Results for 'Ziba Mosayebi'

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  1.  49
    Risk and sacrament: Being human in a covid‐19 world.Ziba Norman & Michael J. Reiss - 2020 - Zygon 55 (3):577-590.
    In this article we examine the changing relationship to risk as revealed by the covid-19 pandemic and the ways this has, and may in future, alter sacramental practice, considering the radical effects this could have on traditional Christian practice. We consider the cultural trends that may lie behind this developing approach to risk, examining this in the context of an emergent transhuman identity that is technologically moderated and seeks to overcome risks of human mortality.
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    Die Behauptung Eigener Menschenrechte als Selbstforderung.Reza Mosayebi - 2018 - In Kant Und Menschenrechte. De Gruyter. pp. 267-304.
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  3. Juridical Empowerment: Empowering the Impoverished as Rights-Asserters.Reza Mosayebi - 2022 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 26 (2):237-254.
    The idea of empowerment has gained a significant role in the discourse of poverty. I outline a restricted conception of empowerment inspired by Kant’s idea of rightful honour. According to this conception, empowerment consists in enabling individuals to assert their own human rights (juridical empowerment). I apply this conception to impoverished persons and argue that it is crucial to their self-respect, their so-called ‘power-[from-]within,’ and their political agency, and has a teleological primacy regarding our efforts to reduce poverty. I also (...)
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  4. .Reza Mosayebi - unknown
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    Frontmatter.Reza Mosayebi - 2018 - In Kant Und Menschenrechte. De Gruyter.
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    Sachregister.Reza Mosayebi - 2018 - In Kant Und Menschenrechte. De Gruyter. pp. 315-320.
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    Die „Antinomie“ des § 3 der Tugendlehre.Reza Mosayebi - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing (eds.), Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 443-456.
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    Inhalt.Reza Mosayebi - 2018 - In Kant Und Menschenrechte. De Gruyter.
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    Kant Und Menschenrechte.Reza Mosayebi (ed.) - 2018 - De Gruyter.
    Zentrale Begriffe in der Menschenrechtsdebatte, wie Würde, Autonomie, Menschheit und Freiheit, sind zugleich charakteristisch für die praktische Philosophie Kants. Kant nimmt bei fast allen, zum Teil kontroversen philosophischen Menschenrechtstheorien auf die eine oder andere Weise die Rolle eines bedeutenden Bezugspunkts ein. Dies gilt nicht nur für die moralischen Begründungstheorien, sondern auch für die Vertreter der heute einflussreichen „Politischen Konzeption“ der Menschenrechte, die auf eine unmittelbare moralische Rechtfertigung der Menschenrechte verzichten. Es fragt sich jedoch sowohl in systematischer wie ideengeschichtlicher Hinsicht, ob (...)
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    Ethical Challenges in Human Space Missions: A Space Refuge, Scientific Value, and Human Gene Editing for Space.Konrad Szocik, Ziba Norman & Michael J. Reiss - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1209-1227.
    This article examines some selected ethical issues in human space missions including human missions to Mars, particularly the idea of a space refuge, the scientific value of space exploration, and the possibility of human gene editing for deep-space travel. Each of these issues may be used either to support or to criticize human space missions. We conclude that while these issues are complex and context-dependent, there appear to be no overwhelming obstacles such as cost effectiveness, threats to human life or (...)
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    Heydər Əliyev və sovet rejiminin dil siyasətinin fəlsəfi mahiyyəti.Ziba Ağayeva - 2023 - Metafizika 6 (1):231-247.
    The national and spiritual values of the Azerbaijani people (language, religion, customs and rituals) emerged and formed over the centuries in the course of historical development, as well as the geopolitical location of the country, while being preserved in social, historical, cultural and family traditions, being passed down from generation to generation. It should be emphasized that during the Soviet period, the situation in the economy, industry, culture and education was very clear. As for the preservation and protection of national (...)
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  12.  20
    Das Minimum der reinen praktischen Vernunft: Vom kategorischen Imperativ zum allgemeinen Rechtsprinzip bei Kant.Reza Mosayebi - 2013 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    What is the founding relationship between Kant's general principle of rational law and his categorical imperative? On the one hand, Mosayebi answers this question by showing how Kant consistently developed the general principle of law from his moral philosophy. On the other hand, he demonstrates those transcendental critical moments that characterize this principle in contrast to the categorical imperative.
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    Einleitung. Vorwort.Reza Mosayebi - 2018 - In Kant Und Menschenrechte. De Gruyter. pp. 1-34.
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  14. Muslim Women’s Quest for Equality: Between Islamic Law and Feminism.Ziba Mir-Hosseini - 2006 - Critical Inquiry 32 (4):629.
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    Dynamic functional connectivity estimation for neurofeedback emotion regulation paradigm with simultaneous EEG-fMRI analysis.Raziyeh Mosayebi, Amin Dehghani & Gholam-Ali Hossein-Zadeh - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:933538.
    Joint Analysis of EEG and fMRI datasets can bring new insight into brain mechanisms. In this paper, we employed the recently introduced Correlated Coupled Tensor Matrix Factorization (CCMTF) method for analysis of the emotion regulation paradigm based on EEG frontal asymmetry neurofeedback in the alpha frequency band with simultaneous fMRI. CCMTF method assumes that the co-variations of the common dimension (temporal dimension) between EEG and fMRI are correlated and not necessarily identical. The results of the CCMTF method suggested that EEG (...)
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    Hinweise zu den Autorinnen und Autoren.Reza Mosayebi - 2018 - In Kant Und Menschenrechte. De Gruyter. pp. 307-310.
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    Personenregister.Reza Mosayebi - 2018 - In Kant Und Menschenrechte. De Gruyter. pp. 311-314.
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    Zitierweise und Abkürzungen von Kants Werken.Reza Mosayebi - 2018 - In Kant Und Menschenrechte. De Gruyter. pp. 305-306.
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    The Politics and Hermeneutics of Hijab in Iran: From Confinement to Choice.Ziba Mir-Hosseini - 2007 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 4 (1).
    Hijab – covering of a Muslim woman's body – is the most visible Islamic mandate. For a century it has been a major site of ideological struggle between traditionalism and modernity, and a yardstick for measuring the emancipation or repression of Muslim women. In recent decades hijab has become an arena where Islamist and secular feminist rhetoric have clashed. For Islamists, hijab represents their distinct identity and their claim to religious authenticity: it as a divine mandate that protects women and (...)
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  20.  14
    John Rawls: Das Recht der Völker.Henning Hahn & Reza Mosayebi (eds.) - 2019 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Im Rahmen der Reihe Klassiker Auslegen wird nun auch Rawls drittem Hauptwerk, Das Recht der Völker, ein kooperativer Kommentar gewidmet. Rawls entwickelt in seinem Spätwerk eine realistische Utopie internationaler Gerechtigkeit, die bei vielen seiner kosmopolitischen Schüler schnell auf Ablehnung stieß. Aus dem Abstand von 20 Jahren wird nun deutlich, dass die Schrift an Aktualität eher gewonnen und bis heute wichtige Debatte geprägt hat. Die einzelnen Beiträge rekonstruieren Rawls' Position zu globaler Gerechtigkeit, Menschenrechten, nichtidealer Theorie, internationaler Toleranz, Methode des politischen Konstruktivismus, (...)
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    Women, Jurisprudence, Islam. By Sedigheh Vasmaghi. Translated by Mr. Ashna and Philip G. Kreyenbroek.Ziba Mir-Hosseini - 2021 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 136 (3).
    Women, Jurisprudence, Islam. By Sedigheh Vasmaghi. Translated by Mr. Ashna and Philip G. Kreyenbroek. Göttinger Orientforschungen III, Reihe: Iranica, Neue Folge, vol. 11. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2014. Pp. 162. €38.
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  22. Science and Religion Shift in the First Three Months of the Covid-19 Pandemic.Margaret Boone Rappaport, Christopher Corbally, Riccardo Campa & Ziba Norman - 2020 - Studia Humana 10 (1):1-17.
    The goal of this pilot study is to investigate expressions of the collective disquiet of people in the first months of Covid-19 pandemic, and to try to understand how they manage covert risk, especially with religion and magic. Four co-authors living in early hot spots of the pandemic speculate on the roles of science, religion, and magic, in the latest global catastrophe. They delve into the consolidation that should be occurring worldwide because of a common, viral enemy, but find little (...)
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    "Orientalism" and Middle East Feminist StudiesColonial Fantasies: Toward a Feminist Reading of OrientalismDeconstructing Images of "The Turkish Woman."Between Marriage and the Market: Intimate Politics and Survival in CairoIn the House of the Law: Gender and Islamic Law in Ottoman Syria and PalestineFeminism and Islamic Fundamentalism: The Limits of Postmodern AnalysisIslam and Gender: The Religious Debate in Contemporary IranEngendering Middle East StudiesDreams of Trespass: Tales of a Harem Childhood.Lila Abu-Lughod, Meyda Yegenoglu, Zehra Arat, Homa Hoodfar, Judith Tucker, Haideh Moghissi, Ziba Mir-Hosseini, Deniz Kandiyoti, Fatima Mernissi & Ruth V. Ward - 2001 - Feminist Studies 27 (1):101.
  24. AHRC Research Centre for Law, Gender and Sexuality, University of Kent, UK. The AHRC Research Centre for Law, Gender and Sexuality is very pleased to be hosting two events at the University of Kent in summer 2006.Ratna Kapur, Margaret Davies & Ziba Mir-Hosseini - 2006 - Feminist Legal Studies 14:139.
  25. Reza Mosayebi: Das Minimum der reinen praktischen Vernunft. Vom kategorischen Imperativ zum allgemeinen Rechtsprinzip bei Kant (Kantstudien-Ergänzungshefte Bd. 173), De Gruyter, Berlin/Boston 2013, ISBN 978-3-11-032392-4, 274 S. [REVIEW]Jens Gillessen - 2016 - Methodus. International Journal for Modern Philosophy 8:96-112.
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    Reza Mosayebi: Das Minimum der reinen praktischen Vernunft. Vom kategorischen Imperativ zum allgemeinen Rechtsprinzip bei Kant. Berlin/Boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2013. 274 Seiten. ISBN 978-3-11-032430-3. [REVIEW]Oscar Cubo - 2016 - Kant Studien 107 (3):581-585.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Kant-Studien Jahrgang: 107 Heft: 3 Seiten: 581-585.
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    Kant und Menschenrechte. Hrsg. von Reza Mosayebi. Berlin/boston: Walter de Gruyter, 2018. [KSEH 201], 320 Seiten. ISBN 978-3-11-057147-9.Kant und Menschenrechte. Hrsg. von. [REVIEW]Christof Schilling - 2022 - Kant Studien 113 (1):150-154.
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    Kant’s Concept of Dignity.Yasushi Kato & Gerhard Schönrich (eds.) - 2019 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    Nearly all philosophers refer to Kant when debating the concept of dignity, and many approve of Kant’s conception, unaware of the tensions between Kant’s conception and the modern idea of dignity intimately connected to the idea of human rights. What exactly is Kant's conception of dignity? Is there a connecting tie between dignity and the legal sphere of human rights at all? Does Kant’s concept refer to a superior status human beings seem to own in comparison to non-rational beings? Or (...)
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    (1 other version)Immanuel Kant, Die Religion Innerhalb der Grenzen der Blossen Vernunft.Otfried Höffe (ed.) - 2011 - Akademie Verlag.
    Immanuel Kant hat wie kein anderer Denker die Philosophie der Neuzeit geprägt. Aufgrund seiner überragenden Bedeutung liegen inzwischen auch schon mehrere Bände zu seinen Schriften in der Reihe Klassiker Auslegen vor. Kant ist im wahrsten Sinne ein universeller Denker, der sein Interesse auf nahezu alle Bereiche des menschlichen Lebens richtet. Nach ihm lässt sich dieses Interesse in drei Fragen bündeln: Was kann ich wissen? Wie soll ich handeln? Und: Was darf ich hoffen? Der Antwort auf die dritte Frage geht Kant (...)
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    Bir İntihal Örneği Olarak Hafız Yahya Hilmi Kastamonî’nin Misb'hu’l-İhv'n li Taharrî Ây'ti’l-Kur’'n Adlı Eseri.İskender Şahin - 2017 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 21 (3):1565-1590.
    : Indexes are among the important resources for studies on the Qur'ān. Owing to such works, it is possible to find easily whether a word belong to Qur'ān and in which verses or how it is used. Such works of arts, whose early examples are given by Muslim scientists, later written by orientalists and thus gave its first work of art with the help of a German Orientalist Gustavus Flügel. His accommodation of Qur'ān index blazed a trail in this field (...)
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  31. Āshnāyī bā ārā-yi mutafakkirān darbārah-i hunar.Muḥammad Madadpūr - 2004 - Tihrān: Sūrah-i Mihr.
    kitāb-i 1. Hunar va zibāyī dar naẓar-i mutafakkirān-i Sharq -- kitāb-i 2. Hunar va zibāyī dar naẓar-i mutafakkirān-i Yūnān va Rumī -- kitāb-i 3-4. Hunar va zibāyī dar naẓar-i mutafakkirān-i Masīḥī va Musalmān.
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    Win the Battle, Lose the War?: Strategies for Repealing the Zina Ordinance in Pakistan.Beenish Riaz - 2020 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 17 (1):89-103.
    In 1979, following a military coup, President Zia-ul-Haq sought to foment his power by ‘Islamizing’ Pakistan. Among other policies, he enacted the Hudood Ordinances to codify classical Islamic fiqh on criminal law, including the controversial Zina Ordinance (“Ordinance”) which criminalizes sex outside of marriage. Shortly after its passing, the Ordinance led to the unjust incarceration of thousands of low-income women across the country. Decrying the law as violence against women, human rights supporters around the world demanded reform. Finally, in 2006, (...)
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    Capturing the gaze in film: Feminist critiques of Jewish and Islamic orthodoxy in Israel and Iran.Yael Shenker - 2018 - Critical Research on Religion 6 (2):113-131.
    This article addresses issues of body and sexuality exposed by documentary films about orthodox Jewish women in Israel and traditional Islamic women in Iran, directed by Anat Yuta Zuria and Ziba Mir-Hosseini, respectively. These two groups of religious women are faced with some similar circumstances. The directors of these films use their cameras to expose not only the male gaze, but sometimes they also turn their cameras back on the men who perpetuate and benefit from religious legal systems that (...)
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