Results for 'Yair Lapin'

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  1. Intentional action first.Yair Levy - 2013 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 91 (4):705-718.
    The paper motivates a novel research programme in the philosophy of action parallel to the ‘Knowledge First’ programme in epistemology. It is argued that much of the grounds for abandoning the quest for a reductive analysis of knowledge in favour of the Knowledge First alternative is mirrored in the case of intentional action, inviting the hypothesis that intentional action is also, like knowledge, metaphysically basic. The paper goes on to demonstrate the sort of explanatory contribution that intentional action can make (...)
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    Mechanisms for handling nested dependencies in neural-network language models and humans.Yair Lakretz, Dieuwke Hupkes, Alessandra Vergallito, Marco Marelli, Marco Baroni & Stanislas Dehaene - 2021 - Cognition 213 (C):104699.
  3. The Do-able Solution to the Interface Problem.Yair Levy - forthcoming - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research.
    Philosophers and cognitive scientists increasingly recognize the need to appeal to motor representations over and above intentions in attempting to understand how action is planned and executed. But doing so gives rise to a puzzle, which has come to be known as “the Interface Problem”: How is it that intentions and motor representations manage to interface in producing action? The question has seemed puzzling, because each state is thought to be formatted differently: Intention has propositional format, whereas the format of (...)
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  4. Action Unified.Yair Levy - 2016 - Philosophical Quarterly 66 (262):65-83.
    Mental acts are conspicuously absent from philosophical debates over the nature of action. A typical protagonist of a typical scenario is far more likely to raise her arm or open the window than she is to perform a calculation in her head or talk to herself silently. One possible explanation for this omission is that the standard ‘causalist’ account of action, on which acts are analyzed in terms of mental states causing bodily movements, faces difficulties in accommodating some paradigmatic cases (...)
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  5. The Priority of Intentional Action: From Developmental to Conceptual Priority.Yair Levy - forthcoming - The Philosophical Quarterly.
    Philosophical orthodoxy has it that intentional action consists in one’s intention appropriately causing a motion of one’s body, placing the latter as (conceptually and/or metaphysically) prior to the former. Here I argue that this standard schema should be reversed: acting intentionally is at least conceptually prior to intending. The argument is modelled on a Williamsonian argument for the priority of knowledge developed by Jenifer Nagel. She argues that children acquire the concept KNOWS before they acquire BELIEVES, building on this alleged (...)
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    The Coronavirus Pandemic as a Game-Changer: When NBA Players Forced America to Think. Again.Yair Galily - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    The new basketball body: an analysis of corporeity in modern NBA basketball.Yair Tamayo - 2022 - Semiotica 2022 (248):279-297.
    The average weight and height of National Basketball League players is decreasing year by year ; Curcic, Dimitrije. 2021. 70 years of height evolution in the NBA [4,504 players analyzed]. RunRepeat. ). The trend in basketball is to privilege the tallest and strongest. If so, then to what does the body modification of NBA players respond? Will these changes reformulate the corporeity of what is understood as an NBA player? This text seeks, from the postulates of Jacques Fontanille and (...)
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  8. Events, processes, and the time of a killing.Yair Levy - 2020 - Ratio 33 (3):138-144.
    The paper proposes a novel solution to the problem of the time of a killing (ToK), which persistently besets theories of act-individuation. The solution proposed claims to expose a crucial wrong-headed assumption in the debate, according to which ToK is essentially a problem of locating some event that corresponds to the killing. The alternative proposal put forward here turns on recognizing a separate category of dynamic occurents, viz. processes. The paper does not aim to mount a comprehensive defense of process (...)
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    Cooperative games with overlapping coalitions: Charting the tractability frontier.Yair Zick, Georgios Chalkiadakis, Edith Elkind & Evangelos Markakis - 2019 - Artificial Intelligence 271 (C):74-97.
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  10. Neo-Ryleanism about self-understanding.Yair Levy - 2024 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 67 (9):3328-3354.
    The paper aims to defend the standard view of what it dubs ‘Self-understanding’ — i.e. (very roughly) our knowledge of why we behave as we do — from the threat posed to it by Neo-Ryleanism. While the standard, entrenched view regards self-understanding as special in kind and status, the Neo-Rylean agrees with Gilbert Ryle that our method of understanding ourselves is much the same as our method of understanding others, involving self-interpretation on the basis of the available evidence. Neo-Ryleanism has (...)
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  11. Disjunctivism about intending.Yair Levy - 2021 - American Philosophical Quarterly 58 (2):161-180.
    The overwhelmingly predominant view in philosophy sees intending as a mental state, specifically a plan-like state. This paper rejects the predominant view in favor of a starkly opposed novel alternative. After criticizing both the predominant Bratman-esque view of intention, and an alternative view inspired by Michael Thompson, the paper proceeds to set out and defend the idea that acting with an intention to V should be understood disjunctively, as either one’s V-ing intentionally or one’s performing some kind of failed intentional (...)
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    Simultaneous stationary reflection and square sequences.Yair Hayut & Chris Lambie-Hanson - 2017 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 17 (2):1750010.
    We investigate the relationship between weak square principles and simultaneous reflection of stationary sets.
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    How deep is the surface? A theoretical framework for understanding meaning-making in living systems.Yair Neuman - 2003 - Foundations of Science 8 (4):393-415.
    Living systems are characterized by unique properties that make them resistant to the ``information-processingperspective'' of traditional cognitive science.This paper details those unique properties andoffers a new theoretical framework forunderstanding the behavior of living systems.This framework leans heavily on ideas fromgeneral systems theory (specifically Bateson'sinteractionist perspective), semiotics, andMerleau-Ponty's phenomenology. The benefits ofusing this framework are illustrated withexamples from two different domains: immunologyand verbal interaction.
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    In God's Image: Myth, Theology, and Law in Classical Judaism.Yair Lorberbaum - 2015 - Cambridge University Press.
    The idea of creation in the divine image has a long and complex history. While its roots apparently lie in the royal myths of Mesopotamia and Egypt, this book argues that it was the biblical account of creation presented in the first chapters of Genesis and its interpretation in early rabbinic literature that created the basis for the perennial inquiry of the concept in the Judeo-Christian tradition. Yair Lorberbaum reconstructs the idea of the creation of man in the image (...)
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    Editorial: The Psychology of Sport, Performance and Ethics.Yair Galily, Roy D. Samuel, Edson Filho & Gershon Tenenbaum - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    The strong tree property and weak square.Yair Hayut & Spencer Unger - 2017 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 63 (1-2):150-154.
    We show that it is consistent, relative to ω many supercompact cardinals, that the super tree property holds at for all but there are weak square and a very good scale at.
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  17. Rabbinic Texts and the History of Late-Roman Palestine.Lapin Hayim - 2011
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    The Vickrey-Clarke-Groves “Pivotal Mechanism” as an Alternative to Voting for Organizational Control.Yair Listokin - 2015 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 16 (1):267-294.
    Organizations with multiple stakeholders typically make decisions by following the will of the majority of some subset of stakeholders that are entitled to vote. This Article examines an alternative decisionmaking mechanism - the “pivotal” mechanism developed by Vickrey, Groves and Clarke. Unlike voting, the pivotal mechanism produces efficient outcomes in the presence of heterogeneous voter preferences. Moreover, the mechanism allows control rights to be allocated more widely, reducing the costs of opportunism when a controlling class of stakeholders has interests adverse (...)
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    On Contradictions, Rationality, Dialectics, and Esotericism In Maimonides’s Guide of the Perplexed.Yair Lorberbaum - 2002 - Review of Metaphysics 55 (4):711 - 750.
    IN THE FOURTH AND FINAL SECTION of Maimonides’s preface to his Guide of the Perplexed, in the section labeled “Introduction”, the author lists seven “causes... for the contradictory or contrary statements in any book or composition.” The best known and most significant of these is the seventh cause. Its subject, according to most classical and modern interpreters of the Guide, is intentional contradictions the purpose of which is to hide the author’s true opinion from the multitude. Maimonides tells us that (...)
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    A novel semio-mathematical technique for excavating themes out of group dynamics.Yair Neuman - 2011 - Semiotica 2011 (187):323-336.
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    A Response to Professor Heslep.Yair Neuman - 2005 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 24 (5):425-427.
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    The polysemy of the sign: From quantum computing to the garden of forking paths.Yair Neuman - 2008 - Semiotica 2008 (169):155-168.
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  23. Fatalism, Determinism and Free Will as the Axiomatic Foundations of Rival Moral World Views.Yair Schlein - 2014 - Essays in the Philosophy of Humanism 22 (1):53-62.
    One of the prominent questions of moral thought throughout history is the question of moral responsibility. In other words, to what measure do human actions result from free will rather than from being subordinate to a common “predetermined” law. In ancient Greece, this question was associated with mythical figures like Moira and Ananke while in recent times it is connected with concepts such as determinism and compatibilism. The argument between these two world views crosses cultures and historical periods, giving the (...)
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  24. A garden of eden in the squares of jerusalem: Zachariah 8: 4-6.Yair Zakovitch - 2006 - Gregorianum 87 (2):301-311.
    Prophecies concerning an incredible End of Days for the city of Jerusalem usually make use of stories that deal with beginnings in order to build from their bits and pieces a new one, a new an better beginning. This is not the case in our prophecy, that found in Zechariah 8:4-6, which does not rearrange the order of the creation but instead promises the city days of routine and peace, days in which the weaker elements of society, the elderly and (...)
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  25. Who is a Reasoner?Yair Levy - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    This paper aims to make progress in understanding the nature of reasoning. Its primary goal is to spell out and defend a novel account of what reasoning might be, in terms of how reasoning contributes to settling (practical and theoretical) inquiries. Prior to spelling out this constructive proposal, however, the paper problematizes a very common picture of reasoning in an attempt to demonstrate the need for an alternative approach. The overarching argument of the paper is comprised of three stages. The (...)
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  26. What is ‘mental action’?Yair Levy - 2019 - Philosophical Psychology 32 (6):971-993.
    There has been a resurgence of interest lately within philosophy of mind and action in the category of mental action. Against this background, the present paper aims to question the very possibility, or at least the theoretical significance, of teasing apart mental and bodily acts. After raising some doubts over the viability of various possible ways of drawing the mental act/bodily act distinction, the paper draws some lessons from debates over embodied cognition, which arguably further undermine the credibility of the (...)
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  27. Attention and Voluntariness in the Wandering Mind.Yair Levy - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophy.
    Mind wandering has been a target of a fast-expanding area of research in cognitive science and philosophy. One of the central puzzles that researchers have been grappling with is whether this mental process should be thought of as passive or active in nature. Intuitively, a wandering mind seems passive but mounting empirical evidence suggests otherwise. Irving (2021) defends a prominent account of mind wandering as unguided attention, which aims inter alia to resolve the puzzle. However, I present counterexamples that reveal (...)
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    Destructibility of the tree property at אω+1.Yair Hayut & Menachem Magidor - forthcoming - Journal of Symbolic Logic:1-10.
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    Qualitative versus quantitative representation: a non-standard analysis of the sorites paradox.Yair Itzhaki - 2021 - Linguistics and Philosophy 44 (5):1013-1044.
    This paper presents an analysis of the sorites paradox for collective nouns and gradable adjectives within the framework of classical logic. The paradox is explained by distinguishing between qualitative and quantitative representations. This distinction is formally represented by the use of a different mathematical model for each type of representation. Quantitative representations induce Archimedean models, but qualitative representations induce non-Archimedean models. By using a non-standard model of \ called \, which contains infinite and infinitesimal numbers, the two paradoxes are shown (...)
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  30. The Most General Mental Act.Yair Levy - 2019 - In Michael Brent & Lisa Miracchi Titus, Mental Action and the Conscious Mind. New York, NY: Routledge.
    This chapter contributes to the ongoing debate over how to understand attention. It spells out and defends a novel account according to which attending is the most general type of mental act, that which one performs on some object if one performs any mental act on it at all. On this view, all mental acts are (to a first, rough approximation) species of attending. The view is novel in going against the grain of virtually all extant accounts, which work by (...)
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    Destructibility of the tree property at ${\aleph _{\omega + 1}}$.Yair Hayut & Menachem Magidor - 2019 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 84 (2):621-631.
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    Subcompact Cardinals, Type Omission, and Ladder Systems.Yair Hayut & Menachem Magidor - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (3):1111-1129.
    We provide a model theoretical and tree property-like characterization of $\lambda $ - $\Pi ^1_1$ -subcompactness and supercompactness. We explore the behavior of these combinatorial principles at accessible cardinals.
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  33. Does the normative question about rationality rest on a mistake?Yair Levy - 2018 - Synthese 195 (5):2021-2038.
    Rationality requires that our mental attitudes exhibit specific patterns of coherence. Do we have reason to comply? 'Prichardian Quietists' regard this question as fundamentally confused: the only reasons to comply with rational requirements are the ones given by the requirements themselves. In this paper, I argue that PQ fails. I proceed by granting that Prichard's own position, from which PQ draws inspiration, is defensible, while identifying three serious problems with the parallel position about rationality. First, as I argue, PQ is (...)
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  34. Money Pumps, Diachronic and Synchronic.Yair Levy - 2014 - Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy:XX.
    The Money Pump argument is designed to demonstrate the irrational flaw of having cyclic preferences, by showing how the irrational agent is vulnerable to exploitation. The argument faces some longstanding objections, which point out how one may avoid the threat of exploitation without resolving the associated irrationality. Recently a new, synchronic version of Money Pump has been put forward which promises to undercut those standard objections. However, I argue that the synchronic Money Pump cannot deliver on its promise: parallel objections (...)
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    The gluing property.Yair Hayut & Alejandro Poveda - forthcoming - Journal of Mathematical Logic.
    Journal of Mathematical Logic, Ahead of Print. We introduce a new compactness principle which we call the gluing property. For a measurable cardinal [math] and a cardinal [math], we say that [math] has the [math]-gluing property if every sequence of [math]-many [math]-complete ultrafilters on [math] can be glued into an extender. We show that every [math]-compact cardinal has the [math]-gluing property, yet non-necessarily the [math]-gluing property. Finally, we compute the exact consistency strength for [math] to have the [math]-gluing property — (...)
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    The Young Turks’ Crime against Humanity: The Armenian Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing in the Ottoman Empire.Yair Auron - 2014 - The European Legacy 19 (3):382-383.
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    Identity crisis between supercompactness and vǒpenka’s principle.Yair Hayut, Menachem Magidor & Alejandro Poveda - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (2):626-648.
    In this paper we study the notion of $C^{}$ -supercompactness introduced by Bagaria in [3] and prove the identity crises phenomenon for such class. Specifically, we show that consistently the least supercompact is strictly below the least $C^{}$ -supercompact but also that the least supercompact is $C^{}$ -supercompact }$ -supercompact). Furthermore, we prove that under suitable hypothesis the ultimate identity crises is also possible. These results solve several questions posed by Bagaria and Tsaprounis.
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  38. Problemy obnovlenii︠a︡ filosofskogo soznanii︠a︡: materialy problemno-poiskovogo seminara.N. I. Lapin (ed.) - 1989 - Moskva: [S.N.].
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    Yitsugim: metsiuʼt, ḥiḳui ṿe-dimyon - ʻiyunim biḳortiyim = Representations: reality, imitation and imagination - critical studies.Yair Maimon & Nitza Ben-Dov (eds.) - 2020 - Tel Aviv: Mekhon Mofet.
    Reality imitation and imagination - critical studies.
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    A generic method for measuring the potential number of structure‐preserving transformations.Yair Neuman, Yohai Cohen, Zvi Bekerman & Ophir Nave - 2013 - Complexity 18 (1):26-37.
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    Dinner is ready! Studying the dynamics and semiotics of dinner.Yair Neuman, Norbert Marwan & Daniel M. Unger - 2014 - Semiotica 2014 (202).
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2014 Heft: 202 Seiten: 555-569.
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    The Logic of Meaning-in-context.Yair Neuman - 2003 - American Journal of Semiotics 19 (1-4):209-220.
    The idea that a sign has meaning only in context invites serious inquiry into the meaning of meaning, context, and meaning-in-context. In this paper, and following Bateson’s ecological approach to the mind, I suggest that meaning is a form of coordination between interacting agents, and that this form of coordination is orchestrated through context markers, the variability of the sign, and symmetric transformation of the agents. This suggestion is examined by using signaling processes across various animal species and by drawing (...)
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  43. Falaquera the Averroist.Yair Shiffman - 2024 - In Racheli Haliva, Yoav Meyrav & Daniel Davies, Averroes and Averroism in Medieval Jewish Thought. Leiden ; Boston: BRILL.
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  44. “Everything comes to an end”: An intuitive rule in physics and mathematics.Yifat Yair & Yoav Yair - 2004 - Science Education 88 (4):594-609.
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    Insecurity, Conformity and Community: James Coleman's Latent Theoretical Model of Action.Gad Yair - 2008 - European Journal of Social Theory 11 (1):51-70.
    James S. Coleman was the major proponent of rational choice theory. This article challenges the traditional reading of his work by showing that under the explicit theory of rational choice lay a latent non-rational theory of action. The article shows that instead of rationality, Coleman's psychological starting point was existential insecurity; that instead of the alleged mechanism of the maximization of utility, actors choose to conform to peer values and norms in order to alleviate insecurity; and that the optimal setting (...)
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    Restrictions on forcings that change cofinalities.Yair Hayut & Asaf Karagila - 2016 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 55 (3-4):373-384.
    In this paper we investigate some properties of forcing which can be considered “nice” in the context of singularizing regular cardinals to have an uncountable cofinality. We show that such forcing which changes cofinality of a regular cardinal, cannot be too nice and must cause some “damage” to the structure of cardinals and stationary sets. As a consequence there is no analogue to the Prikry forcing, in terms of “nice” properties, when changing cofinalities to be uncountable.
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  47. Why cognitivism?Yair Levy - 2017 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 48 (2):223-244.
    Intention Cognitivism – the doctrine that intending to V entails, or even consists in, believing that one will V – is an important position with potentially wide-ranging implications, such as a revisionary understanding of practical reason, and a vindicating explanation of 'Practical Knowledge'. In this paper, I critically examine the standard arguments adduced in support of IC, including arguments from the parity of expression of intention and belief; from the ability to plan around one's intention; and from the explanation provided (...)
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    Stationary reflection.Yair Hayut & Spencer Unger - 2020 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 85 (3):937-959.
    We improve the upper bound for the consistency strength of stationary reflection at successors of singular cardinals.
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    Discourse accessibility constraints in children’s processing of object relative clauses.Yair Haendler, Reinhold Kliegl & Flavia Adani - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  50. Is attending a mental process?Yair Levy - 2018 - Mind and Language 34 (3):283-298.
    The nature of attention has been the topic of a lively research programme in psychology for over a century. But there is widespread agreement that none of the theories on offer manage to fully capture the nature of attention. Recently, philosophers have become interested in the debate again after a prolonged period of neglect. This paper contributes to the project of explaining the nature of attention. It starts off by critically examining Christopher Mole’s prominent “adverbial” account of attention, which traces (...)
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