Results for 'Yanik Sterchi'

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    Traditional Visual Search vs. X-Ray Image Inspection in Students and Professionals: Are the Same Visual-Cognitive Abilities Needed?Nicole Hättenschwiler, Sarah Merks, Yanik Sterchi & Adrian Schwaninger - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  2. Louis Aragon : Absoluter Nominalismus und die Realität des Namens.Yanik Avila - 2019 - In Jessica Nitsche & Nadine Werner (eds.), Entwendungen: Walter Benjamin und seine Quellen. Paderborn: Brill Fink.
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  3. The history of production and the production of history : Benjamin on natural history and dialectical images.Yanik Avila - 2018 - In Nassima Sahraoui & Caroline Sauter (eds.), Thinking in constellations: Walter Benjamin in the humanities. Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Press.
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  4. Bilim Susunca. [REVIEW]Musa Yanik - 2020 - Tabula Rasa: Felsefe Ve Teoloji 1 (36):64-66.
    Bilim sosyolojisi ve bilim tarihi içerisinde araştırmacıların sıklıkla tartıştığı konulardan birisi de bilimin, toplum, ideolojiler ve dinler ile olan ilişkisidir. Bu tartışmaların içeriği, genellikle felsefi, siyasi ideolojiler ve dini inançlar üzerinde otorite sahibi kişi ya da kurumların, bilimi kullanarak toplumu manipüle etmesi, bilimin saygınlık imajının zedelenmesi ve toplum nezdinde bilim karşıtı görüşlerin ortaya çıkması gibi hususlarla ilgilidir. Bundan da öte bu problem alanları, daha özel olarak bilim ve din arasında bir uyumun ya da çatışmanın olup olmayacağı gibi, felsefi olduğu kadar, (...)
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    Assessment of the capacity to consent to treatment in patients admitted to acute medical wards.Sylfa Fassassi, Yanik Bianchi, Friedrich Stiefel & Gérard Waeber - 2009 - BMC Medical Ethics 10 (1):15-.
    BackgroundAssessment of capacity to consent to treatment is an important legal and ethical issue in daily medical practice. In this study we carefully evaluated the capacity to consent to treatment in patients admitted to an acute medical ward using an assessment by members of the medical team, the specific Silberfeld's score, the MMSE and an assessment by a senior psychiatrist.MethodsOver a 3 month period, 195 consecutive patients of an internal medicine ward in a university hospital were included and their capacity (...)
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    Anthropologischer Materialismus und Materialismus der Begegnung: Vermessungen der Gegenwart im Ausgang von Walter Benjamin und Louis Althusser = Matérialisme anthropologique et matérialisme de la rencontre: arpenter notre présent avec Walter Benjamin et Louis Althusser.Marc Berdet, Thomas Ebke & Yanik Avila (eds.) - 2014 - Berlin: Xenomoi.
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