Results for 'Zerrin Kurtoğlu'

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    Beklerken: zamanın bilgisi ve öznenin dönüşümü.Zerrin Özlem Biner & Özge Biner (eds.) - 2019 - İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları.
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    Brigitte Labbé Ve Michel Puech'ın Aşk Ve Dostluk, Şiddet Ve Şiddetsizlik Başlıklı Kitapları İle Anne.Zerrin Eren - 2013 - Journal of Turkish Studies 8 (Volume 8 Issue 10):265-265.
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    Political Parties Matter: Explaining Peaceful and Violent State–Islamist Interactions in Algeria, Egypt, Indonesia and Turkey.Gül M. Kurtoğlu-eski̇şar - 2008 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 9 (2):183-207.
    What explains the breakout of violence following the repression of moderate Islamist groups in some Muslim countries? Part of the answer can lie in the political organization style of those groups, which can constrain or expand their long-term strategy choices in unpredicted ways. Using examples from Algeria, Egypt, Indonesia, and Turkey, this study suggests that organizing as a political party can initially restrict the means of action otherwise available to a moderate Islamist movement, while the loose framework of a political (...)
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    The view of synthetic biology in the field of ethics: a thematic systematic review.Ayse Kurtoglu, Abdullah Yıldız & Berna Arda - 2024 - Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 12:1397796.
    Synthetic biology is designing and creating biological tools and systems for useful purposes. It uses knowledge from biology, such as biotechnology, molecular biology, biophysics, biochemistry, bioinformatics, and other disciplines, such as engineering, mathematics, computer science, and electrical engineering. It is recognized as both a branch of science and technology. The scope of synthetic biology ranges from modifying existing organisms to gain new properties to creating a living organism from non-living components. Synthetic biology has many applications in important fields such as (...)
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    Book Review: Women’s violence in Question: Laura Sjoberg and Caron E. Gentry Mothers, Monsters and Whores: Women’s Violence in Global Politics London and New York: Zed Books, 2007, 276 pp., ISBN 978-1-84277-865-4 (hbk), 978-1-84277-866-1. [REVIEW]Ayça Kurtoğlu - 2010 - European Journal of Women's Studies 17 (3):287-289.
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    Ethical Evaluation Capacity of Turkish Food and Agricultural Engineers and Veterinary Physicians with Regard to Agriculture and Food System.Sukru Keles, Ayşe Kurtoğlu, Özdal Köksal, Neyyire Yasemin Yalım & Cemal Taluğ - 2021 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 34 (2):1-25.
    In Turkey, the numbers of studies that deal with agriculture and food as a system and process, and that address the issue with an integrated approach are very limited. Besides, there is no empirical study available in the national literature in which agricultural and food system has been analyzed within the framework of applied ethics. The present study aims to investigate the characteristics of food and agricultural engineers and veterinary physicians in terms of their tendency to carry out ethical evaluations (...)
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    al-Ufuq al-siyāsī lil-fikr al-Islāmī: dirāsah fī ʻalāqat al-dīn bi-al-falsafah min wijhat naẓar al-qaḍīyah al-siyāsīyah.Zerrin Kurtoğlu - 2008 - al-Muqaṭṭam, al-Qāhirah: Markaz al-Maḥrūsah lil-Nashr wa-al-Khidamāt al-Ṣuḥafīyah wa-al-Maʻlūmāt.
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    Turkish Bioethics Association IX. National Bioethics Congress, Mersin-2018.Abdullah Yıldız & Ayşe Kurtoğlu - 2018 - Türkiye Biyoetik Dergisi 4 (4):143-144.
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