Results for 'analytic tableaux'

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  1. An Analytic Tableaux Model for Deductive Mastermind Empirically Tested with a Massively Used Online Learning System.Nina Gierasimczuk, Han L. J. van der Maas & Maartje E. J. Raijmakers - 2013 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 22 (3):297-314.
    The paper is concerned with the psychological relevance of a logical model for deductive reasoning. We propose a new way to analyze logical reasoning in a deductive version of the Mastermind game implemented within a popular Dutch online educational learning system (Math Garden). Our main goal is to derive predictions about the difficulty of Deductive Mastermind tasks. By means of a logical analysis we derive the number of steps needed for solving these tasks (a proxy for working memory load). Our (...)
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    The Complexity of Analytic Tableaux.Noriko H. Arai, Toniann Pitassi & Alasdair Urquhart - 2006 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 71 (3):777 - 790.
    The method of analytic tableaux is employed in many introductory texts and has also been used quite extensively as a basis for automated theorem proving. In this paper, we discuss the complexity of the system as a method for refuting contradictory sets of clauses, and resolve several open questions. We discuss the three forms of analytic tableaux: clausal tableaux, generalized clausal tableaux, and binary tableaux. We resolve the relative complexity of these three forms (...)
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    Analytical tableaux for da Costa's hierarchy of paraconsistent logics Cn, 1≤n<ω.Itala M. Loffredo D'Ottaviano & Milton Augustinis de Castro - 2005 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 15 (1):69-103.
    In this paper we present a new hierarchy of analytical tableaux systems TNDC n, 1≤ntableaux formulation, we introduce da Costa's ?ball? operator ?o?, the generalized operators ?k? and ?(k)?, for 1≤k, and the negations ?~k?, for k≥1, as primitive operators, differently to what has been done in the literature, where these operators are usually defined operators. We prove a version of Cut Rule for the TNDC (...))
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    Labelled analytic tableaux for S4. 3.Andrzej Indrzejczak - 2002 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 31 (1):15-26.
  5. Analytic Tableaux for all of SIXTEEN 3.Stefan Wintein & Reinhard Muskens - 2015 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 44 (5):473-487.
    In this paper we give an analytic tableau calculus P L 1 6 for a functionally complete extension of Shramko and Wansing’s logic. The calculus is based on signed formulas and a single set of tableau rules is involved in axiomatising each of the four entailment relations ⊧ t, ⊧ f, ⊧ i, and ⊧ under consideration—the differences only residing in initial assignments of signs to formulas. Proving that two sets of formulas are in one of the first three (...)
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  6. Non-Analytic Tableaux for Chellas's Conditional Logic CK and Lewis's Logic of Counterfactuals VC.Richard Zach - 2018 - Australasian Journal of Logic 15 (3):609-628.
    Priest has provided a simple tableau calculus for Chellas's conditional logic Ck. We provide rules which, when added to Priest's system, result in tableau calculi for Chellas's CK and Lewis's VC. Completeness of these tableaux, however, relies on the cut rule.
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    Analytic tableaux for default logics.Vincent Risch - 1996 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 6 (1):71-88.
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    The relative complexity of analytic tableaux and SL-resolution.André Vellino - 1993 - Studia Logica 52 (2):323 - 337.
    In this paper we describe an improvement of Smullyan's analytic tableau method for the propositional calculus-Improved Parent Clash Restricted (IPCR) tableau-and show that it is equivalent to SL-resolution in complexity.
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    Relevant analytic tableaux.Michael A. McRobbie & Nuel D. Belnap - 1979 - Studia Logica 38 (2):187 - 200.
    Tableau formulations are given for the relevance logics E (Entailment), R (Relevant implication) and RM (Mingle). Proofs of equivalence to modus-ponens-based formulations are vialeft-handed Gentzen sequenzen-kalküle. The tableau formulations depend on a detailed analysis of the structure of tableau rules, leading to certain global requirements. Relevance is caught by the requirement that each node must be used; modality is caught by the requirement that only certain rules can cross a barrier. Open problems are discussed.
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  10. Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods: TABLEAUX 2021.Anupam Das & Sara Negri (eds.) - 2021
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    The expected complexity of analytic tableaux analyses in propositional calculus.J. M. Plotkin & John W. Rosenthal - 1982 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 23 (4):409-426.
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    Theorem Proving with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods: 5th International Workshop, Tableaux '96, Terrasini (Palermo), Italy, May 15 - 17, 1996. Proceedings.Pierangelo Miglioli, Ugo Moscato, Daniele Mundici & Mario Ornaghi - 1996 - Springer Verlag.
    This books presents the refereed proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods, TABLEAUX '96, held in Terrasini near Palermo, Italy, in May 1996. The 18 full revised papers included together with two invited papers present state-of-the-art results in this dynamic area of research. Besides more traditional aspects of tableaux reasoning, the collection also contains several papers dealing with other approaches to automated reasoning. The spectrum of logics dealt with covers several nonclassical (...)
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    Körner's criterion of relevance and analytic tableaux.Joachim Schröder - 1992 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 21 (2):183 - 192.
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    Thomas Piecha and Peter Schroeder-Heister. Incompleteness of Intuitionistic Propositional Logic with Respect to Proof-Theoretic Semantics. Studia Logica , vol. 107 (2019), no. 1, pp. 233–246. - Alexander V. Gheorghiu, Tao Gu and David J. Pym. Proof-Theoretic Semantics for Intuitionistic Multiplicative Linear Logic. Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods, Revantha Ramanayake and Josef Urban, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 14278, Springer, Cham, pp. 367–385. - Hermógenes Oliveira. On Dummett’s Pragmatist Justification Procedure. Erkenntnis , vol. 86 (2021), no. 2, pp. 429–455. [REVIEW]Will Stafford - 2024 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 30 (3):427-431.
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  15. Dynamic Tableaux for Dynamic Modal Logics.Jonas De Vuyst - 2013 - Dissertation, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
    In this dissertation we present proof systems for several modal logics. These proof systems are based on analytic (or semantic) tableaux. -/- Modal logics are logics for reasoning about possibility, knowledge, beliefs, preferences, and other modalities. Their semantics are almost always based on Saul Kripke’s possible world semantics. In Kripke semantics, models are represented by relational structures or, equivalently, labeled graphs. Syntactic formulas that express statements about knowledge and other modalities are evaluated in terms of such models. -/- (...)
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    Simplified Tableaux for STIT Imagination Logic.Grigory K. Olkhovikov & Heinrich Wansing - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 48 (6):981-1001.
    We show how to correct the analytic tableaux system from the paper Olkhovikov and Wansing, 259–279, 2018).
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    Are tableaux an improvement on truth-tables?Marcello D'Agostino - 1992 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 1 (3):235-252.
    We show that Smullyan's analytic tableaux cannot p-simulate the truth-tables. We identify the cause of this computational breakdown and relate it to an underlying semantic difficulty which is common to the whole tradition originating in Gentzen's sequent calculus, namely the dissonance between cut-free proofs and the Principle of Bivalence. Finally we discuss some ways in which this principle can be built into a tableau-like method without affecting its analytic nature.
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    Construction of tableaux for classical logic: Tableaux as combinations of branches, branches as chains of sets.Tomasz Jarmużek - 2007 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 16 (1):85-101.
    The paper is devoted to an approach to analytic tableaux for propositional logic, but can be successfully extended to other logics. The distinguishing features of the presented approach are:(i) a precise set-theoretical description of tableau method; (ii) a notion of tableau consequence relation is defined without help of a notion of tableau, in our universe of discourse the basic notion is a branch;(iii) we define a tableau as a finite set of some chosen branches which is enough to (...)
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  19. Analytic cut-free tableaux for regular modal logics of agent beliefs.Rajeev Gore - manuscript
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    Tableaux and Interpolation for Propositional Justification Logics.Meghdad Ghari - 2024 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 65 (1):81-112.
    We present tableau proof systems for the annotated version of propositional justification logics, that is, justification logics which are formulated using annotated application operators. We show that the tableau systems are sound and complete with respect to Mkrtychev models, and some tableau systems are analytic and provide a decision procedure for the annotated justification logics. We further show Craig’s interpolation property and Beth’s definability theorem for some annotated justification logics.
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  21. Systematization of finite many-valued logics through the method of tableaux.Walter A. Carnielli - 1987 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 52 (2):473-493.
    his paper presents a unified treatment of the propositional and first-order many-valued logics through the method of tableaux. It is shown that several important results on the proof theory and model theory of those logics can be obtained in a general way. We obtain, in this direction, abstract versions of the completeness theorem, model existence theorem (using a generalization of the classical analytic consistency properties), compactness theorem and Lowenheim-Skolem theorem. The paper is completely self-contained and includes examples of (...)
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  22. Counterfactuals and semantic tableaux.Daniel Rönnedal - 2009 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 18 (1):71-91.
    The purpose of this paper is to develop a class of semantic tableau systems for some counterfactual logics. All in all I will discuss 1024 systems. Possible world semantics is used to interpret our formal languages. Soundness results are obtained for every tableau system and completeness results for a large subclass of these.
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  23. Analytic cut trees.Carlo Cellucci - 2000 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 8 (6):733-750.
    It has been maintained by Smullyan that the importance of cut-free proofs does not stem from cut elimination per se but rather from the fact that they satisfy the subformula property. In accordance with such a viewpoint in this paper we introduce analytic cut trees, a system from which cuts cannot be eliminated but satisfying the subformula property. Like tableaux analytic cut trees are a refutation system but unlike tableaux they have a single inference rule and (...)
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    Paraconsistency and Analyticity.Carlos A. OLLER - 1999 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 7 (1):91-99.
    William Parry conceived in the early thirties a theory of entail-
    ment, the theory of analytic implication, intended to give a formal expression to the idea that the content of the conclusion of a valid argument must be included in the content of its premises. This paper introduces a system of analytic, paraconsistent and quasi-classical propositional logic that does not validate the paradoxes of Parry’s analytic implication. The interpretation of the expressions of this logic will be given in (...)
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  25. Dyadic deontic logic and semantic tableaux.Daniel Rönnedal - 2009 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 18 (3-4):221-252.
    The purpose of this paper is to develop a class of semantic tableau systems for some dyadic deontic logics. We will consider 16 different pure dyadic deontic tableau systems and 32 different alethic dyadic deontic tableau systems. Possible world semantics is used to interpret our formal languages. Some relationships between our systems and well known dyadic deontic logics in the literature are pointed out and soundness results are obtained for every tableau system. Completeness results are obtained for all 16 pure (...)
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    On a decidable generalized quantifier logic corresponding to a decidable fragment of first-order logic.Natasha Alechina - 1995 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 4 (3):177-189.
    Van Lambalgen (1990) proposed a translation from a language containing a generalized quantifierQ into a first-order language enriched with a family of predicatesR i, for every arityi (or an infinitary predicateR) which takesQxg(x, y1,..., yn) to x(R(x, y1,..., y1) (x,y1,...,yn)) (y 1,...,yn are precisely the free variables ofQx). The logic ofQ (without ordinary quantifiers) corresponds therefore to the fragment of first-order logic which contains only specially restricted quantification. We prove that it is decidable using the method of analytic (...). Related results were obtained by Andréka and Németi (1994) using the methods of algebraic logic. (shrink)
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    Handbook of Tableau Methods.Marcello D'Agostino, Dov M. Gabbay, Reiner Hähnle & Joachim Posegga (eds.) - 1999 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    Recent years have been blessed with an abundance of logical systems, arising from a multitude of applications. A logic can be characterised in many different ways. Traditionally, a logic is presented via the following three components: 1. an intuitive non-formal motivation, perhaps tie it in to some application area 2. a semantical interpretation 3. a proof theoretical formulation. There are several types of proof theoretical methodologies, Hilbert style, Gentzen style, goal directed style, labelled deductive system style, and so on. The (...)
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    Automated Puzzle Solving.László Aszalós - 2002 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 12 (1):99-116.
    Smullyan wrote his famous book of puzzles before the boom in automated theorem proving and he solved the puzzles by hand. Hence it is interesting to investigate whether all the puzzles can be solved with one method or not. The paper shows how this can be done with analytic tableaux.
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  29. From Bi-facial Truth to Bi-facial Proofs.Stefan Wintein & Reinhard A. Muskens - 2015 - Studia Logica 103 (3):545-558.
    In their recent paper Bi-facial truth: a case for generalized truth values Zaitsev and Shramko [7] distinguish between an ontological and an epistemic interpretation of classical truth values. By taking the Cartesian product of the two disjoint sets of values thus obtained, they arrive at four generalized truth values and consider two “semi-classical negations” on them. The resulting semantics is used to define three novel logics which are closely related to Belnap’s well-known four valued logic. A syntactic characterization of these (...)
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    Silogística intermedia, términos y árboles.J. Martín Castro-Manzano - 2019 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 58:209-237.
    In this paper we propose a tableaux method for the intermediate syllogistic of Peterson and Thompson by using the algebra of Sommers and Englebretsen. The result is an analytic tableaux method capable of modeling inference in basic, relational, and intermediate syllogistic.
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    From Semantic Games to Provability: The Case of Gödel Logic.Alexandra Pavlova, Robert Freiman & Timo Lang - 2021 - Studia Logica 110 (2):429-456.
    We present a semantic game for Gödel logic and its extensions, where the players’ interaction stepwise reduces arbitrary claims about the relative order of truth degrees of complex formulas to atomic ones. The paper builds on a previously developed game for Gödel logic with projection operator in Fermüller et al., Information processing and management of uncertainty in knowledge-based systems, Springer, Cham, 2020, pp. 257–270). This game is extended to cover Gödel logic with involutive negations and constants, and then lifted to (...)
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  32. Socratic proofs.Andrzej Wiśniewski - 2004 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 33 (3):299-326.
    Our aim is to express in exact terms the old idea of solving problems by pure questioning. We consider the problem of derivability: "Is A derivable from Δ by classical propositional logic?". We develop a calculus of questions E*; a proof (called a Socratic proof) is a sequence of questions ending with a question whose affirmative answer is, in a sense, evident. The calculus is sound and complete with respect to classical propositional logic. A Socratic proof in E* can be (...)
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  33. Três Vezes Não: Um Estudo Sobre as Negações Clássica, Paraconsistente e Paracompleta.Kherian Gracher - 2020 - Dissertation, Federal University of Santa Catarina
    Could there be a single logical system that would allow us to work simultaneously with classical, paraconsistent, and paracomplete negations? These three negations were separately studied in logics whose negations bear their names. Initially we will restrict our analysis to propositional logics by analyzing classical negation, ¬c, as treated by Classical Propositional Logic (LPC); the paraconsistent negation, ¬p, as treated through the hierarchy of Paraconsistent Propositional Calculi Cn (0 ≤ n ≤ ω); and the paracomplete negation, ¬q, as treated by (...)
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    Non-distributive Relatives of ETL and NFL.Daniil Kozhemiachenko - 2020 - Studia Logica 109 (1):137-165.
    In this paper we devise non-distributive relatives of Exactly true logic by Pietz and Riveccio and its dual Non-falsity logic by Shramko, Zaitsev and Belikov. We consider two pre-orders which are algebraic counterparts of the ETL’s and NFL’s entailment relations on the de Morgan lattice 4. We generalise these pre-orders and determine which distributive properties that hold on 4 are not forced by either of the pre-orders. We then construct relatives of ETL and NFL but lack such distributive properties. For (...)
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  35. The logic pamphlets of Charles lutwidge dodgson and related pieces (review).Irving H. Anellis - 2011 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 49 (4):506-507.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Logic Pamphlets of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson and Related PiecesIrving H. AnellisFrancine F. Abeles, editor. The Logic Pamphlets of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson and Related Pieces. The Pamphlets of Lewis Carroll, 4. New York-Charlottesville-London: Lewis Carroll Society of North America-University Press of Virginia, 2010. Pp. xx + 271. Cloth, $75.00.Until William Bartley’s rediscovery and reconstruction of Dodgson’s lost Part II of Symbolic Logic, Lewis Carroll’s reputation in logic, when (...)
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  36. Epimorphism between Fine and Ferguson’s Matrices for Angell’s AC.Richard Zach - 2023 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 32 (2):161-179.
    Angell's logic of analytic containment AC has been shown to be characterized by a 9-valued matrix NC by Ferguson, and by a 16-valued matrix by Fine. We show that the former is the image of a surjective homomorphism from the latter, i.e., an epimorphic image. The epimorphism was found with the help of MUltlog, which also provides a tableau calculus for NC extended by quantifiers that generalize conjunction and disjunction.
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  37. Logic: A Primer.Erich Rast - manuscript
    This text is a short introduction to logic that was primarily used for accompanying an introductory course in Logic for Linguists held at the New University of Lisbon (UNL) in fall 2010. The main idea of this course was to give students the formal background and skills in order to later assess literature in logic, semantics, and related fields and perhaps even use logic on their own for the purpose of doing truth-conditional semantics. This course in logic does not replace (...)
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    (2 other versions)Logic and Abduction.Lorenzo Magnani - 2007 - Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 22 (3):275-284.
    In her book Abductive Reasoning Atocha Aliseda (2006) stresses the attention to the logical models of abduction, centering on the semantic tableaux as a method for extending and improving both the whole cognitive/philosophical view on it and on other more restricted logical approaches. I will provide further insight on two aspects. The first is re-lated to the importance of increasing logical knowledge on abduction: Aliseda clearly shows how the logical study on abduction in turn helps us to extend and (...)
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    Logique. Volume 1. [REVIEW]Dale Jacquette - 1992 - Review of Metaphysics 46 (2):404-405.
    This is a remarkable new French language introduction to elementary logical methods. Although designed primarily for computer and information specialists, it is also sure to interest philosophers and logicians because of its diversity of subjects, emphasis on graphic calculation techniques, and extensive historical background. The book is intelligently divided into nine main chapters with detailed descriptive subsections. It begins with the most fundamental principles of Aristotelian syllogistic and Boolean algebra, working through the essentials of Frege's predicate calculus and Gödel's consistency-completeness (...)
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  40. Las causas en aristoteles Y santo Tomas.Posterior Analytícs - 1983 - Sapientia 147:9.
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    Index locorum.Posterior Analytics - 2010 - In Richard Arnot Home Bett, The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Scepticism. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 370.
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    (1 other version)2. Boolean algebras of the form P (co)/I and their automorphisms ([6, 5.Analytic Ideals - 1996 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 2 (3).
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    Current periodical articles.All Acceptable Generalizations are Analytic - 1977 - American Philosophical Quarterly 14 (3).
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  44. GT Csanady Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Waterloo.Simple Analytical Models Of Wind-Driven - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum, Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif.. pp. 371.
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  45. on Concept Formation.I. Aristotle & Posterior Analytics - 2010 - In David Charles, Definition in Greek philosophy. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 424.
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  46. Columbia Naturalism and the Analytic Turn: Eclipse or Synthesis?Sander Verhaegh - 2025 - In American Philosophy and the Intellectual Migration: Pragmatism, Logical Empiricism, Phenomenology, Critical Theory. Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Historical reconstructions of the effects of the intellectual migration are typically informed by one of two conflicting narratives. Some scholars argue that refugee philosophers, in particular the logical positivists, contributed to the demise of distinctly American schools of thought. Others reject this ‘eclipse view’ and argue that postwar analytic philosophy can best be characterized as a synthesis of American and positivist views. This paper studies the fate of one of the most influential schools of U.S. philosophy—Columbia naturalism—and argues that (...)
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    The Standard Analytic Conception of Knowledge.Stephen Hetherington - 2011 - In Stephen Cade Hetherington, How to Know: A Practicalist Conception of Knowledge. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1–25.
    This chapter contains sections titled: ‘Knowing is a Belief State (or Something Similar)’ ‘Knowledge is Well Supported’ ‘Knowledge is Absolute’ ‘Knowing Includes not being Gettiered’ ‘Knowledge‐that is Fundamentally Theoretical, not Knowledge‐how’ The Standard Analytic Conception of Knowledge Prima Facie Core Problems.
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  48. When Analytic Narratives Explain.Anna Alexandrova - 2009 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 3 (1):1-24.
    Rational choice modeling originating in economics is sweeping across many areas of social science. This paper examines a popular methodological proposal for integrating formal models from game theory with more traditional narrative explanations of historical phenomena, known as “analytic narratives”. Under what conditions are we justified in thinking that an analytic narrative provides a good explanation? In this paper I criticize the existing criteria and provide a set of my own. Along the way, I address the critique of (...)
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    Wittgenstein on Logic as the Method of Philosophy: Re-Examining the Roots and Development of Analytic Philosophy.Oskari Kuusela - 2019 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
    Oskari Kuusela explores Wittgenstein's account of logic in the context of the history of analytic philosophy. He presents Wittgenstein as developing the logical-philosophical approaches of his contemporaries and credits him with resolving the long-standing dispute between the ideal language and ordinary language schools of analytic philosophy.
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    Analytic thinking reduces belief in conspiracy theories.Viren Swami, Martin Voracek, Stefan Stieger, Ulrich S. Tran & Adrian Furnham - 2014 - Cognition 133 (3):572-585.
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