Results for 'arrow of time'

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  1.  45
    The arrow of time in classical electrodynamics.Fritz Rohrlich - unknown
    The reason for the arrow of time in electromagnetic radiation is explicated.
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  2. The Arrow of Time in Physics.David Wallace - 2013 - In Adrian Bardon & Heather Dyke, A Companion to the Philosophy of Time. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 262–281.
    Every process studied in any science other than physics defines an arrow of time – to say nothing for the directedness of the processes of causation, inference, memory, control, and counterfactual dependence that occur in everyday life. The discussion in this chapter is confined to the arrow of time as it occurs in physics. The chapter briefly discusses those features of microscopic physics, which seem to conflict with time asymmetry. It explains just how this conflict (...)
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    The arrow of time and meaning.Pierre Uzan - 2006 - Foundations of Science 12 (2):109-137.
    All the attempts to find the justification of the privileged evolution of phenomena exclusively in the external world need to refer to the inescapable fact that we are living in such an asymmetric universe. This leads us to look for the origin of the “arrow of time” in the relationship between the subject and the world. The anthropic argument shows that the arrow of time is the condition of the possibility of emergence and maintenance of life (...)
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  4. The Arrow of Time and the Action of the Mind at the Molecular Level.Jean E. Burns - 2006 - In Daniel P. Sheehan, Frontiers of Time: Retrocausation - Experiment and Theory. American Inst. Of Physics.
    A new event is defined as an intervention in the time reversible dynamical trajectories of particles in a system. New events are then assumed to be quantum fluctuations in the spatial and momentum coordinates, and mental action is assumed to work by ordering such fluctuations. It is shown that when the cumulative values of such fluctuations in a mean free path of a molecule are magnified by molecular interaction at the end of that path, the momentum of a molecule (...)
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  5. Reversing the arrow of time.Bryan W. Roberts - 2022 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    'The arrow of time' refers to the curious asymmetry that distinguishes the future from the past. Reversing the Arrow of Time argues that there is an intimate link between the symmetries of 'time itself' and time reversal symmetry in physical theories, which has wide-ranging implications for both physics and its philosophy. This link helps to clarify how we can learn about the symmetries of our world, how to understand the relationship between symmetries and what (...)
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    Time-Reversal, Irreversibility and Arrow of Time in Quantum Mechanics.M. Castagnino, M. Gadella & O. Lombardi - 2006 - Foundations of Physics 36 (3):407-426.
    The aim of this paper is to analyze time-asymmetric quantum mechanics with respect of its validity as a non time-reversal invariant, time-asymmetric theory as well as of its ability to determine an arrow of time.
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    Arrow of Time in Rigged Hilbert Space Quantum Mechanics.Robert C. Bishop - 2004 - International Journal of Theoretical Physics 43 (7):1675–1687.
    Arno Bohm and Ilya Prigogine's Brussels-Austin Group have been working on the quantum mechanical arrow of time and irreversibility in rigged Hilbert space quantum mechanics. A crucial notion in Bohm's approach is the so-called preparation/registration arrow. An analysis of this arrow and its role in Bohm's theory of scattering is given. Similarly, the Brussels-Austin Group uses an excitation/de-excitation arrow for ordering events, which is also analyzed. The relationship between the two approaches is discussed focusing on (...)
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    Arrow of Time without a Past Hypothesis.Dustin Lazarovici & Paula Reichert - unknown
    The paper discusses recent proposals by Carroll and Chen, as well as Barbour, Koslowski, and Mercati to explain the arrow of time without a Past Hypothesis, i.e. the assumption of a special initial state of the universe. After discussing the role of the Past Hypothesis and the controversy about its status, we explain why Carroll's model - which establishes an arrow of time as typical - can ground sensible predictions and retrodictions without assuming something akin to (...)
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  9. Opposite arrows of time can reconcile relativity and nonlocality.Sheldon Goldstein - manuscript
    We present a quantum model for the motion of N point particles, implying nonlocal (i.e., superluminal) influences of external fields on the trajectories, that is nonetheless fully relativistic. In contrast to other models that have been proposed, this one involves no additional space-time structure as would be provided by a (possibly dynamical) foliation of space-time. This is achieved through the interplay of opposite microcausal and macrocausal (i.e., thermodynamic) arrows of time. PACS numbers 03.65.Ud; 03.65.Ta; 03.30.+p..
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  10. The arrow of time and the moving image of eternity.Raymond Aaron Younis - 2008 - Journal of Religious History 32 (1):109-116..
  11. The arrows of time, 2006.Edited By Steven Savitt - 2006 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 37 (3):393.
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  12. The arrow of time in quantum gravity.Chuang Liu - 1993 - Philosophy of Science 60 (4):619-637.
    This essay is a philosophical evaluation of some of the findings of Wald and Penrose in which they claim to have supported an arrow (or the irreversibility) of time in quantum gravity. First, the notion of lawlike irreversibility (or anisotropy) of time is spelled out, then the general situation in quantum mechanics is briefly discussed. Finally, the findings in quantum gravity are evaluated against such a background. My conclusion is that the arrow of time found (...)
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    The Arrow of Time is Alive and Well but Forbidden Under the Received View of Physics.Ruth Kastner - unknown
    This essay offers a meta-level analysis in the sociology and history of physics in the context of the "Arrow of Time" or so-called "Two Times" problem. In effect, it argues that the two topics are intertwined, and it is only by coming to grips with the sociological aspects, involving adherence to certain metaphysical, epistemological and methodological beliefs and practices, that real progress can be made in the physics.
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    The Arrow of Time in the Equations of Motion.Fritz Rohrlich - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (7):1045-1056.
    It is argued that time's arrow is present in all equations of motion. But it is absent in the point particle approximations commonly made. In particular, the Lorentz-Abraham-Dirac equation is time-reversal invariant only because it approximates the charged particle by a point. But since classical electrodynamics is valid only for finite size particles, the equations of motion for particles of finite size must be considered. Those equations are indeed found to lack time-reversal invariance, thus ensuring an (...)
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  15. Memory Systems, the Epistemic Arrow of Time, and the Second Law.David H. Wolpert & Jens Kipper - 2024 - Entropy 26 (2).
    The epistemic arrow of time is the fact that our knowledge of the past seems to be both of a different kind and more detailed than our knowledge of the future. Just like with the other arrows of time, it has often been speculated that the epistemic arrow arises due to the second law of thermodynamics. In this paper, we investigate the epistemic arrow of time using a fully formal framework. We begin by defining (...)
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  16. Arrow of Time.Bradley H. Dowden - 2024 - Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Many philosophers and scientists have claimed that time has an arrow that points in a special direction. The Roman poet Ovid may have referred to this one-way property of time when he said, “Time itself glides on with constant motion, ever as a flowing river.” However, understanding this arrow is not … Continue reading The Arrow of Time →.
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    (1 other version)Probability, arrow of time and decoherence.Guido Bacciagaluppi - 2007 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 38 (2):439-456.
    This paper relates both to the metaphysics of probability and to the physics of time asymmetry. Using the formalism of decoherent histories, it investigates whether intuitions about intrinsic time directedness that are often associated with probability can be justified in the context of no-collapse approaches to quantum mechanics. The standard approach to time symmetry in the decoherent histories literature is criticised, and an alternative approach is proposed, based on two decoherence conditions within the one-vector formalism. In turn, (...)
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  18. Gnoseology, Ontology, and the Arrow of Time.J. J. Sanguineti & M. Castagnino - 1998 - Acta Philosophica 7 (2):235-265.
    This paper studies the problem of the arrow of time from the scientific and philosophical perspective. The scientific section (Castagnino) poses the topic according to the instruments of measuring employed in physical theories, specially when they are applied to dynamic chaotic systems in which a temporal asymmetry is shown. From the analysis of “two schools” (epistemological and ontological), the conclusion is favorable to the reality (both ontological and epistemological) of the difference between past and future, with the recourse (...)
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    Arrow of Time and Quantum Physics.Detlev Buchholz & Klaus Fredenhagen - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 53 (5):1-15.
    Based on the hypothesis that the (non-reversible) arrow of time is intrinsic in any system, no matter how small, the consequences are discussed. Within the framework of local quantum physics it is shown how such a semi-group action of time can consistently be extended to that of the group of spacetime translations in Minkowski space. In presence of massless excitations, however, there arise ambiguities in the theoretical extensions of the time translations to the past. The corresponding (...)
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  20. The Global Arrow of Time as a Geometrical Property of the Universe.Mario Castagnino, Olimpia Lombardi & Luis Lara - 2003 - Foundations of Physics 33 (6):877-912.
    Traditional discussions about the arrow of time in general involve the concept of entropy. In the cosmological context, the direction past-to-future is usually related to the direction of the gradient of the entropy function of the universe. But the definition of the entropy of the universe is a very controversial matter. Moreover, thermodynamics is a phenomenological theory. Geometrical properties of space-time provide a more fundamental and less controversial way of defining an arrow of time for (...)
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  21.  49
    Velocity reversal and the arrows of time.John G. Cramer - 1988 - Foundations of Physics 18 (12):1205-1212.
    Agendanken experiment is proposed for distinguishing between two models accounting for the macroscopic arrow of time. The experiment involves the veloeity revesal of components of an isolated system, and the two models give contrasting predictions as to its behavior.
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  22. The arrow of time in cosmology.Mario Castagnino, Olimpia Lombardi & Luis Lara - unknown
    Scientific cosmology is an empirical discipline whose objects of study are the large-scale properties of the universe. In this context, it is usual to call the direction of the expansion of the universe the "cosmological arrow of time". However, there is no reason for privileging the ‘radius’ of the universe for defining the arrow of time over other geometrical properties of the space-time. Traditional discussions about the arrow of time in general involve the (...)
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  23. The Decoherent Arrow of Time and the Entanglement Past Hypothesis.Jim Al-Khalili & Eddy Keming Chen - 2024 - Foundations of Physics 54 (49).
    If an asymmetry in time does not arise from the fundamental dynamical laws of physics, it may be found in special boundary conditions. The argument normally goes that since thermodynamic entropy in the past is lower than in the future according to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, then tracing this back to the time around the Big Bang means the universe must have started off in a state of very low thermodynamic entropy: the Thermodynamic Past Hypothesis. In this (...)
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  24. The Universal Arrow of Time.Oleg Kupervasser, Hrvoje Nikolić & Vinko Zlatić - 2012 - Foundations of Physics 42 (9):1165-1185.
    Statistical physics cannot explain why a thermodynamic arrow of time exists, unless one postulates very special and unnatural initial conditions. Yet, we argue that statistical physics can explain why the thermodynamic arrow of time is universal, i.e., why the arrow points in the same direction everywhere. Namely, if two subsystems have opposite arrow-directions at a particular time, the interaction between them makes the configuration statistically unstable and causes a decay towards a system with (...)
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  25. Popper on the Arrow of Time in Numero Especial dedicado a Popper/Special Issue devoted to Popper.M. Ghins - 1986 - Manuscrito. Revista Internacional de Filosofia 9 (2):17-93.
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  26. The Arrow of Time: From Universe Time-Asymmetry to Local Irreversible Processes. [REVIEW]Matías Aiello, Mario Castagnino & Olimpia Lombardi - 2008 - Foundations of Physics 38 (3):257-292.
    In several previous papers we have argued for a global and non-entropic approach to the problem of the arrow of time, according to which the “arrow” is only a metaphorical way of expressing the geometrical time-asymmetry of the universe. We have also shown that, under definite conditions, this global time-asymmetry can be transferred to local contexts as an energy flow that points to the same temporal direction all over the spacetime. The aim of this paper (...)
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  27. The global non-entropic arrow of time: from global geometrical asymmetry to local energy flow.Mario Castagnino & Olimpia Lombardi - 2009 - Synthese 169 (1):1-25.
    Since the nineteenth century, the problem of the arrow of time has been traditionally analyzed in terms of entropy by relating the direction past-to-future to the gradient of the entropy function of the universe. In this paper, we reject this traditional perspective and argue for a global and non-entropic approach to the problem, according to which the arrow of time can be defined in terms of the geometrical properties of spacetime. In particular, we show how the (...)
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  28. Does a Computer Have an Arrow of Time?Owen J. E. Maroney - 2010 - Foundations of Physics 40 (2):205-238.
    Schulman (Entropy 7(4):221–233, 2005) has argued that Boltzmann’s intuition, that the psychological arrow of time is necessarily aligned with the thermodynamic arrow, is correct. Schulman gives an explicit physical mechanism for this connection, based on the brain being representable as a computer, together with certain thermodynamic properties of computational processes. Hawking (Physical Origins of Time Asymmetry, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994) presents similar, if briefer, arguments. The purpose of this paper is to critically examine the support (...)
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  29. Popper on the Arrow of Time.Michel Ghins - 1986 - Manuscrito: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 9:77-94.
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  30.  20
    Complexity and the Arrow of Time.Charles H. Lineweaver, Paul C. W. Davies & Michael Ruse (eds.) - 2013 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    There is a widespread assumption that the universe in general, and life in particular, is 'getting more complex with time'. This book brings together a wide range of experts in science, philosophy and theology and unveils their joint effort in exploring this idea. They confront essential problems behind the theory of complexity and the role of life within it: what is complexity? When does it increase, and why? Is the universe evolving towards states of ever greater complexity and diversity? (...)
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  31. About the confusion between the course of time and the arrow of time.Étienne Klein - 2007 - Foundations of Science 12 (3):203-221.
    A conclusion drawn after a conference devoted (in 1995) to the “arrow of time” was the following: “Indeed, it seems not a very great exaggeration to say that the main problem with “the problem of the direction of time” is to figure out exactly what the problem is supposed to be !” What does that mean? That more than 130 years after the work of Ludwig Boltzmann on the interpretation of irreversibility of physical phenomena, and that one (...)
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  32. The Arrow of Time: From Local Systems to the Whole Universe.Olimpia Lombardi & Cristian López (eds.) - forthcoming - Cambridge University Press.
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    Zagzebski on the arrow of time.Hugh Rice - 2005 - Faith and Philosophy 22 (3):363-369.
    Linda Zagzebski has recently argued that there is a conflict between a common view of the asymmetry of time and various other metaphysical hypotheses. She identifies conflicts in the case of the modal arrow of time and in the case of the causal arrow of time. In the case of the modal arrow I argue that on one view there is no conflict and that on another the principle should be abandoned that there are (...)
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    Plato and the Arrow of Time.Owen Goldin - 1998 - Ancient Philosophy 18 (1):125-143.
  35.  76
    Do Brains Have an Arrow of Time?Ryan Smith - 2014 - Philosophy of Science 81 (2):265-275.
    There is a persisting tension that exists between the block universe conception of time in modern physics and philosophy and the conception of time that stems naturally from experience, and entropic asymmetries have been proposed to explain this tension. This article argues that as biochemical processes in the brain depend upon spontaneous entropy increases in the forward-time direction, this should provide an entropic basis for the unidirectionality of psychological processes. As this view does not depend on considerations (...)
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    Looking at the Arrow of Time and Loschmidt’s Paradox Through the Magnifying Glass of Mathematical-Billiard.Mario Stefanon - 2019 - Foundations of Physics 49 (10):1231-1251.
    The contrast between the past-future symmetry of mechanical theories and the time-arrow observed in the behaviour of real complex systems doesn’t have nowadays a fully satisfactory explanation. If one confides in the Laplace-dream that everything be exactly and completely describable by the known mechanical differential equations, the whole experimental evidence of the irreversibility of real complex processes can only be interpreted as an illusion due to the limits of human brain and shortness of human history. In this work (...)
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  37. On the brussels school's arrow of time in quantum theory.Vassilios Karakostas - 1996 - Philosophy of Science 63 (3):374-400.
    This paper examines the problem of founding irreversibility on reversible equations of motion from the point of view of the Brussels school's recent developments in the foundations of quantum statistical mechanics. A detailed critique of both their 'subdynamics' and 'transformation' theory is given. It is argued that the subdynamics approach involves a generalized form of 'coarse-graining' description, whereas, transformation theory cannot lead to truly irreversible processes pointing to a preferred direction of time. It is concluded that the Brussels school's (...)
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  38. The Thermodynamical Arrow of Time: Reinterpreting the Boltzmann–Schuetz Argument. [REVIEW]Milan M. Ćirković - 2002 - Foundations of Physics 33 (3):467-490.
    The recent surge of interest in the origin of the temporal asymmetry of thermodynamical systems (including the accessible part of the universe itself) has put forward two possible explanatory approaches to this age-old problem. Hereby we show that there is a third possible alternative, based on the generalization of the classical (“Boltzmann–Schuetz”) anthropic fluctuation picture of the origin of the perceived entropy gradient. This alternative (which we dub the Acausal-Anthropic approach) is based on accepting Boltzmann's statistical measure at its face (...)
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  39. David Lewis’s Counterfactual Arrow of Time.Alexander R. Pruss - 2003 - Noûs 37 (4):606–637.
    David Lewis (1979) has argued that according to his possible worlds analysis of counterfactuals, “backtracking” counterfactuals of the form “If event A were to happen at tA, then event B would happen at tB” where tB precedes tA, are usually false if B does not actually happen at tB. On the other..
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  40. Omniscience and the Arrow of Time.Linda Zagzebski - 2002 - Faith and Philosophy 19 (4):503-519.
  41. (1 other version)The Wentaculus: Density Matrix Realism Meets the Arrow of Time.Eddy Keming Chen - 2024 - In Angelo Bassi, Sheldon Goldstein, Roderich Tumulka & Nino Zanghi, Physics and the Nature of Reality: Essays in Memory of Detlef Dürr. Springer. pp. 87-104.
    In this paper, I characterize and elaborate on the “Wentaculus” theory, a new approach to time’s arrow in a quantum universe that offers a unified solution to the problems of what gives rise to the arrow of time and what the ontology of quantum mechanics is.
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  42. The Second Law of Thermodynamics and the Psychological Arrow of Time.Meir Hemmo & Orly Shenker - 2019 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 73 (1):85-107.
    Can the second law of thermodynamics explain our mental experience of the direction of time? According to an influential approach, the past hypothesis of universal low entropy also explains how the psychological arrow comes about. We argue that although this approach has many attractive features, it cannot explain the psychological arrow after all. In particular, we show that the past hypothesis is neither necessary nor sufficient to explain the psychological arrow on the basis of current physics. (...)
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    First science: the missing science, the theory of everything, and the arrow of time.Spencer Scoular - 2008 - Boca Raton, Fla.: Universal Publishers.
    We explain what it is and why it is needed. We postulate the foundations of the field. In short, this book is a manifesto for First Science.
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    From Randomness and Entropy to the Arrow of Time.Lena Zuchowski - 2024 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Element reconstructs, analyses and compares different derivational routes to a grounding of the Arrow of Time in entropy. It also evaluates the link between entropy and visible disorder, and the related claim of an alignment of the Arrow of Time with a development from order to visible disorder. The Element identifies three different entropy-groundings for the Arrow of Time: (i) the Empirical Arrow of Time, (ii) the Universal Statistical Arrow of (...)
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    The Thermodynamic Arrow of Time in Quantum Cosmology.Katinka Ridderbos - 2003 - In A. Rojszczak, J. Cachro & G. Kurczewski, Philosophical Dimensions of Logic and Science. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 179--194.
  46. Causation and the Arrow of Time.Alexander R. Pruss - unknown
    “We are always already thrown into concrete factual circumstances, facing possibilities that we need to come to grips with. By choosing some we exclude others, thus making them no longer possible. What we are thrown into is the past and present, and the possibilities loom ahead of us, though we may try to turn our back on them. The future is the home of the possibilities while the present and past define the circumstances in which we make our choices, circumstances (...)
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  47. Introduction to the Philosophy of Statistical Mechanics: Can Probability Explain the Arrow of Time in the Second Law of Thermodynamics?Orly Shenker & Meir Hemmo - 2011 - Philosophy Compass 6 (9):640-651.
    The arrow of time is a familiar phenomenon we all know from our experience: we remember the past but not the future and control the future but not the past. However, it takes an effort to keep records of the past, and to affect the future. For example, it would take an immense effort to unmix coffee and milk, although we easily mix them. Such time directed phenomena are sub- sumed under the Second Law of Thermodynamics. This (...)
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  48. Absolute becoming, relational becoming and the arrow of time: Some non-conventional remarks on the relationship between physics and metaphysics.Mauro Dorato - 2006 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 37 (3):559-576.
    The literature on the compatibility between the time of our experience--characterized by passage or becoming--and time as is represented within spacetime theories has been affected by a persistent failure to get a clear grasp of the notion of becoming, both in its relation to an ontology of events tt"spreadtt" in a four-dimensional manifold, and in relation to temporally asymmetric physical processes.In the first part of my paper I try to remedy this situation by offering what I consider a (...)
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    Critical Reflection As An Irreversible Process: Epicurus, The Arrow Of Time, And An Ontology For Organizational Learning Phenomena.Donald Gilstrap - 2010 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 12 (4).
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    Computation, Information, and the Arrow of Time.Pieter Adriaans, Peter van Emde Boas & Fnwi Illc - 2011 - In S. B. Cooper & Andrea Sorbi, Computability in Context: Computation and Logic in the Real World. World Scientific.
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