Results for 'complexity and truth in educational research'

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  1.  71
    (1 other version)Complexity and truth in educational research.Mike Radford - 2008 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 40 (1):144–157.
    This paper considers the impact of complexity theory on the way in which we see propositions corresponding to the reality that they describe, and our concept of truth in that context. A contingently associated idea is the atomistic expectation that we can reduce language to primitive units of meaning, and tie those in with agreed units of experience. If we see both language and the reality that it describes and explains as complex, this position becomes difficult to maintain. (...)
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    Consistency, understanding and truth in educational research.Andrew Davis - 2006 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 40 (4):487–500.
    What do Elliot Eisner's discussions of objectivity mean for the strength of the link between consistency and truth in educational research? Following his lead, I pursue this question by comparing aspects of qualitative educational research with appraising the arts. I argue that some departures from the highest levels of consistency in assessing the arts are compatible with truth and objectivity, and that this is at least suggestive for how consistency in qualitative educational (...) should be viewed. In the final part of the paper I look at some problems inherent in comparing the value of works of art, and consider whether similar issues arise when we attempt to grade different kinds of educational research. (shrink)
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    Analyzing Complex Longitudinal Data in Educational Research: A Demonstration With Project English Language and Literacy Acquisition Data Using xxM.Oi-Man Kwok, Mark Hok-Chio Lai, Fuhui Tong, Rafael Lara-Alecio, Beverly Irby, Myeongsun Yoon & Yu-Chen Yeh - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:299293.
    When analyzing complex longitudinal data, especially data from different educational settings, researchers generally focus only on the mean part (i.e., the regression coefficients), ignoring the equally important random part (i.e., the random effect variances) of the model. By using Project English Language and Literacy Acquisition (ELLA) data, we demonstrated the importance of taking the complex data structure into account by carefully specifying the random part of the model, showing that not only can it affect the variance estimates, the standard (...)
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    Thinking in education research: applying philosophy and theory.Nick Peim - 2018 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
    Thinking in Education Research examines the resources available from philosophy and theory that can be practically applied to any educational research project. Nick Peim argues that the current well-established divide between theory and the empirical in research methods is unhelpful to students. Instead, Thinking in Education Research looks at major lines of thinking in modern European philosophy, from Kant to Freud and Derrida to Malabou, and how they provide a rich resource for every stage of (...)
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    A narrative approach exploring philosophy in education and educational research.Steven A. Stolz & Jānis T. Ozoliņš - 2017 - Educational Studies 44 (5):578-593.
    The use of narrative – in this case a fictional dialogue – has been a time-honoured way of exploring ideas and most importantly indispensable for learning, at least since the time of the Sophists. Indeed, the dialogues of Plato exemplify this thesis because the qualities and characteristics of philosophy and philosophising are revealed through their lives. Extending on this premise, we would argue that we learn to understand both the unity and complexity of philosophy – particularly in education and (...)
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    Theory and philosophy in education research: methodological dialogues.John Quay (ed.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    The issue of methodology is a fundamental concern for all who engage in educational research. Presenting a series of methodological dialogues between eminent education researchers including Michael Apple, Gert Biesta, Penny Enslin, John Hattie, Nel Noddings, Michael Peters, Richard Pring and Paul Smeyers, this book explores the ways in which they have chosen and developed research methods to style their investigations and frame their arguments. These dialogues address the specialized and technical aspects of conducting educational (...), conceptualize the relationship between methodology and theory, and provide in-depth discussion of concerns including falsifiability, openness, interpretation and researcher judgement. Foregrounding the researchers' first-hand experience and knowledge, this book will provide future and current researchers with a deeper comprehension of the place of theory in education research. An illuminating resource for undergraduate and postgraduate researchers alike, Theory and Philosophy in Education Researchconfronts the intricate complexities of conducting education research in a highly engaging and accessible way. (shrink)
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    In Dialogue: Response to Frede V. Nielsen's?Didactology as a Field of Theory and Research in Music Education?Sophie Haroutunian-Gordon - 2005 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 13 (1):95-98.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy of Music Education Review 13.1 (2005) 95-98 [Access article in PDF] Response to Frede V. Nielsen's "Didactology as a Field of Theory and Research in Music Education" Sophie Haroutunian-Gordon Northwestern University Let me begin by acknowledging what is about to become obvious: I am not a musicologist, music educator, or a philosopher of music education. I am, however, a philosopher of education and a devoted student of (...)
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    (Mis)Understanding Human Beings: Theory, Value, and Progress in Education Research.Karl Hostetler - 2010 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 46 (4):400-415.
    There is renewed interest in what can be called an experimentist approach to education research. The claim is that if researchers would focus on experiments and evidence-based policies and practices, irreversible progress in education can be achieved. This experimentist approach cannot provide the understanding of knowledge and human beings needed for meaningful progress in education. Lacking is adequate appreciation for the role of theory, particularly ethical and other philosophical theory. We especially need a theory of our human condition and (...)
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  9. Reclaiming Metaphysical Truth for Educational Research.Robert Archer - 2002 - British Journal of Educational Studies 50 (3):339-362.
    It is not uncommon in educational research and social science in general either to eschew the word truth or to put it in scare quotes in order to signify scepticism about it. After the initial wave of relativism in the philosophy of natural science, a second wave has developed in social science with the rise of postmodernism and poststructuralism. The tendency here is to relativise truth or to bracket out questions of truth. In contradistinction, this (...)
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  10.  81
    (1 other version)Complexity and educational research: A critical reflection.Lesley Kuhn - 2008 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 40 (1):177–189.
    Judgements concerning proper or appropriate educational endeavour, methods of investigation and philosophising about education necessarily implicate perspectives, values, assumptions and beliefs. In recent years ideas from the complexity sciences have been utilised in many domains including psychology, economics, architecture, social science and education. This paper addresses questions concerning the appropriateness of utilising complexity science in educational research as well as issues relating to the ways in which complexity might be engaged. I suggest that, just (...)
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  11.  74
    Pitfalls and promises: The use of secondary data analysis in educational research.Emma Smith - 2008 - British Journal of Educational Studies 56 (3):323-339.
    This paper considers the use of secondary data analysis in educational research. It addresses some of the promises and potential pitfalls that influence its use and explores a possible role for the secondary analysis of numeric data in the 'new' political arithmetic tradition of social research. Secondary data analysis is a relatively under-used technique in Education and in the social sciences more widely, and it is an approach that is not without its critics. Here we consider two (...)
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  12.  54
    (1 other version)Settling no Conflict in the Public Place: Truth in education, and in Rancièrean scholarship.Charles Bingham - 2010 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 42 (5-6):649-665.
    This essay offers an educational understanding of truth deriving from the work of Jacques Rancière. Unlike other educational accounts—the traditional, progressive, and critical accounts—of truth that take education as a way of approaching pre‐existing truths (or lack of pre‐existing truths), this essay establishes an account of truth that is intrinsic to education. It uses Rancière's language theory to do so, showing that Rancière's own perspective on truth is in fact opposed to the one so (...)
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  13.  16
    Democratic Discord in Schools: Cases and Commentaries in Educational Ethics.Meira Levinson & Jacob Fay (eds.) - 2019 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard Education Press.
    _Teaching in a democracy is challenging and filled with dilemmas that have no easy answers._ For example, how do educators meet their responsibilities of teaching civic norms and dispositions while remaining nonpartisan? _Democratic Discord in Schools_ features eight normative cases of complex dilemmas drawn from real events designed to help educators practice the type of collaborative problem solving and civil discourse needed to meet these challenges of democratic education. Each of the cases also features a set of six commentaries written (...)
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  14.  34
    Truth in Complex Adaptive Systems models should be based on proof by constructive verification.David Shipworth - unknown
    It is argued that the truth status of emergent properties of complex adaptive systems models should be based on an epistemology of proof by constructive verification and therefore on the ontological axioms of a non-realist logical system such as constructivism or intuitionism. ‘Emergent’ properties of complex adaptive systems models create particular epistemological and ontological challenges. These challenges bear directly on current debates in the philosophy of mathematics and in theoretical computer science. CAS research, with its emphasis on computer (...)
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  15.  80
    Pursuing truth in narrative research.Jane W. O’Dea - 1994 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 28 (2):161–172.
    In substituting aesthetic criteria for the time-honoured yardsticks of reliability, validity and generalization, narrative researchers are sometimes criticized for devaluing the notion of truth. This paper suggests that what is an issue here is not so much empirical quantitative truth as rather artistic literary truth. The latter notion of truth is characterized in terms of ‘authenticity’ and the ramifications of authentic truth for narrative research are posited and explored. Only such an understanding of (...) and the resolve seriously to apply it will garner narrative researchers the epistemic respectability they seek. (shrink)
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  16.  52
    Realism and educational research: new perspectives and possibilities.David Scott - 2000 - New York: Falmer Press.
    Much education research takes place under a convenient but spurious assumption that there is a common purpose to education research, and a common epistemology. This book takes a clear-sighted and perceptive look at the underlying truths of education research, and in refining our understanding of the subject paves the way to improving our methods and practice. It addresses the theoretical conceptual elements educational discourses that inform most debates about educational research, including: education and its (...)
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  17.  10
    The Methodological Dilemma: Creative, Critical, and Collaborative Approaches to Qualitative Research.Kathleen Gallagher (ed.) - 2008 - Routledge.
    This thought-provoking book challenges the way research is planned and undertaken and equips researchers with a variety of creative and imaginative solutions to the dilemmas of method and representation that plague qualitative research. Fascinating and inspiring reading for any researcher in the Social Sciences this comprehensive collection encourages the reader to imagine the world in evermore complex and interesting ways and discover new routes to understanding. Some of the most influential figures in educational research consider questions (...)
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  18.  9
    Dancing in the Rain: Leading with Compassion, Vitality, and Mindfulness in Education.Jerome T. Murphy - 2016 - Harvard Education Press.
    __Dancing in the Rain_ offers a lively and accessible guide aimed at helping education leaders thrive under pressure by developing the inner strengths of mindfulness and self-compassion, expressing emotions wisely, and maintaining a clear focus on the values that matter most._ Jerome T. Murphy, a scholar and former dean who has written and taught about the inner life of education leaders, argues that the main barrier to thriving as leaders is not the outside pressures we face, but how we respond (...)
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  19.  62
    (1 other version)Complexity and Education: Vital simultaneities.Brent Davis - 2008 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 40 (1):50-65.
    This article explores the place of complexity science within education and educational research. The discussion begins with the suggestion that educational research has a history of adopting interpretive frames from other domains with little adaptation. Complexity science is argued to compel a different sort of positioning, one that requires accommodation and participation rather than unproblematized assimilation and application. The argument is developed by considering the following simultaneities in education (and) research: knower and knowledge; (...)
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  20.  22
    The fear problematique: role of philosophy of education in speaking truths to powers in a culture of fear.R. Michael Fisher - 2023 - Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.
    The author, with over three decades of focused research on fear and fearlessness and 45 years as an emancipatory educator, argues that philosophy and philosophy of education have missed several great opportunities to help bring about theoretical and meta-perspectival clarity, wisdom and compassion, and practical ways to the sphere of fear management/education (FME) throughout history. FME is not simple, nor a luxury, it is complex. It's foundational to good curriculum but it requires careful philosophical critique. This book embarks on (...)
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  21.  10
    The changing face of colonial education in Africa: Education, science and development.Graham A. Duncan - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1).
    This review article enters into discussion with Peter Kallaway, in his work, The Changing Face of Colonial Education in Africa: Education, Science and Development, who raises serious issues related to the historical development of South Africa’s education during the first half of the 19th century and its current situation and future prospects in the broader context of African education. Education is a dynamic process that encompasses the formal and informal sectors historically. In South Africa, the informal was the norm for (...)
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  22.  20
    Heesoon Bai is Associate Professor at Simon Fraser University in Canada. She teaches Philosophy of Education, and her research interests are in ethics, epistemology, ecology, and Asian philosophies. Recent publications include co-authored article,“'To see a world in a grain of sand': Complexity and moral education,” in Complicity: An international Journal of Complex. [REVIEW]Gert Biesta - 2008 - In Denise Egéa-Kuehne (ed.), Levinas and Education: At the Intersection of Faith and Reason. New York: Routledge. pp. 287.
  23.  10
    Connecting science, technology, and society in the education of citizens.John J. Patrick - 1985 - Boulder, Colo.: ERIC Clearinghouse for Social Studies/Social Science Education. Edited by Richard C. Remy.
    Designed to help educators address science-related social issues, this publication considers: (1) major challenges associated with science-related social issues; (2) the extent to which these challenges are being met; (3) ways in which educators can improve the education of citizens in science, technology, and social issues; and (4) promising practices that can contribute to building connections between social studies and science curricula. Three challenges outlined in the first of five sections include: (1) informing citizens about complex social issues and decisions, (...)
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  24.  45
    Epistemic injustice: complicity and promise in education.A. C. Nikolaidis & Winston C. Thompson - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 57 (4-5):781-790.
    The 2007 publication of Miranda Fricker’s celebrated book Epistemic Injustice: Power and the Ethics of Knowing gave way to a burgeoning area of study in philosophy of education. The book’s arguments create a context for expanding the scope of work on epistemic issues in education by moving beyond direct explorations of the distribution of epistemic goods and the role of power in curriculum development. Since that time, the rich scholarship on epistemic injustice in philosophy of education examines a variety of (...)
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  25.  48
    Education, knowledge, and truth: beyond the postmodern impasse.David Carr (ed.) - 1998 - New York: Routledge.
    Seeking to reinstate the importance of knowledge, truth and curriculum in contemporary intellectual debate, this book fills a major gap in the literature and greatly advances an exciting area of research.
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  26.  24
    Reconfiguring Intercultural Communication Education through the dialogical relationship of Istina(Truth) and Pravda(Truth in Justice).Ashley Simpson - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (4):456-467.
    This conceptual paper argues for the reconfiguring of Intercultural Communication Education (ICE) through a dialogical engagement with Istina (Truth) and Pravda (Truth in Justice). The paper argues that the field of ICE is predominantly characterised by normative conceptualisations of truth (e.g., characterised by fixed or ‘objective’ interpretations of language and culture) or hyper-relativist post-truth conceptualisations (e.g., non-essentialist approaches to ICE). This conceptual paper, therefore, addresses the following research question: To what extent can a dialogical approach (...)
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  27.  11
    Alexis Anja Kallio, Philip Alperson, and Heidi Westland, eds., Music, Education, and Religion: Intersections and Entanglements (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2019).William M. Perrine - 2021 - Philosophy of Music Education Review 29 (1):117-122.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Music, Education, and Religion: Intersections and Entanglements ed. by Alexis Kallio, Philip Alperson and Heidi WesterlundWilliam M. PerrineAlexis Kallio, Philip Alperson, and Heidi Westerlund, eds., Music, Education, and Religion: Intersections and Entanglements (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2019)It is perhaps something of a truism–or at least a stereotype containing a grain of truth–that most academics, particularly in the United States, are notoriously bad when it comes to (...)
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    Making Sense of the Legacy of Epistemology in Education and Educational Research.Paul Smeyers - 2013 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 47 (2):311-321.
    Ruitenberg and Phillips maintain that the conventional meanings of ‘epistemology’ have been misused and that this obscures the discussion. They accept that talking about ‘knowledge’ itself is part of a particular social practice (in the natural as well as the social sciences) and that the epistemic agent is always connected with others. This review questions whether the embeddedness of a particular social practice should not be conceived more radically, i.e. by considering the implications of playing the game of ‘epistemology’ conceived (...)
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    Truthfulness in business managers: views on perception of integrity, ethical challenges, and strategic responses.Rojalin Patri, Vandana Madhavan, Viswanathan P. K. & Dhanya Manayath - forthcoming - Asian Journal of Business Ethics:1-31.
    The study objective is to understand the perception of truthfulness among business managers as practiced in organizations, the critical situations that test their truthfulness, and their responses to such situations. A qualitative approach involving conventional content analysis was adopted to address the research objectives. The results indicate that managers carry a conventional and altered view of truthfulness. While the conventional view encourages them to expect perfection and righteousness in the workplace, the altered view convinces them that small compromises resulting (...)
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  30.  34
    Scholarship, Research and the Evidential Basis of Policy Development in Education.Walter Humes & Tom Bryce - 2001 - British Journal of Educational Studies 49 (3):329 - 352.
    The starting point for this paper is the ongoing debate about the relation between research and policy in education. Recent developments in England and Scotland are reviewed in the context of political and academic arguments about the nature and function of research activity. The defensiveness of the research community in the face of professional and political attacks is examined critically. A case study of the Higher Still programme is used to illustrate the complexity of the relationships (...)
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    (1 other version)‘Knowledge Must Be Contextual’: Some possible implications of complexity and dynamic systems theories for educational research.Tamsin Haggis - 2008 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 40 (1):158–176.
    It is now widely accepted that qualitative and quantitative research traditions, rather than being seen as opposed to or in competition with each other should be used, where appropriate, in some kind of combination. How this combining is to be understood ontologically, and therefore epistemologically, however, is not always clear. Rather than endlessly discussing the relationship between different approaches, this paper explores some of the assumptions of the ontologies that underpin such apparent differences, arguing that approaches which declare themselves (...)
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  32.  47
    Complexity and Reductionism in Educational Philosophy—John Dewey’s Critical Approach in ‘Democracy and Education’ Reconsidered.Kersten Reich, Jim Garrison & Stefan Neubert - 2016 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 48 (10):997-1012.
    Against the background of the Deweyan tradition of Democracy and Education, we discuss problems of complexity and reductionism in education and educational philosophy. First, we investigate some of Dewey’s own criticisms of reductionist tendencies in the educational traditions, theories, and practices of his time. Secondly, we explore some important cases of reductionism in the educational debates of our own day and argue that a similar criticism in behalf of democracy and education is appropriate and can easily (...)
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  33.  1
    The Aesthetics of the Invisible—At the Margins of Phenomenology.Technology Meirav Almog Kibbutzim College of Education, the ArtsMeirav Almog, the Arts in Tel-Aviv Technology, in Particular Israelshe Specializes in Twentieth Century Continental Philosophy, Aesthetics Her Research Interests Phenomenology, Alterity Publications Concern Questions Regarding Corporeality, Intersubjective Relations Dialogue & Human Existence The Relations Between Style - 2025 - Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology 11 (1):47-61.
    The paper focuses on the complex relations between aesthetics and phenomenology as they show themselves within the core locus of their interplay—the realm of the visible and the invisible. To do so, the paper examines a specific case study, a Rembrandt painting—A Woman Bathing in a Stream (1654)—through which the discussion illuminates the interconnected and inseparable relationship between aesthetics and phenomenology in relation to Merleau-Ponty’s ontology of the visible and the invisible. The reading addresses both dimensions of the visible: the (...)
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  34.  8
    The Meeting of Aesthetics and Ethics in the Academy: Challenges for Creative Practice Researchers in Higher Education.Kate MacNeill & Barbara Bolt - 2019 - Routledge.
    The Meeting of Aesthetics and Ethics in the Academy provides a deep understanding of the nuances of ethics in the creative environment and contributes to the critical exploration of the nature of research ethics in higher education. Written by world-renown academics with a wealth of experience in this field, this volume explores ethical challenges and responses across a range of creative practices and disciplines including design, documentary film making, journalism, socially engaged arts and the visual arts. It addresses the (...)
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    Thinking through the body, educating for the humanities: A plea for somaesthetics.Richard Shusterman - 2006 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 40 (1):1-21.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Thinking Through the Body, Educating for the Humanities:A Plea for SomaestheticsRichard Shusterman (bio)IWhat are the humanities, and how should they be cultivated? With respect to this crucial question, opinions differ as to how widely the humanities should be construed and pursued. Initially connoting the study of Greek and Roman classics, the concept now more generally covers arts and letters, history, and philosophy.1 But does it also include the social (...)
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    Challenging the Limits of Critique in Education Through Morin’s Paradigm of Complexity.Michel Alhadeff-Jones - 2010 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 29 (5):477-490.
    The position adopted in this paper is inspired by Edgar Morin’s paradigm of complexity and his critique of scientific and philosophical forms of reductionism. This paper is based on research focusing on the diversity of conceptions of critique developed in academic discourses. It aims to challenge the fragmentation and the reduction framing the understanding of this notion in educational sciences. The reflection begins with the introduction of some of Morin’s assumptions concerning the paradigm of complexity. The (...)
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  37.  61
    No harm done: The implications for educational research of the rejection of truth.Stefan Ramaekers - 2006 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 40 (2):241–257.
    In much educational theory there is concern about claims that the concept of truth has no place anymore in educational thinking. These claims are generally identified as ‘postmodernist’ or ‘poststructuralist’. The fear is that when abandoning the quest for truth we enter the domain of mere belief, and in this way leave education without firm grounds. In this article I examine some examples of what is often crudely lumped together as ‘postmodernist’ educational research. What (...)
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  38.  41
    Advancing Transdisciplinary and Translational Research Practice: Issues and Models of Doctoral Education in Public Health.Linda Neuhauser, Dawn Richardson, Sonja Mackenzie & Meredith Minkler - 2007 - Journal of Research Practice 3 (2):Article M19.
    Finding solutions to complex health problems, such as obesity, violence, and climate change, will require radical changes in cross-disciplinary education, research, and practice. The fundamental determinants of health include many interrelated factors such as poverty, culture, education, environment, and government policies. However, traditional public health training has tended to focus more narrowly on diseases and risk factors, and has not adequately leveraged the rich contributions of sociology, anthropology, economics, geography, communication, political science, and other disciplines. Further, students are often (...)
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  39. Complexity and Hierarchy in Truth Predicates.Michael Glanzberg - 2015 - In T. Achourioti, H. Galinon, J. Martínez Fernández & K. Fujimoto (eds.), Unifying the Philosophy of Truth. Dordrecht: Imprint: Springer.
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    Ethics, Knowledge and Truth in Sports Research: An Epistemology of Sport.Graham McFee - 2009 - Routledge.
    The study of sport is characterised by its inter-disciplinarity, with researchers drawing on apparently incompatible research traditions and ethical benchmarks in the natural sciences and the social sciences, depending on their area of specialisation. In this groundbreaking study, Graham McFee argues that sound high-level research into sport requires a sound rationale for one’s methodological choices, and that such a rationale requires an understanding of the connection between the practicalities of researching sport and the philosophical assumptions which underpin them. (...)
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    Complex Decision-Making in Paediatric Intensive Care: A Discussion Paper and Suggested Model.Melanie Jansen, Katie M. Moynihan, Lisa S. Taylor & Shreerupa Basu - forthcoming - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry:1-11.
    Paediatric Intensive Care Units (PICU) are complex interdisciplinary environments where challenging, high stakes decisions are frequently encountered. We assert that appropriate decisions are more likely to be made if the decision-making process is comprehensive, reasoned, and grounded in thoughtful deliberation. Strategies to overcome barriers to high quality decision-making including, cognitive and implicit bias, group think, inadequate information gathering, and poor quality deliberation should be incorporated. Several general frameworks for decision-making exist, but specific guidance is scarce. In this paper, we provide (...)
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    Postdigital play and global education: reconfiguring research.Kerryn Dixon - 2024 - New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by Karin Murris, Joanne Peers, T. Giorza & Chanique Lawrence.
    Postdigital Play and Global Education: Reconfiguring Research is a re-turn to a large-scale, international project on children's digital play. Adopting postqualitative and posthumanist theories, research practices are reconfigured, all the way down from what counts as 'data', 'tools', 'instruments', 'transcription', research sites', 'researchers', to notions of responsibility and accountability in qualitative research. Through a series of vignettes involving complex human and more-than-human collaborators (e.g., GoPros, octopus, avatars, diaries, sack ball, LEGO bricks), the authors challenge who and (...)
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    Aesthetic Inquiry in Education: Community, Transcendence, and the Meaning of Pedagogy.Hanan A. Alexander - 2003 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 37 (2):1.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 37.2 (2003) 1-18 [Access article in PDF] Aesthetic Inquiry in Education:Community,Transcendence, and the Meaning of Pedagogy Hanan A. Alexander What does it mean to understand education as an art, to conceive inquiry in education aesthetically, or to assess pedagogy artistically? Answers to these queries are often grounded in Deweyan instrumentalism, neo-Marxist critical theory, or postmodern skepticism that tend to fall prey to the paradoxes (...)
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    Methodology of Pedagogical Research.Cristina Ispas - 2018 - Science and Philosophy 6 (2):27-36.
    The pedagogical research constitutes a critical, dynamic, intentional, active process oriented towards the investigation of the educaional reality under all its aspects. The present paper brings in the forefront the effort of pedagogy to crystalize its own methodology of research in its demarche of affirmation and consolidation of its scientifical status. The complexity and the high number of inter-depedent variables present in the study of the human condition foiled the effort to apply a model of scientific (...) underlain on the method of natural sciences in the field of social-human sciences. In this context, the pedagogy was bound to shade its methods of research in order to surprise as truthful as possible the complexity and diversity of the educational processes. Thus, besides the empirical-experimental method, the pedagogy was enriched with new methods of research such as the hermeneutic method, the historical method, the rhetorical method, the descriptive method, the problematization method. (shrink)
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    A paradigm shift in giftedness research: integrating critical realism’s ontology, epistemology, and methodology.Kubra Kirca Demirbaga - 2024 - Journal of Critical Realism 23 (3):292-312.
    This paper discusses the integration of critical realist ontology, epistemology, and methodology into giftedness and gifted education research. Although there is no consensus about the complex nature of giftedness, a paradigmatic shift is underway, emphasizing the impact of contextual and social factors in shaping gifted performance. Despite this shift, the ontological, epistemological, and methodological stances are often overlooked, leading to an incomplete understanding of the complex interaction between individuals and their context and constraining the potential to offer realistic and (...)
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    Holistic integrated design education: Art education in a complex and uncertain world.Christopher Nokes - 2005 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 39 (1):31-47.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Aesthetic Education 39.1 (2005) 31-47 [Access article in PDF] Holistic Integrated Design Education: Art Education in a Complex and Uncertain World Christopher Nokes Egosystem All art is the solution to an initiating design problem that must be articulated, even if the problem is this: to create something without meaning. As such, all art is a literary process, whereby the idea is articulated before that idea is (...)
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    Gender, Teaching, and Research in Higher Education: Challenges for the 21st Century.Gillian Howie & Ashley Tauchert - 2002 - Routledge.
    Gender, Teaching and Research in Higher Education presents new insights and research into contemporary problems, practical solutions, and the complex roles of teaching and learning in the international academy. Drawing together new research from contributors spanning a range of international and interdisciplinary perspectives, this book discusses topics of particular importance in the UK, USA, Australasia and South Africa, including: curriculum, boundary disciplines and research assessments, the Higher Education institution, educational practice, authority and authorization, teaching and (...)
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    Promoting Ethics for Citizenship: Potential of an Educative Research on Friendship in Primary School.Rosi Bombieri - 2024 - ENCYCLOPAIDEIA 28 (68):57-73.
    The ethical and community challenges that the current society poses to new generations are proving to be increasingly complex. Therefore, the role of schools in identifying effective proposals aimed at fostering the harmonious growth of students as individuals and as global citizens has become crucial. In line with this need, an educative and research project that focused on friendship as an ethical virtue was set up, aimed at promoting ethics for citizenship at a primary school. The project was conducted (...)
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    Getting personal: Ethics and identity in global health research.Christian Simon & Maghboeba Mosavel - 2011 - Developing World Bioethics 11 (2):82-92.
    ‘Researcher identity’ affects global health research in profound and complex ways. Anthropologists in particular have led the way in portraying the multiple, and sometimes tension-generating, identities that researchers ascribe to themselves, or have ascribed to them, in their places of research. However, the central importance of researcher identity in the ethical conduct of global health research has yet to be fully appreciated. The capacity of researchers to respond effectively to the ethical tensions surrounding their identities is hampered (...)
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    Universities in the Knowledge Society: The Problem of Creativity Institutionalization.A. O. Karpov - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (2):77-95.
    The problem of creativity institutionalization at the university entails an identification and building a model of interrelated socio-epistemic structures, functionally ensuring creative activities of a heterogeneous subject of cognition in line with the university’s academic missions. The paper gives a socio-philosophical analysis of transformation of the creative-type cognitive relationship in the process of University 3.0 historical development. The author classifies the approaches to the definition of creative spaces and outlines the main provisions of the author’s concept of creativity institutionalization in (...)
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