Results for 'critical criminology'

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  1.  22
    Critical Criminology and Literary Criticism.Rafe McGregor - 2021 - Bristol: Bristol University Press.
    There is increasing pressure on the humanities to justify their value and on criminology to undertake interdisciplinary research. In this book, Rafe McGregor establishes a new interdisciplinary methodology, ‘criminological criticism’, harnessing the synergy between literary studies and critical criminology to produce genuine interventions in social reality. -/- McGregor practices criminological criticism on George Miller’s ‘Mad Max: Fury Road’, Prime Video’s ‘Carnival Row’ and J.K. Rowling’s ‘The Cuckoo’s Calling’, demonstrating how these popular allegories provide insights into the harms (...)
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    In Praise of Critical Criminology.Pat Carlen - 2005 - Outlines 7 (2):83-90.
    This short essay examines the relationship between academic research and policy with particular emphasis on the question of whether a critical criminology can engage in academic critique at the same time as engaging in policy oriented research. Recognising that critical criminology falls between theory and politics criminologists are urged to adopt pragmatic, strategic positions as they negotiate their role in contentious debates and practical minefields. It is concluded that a critical criminology must try not (...)
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    Rafe McGregor, Critical Criminology and Literary Criticism.Marta Benenti - 2024 - Rivista di Estetica 86 (86):218-219.
    Rafe McGregor’s Critical Criminology and Literary Criticism is a book as unusual as it is challenging for philosophers of literature and aestheticians. Unsurprisingly, the perspective adopted by a non-professional philosopher, in this case a criminologist, manages to raise fundamental philosophical questions. First and foremost, the ambition of McGregor’s inquiry is that of making some difference to society, a call that philosophers still tend to ignore. Readjusting Karl Marx’s famous epitaph...
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    Advances towards a critical criminology.Ian Taylor, Paul Walton & Jock Young - 1974 - Theory and Society 1 (4):441-476.
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    Rafe McGregor, "Critical Criminology and Literary Criticism.".Washington Morales Maciel - 2022 - Philosophy in Review 42 (4):29-31.
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    Building on the shoulders of Bhaskar and Matthews: a critical realist criminology.Matthew Wilkinson, Muzammil Quraishi, Lamia Irfan & Mallory Schneuwly Purdie - 2021 - Journal of Critical Realism 21 (2):123-144.
    Building on the insights of the late Roy Bhaskar and the late Roger Matthews, as well as some recent developments in ultra-realist criminology, this article introduces and delineates some core inte...
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    A Criminology of Narrative Fiction.Rafe McGregor - 2021 - Bristol: Bristol University Press.
    Criminology has been reluctant to embrace fictional narratives as a tool for understanding, explaining and reducing crime and social harm. -/- In this philosophical enquiry, McGregor uses examples from films, television, novels and graphic novels to demonstrate the extensive criminological potential of fiction around the world. Building on previous studies of non-fiction narratives, the book is the first to explore the ways criminological fiction provides knowledge of the causes of crime and social harm. -/- For academics, practitioners and students, (...)
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    Literary Theory and Criminology.Rafe McGregor - 2023 - Abingdon: Routledge.
    Literary Theory and Criminology demonstrates the significance of contemporary literary theory to the discipline of criminology, particularly to those criminologists who are primarily concerned with questions of power, inequality, and harm. Drawing on innovations in philosophical, narrative, cultural, and pulp criminology, it sets out a deconstructive framework as part of a critical criminological critique-praxis. -/- This book comprises eight essays – on globalisation, criminological fiction, poststructuralism, patriarchal political economy, racial capitalism, anthropocidal ecocide, critical theory, and (...)
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  9.  83
    An Epistemology of Criminological Cinema.David Grčki & Rafe McGregor - 2024 - Abingdon: Taylor & Francis. Edited by Rafe McGregor.
    Standing at the intersection of criminology and philosophy, this book demonstrates the ways in which mythic movies and television series can provide an understanding of actual crimes and social harms. Taking three social problems as its subjects – capitalist political economy, structural injustice, and racism – the book explores the ways in which David Fincher’s Fight Club (1999), HBO’s Game of Thrones (2011–2019), and Jordan Peele’s Us (2019) offer solutions by reconceiving justice in terms of personal and collective transformation, (...)
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    Research Ethics in Criminology.Gerry Johnstone - 2005 - Research Ethics 1 (2):60-66.
    This paper provides a brief but critical review of current thinking and debate about research ethics in criminology; it falls into two parts. The first part of the paper describes the sorts of ethical issues that tend to be flagged up in ‘textbook’ accounts of ethics in criminological research; some recent efforts to devise codes of ethics for researchers in criminology; and developments in what might be termed the ‘ethical policing’ of social research. The second part briefly (...)
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  11. Just married: the synergy between feminist criminology and the Tripartite Cybercrime Framework.Suleman Lazarus - 2019 - International Social Science Journal 69 (231):15-33.
    This article is a theoretical treatment of feminist epistemology of crime, which advocates the centrality of gender as a theoretical starting point for the investigating of digital crimes. It does so by exploring the synergy between the feminist perspectives and the Tripartite Cybercrime Framework (TCF) (which argues that three possible factors motivate cybercrimes – socioeconomic, psychosocial, and geopolitical) to critique mainstream criminology and the meaning of the term “cybercrime”. Additionally, the article examines gender gaps in online harassment, cyber‐bullying, cyber‐fraud, (...)
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  12.  9
    The Origins of Radical Criminology: From Homer to Pre-Socratic Philosophy.Stratos Georgoulas - 2018 - Springer Verlag.
    This book critically explores the development of radical criminology through a range of written Ancient Greek works including epic and lyrical poetry, drama and philosophy, across different chapters. It traces the development of political power and the concepts of law, legitimacy, crime, justice and deviance in the Ancient Greek world and the political struggles that propelled that development, using the conflict perspective as a conceptual tool of the sociological analysis of reality. Theoretical discussions of crime and justice typically stem (...)
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  13.  46
    H. J. Eysenck in Fagin’s kitchen: the return to biological theory in 20th-century criminology.Nicole Hahn Rafter - 2006 - History of the Human Sciences 19 (4):37-56.
    In 1964, the British psychologist Hans Jürgen Eysenck published Crime and Personality, the book that set forth his theory of the criminal as a psychopathic poor conditioner. Crime and Personality went through three editions, and even those who vehemently rejected the theory acknowledged it as the most highly articulated and influential biological explanation of crime of its time. Yet today Eysenck’s name is fading from criminological memory - and none too soon, in the opinion of critics who continue to anathematize (...)
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  14.  13
    Critical perspectives on coercive interventions: law, medicine and society.Claire Spivakovsky (ed.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    Coercive medico-legal interventions are often employed to prevent people deemed to be unable to make competent decisions about their health, such as minors, people with mental illness, disability or problematic alcohol or other drug use, from harming themselves or others. These interventions can entail major curtailments of individuals' liberty and bodily integrity, and may cause significant harm and distress. The use of coercive medico-legal interventions can also serve competing social interests that raise profound ethical, legal and clinical questions. Examining the (...)
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  15.  13
    Radical and Marxist Theories of Crime.Michael J. Lynch & Paul Stretesky (eds.) - 2011 - Ashgate.
    Radical or Marxist criminology is an influential critique which emerged in the late 1960s and emphasizes how power inequality and structures, especially those related to class, affect the nature of crime, law and justice. The essays selected for this volume draw attention to the influence of structural forces, neglected crime and the ways in which law and criminal justice processes reinforce power structures and contribute to class control.
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    Violence Is a Cleansing Force: Frantz Fanon, the Criminological Imagination, and Blade Runner 2049.Rafe McGregor - 2023 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 57 (3):69-86.
    Abstract:Frantz Fanon is best known as the author of two monographs: Black Skin, White Masks (1952), a literary and psychological account of Black experience and anti-Black racism, and The Wretched of the Earth (1961), a political manifesto arguing for the need to respond to colonial oppression with revolutionary violence. His critics contend that the disciplinary division evinces a failure to successfully integrate the psychological with the political, which detracts from his intellectual legacy. In this article, I employ criminologist Jon Frauley’s (...)
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  17.  24
    Emerging new voices in critical animal studies: vegan studies for total liberation.Nathan Poirier, Anthony J. Nocella & Annie Bernatchez (eds.) - 2022 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Emerging New Voices in Critical Animal Studies: Vegan Studies for Total Liberation, co-edited by Nathan Poirier, Anthony J. Nocella II, and Annie Bernatchez of the Institute for Critical Animal Studies, is a brilliant radical engaging intersectional book promoting total liberation from new fresh critical animal studies voices throughout the world. This captivating critical animal studies collection, influenced by historical and ongoing radical movements such as green anarchism, Black liberation, prison abolition, feminism, Queer liberation, disability rights, and (...)
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    ¿Partisanos latinofoucaultinos? Elementos para una historia del saber crítico al poder securitario-punitivo en Argentina.Gabriela Seghezzo - 2024 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 45 (131):54-86.
    In a situation of advance and consolidation of the ultra-right in Latin America, in which security claims and government interventions in the name of the “combat against insecurity” have been one of its most dynamic vectors, this work is aimed at exploring the contours of another approach to the question of crimes and punishments. During the seventies, in the heat of dictatorships and exiles, a critical, combative, partisan criminological model was forged in Argentina. This other model is tributary of (...)
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  19.  25
    Colonialism and Animality: Anti-Colonial Perspectives in Critical Animal Studies.Kelly Struthers Montford & Chloë Taylor (eds.) - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    "The fields of settler colonial, decolonial, and postcolonial studies, as well as Critical Animal Studies are growing rapidly, but how do the implications of these endeavours intersect? Colonialism and Animality: Anti-Colonial Perspectives in Critical Animal Studies explores some of the ways that the oppression of Indigenous persons and more-than-human animals are interconnected. Composed of twelve chapters by an international team of specialists plus a Foreword by Dinesh Wadiwel, the book is divided into four themes: Tensions and Alliances between (...)
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  20.  15
    Travels of the Criminal Question: Cultural Embeddedness and Diffusion.Dario Melossi, Máximo Sozzo & Richard Sparks (eds.) - 2011 - Hart.
    The expression 'the criminal question' does not at present have much currency in English-language criminology. The term was carried across from Italian debates about the orientation of criminology, and in particular debates about what came to be called critical criminology. One definition offered early in the debate described it as 'an area constituted by actions, institutions, policies and discourses whose boundaries shift'. According to this writer, crime, and the cultural and symbolic significance carried by law and (...)
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  21.  11
    Corruption and Anti-Corruption in Policing-Philosophical and Ethical Issues.Seumas Miller - 2016 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    High levels of police corruption have been a persistent historical tendency in police services throughout the world. While the general area of concern in this book is with police corruption and anti-corruption, the focus is on certain key philosophical and ethical issues that arise for police organisations confronting corruption. On the normative account proffered in this book the principal institutional purpose of policing is the protection of legally enshrined moral rights and the principal institutional anti-corruption arrangement is what is referred (...)
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    Event and Victimization.Dale Spencer - 2011 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 5 (1):39-52.
    This article contributes to recent existentialist interventions in critical criminology (see Lippens and Crewe 2009) and offers the existential concept of ‘event’ as a guiding image for critical victimology. Whereas existential criminologists have examined crime and wrongdoing, very little attention has been given to victimization. I utilize the existential phenomenology of Martin Heidegger and Claude Romano to offer a critique of existing approaches to victimization within mainstream criminology and develop an evential analytic to understand the event (...)
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  23.  44
    Introduction: Aesthetic Education through Narrative Art.Rafe McGregor - 2023 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 57 (3):1-11.
    Abstract:The purpose of this introduction is to set out the scope and content of this special issue of the Journal of Aesthetic Education, which takes Aesthetic Education through Narrative Art as its subject. I begin by delineating the “aesthetic” itself and then identifying the denotation of “aesthetic education” with which the issue’s authors are concerned. This is followed by a characterization of “narrative art” that belies my preference for representation rather than art and draws attention to the multiple modes of (...)
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    Segurança vs. dignidade – o problema da tortura revisitado pela criminologia do reconhecimento.Giovani Saavedra - 2008 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 53 (2):90-106.
    The crucial problem the proposed paper tries to shed light upon is especially the link between the concept of recognition, dignity of human persons. These problems are analyzed from the perspective of a critical criminology. The thesis of the paper is that Axel Honneth’s work on recognition offers a fruitful framework to those who want to criticize functional approaches to criminal law, for those who want to develop a critical criminology and a negative foundation of the (...)
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  25.  21
    Narrative Redemption: A Commentary of McGregor's Narrative Justice.Vladimir Rizov - 2020 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 54 (4):26-35.
    Rafe McGregor's Narrative Justice provides a powerful argument for the merit of an education by and through aesthetics as a way of challenging criminal inhumanity. As a work at the intersection of critical criminology and philosophy, it is a challenging and thoughtful articulation of the criminological imagination.1 Ultimately, McGregor's argument highlights the possibility of a political education through aesthetic engagement. The exemplary narratives that McGregor uses are varied and richly evocative. My commentary on the book is in keeping (...)
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  26.  34
    Building Abolition: Decarceration and Social Justice.Chloe Taylor & Kelly Struthers Montford (eds.) - 2021 - Routledge.
    Building Abolition: Decarceration and Social Justice explores the intersections of the carceral in projects of oppression, while at the same time providing intellectual, pragmatic, and undetermined paths toward abolition. Prison abolition is at once about the institution of the prison, and a broad, intersectional political project calling for the end of the social structured by settler colonialism, anti-black racism, and related oppressions. Beyond this, prison abolition is a constructive project that imagines and strives for a transformed world in which justice (...)
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  27.  23
    The Just Prison? Women’s Prison Reform and the Figure of the “Offender-as-Victim” in Germany.Friederike Faust & Klara Nagel - 2024 - Studies in Social Justice 18 (2):264-282.
    During the 1990s, the Berlin women’s prison was reformed to do justice to female inmates. This redesigning of space and programs was intended to meet women-specific conditions and needs. The present paper engages with this prison reform as transformation in the name of gender justice. Based on interviews with prison reformers, criminologists, and policymakers, as well as on the analysis of historical documents, we illuminate how a specific figure of the “criminalized woman” helps to translate the abstract notion of social (...)
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  28.  12
    Violence and harm in the animal industrial complex: human-animal entanglements.Gwen Hunnicutt, Richard Twine & Kenneth W. Mentor (eds.) - 2025 - New York: Routledge.
    This book grapples with multispecies violent exploitations embedded in corridors of power within the Animal-Industrial Complex (A-IC). The A-IC is a useful framework for understanding how exploitative human-animal relations are central to capitalist relations and profit accumulation. 'A-IC-related-violence' - killing animals for economic gain - has a ripple effect which results in profound consequences for humans as well. This collection of international scholarship explores topics as varied as how A-IC-related-violence is reproduced and sustained through rapidly changing discursive strategies, ideological architecture, (...)
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  29. Theorizing Criminal Law Reform.Roger A. Shiner - 2009 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 3 (2):167-186.
    How are we to understand criminal law reform? The idea seems simple—the criminal law on the books is wrong: it should be changed. But 'wrong’ how? By what norms 'wrong’? As soon as one tries to answer those questions, the issue becomes more complex. One kind of answer is that the criminal law is substantively wrong: that is, we assume valid norms of background political morality, and we argue that doctrinally the criminal law on the books does not embody those (...)
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  30.  12
    Imagens da ideologia punitiva: "nova direita" e hegemonia político-criminal.Samuel Silva Borges - 2022 - Belo Horizonte: Editora D'Plácido.
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    Crime, justice and human rights.Leanne Weber - 2014 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan. Edited by Marinella Marmo & Elaine Fishwick.
    Crime, Justice and Human Rights is an introduction to the philosophy, law and politics of human rights, uniquely tailored to criminologists and criminal justice practitioners. Integrating human rights and criminological frameworks across a range of subject areas - from criminalization and state crime, to crime prevention and critical analyses of the operation of the police, courts and penal system - the authors highlight both the potential and the limitations of human rights in informing new directions in criminology. Featuring (...)
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    Why Criminalize?: New Perspectives on Normative Principles of Criminalization.Thomas Søbirk Petersen - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    The book defines and critically discusses the following five principles: the harm principle, legal paternalism, the offense principle, legal moralism and the dignity principle of criminalization. The book argues that all five principles raise important problems that point to rejections (or at least a rethink) of standard principles of criminalization. The book shows that one of the reasons why we should reject or revise standard principles of criminalization is that even the most plausible versions of the harm principle and legal (...)
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  33.  36
    Law and Marxism: a general theory.Evgeniĭ Bronislavovich Pashukanis - 1978 - London: Ink Links. Edited by C. J. Arthur.
    "E. B. Pashukanis was the most significant contemporary to develop a fresh, new Marxist perspective in post-revolutionary Russia. In 1924 he wrote what is probably his most influential work, The General Theory of Law and Marxism. In the second edition, 1926, he stated that this work was not to be seen as a final product but more for ""self-clarification"" in hopes of adding ""stimulus and material for further discussion."" A third edition was printed in 1927. Pashukanis's ""commodity-exchange"" theory of law (...)
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    Social Cohesion and Legal Coercion: A Critique of Weber, Durkheim, and Marx.Leon Shaskolsky Sheleff (ed.) - 1997 - Brill | Rodopi.
    The book is a critical analysis of the work of Max Weber, Emile Durkheim and Karl Marx. It focuses on their separate analyses of the role of law in society, pointing out their faults and errors, and the resultant impact on modern social science. The author takes issue with Weber's work on rationality, with Durkheim's work on repressive and restitutive law, and with Marx's work on social justice and law as part of the super-structure. In each section of the (...)
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  35. Unethical and Unwell: Decrements in Well-Being and Unethical Activity at Work.Robert A. Giacalone & Mark D. Promislo - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (2):275-297.
    Previous research on unethical business behavior usually has focused on its impact from a financial or philosophical perspective. While such foci are important to our understanding of unethical behavior, we argue that another set of outcomes linked to individual well-being are critical as well. Using data from psychological, criminological, and epidemiological sources, we propose a model of unethical behavior and well-being. This model postulates that decrements in well-being result from stress or trauma stemming from being victimized by, engaging in, (...)
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  36.  51
    Law and the beautiful soul.Alan William Norrie - 2005 - Portland, Or.: Published in the United States by Cavendish.
    What is law? How is legal responsibility defined? How does law reflect moral judgment? Why are law's definitions uncertain and conflicted? Basic questions for liberal law and criminal justice - what could they have to do with the forgotten historical figure of the Beautiful Soul? Starting from concrete legal issues, Alan Norrie develops a critical vision of law in its relation to morality and socio-historical context. Liberal law, he argues, is marked by splits and contradictions (antinomies), signs of something (...)
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  37.  10
    Can the University Escape From the Labyrinth of Technology? Part 4: Extending the Strategy to Medicine, the Social Sciences, and the University.Willem H. Vanderburg - 2006 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 26 (3):204-216.
    This fourth part outlines a strategy for overcoming the limitations of the knowledge system for engineering by combining intellectual maps, preventive approaches, umbrella concepts, and round tables as described in the earlier parts. A discussion of the issues faced by modern medicine illustrates the paradigmatic nature of the diagnosis and prescription made for engineering. The social sciences face mirror-image problems. One response has been the rise of new disciplines such as communications, environmental studies, urban affairs, criminology, and policy studies. (...)
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    Predictive Sentencing: Normative and Empirical Perspectives.Jan W. De Keijser, Julian V. Roberts & Jesper Ryberg (eds.) - 2019 - Hart Publishing.
    Predictive Sentencing addresses the role of risk assessment in contemporary sentencing practices. Predictive sentencing has become so deeply ingrained in Western criminal justice decision-making that despite early ethical discussions about selective incapacitation, it currently attracts little critique. Nor has it been subjected to a thorough normative and empirical scrutiny. This is problematic since much current policy and practice concerning risk predictions is inconsistent with mainstream theories of punishment. Moreover, predictive sentencing exacerbates discrimination and disparity in sentencing. Although structured risk assessments (...)
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    Sketching Women in Court: The Visual Construction of Co-accused Women in Court Drawings.Charlotte Barlow - 2016 - Feminist Legal Studies 24 (2):169-192.
    This paper explores the visual construction and representation of co-accused women offenders in court drawings. It utilises three case studies of female co-defendants who appeared in the England and Wales court system between 2003 and 2013. In doing so this paper falls into three parts. The first part considers the emergence of the sub-discipline, visual criminology and examines what is known about the visual representation of female offenders. The second part presents the findings of an empirical investigation, which involved (...)
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    Opportunity: optimizing life's chances.Donald Morris - 2006 - Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Can you recognize an opportunity when it comes your way? Even though the concept seems fairly basic, most people harbor regrets about missed opportunities that in retrospect might have significantly improved their lives. This book will give you the critical tools to sort through the complexities that often obscure the perception of an opportunity and help you take full advantage of what author Donald Morris calls high-end opportunities - pivotal situations that can change your life for the better.Morris begins (...)
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    Narrative Justice.Rafe McGregor - 2018 - Rowman & Littlefield International.
    This important new book provides an original and compelling argument for a new theory of aesthetic education. Rafe McGregor proposes a model of interdisciplinary inquiry, applying a combined philosophical and critical approach to illuminate issues in a social science. The book makes an original contribution to the field of narrative criminology.
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    Epistemologies of predictive policing: Mathematical social science, social physics and machine learning.Jens Hälterlein - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (1).
    Predictive policing has become a new panacea for crime prevention. However, we still know too little about the performance of computational methods in the context of predictive policing. The paper provides a detailed analysis of existing approaches to algorithmic crime forecasting. First, it is explained how predictive policing makes use of predictive models to generate crime forecasts. Afterwards, three epistemologies of predictive policing are distinguished: mathematical social science, social physics and machine learning. Finally, it is shown that these epistemologies have (...)
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  43.  9
    The philosophy of criminal law: an introduction.Christopher Cowley - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Nicola Padfield.
    The Philosophy of Criminal Law: An Introduction explores the central concepts of criminal law, such as intention, complicity, duress, and how they work, both within criminal law practice and in our everyday lives, from legal and philosophical perspectives. At the heart of the book is the central philosophical concept of responsibility: what does it mean to be responsible for an act, to hold someone responsible for an act, or to give an excuse in order to avoid responsibility for an act? (...)
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    A Précis of Punishment.Thom Brooks - 2015 - Philosophy and Public Issues - Filosofia E Questioni Pubbliche 5 (1).
    Punishment is a topic of increasing importance for citizens and policy-makers. The same can be said for academic researchers and students. Mass imprisonment has reached record high levels while public confidence is often lacking. New thinking is required urgently to address these challenges. Moreover, there have been several key developments in the philosophy of punishment over the last 20 years absent in leading guides including the communicative theory of punishment, restorative justice and my novel unified theory of punishment. -/- My (...)
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    The digital witness: The role of digital evidence in criminal justice responses to sexual violence.Alexa Dodge - 2018 - Feminist Theory 19 (3):303-321.
    While the low conviction rate for cases of sexual violence is often justified by the so-called ‘he-said-she-said’ nature of these cases, the increasing presence of digital evidence has begun to challenge this justification. This digital evidence can provide new opportunities for intervening in and prosecuting sexual violence. However, it may also be used against complainants or deemed still insufficient for proving guilt. Thus, while digital evidence may be challenging typical criminal justice responses to sexual violence, it may equally be utilised (...)
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    Michel Foucault: An Introduction (review).Barry Smart - 2001 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 39 (3):458-458.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 39.3 (2001) 458 [Access article in PDF] Philip Barker. Michel Foucault: An Introduction. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1998. Pp. xiii + 160. Paper, $19.00. The significance and value of an analyst's contribution to intellectual life and understanding is to be found in the influence his or her ideas exert on forms of thought and analysis. In the case of Michel Foucault the impact (...)
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    Ecocide and Khattam-Shud.Avi Brisman - 2023 - The Journal of Aesthetic Education 57 (3):107-123.
    Abstract:In the spirit of green cultural criminology, which considers the way(s) in which environmental crime, harm, and disaster are constructed, represented, and envisioned by the news media and in popular cultural forms, and narrative criminology, which explores how stories can influence (promote, curb, prevent, or resist) action, including harmful action, this provisional article seeks to intercede (although, perhaps, “intervene,” in the McGregorian sense, is more accurate) in the debate, of sorts, between the Indian writer Amitav Ghosh and the (...)
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    Scientism: a word we need.John Cowburn - 2013 - Preston, Vic.: Mosaic Press.
    Scientism' is indeed a word that we need. We need it because it describes a way of thinking that has profound and radical implications in almost every sphere of life. We need it because that way of thinking is becoming more and more dominant in Western culture... John Cowburn first introduces us to scientism as the belief "that only scientific knowledge is valid", "that science can explain and do everything and that nothing else can explain or do anything" and "that (...)
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    Monstrous ontologies: politics ethics materiality.Caterina Nirta & Andrea Pavoni (eds.) - 2021 - Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press.
    While the presence of monsters in popular culture is ever-increasing, their use as an explicit or implicit category to frame, stigmatise, and demonise the other is seemingly on the rise. At the same time, academic interest for monsters is ever-growing. Usually, monstrosity is understood as a category that emerges to signal a transgression to a given order; this approach has led to the demystification of the insidious characterisations of the (racial, sexual, physical) other as monstrous. While this effort has been (...)
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    Somatic multiplicities: The microbiome-gut-brain axis and the neurobiologized educational subject.James Reveley - 2024 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 56 (1):52-62.
    Therapeutic translations of the microbiome-gut-brain (MGB) axis are reconstructing the educational subject in a manner amenable to Foucauldian analysis. Yet, at the same time, under the sway of MGB research social scientists are taking a biosocial turn that threatens the integrity of Foucault’s historicizing philosophical project. Meeting that challenge head-on, this article argues that the MGB axis augments the neurobiological constitution of the educational subject by means of a dietetic mode of subjectivation. Absent a pedagogical element, there is a hollowness (...)
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