growth that has culminated to this sense of fulfilment and inspirational dignity. Crucial for this desirable growth has been, I want to highlight, their good investment in virtuous relationships and diligent processes. I also highlight from their article a potential conceptual restriction to growing in our learning and (...)
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    Model choice and crucial tests. On the empirical epistemology of the Higgs discovery.Peter Mättig & Michael Stöltzner - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 65:73-96.
    : Our paper discusses the epistemic attitudes of particle physicists on the discovery of the Higgs boson at the Large Hadron Collider. It is based on questionnaires and interviews made shortly before and shortly after the discovery in 2012. We show, to begin with, that the discovery of a Standard Model Higgs boson was less expected than is sometimes assumed. Once the new particle was shown to have properties consistent with SM expectations – albeit with significant experimental uncertainties –, there (...)
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    Crucial resources to strengthen the desire to live.May Vatne & Dagfinn Nåden - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (3):294-307.
    Background: Suicidality is a life-and-death struggle in deep loneliness and psychological pain. There is a lack of knowledge about what could help the suicidal patients’ struggle for continued life. The aim of this study was to develop a deeper understanding of suicidal patients in the aftermath of suicidal attempts. The research question was ‘What resources in the person himself or herself and his or her surroundings are crucial in a suicidal crisis to maintaining the will to live and hope (...)
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    Thought Experiments.Nenad Miscevic - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This book offers a readable introduction to the main aspects of thought experimenting in philosophy and science. It presents the main options in understanding thought experiments, from empiricism to Platonism, and discusses their strengths and weaknesses. However, it also provides some original perspectives on the topic. Firstly, it provides a new definition and analysis of thought experimenting that brings it closer to laboratory experimenting. Secondly, it develops the author’s earlier theory of “mental modelling”, proposed some decades ago by him, and (...)
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    Einstein's reinterpretation of the Fizeau experiment: How it turned out to be crucial for special relativity.Alejandro Cassini & Marcelo Leonardo Levinas - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 65 (C):55-72.
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    Aesthetic Experience and Somaesthetics.Richard Shusterman (ed.) - 2018 - Boston: Brill.
    This essay collection explores the crucial connections between aesthetic experience and the interdisciplinary field of somaesthetics. After examining philosophical accounts of embodiment and aesthetic experience, the essays apply somaesthetic theory to the diverse fine arts and the art of living.
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  39. The Contents of Experience: Essays on Perception.Tim Crane - 1992 - Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Tim Crane.
    The nature of perception has long been a central question in philosophy. It is of crucial importance not just in the philosophy of mind, but also in epistemology, metaphysics, aesthetics, and the philosophy of science. The essays in this 1992 volume not only offer fresh answers to some of the traditional problems of perception, but also examine the subject in light of contemporary research on mental content. A substantial introduction locates the essays within the recent history of the subject, (...)
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    The possibility of knowing the essence of bodies through scientific experiments in Spinoza’s controversy with Boyle.Austria Graz - 2024 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 33 (1):86-110.
    In this paper, I argue for a novel reading of Spinoza’s position in his exchange with Boyle about Boyle’s experiment with nitre. Boyle claimed to have shown through experiments that nitre ceased to be nitre after heating. Spinoza disagreed and proposed the alternative hypothesis that nitre has changed its state and not its nature. Spinoza’s position was construed in the literature as rational scepticism denying that experiments can yield knowledge of essences because all sensory experience is underdetermined and open (...)
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    Crucial Contributions.Brooke A. Scelza & Katie Hinde - 2019 - Human Nature 30 (4):371-397.
    Maternal grandmothers play a key role in allomaternal care, directly caring for and provisioning their grandchildren as well as helping their daughters with household chores and productive labor. Previous studies have investigated these contributions across a broad time period, from infancy through toddlerhood. Here, we extend and refine the grandmothering literature to investigate the perinatal period as a critical window for grandmaternal contributions. We propose that mother-daughter co-residence during this period affords targeted grandmaternal effort during a period of heightened vulnerability (...)
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  42.  22
    Commentary: Feeling the Conflict: The Crucial Role of Conflict Experience in Adaptation.Anna Foerster, Roland Pfister, Heiko Reuss & Wilfried Kunde - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Perceptual experience and its contents.Josefa Toribio - 2002 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 23 (4):375-392.
    The contents of perceptual experience, it has been argued, often include a characteristic “non-conceptual” component (Evans, 1982). Rejecting such views, McDowell (1994) claims that such contents are conceptual in every respect. It will be shown that this debate is compromised by the failure of both sides to mark a further, and crucial, distinction in cognitive space. This is the distinction between what is doubted here as mindful and mindless modes of perceiving: a distinction which cross-classifies the conceptual / non-conceptual (...)
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    Galilean resonances: the role of experiment in Turing’s construction of machine intelligence.Bernardo Gonçalves - 2024 - Annals of Science 81 (3):359-389.
    In 1950, Alan Turing proposed his iconic imitation game, calling it a ‘test’, an ‘experiment’, and the ‘the only really satisfactory support’ for his view that machines can think. Following Turing’s rhetoric, the ‘Turing test’ has been widely received as a kind of crucial experiment to determine machine intelligence. In later sources, however, Turing showed a milder attitude towards what he called his ‘imitation tests’. In 1948, Turing referred to the persuasive power of ‘the actual production of (...)
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    Una reivindicación de los experimentos cruciales.Alejandro Cassini - 2015 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 40 (1):105-137.
    in this paper i assess Pierre Duhem’s criticism of crucial experiments, and argue that we have reasons to vindicate their existence. i then analize the experiments carried out by Fizeau and Foucault in 1850, and criticize Duhem’s interpretation of their results. i contend that the results of crucial experiences can be described in terms that are neutral with respect to the competing theories. For that reason an experimental result is relatively stable and open to different interpretations in the (...)
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  46.  27
    Livestream Experiments: The Role of COVID-19, Agency, Presence, and Social Context in Facilitating Social Connectedness.Kelsey E. Onderdijk, Dana Swarbrick, Bavo Van Kerrebroeck, Maximillian Mantei, Jonna K. Vuoskoski, Pieter-Jan Maes & Marc Leman - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:647929.
    Musical life became disrupted in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many musicians and venues turned to online alternatives, such as livestreaming. In this study, three livestreamed concerts were organized to examine separate, yet interconnected concepts—agency, presence, and social context—to ascertain which components of livestreamed concerts facilitate social connectedness. Hierarchical Bayesian modeling was conducted on 83 complete responses to examine the effects of the manipulations on feelings of social connectedness with the artist and the audience. Results showed that in concert (...)
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  47.  4
    Experiments, Surveys, and Philosophy.Manuel Pérez Otero - 2024 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 42:288-319.
    RESUMEN Algunos autores estamos interesados por cierto ámbito o enfoque de la actividad filosófica usualmente denominado "filosofía experimental". El objetivo fundamental de este artículo es analizar los rasgos principales que caracterizan a dicha especialidad, conforme al sentido en que comenzó a utilizarse esa etiqueta. Entre otras consideraciones, se constatará que la denominación "filosofía experimental" es parcialmente acertada, pero también parcialmente equívoca debido a dos razones. Una razón queda de manifiesto en discusiones contemporáneas que localizan antecedentes de ese enfoque en conexiones (...)
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  48. (1 other version)Transformative Experience and the Right to Revelatory Autonomy.Farbod Akhlaghi - 2022 - Analysis (1):1-10.
    Sometimes it is not us but those to whom we stand in special relations that face transformative choices: our friends, family, or beloved. A focus upon first-personal rational choice and agency has left crucial ethical questions regarding what we owe to those who face transformative choices largely unexplored. In this paper, I ask: under what conditions, if any, is it morally permissible to interfere with to try to prevent another from making a transformative choice? Some seemingly plausible answers to (...)
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    Parents’ experiences of neonatal transfer. A meta‐study of qualitative research 2000–2017.Hanne Aagaard, Elisabeth O. C. Hall, Mette S. Ludvigsen, Lisbeth Uhrenfeldt & Liv Fegran - 2018 - Nursing Inquiry 25 (3):e12231.
    Transfers of critically ill neonates are frequent phenomena. Even though parents’ participation is regarded as crucial in neonatal care, a transfer often means that parents and neonates are separated. A systematic review of the parents’ experiences of neonatal transfer is lacking. This paper describes a meta‐study addressing qualitative research about parents’ experiences of neonatal transfer. Through deconstruction and reflections of theories, methods, and empirical data, the aim was to achieve a deeper understanding of theoretical, empirical, contextual, historical, and methodological (...)
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    (1 other version)From Experience to Metaphysics: On Experience‐based Intuitions and their Role in Metaphysics.Jiri Benovsky* - 2013 - Noûs 49 (4):684-697.
    Metaphysical theories are often counter‐intuitive. But they also often are strongly supported and motivated by intuitions. One way or another, the link between intuitions and metaphysics is a strong and important one, and there is hardly any metaphysical discussion where intuitions do not play a crucial role. In this article, I will be interested in a particular kind of such intuitions, namely those that come, at least partly, from experience. There seems to be a route from experience to metaphysics, (...)
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