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  1. Quietly Reverting Public Issues into Private Troubles.Aysen Candas & Yildiz Silier - 2014 - Social Politics 21 (1).
  2.  34
    Freedom: Negative and Positive Conceptions.Yıldız Silier - 2005 - Routledge.
    Isaiah Berlin made a now classic distinction between negative and positive conceptions of freedom. This book, first published in 2005, introduces a fresh way of looking at these conceptions and presents a new defence of the positive conception of freedom. Revealing how the internal debate between various versions of negative freedom give rise to hybrid conceptions of freedom which in turn are superseded by various versions of the positive conception of freedom, Silier concludes that Marx’s concrete historical account of positive (...)
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    Kökler, Çarklar ve Bulutlar: Bir Karşılaşmalar Masalı.Yildiz Silier - 2016 - Istanbul, Turkey: Yordam Kitap.
    Roots, Cogwheels and Clouds: A Tale of Encounters In her first book The Illusion of Freedom published in 2006 and in The Age of Gluttony published in 2010 Yıldız Silier focused on the notions of freedom and happiness respectively. This last book on justice completes her trilogy. Instead of taking injustices as a discourse on victimization, she focuses on the life experiences of resisting subjects and collates them through semi fictional tales, letters and diaries. The concrete, material foundations of injustices (...)
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    Özgürlük Yanılsaması: Marx ve Rousseau.Yildiz Silier - 2016 - Istanbul, Turkey: Yordam Ki̇Tap.
    Kapitalizm, bireysel özgürlüğün son durağı mı? Liberal kuramcılar diyor ki: "Serbest piyasa ekonomisi, belki eşitlik, kardeşlik ve adalet sağlayamıyor ama hiç olmazsa özgürlüğü garanti altına alıyor." Özgürlüğün, tüketicilerin marka seçme özgürlüğüne ya da soyut vatandaşların eşit yasal haklarına indirgenemeyeceğini düşünüyorsak, liberalizmin ilk eleştirmenlerinden Rousseau ve Marx'ın alternatif özgürlük anlayışlarından hâlâ öğreneceğimiz çok şey var. Çoğumuz, ya özgürlüğü kuralsızlık olarak tanımlayıp, mutlak özgürlüğün hiçbir toplumda var olamayacağını düşünüyoruz, ya da özgürlüğü "özel alan" içindeki serbestliğe indirgeyip, kendimizi özgür hissetmenin özgür olmak için (...)
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  5.  23
    Oburluk Çağı: Felsefe ve Politik Psikoloji Denemeleri.Yildiz Silier - 2010 - Istanbul, Turkey: Yordam Kitap.
    A picture which reflects the contradictions of our era: Glutton adults, who are always bored and constantly demand new toys and hungry children who have grown untimely. Completely different lives in the same world: Those in the display windows and those in the garbage... This picture is the starting point of the Age of Gluttony. -/- Silier who uses a plain and fluent language, starts from a story of Kafka and touches upon the reasons of obedience to authorities, the internal (...)
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