Results for 'awakening'

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  1.  12
    Awakening the mother mind’: Exploring the relationship between ego and the climate crisis.Duduetsang B. Rapitsenyane - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (3):7.
    As Vuzamazulu Credo Mutwa, a South African sangoma, gave his message to the world, he urged human beings to awaken the mother mind within them. He pleaded with human beings to let go of the warrior mind and start thinking like mothers and grandmothers. This article aimed to elaborate on Credo’s short and mystical message. The article interprets the warrior mind to be the masculine mind, while the mother mind is perceived as representing the feminine mind. Ego works well with (...)
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    The Awakening of the West. The Encounter of Buddhism and Western Culture: 543 BCE - 1992. Stephen Batchelor.Karel Werner - 1996 - Buddhist Studies Review 13 (1):103-105.
    The Awakening of the West. The Encounter of Buddhism and Western Culture: 543 BCE - 1992. Stephen Batchelor. Aquarian, London 1994. xvi, 416 pp. £12.99.
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    Awakening of Osiris and the Transit of the Solar Barques: Royal Apotheosis in a Most Concise Book of the Underworld and Sky. By Joshua Aaron Roberson.Stefan Bojowald - 2022 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 138 (3).
    The Awakening of Osiris and the Transit of the Solar Barques: Royal Apotheosis in a Most Concise Book of the Underworld and Sky. By Joshua Aaron Roberson. Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis, vol. 262. Fribourg: Academic Press, 2013. Pp. xi + 175, illus. FS 57.
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    Nietzsche awakens!: a modern life re-imagined.Farid Younes - 2018 - Seattle: Cune Press.
    Nietzsche Awakens! is a philosophical work, written entirely in aphorisms. It is an analytical way to trigger readers to think; to negate the "common sense" notions; to re-question the raison d'être of principles and elements; to refuse the "absolutes"; to criticize the epistemology and the methodology of sciences; and to wonder about the ontology of the human being and his teleology. The first part of the book consists of "modifying" Nietzsche's aphorisms, either to contradict his sayings or to be even (...)
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    The Awakening of Character as an Image of Contemporary Enlightenment.Dale S. Wright - 2016 - In Dale Stuart Wright, What is Buddhist Enlightenment? Oxford University Press USA.
    “The Awakening of Character as an Image of Enlightenment” describes in some detail two unforgettable characters in the Korean Buddhist film Mandala in order to consider the range of diversity that enlightenment can encompass. Two very different Buddhist monks are presented in the film as both deeply enveloped in ordinary human suffering and as breaking through that suffering to experience a transformation of character that we can only understand as enlightenment. While the kinds of character that emerge in each (...)
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    The Awakenings of Charlotte Perkins Gilman.Andrew James Paravantes - 2019 - Utopian Studies 30 (3):505-530.
    “The sleeper awakes” is a convention of many literary utopias from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The plots of Edward Bellamy’s Looking Backward, William Morris’s News from Nowhere, and H. G. Wells’sWhen the Sleeper Wakes all famously involve a sleeping modern everyman who awakens to a future where the conflicts and contradictions of the burgeoning capitalist society have been resolved. The Bleilers identify dozens of other speculative novels from the same period employing this very device, such as William (...)
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    Awakening Our Faith in the Future: The Advent of Psychological Liberalism.Peter T. Dunlap - 2008 - Routledge.
    What transformation would happen if we could combine the best of liberal politics with psychology? _Awakening our Faith in the Future_ investigates the avenues for creating a new branch of psychology, a transformative political psychology. In the past, political psychology has focused directly on analysis and knowledge acquisition, rather than on interventions that transform self and culture. A transformative political psychology combines the best of traditional social science with the transformative intent of clinical psychology in order to create a new (...)
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    Awakening the luminous mind: Tibetan meditation for inner peace and joy.Tenzin Wangyal - 2012 - Carlsbad, CA: Hay House. Edited by Marcy Vaughn.
    Awakening the Luminous Mind is the third book of guided meditation practices in a series by the acclaimed author and teacher, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. Tenzin Rinpoche will guide you to bring these simple practices into your everyday life by turning inward and finding what he calls your "inner refuge." By this he means boundless space, infinite awareness, and the qualities that arise that have the power to transform your life. As you follow the principles in this book and complimentary (...)
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    Bioethics: Awakening And Changing Of Human Life.Ferdousshi Begum - 2012 - Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 1 (2):24-30.
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    The Awakening of Faith and New Confucian Philosophy.John Makeham (ed.) - 2021 - Boston: BRILL.
    This volume sets out the arguments and evidence needed to explain how the _Treatise on Awakening Mahāyāna Faith_ features in the constitution of New Confucian philosophy, as evidenced in the writings of Xiong Shili, Ma Yifu, Tang Junyi and Mou Zongsan.
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    Global Awakening: New Science and the 21st-Century Enlightenment.Michael Schacker - 2012 - Park Street Press.
    Shows how we must make deep changes to complete our paradigm shift from the old mechanistic worldview to the new organic worldview • Reveals the distinct stages of paradigm shifts through the ages, including the 18th-century Enlightenment and the critical stage of our current shift • Explains how the new organic worldview began with Goethe and Kant • Offers solutions for each of us to be able to realize and make the deep changes needed for global regeneration In Global (...), Michael Schacker shows that hidden within our global crises is a positive future for the planet. Sharing his 30 years of intensive research into the history of change as well as the evolution of consciousness and regenerative science, Schacker explains how our current shift from the old mechanistic worldview to a new organic worldview based on biological models follows the same pattern as other paradigm shifts across history, including the 18th-century Enlightenment and the American Revolution. He reveals the creative geniuses who have contributed to the birth of the organic worldview, beginning with Goethe, Kant, and Hahnemann. Exposing the scientific and social forces that drive paradigm shifts, he details the stages every paradigm shift progresses through: the early Enlightenment, the conservative backlash, the intensive phase, and and the transformational phase leading to the Organic Shift. Explaining that we are currently in the throes of the paradigm flip, the critical last phase of our paradigm shift, Schacker shows how the mechanistic worldview is crumbling around us and nothing but a complete transformation in the way we think will keep us from the path of total self-destruction. Providing a map to overcome the allure of the simplistic mechanical model that has spawned countless unsustainable practices and problems--from global warming to intense economic disparities--the author offers concrete solutions showing how each of us can use our talents, skills, and time to make the deep changes needed for global regeneration. (shrink)
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    Awakening to the secret code of your mind: your mind's journey to inner peace.Darren R. Weissman - 2010 - Carlsbad, Calif.: Hay House.
    What if you could, like a diamond forged through heat and pressure, transform every painful, scary, and stressful experience in your life into one that is meaningful, courageous, and inspiring? What if you were provided with the tools that allow you to tap and manifest the true power that exists within you--the power to shine? Are you ready to discover your path to peace? In this fascinating book, Dr. Darren Weissman shares ancient spiritual wisdom fused with a modern-day understanding of (...)
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    Awakening and Insight: Zen Buddhism and Psychotherapy.Polly Young-Eisendrath & Shoji Muramoto (eds.) - 2002 - Routledge.
    Buddhism first came to the West many centuries ago through the Greeks, who also influenced some of the culture and practices of Indian Buddhism. As Buddhism has spread beyond India, it has always been affected by the indigenous traditions of its new homes. When Buddhism appeared in America and Europe in the 1950s and 1960s, it encountered contemporary psychology and psychotherapy, rather than religious traditions. Since the 1990s, many efforts have been made by Westerners to analyze and integrate the similarities (...)
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    Awakening Philosophy: The Loss of Truth.Robert Elliott Allinson - 2022 - Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Slavoj Žižek writes: "Today philosophy is approaching a double end. Physics and brain sciences offer answers to the big metaphysical questions (is the universe infinite? Do we have a free will?), while what remained of philosophy is mostly getting lost in historicist relativism, reducing truth to a discursive “truth-effect.” But more and more people are tired of this game: the need for a new beginning, for authentic metaphysics, is felt everywhere. And Allinson does something that we all secretly knew it (...)
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    Realizing Awakened Consciousness: Interviews with Buddhist Teachers and a New Perspective on the Mind.Richard P. Boyle - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    If, as Buddhism claims, the potential for awakening exists in all human beings, we should be able to map the phenomenon with the same science we apply to other forms of consciousness. A student of cognitive social science and a Zen practitioner for more than forty years, Richard P. Boyle brings his sophisticated perspective to bear on the development of a theoretical model for both ordinary and awakened consciousness. Boyle conducts probing interviews with eleven prominent Western Buddhist teachers and (...)
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    The awakening of global reason the logical and ontological foundation of integral science.Ashok K. Gangadean - 2006 - World Futures 62 (1 & 2):56 – 74.
    This article suggests that we are in the midst of a profound dimensional shift in our rational capacity to process reality, and seeks to articulate the implications of this evolutionary shift to global reason for our scientific enterprise. As we enter the 21st century it is unmistakably clear that we are in the midst of an unprecedented shift in the human condition - a global renaissance that affects every aspect of our cultural lives, our self-understanding, and, of course, our rational (...)
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    The Awakening of Faith: Attributed to Asvaghosha.Yoshito S. Hakeda & Ryuichi Abe - 2005 - Columbia University Press.
  18.  7
    Awakening the Dreamer: Clinical Journeys.Philip M. Bromberg - 2006 - Routledge.
    In _Awakening the Dreamer: Clinical Journeys_, Philip Bromberg continues the illuminating explorations into dissociation and clinical process begun in _Standing in the Spaces_. Bromberg is among our most gifted clinical writers, especially in his unique ability to record peripheral variations in relatedness - those subtle, split-second changes that capture the powerful workings of dissociation and chart the changing self-states that analyst and patient bring to the moment. For Bromberg, a model of mind premised on the centrality of self-states and dissociation (...)
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  19.  6
    Spiritual awakening made simple: how to see through the mist of the mind to the peace of the here and now.Andrew Seaton - 2020 - Washington, USA: O-Books.
    In this inspiring and practical book, Andrew Seaton guides us to our true nature, the peace-filled observing awareness beyond the mind. The book explains how, beginning in our infancy, we experience a spiritual forgetting. The mind creates abstract interpretations of the world and who we are. These conditioned interpretations become self-fulfilling and create our life experience, our karma. Learn how to see the world as it is in reality, rather than through the distorting filters of the conditioned mind. Discover how (...)
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  20. The Technology of Awakening: Experiments in Zen Phenomenology.Brentyn Ramm - 2021 - Religions 12 (3):192.
    In this paper, I investigate the phenomenology of awakening in Chinese Zen Buddhism. In this tradition, to awaken is to ‘see your true nature’. In particular, the two aspects of awakening are: (1) seeing that the nature of one’s self or mind is empty or void and (2) an erasing of the usual (though merely apparent) boundary between subject and object. In the early Zen tradition, there are many references to awakening as chopping off your head, not (...)
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  21.  19
    Gradual awakening: the Tibetan Buddhist path of becoming fully human.Miles Neale - 2018 - Boulder, Colorado: Sounds True.
    Rediscover the Promise of Enlightenment As Western culture has embraced practices like meditation and yoga, has something been lost in translation? “What we see in America today in both the yoga boom and mindfulness fad,” writes Dr. Miles Neale, “is a presentation of technique alone, sanitized and purged of the dynamic teachings in wisdom and ethics that are essential for true liberation.” For anyone seeking a path dedicated to both authentic personal growth and the overthrow of the nihilism, hedonism, and (...)
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    Awakening the Mind of Enlightenment. Meditations on the Buddhist Path. Geshe Namgyal Wangchen.Gavin Kilty - 1990 - Buddhist Studies Review 7 (1-2):151-154.
    Awakening the Mind of Enlightenment. Meditations on the Buddhist Path. Geshe Namgyal Wangchen. Wisdom Publications, London 1987. 284pp. £6.95.
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  23.  18
    (2 other versions)Awakening: An Introduction to the History of Eastern Thought.Patrick S. Bresnan - 2009 - New York: Prentice-Hall.
    Awakening engages beginning students by discussing personal experience, employing a winning writing style, and approaching the subject from an historical perspective. Awakening is an excellent introduction to comparative Eastern philosophic and religious thought. Awakening provides an engaging historical overview of the major philosophical and spiritual traditions of India, China, and Japan. Patrick Bresnan ties the past to the present and shows the relationships that exist between Eastern and Western traditions.
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    Awakening from the nightmarish slumber of phantasmagoria.Kenneth Michael Panfilio - 2013 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 39 (3):243-261.
    Walter Benjamin is discussed in this article to speak to the character of our experiences in the world as we try to animate our freedom in the midst of phantasmagoria. While we may indeed be trapped in the slumber of phantasmagoria and its many nightmares of despair, it is still possible to blast away the sands of sleep and awaken to a morally redeemed world fashioned through our engagement with various dreams of freedom. First, this article will explore the concept (...)
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  25.  10
    Awakening the life force: the philosophy and psychology of "spontaneous yoga".Muni Rājarshi - 1994 - St. Paul, Minn.: Llewellyn Publications.
    This book is about higher yoga, as practiced by the sages who composed the ancient scriptures of India. Learn to achieve, eternally, liberation from the limitations of time and space; unlimited divine powers; and an immortal, physically perfect divine body. Surrender the body and mind to the spontaneous workings of the awakened life force (prana), and practice pure conscious living.
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    Awakening Race, Culture, and Ethnicity in a Galaxy Far, Far Away.Edwardo Pérez - 2023 - In Jason T. Eberl & Kevin S. Decker, Star Wars and Philosophy Strikes Back. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. pp. 245–256.
    In The Empire Strikes Back, African American actor Billy Dee Williams turned the trio into a quartet as Lando Calrissian. Novelist and social activist Alice Walker coined and defined colorism as the “prejudicial or preferential treatment of same‐race people based solely on their color,” according to Kimberly Jade Norwood and Violeta Solonova Foreman. For Norwood and Foreman, colorism is concerned with the lightness and darkness of skin tone, with preference given to whiteness. Colorism in the United States took root during (...)
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    Awakening integral consciousness: a developmental perspective.Ronnie Lessem - 2017 - New York: Routledge/Taylor and Francis Group.
    This is the second of four volumes in the CARE-ing for Integral Development series, focused on CARE: Community activation, Awakening consciousness, innovation driven institutionalized Research and transformative Education. In this book, the author focuses on ways and means of developing, in an explicitly integral way, a particular organization or society, one in relation to another, locally-globally, building on prior, local community activation. He draws on two decades of experience and illustrates how such an awakening of integral consciousness can (...)
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  28.  13
    Radical Awakenings.Pringl Miller - 2020 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 10 (2):E14-E17.
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    Spiritual Awakening of the Personality as key to Spiritual Security in the Context of Postmodernism.Halyna Shevchenko, Milena Bezuhla, Tetiana Antonenko & Iryna Safonova - 2021 - Postmodern Openings 12 (1):185-200.
    The article presents a new view on the problem of educating the spiritual security of the personality from the positions of axiological, culturological, civilizational, systemic, and anthropological approaches, on which the research methodology is based. The article describes the basic concepts of research: spirituality, culture, spiritual awakening, spiritual security, and presents the author’s definition of the concept of spiritual security of the personality. The article describes the cultural ideals of coziness in different countries of the world, which allowed us (...)
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  30.  17
    What Awakens a Sleepwalker? Advice I Would like from Langdon Winner.Hank Bromley - 1998 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 18 (5):374-379.
    The conference where this article was originally presented solicited recommendations for the “right questions” to ask regarding education and technology. The author of this article suggests that we already know what the right questions are for illuminating technology and its social meaning. What the author wants to know is why those questions in fact are not being asked more widely—why is widespread disinclination to enter explicit deliberation on the proper place of technology so resilient? Langdon Winner uses the term “technological (...)
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  31.  26
    Awakening: An Introduction to the History of Eastern Thought, 6th ed., by Patrick S. Bresnan.Paul J. D'Ambrosio - 2019 - Teaching Philosophy 42 (4):411-413.
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    The awakened brain: From Wright's psychozoology to Barkow's selfless persons.David Paul Lumsden - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (2):311-312.
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    Awakening: Bad News and Good News.Robert D. Orr - 1992 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 3 (3):204-205.
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    Awaken, O Spirit.Donald L. Wallenfang - 2012 - Logos: A Journal of Catholic Thought and Culture 15 (4):57-74.
  35.  9
    Awakening to the infinite: Essential Answers for Spiritual Seekers from the Perspective of Nonduality.Swami Muktananda & Swami Muktananda of Rishikesh - 2015 - Berkeley, California: North Atlantic Books.
    Having been raised as a Catholic and educated in the West, then trained as a monk in India since the 1980s, Canadian author Swami Muktananda of Rishikesh is uniquely positioned to bring the Eastern tradition of Vedanta to Western spiritual seekers. In Awakening to the Infinite, he answers the eternal, fundamental question posed by philosophical seekers, "Who am I?" with straightforward simplicity. Knowing who you are and adopting a spiritual outlook, he counsels, can help solve problems in daily life (...)
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  36.  25
    The awakening of jehovah's witness.Wilson Diane - 2003 - Free Inquiry 23 (4):30.
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  37.  10
    The awakening earth: our next evolutionary leap.Peter Russell - 1982 - London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
  38.  23
    Awakening Movement Consciousness in the Physical Landscapes of Literacy: Leaving, Reading and Being Moved by One’s Trace.Rebecca J. Lloyd - 2011 - Phenomenology and Practice 5 (2):73-92.
    Physical literacy, a concept introduced by Britain’s physical education and phenomenological scholar, Margaret Whitehead, who aligned the term with her monist view of the human condition and emphasis that we are essentially embodied beings in-the-world, is a foundational hub of recent physical education curricular revision. The adoption of the term serves a political purpose as it helps stakeholders advocate for the educational, specifically literacy, rights of the whole child. Yet, one might wonder what impact conceptual shifts of becoming “physically literate” (...)
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  39. The Awakening’s Edna Pontellier, Female Companionship, and the Sea.Mary Aldrich - 2023 - Aletheia: The Alpha Chi Journal of Undergraduate Scholarship 8 (Fall).
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    Awakening to Race: Individualism and Social Consciousness in America.P. J. Brendese - 2012 - Contemporary Political Theory 16 (4):578-584.
  41.  34
    Mission awakening in the Dutch Reformed Church: The possibility of a fifth wave?Christo R. Benadé & Cornelius J. P. Niemandt - 2019 - HTS Theological Studies 75 (4):1-10.
    The Dutch Reformed Church had a strong missionary DNA since the planting of the church. This missionary focus and fervour, however, ebbed and flowed during the history of the church. Saayman described that the mission upsurges in the DRC in four waves or 'periods of extraordinary mission endeavour'. The current research aimed to develop this theory through a literature study on the sociopolitical context and the developments in the ecclesiology and missiology of the DRC since the planting of the church (...)
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    (1 other version)Awakening to Madness and Habituation to Death in Hegel’s “Anthropology”.Nicholas Mowad - 2013 - Proceedings of the Hegel Society of America 20:87-105.
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  43. The awakening of the soul.Ibn Ṭufayl & Muḥammad ibn ʻAbd al-Malik - 1910 - London,: J. Murray. Edited by Paul Brönnle.
  44. The awakening of islam.Bogos Levon Zekiyan - 1986 - Filosofia Oggi 9 (3):425-434.
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    Bava’s Gift: Awakening to the Impossible by Michael Urheber.Robert Ginsberg - 2014 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 28 (4).
    I must admit that I had some reservations about reading this book, as all I was told was that it chronicled the author’s signs received from a discarnate friend. The prospect of wading through yet another book about pennies sent from deceased loved ones seemed onerous and a task to which I did not look forward. Not that I am averse to such manifestations and after-death communication, quite the contrary. I just prefer the evidence to be more convincing. Finding a (...)
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  46.  17
    Bringing home the dharma: awakening right where you are.Jack Kornfield - 2011 - Boston: Shambhala.
    If we want to find inner peace and wisdom, we needn't move to an ashram or monastery. Our buddha nature--our natural warmth and insight--can be discovered right where we are, in the context of our relationships, our family lives, and in our efforts help and serve others. Popular spiritual teacher Jack Kornfield shares this and other key lessons gleaned from more than forty years of commited study and practice. A student of some of the most revered meditation masters of the (...)
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    Awakening – Transformation, agency and virtue from three contemporary philosophical inspirations: Bhaskar, Segal and Slote.Dudley Schreiber - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (1).
    For some, ‘transformation’ is the new non-reductive and non-normative ‘development’, attracting attention from interdisciplinary array, but of particular theoretical and practical interest to Spirituality scholars. In philosophical context, transformation theory has suffered greatly from ’agency-structure’ dualism and suspension of ontology in body-mind dualism and rationalist virtue controversy. Drawing on the work of Bhaskar, Segal and Slote, a renegotiated and more meaningful sense of transformation emerges from their cumulative analytical and conceptual enrichment. In the complexity of possible relations between self, self-concept (...)
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    Rude awakenings: Zen, the Kyoto school, & the question of nationalism.James W. Heisig & John C. Maraldo (eds.) - 1995 - Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press.
    Zen Buddhist Attitudes to War HIRATA Seiko IN ORDER FULLY TO UNDERSTAND the standpoint of Zen on the question of nationalism, one must first consider the ...
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  49. Awakening to the Good, Psychological or Religious? An Autobiography.C. M. OWENS - 1958
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    An‐Archy and Awakening: The Ethical and Political Temporalities of Christology and Pneumatology.Matthew Eaton - 2019 - Heythrop Journal 60 (4):624-641.
    This article constructs an ecological theology following Emmanuel Levinas’ philosophy of religion. I suggest that the Son and Spirit express divinity through corporeal and temporal realities best described through Levinas’ ideas concerning the an‐archy and awakening of time. Following Levinas, and theologians such as Mark I Wallace, I construct a materialist theology that blurs the line between God and corporeal bodies, positing that such an understanding of the Son and Spirit re‐sacralizes nature in a way that assists Christianity in (...)
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