Results for 'anencephaly'

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  1. Anencephaly and interruption of pregnancy: policy proposals for HELs.James F. Drane - 1992 - HEC Forum 4 (2):103-119.
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    Anencephaly: Selected Medical Aspects.D. Alan Shewmon - 1988 - Hastings Center Report 18 (5):11-19.
  3.  84
    Selective abortion in Brazil: The anencephaly case.Debora Diniz - 2007 - Developing World Bioethics 7 (2):64–67.
    ABSTRACTThis paper discusses the Brazilian Supreme Court ruling on the case of anencephaly. In Brazil, abortion is a crime against the life of a fetus, and selective abortion of non‐viable fetuses is prohibited. Following a paradigmatic case discussed by the Brazilian Supreme Court in 2004, the use of abortion was authorized in the case of a fetus with anencephaly. The objective of this paper is to analyze the ethical arguments of the case, in particular the strategy of avoiding (...)
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  4. Distanced perspectives: Aids, anencephaly, and ahp. [REVIEW]Tom Koch & Mark Ridgley - 1998 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 19 (1):47-58.
    US court decisions guaranteeing life-sustaining care to anencephalic infants have been viewed with disfavor, and sometimes disbelief, by some ethicists who do not believe in the necessity of life-sustaining support for those without cognitive abilities or an independently sustainable future. The distance between these two views – one legal and inclusive, the other medical and specific – seems unbridgeable. This paper reports on a program using multicriterion decision making to define and describe persons in a way which both acknowledges the (...)
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    Ethics Consultation: Anencephaly and Organ Donation.James E. Reagan - 1995 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 23 (4):398-400.
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    A Revised Moral Appraisal of Early Induction of Labor in Cases of Anencephaly.John Holmes - 2023 - HEC Forum 35 (4):389-406.
    The central concern of this article is whether early induction of labor for an anencephalic fetus can ever be morally justified, particularly by a Catholic healthcare ethics committee. By revisiting and refining arguments in articles by Drane (1992) and Bole (1992) published in this journal, a revised argument – consistent with the Catholic moral tradition – can seemingly be constructed that a Catholic healthcare ethics committee might use to justify early induction of labor in some pregnancies involving an anencephalic fetus. (...)
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    More Questions on Anencephaly—Part I.Daniel O'Brien - 1992 - Ethics and Medics 17 (10):1-3.
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    Early Delivery of a Fetus with Anencephaly.Norman M. Ford - 2003 - Ethics and Medics 28 (7):1-4.
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    Case Study: Conjoined Twins and Anencephaly.R. A. Williamson, R. T. Soper, J. A. Widness & R. F. Weir - 1990 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 1 (1):30-35.
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    The Morality of Induced Delivery of the Anencephalic Fetus Prior to Viability.James L. Walsh & Moira M. McQueen - 1993 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 3 (4):357-369.
    In situations where anencephaly is diagnosed and where the mother's life or health is threatened Roman Catholic hospitals are faced with the dilemma of waiting until viability before inducing the fetus, thus potentially putting the mother at further risk. According to most Roman Catholic ethicists, induced delivery before viability is contrary to the Church's prohibition of direct killing of the innocent. The authors propose for discussion a reconsideration of this position in the case of the anencephalic fetus and conclude (...)
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  11. Consciousness without a cerbral cortex: A challenge for neuroscience and medicine.Bjorn Merker - 2007 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 30 (1):63-81.
    A broad range of evidence regarding the functional organization of the vertebrate brain – spanning from comparative neurology to experimental psychology and neurophysiology to clinical data – is reviewed for its bearing on conceptions of the neural organization of consciousness. A novel principle relating target selection, action selection, and motivation to one another, as a means to optimize integration for action in real time, is introduced. With its help, the principal macrosystems of the vertebrate brain can be seen to form (...)
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    Persons and death: What's metaphysically wrong with our current statutory definition of death?John P. Lizza - 1993 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 18 (4):351-374.
    This paper challenges the recommendation of 1981 President's Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Biomedical and Behavioral Research that all jurisdictions in the United States should adopt the Uniform Determination of Death Act, which endorses a whole-brain, rather than a higher-brain, definition of death. I argue that the Commission was wrong to reject the "personhood argument" for the higher-brain definition on the grounds that there is no consensus among philosophers or the general population as to what (...)
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    The Dead Donor Rule: Should We Stretch It, Bend It, or Abandon It?Robert M. Arnold & Stuart J. Youngner - 1993 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 3 (2):263-278.
    The dead donor rule—that persons must be dead before their organs are taken—is a central part of the moral framework underlying organ procurement. Efforts to increase the pool of transplantable organs have been forced either to redefine death (e.g., anencephaly) or take advantage of ambiguities in the current definition of death (e.g., the Pittsburgh protocol). Society's growing acceptance of circumstances in which health care professionals can hasten a patient's death also may weaken the symbolic importance of the dead donor (...)
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  14. Reconsidering the dead donor rule: Is it important that organ donors be dead?Norman Fost - 2004 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 14 (3):249-260.
    : The "dead donor rule" is increasingly under attack for several reasons. First, there has long been disagreement about whether there is a correct or coherent definition of "death." Second, it has long been clear that the concept and ascertainment of "brain death" is medically flawed. Third, the requirement stands in the way of improving organ supply by prohibiting organ removal from patients who have little to lose—e.g., infants with anencephaly—and from patients who ardently want to donate while still (...)
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    Survey of physicians' approach to severe fetal anomalies.Cara C. Heuser, Alexandra G. Eller & Janice L. Byrne - 2012 - Journal of Medical Ethics 38 (7):391-395.
    Objective Standards of care regarding obstetric management of life-threatening anomalies are not defined. It is hypothesised that physicians' management of these pregnancies is variable and influenced by demographic factors. Design A questionnaire was mailed to members of the Society of Maternal–Fetal Medicine with valid US addresses assessing obstetric management of both ‘uniformly lethal’ (eg, anencephaly, renal agenesis) and ‘uniformly severe, commonly lethal’ (eg, trisomy 13 and 18) anomalies. Respondents were asked to answer as if not limited by state/institutional restrictions. (...)
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    Ethical language and decision-making for prenatally diagnosed lethal malformations.Dominic Wilkinson, Lachlan De Crespigny & Vicki Xafis - unknown
    In clinical practice, and in the medical literature, severe congenital malformations such as trisomy 18, anencephaly, and renal agenesis are frequently referred to as ‘lethal’ or as ‘incompatible with life’. However, there is no agreement about a definition of lethal malformations, nor which conditions should be included in this category. Review of outcomes for malformations commonly designated ‘lethal’ reveals that prolonged survival is possible, even if rare. This article analyses the concept of lethal malformations and compares it to the (...)
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    Just diagnosis? Preimplantation genetic diagnosis and injustices to disabled people.Thomas S. Petersen - 2005 - Journal of Medical Ethics 31 (4):231-234.
    Most of us want to have children. We want them to be healthy and have a good start in life. One way to achieve this goal is to use preimplantation genetic diagnosis . PGD enables people engaged in the process of in vitro fertilisation to acquire information about the genetic constitution of an early embryo. On the basis of this information, a decision can be made to transfer embryos without genetic defects to the uterus and terminate those with genetic defects.1However, (...)
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    Being an Interpreter—Beyond Linguistics.Patricia Coronado - 2024 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 14 (3):10-12.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Being an Interpreter—Beyond LinguisticsPatricia CoronadoInterpreting refers specifically to the process of listening to and analyzing a message received in one language, then recreating the same message and delivering it in another language, all while preserving the meaning. An interpreter should always maintain a professional distance and be neutral to both sides of the conversation. Could I truly walk this line and perform by the book for each encounter?At one (...)
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  19. Rights of Future Generations Concerning Genetic Heritage.Kathryn Paxton George - 1985 - Dissertation, Washington State University
    Many writers argue that future persons cannot have rights because they do not exist now. Therefore, they cannot be our equals. Derek Parfit argues that future persons cannot claim that past persons have violated their rights. If actions of past persons alter the genetic identity of future persons, then they would not exist at all. It is argued that Parfit's view is incorrect. In such cases it is our duty to reason as if there is some real person or other (...)
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    AMA Issues Statement on Anencephalics as Living Organ Donors.B. R. - 1995 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 23 (3):296-297.
    On May 24, 1995, the American Medical Association Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs issued a rather controversial opinion that it is ethically permissible to use anencephalic infants as living organ donors. Approximately 1,000 to 2,000 infants are born each year in the United States with anencephaly, a congenital birth defect whereby the infant has no forebrain and cerebrum. Without higher brain functions, the infants can never experience consciousness, thoughts, emotions, or pain. Fewer than half survive more than a (...)
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    The Baby K Case: A Search for the Elusive Standard of Medical Care.Lawrence J. Schneiderman & Sharyn Manning - 1997 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 6 (1):9-18.
    An anencephalic infant, who came to be known as Baby K, was born at Fairfax Hospial in Falls Church, Virginia, on October 13, 1992. From, the moment of birth and repeatedly thereafter, the baby's mother insisted that aggressive measures be pursued, including cardiopulmonary resuscitation and ventilator support, to keep the baby alive as long as possible. The physicians complied. However, following the baby's second admission for respiratory failure, the hospital sought declaratory relief from the court permitting it to forgo emergency (...)
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    The limits of principle: deciding who lives and what dies.Tom Koch - 1998 - Westport, Conn.: Praeger.
    Offers possible solutions to such medical dilemmas as who should receive organ transplants.
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  23. Defining death for persons and human organisms.John P. Lizza - 1999 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 20 (5):439-453.
    This paper discusses how alternative concepts of personhood affect the definition of death. I argue that parties in the debate over the definition of death have employed different concepts of personhood, and thus have been talking past each other by proposing definitions of death for different kinds of things. In particular, I show how critics of the consciousness-related, neurological formation of death have relied on concepts of personhood that would be rejected by proponents of that formulation. These critics rest on (...)
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