Results for 'Zahia Chérifi'

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  1.  36
    Secrets de famille et deuil impossible.Zahia Chérifi - 2010 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 3 (3):131-139.
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  2.  21
    Striving for autonomy and feminism: What possibilities for Saudi Women?Zahia Smail Salhi - 2024 - Diogenes 65 (2):251-263.
    Caught in a web of cultural and religious conservatism, a totalitarian government that does not permit any form of civil society organisation, it is hardly surprising to note that before 1991 Saudi women could not mobilise in a movement to demand their confiscated rights. Until very recently, Saudi women were deprived of suffrage rights, freedom of movement, and the right to own their bodies and act freely without the consent of their male guardians. This article traces Saudi women’s trajectory to (...)
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  3.  13
    Sismographie des luttes.Zahia Rahmani & Julie Peghini - 2022 - Multitudes 87 (2):207-211.
    Un grand nombre de revues se sont créées pour résister à la colonisation et accompagner les luttes pour l’indépendance. Une installation, présentée notamment au Centre Pompidou (mai-juin 2021), permet de prendre connaissance de ce patrimoine exceptionnel et de réfléchir au rôle des revues dans l’histoire. Deux ouvrages parus aux Nouvelles Éditions Place/INHA en 2021, une base de données de 1000 revues accessible sur, accompagne également ce projet.
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  4.  27
    Autonomie et féminisme : quelle marge de manœuvre pour les femmes saoudiennes?Zahia Smail Salhi & Nicole G. Albert - 2021 - Diogène n° 267-267 (3-4):180-198.
    Prises dans les rets du conservatisme culturel et religieux comme dans ceux d’un gouvernement totalitaire bannissant toute forme d’organisation de la société civile, il n’est guère surprenant de constater qu’avant 1991 les femmes d’Arabie Saoudite ne pouvaient pas se mobiliser à travers un mouvement associatif pour réclamer des droits légitimes. Jusqu’à tout récemment, les Saoudiennes étaient privées du droit de vote, de la liberté de circulation et du droit d’agir librement sans le consentement de leurs gardiens matrimoniaux. Cet article retrace (...)
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  5.  15
    Effects of Vertical Transmission and Human Contact on Zika Dynamics.Abdoulaye Sow, Cherif Diallo & Hocine Cherifi - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-15.
    The main objective of Zika transmission studies is to work out the simplest approach to scale back human mortality and morbidity caused by the disease. Therefore, it is essential to spot the relative importance of the various factors contributing to the transmission and prevalence of the disease. Many mathematical models have been formulated incorporating vector-to-human transmission or human-to-human transmission. However, they do not take into consideration the mixture of both sorts of transmission. It raises the question of the impact of (...)
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  6.  18
    Robustness Analysis of the Regional and Interregional Components of the Weighted World Air Transportation Network.Issa Moussa Diop, Cherif Diallo, Chantal Cherifi & Hocine Cherifi - 2022 - Complexity 2022:1-17.
    The robustness of a system indicates its ability to withstand disturbances while maintaining its properties, performance, and efficiency. There are plenty of studies on the robustness of air transport networks in the literature. However, few works consider its mesoscopic organization. Building on the recently introduced component structure, we explore the impact of targeted attacks on the weighted world air transportation network on its components. Indeed, it contains five local components covering different regions and one global component linking these regions. We (...)
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