Results for 'Zizi Goschin'

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  1.  43
    Does Religion Matter? Exploring Economic Performance Differences Among Romanian Emigrants.Roman Monica & Goschin Zizi - 2011 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 10 (30):183-212.
    Although migration and religion have traditionally developed as two separate research topics, in the current context of globalization and trans-nationalism attention begins to focus on the way they interconnect. Religion received little attention in Romanian studies on migration undertaken so far. Using the results of our survey among Romanian international migrants of different religious faiths, this paper aims to raise interest in migration-religion relationship and, at the same time, to improve the understanding of the economic performance factors in a migration (...)
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    The Partnership between the State and the Church against Trafficking in Persons.Zizi Goschin, Daniela-Luminita Constantin & Monica Roman - 2009 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 8 (24):231-256.
    Trafficking in persons is a multi-sided phenomenon accompanying the current migration flows, therefore, the actions that must be undertaken in order to prevent, combat the phenomenon as well as to assist the victims of trafficking require a large partnership between all the actors involved: international organisations, governmental institutions and representatives of civil society. The special psychological, ethical issues raised especially by trafficking prevention and assistance to victims make the church and various religious organisations play a very important role in the (...)
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  3.  46
    Ethnic Entrepreneurship as an Integrating Factor in Civil Society and a Gate to Religious Tolerance: A Spotlight on Turkish Entrepreneurs in Romania.Daniela-Luminita Constantin, Zizi Goschin & Mariana Dragusin - 2008 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 7 (20):49-79.
    The main aim of this article is to discuss both the concept of secularism among the Ottoman intellectuals and the principle of secularism during the period of the Turkish Republic based on ideas rather than practice. We can analyze “secularism in Turkey” in two separate periods of time: First, “The Ottoman Empire and Secularism” which discusses the ideas of secularism before the foundation of the Turkish Republic, and second “A Brief Analysis of the Turkish Republic and the Principle of Secularism” (...)
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  4.  7
    Kongzi de cai fu: chu shi de jing dian.Zizi Wan - 2007 - Beijing shi: Zhongguo min zhu fa zhi chu ban she. Edited by Shiying Liu.
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  5.  18
    What makes the past perfect and the future progressive? Experiential coordinates for a learnable, context-based model of tense and aspect.Dagmar Divjak, Petar Milin, Adnane Ez-Zizi & Laurence Romain - 2022 - Cognitive Linguistics 33 (2):251-289.
    We examined how language supports the expression of temporality within sentence boundaries in English, which has a rich inventory of grammatical means to express temporality. Using a computational model that mimics how humans learn from exposure we explored what the use of different tense and aspect combinations reveals about the interaction between our experience of time and the cognitive demands that talking about time puts on the language user. Our model was trained on n-grams extracted from the BNC to select (...)
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  6.  19
    The Morra Game as a Naturalistic Test Bed for Investigating Automatic and Voluntary Processes in Random Sequence Generation.Franco Delogu, Madison Barnewold, Carla Meloni, Enrico Toffalini, Antonello Zizi & Rachele Fanari - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  7.  29
    Informing the Debate around ADHD: Take Care of Zizi, directed by Karim El Shennawy, 2021.Khalid Ali & Mona El Shimi - 2022 - Journal of Medical Humanities 43 (3):513-516.
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  8.  36
    Citizens in the maelstrom of change: Individual and collective experience in Serbia in times of transformation.Ivana A. Spasić - 2002 - Filozofija I Društvo 2002 (19):357-367.
    Nijedno drustvo, pogotovo ono koje, poput Srbije, u kratkom razdoblju proslo kroz duboke potrese koji jos uvek traju, ne moze se adekvatno analizirati bez pogleda iz ugla svakodnevnog zivota i iskustva obicnih ljudi. Primena savremenih socioloskih i antropoloskih teorija svakodnevice na Srbiju danas u potrazi za personalizovanim tumacenjem kojim obicni ljudi osmisljavaju samima sebi sve sto im se dogodi u poslednjih petnaestak godina, moze imati i sire teorijske implikacije, buduci da se iz nase perspektive lakse sagledava ogranicenost i neuniverzalnost teorija (...)
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