Results for 'création continuée'

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  1.  38
    Création continuée, inertie ontologique et discontinuité temporelle.Harry Frankfurt & Michelle-Irène B. De Launay - 1987 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 92 (4):455 - 472.
    Le présent essai se propose d'appréhender la doctrine cartésienne selon laquelle ce qui existe ne saurait subsister sans que Dieu le soutienne dans l'être par une activité créatrice continuée. Comment Dieu soutient-il l'existence et pourquoi lui est-il nécessaire de le faire ? L'auteur analyse l'apparente contradiction, qui fait problème, entre la doctrine de la création continuée et l'affirmation par Descartes que le mouvement se poursuit à moins que n'intervienne quelque force extérieure. Il examine ensuite, pour la récuser, (...)
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    Démontrer Dieu : Leibniz et l’argument de la création continuée.Paul Rateau - 2021 - Archives de Philosophie 84 (2):115-152.
    Leibniz admet la thèse de la création continuée. Le but de cet article est de montrer les raisons pour lesquelles, à ses yeux, les tentatives de Descartes et de Weigel pour s’en servir comme preuve de l’existence de Dieu ont échoué et ce qui, dans sa propre métaphysique, empêche l’élaboration d’une démonstration pleinement satisfaisante sur son fondement. Il n’est pas sûr en effet que Leibniz soit parvenu à concilier parfaitement la nécessité de la dépendance permanente des créatures à (...)
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  3. Le Labyrinthe temporel. Simplicité, persistance et création continuée chez Leibniz.Jean-Pascal Anfray - 2014 - Archives de Philosophie 77 (1):43-62.
    How to reconcile monadic simplicity with the successive plurality of the monadic states ? The doctrine of continued creation seems to entail the existence of independent temporal parts and thus lead to the thesis that the world contains only transitory things. I try to show how Leibniz has the resources to get out of this quandary. The analysis of the concept of extension shows that a plurality of states does not constitute a divisible aggregate. Then I examine the Leibnizian interpretation (...)
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    Descartes, Bergson, and Continuous Creation.Khafiz Kerimov - 2018 - Methodos 18.
    René Descartes with his theory of continued creation occupies an exceptional place in the philosophy of Henri Bergson: Descartes is subjected to Bergson’s repeated criticism like no other philosopher. Yet, in L’évolution créatrice Bergson appears to oscillate in his criticism of Descartes. Bergson discovers in the theory of continued creation a thought of freedom, of an indeterminate future, which is not far from his own thought of duration. Bergson thus advances a thesis in accordance with which Descartes’ theory of continued (...)
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    La conception atemporaliste de la création dans les débats de philosophie analytique contemporaine.Paul Clavier - 2018 - Revue des Sciences Philosophiques Et Théologiques 102 (1):37-62.
    Longtemps éclipsée, la question de la compatibilité de la (pre)science divine avec la liberté a été exhumée dans les débats de philosophie analytique. Les promoteurs de la logique temporelle ont proposé un argument d’incompatibilité qui continue d’exercer la sagacité des commentateurs. L’objet de cet article est de suggérer que la conception atemporaliste de Dieu, dont on explique pourquoi elle est si peu en vogue aujourd’hui, est à même, sinon de résoudre complètement, au moins d’atténuer considérablement ces problèmes de compatibilité, qui (...)
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  6. Liberté et volonté chez Bayle et Malebranche.Jean-Luc Solere - 2018 - In Le Malebranchisme à l’épreuve de ses Amis et de ses Ennemis. Paris: pp. 97-128.
    La conception malebranchiste de la liberté est originale. Malebranche ne croit pas en une liberté d’indifférence absolue, c'est-à-dire en une capacité d’opérer un choix indépendamment de toute motivation. Il ne croit pas non plus que nous puissions indifféremment choisir entre deux motivations de force inégale : au moment où on se détermine, le bien le plus grand (du moins selon l’apparence) l’emporte. La liberté réside seulement dans le fait que l’on n’est pas obligé de se déterminer : nous pouvons toujours (...)
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    Penser la liberté et le temps avec Kant: la fondation morale de l'existence.Pascal Gaudet - 2014 - Paris: L'Harmattan.
    La philosophie critique de Kant, en posant la question de la possibilité, mise en oeuvre architectoniquement, du pouvoir de penser, s'institue comme "ontologie" existentielle. L'architectonique des pouvoirs de l'esprit, en sa destination "morale", constitue, en effet, l'"Etre" même de l'homme, soit la fondation (transcendantale) de toute manière d'exister proprement "humaine", les troubles existentiels se révélant être, par hypothèse, autant de déconstitutions de cette architectonique. Le problème du surgissement de l'Idée architectonique et de sa mise en oeuvre temporelle peut donc être (...)
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    L'augustinisme des preuves cartésiennes de l'existence de Dieu.Laurence Devillairs - 2004 - Archives de Philosophie 1 (1):23-50.
    Dans l’Epître aux Méditations, Descartes affirme que toute l’utilité de sa philosophie réside dans la « solidité » des preuves de l’existence de Dieu qu’elle propose. C’est par un effort de détachement de l’esprit des sens et par un retour sur soi, sur des raisons tout « intérieures », que ces démonstrations s’élaborent et acquièrent évidence et certitude. Cette méthode n’est-elle pas la reprise, en philosophie moderne, de l’itinéraire augustinien de l’âme vers Dieu?
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  9. Methods and systematic reflections.Indications of Creation in Contemporary Astrophysics - 2001 - Ultimate Reality and Meaning 24:209.
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  10. Franck dalmas.Imagined Existences & A. Phenomenology of Image Creation - 2009 - In Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (ed.), Existence, historical fabulation, destiny. Springer Verlag. pp. 93.
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    Kant and the Creation of Freedom: A Theological Problem.Christopher J. Insole - 2013 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press UK.
    Kant actively struggles with the problem of how to conceive of God's creative action in relation to human freedom. He comes to the view that human freedom can only be protected if God withdraws in certain ways from the created world. The two pillars of Kant's mature philosophy - transcendental idealism and freedom - are in part shaped and motivated by Kant's need to provide a solution to his theological problem. The medieval and early modern theological tradition conceives of divine (...)
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    A Stakeholder Theory Perspective on Business Models: Value Creation for Sustainability.Birte Freudenreich, Florian Lüdeke-Freund & Stefan Schaltegger - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 166 (1):3-18.
    Business models are developed and managed to create value. While most business model frameworks envision value creation as a uni-directional flow between the focal business and its customers, this article presents a broader view based on a stringent application of stakeholder theory. It provides a stakeholder value creation framework derived from key characteristics of stakeholder theory. This article highlights mutual stakeholder relationships in which stakeholders are both recipients and creators of value in joint value creation processes. Key findings include that (...)
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  13.  29
    Sustaining Continuous Engagement in Value Co-creation Among Individuals in Universities Using Online Platforms: Role of Knowledge Self-Efficacy, Commitment and Perceived Benefits.Nabil Hasan Al-Kumaim, Abdulsalam K. Alhazmi, T. Ramayah, Muhammad Salman Shabbir & Nadhmi A. Gazem - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Value Co-Creation plays a major role in engaging knowledgeable individuals in a community via innovation, problem solving, and new service/product development. This study investigates the personal factors that influence individuals’ engagement in value co-creation in Higher Education Institutions through the use of online platforms. Some higher education institutions have successfully established or used appropriate online platforms, such as online forums, web applications, and mobile applications to engage their community in ideation or crowdsourcing as a part of the value co-creation process. (...)
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    Experimental Sound Creation, Cyberfeminism and Virtual Communities in Latin America.Libertad Figueroa - 2021 - Feminist Review 127 (1):114-118.
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    Experiencing and the Creation of Meaning: A Philosophical and Psychological Approach to the Subjective.Maurice Natanson - 1963 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 24 (4):597-597.
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  16. The Christian Doctrine of Creation and Redemption.Emil Brunner & Olive Wyon - 1952
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  17.  17
    Penser avec Whitehead: une libre et sauvage création de concepts.Isabelle Stengers - 2002
    L'ambition de ce livre, et elle est grande, est de faire vivre à son lecteur, qu'il soit ou non philosophe, le trajet fulgurant qui, en quelques années, a transformé le mathématicien Alfred North Whitehead en philosophe spéculatif. De la pierre grise que je vois là jusqu'à la création du Dieu qu'exige la cohérence spéculative, il s'agit bel et bien de cette " libre et sauvage création de concepts " associée à la philosophie anglaise par Deleuze et Guattari dans (...)
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  18.  30
    Cognitive science, continuous creation, and zygon moving on.Arthur C. Petersen - 2020 - Zygon 55 (1):3-5.
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    Demands of Justice: The Creation of a Global Human Rights Practice by Ann Marie Clark.Steven D. Roper - 2022 - Human Rights Review 23 (3):447-449.
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    Creativity, God, and Creation.Theodore R. Vitali - 1985 - Modern Schoolman 62 (2):75-95.
  21.  52
    On the Co‐Creation of Classical and Modern Physics.Richard Staley - 2005 - Isis 96 (4):530-558.
    While the concept of “classical physics” has long framed our understanding of the environment from which modern physics emerged, it has consistently been read back into a period in which the physicists concerned initially considered their work in quite other terms. This essay explores the shifting currency of the rich cultural image of the classical/modern divide by tracing empirically different uses of “classical” within the physics community from the 1890s to 1911. A study of fin‐de‐siècle addresses shows that the earliest (...)
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  22. Infinity and Creation.”.Richard Sorabji - 1987 - In Philoponus and the rejection of Aristotelian science. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press. pp. 164--78.
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    Anti‐natalism and the Creation of Artificial Minds.Bartlomiej “Bartek” Chomanski - 2021 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 38 (5):870-885.
    Journal of Applied Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  24. Glimpses of the New Creation: Worship and the Formative Power of the Arts.[author unknown] - 2019
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  25. Berkeley on Continuous Creation: Occasionalism Contained.Sukjae Lee - 2018 - In Stefan Storrie (ed.), Berkeley's Three Dialogues: New Essays. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. pp. 106-122.
  26. Inconscient spirituel et création artistique.S. Guena - 1999 - Nova et Vetera 74 (3):75-86.
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    Science, Intelligibility, Creation.Scott G. Hefelfinger - 2011 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 14 (2):131-148.
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  28. Ritual as the creation of social reality.Ana Iltis - 2012 - In David Solomon, Ruiping Fan & Bingxiang Luo (eds.), Ritual and the moral life: reclaiming the tradition. Dordrecht: Springer.
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  29. The Gift: Creation.K. L. SCHMITZ - 1982
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  30. On the creation of the cosmos (29e-31b).Michael Share - 2008 - In Dirk Baltzly (ed.), Proclus: Commentary on Plato's Timaeus: Volume 4, Book 3, Part 2, Proclus on the World Soul. Cambridge University Press.
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  31. Trust and the creation of biobanks : biobanking in Japan and the UK.Tohru Masui - 2009 - In Margaret Sleeboom-Faulkner (ed.), Human genetic biobanks in Asia: politics of trust and scientific advancement. New York: Routledge.
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    illycaffè: Value Creation through Responsible Supplier Relationships.Francesco Perrini & Angeloantonio Russo - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 5 (Special Issue):139-169.
    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is gaining momentum in the business world, but several issues continue to challenge managers in charge of sustainability. Supply chain management is one area in which CSR-related activities could potentially drive the process of sustainability within firms. This case presents the way that illycaffè, an Italian coffee producer, has approached CSR. Since 1991, the company has focused on developing a new relationship with Brazilian coffee producers based on networking translated into knowledge transfer—Brazilian producers became responsible for (...)
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  33. " The new creation": Eleventh Oxford Institute of methodist theological studies (13-22 août 2002).Joseph Famerée - 2003 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 34 (2):269-270.
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  34. The Idea of Creation.Douglas Fawcett - 1922 - Hibbert Journal 21:585.
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  35. Raison et création.Georges Mottier - 1949 - Studia Philosophica 9:142.
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  36. Partnerships for Knowledge Creation.Salvatore Parise & Laurence Prusak - 2006 - In Laurence Prusak & Eric Matson (eds.), Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning: A Reader. Oxford University Press.
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  37. Miracles of Creation: Bergson and Levinas.Nicolas de Warren - 2010 - In Michael R. Kelly (ed.), Bergson and phenomenology. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
  38. (1 other version)Space, Time and Creation.Milton K. Munitz - 1959 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 10 (37):83-85.
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    Social Movement Organization Leaders and the Creation of Markets for “Local” Goods.Sara Jane McCaffrey & Nancy B. Kurland - 2016 - Business and Society 55 (7):1017-1058.
    Research illustrates that social movements can fuel new markets and that these markets can create social change, but the role of leaders in this process is less understood. This exploratory interview-based study of the localism movement contributes to such understanding. It articulates the relationship of social movement leaders and the legitimacy of their organizations to new market creation. Specifically, leaders in this study engaged in a dual role to legitimize their organizations and to legitimize the movement. At an organizational level, (...)
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    Discovery and creation in music.Donald Walhout - 1986 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 45 (2):193-195.
  41. The Cross and Creation in Christian Liturgy and Art.[author unknown] - 2013
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  42. Atheism and artistic creation.J. Loukotka - 1982 - Filosoficky Casopis 30 (4):544-556.
  43.  78
    Resistance, flight, creation: feminist enactments of French philosophy.Dorothea Olkowski (ed.) - 2000 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    The collection also contains a comprehensive bibliography of feminist thinkers who are enacting French philosophy in English, German, and French.
  44. Is Thomas Aquinas's account of creation compatible with contemporary science?Brandon Zimmerman - 2020 - The Australasian Catholic Record 97 (3):320.
    Q: Is Thomas Aquinas's account of creation compatible with the account of the natural world given by the contemporary empirical sciences?
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  45. God's creation of morality.Tim Mawson - 2002 - Religious Studies 38 (1):1-25.
    In this paper, I argue that classical theists should think of God as having created morality. In form, my position largely resembles that defended by Richard Swinburne. However, it differs from his position in content in that it evacuates the category of necessary moral truth of all substance and, having effected this tactical withdrawal, Swinburne's battle lines need to be redrawn. In the first section, I introduce the Euthyphro dilemma. In the second, I argue that if necessary moral truths are (...)
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    On the Concept of Creation in the Philosophy of Benedict Spinoza.Rostyslav Dymerets - 2003 - Sententiae 8 (1):43-60.
    Through the analysis of modes, man and the concept of intellectus in Spinoza's philosophy, the author shows that creation is reduced to the concept of cognitive activity of intellectus. The essence of intellectus is to bridge the gap between the modality and substance of reality, and a specific, given modal possibility, expressed in desire, which signals the gap, manifested through affects. For Spinoza, creation shifts from the sphere of the will to the sphere of the action of intellectus. Thus, creation (...)
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  47. Genesis outdoors: Getting creative about creation.Marc Tumeinski - 2018 - Teaching Theology and Religion 1 (21):58.
    Describe a successful classroom teaching tactic that could be replicated by other instructors. -/- The context: This activity was used in a required undergraduate introductory theology course at a Catholic college. I tried this exercise a month into class, at the start of a section on creation in Genesis. -/- The pedagogical purpose: The activity encourages students to deepen the skill of reading and understanding the Bible. It also invites students to use their imagination in recognizing the goodness and variety (...)
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    Biotechnology and the Creation of Health Care Needs.Brian S. Baigrie & Patricia J. Kazan - 1997 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 2 (3-4):113-126.
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    Stewardship: Whose Creation Is It Anyway?Judith Barad-Andrade - 1991 - Between the Species 7 (2):11.
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    Does God 'act' in creation? A bonaventurian response.Ilia Delio - 2003 - Heythrop Journal 44 (3):328–344.
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