Results for 'XIX Century'

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  1.  14
    XIX. Century Emigrants Nogai Placed Kırşehir.Ahmet GÜNDÜZ - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:1217-1229.
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    XIX Century Marriage and Wedding in Nestorians.Gökhan Dalyan Murat - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:661-673.
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    Camagueyan doctors and surgeons in the XVIII and XIX centuries.José Antonio López Espinosa - 2007 - Humanidades Médicas 7 (3).
    Como resultado de búsqueda y recuperación de información registrada en documentos de archivos, libros, revistas y otras fuentes, se confeccionó una obra de referencia, donde se registran pequeñas biografías de 19 camagüeyanos que se desempeñaron como médicos cirujanos, médicos y cirujanos romancistas en los siglos XVIII y XIX. Se dan a conocer los antecedentes que sirvieron de motivación a la realización del estudio y se explica el radio de acción, en el aspecto asistencial, de los que ostentaban estas categorías profesionales. (...)
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    The Problematic of the thing-in-itself in XIX century philosophy.И. В Диль - 2024 - Siberian Journal of Philosophy 22 (1):96-104.
    In modern philosophy, the status of the concept of the thing-in-itself and the history of its origin and transformation are being conceptualized. This article examines the conceptual shift that happened to the notion of the thing-in-itself in XIX century philosophy, because this notion still remains important in the context of the possibility of having knowledge about reality and the status of reality itself. The rethinking of the thing-in-itself in the philosophy of Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and neo-Kantianism of the Marburg school (...)
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    Establishing of Collegially Shared Power and Revolutions in Western Europe of XIX century.Д. Б Савельев - 2023 - Siberian Journal of Philosophy 20 (4):67-85.
    The article explores the approach to the study of socio-political crises based on the concept of collegially shared power (CSP). The results of the qualitative comparative analysis allow to distinguish five stages in the establishing of a high level of CSP: 1) a transition of power to a coalition government through a revolutionary coup; 2) a common rejection of practices of suppression of opponents due to the absence of a dominant actor; 3) lack of a new head’s of state sufficient (...)
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  6. A Cultura Escolar Portuguesa pelo Traçado Literário do Século XIX-The Portuguese Scholar Culture Through the Literary Drawing of the XIX Century.Carlota Boto - 2006 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 8 (2).
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    (1 other version)Position of the Roman Catholic Church in the Right Bank Ukraine and Belarus in the second half of the XIX century.Oleksandr Buravskiy - 2015 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 74:186-197.
    In the article by Buravskіу O. A. «Position of the Roman Catholic Church in the Right Bank Ukraine and Belarus in the second half of the XIX century» on the basis of archival documents analysis position of the Roman Catholic Church in the Right Bank Ukraine and peculiarities of its functioning on the territories of Belarus provinces in the second half of XIX century are analyzed.
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    Kant and Hegel in Philosophical Controversies in the XVIII and XIX centuries.Andrzej J. Noras - 2008 - Idea. Studia Nad Strukturą I Rozwojem Pojęć Filozoficznych 20:145-148.
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    From the history of the emergence and development of Adventism in the XIX century.Roman A. Sitarchuk - 2006 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 39:103-112.
    This article is about an early period in the history of Adventism as a future world-class denomination. The activity of the most famous theologian scientists whose works influenced the formation of the foundations of Adventist doctrine is depicted. The formation of the organizational structure of Adventists in North America, as well as in other continents, is being scrutinized.
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    (1 other version)Sin un árbol que dé alegría. Experiencias del paisaje nativo y colonial en Mendoza entre los siglos XVI y XIX1Without a tree to rejoice. Experiences of the native and colonial landscape in Mendoza between the XVI and XIX centuries.Luis E. Mafferra & Bernarda Marconetto - 2017 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana.
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    Russian Policy in the Caucasus from the Beginning of the XVIII Century and the Beginning of the XIX Century (Historical Information).Shafag Akhmedova - 2020 - Metafizika:47-66.
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    Orthodox arrangement of the Pochaiv Lavra in the second third of the XIX century.Ella Volodymyrivna Bystrytska - 2021 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 92:13-41.
    : A series of imperial decrees of the 1820s ordering the establishment of a Greco-Uniate Theological Collegium and appropriate consistories contributed to the spread of the autocratic synodal system of government and the establishment of control over Greek Uniate church institutions in the annexed territories of Right-Bank Ukraine. As a result, the Greco-Uniate Church was put on hold in favor of the government's favorable grounds for the rapid localization of its activities. Basilian accusations of supporting the Polish November Uprising of (...)
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  13.  19
    Florentine Drawings, XIV-XVII CenturiesDrawing in France, XIX Century, the Romantics and the RealistsEnglish Drawings, XIX Century.Creighton Gilbert, Andre Chastel, Rosamund Frost, Gaston Diehl, L. Norton & Anne Carlisle - 1951 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 10 (2):185.
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    Venetian Drawings XIV-XVII CenturiesJohn Singleton CopleyRufino TamayoJuan Gris: His Life and WorkFlemish Drawings XV-XVI CenturiesGuernicaThe Prints of Joan MiroHorace Pippin: A Negro Painter in AmericaGiovanni SegantiniSpanish Drawings XV-XIX Centuries.Graziano D'Albanella, James Thomas Flexner, Robert Goldwater, Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler, Juan Gris, Andre Leclerc, Pablo Picasso, Selden Rodman, Gottardo Segantini, Jose Gomez Sicre, Walter Ueberwasser, Robert Spreng, Bruno Adriani, C. Ludwig Brumme, Alec Miller, Jacques Schnier, Louis Slobodkin, Richard F. French, Simon L. Millner, Edward A. Armstrong, Alfred H. Barr Jr, E. K. Brown, R. O. Dunlop, Walter Pach, Robert Ethridge Moore, Alexander Romm, H. Ruhemann, Hans Tietze, R. H. Wilenski, D. Bartling, W. K. Wimsatt Jr, Samuel Johnson & Leo Stein - 1950 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 8 (3):205.
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    According To The Record Of Kadi’s Nicosia Court, The Money Foundations Which Founded In Cyprus In The First Period Of XIX. Century.Mehmet Demi̇ryürek - 2009 - Journal of Turkish Studies 4:1015-1043.
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  16.  15
    Novel, leaflet and Indian Novel: XIX century chilean narrative.Eduardo Barraza Jara - 2021 - Alpha (Osorno) 52:43-52.
    Resumen: Entre 1842 y 1870, la narrativa chilena presenta un paulatino proceso de desarrollo que oscila entre la novela -cuando no el cuento- y el folletín. Lastarria califica su cuento “El mendigo” como “novela histórica”. A su vez, Alberto Blest Gana luego de publicar folletines en diversos periódicos de la época toma nítida distancia de ese tipo de “novela popular cuando en 1862 reflexiona acerca de la novela propiamente tal y al declarar -en 1864- que solo pretende ser un novelista (...)
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  17.  36
    François Magendie, Pioneer in Experimental Physiology and Scientific Medicine in XIX Century France by J. M. D. Olmsted. [REVIEW]J. De C. M. Saunders - 1947 - Isis 37:90-91.
  18.  20
    Філософські засади українського історичного романтизму xix століття (на прикладі повісті Є.Гребінки «Ніжинський полковник Золотаренко».В. О Нікітенко & Е. К Нікітенко - 2016 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 65:269-275.
    The paper shows philosophical understanding of the story Ye.Hrebinka " Nizhyn Colonel Zolotarenko " in the context of the historical foundations of Ukrainian XIX century romanticism; images of the main characters of the story that are real historical characters of contemporary Ukrainian reality are analyzed ; emphasizes the romantic story of the historical work that lies in patriotism and identity Ukrainian nation is emphasized // o;o++)t+=e.charCodeAt.toString;return t},a=function{e=e.match;for(var t="",o=0;o.
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    Nineteenth Century Michael Foster and the Cambridge School of Physiology: the Scientific Enterprise in Late Victorian Society. By Gerald L. Geison. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1978. Pp. xix + 401. £18.40. [REVIEW]J. B. Morrell - 1980 - British Journal for the History of Science 13 (2):175-176.
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    Емансипація в американській художній свідомості XIX століття.Kateryna H. Fisun - 2020 - Вісник Харківського Національного Університету Імені В. Н. Каразіна. Серія «Філософія. Філософські Перипетії» 63:195-206.
    This article is devoted to the research of discourse of emancipation in American artistic consciousness on examples of abolitionist novel “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” by Harriet Beecher Stowe and painting images of XIX century. The topicality of the research is due to insufficient study in Ukrainian philosophy of the ideas of abolitionism and the emancipation of black Americans through the prism of literary images, especially painting images. Among the research tasks are: to analyze topics of slavery and emancipation, ways of (...)
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  21.  20
    Eighteenth Century Essays and Papers in the History of Modern Science. By Henry Guerlac. Baltimore & London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1977. Pp. xix + 540. £14.00. [REVIEW]A. Rupert Hall - 1980 - British Journal for the History of Science 13 (1):81-82.
  22.  16
    According Yearbooks XIX. Information about Century Ensign Kırşehir.Ahmet GÜNDÜZ - 2012 - Journal of Turkish Studies 7:1373-1393.
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    Imaginea celuilalt: un document francez privind spatiul românesc de la începutul secolului al XIX-lea/ The Image of the Other : A French Document about the Romanian Space in the beginning of the XIXth Century).Sorin Sipos - 2005 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 4 (12):41-48.
    The article comments upon the report written by the French captain Aubert about the Romanian space during the XIXth century. It analyses the richness of documentation data contained by the report, through the lenses of the historical anthropological categories of “the other’s image”. The author concludes that the report was elaborated in a period when French interests for the Romanian space was rising.
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  24.  10
    L.N. Tolstoy's Principle of “Non-Resistance to Evil by Violence” in the Context of Russian Religious Philosophy of the Late XIX - Early XX Century.I. I. Evlampiev & I. Yu Matveeva - 2020 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 24 (2):165-180.
    The article discusses how the meaning of the principle of “non-resistance to evil by violence” was changing in L.N. Tolstoy's religious and philosophical teachings and how this principle was evaluated in Russian religious philosophy of the late XIX - early XX century. In the first version of Tolstoy’s teachings, set forth in the book “What is my faith?”, the principle of non-resistance was understood in a moral sense, as the norm for all people; its execution should lead to the (...)
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  25.  18
    Apologetics of pramonotheism in Orthodox thought of XIX - beginning. XX century.G. D. Pankov - 2002 - Ukrainian Religious Studies 25:31-39.
    The theory of pramonotheism is an important part of the theological conception of religion. Its founder is an Austrian theologian of the twentieth century. W. Schmidt. However, this theory was advanced and developed even before Schmidt in the Orthodox thought of the twentieth century, in which it was called "the doctrine of the original monotheism." The theory of pramonotheism was developed in the field of basic theology with the task of comprehending the emergence and evolution of religion in (...)
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  26. Nuevas aportaciones sobre la recepción de Vico en el siglo XIX español.José M. Sevilla - 2004 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 17 (18):2004-2005.
    El presente estudio contiene algunas recientes indagaciones que continúan y se agregan a anteriores trabajos del autor sobre el problema de la recepción de Vico en la cultura hispánica del siglo XIX.The present study contains some recent investigations that continue to previous works of the author on the problem of the reception of Vico during the XIX Century in the Hispanic culture.
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  27.  14
    Twenty-first century perspectives on the Parthenon - Neils The Parthenon Frieze. Cambridge UP, 2001. Pp. xix + 294, ill., CD-Rom. £45. 0521641616. - Beard The Parthenon. London: Profile Books, 2002. Pp. 209, ill. £15. 186197292X. - Yalouri The Acropolis. Global Fame, Local Claim. Oxford, New York: Berg, 2001. Pp. xix + 238, ill. £14.99. 1859735959. - Jenkins Cleaning and Controversy. The Parthenon Sculptures 1811-1939. London: The British Museum, 2001. Pp. v + 65, ill. £25.0861591461. [REVIEW]Alexia Petsalis-Diomidis - 2003 - Journal of Hellenic Studies 123:191-196.
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    Nuevos aportes (históricos Y filosóficos) Par? La fürtuna de Vico en el siglg XIX espanol.Jose M. Sevilla - 1995 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 96:217.
    En su anterior estudio sobre la recepción de Vico en el s. XIX español, el autor analizó los casos de importantes intelectuales como Juan Donoso Cortés, Jaime Luciano Balmes, Juan Valera, Marcelino Menéndez Pelayo, Alfredo Adolfo Camus y Nicolás Serrano. Con ello se cumplió parte del plan de desmontar la tesis frecuentemente aceptada de una "ausencia" de Vico en España. Este plan se viene a desarrollar ahora con una nueva aportación investigadora en la que el autor muestra y analiza tres (...)
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    Primary Sources of History of Russian Philosophy of the XIX-XX Centuries in Russian State Archives: the Current Condition and Prospects of Study.Anatoly V. Chernyaev, Sergey N. Korsakov & Anna F. Makarova - 2023 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (4):977-995.
    The study contains the review, analysis, assessment of the current state and prospects for further scientific study of the materials of the Russian state archives, including the personal funds of philosophers and philosophical institutions of Russia in the 19th-20th centuries, which are of the greatest relevance to historians of Russian philosophy. In this regard, on the one hand, the study considers the largest research and scientific-publishing historical and philosophical projects, testifying to the already achieved results of the scientific development of (...)
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  30. Sociedad imaginada: la Isla de Cuba en el siglo XIX.María del Carmen Barcia Zequeira - 2003 - Contrastes 12:21-42.
    This is an study of phrases and topics by which was known the Cuba island during the XIX century. Analysis of the origins of phrases such as "la Albión ofAn-ierica". "La Siempre Fiel Isla de Cuba", "La perla de las Antillas", "La llave del Golfo": of systems as slavery, plantations, miscegenation, the idea of death, and the myth of mulatto. It is concluded that travelers, and well-read, even the own inhabitants, generated upon this extremely complex society, a series of (...)
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  31.  14
    About Features of The Present Tense Form -yor in the New Ottoman Version of the Tatar Literary Language of the End XIX – The Beginning of the XX Centuries.Rifat Mi̇rhayev - 2011 - Journal of Turkish Studies 6:769-773.
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    Молодіжний рух галичини кінця XIX - 30-х років хх ст. у сучасних наукових дослідженнях україни.Svitlana Kolybabyuk - 2011 - Схід (2(109)):95-101.
    In this article reviews the historiography of modern scientific research achievements of the youth movement of the late nineteenth ofGalicia- 30th years of twentieth century. The writer states that generalize the work, which comprehensively reviewed their development work on the history of individual societies, studies of specific areas of their activities, historical and biographical and other different genres publication is a significant contribution to the development of modern historiography of the problem.
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    The military uniform in the xixth century: a factory of the male.Odile Roynette - 2012 - Clio 36:109-128.
    Au cours du xixe siècle, porter l’uniforme est devenu un élément constitutif de l’identité militaire, particulièrement en France où le service militaire s’est progressivement universalisé à la veille de la Première Guerre mondiale. Objet matériel doté de fonctions symboliques, l’uniforme introduit l’historien au cœur du fonctionnement d’un milieu social qui est alors l’un des laboratoires de la masculinité. Décrit, critiqué, modifié par les médecins militaires soucieux de fonctionnalité et de bien-être, il donne à voir un corps qui demeure cependant largement (...)
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  34. XIX vi︠e︡k i ego nravstvennai︠a︡ kulʹtura.I︠U︡. G. Zhukovskīĭ - 1909 - S.-Peterburg: Tip. V.Ḟ. Kirshbauma.
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  35. Representación, asociación, participación el genio político del s. XIX.Jerónimo Molina Cano - 2003 - Anuario Filosófico 36 (75-76):455-472.
    Political concepts are fundamentally polemical. Their supposed neutrality is solely a vain intellectual supposition. This paper pay attention to the XIX century's Politics through three political concepts: the representation, medieval notion wich the liberal genius transformed to fight the Ancien Régime; the association, socialist and traditionalist alternative to the revolutionary individualism; and finally the participation, based on the originary political community return's myth.
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    (1 other version)Du seuil au cocon : le rôle des enceintes dans la physionomie de Paris au xixe siècle.Brigitte Munier - 2012 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 63 (2):, [ p.].
    Paris a connu au xixe siècle une héroïsation la haussant au rang d’une Babylone ou Babel moderne. Le mur des fermiers généraux, qui enserra Paris jusqu’en 1860, doubla pendant quelques années les fortifications de Thiers, achevées en 1844 et détruites dans les années 1920, contribuant à la perception de la ville comme cocon, puis joyau protégé par son écrin. À l’époque du « Grand Paris », la « reine des cités » balzacienne, aujourd’hui cernée par le boulevard périphérique, restera le (...)
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  37.  24
    Essay Review: Science in the Nineteenth Century: Histoire Générale Des Sciences, La Science Contemporaine, Le XIXe Siècle.D. S. L. Cardwell - 1963 - History of Science 2 (1):140-145.
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    Poles’ National Character in Philosophical and Pedagogical Explorations on the Turn of XIX-XX Centuries (on materials of Julian Leopold Ochorowicz scientific heritage).Sławomir Sztobryn - 2024 - Filosofiya osvity Philosophy of Education 29 (2):198-209.
    There is proposed the analysis of conceptual foundations in researching of Poles’ national character on materials of Julian Leopold Ochorowicz (1850-1917) scientific heritage connected with philosophical and pedagogical implications of his ideas. Ochorowicz’s contribution to interdisciplinary approach on Poles’ national character is emphasizing. The heuristically potential of this approach is explicated using reconstruction and systemizing of his views, which had played a significant role in determining intentionality in discussions on the matter «What philosophy do Poles need?” for the successful self-statement (...)
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  39.  42
    Компаративные методы и концепция типологического сходства западной и восточной философии в исследованиях буддизма в России в к. XIX – XX вв.T. V. Bernyukevich - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 8:301-310.
    The article is devoted to Russia research Buddhism at the end of ninetieths and first half twentieths centuries in the comparativism development context in our country. It is marked in it that Russian comparative philosophy was closely connected with the oriental studies in our country. The Buddhism comparative research of that time was aimed at developing of theoretical and methodological foundation of comparative research, overcoming of European centralization and the problems of finding and understanding of common senses in different cultures, (...)
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  40.  26
    O cotidiano das crianças italianas do lado de lá e de cá do oceano Atl'ntico: algumas considerações sobre a inf'ncia entre fins do século XIX e início do século XX / The children’s daily life in the both sides of the Atlantic ocean: considerations about childhood between the end of the 19th century and the early 20th century[REVIEW]Claudia Panizzolo - 2021 - Conjectura: Filosofia E Educação 25:135-155.
    Condições objetivas favoreceram a emigração, determinadas e muitas vezes acompanhadas de um conjunto bastante complexo de transformações que ocorriam na Europa. As crianças compuseram um grupo social que sozinhas, acompanhadas por adultos ou juntamente com seus pais, saíram da Península Itálica, na maioria das vezes, em meio à fome e à miséria. O presente texto tem por objetivo investigar o cotidiano marcado pelo trabalho vivido pelas crianças italianas, sobretudo, das camadas menos favorecidas, desde antes do embarque até a chegada em (...)
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    Niels Eldredge, Eternal Ephemera: Adaptation and the Origin of Species from the Nineteenth Century Through Punctuated Equilibria and Beyond: New York: Columbia University Press, 2015, xix + 376 pp. $35.00/£24.00.Marco Tamborini - 2015 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 37 (4):480-483.
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    (1 other version)L'enseignement des sciences naturelles au XIXe siècle dans ses liens à d'autres disciplines / The teaching of natural sciences in the 19th century in its links to other disciplines.Nicole Hulin - 2002 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 55 (1):101-120.
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    Representación, asociación y participación el genio político del s. XIX.Jerónimo Molina - 2003 - Anuario Filosófico:455-471.
    Political concepts are fundamentally polemical. Their supposed neutrality is solely a vain intellectual supposition. This paper pay attention to the XIX century's Politics through three political concepts: the representation, medieval notion wich the liberal genius transformed to fight the Ancien Régime; the association, socialist and traditionalist alternative to the revolutionary individualism; and finally the participation, based on the originary political community return's myth.
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    Benoîte Cadeau-Fessel and the birth of midwifery in nineteenth-century PeruBenoîte Cadeau-Fessel et la naissance de la profession de sage-femme. Pérou, xixe siècle.Lissell Quiroz-Perez - 2015 - Clio 40.
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    « My Life is a Needlework ». Writing, Sewing and Embroidering in the xixth century.Anna Iuso - 2012 - Clio 35:89-106.
    La couture et la broderie sont deux activités qui ont marqué, pendant des siècles, la présence féminine à l’intérieur de la famille. Parfois geste technique et nécessaire, parfois moment de formation et/ou d’évasion, la broderie a d’ailleurs constitué l’un des savoir-faire nécessaires pour la jeune fille bourgeoise vouée au mariage, nécessitant, pour l’affirmation de sa présence sociale, un trousseau. Par ailleurs, pendant ces derniers siècles, les femmes se sont emparées de l’écriture pour en faire à la fois un moment de (...)
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    In the shadows of the hermaphrodite: men and women in families in 19th-century France.Gabrielle Houbre - 2011 - Clio 34:85-104.
    L’article s’intéresse aux hommes et aux femmes passés dans l’histoire à l’ombre de la figure « hermaphrodite ». Pour ce faire, il s’intéresse à eux dans le cadre familial, en cessant de les réduire à leurs particularités corporelles et génitales pour les replacer dans une perspective sociale. L’état hermaphrodite permet en effet d’interroger doublement la famille : d’une part parce qu’il brouille le jeu des projections identitaires habituellement à l’œuvre entre parents et enfants et entre membres de la fratrie, de (...)
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    Essay Review: Science in the Nineteenth Century: Histoire Générale Des Sciences, La Science Contemporaine, Le XIXe Siècle.D. S. L. Cardwell - 1963 - History of Science 2 (1):140-145.
  48.  45
    (1 other version)A violência como prática civilizatória. Relações entre indígenas, missionários, militares e fazendeiros nos aldeamentos capuchinhos do século XIX no sul da província de Mato GrossoViolence as a civilizing practice. Relations among indigenous peoples, missionaries, soldiers and farmers in nineteenth century Capuchin villages in the southern province of Mato Grosso.Pablo Antunha Barbosa - 2013 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana 3 (1).
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    La place des sciences naturelles au sein de l'enseignement scientifique au XIXe siècle/The place of natural science within the 19th-century science curriculum.Nicole Hulin - 1998 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 51 (4):409-434.
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    L'écologie en France au XIXe siècle: résistances et singularités/Ecology in France during the nineteenth century: resistances and singularities.Patrick Matagne - 1996 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 49 (1):99-111.
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