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    Hong Yaoxun wen xian xuan ji =.Yaoxun Hong - 2019 - Taibei Shi: Guo li Taiwan da xue chu ban zhong xin. Edited by Qinbin Liao, Huijun Lin & Ching-Yuen Cheung.
    洪耀勳是誰?是否有臺灣哲學?何謂臺灣哲學?何以洪耀勳的思想與實存哲學、日本哲學有深刻的關聯?哲學在東亞的接受與發展脈絡和洪耀勳的哲學思想有何關聯?洪耀勳的哲學思想能以何種形式和東亞的哲學發展產生關聯? 其哲學思想有何種當代性意義? 本書收錄洪耀勳日治時期的八篇哲學文章,撰寫年代在1934至1943十年之間,其中或隱或顯地援用日本京都學派哲學作為其哲學思索的資源。洪耀勳援引西田幾多郎「我和你」的理論,針對當時哲學發展的脈動,提出貼 近當代哲學需求的歷史實存概念。此外,他在探索臺灣文學創作的哲學理論時,亦以實存概念出發,主張新康德學派的價值哲學應與歷史實存形成呼應,藉以超越形而上學的價值世界。實存概念經洪耀勳的哲學探索,使得和辻哲 郎的風土論、務臺理作「表現世界的邏輯」、田邊元的「種的邏輯」等哲學資源,以一種「個別、特殊、普遍」的臺灣歷史實存姿態出現,並在異文化的臺灣,得到特殊性的發展。 Who is Hung Yao-hsün? Is there Taiwanese philosophy? What is Taiwanese philosophy? Why is Hung Yao-hsün’s thought deeply related to philosophy of existence and Japanese philosophy? What is the relationship between the reception and development of philosophy in East Asia and Hung Yao-hsün’s philosophical thought? In what form can Hung Yao-hsün’s philosophical thoughts be related to the development of philosophy in East Asia? What is the contemporary significance of his philosophical thinking? This book contains eight philosophical articles written (...)
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  2. (1 other version)Xi yang zhe xue shi.Yaoxun Hong - 1957 - Taibei Shi Yangming shan: Zhongguo wen hua da xue chu ban bu.
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