Results for 'Xue-Sheng Huang'

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  1. Mian xiang sheng huo ben shen de ru xue: Huang Yushun "sheng huo ru xue" zi xuan ji.Yushun Huang - 2006 - Chengdou: Sichuan da xue chu ban she.
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    Ru xue yu sheng huo: "sheng huo ru xue" lun gao.Yushun Huang - 2009 - Chengdu: Sichuan da xue chu ban she.
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    Sheng tai mei xue tan suo: quan guo di san jie sheng tai mei xue xue shu yan tao hui lun wen ji.Dingsheng Yuan & Bingsheng Huang (eds.) - 2005 - Beijing Shi: Min zu chu ban she.
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    Ba shan Shu shui sheng zhe hun: Ba Shu zhe xue shi gao.Kaiguo Huang & Xingying Deng - 2001 - Chengdu: Sichuan ren min chu ban she. Edited by Xingying Deng.
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  5. Min zu sheng tai shen mei xue.Bingsheng Huang & Dingsheng Yuan (eds.) - 2004 - Beijing Shi: Min zu chu ban she.
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  6. Xin yang yu jue xing: sheng cun lun shi yu xia de xin yang xue yan jiu = Xinyang yu juexing.Huizhen Huang - 2007 - Beijing: Ren min chu ban she.
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    Ai yu si: sheng huo ru xue de guan nian.Yushun Huang - 2006 - Chengdu Shi: Sichuan da xue chu ban she.
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    Er shi shi ji xi fang zhe xue de fen hua yu hui tong: qing zhu Xia Jisong xian sheng ba shi hua dan wen ji.Xuequan Pang, Dachun Yang & Huaxin Huang (eds.) - 2005 - Hangzhou Shi: Zhejiang da xue chu ban she.
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    Zhongguo Wai Yu Jiao Yu: Li Jie Yu Dui Hua: Sheng Tai Zhe Xue Shi Yu = China's Foreign Language Education:Understanding and Dialogue: From the Perspective of Ecological Philosophy.Yuanzhen Huang - 2010 - Fujian Jiao Yu Chu Ban She. Edited by Weizhen Chen.
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    Jie suo xin"shi" jie: yi ge she hui ke xue jia de sheng huo tan suo, jian gou ji jie jue"wo" yu"zhi shi" de wen ti.Yinggui Huang - 2022 - Taibei Shi: San Min Shu Ju Gu Fen You Xian Gong Si.
    什麼是當代新知識?它是怎麼發現、怎麼建構的? 每個人所具備的知識都受到當代時空環境的影響,並且由於人生經歷不同,每個人對於同樣的知識也會有不同理解,並進一步創造或發現可以面對時代問題的新知識。 再現對當代的想像?東埔社布農族獨創排球新規則告訴你! 在東埔社人創造的排球新規則中,第一局發球方同時發兩個球,只有兩個球都贏時才算得分,雙方各贏一球不算得分。第二局雙方各發一球,同樣是兩球都贏時才算得分,否則不算得分。這兩局都贏就算贏,只有平手戰到第三局 時,才恢復平常大家所熟悉的規則來決勝負。 新規則的創造是用來再現他們對於當代的想像。他們常說,以前只要努力工作就能成功,就如同過去打排球只打一個球,只要專心打這個球便可。但當代則完全不同,一個人必須同時注意許多事情而無法專心,就像同時玩兩個排 球一樣。 在文學作品、日劇啟發下,試圖找尋有效再現當代的觀念與解釋方式 ◆大江健三郎在《燃燒的綠樹》中,描繪既沒有教義、又沒有儀式、只有個人的修煉及諸教合一、以及一旦擴大就沒落等當代新興宗教的新現象,讓人重新思考如何有效處理當代的「宗教」問題。 ◆村上龍的《希望之國》中,日本國中生在北海道創立「國中之國」,使人意識到民族國家已經過時、不再是理所當然的存在,因它是會破產的。 ◆日劇「電車男」反映了網路不僅是新自由主義化的前提,更提示我們當代的人群結合方式早已超越了過去社會科學所強調的血緣、地緣,乃至於志願性團體等原則。 ◆「我們的教科書」中被霸凌的國中女生,創造出過去的我、當下的我、未來的我三個自我,來解決被同學視為不存在的透明人而導致自殺的問題,呈現當代多重自我的普遍化趨勢。 本書中,作者嘗試以自身生命經驗的體悟為基礎、以種種日常為啟發,提示我們現在與過去如何的不同,期盼人們也能從生活中體會新時代的痕跡。先感知才能有突破,才能思考如何創造「新知識」來面對新時代的挑戰,以及解 答未來我們將何去何從?本書試圖提供您一個探索及思考的方向。 好評推薦:(按姓氏筆畫排) 丁仁傑 中央研究院民族學研究所研究員 王甫昌 中央研究院社會學研究所研究員 李丁讚 國立清華大學社會學研究所教授 林開世 國立臺灣大學人類學博物館館長 陳文德 中央研究院民族學研究所兼任副研究員 黃冠閔 中央研究院中國文哲研究所研究員 張正衡 國立臺灣大學人類學系副教授 張隆志 國立臺灣歷史博物館館長 蔡怡佳 輔仁大學宗教學系教授 鄭瑋寧 中央研究院民族學研究所副研究員.
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    Jiang Kongyang ren sheng lun mei xue si xiang yan jiu =.Dinghua Huang - 2012 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
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    Qing dong yu zhong: sheng si ai yu de zhe xue si kao = Butterflies in the stomach: a philosophical investigation of human emotions.Mu'en Huang - 2019 - Xianggang: Zhong wen da xue chu ban she.
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    Sun Yingshi de xue huan sheng ya: dao xue zhui xue zhe dui Nan Song zhong qi zheng ju bian dong de yin ying.Kuanzhong Huang - 2021 - Beijing Shi: Zhongguo you yi chu ban gong si.
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  14. Huang Lizhou zhi sheng ping ji qi xue shu si xiang =.Qingmei Gu - 1978 - [Taibei]: Guo li Taiwan da xue wen xue yuan.
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    西方哲学东漸史.Chien-te Huang (ed.) - 1991 - Wuhan Shi: Hubei sheng xin hua shu dian jing xiao.
    Ben shu cong da liang xi fang zhe xue de chuan bo fen fan xian xiang zhong xun chu ma ke si zhu yi zhe xue zai zhong guo cheng wei li shi fa zhan zhi bi ran, qi ta zhe xue si xiang dou zai zhong guo chuan bo guo, zhi you ma ke si zhu yi cai you wu bi qiang da de sheng ming li.
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    Huang Yushun sheng huo ru xue yan jiu.Keguo Tu (ed.) - 2017 - Jinan Shi: Qi Lu shu she.
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    Zhe xue chuang xin de yi mian qi zhi: Huang Nansen xian sheng zhui si lu.Dong Wang & Chun Xu (eds.) - 2014 - Beijing: Zhong yang bian yi chu ban she.
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    Huang Wan sheng ping xue shu bian nian.Hongmin Zhang - 2013 - Hangzhou: Zhejiang da xue chu ban she.
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    Huang Wan dao xue si xiang yan jiu =.Hongmin Zhang - 2017 - Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she.
    Ben shu zhu yao yan yong bing zun xun "li shi yu luo ji xiang tong yi" de yuan ze he fang fa, xiang xi shu li, jian tao zuo wei ming dai zhong qi si xiang jia de Huang Wan, qi yi sheng dao xue si xiang jin zhan guo cheng zhong cong Song ru zhi xue (li xue) dao Wang Yangming liang zhi xue (xin xue), zai dao hui gui jing dian (jing xue) de yan bian (...)
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  20. Song xue gai yao.Junyu Xia - 2021 - Xinbei Shi: Hua Xia Chu Ban You Xian Gong Si.
    'Song xue gai yao' zhi zai wan cheng yi bu yi Song xue nei rong wei zhu, yu Huang Zongxi xian sheng 'Song yuan xue an' bing xing de song xue zhu zuo, yi mi bu qi zhu duo bu zu, wei hou shi xue zhe zhao dao yan jiu Song xue de men jing he tong lu. Zuo zhe xuan dao du zhe bu yao yi fu gu yan guang kan Song xue, bu yao yi feng jian (...)
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  21. Wang Chʻung pʻing lun.YüN-Sheng Huang - 1975
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    Ming dai yi min: Gu Yanwu Wang Fuzhi Huang Zongxi.Qing Sun - 2015 - Zhengzhou Shi: Zhongzhou gu ji chu ban she.
    Ben shu wei wo she chong dian tu shu hua xia wen ku ru xue shu xi zhong di yi ben. Gai shu yi jian ming de wen zi gou le le Gu Yanwu, Wang Fuzhi, Huang Zongxi san wei Ming mo da ru sheng huo de shi dai bei jing, hong ru de sheng ping jing li, ta men de xue shu zao yi (zhu yao zhi ta men zai ru xue fang mian de cheng jiu), (...)
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    Tertiary hospital nurses’ ethical sensitivity and its influencing factors: A cross-sectional study.Xue Lei Chen, Fei Fei Huang, Jie Zhang, Juan Li, Bi Yun Ye, Yun Xiang Chen, Yuan Hui Zhang, Fang Li, Chun Fang Yu & Jing Ping Zhang - 2022 - Nursing Ethics 29 (1):104-113.
    Background: High ethical sensitivity positively affects the quality of nursing care; nevertheless, Chinese nurses’ ethical sensitivity and the factors influencing it have not been described. Research objectives: The purpose of this study was to describe ethical sensitivity and to explore factors influencing it among Chinese-registered nurses, to help nursing administrators improve nurses’ ethical sensitivity, build harmony between nurses and patients, and promote the patients’ health. Research design: This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study. Participants and research context: We recruited 500 nurses (...)
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    Female Emperor Wu Tse-T'ien.Hu Shen-Sheng, Feng Tan-Feng & Huang Lung-Chen - 1975 - Chinese Studies in History 8 (4):15-26.
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    High-level talents’ perceive overqualification and withdrawal behavior: A power perspective based on survival needs.Caiyun Huang, Siyu Tian, Rui Wang & Xue Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Based on the power basis theory, this study examined the relationship between high-level talents’ perceived overqualification and withdrawal behavior and the mediating role of sense of power. We also analyze the boundary effects of protected values and being trusted. The hypotheses of this study were tested through questionnaires gathered across three phases over 3 months from 371 high-level talents from 6 enterprises, 5 governments, and 13 universities in China. Hierarchical regression analyses and bootstrapping appraisals showed that: POQ has a positive (...)
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    Identifying changes in EEG information transfer during drowsy driving by transfer entropy.Chih-Sheng Huang, Nikhil R. Pal, Chun-Hsiang Chuang & Chin-Teng Lin - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:160159.
    Drowsy driving is a major cause of automobile accidents. Previous studies used neuroimaging based approaches such as analysis of electroencephalogram (EEG) activities to understand the brain dynamics of different cortical regions during drowsy driving. However, the coupling between brain regions responding to this vigilance change is still unclear. To have a comprehensive understanding of neural mechanisms underlying drowsy driving, in this study we use transfer entropy, a model-free measure of effective connectivity based on information theory. We investigate the pattern of (...)
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    Interplay between Heightened Temporal Variability of Spontaneous Brain Activity and Task-Evoked Hyperactivation in the Blind.Rui Dai, Zirui Huang, Huihui Tu, Luoyu Wang, Sean Tanabe, Xuchu Weng, Sheng He & Dongfeng Li - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
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    Chuan tong Zhonghua wen hua yu xian dai jia zhi de ji dang.Junjie Huang & Zhonghua Wen Ming de 21. Shi Ji Xin Yi Yi Xi Lie Xue Shu Yan Tao Hui (eds.) - 2002 - Beijing: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
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    Electrical Stimulation Elicits Neural Stem Cells Activation: New Perspectives in CNS Repair.Yanhua Huang, YeE Li, Jian Chen, Hongxing Zhou & Sheng Tan - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9:156639.
    Researchers are enthusiastically concerned about neural stem cell (NSC) therapy in a wide array of diseases, including stroke, neurodegenerative disease, spinal cord injury (SCI) and depression. Although enormous evidences have demonstrated that neurobehavioral improvement may benefit from NSC-supporting regeneration in animal models, approaches to endogenous and transplanted NSCs are blocked by hurdles of migration, proliferation, maturation and integration of NSCs. Electrical stimulation (ES) may be a selective nondrug approach for mobilizing NSCs in the central nervous system (CNS). This technique is (...)
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    Social Innovation for Food Security and Tourism Poverty Alleviation: Some Examples From China.Guo-Qing Huang & Fu-Sheng Tsai - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has brought hunger to millions of people around the world. Social distancing measures coupled with national lockdowns have reduced work opportunities and the overall household incomes. Moreover, the disruption in agricultural production and supply routes is expected to continue into 2021, which may leave millions without access to food. Coincidentally, those who suffer the most are poor people. As such, food security and tourism poverty alleviation are interlinked when discussing social problems and development. While the corporate interest (...)
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    A Qualitative Exploration of Chinese Self-Love.Li Ming Xue, Xi Ting Huang, Na Wu & Tong Yue - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Although self-love is an important topic, it has not been viewed as appropriate for psychological research, especially in China. We conducted two studies to understand how Chinese people view self-love. In the first study, we surveyed 109 Chinese people about the dimensions of self-love using an open-ended questionnaire. In the second study, 18 participants were selected by means of intensity sampling and interviewed about the connotations and structure of Chinese self-love. The two studies revealed three important aspects of the Chinese (...)
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  32. Ren sheng zhe xue.Leyuan Sheng (ed.) - 1986 - Tianjin Shi: Xin hua shu dian Tianjin fa xing suo fa xing.
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    Zhongguo zhe xue shi de liang ge huang jin shi dai.Huang Niu - 1987 - Shenyang: Liaoning da xue chu ban she. Edited by Ci Chen.
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    Gender and age disparity in the initiation of life-supporting treatments: a population-based cohort study.Peng-Sheng Ting, Likwang Chen, Wei-Chih Yang, Tien-Shang Huang, Chau-Chung Wu & Yen-Yuan Chen - 2017 - BMC Medical Ethics 18 (1):62.
    The relationships between age and the life-supporting treatments use, and between gender and the life-supporting treatments use are still controversial. Using extracorporeal membrane oxygenation as an example of life-supporting treatments, the objectives of this study were: to examine the relationship between age and the extracorporeal membrane oxygenation use; to examine the relationship between age and the extracorporeal membrane oxygenation use; and to deliberate the ethical and societal implications of age and gender disparities in the initiation of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. This (...)
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  35.  25
    Affective Voice Interaction and Artificial Intelligence: A Research Study on the Acoustic Features of Gender and the Emotional States of the PAD Model.Kuo-Liang Huang, Sheng-Feng Duan & Xi Lyu - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:664925.
    New types of artificial intelligence products are gradually transferring to voice interaction modes with the demand for intelligent products expanding from communication to recognizing users' emotions and instantaneous feedback. At present, affective acoustic models are constructed through deep learning and abstracted into a mathematical model, making computers learn from data and equipping them with prediction abilities. Although this method can result in accurate predictions, it has a limitation in that it lacks explanatory capability; there is an urgent need for an (...)
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    External Noise and External Signal Induced Transition of Gene Switch and Coherence Resonance in the Genetic Regulatory System.Chu-Sheng Huang, Tao Dong, Min Luo & Jian-Cheng Shi - 2017 - Acta Biotheoretica 65 (2):135-150.
    The transition of gene switch induced by external noises and external signals is investigated in the genetic regulatory system. Results show that the state-to-state transition of gene switch as well as resonant behaviors, such as the explicit coherence resonance, implicit coherence resonance and control parameter coherence biresonance, can appear when noises are injected into the genetic regulatory system. The ECR is increased with the increase of the control parameter value when starting from the supercritical Hopf bifurcation parameter point, and there (...)
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  37. Wang Chʻung chiao yü ssu hsiang lun.YüN-Sheng Huang - 1977 - San Hsing Ch U Pan She.
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    The Effect of the Image of Destinations on Household Income and Distribution: Evidence From China’s Tourist Cities.Sheng Xu, Yunzhi Zhang, Jinghua Yin & Guan Huang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This paper examines the effect of the image of destinations on the wage income of resident households, and the corresponding income inequality, from a novel perspective. This work uses China’s excellent tourism city image program, which is an urban planning policy implemented by the central government across cities to enhance the image of the city destination in the minds of tourists, and then promote tourist motivation and local tourism development to assess the effect on household wage income and its distribution. (...)
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    Structural Evaluation for Distribution Networks with Distributed Generation Based on Complex Network.Fei Xue, Yingyu Xu, Huaiying Zhu, Shaofeng Lu, Tao Huang & Jinling Zhang - 2017 - Complexity:1-10.
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    Ren sheng mei xue de chuang gou: cong Keluoqi dao Zhu Guangqian de bi jiao yan jiu.Wen Xue - 2010 - Ha'erbin Shi: Heilongjiang ren min chu ban she.
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    Gene Expression in the Hippocampus in a Rat Model of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder After Treatment With Baixiangdan Capsules.Sheng Wei, Peng Sun, Yinghui Guo, Jingxuan Chen, Jieqiong Wang, Chunhong Song, Zifa Li, Ling Xue & Mingqi Qiao - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Are Women CEOs Valuable in Terms of Bank Loan Costs? Evidence from China.Jin-hui Luo, Zeyue Huang, Xue Li & Xiaojing Lin - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (2):337-355.
    Given that women CEOs are usually more risk averse, engage less in opportunistic behavior, and provide higher quality earnings than men CEOs, we argue that firms with women CEOs are likely to face lower operational and information risk and thus enjoy cheaper external funds. Using a large sample of Chinese A-share listed firms operating from 2006 to 2012, we find consistent evidence that Chinese banks tend to impose lower loan costs on firms with women CEOs compared to firms with men (...)
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    Sheng Xinmin fa xue wen ji.Xinmin Sheng - 2015 - Beijing Shi: Fa lü chu ban she. Edited by Qi Li.
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  44. Kongzi si xiang yan jiu wen ji.Mingxuan Kang & Shanxi Sheng Kongzi Xue Shu Yan Jiu Hui (eds.) - 1988 - Taiyuan: Shanxi sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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    Contingencies of Self-Worth on Positive and Negative Events and Their Relationships to Depression.Cheng-Hong Liu & Po-Sheng Huang - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The Role of Entrepreneur Cognition on Core Rigidity.Yan Guo, Pei-Wen Huang, Meihui Chou, Shih-Chieh Fang & Fu-Sheng Tsai - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Against the backdrop of economic internationalization and market globalization, the world has witnessed faster competitive contents with a more dynamic market environment, a more rapid technological innovation, and more diverse customer needs. Thus, for every enterprise especially led by entrepreneurs, the focus is to maintain the sustainability of competitive advantages and dynamically transform core capacity to avoid rigidity. This paper introduces the process of the deepened rigidity in WS Co. Company, which occurs due to the wrong cognition of Dr. S (...)
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    Entrepreneur Hubris, Organizational Ambidexterity, and Dynamic Capability Construction.Yan Guo, Pei-Wen Huang, Chu Ciu, Shih-Chieh Fang & Fu-Sheng Tsai - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This paper demonstrated the influences of initiation, development, turn-down, and reinitiation of the dynamic capability of an entrepreneurial firm in the solar energy industry. The focus is on the impact of entrepreneurial hubris, which may affect the decision of ambidexterity that can vitalize dynamic capability. The findings indicate that, when the major decision maker has the trait of hubris, the decision-making process may be overly arbitrary, and a decision of being exploratory or exploitative alone is likely to be made. On (...)
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    Is intuition associated with ethical decision-making?Jen-Sheng Liao, Yen-Yi Chung & Wen-Cheng Huang - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (1):12.
    The relationship between intuition and ethical decision-making has been researched extensively during the past two decades. This study aimed at exploring empirically observable associations between intuition and the moral intensity of ethical decision-making processes. A scenario-based quantitative approach was used to collect data from 157 practising professional spirit mediums. It was found that only collective universal intuition had a significant positive association with the moral intensity of ethical decision-making processes. Personal experience intuition and collective archetype intuition were not significantly associated (...)
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  49. A gender- and sexual orientation-dependent spatial attentional effect of invisible images.Yi Jiang, Patricia Costello, Fang Fang, Miner Huang & Sheng He - 2006 - Pnas 103 (45):17048 -17052.
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    Shi sheng xue.Juzheng Xue - 2013 - Hefei Shi: Huang Shan shu she. Edited by Shuquan Ma.
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