Results for 'Yash Kaushal'

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    (1 other version)Influence of Landmarks on Wayfinding and Brain Connectivity in Immersive Virtual Reality Environment.Sharma Greeshma, Kaushal Yash, Chandra Sushil, Singh Vijander, P. Mittal Alok & Dutt Varun - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Active vs intuitive sensemaking: Examination through the lens of generation, evaluation, and revision in ethical decision-making.Yash Gujar, Cory Higgs, Chanda Sanders, Mark Fichtel, Tristan McIntosh, Megan R. Turner, Shane Connelly & Michael D. Mumford - 2021 - Ethics and Behavior 31 (4):215-244.
    ABSTRACT Research examining ethical decision-making has focused on how people engage in EDM, leading many researchers to focus on sensemaking models of EDM. Although the merits of a sensemaking approach with respect to EDM are evident in the literature, less is known about the specific cognitive processes by which sensemaking impacts EDM. This study examines the impact of three late-cycle cognitive processes – idea generation, evaluation, and revision – as well as the timing of these processes on EDM. Results indicate (...)
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    General Psychopathology, Cognition, and the Cerebral Cortex in 10-Year-Old Children: Insights From the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study.Yash Patel, Nadine Parker, Giovanni A. Salum, Zdenka Pausova & Tomáš Paus - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:781554.
    General psychopathology and cognition are likely to have a bidirectional influence on each other. Yet, the relationship between brain structure, psychopathology, and cognition remains unclear. This brief report investigates the association between structural properties of the cerebral cortex [surface area, cortical thickness, intracortical myelination indexed by the T1w/T2w ratio, and neurite density assessed by restriction spectrum imaging (RSI)] with general psychopathology and cognition in a sample of children from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) study. Higher levels of psychopathology and (...)
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    The final inch: 2008. Produced and directed by Irene Taylor Brodsky. Vermilion Pictures in collaboration with 38 minutes. Available at Paul - 2009 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 6 (3):397-398.
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  5. The concept of mind.Yash D. Shalya - 1961 - Journal of the Philosophical Association 8 (January-April):45-48.
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  6. Solid Tumour Section.Yash Somnay, David Schneider & Haggi Mazeh - forthcoming - Http://Atlasgeneticsoncology. Org.
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    Globalization, Multiculturalism, and Law.Yash Ghai - 2007 - In Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Another knowledge is possible: beyond northern epistemologies. New York: Verso. pp. 3--383.
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    Some ethical issues arising from polio eradication programmes in india.Yash Paul & Angus Dawson - 2005 - Bioethics 19 (4):393–406.
    The World Health Organisation's programme for the eradication of poliomyelitis as currently practised in India raises many ethical issues. In this paper we concentrate on just two. The first is the balance to be struck between the risks and benefits generated by the eradication programme itself. The issue of risks and benefits arises in relation to the choice between two different vaccine types available for polio programmes: oral polio vaccine (OPV) and inactivated polio vaccine (IPV). OPV is the vaccine currently (...)
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    Impact of profession and wards on moral distress in a community hospital.Karim Bayanzay, Behzad Amoozgar, Varun Kaushal, Alissa Holman, Valentina Som & Shuvendu Sen - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (2):356-363.
    Background: Recently, a singular survey titled “Measure of Moral Distress—Healthcare Professionals,” which addresses shortcomings of previous instruments, has been validated. Aim: To determine how moral distress affects nurses and physicians differently across the various wards of a community hospital. Participant and research context: We distributed a self-administered, validated survey titled “Measure of Moral Distress—Healthcare Professionals” to all nurses and physicians in the medical/surgical ward, telemetry ward, intensive care units, and emergency rooms of a community hospital. Findings: A total of 101 (...)
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    Looking around and looking ahead: forecasting and moral intensity in ethical decision-making.Mark Fichtel, Yash Gujar, Chanda Sanders, Cory Higgs, Tristan McIntosh, Shane Connelly & Michael D. Mumford - 2022 - Ethics and Behavior 32 (4):326-343.
    ABSTRACT Prior studies have examined the impacts of sensemaking processes, such as forecasting, on ethical decision making but only a few have considered how aspects of the ethical issue itself, such as social consensus and magnitude of consequences, might interact with sensemaking processes to influence EDM. The present effort examines both forecasting and moral intensity, as well as their interactions, during the EDM process. Participants in this study were given an ethical scenario with either a high or low degree of (...)
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  11. Science-in-Society.Yash Pal - 1992 - In Jayant Vishnu Narlikar, Indu Banga & Chhanda Gupta, Philosophy of science: perspectives from natural and social sciences. Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers. pp. 40--223.
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    Science in society: some perspectives.Yash Pal, Ashok Jain & Subodh Mahanti (eds.) - 1993 - New Delhi: Gyan Pub. House in collaboration with National Institute of Science, Technology, and Development Studies.
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    HAMMER, ESPEN. Adorno's Modernism: Art, Experience, and Catastrophe. Cambridge University Press, 2015, 242 pp., $99.99 cloth. [REVIEW]Justin Neville Kaushall - 2016 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 74 (3):316-318.
  14. Contributors List.Arturo Escobar, Yash Ghai & Shalini Randeria - 2007 - In Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Another knowledge is possible: beyond northern epistemologies. New York: Verso. pp. 437.
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    Re-conceptualizing the villain: Todd Phillips’s Joker through the lens of Vedic hermeneutics.Lalit Aditya Kaushal & Nipun Kalia - 2023 - Technoetic Arts 21 (1):135-145.
    This article attempts to examine the portrayal of the character of Arthur Fleck in Todd Phillips’s Joker (2019). In the initial part of the film, Arthur exhibits signs that reveal he is headed towards committing a violent crime. Arthur displays signs of psychopathy and a lack of empathy. This article links criminal behaviour analysis to the Bible of the Arya Samaj, an Indian text, to find out how ancient Indian literature’s empirical theories, which are intertwined with philosophical and religious content, (...)
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    History, critique, experience: On the dialectical relationship between art and philosophy in Adorno’s aesthetic theory.Justin Neville Kaushall - 2025 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 51 (2):296-323.
    In Aesthetic Theory, Adorno argues that, in modernity, art and philosophy are reciprocally dependent upon each other for legitimation and critical force. This claim has puzzled scholars and provoked controversy. I argue that Adorno’s thesis may be comprehended in the following manner: art requires philosophy because, without the latter, art would lack the power to critique social and historical reality (in particular, the ideological elements that often remain invisible as second nature), and to rationally interpret the material particularity expressed by (...)
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    Can Art Fight Fascism?Justin Kaushall - 2018 - Philosophy Now 129:14-16.
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    Natural Spontaneity, or Adorno's Aesthetic Category of the Shudder.Justin Neville Kaushall - 2020 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2020 (192):125-144.
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    Red Kant: Aesthetics, Marxism, and the Third Critique.Justin Neville Kaushall - 2016 - British Journal of Aesthetics 56 (3):323-325.
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  20. Structural Analogies, Abstraction and Mathematical Concepts in Vedic Sciences.R. S. Kaushal - 2006 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 33 (2):125.
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  21. The Conscious Pendulum A Physicist's Approach.R. S. Kaushal - 2002 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 29 (1):65-78.
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    The melancholic gaze: Adorno's concept of interpretation as dialectical negation and critical speculation.Justin Neville Kaushall - 2021 - Constellations 28 (3):337-349.
    Constellations, Volume 28, Issue 3, Page 337-349, September 2021.
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    The philosophy of the Vedānta, a modern scientific perspective.Radhey Shyam Kaushal - 1994 - Delhi, India: Sri Satguru Publications.
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    The Role of Structural Analogy In Physical Sciences: A Philosophical Perspective.R. S. Kaushal - 1999 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 26 (4):543-574.
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    The science of philosophy: theory of fundamental processes in human behaviour and experiences.Radhey Shyam Kaushal - 2011 - New Delhi: D.K. Printworld.
    pt. 1. Basics of eastern and western views -- pt. 2. New analytical methods and workability -- pt. 3. Predictive power and future prospects.
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  26. Tīsarā viśva yuddha.Kedar Nath Kaushal - 1954
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    User experiences with pharmacy benefit manager data at the point of care.Rainu Kaushal, Rina Dhopeshwarkar, Lawrence Gottlieb & Harmon Jordan - 2010 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 16 (6):1076-1080.
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    Varṇas in Early Kambuja InscriptionsVarnas in Early Kambuja Inscriptions.Kaushal Kishore - 1965 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 85 (4):566.
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    Government and the universities in East Africa: II—The university of East Africa as a political institution. [REVIEW]Ali A. Mazrui & Yash Tandon - 1967 - Minerva 5 (3):381-386.
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    Electronic health record adoption and health information exchange among hospitals in New York State.Erika L. Abramson, Sandra McGinnis, Alison Edwards, Dayna M. Maniccia, Jean Moore & Rainu Kaushal - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (6):1156-1162.
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    Treatment of dorsal perilunate dislocations and fracture–dislocations using a standardized protocol.John T. Capo, Sandro J. Corti, Ben Shamian, Ali Nourbakhsh, Virak Tan, Neil Kaushal & Monika Debkowska - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman, The Hand. MIT Press. pp. 380-387.
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    Satisfaction after the transition between electronic health record systems at six ambulatory practices.Elizabeth R. Pfoh, Erika Abramson, Stephanie Zandieh, Alison Edwards & Rainu Kaushal - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (6):1133-1139.
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    Electronic health records: which practices have them, and how are clinicians using them?Steven R. Simon, Madeline L. McCarthy, Rainu Kaushal, Chelsea A. Jenter, Lynn A. Volk, Eric G. Poon, Kevin C. Yee, E. John Orav, Deborah H. Williams & David W. Bates - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (1):43-47.
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    Mind the Rhythm: ECG QT Dispersion and Cognition in Healthy Older Adults.Tudor Vrinceanu, Geneviève Lagacé-Lavoie, Navin Kaushal, Alida Esmail, T. T. Minh Vu, Nicolas Berryman, Anil Nigam & Louis Bherer - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  35. RS: Kaushal's Structural Analogies in Understanding Nature.V. K. Bharadvaj - 2005 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 32 (1/2).
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    Human Rights, Southern Voices: Francis Deng, Abdullahi an-Na'im, Yash Ghai and Upendra Baxi.William Twining (ed.) - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    A just international order and a healthy cosmopolitan discipline of law need to include perspectives that take account of the standpoints, interests, concerns and beliefs of non-Western people and traditions. The dominant scholarly and activist discourses about human rights have developed largely without reference to these other viewpoints. Claims about universality sit uneasily with ignorance of other traditions and parochial or ethnocentric tendencies. The object of the book is to make accessible the ideas of four jurists who present distinct 'Southern' (...)
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    Review of Human Rights, Southern Voices: Francis Deng, Abdullahi An-Na'im, Yash Ghai and Upendra Baxi. [REVIEW]Jane I. Smith - 2011 - Muslim World Journal of Human Rights 7 (2).
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  38. Brahmacharya: A prerequisite to healthy life.Dr Devanand Upadhyay - 2014 - IAMJ 2 (4):672-677.
    ABSTRACT -/- Ayurveda is science of living being with an aim to live healthy life and curing of ailments. Arogyata (healthy life) is root to achieve the purushartha chatushtaya which are dharma(religious rituals), artha, kama and moksha. Kama in society is taken in sexual lust but Vatsayan has described kama as the enjoyment of appropriate objects by the five senses of hear- ing, feeling, seeing, tasting, and smelling, assisted by the mind together with the soul. The ingre- dient in this (...)
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  39. Ḥadīs̲-i inqilāb.Shams Āl Aḥmad - 1979 - Tihrān: Intishārāt-i Ravāq.
    jild-i 1. Āzādī va marzʹhāyash -- jild-i 2. Istiqlāl (farhangī).
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