Results for 'communitarian'

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  1.  57
    African Communitarian Ethics: An Externalist Justification for Altruism.Idowu Odeyemi - 2024 - Philosophical Forum (1):109-127.
    The most popular defense of altruism has come from ethicists, mostly Western ethicists, who argue that for an action to hold any justification as it pertains to altruistic commitments, such an altruistic action must stem from the agent’s internal states such as beliefs, practical reasoning, desires, or deliberative attitudes. I refer to this as the internalist justification for altruism. On this internalist approach, the mere recognition of others—which I shall refer to as an externalist justification—albeit necessary for an agent who (...)
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    Afro-Communitarian Democracy.Bernard Matolino - 2019 - Lexington Books.
    The book describes a new form of communitarian politics on the African continent, that is able to take seriously both individual entitlements and communitarian obligations. This is achieved by proposing a thin version of communitarianism that realizes the organic relationship between individuals and the community.
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  3. Communitarian and Liberal Theories of the Good.Jeffrey Paul and Fred D. Miller Jr - 1990 - Review of Metaphysics 43 (4):803-830.
    A MAJOR THESIS OF CONTEMPORARY LIBERAL PHILOSOPHY is that its theory of justice, which incorporates strong rights to negative liberty, must be prior to and independent of a theory of the good. This priority is necessary, according to liberal theorists, in view of the requirement that any adequate theory accommodate a plurality of contending views of the good, no one of which is capable of eliciting public assent to it. Recent critics of liberalism have disputed this thesis, maintaining instead that (...)
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  4. A Communitarian Critique of Liberalism.Daniel A. Bell - 2005 - Analyse & Kritik 27 (2):215-238.
    Communitarian thinkers have argued that liberalism devalues community in modern societies. This essay assesses the three main strands of the contemporary debate betweeen communitarianism and liberalism: (1) the communitarian critique of the liberal universalism, (2) the communitarian critique of liberal individualism, and (3) the communitarian critique of liberal politics. In each case, it is argued that the debate has moved from fairly abstract philosophical controversies to more concrete engagement with political disputes in Western as well as (...)
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    Do communitarian values justify Papua New Guinean and/or Fijian systems of land tenure?David R. Lea - 1997 - Agriculture and Human Values 14 (2):115-126.
    Communitarians have alleged a connection between according specialrights to community groupings and preserving the indigenous cultureand the social cohesion of the original community. This paperconcentrates upon special group rights associated with land tenurenow maintained by Fijian Mataqali and traditional land owninggroups in Papua New Guinea. The first section of the paper assessesand compares the social consequences of each of these systems withspecial attention to the preservation of traditional culture.However, in the case of Fiji, it is undeniable that the mataqaliland tenure (...)
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    The common morality in communitarian thought: Reflective consensus in public policy.Mark G. Kuczewski - 2009 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 30 (1):45-54.
    I explore the possible meanings that the notion of the common morality can have in a contemporary communitarian approach to ethics and public policy. The common morality can be defined as the conditions for shared pursuit of the good or as the values, deliberations, traditions, and common construction of the narrative of a people. The former sense sees the common morality as the universal and invariant structures of morality while the second sense is much more contingent in nature. Nevertheless, (...)
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  7.  27
    Communitarian Ethics and Work-Based Education: Some African Perspectives.Thaddeus Metz - 2012 - In Paul Gibbs (ed.), Thinking about Work Based Learning. Springer. pp. 191-206.
    seek to answer questions about work-based education (WBE) that have been rarely posed, ethical ones such as: Is there reason to believe that WBE would tend to make better people (as opposed to make people better off)? That is, can we reasonably expect characteristic WBE learners to exhibit good character to a greater degree relative to non-WBE ones? On a social level, would systematic use of WBE noticeably promote justice, say, by effecting the right sort of reparation to those who (...)
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    A Communitarian Approach to Public Health.John E. Ataguba & Gavin Mooney - 2011 - Health Care Analysis 19 (2):154-164.
    This paper argues that there is a need to move yet further than has already been suggested by some from the individual to the collective as a base for public health. A communitarian approach is one way to achieve this. This has the advantage of allowing not only the community’s voice to have a say in setting the values for public health but also more formally the development of a constitution on which public health might then be built. It (...)
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  9. Can Communitarians Live Their Communitarianism? The Case of J. G. Herder.Damon S. Linker - 1998 - Dissertation, Michigan State University
    I examine communitarian social theory with an eye to suggesting that the form it most often takes contains resources insufficient to satisfy the aims of those who propose it. This is shown to be the case through an analysis of the writings of Johann Gottfried Herder , the first philosophically rigorous communitarian in the West. Herder's communitarianism, like that of so many of our contemporaries, combines a description of what he believes to be man's ineradicably communal nature with (...)
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  10. Toward a Communitarian Theory of Aesthetic Value.Nick Riggle - 2022 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 80 (1):16-30.
    Our paradigms of aesthetic value condition the philosophical questions we pose and hope to answer about it. Theories of aesthetic value are typically individualistic, in the sense that the paradigms they are designed to capture, and the questions to which they are offered as answers, center the individual’s engagement with aesthetic value. Here I offer some considerations that suggest that such individualism is a mistake and sketch a communitarian way of posing and answering questions about the nature of aesthetic (...)
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    A Communitarian Theory of the Education Rights of Students with Disabilities.Elizabeth Dickson - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (10):1093-1109.
    There is a lack of writing on the issue of the education rights of people with disabilities by authors of any theoretical persuasion. While the deficiency of theory may be explained by a variety of historical, philosophical and practical considerations, it is a deficiency which must be addressed. Otherwise, any statement of rights rings out as hollow rhetoric unsupported by sound reason and moral rectitude. This paper attempts to address this deficiency in education rights theory by postulating a communitarian (...)
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  12.  24
    Membership, obligation, and the communitarian thesis.Allyn Fives - 2022 - Theoria 88 (6):1196-1210.
    Why do we have obligations to the community to which we happen to belong? For communitarians, membership does more than provide the context for asking this question. In fact, the simple fact of membership goes some way towards justifying our obligations. According to the strong version of the communitarian thesis, membership is the fundamental consideration justifying political obligation; but for the weaker version, membership is one consideration among others and at times may be the less weighty one. John Horton's (...)
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  13.  51
    The Communitarian Critique of Liberalism's Individualism.Andrew Jason Cohen - 1997 - Dissertation, Georgetown University
    The recent debate between liberals and their communitarian critics has reached a false plateau, with liberals conceding more than they should. After explicating the central communitarian thesis, the four ways that thesis could be understood, and the corresponding four senses of "independence," I argue that communitarians are right that liberalism requires a view of the self as 'unencumbered,' but I defend that view as superior to the alternatives. This allows me to defend true moral impartiality and universality as (...)
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  14.  38
    A Communitarian Defense of Liberalism: Emile Durkheim and Contemporary Social Theory.Mark S. Cladis - 1992 - Stanford University Press.
    "This is an interesting and provocative reading of Durkheim that sheds new light on the contemporary relevance of his work and offers new and complex material for the debate over social theory. It is well written, and the style is lively.
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  15.  39
    Casuistry and its communitarian critics.Mark G. Kuczewski - 1994 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 4 (2):99.
    Communitarian critics have derided case-based reasoning for ignoring the need to arrive at a shared hierarchy of goods prior to case.
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  16.  26
    Communitarian illusions: Or why the Dutch proposal for setting priorities in health care must fail. [REVIEW]Theo van Willengenburg - 1993 - Health Care Analysis 1 (1):49-52.
    This article accounts for the failure of the Dutch Government Committee on Choices in Health Care to develop useful criteria of necessary care by which to set health care priorities and ration resources. The Government Committee has been inspired by philosophers who think that allocation problems cannot be solved without placing broad moral questions about the good life, and about the place of health and illness in our lives on the public agenda. The fruitless attempts of the Committee to formulate (...)
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  17.  68
    Liberal and communitarian defenses of workplace privacy.Rita C. Manning - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (8):817-823.
    In this paper, I survey liberal and communitarian defenses of privacy, paying particular attention to defenses of privacy in the workplace. I argue that liberalism cannot explain all our of intuitions about the wrongness of workplace invasions of privacy. Communitarianism, on the other hand, is able to account for these intuitions.
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  18.  66
    Communitarian and Liberal Themes in Moral Agency and Education.Mark Young & Andrew Sneddon - 2011 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 2 (1):105-120.
    Philosophers and psychologists have been vigorously examining the psychological capacities that realize our moral agency. Our purpose is to take some of this work and present its implications for moral education. To connect recent work with more long-standing debates in moral education, we frame this discussion with Helen Haste’s 1996 examination of liberal and communitarian positions on moral agency and education. We argue that contemporary research does not confirm the descriptive theory of moral agency offered by either liberal theorists (...)
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  19. New communitarian thinking: persons, virtues, institutions, and communities.Amitai Etzioni (ed.) - 1995 - Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia.
    Amitai Etzioni has collected a sterling list of contributors who bring communitarian thinking to bear on such timely and contentious issues as abortion, ...
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  20.  58
    A Communitarian Approach: A Viewpoint on the Study of the Legal, Ethical and Policy Considerations Raised by DNA Tests and Databases.Amitai Etzioni - 2006 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 34 (2):214-221.
    This article seeks to outline a viewpoint on the study of the legal, ethical and policy considerations raised by DNA tests and databases. It does not delve into the specifics involved. It outlines a way of thinking that has proven productive elsewhere1 and seems promising in dealing with DNA usages in the United States, but little more. Given that this essay is about a communitarian approach that draws on specific communitarian values, I turn next to briefly present the (...)
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  21.  34
    On Communitarians and Human Freedom.Zygmunt Bauman - 1996 - Theory, Culture and Society 13 (2):79-90.
  22. Communitarian journalism (s): Clearing conceptual landscapes.David A. Craig - 1996 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 11:107-118.
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  23. A communitarian framework for understanding liberal social practices?P. Giddy - 1997 - South African Journal of Philosophy 16 (4):150-157.
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  24. The Communitarian Turn: Myth or Reality?Ruth Chadwick - 2011 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 20 (4):546-553.
    This quotation from the London Review of Books is an example of a turn—a different way of looking at things that involves a redefinition of the kind of thing higher education is and how it should be provided. It is a turn away from a public good perspective—the opposite, it might be said, of the kind of turn addressed in this article.
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  25. The Communitarian Persuasion.Philip Selznik - 2002
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    Should Communitarians be Nationalists?John O' Neill - 2008 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 11 (2):135-143.
    ABSTRACT It is widely supposed by both its proponents and critics that communitarianism is committed to the defence of lies of nationhood: the nation forms a surviving communal attachment in a world in which the individual is otherwise denuded of ties of community. I argue in this paper that this assumption is mistaken. It depends on a romantic image of the nation which was constructed in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. That image hides the recent historical origins of the nation (...)
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  27.  44
    A Communitarian Approach to Physician-Assisted Death.Franklin G. Miller - 1997 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 6 (1):78-87.
    The standard argument in favor of the practice of voluntary physician-assisted death, by means of assisted suicide or active euthanasia, rests on liberal, individualistic grounds. It appeals to two moral considerations: (1) personal self-determination—the right to choose the circumstances and timing of death with medical assistance; and (2) individual well-being—relief of intolerable suffering in the face of terminal or incurable, severely debilitating illness. One of the strongest challenges to this argument has been advanced by Daniel Callahan. Callahan has vigorously attacked (...)
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    A Communitarian Note on Stakeholder Theory.Amitai Etzioni - 1998 - Business Ethics Quarterly 8 (4):679-691.
    This article adds to the discussion of the legitimation of stakeholding, by studying the implications of investing financial assets, years of labor, community resources, or other such scarce goods in a corporation. It attempts to respond to those who argue that it is not possible for all stakeholders to be effectively represented in corporate governance and that if they were, this would undermine the well-being of the corporation.
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  29. Communitarian international relations: the epistemic foundations of international relations.Emanuel Adler - 2005 - New York: Routledge.
    In Emanuel Adler's distinctive constructivist approach to international relations theory, international practices evolve in tandem with collective knowledge of the material and social worlds. This book - comprising a selection of his journal publications, a new introduction and three previously unpublished articles - points IR constructivism in a novel direction, characterized as 'communitarian'. Adler's synthesis does not herald the end of the nation-state; nor does it suggest that agency is unimportant in international life. Rather, it argues that what mediates (...)
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    The communitarian community membership and the support for an entry visa.J. Olanipekun Famakinwa - 2015 - South African Journal of Philosophy 34 (1):69-77.
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  31. The communitarian individual.Jean Bethke Elshtain - 1995 - In Amitai Etzioni (ed.), New communitarian thinking: persons, virtues, institutions, and communities. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia.
  32.  89
    Paper: Authoritarian versus responsive communitarian bioethics.Amitai Etzioni - 2011 - Journal of Medical Ethics 37 (1):17-23.
    A communitarian approach to bioethics adds a core value to a field that is often more concerned with considerations of individual autonomy. Some interpretations of liberalism put the needs of the patient over those of the community; authoritarian communitarianism privileges the needs of society over those of the patient. Responsive communitarianism's main starting point is that we face two conflicting core values, autonomy and the common good, and that neither should be a priori privileged and that we have principles (...)
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  33. Communitarian Dimensions in the Socio-Political Thought of the Solidarity Movement in 1980–1981.Krzysztof Brzechczyn - 2019 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 14 (1):109-128.
    The purpose of this paper is an interpretation of the social and political thought of the Solidarity movement in the light of the political philosophy of communitarianism. In the first part of the paper, the controversies between liberalism and communitarianism are characterized in order to outline the communitarian response toward the authoritarian/totalitarian challenge. In the second part, the programme of a self-governing republic created by Solidarity is interpreted in the spirit of communitarianism. I reconstruct the ideal vision of human (...)
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    A communitarian critique of human rights.Amitai Etzioni - 2012 - In Thomas Cushman (ed.), Handbook of human rights. New York: Routledge. pp. 129.
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  35. The Communitarian Perspective: Autonomy and the Common Good: Comment.R. Potter - 1995 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 171:77-77.
  36. Communitarian criticism of the liberal self and liberal community according to Sandel, Michael-commentary.Josef Velek - 1995 - Filosoficky Casopis 43 (2):265-271.
  37.  38
    Communitarian and Subsidiarity Perspectives on Responsible Innovation at a Global Level.Ineke Malsch - 2015 - NanoEthics 9 (2):137-150.
    All stakeholders agree publicly that innovation and governance of emerging technologies should be done responsibly. However, the international debate on who should do what to contribute to this lofty goal is nowhere near a solution. The starting point of this paper is the issue of how and for which reason to engage stakeholders in addition to governments in the international governance of nanotechnology. This article examines the mainly North-American communitarian criticism of political liberalism and the related concept of subsidiarity (...)
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  38. The Communitarian Critique of Liberalism.Michael Walzer - 1990 - Political Theory 18 (1):6-23.
  39.  9
    Fragmentation and Consensus: Communitarian and Casuist Bioethics.Mark G. Kuczewski - 1999 - Georgetown University Press.
    Both communitarianism and casuistry have sought to restore ethics as a practical science—the former by incorporating various traditions into a shared definition of the common good, the latter by considering the circumstances of each situation through critical reasoning. Mark G. Kuczewski analyzes the origins and methods of these two approaches and forges from them a new unified approach. This approach takes the communitarian notion of the person as its starting point but also relies upon the narrative and analogical tools (...)
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  40.  16
    The Communitarian Ethic of Edwards and Royce.Richard Hall - 2016 - The Pluralist 11 (3):72-94.
  41.  31
    Communitarian Politics, the Supreme Court, and Privacy.William R. Lund - 1990 - Social Theory and Practice 16 (2):191-215.
  42.  14
    Communitarian Theory and Andalusian Imagery in Carmel Bird’s Fiction. An Interview.Gerardo Rodríguez-Salas - 2014 - Iris 35:123-139.
    Australian writer Carmel Bird writes fiction that, while being highly individual and varied, settles within the Australian traditions of both Peter Carey’s fabulism and Thea Astley’s humane wit. As William H. Wilde, Joy Hooton and Barry Andrews state, Bird is a “witty writer with a wide but always highly original tonal range”, who “raises what is often potentially sinister or horrific to something approaching comedy. Disease, deaths and violence are staples in her fictional world, which has similarities with Barbara Hanrahan’s (...)
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  43.  43
    Personhood in a Communitarian Context.Barry Hallen - 2015 - Thought and Practice: A Journal of the Philosophical Association of Kenya 7 (2):1-10.
    Theories regarding the nature and achievement of personhood in a communitarian context appear to differ in significant respects in the writings of several contemporary African philosophers. Ifeanyi Menkiti seems to regard ethnic differences as sufficient to warrant a national accommodation of multiculturalism with respect to moralities and attendant beliefs. Kwasi Wiredu argues that there is a substantive universal moral principle that undercuts such apparent and relatively superficial diversity. Communitarianism also seems to provide a better framework for explaining how a (...)
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  44. A Communitarian Critique of Authoritarianism.Daniel A. Bell - 1997 - Political Theory 25 (1):6-32.
  45.  2
    The Relational and Redistributive Dynamics of Mutual Aid: Implications of Afro-Communitarian Ethics for the Study of Creative Work.Ana Alacovska, Robin Steedman, Thilde Langevang & Rashida Resario - forthcoming - Business Ethics Quarterly:1-40.
    Studies of non-standard, project-based forms of work prevalent in the creative industries have typically theorized the relational dynamics of work as a competitive process of social capital accumulation involving an individualistic, self-enterprising, zero-sum, and winner-takes-all struggle for favourable social network-positioning. Problematizing this prevailing conceptualization, our empirical case study draws on fifty in-depth interviews and two focus groups with creative workers in Ghana to show how relations of mutual aid, including elaborate efforts to live harmoniously with others, are intricately intertwined with (...)
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    Communitarian ethics: later writings of Walter G. Muelder.Walter George Muelder - 2007 - North Berwick, ME: Preachers Aid Society of New England / BW Press. Edited by J. Philip Wogaman.
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    Liberals, Communitarians, Republicans and the Intervention of the State in the Private Sphere.Rafael Rodrigues Pereira - 2014 - Philosophy Study 4 (5).
  48.  16
    Communitarian Ethic of Communication in a Postmodern Age.Robert A. White - 1996 - Ethical Perspectives 3 (4):207-218.
  49.  16
    The Communitarian Challenge to Liberalism: Volume 13, Part 1.Ellen Frankel Paul, Fred Dycus Miller & Jeffrey Paul (eds.) - 1996 - Cambridge University Press.
    The thirteen essays in this volume approach the liberal-communitarian debate from a variety of perspectives. Some discuss disagreements between liberals and communitarians over the nature of moral agency and the proper functions of government. Some examine alternative ways of conceiving liberalism or community, or challenge widely held beliefs about the harmful effects of capitalism on community, or about the value of traditional practices as guides to judicial reasoning. Other essays seek to determine whether it makes sense to think of (...)
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  50. On a communitarian approach to bioethics.Amitai Etzioni - 2011 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 32 (5):363-374.
    A communitarian approach to bioethics adds a core value to a field that is often more concerned with considerations of individual autonomy. Some interpretations of liberalism put the needs of the patient over those of the community; authoritarian communitarianism privileges the needs of society over those of the patient. Responsive communitarianism’s main starting point is that we face two conflicting core values, autonomy and the common good, and that neither should be a priori privileged, and that we have principles (...)
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