Results for 'corporeals'

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  1. Theorising corporate citizenship. Jeremy moon, Andrew Crane and Dirk Matten / corporate power and responsibility : A citizenship perspective; Christopher Cowton / governing the corporate citizen : Reflections on the role of professionals; Tatjana schönwälder-kuntze.Corporate Citizenship From A. View - 2008 - In Jesús Conill Sancho, Christoph Luetge & Tatjana Schó̈nwälder-Kuntze, Corporate Citizenship, Contractarianism and Ethical Theory: On Philosophical Foundations of Business Ethics. Ashgate Pub. Company.
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    Corporate Corruption: How the Theories of Reinhold.Limit Corporate Corruption - 2005 - In Nicholas Capaldi, Business and religion: a clash of civilizations? Salem, MA: M & M Scrivener Press.
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  3. lhe Ethics of Organizational Transformation: Mergers, Takeovers and.Corporate Restructuring - forthcoming - Business Ethics.
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  4. Ralph Nader.Corporations Universities - 1983 - In James Hamilton Schaub, Karl Pavlovic & M. D. Morris, Engineering professionalism and ethics. Malabar, Fla.: Krieger Pub. Co.. pp. 276.
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    Online Certificate.Corporate Citizenship - forthcoming - Business Ethics.
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  6. Chapter outline.A. Personal, Corporate Indispensability, B. Personal, Corporate Infallibility, A. God—Humanism, C. Family—Career, D. Work—Leisure, E. Interdependence—Independence, I. Thrift—Debt & J. Absolute—Relative - forthcoming - Moral Management: Business Ethics.
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  7. Meeting Sheryle at the Gym 'Michael JB Jackson'.Mens Sana & Sano In Corpore - 2000 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 13:61.
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  8. Heidegger and Modern Existentialism Bryan Magee Talked to William Barrett.William Barrett, Bryan Magee & British Broadcasting Corporation - 1977 - British Broadcasting Corporation.
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  9. The Two Philosophies of Wittgenstein Bryan Magee Talked to Anthony Quinton.Anthony Quinton, Bryan Magee & British Broadcasting Corporation - 1976 - British Broadcasting Corporation.
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    Towards an Ethics of Community: Negotiations of Difference in a Pluralist Society.James Olthuis & Canadian Corporation for Studies in Religion (eds.) - 2006 - Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press.
    How do we deal with difference personally, interpersonally, nationally? Can we weave a cohesive social fabric in a religiously plural society without suppressing differences? This collection of significant essays suggests that to truly honour differences in matters of faith and religion we must publicly exercise and celebrate them. The secular/sacred, public/private divisions long considered sacred in the West need to be dismantled if Canada (or any nation state) is to develop a genuine mosaic that embraces fundamental differences instead of a (...)
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  11. An Introduction to Philosophy Bryan Magee Talked to Isaiah Berlin.Isaiah Berlin, Bryan Magee & British Broadcasting Corporation - 1976 - British Broadcasting Corporation.
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  12. Donald W. Shriver, Jr.Heory Ethics, Agency TheoryThe Twilight of Corporate StrategyBusiness EthicsBeyond Success Corporations & Their Critics in Thes James W. Kuhn - 1991 - The Ruffin Series in Business Ethics 1991.
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  13. Marxist Philosophy.Charles Taylor & British Broadcasting Corporation - 1977 - Bbc-Tv. Edited by Bryan Magee.
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  14. Philosophy, the Social Context.Ernest Gellner & British Broadcasting Corporation - 1977 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences Distributed by Bbc Worldwide America's. Edited by Bryan Magee.
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  15. Lawrence Zacharias.KaufmanEthics Through Corporate StrategyThe Politics of EthicsManagers vsOwners The Struggle for Corporate Control In American Democracy Allen - 1995 - The Ruffin Series in Business Ethics 1995.
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  16. John Orlando.The Ethics of Corporate Downsizing 31 - 2003 - In William H. Shaw, Ethics at work: basic readings in business ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    The Collected Works of John Dewey, 1882-1953: (Windows).John Dewey, Folio Corporation & Intelex Corporation - 1992
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  18. The Ideas of Chomsky Bryan Magee Talked to Noam Chomsky.Noam Chomsky & British Broadcasting Corporation - 1977 - British Broadcasting Corporation.
  19. Philosophy and Literature.Iris Murdoch & British Broadcasting Corporation - 1977 - Bbc-Tv.
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  20. Christian philosophy.Lawrence Edward Lynch & Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - 1963 - Toronto,: Canadian Broadcasting.
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  21. The Philosophy of Science Bryan Magee Talked to Hilary Putnam.Bryan Magee, Hilary Putnam & British Broadcasting Corporation - 1977 - British Broadcasting Corporation.
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    Proceedings of the 1986 Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning about Knowledge: March 19-22, 1988, Monterey, California.Joseph Y. Halpern, International Business Machines Corporation, American Association of Artificial Intelligence, United States & Association for Computing Machinery - 1986
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    The Aesthetics of the Invisible—At the Margins of Phenomenology.Technology Meirav Almog Kibbutzim College of Education, the ArtsMeirav Almog, the Arts in Tel-Aviv Technology, in Particular Israelshe Specializes in Twentieth Century Continental Philosophy, Aesthetics Her Research Interests Phenomenology, Alterity Publications Concern Questions Regarding Corporeality, Intersubjective Relations Dialogue & Human Existence The Relations Between Style - 2025 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 11 (1):47-61.
    The paper focuses on the complex relations between aesthetics and phenomenology as they show themselves within the core locus of their interplay—the realm of the visible and the invisible. To do so, the paper examines a specific case study, a Rembrandt painting—A Woman Bathing in a Stream (1654)—through which the discussion illuminates the interconnected and inseparable relationship between aesthetics and phenomenology in relation to Merleau-Ponty’s ontology of the visible and the invisible. The reading addresses both dimensions of the visible: the (...)
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  24. The Ideas of Quine Bryan Magee Talked to Willard van Orman Quine.W. V. Quine, Bryan Magee & British Broadcasting Corporation - 1977 - British Broadcasting Corporation.
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  25. The Correspondence of John Dewey.John Dewey, Larry A. Hackman, Center for Dewey Studies & InteLex Corporation - 1999
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  26. The Philosophy of Language Bryan Magee Talked to John R. Searle.John Rogers Searle, Bryan Magee & British Broadcasting Corporation - 1977 - British Broadcasting Corporation.
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  27. Logical Positivism and its Legacy Bryan Magee Talked to A.J. Ayer.Bryan Magee, A. J. Ayer & British Broadcasting Corporation - 1976 - British Broadcasting Coproration.
  28. Moral Philosophy. Bryan Magee Talked to R.M. Hare.R. M. Hare, Bryan Magee & British Broadcasting Corporation - 1977 - British Broadcasting Corporation.
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  29. A Life of Time.Robert Llewellyn, Russell Stannard, Tessa Coombs, Andrew Law & British Broadcasting Corporation - 2001 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences.
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  30. The Spell of Linguistic Philosophy Bryan Magee Talked to Bernard Williams.Bryan Magee, Bernard Arthur Owen Williams & British Broadcasting Corporation - 1977 - British Broadcasting Corporation.
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    Religion Dans L'histoire.Michel Despland, Gérard Vallée & Canadian Corporation for Studies in Religion - 1992 - Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press.
    The history of the concept of “religion” in Western tradition has intrigued scholars for years. This important collection of eighteen essays brings further light to the ongoing debate. Three of the invited participants, W.C. Smith, M. Despland and E. Feil, has each previously written impressive books treating this subject; the last two acknowledged the impact and continuing influence of Smith’s work, The Meaning and End of Religion. An introduction and a recapitulation of Smith’s contribution as a scholar set the stage (...)
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  32. Marxist Philosophy.Tony Tyley, Bryan Magee, Charles Taylor, Janet Hoenig & Inc British Broadcasting Corporation - 1997 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences Distributed Under License From Bbc Worldwide Americas.
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  33. Philosophy, the Social Context.Tony Tyley, Janet Hoenig, Bryan Magee, Ernest Gellner & Inc British Broadcasting Corporation - 1997 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences Distributed by Bbc Worldwide America's.
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  34. The Philosophy of Science.Toney Tyley, Janet Hoenig, Bryan Magee, Hilary Putnam & Inc British Broadcasting Corporation - 1997 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences Distributed Under License From Bbc Worldwide Americas.
  35. Philosophy and Politics Bryan Magee Talked to Ronald Dworkin.R. M. Dworkin, Bryan Magee & British Broadcasting Corporation - 1977 - British Broadcasting Corporation.
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  36. Philosophy and Politics.Tony Tyley, Janet Hoenig, Bryan Magee, R. M. Dworkin & Inc British Broadcasting Corporation - 1997 - Films for the Humanities & Sciences Distributed by Bbc Worldwide Americas.
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  37. Feeling for Form in Physics.David Peat, Paul Buckley, Roger Penrose, P. A. M. Dirac & Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - 1970 - Cbc Learning Systems // 1006l.
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    Software engineering code of ethics and professional practice: version 4.Corporate Ieee-cs-acm Joint Task Force On Software Engineering Ethics - 1998 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 28 (2):29-32.
  39. Measuring Corporate Social Responsibility: A Scale Development Study.Duygu Turker - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (4):411-427.
    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is one of the most prominent concepts in the literature and, in short, indicates the positive impacts of businesses on their stakeholders. Despite the growing body of literature on this concept, the measurement of CSR is still problematic. Although the literature provides several methods for measuring corporate social activities, almost all of them have some limitations. The purpose of this study is to provide an original, valid, and reliable measure of CSR reflecting the responsibilities of a (...)
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    Corporate Reputation and Philanthropy: An Empirical Analysis.Stephen Brammer & Andrew Millington - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 61 (1):29-44.
    This paper analyzes the determinants of corporate reputation within a sample of large UK companies drawn from a diverse range of industries. We pay particular attention to the role that philanthropic expenditures and policies may play in shaping the perceptions of companies among their stakeholders. Our findings highlight that companies which make higher levels of philanthropic expenditures have better reputations and that this effect varies significantly across industries. Given that reputational indices tend to reflect the financial performance of organizations above (...)
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    Corporate Social Responsibility and Credit Ratings.Najah Attig, Sadok El Ghoul, Omrane Guedhami & Jungwon Suh - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 117 (4):679-694.
    This study provides evidence on the relationship between corporate social responsibility and firms’ credit ratings. We find that credit rating agencies tend to award relatively high ratings to firms with good social performance. This pattern is robust to controlling for key firm characteristics as well as endogeneity between CSR and credit ratings. We also find that CSR strengths and concerns influence credit ratings and that the individual components of CSR that relate to primary stakeholder management matter most in explaining firms’ (...)
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    Corporate Governance Meets Corporate Social Responsibility: Mapping the Interface.Dima Jamali, Georges Samara, Tanusree Jain & Rashid Zaman - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (3):690-752.
    Despite ample research on corporate governance (CG) and corporate social responsibility (CSR), there is a lack of consensus on the nature of the relationship between these two concepts and on how this relationship manifests across institutional contexts. Drawing on the national business systems approach, this article systematically reviews 218 research articles published over a 27-year period to map how CG–CSR research has evolved and progressed theoretically and methodologically across different institutional contexts. To shed light on the full gamut of the (...)
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  43. Do corporations have minds of their own?Kirk Ludwig - 2017 - Philosophical Psychology 30 (3):265-297.
    Corporations have often been taken to be the paradigm of an organization whose agency is autonomous from that of the successive waves of people who occupy the pattern of roles that define its structure, which licenses saying that the corporation has attitudes, interests, goals, and beliefs which are not those of the role occupants. In this essay, I sketch a deflationary account of agency-discourse about corporations. I identify institutional roles with a special type of status function, a status role, in (...)
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  44. The Corporate Power Trilemma.Rutger Claassen & Michael Bennett - 2022 - Journal of Politics 84 (4):2094-2106.
    Authors critical of corporate power focus almost exclusively on one solution: bringing it under democratic control. However important this is, there are at least two other options, which are rarely discussed: reducing powerful firms’ size and influence, or accepting corporate power as a necessary evil. This article provides a comparative perspective for evaluating all three options. It argues that the trade-offs we face in responding to corporate power have a trilemmatic structure. The pure strategies of accepting powerful firms, breaking them (...)
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    Corporate Governance and CSR Nexus.Maretno A. Harjoto & Hoje Jo - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 100 (1):45 - 67.
    Some argue that managers over-invest in corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities to build their personal reputations as good global citizens. Others claim that CEOs strategically choose CSR activities to reduce the probability of CEO turnover in a future period through indirect support from activists. Still others assert that firms use CSR activities to signal their product quality. We find that firms use governance mechanisms, along with CSR engagement, to reduce conflicts of interest between managers and non-investing stakeholders. Employing a large (...)
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  46. Corporate philanthropy in the U.k. 1985–2000 some empirical findings.David Campbell, Geoff Moore & Matthias Metzger - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 39 (1-2):29 - 41.
    This paper briefly reviews the theories that seek to explain the phenomenon of corporate charitable donations and then provides a review of the empirical issues that have arisen in previous studies in this area. The findings of an analysis of charitable donations data from the entire U.K. FTSE index for the years 1985–2000 are then reported. These findings include the observation of a time-related increase in charitable donations, which is compared with an earlier study to give a 24 year history (...)
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  47. Corporate Crocodile Tears? On the Reactive Attitudes of Corporate Agents.Gunnar Björnsson & Kendy Hess - 2017 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 94 (2):273–298.
    Recently, a number of people have argued that certain entities embodied by groups of agents themselves qualify as agents, with their own beliefs, desires, and intentions; even, some claim, as moral agents. However, others have independently argued that fully-fledged moral agency involves a capacity for reactive attitudes such as guilt and indignation, and these capacities might seem beyond the ken of “collective” or “ corporate ” agents. Individuals embodying such agents can of course be ashamed, proud, or indignant about what (...)
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  48. Theorising Corporate Social Responsibility as an Essentially Contested Concept: Is a Definition Necessary?Adaeze Okoye - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (4):613-627.
    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become indispensable in modern business discourse; yet identifying and defining what CSR means is open to contest. Although such contestation is not uncommon with concepts found in the social sciences, for CSR it presents some difficulty for theoretical and empirical analysis, especially with regards to verifying that diverse application of the concept is consistent or concomitant. On the other hand, it seems unfeasible that the diversity of issues addressed under the CSR umbrella would yield to (...)
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    Corporate Crime in the Pharmaceutical Industry (Routledge Revivals).John Braithwaite - 2013 - Routledge.
    First published in 1984, this book examines corporate crime in the pharmaceutical industry. Based on extensive research, including interviews with 131 senior executives of pharmaceutical companies in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Mexico and Guatemala, the book is a major study of white-collar crime. Written in the 1980s, it covers topics such as international bribery and corruption, fraud in the testing of drugs and criminal negligence in the unsafe manufacturing of drugs. The author considers the implications of his (...)
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    “Political” Corporate Social Responsibility in Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises: A Conceptual Framework.Christopher Wickert - 2016 - Business and Society 55 (6):792-824.
    “Political” corporate social responsibility involves businesses taking a political role to address “regulatory gaps” caused by weak or insufficient social and environmental standards and norms. The literature on political CSR focuses mostly on how large multinational corporations can address environmental and social problems that arise globally along their supply chains. This article addresses political CSR of small- and medium-sized enterprises. SMEs represent a major share of economic value creation worldwide and are increasingly exposed to regulatory gaps. Although SMEs differ substantially (...)
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