Results for 'borderland'

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  1.  16
    Visual borderlands: Visuality, performance, fluidity and art-science learning.Kathryn Grushka, Miranda Lawry, Ari Chand & Andy Devine - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (4):404-421.
    The image is the raw material of the twenty-first century. Images infiltrate all social and cultural spaces. Its digital-mediated realities drive communication, industry and knowledge. Images saturate life and adolescent learners are familiar with the participatory nature of image production and its social, educational and personal communicative realities. Vision and visibility, seeing and being now dominate how we inter-subjectively recognise ourselves and perform our world. We also find our aesthetic and embodied self increasingly constituted within imaging acts that are relational. (...)
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    Borderlands: towards an anthropology of the cosmopolitan condition.Michel Agier - 2016 - Malden, MA: Polity Press. Edited by David Fernbach.
    The images of migrants and refugees arriving in precarious boats on the shores of southern Europe, and of the makeshift camps that have sprung up in Lesbos, Lampedusa, Calais and elsewhere, have become familiar sights on television screens around the world. But what do we know about the border places – these liminal zones between countries and continents – that have become the focus of so much attention and anxiety today, and what do we know about the individuals who occupy (...)
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    Languages of borderlands, borders of languages: Native and foreign language use in intergroup contact between Czechs and their neighbours.Magda Petrjánošová & Alicja Leix - 2013 - Human Affairs 23 (4):658-679.
    In this article we present a qualitative analysis of empirical findings from an international project on intergroup attitudes and contact in five Central European countries specifically concerning language use. The project concentrated on the interplay of intergroup contact and perception between the members of national groups in the borderlands between the Czech Republic and Austria, Germany, Poland and Slovakia. The open statements analysed here about the contact situations and the ensuing evaluation of the Others were collected as part of an (...)
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  4. The borderlands between science and philosophy.Massimo Pigliucci - 2008 - Quarterly Review of Biology 83 (1):7-15.
    Science and philosophy have a very long history, dating back at least to the 16th and 17th centuries, when the first scientist-philosophers, such as Bacon, Galilei, and Newton, were beginning the process of turning natural philosophy into science. Contemporary relationships between the two fields are still to some extent marked by the distrust that maintains the divide between the so-called “two cultures.” An increasing number of philosophers, however, are making conceptual contributions to sciences ranging from quantum mechanics to evolutionary biology, (...)
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    The Borderlands of Psychiatry and Theology.Stephen Sykes - 2002 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 9 (4):381-382.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 9.4 (2002) 381-382 [Access article in PDF] The Borderlands of Psychiatry and Theology Stephen Sykes Keywords: psychiatry, theology, spirituality. THE DISCUSSION OF THE TERMS we use to speak of experiences on the boundaries between spirituality and mental disorder is very important. Jackson and Fulford (1997) have gone a long way to avoid flattening the concepts into a single conceptual scheme, too far for some of (...)
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    Borderlands Hyperbole, Critical Dystopias, and Transfeminist Utopian Hope: Gaspar de Alba's Desert Blood and Valencia's Capitalismo gore.Micah K. Donohue - 2021 - Utopian Studies 31 (3):553-572.
    There is a growing tendency to hyperbolize the U.S.-Mexican borderlands as a “dystopian zone of terror.” Dystopian borderlands hyperbole is double-edged. It can be used to create virulently racist mischaracterizations of borderlands life, and it can be used critically, as Alicia Gaspar de Alba and Sayak Valencia use it in Desert Blood and Capitalismo gore, to draw attention to structural forms of violence that imperil the borderlands on a daily basis. Desert Blood and Capitalismo gore exemplify a tendency in borderlands (...)
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    Borderlands biography: Z. Anthony Kruszewski in wartime Europe and postwar America.Beata Halicka - 2021 - Paderborn, Germany: Brill Schöningh. Edited by Paul McNamara.
    Beata Halicka's masterly narrated biography is the story of an extraordinary man and leading intellectual in the Polish-American community. Z. Anthony Kruszewski was first a Polish scout fighting in World War II against the Nazi occupiers, then Prisoner of War/Displaced Person in Western Europe. He stranded as a penniless immigrant in post-war America and eventually became a world-renowned academic. Kruszewski's almost incredible life stands out from his entire generation. His story is a microcosm of the 20th-century history, covering various theatres (...)
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    Global borderlands: a case study of the Subic Bay Freeport Zone, Philippines.Victoria Reyes - 2015 - Theory and Society 44 (4):355-384.
    By developing the concept of “global borderlands”—semi-autonomous, foreign-controlled geographic locations geared toward international exchange—this article shifts the focus of globalization literature from elite global cities and cities on national borders to within-country sites owned or operated by foreigners and defined by significant social, cultural, and economic exchange. I analyze three shared features of these sites: semi-autonomy, symbolic and geographic boundaries, and unequal relations. The multi-method analyses reveal how the concept of global borderlands can help us better understand the interactions that (...)
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    Borderlands of Life: IVF Embryos and the Law in the United States, United Kingdom, and Germany.Ingrid Metzler & Sheila Jasanoff - 2020 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 45 (6):1001-1037.
    Human embryos produced in labs since the 1970s have generated layers of uncertainty for law and policy: ontological, moral, and administrative. Ontologically, these lab-made entities fall into a gray zone between life and not-yet-life. Should in vitro embryos be treated as inanimate matter, like abandoned postsurgical tissue, or as private property? Morally, should they exist largely outside of state control in the zone of free reproductive choice or should they be regarded as autonomous human lives and thus entitled to constitutional (...)
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    Living in the borderland: the evolution of consciousness and the challenge of healing trauma.Jerome S. Bernstein - 2005 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    Living in the Borderland addresses the evolution of Western consciousness and describes the emergence of the "Borderland," a spectrum of reality that is beyond the rational yet is palpable to an increasing number of individuals. Building on Jungian theory, Jerome Bernstein argues that a greater openness to transrational reality experienced by Borderland personalities allows new possibilities for understanding and healing confounding clinical and developmental enigmas." "Living in the Borderland challenges the standard clinical model, which views normality (...)
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    Borderlands and Liminal Subjects: Transgressing the Limits in Philosophy and Literature.Jessica Elbert Decker & Dylan Winchock (eds.) - 2017 - Cham: Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Borders are essentially imaginary structures, but their effects are very real. This volume explores both geopolitical and conceptual borders through an interdisciplinary lens, bridging the disciplines of philosophy and literature. With contributions from scholars around the world, this collection closely examines the concepts of race, nationality, gender, and sexuality in order to reveal the paradoxical ambiguities inherent in these seemingly solid binary oppositions, while critiquing structures of power that produce and police these borders. As a political paradigm, liminality may be (...)
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  12. The borderlands of ontology in the new testament.C. F. D. Moule - 1982 - In Donald MacKenzie MacKinnon, Brian Hebblethwaite & Stewart R. Sutherland, The Philosophical frontiers of Christian theology: essays presented to D.M. MacKinnon. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Borderland Projects of Sasanian Empire: Intersection of Domestic and Foreign Policies.Karim Alizadeh - 2014 - Journal of Ancient History 2 (2):93-115.
    Journal Name: Journal of Ancient History Issue: Ahead of print.
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    The borderlands of waking: Quantifying the transition from reflective thought to hallucination in sleep onset.Clemens Speth & Jana Speth - 2016 - Consciousness and Cognition 41 (C):57-63.
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    The borderland? The specificity of polish-ukrainian-byelorussian relations within the realm of sarmatian culture.J. Maciejewski - 1999 - Dialogue and Universalism 9 (1-2):107-118.
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    The Borderland of Life.Richard A. Muttkowski - 1931 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 5 (4):616-640.
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    Borderlands of Theology; By D. M. Mackinnon. (Lutterworth 1968, Pp. 256. Price £1 15s.).Richard Wallace - 1970 - Philosophy 45 (174):343-.
  18. Borderlands of Science: Where Sense Meets Nonsense.N. Levitt - 2001 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 14 (2):137-140.
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  19. (1 other version)Borderlands of Theology.Donald M. Mackinnon, George W. Roberts & Donovan E. Smucker - 1969 - Religious Studies 5 (1):115-116.
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    Postmodernism as a Borderland of Ages.Y. V. Oleinikov - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (2):26-41.
    Postmodernism is considered as the historical stage of the transition of contemporary society from mature industrial capitalism to the qualitatively new technological and social production order. The real transformations of contemporary society’s factors have been brought into the correlation with the production changes that determine transition from Modern Age machine technologies to nanotechnologies. Existence of Postmodern society is presented as the borderland of historical ages, that is, as the period of the fading away of the Modern Age social forms (...)
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    Borderland Bolerista: The Licentious Lyricism of Chelo Silva.Deborah R. Vargas - 2008 - Feminist Studies 34 (1-2):173-197.
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    : Borderlands Curanderos: The Worlds of Santa Teresa Urrea and Don Pedrito Jaramillo.Laura M. Shelton - 2023 - Isis 114 (1):210-211.
  23.  9
    Borderland Christianity; critical reason and the Christian vision of love.James W. Woelfel - 1973 - Nashville,: Abingdon Press.
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    Venturing into the borderlands of playfulness.Martin Pichlmair - 2008 - Technoetic Arts 6 (2):207-212.
    Playfulness is a vague and ambiguous term. While it is easy to realize that a specific situation is playful, the concept itself is hard to grasp. Situations shift in and out of playfulness, leaving the term with hazy borders. This essay attempts to contribute to analysing playfulness in a rather unusual form. Instead of directly approaching the target, we take a stroll into the borderland that surrounds it, embarking on a quest to mark the borders of playfulness.
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    Borderlands: Towards an Anthropology of the Cosmopolitan Condition.Jennifer Reeve - 2016 - Environment, Space, Place 8 (2):144-147.
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    Educational Borderlands.Michael J. Richardson - 2021 - Philosophy of Education 77 (2):86-94.
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    Borderland Subversions: Anti-imperial Energies in The Awntyrs off Arthure and Golagros and Gawane.Randy P. Schiff - 2009 - Speculum 84 (3):613-632.
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  28.  21
    An Emotional Borderland: Grosse Île in Irish Diasporic Memory.Matthew Schownir - 2019 - Environment, Space, Place 11 (2):97-120.
    Abstract:The island of Grosse Île lies 30 miles downstream of Quebec City in the St. Lawrence River. Once a quarantine station for ships bringing immigrants to the Canadas from Europe, mid-nineteenth-century outbreaks of cholera and typhus led to several thousand Irish deaths aboard ships in quarantine and on Grosse Île itself. This trauma has lived on in the Irish diaspora's memorialization of the island as a place of anguish and death that ultimately symbolized the Irish diaspora's flight to North America. (...)
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  29.  38
    Deciding on the Borderland: The Ukrainian Elections of 2004.Ivan Ascher - 2005 - Theory and Event 8 (2).
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    Adventures on the borderlands of ethics.Richard Clarke Cabot - 1926 - and London,: Harper & brothers.
    A plea for a clinical year in the course of theological study -- Ethics and the medical profession -- Ethics and business -- Ethics and education -- Ethics and social work.
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  31. Spinoza and the Borderland of Science.Bernhard Mollenhauer - 1941 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 22 (1):64.
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    Theology in the Borderlands: Donald MacKinnon and Contemporary Theology.Paul D. Murray - 1998 - Modern Theology 14 (3):355-376.
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    Mapping Europe’s Borderlands: Russian Cartography in the Age of Empire by Steven Seegel.Timothy Snyder - 2019 - Common Knowledge 25 (1-3):415-416.
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    The Borderland in the Civil War. [REVIEW]Paul L. Blakely - 1928 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 3 (3):523-526.
  35.  18
    “...In the Borderlands You are the Battleground…”: June 12 and the Pulse of the Sacred.Stephanie Rivera Berruz - 2022 - Puncta 5 (4):51-70.
    On June 12, 2016, the world witnessed one of the deadliest single shooter massacres in U.S. history. Fifty persons were killed and fifty-three were critically injured. Of those fifty, twenty-three were Puerto Rican; 90% of those killed were Latinx. Their faces spanned the racial kaleidoscope of the African, Latinx, and Indigenous diaspora. Most of them were working class and extremely young (Ochoa 2016). However, these particularities went largely omitted from the coverage of the event that swept the nation under the (...)
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  36. The Borderland: An Exploration of Theology in English Literature.Roger Lloyd - 1960
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    Memory and (No)Memory of the Eastern Borderlands in the PRL. The example of Lviv.Anna Kotowicz - 2019 - Philosophical Discourses 1:95-106.
    The article is about the memory of the Kresy Wschodnie (Eastern Borderlands) in post-war Poland. As a result of the settlements of the peace conference in Yalta, Poland lost half its territory in the east. Censorship in PRL prohibited the talk about the history of eastern Polish provinces. Kresowianie couldn’t speak loudly where they came from, in the place of birth, communist wrote them to the USSR. Kresy Wschodnie were considered the cradle of patriotism and traditional values – traits associated (...)
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    Lesbianas in the Borderlands: Shifting Identities and Imagined Communities.Katie L. Acosta - 2008 - Gender and Society 22 (5):639-659.
    This article explores the experiences of Latina lesbian migrants living in the United States. Drawing on in-depth interviews with 15 Latina lesbian migrants, I argue that Latinas' sexual, racial, and class identities are continuously shifting as the process of migration repositions them in a new system of racial inequality. Their sexual identities are altered as migrants often silence their lesbian existence when negotiating relationships with families of origin. Lesbianas establish borderland spaces for themselves where they gain sexual autonomy but (...)
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    ‘In a borderland’: Themistius’ ambivalence toward Julian.L. J. Daly - 1980 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 73 (1):1-11.
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    Neoliberalism in the Academic Borderlands: An On-going Struggle for Equality and Human Rights.Antonia Darder - 2012 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 48 (5):412-426.
    The article examines the negative impact of neoliberal policies upon the work of border intellectuals within the university, whose scholarship seeks to explicitly challenge longstanding structural inequalities and social exclusions. More specifically, the notion of neoliberal multiculturalism is defined and discussed with respect to the phenomenon of economic Darwinism and the whitewashing of contemporary academic labor, despite a tradition of progressive struggle within the academy. In response to the current counter-egalitarian climate of neoliberalism, a call is issued for a critical (...)
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  41.  10
    Crossing the Rubicon: The Borderlands of Philosophy and Theology.Emmanuel Falque - 2016 - New York: Fordham University Press. Edited by Reuben Shank.
    Originally published: Brussels: Editions Lessius, 2013.
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    Crossing the Rubicon: The Borderlands of Philosophy and Theology. By Emmanuel Falque. Translated by Reuben Shank.Gregory P. Floyd - 2018 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 92 (1):179-183.
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  43. Girlhood in the Borderlands: Mexican Teens Caught in the Crossroads of Migration.[author unknown] - 2018
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    Mapping Europe's Borderlands: Russian Cartography in the Age of Empire.Timothy Snyder - 2014 - Common Knowledge 20 (3):505-506.
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  45. Crossing the borderlands at nightfall : new issues in moral philosophy and faith at the end of life.Laurie Zoloth - 2010 - In Kenneth Goodman, The case of Terri Schiavo: ethics, politics, and death in the 21st century. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Family farms through the lens of geopolitics: rethinking agency and power in the Baltic borderlands.Diana Mincytė & Renata Blumberg - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (4):1317-1333.
    This paper examines the role of geopolitics, including armed conflict, in family farming. Drawing on critical approaches to geopolitics in geography and anthropology, we situate the dynamics of family farming in the context of multiscalar struggles over territory and political sovereignty. Our historically and geographically situated approach shows how geopolitical positionality engenders vulnerabilities as well as political potential for alternative development by shaping labor and gender dynamics in farming households. Empirically, our research provides an illustrative example of the Baltic states, (...)
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  47.  64
    Utopic Dreaming on the Borderlands: An Anzaldúan Reading of Yuri Herrera's Signs Preceding the End of the World.Cordelia E. Barrera - 2021 - Utopian Studies 31 (3):475-493.
    The work of Gloria Anzaldúa has not typically been read in concert with utopian studies. Much of her writing, however, offers a rich resource for utopian critique. This is a significant omission given that much of Latin@ speculative fiction has been deemed inherently utopic. Latin@futurism is a field of inquiry by which to focus on the utopian as a broader category of visionary, speculative forms. Anzaldúa draws on techniques of defamiliarization to usher a change of consciousness in the reader, exemplified (...)
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    Community Narrative as a Borderlands Praxis: Anzaldúa’s Mestiza Consciousness as Explored in Cortez’s Sexile.Guneet Kaur - 2022 - Journal of Medical Humanities 43 (2):319-333.
    I apply Gloria Anzaldúa’s “borderlands theory” to Jamie Cortez’s Sexile, an HIV/AIDS prevention publication created as a first-person narrative of the journey of queer, trans activist Adela Vasquez who fled to the US from Cuba in 1980. I argue that Sexile is a borderlands text and operationalizes Anzaldúa’s mestiza consciousness at various levels— ranging from the essence of the text and what its existence represents to the literary techniques used in the telling of Adela’s narrative. In the first half of (...)
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    Borderlands of Western Civilization. [REVIEW]Constantine Rackauskas - 1954 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 29 (2):308-310.
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    The frightening borderlands of Enlightenment: The vampire problem.Peter J. Bräunlein - 2012 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 43 (3):710-719.
    Between 1724 and 1760, in the frontier area of the Habsburg empire waves of a hitherto unknown epidemic disease emerged: vampirism. In remote villages of southeastern Europe, cases of unusual deaths were reported. Corpses did not decay and, according to the villagers, corporeal ghosts were haunting their relatives and depriving them of their vital force. Death occurred by no later than three to four days. The colonial administration, alarmed by the threat of an epidemic illness, dispatched military officers and physicians (...)
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