  1. Tacit Knowledge/Knowing and the Problem of Articulation.Zhenhua Yu - 2003 - Tradition and Discovery 30 (2):11-22.
  2. Kant’s Notion of Judgment from the Perspective of the Theory of Tacit Knowing.Zhenhua Yu - 2004 - Tradition and Discovery 31 (1):24-35.
    The dominant view of the Western intellectual tradition, or perhaps more accurately, the continental European tradition, emphasizes the primacy of the universal over the particular when it comes to understanding the nature of knowledge. This preoccupation with the universal is undernined by the theory o.f tacit knowing which underlines the mediation of the universal and the particular with an emphasis on the lafter, that is, the particular. An analysis of Kant’s notions of determinative and reflective judgment reveals that he grounds (...)
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  3. Tradition, Authority and Originality in a Post-Critical Perspective.Zhenhua Yu - 2005 - Tradition and Discovery 32 (3):40-56.
    In his post-critical philosophy, Polanyi challenges the intellectual trend in modern western philosophy which exalted critical reason and denigrated the uncritical elements of knowing, such as belief, tradion and authority. In this paper, the author focuses on Polanyi’s thoughts on tradition, authority and originality in a post-critical perspective. On the one hand, Polanyi, against modern critical philosophy, fulluy acknowledges the important role played by tradition and authority in science, on the other hand, he also tries to show the tension and (...)
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    Tacit knowledge: In what sense?: Neil Gascoigne and Tim Thornton: Tacit knowledge. Chesham: Acumen, 2013, 210pp, $29.95 PB.Zhenhua Yu - 2014 - Metascience 24 (2):301-307.
    Since Michael Polanyi coined the term “tacit knowledge” in 1958, a huge amount of literature has been produced on this topic. Gascoigne and Thornton’s monograph represents one of the most recent attempts to clarify the concept of tacit knowledge.For other recent publications on tacit knowledge see Collins , Yu and Turner . In their engagement with various thinkers, most notably Polanyi, Ryle, Heidegger, Wittgenstein, John Searle, Hubert Dreyfus, and John McDowell, etc., the authors make impressive efforts to situate the discussion (...)
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    Weighted Brain Network Metrics for Decoding Action Intention Understanding Based on EEG.Xingliang Xiong, Zhenhua Yu, Tian Ma, Ning Luo, Haixian Wang, Xuesong Lu & Hui Fan - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Feminist Epistemology in a Polanyian Perspective.Zhenhua Yu - 2007 - Tradition and Discovery 34 (1):49-53.
    In her elaboration of the distinction between connected knowing and separate knowing, Professor Clinchy addresses some conceptual relations that are central to Polanyi’s epistemology. I believe Polanyi would be happy to see the strong echoes ofhis thoughts in feminist epistemology, and the feminists will find substantial support from Polanyi’s philosophy.
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    Feng, Qi 馮契, Collected Works of F eng Qi, 2nd, expanded ed. 馮契文集.Zhenhua Yu - 2017 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 16 (1):119-124.
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    The Expansion of Epistemology: The Metaphysical vs. the Practical Approach.Zhenhua Yu - 2012 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 11 (1):83-100.
    From the perspective of world philosophy, one phenomenon of the 20th century is quite intriguing. Certain philosophers in China as well as in the West, finding the traditional conception of epistemology too narrow-minded, argued that its scope should be expanded. The Chinese way of expanding epistemology might be called the metaphysical approach, and the Western way the practical approach. In this article, I will first give an outline of both approaches and then try to demonstrate that a substantial dialogue can (...)
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    Xing shang de zhi hui ru he ke neng?: Zhongguo xian dai zhe xue de chen si.Zhenhua Yu - 2000 - Shanghai: Hua dong shi fan da xue chu ban she.
    中国现代哲学是20世纪中国哲学变革和发展的重要时期,不少哲学家建立了自己独特的思想体系,对智慧问题予以高度重视。本书以中国现代哲学对形上智慧的追问和求索为主题,对中国现代哲学关于形而上学问题的理论发展 作了深入而清晰的梳理,并展示了其中的逻辑脉络。主要内容有科玄之争、知识和智慧、存在与天道、理智和直觉、名言之域与超名言之域、自由和境界等,着力对理气之辩、心物之辩、逻辑思维的辩证法、理性的直觉、可说的 和不可说的、思辩地说和诗意地说、天道和境界、自由和真善美等话题进行理性沉思。全书资料翔实、结构严谨、见解独特,是一部很有价值的学术专著,适合大学文科师生、哲学社会科学爱好者和研究者阅读使用。.
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