  1.  38
    Arrow of Time and Quantum Physics.Detlev Buchholz & Klaus Fredenhagen - 2023 - Foundations of Physics 53 (5):1-15.
    Based on the hypothesis that the (non-reversible) arrow of time is intrinsic in any system, no matter how small, the consequences are discussed. Within the framework of local quantum physics it is shown how such a semi-group action of time can consistently be extended to that of the group of spacetime translations in Minkowski space. In presence of massless excitations, however, there arise ambiguities in the theoretical extensions of the time translations to the past. The corresponding loss of quantum information (...)
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  2.  42
    Causal Lie Products of Free Fields and the Emergence of Quantum Field Theory.Detlev Buchholz, Roberto Longo & Karl-Henning Rehren - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 52 (5):1-7.
    All causal Lie products of solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation and the wave equation in Minkowski space are determined. The results shed light on the origin of the algebraic structures underlying quantum field theory.
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  3.  32
    From Path Integrals to Dynamical Algebras: A Macroscopic View of Quantum Physics.Detlev Buchholz & Klaus Fredenhagen - 2020 - Foundations of Physics 50 (7):727-734.
    The essence of the path integral method in quantum physics can be expressed in terms of two relations between unitary propagators, describing perturbations of the underlying system. They inherit the causal structure of the theory and its invariance properties under variations of the action. These relations determine a dynamical algebra of bounded operators which encodes all properties of the corresponding quantum theory. This novel approach is applied to non-relativistic particles, where quantum mechanics emerges from it. The method works also in (...)
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