Results for 'Wójcicki Ryszard'

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  1.  42
    Theory of Logical Calculi: Basic Theory of Consequence Operations.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1988 - Dordrecht, Boston and London: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    The general aim of this book is to provide an elementary exposition of some basic concepts in terms of which both classical and non-dassicallogirs may be studied and appraised. Although quantificational logic is dealt with briefly in the last chapter, the discussion is chiefly concemed with propo gjtional cakuli. Still, the subject, as it stands today, cannot br covered in one book of reasonable length. Rather than to try to include in the volume as much as possible, I have put (...)
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  2. Theory of Logical Calculi, Basic Theory of Consequence Operations.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1991 - Studia Logica 50 (3):623-629.
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  3. Nauczanie logiki. Tezy do dyskusji.Ryszard Wójcicki - 2002 - Filozofia Nauki 2.
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    Is There Any Need for Non-Classical Logic in Science?Ryszard Wójcicki - 1981 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 12 (1):119-129.
    The role of classical logic as the base of formalized scientific theories seems to be unshakable. Yet legitimate doubts about its universal applicability in science have resulted in the development of alternative systems, among which constructive and modal logic are discussed in syntactic and semantic terms.
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  5. The Factual Content of Empirical Theories.Ryszard Wojcicki - 1975 - In Jaakko Hintikka, Rudolf Carnap, logical empiricist: materials and perspectives. Boston: D. Reidel Pub. Co.. pp. 95--122.
  6. Metodologia formalna nauk empirycznych. Podstawowe pojęcia i zagadnienia.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1975 - Studia Logica 34 (3):275-284.
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    Empiryczne sposoby uznawania zdań. (Na marginesie teorii Ajdukiewicza).Ryszard Wójcicki - 2006 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 54 (2):413-426.
    The paper brings a critical analysis of the assumptions on which K. Ajdukiewicz (1934) based his considerations concerning the theory of meaning and proposes to look at these problems from a new research perspective. The considerations sought to analyse the modes of accepting propositions which call for a contact with empirical reality, therefore to apply some empirical procedures (observations, tests, experiments).
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  8.  40
    Dual counterparts of consequence operations.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1973 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 2 (1):54-57.
  9. Konwersacja czy dyskurs? Rzecz o maksymach Grice\'a i regułach domniemania'.Ryszard Wójcicki - 2001 - Prakseologia 141 (141):141-148.
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  10. Semantyka sytuacyjna logiki niefregowskiej.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1994 - In Znaczenie I Prawda. Wydawnictwo Naukowe Pwn. pp. 261-284.
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    Matrix approach in methodology of sentential calculi.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1973 - Studia Logica 32 (1):7 - 39.
  12.  37
    On matrix representations of consequence operations of Łlukasiewicz's sentential calculi.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1973 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 19 (14‐18):239-247.
  13.  38
    "Białkowski panel" - introduction and acknowledgements.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1998 - Foundations of Science 3 (1):5-7.
  14. Criteria of debate rationality Marginal comments about Prof. Marian Przelecky's essay on Anti-rationalism of Lvov-Warsaw school.Ryszard Wojcicki - 2010 - Filozofia Nauki 18 (2):7-46.
  15.  34
    Referential matrix semantics for propositional calculi.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1979 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 8 (4):170-176.
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  16.  13
    Topics in the Formal Methodology of Empirical Sciences.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1979 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Springer.
    11 original. Modifications which I introduced are radical and often far going. In my opinion the Polish text had two main drawbacks. It was overloaded with informal considerations and at the same time formal concepts included in some parts of the book were presented in a too complicated way. Of course one of the motives to revise it was also the fact that much time has passed since I finished writing the Polish version and obviously certain decisions and ideas contained (...)
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  17.  34
    Degree of maximality versus degree of completeness.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1974 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 3 (2):41-43.
  18.  26
    Pseudo-referential matrix semantics for propositional logics.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1983 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 12 (3):90-96.
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    Rohrlich's pluralistic ontology; comments on D. aerts and F. Rohrlich article.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1998 - Foundations of Science 3 (1):37-43.
  20.  26
    Discussion on J. Sneed's The Logical Structure of Mathematical Physics.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1974 - Studia Logica 33:105.
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  21. Na marginesie „Filozofii nauk empirycznych” Pierre’a Duhema.Ryszard Wójcicki - 2013 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia 8 (4).
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  22. Some properties of strongly finite propositional calculi.Ryszard Wojcicki - 1972 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 1 (1):69-71.
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  23. Some remarks on the consequence operation in sentential logics.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1970 - Fundamenta Mathematicae 68 (1):269--279.
  24.  59
    The logics stronger than Łukasiewicz's three valued sentential calculus-the notion of degree of maximality versus the notion of degree of completeness.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1974 - Studia Logica 33 (2):201-214.
  25.  59
    R. Suszko's situational semantics.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1984 - Studia Logica 43 (4):323 - 340.
  26. Metodologia formalna nauk empiryczych.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1976 - Erkenntnis 10 (2):234-237.
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  27.  28
    Three Doctrines of the Nature of Mathematics.Ryszard Wójcicki - 2017 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 46 (1/2).
    In this note I am reflecting on interrelations between three concepts of truth: that employed by Hilbert arguing his formalist view on the nature of mathematics, Freges idea of truth supported by mathematical intuition, and known as Aristotelian correspondence idea of truth concerning any propositions not merely mathematical.
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  28. An axiomatic treatment of non-monotonic arguments.Ryszard Wojcicki - 1988 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 17 (2):56-61.
    An axiomatic theory of non-monotonic consequence relations patterned upon some finitistic ideas going back to Gentzen was suggested by Gabbay [1985]. 1 More recently, an infinitistic approach patterned upon Tarski’s theory of consequence operation was examined by Makinson [l98.]. We compare the two approaches and examine them vis-`a-vis some intuitive adequacy conditions. An enlarged version of this note will appear in Studia Logica , in particular the reader is referred to it for the proofs of the results stated here.
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  29. Some results concerning many-valued Lukasiewicz calculi.Ryszard Wojcicki - 1972 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 1 (3):49-51.
  30.  48
    Set theoretic representations of empirical phenomena.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1974 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 3 (3):337 - 343.
  31.  28
    More about referential matrices.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1980 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 9 (2):93-96.
    This paper was presented at the Annual Conference of the Australian Association for Logic, Melbourne, November, 1979. The present note being complementary to [1], I shall only brie y recall the key notions to be exploited here, and for more details the reader is advised to consult [1]. By a propositional logic we mean a couple , where L is a propo- sitional language and C a structural consequence de- ned on L. A couple W = is said to be (...)
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  32. Języki teorii naukowych.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1996 - Filozofia Nauki 3.
    The author presents three formal concepts of language: syntactical, semantical and pragmatical one. They are used to provide an analysis of the problem of context in the language.
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    A theorem on strongly finite propositional calculi.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1975 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 4 (1):2-6.
    I shall assume that the reader is familiar with the notions dened in [2] and [3]. A consequence C dened over a propositional language L will be said to be d-structural i the consequence dC dual with respect to C is structural. The following propositions holds true.
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  34.  34
    Deterministic Systems.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1975 - Erkenntnis 9 (2):219 - 227.
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  35. Wyklady Z Metodologii Nauk.Ryszard Wójcicki, Nuel D. Belnap, Thomas B. Steel, G. E. Kréjdlin & Radu J. Bogdan - 1983 - Studia Logica 42 (4):478-479.
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  36. Znaczenie I Prawda.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1994 - Wydawnictwo Naukowe Pwn.
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  37.  79
    Note on deducibility and many-valuedness.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1974 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 39 (3):563-566.
  38.  42
    Semantical criteria of empirical meaningfulness.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1966 - Studia Logica 19 (1):75 - 109.
  39. Czy Ajdukiewicz wielkim był?Ryszard Wójcicki - 2000 - Filozofia Nauki 2.
    Ryszard Wójcicki's book „Ajdukiewicz. A Theory of Meaning” opens a series of publications Filozofia polska XX wieku [Polish Philosophy of XXth Century], created by Wójcicki. The main subject of the book is a theory of the meaning of linguistic expressions, which was formulated in the thirties and is known as a directival theory of meaning. The aim that the author has set for himself is not only to present and popularise that theory (these aims are implied by (...)
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    Twenty-Five Years of Logical Methodology in Poland.Marian Przelecki & Ryszard Wójcicki (eds.) - 1975 - Dordrecht, Netherland: Reidel.
    The anthology presents a selection of methodological writings pub lished by Polish logicians after World War 11. All the papers belong to what may be called Logical Methodology or Logical Theory of Science. The epithet 'logical' characterizes rather the general point of view than the particular methods employed by the authors. Apart from articles which make an essential use of different formal methods, there are many which do not involve any formal apparatus whatsoever. The problems the papers deal with may (...)
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    Przyczyna i wyjaśnianie. [REVIEW]Ryszard Wójcicki - 2008 - Polish Journal of Philosophy 2 (1):175-178.
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  42.  42
    Reviews. [REVIEW]Ryszard Wójcicki - 1978 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 29 (2):197-201.
  43.  42
    Analityczne komponenty definicji arbitralnych.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1963 - Studia Logica 14 (1):119 - 154.
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  44.  61
    A logic is referential iff it is selfextensional.Ryszard Wójcicki - 2003 - Studia Logica 73 (3):323 - 335.
    The title of this paper is a theorem, which I am going to state and prove. The theorem extends from prepositional to predicate languages the result I presented in [5].
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    Physics, theoretical knowledge and Weinberg's grand reductionism.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1998 - Foundations of Science 3 (1):61-77.
    The two main points of this contribution are the following: (1) Applied mathematical theories might complement physical theories in an essential way; some applied mathematical theories allow us to understand phenomena we are unable to explain by resorting to physical theories alone, (2) In the case of social sciences it might be necessary to account for examined phenomena by resorting to the idea of goal-oriented activity (the causal approach typical for natural science might be unsatisfactory). Weinberg's idea of grand reductionism (...)
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  46.  30
    (1 other version)Editorial note.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1992 - Studia Logica 51 (1):1-2.
  47.  39
    Instead of an editorial note.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1997 - Foundations of Science 2 (1):5-10.
  48.  40
    Popperian vs. Suppesian theories.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1997 - Foundations of Science 2 (2):375-382.
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    Realism vs Relativism in Philosophy of Science (Some Comments on Tarski's Theory of Truth).Ryszard Wójcicki - 1994 - In Jan Wolenski, Philosophical Logic in Poland. Kluwer Academic Publishers. pp. 337--361.
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  50.  44
    Dear colleague.Ryszard Wójcicki - 1996 - Studia Logica 57 (1):1-1.
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